
Gala Fun

Oct 13th, 2013
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  1. >The Grand Galloping Gala.
  2. >You never thought you'd see the day Twilight Sparkle would go to a party on this scale, let alone invite you.
  3. >Especially seeing as you had heard...stories of the last one she went to.
  4. >To be fair, you were never any good at these stuffy parties back on Earth, either.
  5. >Still, it meant a lot to Twilight if you were to go.
  6. >If that meant being uncomfortable for a few hours, so be it.
  7. >You had picked up a custom suit from Rarity earlier that day, giving the white unicorn a hefty tip for such short notice.
  8. >The fashionista merely giggled, bidding you goodbye and closing up shop for the night.
  9. >She was going too, after all.
  10. >Twilight came down the stairs, head buried in a book while she magically dragged a brush through her mane.
  11. >Twilight was in a slim, form-fitting dress this year.
  12. >A soft blue in color, it accentuated her gentle curves, and made no effort to hide her wings.
  13. >She stopped abruptly when she bumped into you.
  14. >"Oh!"
  15. >You chuckled.
  16. "Now now, keep your head in the game tonight."
  17. >She smiled, then gave you a short hug.
  18. >"Thank you, Anon. This means a lot to me."
  19. "Any time."
  20. >A glowing blush could be seen on her cheeks from under her coat.
  21. >The carriage arrived, and you both were well on your way.
  22. ---
  23. >"Come on, Anon, just a little while longer?" Twilight whispered into your ear.
  24. >You were bored. Extremely so.
  25. >You had been sitting at a dining table for the past two hours, listening to various ponies as they wished the new princess well.
  26. >Twilight was sure to thank each and every one of them.
  27. >Every. Last. One.
  28. >You were trying to stay awake.
  29. "And I told *you* to pay attention?" You whispered back, eliciting a soft, musical laugh from her.
  30. >There was only one pony left, some blond-haired stallon with a blinding white coat.
  31. >With him out of the way, you could quell your growling stomach and...
  32. "Twilight, who exactly is this?" You muttered after ten minutes into his apparently impromptu speech.
  33. >"Prince Blueblood, very distant cousin of Celestia and Luna. More of a Duke than a Prince, he just likes the title." She replied.
  34. >"Wasn't a very good date to Rarity last time we were here."
  35. "Uh huh."
  36. >Said snowy-white mare was sitting at a table, grinding her teeth into dust.
  37. >"The only thing marring this beautiful night and equally beautiful mare, is the gutter trash that happened to drift in with her."
  38. >His eyes locked directly to you when he said this.
  39. >You bristled and straightened up, but stopped yourself from actually responding or doing much of anything.
  40. >Interestingly enough, Celestia was watching you closely at this point.
  41. >Twilight wrapped a wing around your shoulder comfortingly.
  42. >"Alas, not all things can be perfect. With that, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I wish you good night, and an enjoyable Gala."
  43. "Prick." You half-mumbled, disguising it with a cough.
  44. >Twilight glared at you briefly, before Celestia began.
  45. >"With all the formalities out of the way, the Gala may resume! Food and festivities for the remainder of the night, and please remember to watch the skies at midnight, when the Gala ends!"
  46. >You went to stand for food, and a raspberry colored aura sat you back down.
  47. >You gave a questioning glance at Twilight.
  48. >"We get served personally, silly."
  49. "Oh, right." You replied, an embarrassed blush creeping onto your face.
  50. >Definitely not the place for you.
  51. >Each pony at the head table was brought out a unique plate of food, each the preferred meal of the pony in question.
  52. >You, however...
  53. >The lid was lifted, and you were immediately assaulted by the aroma of fresh-cooked ham.
  54. >Honey glazed, with a side salad and baked sweet potato.
  55. "Sorry Twilight."
  56. >She looked at you questioningly.
  57. "I've found a new love. Her ham."
  58. >The mare rolled her eyes with a smirk, munching on her own salad in turn.
  59. >She also had a sweet potato, along with various veggies arranged to make the plate more colorful.
  60. >The dining hall was practically empty at this point, most of the other ponies in the dance hall or outside.
  61. >While she was eating, you were busy trying to figure out which fork and knife to use.
  62. >Another roll of her eyes, and a light magenta aura guided you to the right ones.
  63. >You resisted the urge to just tear into the steak, instead savoring it.
  64. >Twilight was chatting with the two other princesses, leaving you to your meal.
  65. >Or rather, what was left after your plate was upended by a golden glow.
  66. >"Savage, eating another living being in front of not one, not two, but THREE princesses? What honor do you have left?"
  67. >You looked up to see Blueblood trying some sort of 'heroic' pose.
  68. "You...want to run that by me again?"
  69. >He scoffed.
  70. >"That...ham. It came from what source, I wonder? Maybe a small child, cut down before his prime?"
  71. >He struck that 'pose' again.
  72. >"Princess Twilight, I implore you. Leave this savage and relax with me tonight? We can watch the fireworks, and afterwards...perhaps we'll see?" He trailed off, bedroom eyes in full effect.
  73. >That did it.
  74. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" You asked loudly, jarring the remainder of the ponies from their conversations and meals.
  75. >"Why, I am but a humble knight, saving a beautiful princess from a beast." He replied without missing a beat.
  76. >"Last Gala, he didn't even pay an ounce of attention to me." Twilight muttered. "Not that I want it." She added quickly.
  77. >Celestia returned her gaze to you, simply...observing.
  78. >Luna had her wings flared, about to split the two of you up...before Celestia shook her head.
  79. >You stood.
  80. "Alright buddy. What, exactly, do you want from me?" You asked, trying to find a way out that wouldn't end with you on the surface of the sun.
  81. >"It's quite simple, actually. Go back to that cave you stumbled out of, and leave the princess alone. She doesn't need nor want you here." Blueblood responded. "She merely invited you to not turn up awkwardly alone."
  82. >This time Twilight bristled, wings flaring in outrage.
  83. >"Twilight, calm." Celestia spoke softly. "Let Anonymous handle this."
  84. >You slowly cracked the knuckles on each hand.
  85. "Blueblood, buddy. If you're just trying to get some tail, you're going the wrong way about it." You said, tone low and dangerous.
  86. "See, where I'm from, when one guy hits on another guy's girlfriend, he's expected to defend her."
  87. >The stallion arched an eyebrow.
  88. >He never saw it coming.
  89. >Taking a page from your father's book, you lead with the right...
  90. >And struck from the left.
  91. >The golden energy field he brought up to stop your right hand had him completely focused there, when your left fist collided with his jaw.
  92. >He collapsed in a heap, groaning.
  93. >Celestia nodded, before returning to her meal as if nothing had happened.
  94. >Guardsp0nies came in to take Blueblood to his room, but left you alone.
  95. ===
  96. Three hours later
  97. ===
  98. >You and Twilight were sitting on a grassy knoll, overlooking the city below.
  99. >She was pressing against you as a slight breeze came across.
  100. >The lavender alicorn shivered, so you did what came natural: You took your jacket off and draped it over her.
  101. >A soft clop of hooves was the only warning you had before Celestia took a seat next to you.
  102. >"Well done, Anonymous." She started in a motherly tone.
  103. "...huh?" You replied blankly. A melodic chuckle was the response.
  104. >"Blueblood tried to do this at Cadance's post-coronation Gala too. I was shocked that Shining Armor had left anything that night." Celestia replied. "The Sparkle family seems to have a good sense of special someones."
  105. >You and Twilight blushed in unison, and Celestia quietly took her leave.
  106. >Twilight leaned against you again, and you draped an arm over her.
  107. >She snuggled into your embrace.
  108. >The fireworks started, a huge range of colors that would have simply been impossible on Earth decorating the sky.
  109. >There were all sorts of shapes and animals that were created, before the finale started up.
  110. >At the end, it simply said "See You Next Year, Everypony!" in a deep purple.
  111. >Lips lightly brushed your cheek.
  112. >"Best. Night. Ever."
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