

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. >Be Pinkie Pie.
  2. >Okay.
  3. >Let's go!
  5. >Celestia came to you to ask you to throw her sister a party!
  6. >Luna's having a birthday party, and you're planning it!
  7. >Ohmygoshthispartyisgoingtobeamazing!
  9. >There will be SO.
  10. >MUCH.
  11. >CAKE.
  12. >And balloons!
  13. >What about streamers?
  14. >Well DUH there are going to be streamers, I mean really who has balloons without streamers?
  15. >Not you!
  17. >YES! NOW! DO IT NOW!
  18. >You get a little carried away and end up mailing out more invitations than there are ponies.
  19. >You feel sorry for whoever has to deliver all of them.
  20. >And for Applejack. You're pretty sure she's going to be shoveling invitations for weeks.
  21. >Okay, what else... uh... you need... you need... CAKE! Wait, no you already did that.
  22. >MORE CAKE!
  23. >Okay, then?
  24. >MORE
  25. >Then?
  27. >... okay then. What about after ALL the cake is done. Cake is no longer a concern. THEN what?
  28. >You're going to need a minute.
  30. >Okay. Today's the day. Everything is ready. Everything is perfect.
  31. >You just need to make sure you get the surprise right.
  32. >But that's the hard part! Luna knows the castle like the back of her hoof.
  33. >That's a pretty silly saying. Why would you need to memorize the back of your hoof?
  34. >NO.
  35. >That's a DISTRACTION.
  36. >That's how they GET you.
  37. >FOCUS.
  38. >Okay, surprise. Gotta surprise Luna. Castle probably won't work.
  39. >Leaving the castle grounds spontaneously is suspicious. You can't make her put her guard up like that.
  40. >So she has to stay near the castle, but she can't be IN the castle.
  41. >Hiding a party outside wouldn't be THAT hard if it was just you, but for some reason other ponies don't seem to be as good at hiding.
  42. >Got it. Brilliant. Cut, print, that's a wrap, checkmate, step three profit.
  43. >You retreat to the Pinkie Cave.
  44. >By which you mean the fort you built in your room out of pillows and blankets.
  46. >You just happen to have a little thing called IMAGINATION.
  49. >You do the rainbow thing.
  50. >YES!
  51. >Okay. In the cave. Luna. Surprise.
  52. >You get out your power tools.
  54. >You're hiding under Luna's bed. You had to push some weird looking toys to the side.
  55. >Why were those down here, anyway?
  56. >It's not like you have a problem with toys, but they need to be stored properly.
  57. >OHMYGOSH, does Luna not have a toybox?
  58. >You should totally get her one for her birthday!
  59. >When is that?
  60. >OHYEAH, right now! Okay, maybe later. Right now it's surprise time.
  61. >The trap is set. As soon as she opens the door, you are going to scare the... /something that Luna is full of/ right out of her!
  62. >In a good way though.
  63. >Because it's a surprise party surprise, not a scary surprise.
  64. >So maybe you won't scare her, then. You'll SURPRISE her.
  65. >You'll surprise the /whatever is inside her/ right out of her.
  66. >Why do you keep trying to use that phrase?
  68. >You hope all the others remember to yell surprise when the two of you show up.
  69. >They probably will. It's just one word, and it's not very hard to remember one word.
  70. >If they had to yell TWO words, then they might mix it up, but they don't so they won't and that's good.
  71. >The doorknob is turning.
  72. >You are excited. You're grinning. You're vibrating rapidly in place, muscles tense and ready to pounce.
  73. >The door opens.
  74. >You jump.
  75. >Luna yelps.
  76. >There's a bright flash of light.
  77. >You open your eyes and see... that you're still in the castle?
  78. >Oh no! Something went wrong and it didn't work and Luna's party is ruined and that's terrible quick maybe if you stuff her in a bag before she opens her eyes you can carry her to the party before she notices!
  80. >Where is she?
  81. >You look around, but you don't see Luna.
  82. >You see the bed, and you see the toys, and you see Pinkie Pie...
  83. >WAIT A MINUTE...
  84. >Why aren't those toys in a toybox?
  86. >You should get her one for her birthday! Where is she?
  87. >Pinkie opens her eyes.
  88. >She's staring at you.
  89. >Quick, say something!
  90. >"Um... uh...."
  91. >You panic and can't make the words happening going!
  92. >You grab the blanket off the bed and throw it over her, then you grab the corners of it and tie them together.
  93. >Now she's trapped in the bag and you can take her to the party!
  94. >She writhes around in the bag and makes muffled protests.
  95. >But if there are TWO Pinkies at the party, then... then which one is in charge?
  96. >Do you have to fight for it?
  97. >You pull a boxcutter out of hammerspace and cut her out of the blanket.
  98. >She falls to the floor and jumps to her hooves.
  100. >"You silly filly, you're not Celestia OR Luna! You're Pinkie Pie! It's okay, sometimes I get confused, too. One time, I thought I was Marcellus Wallace for a whole day before I looked in a mirror and realized I kinda did look like a bitch."
  102. >"WHA...what?"
  103. >"Have you not seen that movie?"
  104. >"........what?"
  105. >"Nevermind, listen, I think something is wrong here."
  106. >"I AGREE."
  107. >"The Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice (R) went out of style forEVER ago. You should really consider modernizing your speech, especially if you're going to be Pinkie Pie because she throws a lot of parties and if the host of a party is behind the times a party can get really awkward and boring."
  108. >"LISTEN TO... Listen, I'm dreadfully confused right now. What is going on here?"
  109. >"Well I was TRYING to take Luna to her surprise party, but now I can't find her!"
  110. >"But... you're Luna!"
  111. >"I am?"
  112. >You look down at yourself.
  113. >Extra spicy spice nuggets, you ARE Luna! How and when did that happen? You just jumped into your trap so you and Luna would both end up at the party, and then there was that bright flash of light, and now Pinkie is here.
  114. >Hey wait, maybe SHE knows something! She's the one planning the party!
  115. >OH NO! You're Luna and you know about the surprise party! The surprise is RUINED! But Pinkie worked so HARD on it! That's not FAIR!
  116. >Maybe she needs an 'it's-okay-that-the-surprise-was-ruined' party. But who could you get to throw a party like that?
  117. >OF COURSE, YOU CAN DO IT! You're great at throwing parties!
  118. >But maybe not, since you're Luna now.
  119. >You should try throwing a party to practice and make sure you can still throw parties.
  120. >You run out the door and wait.
  121. >"...Hello?"
  122. >You don't say anything.
  123. >"Where are you going?"
  124. >She steps through the door.
  126. >"SURPRISE!"
  127. >She slowly drags a hoof down one side of her face in frustration.
  129. >"Could you PLEASE tell me what's going on?"
  130. >"Of course, silly! All you had to do was ask!"
  131. >"THANK you."
  132. >"I'm throwing you a 'congratulations-on-becoming-Pinkie-Pie' party! OH MY GOSH I DID IT! I CAN STILL THROW PARTIES!"
  133. >You should totally have a party to celebrate that you can still throw parties.
  134. >You're going to need your party cannon.
  135. >You step into your room and look around for it.
  136. >For some reason, you can't find your party cannon. If you don't find it soon, maybe you should just ask if you can borrow Pinkie's.
  137. >Maybe it's in your toybox?
  138. >Hmmm... there's some toys under the bed, but you're pretty sure none of those are party cannons.
  139. >OH MY GOSH, do you not have a toybox? SOMEONE SHOULD GET YOU ONE FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!
  140. >"Hey, Pinkie, do I have a toybox?"
  141. >She growls at you.
  142. >"I don't think I do. And it just so happens that today is my birthday now! Normally, I don't like to ask for gifts, but this is kindof an emergency. I don't know where my party cannon is. I always keep it in my toybox, but now I don't have a toybox!"
  143. >Luna is a very patient mare.
  144. >She's been known to wait up to a thousand years at a time.
  145. >But she's incapable of handling YOU.
  146. >She throws a punch.
  147. >You hit the floor.
  149. >You calm down. WAY down.
  150. >Something serious is going down.
  151. >PINKIE just hit you.
  152. >Pinkie is all about smiles and hugs and parties! She doesn't hurt other ponies!
  153. >To drive her to violence, there'd have to be a crisis of truly epic proportions.
  154. >Something like... Discord has turned the sun into a big raccoon and now it's all dark and cold and your trash is knocked over every night!
  155. >Or maybe even WORSE.
  156. >Like a missing party cannon!
  157. >You can't find your party cannon because you can't find your toybox, and you used to be Pinkie... what if she's suffering from can't-find-party-cannon-itis just like you?
  158. >You gently place a hoof on her shoulder and speak very slowly.
  159. >"Okay. This is serious business. I understand."
  160. >"Good. First off, I want to know EXACATLY what happened when I came in the door."
  161. >"In a minute. First, I have a very important question for you."
  162. >She looks shocked, but doesn't object.
  163. >"Do you have a toybox?"
  164. >You hit the floor again. You're not sure, but you think she punched you!
  165. >Why would Pinkie do something like that?
  167. >She shut the door and neither of you have left the room since then.
  168. >Eventually, she got you to explain - sortof, at least - what had happened.
  169. >You built a massive launching platform into the floor and a retractable hole in the roof.
  170. >You weren't sure what the power source was, but it was green and glowy and gooey and it tasted really good.
  171. >For some reason, it didn't go off and instead that bright light happened.
  172. >Now you're Luna and she's Pinkie.
  173. >She dismissed all visitors but her sister, and only told her that there WAS a problem, but she could handle it.
  174. >She asked if Celestia could kindly take care of the moon and the stars for her.
  175. >After much discussion, she came up with a really complicated sounding plan and promised you could throw her TWO birthday parties once you switched back to normal, so you agreed.
  176. >There's a knock at the door.
  177. >"Hello? Princess Luna?"
  178. >You get an excited grin on your face.
  179. >"HEY TWILIGHT! Luna's going to have TWO birthday parties!"
  180. >You can hear her chuckling.
  181. >"Can... can I come in?"
  182. >"NO-"
  183. >"SURE!"
  184. >You reach for the door to open it, and Pinkie runs after you to stop you.
  185. >The door opens, and there's a bright flash of light.
  187. >You open your eyes to see Twilight and Luna still struggling to regain their vision.
  188. >Luna falls over.
  189. >"Pinkie? Luna? What was that?"
  190. >Twilight opens her eyes.
  191. >"Depending on how lucky we are, anywhere from the solution to our problem to the start of a bigger one."
  192. >The bright, colorful splotches fade from her vision and she gasps.
  193. >Luna does the same, now that she can see as well.
  194. >"Oh boy, now Twilight gets to be Luna! I did it earlier, and it's pretty fun!"
  195. >Did the room just get brighter?
  196. >It totally did. The ceiling is opening.
  197. >Hey, that means your launchy thingy does work! It just didn't trigger right the last time. And you should probably fix the flashy switchy thingy part.
  198. >You brace for FUN.
  199. >Luna and Twilight scream as you squeal with joy. The three of you are hurtling through the air, exactly as you originally planned.
  200. >You fly through an open window and land on a pile of mattresses inside a building full of burnt out candles, empty tables, and stale cake.
  201. >You frown slightly at the thought of all this wasted party potential, but cheer up thinking about the parties to come.
  202. >You start to bounce happily away when Luna-Twilight (or is it Twilight-Luna? it doesn't matter, it looks like Luna and that means it's her birthday!) stops you.
  203. >"Pinkie, can you please explain what just happened?"
  204. >"Everything'll be fine. You two are both super smart, and I'm sure you can figure out what needs to be done. Besides, I've REALLY gotta go. It's a lot of work planning TWO parties at the same time, and I still need to buy you a toybox for those funny looking toys under your bed."
  205. >You smile and bounce away.
  206. >She blushes fiercely.
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