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Oct 31st, 2015
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  1. Name: Dominion of the Throne
  2. Race (Determines bonuses): Vilon, all female angel natives
  3. Color: (Determined map color): Gold
  4. Fluff (Determines bonuses): The Throne of the Dragon Emperor crafted in a distant realm and bathed in the blood of divinity. For eons after the fall of that world as it was consumed by apocalypse its master sat and waited and turned to bones. In time their spirits became one and the Golden Throne's power became painted in his ego. Its will and presence blinds the meek and mighty alike . The Throne must constantly change its arcane equations for maintaining form and focus in a constantly changing cosmos. Shamelessly powerfully none the less, it seeks dominion over this new world to soothe its new ego. The Vilon are the first race The Throne has encountered and in His golden radiance they have been adopted and He has graciously accepted a new position at the peak of their society. To protect Him that is Supreme one angel have stepped forth to hold command and guide the expansion of the Dominion, named Octavia Viceroy of the Vilon State and currently the sole being worthy the Throne's embrace.
  5. Government Type (Determines some stats): Chairtonomy, One Chair and one angel Viceroy empowered to act in His name.
  6. Economy Type (Determines some stats): While everything obviously belongs to Him, the people are empowered to protect, care for and expend their wealth as they feel is best in order to protect and expand the Dominion.
  7. Religion (Determines magic): Worship of The Throne
  8. Location: Northwest of Gul, or where you think suitable
  10. Population: (35.6) (.6/turn)
  11. Quasi-Food: (Low)
  12. Raw Currency: (16) (8/currency per turn)
  13. Legitimacy: (Unshakable)
  14. Culture: (14)
  15. Industry: (15)
  16. Trade: You receive 2 currency a turn from trade with Morgaz. Air-Dwarves [Small] (It provides +2 culture and +2 industry sol long as the trade route is active)[+2 industry; +2 currency/turn],Vyriah [Small; +2 industry]
  17. Unique Buildings: [Throne Sanctum], [Morgazian Embassy], Overfell [Town] +1 hex +.1pop/turn, South Shezeb Point [Fortress] +1 hex,
  18. Defenses: [Vilonian Guard Towers, Large], [Coalition Research Facility], Capital Fortress [Large], Santareian Town +1hex, Inquisitorial Office,
  19. Military: 1 Vilon Phalanx [Epic+][Resilient],Vilon Chapter Master and Retinue [Epic][Clever],Vilon Excortiator Cohort [Epic][Fearless][Quick], 2 Berserk Warbands [Very Strong+++][Resilient] 2 [Shadow Walkers] [Very Strong+++][Resilient]
  20. Resources/Quantity: Stone [Sustainable], Iron [Sustainablex2], Wood [Sustainablex2], Odium to [Good], Gold [Strained](+4 Currency/turn), Raw magic [trace], Flux [Sustained],
  21. Magic/Spells: (Holy, Good) (spells: Summon Ideal Forms, Simple); (Healing, Simple), (Holy Conversion, Simple), (Ideal Forms, Avatars, Average)
  22. Technology: (Stone, Wood, Iron), (Equipment Making) [Good],(Alternative Mobilization, Simple), (War Magic, Simple],Bureaucracy: [Average], Mass Combat [Average], Fortifications [Above Average],Civil Defense [Average],Counter-Espionage [Good], Crusade [Simple], Infantry Combat [Average], Reorganization [Simple], Avatar Weapons [Primitive], Total Mobilization [Primitive], Avatar Theory [Simple],The Total State [Primitive], Metallurgy[Great], Deep Mining [Primitive)
  23. Territory: (18)
  24. Bonuses/Eccentricities:
  25. 1. Angelic: The Vilon are angelic in nature and dislike evil creatures or races. You gain a +2 to all rolls in combat against races that are evil in some way. If a race seems to behave in an evil way, you gain a bonus against that race. The Chair generally makes the call when compelled by his servants.
  26. 2. Pure: The Vilon do not engage in economic transactions and do not eat. They are also heavily resistant to disease and the usual things that plague mortal races.
  28. Eccentricities:
  29. 1. Goody-Goody: The Vilonians are generally do-gooders; perhaps more than they should be for pragmatism's sake. Sometimes individual units will assist other goodly races of their own accord and outside the permission of The Chair.
  30. 2. Interventionist: If there is a worldwide threat to the world, The Chair is compelled to intervene by his Vilonian servants. Mobilization in such a situation is without penalties.
  31. 3. Puritanical: Although beautiful, it's often left in question how an all-female race of angelic beings reproduces. The issue is not discussed, period.
  32. Odium, Gold, Iron Mine,Flux Mines expansion 2/3
  33. Total Crusade 5/12
  34. Anti-Defilment 9/10
  35. Vilon Phalanx[Epic+][Resilient] Training 1/2
  38. Courtier; Hannah, Viceroy of Santareians
  39. Name: Santerians
  40. Military: 1 Vilon Phalanx [Epic+][Resilient],Vilon Chapter Master and Retinue [Epic][Clever],Vilon Excortiator Cohort [Epic][Fearless][Quick], 2 Berserk Warbands [Very Strong+++][Resilient] 2 [Shadow Walkers] [Very Strong+++][Resilient]
  41. Magic/Spells: Santerian [Good]+ Magi-Biology; Shadowlands Walk [Good]
  42. Technology: Wood, Stone, Metallurgy [Simple]; War Magic [Simple];Medical [Simple]; Magi-Biology [Very Good]; Statecraft [Primitive]; Tunnel Warfare [Primitive]
  43. Bonuses/Eccentricities:
  44. 1. Lightless: You are adapted to fighting in caverns and other lightless areas. You will attain certain combat advantages for fighting in those areas, or at night. You can also work to create combat conditions where this is the case.
  45. 2.Tamperers: You may re-roll spells or actions that involve biology (magical or otherwise) if the dice roll is below 50 (once).
  46. Eccentricity:
  47. 1. Literally Cavedwellers: Other humanoids don't react well to you for some reason..
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