
Reacting to Mushroomdicks SOTU

Feb 5th, 2019
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  1. Dear Donald Trump,
  2. You cuck.
  4. Ya fucked up the SOTU, like ya fucked up your businesses, and most importantly, like ya fucked up America, I mean, is it any fucking wonder why you just catch a break? I mean, really, just fucking REALLY. I'm too pissed to write out a proper insult, so I'm just going to copy paste my reaction to you dumbass bitch fest that you mistakenly called you State of the union you thin skinned, tiny handed, mushroom dicked, cheating fuck nut. God that felt so good.
  6. #livetweeting #SOTU #SOTU2019 #SOTU19 #SOTU19 #fucktrump @realDonaldTrFan Imma live tweet this shit out, ain't gonna be fair or balanced, it's gonna be fucking fun as fuck! #Resist #fart
  7. So far, there's been a few shots of @EricTrump being dropped off at the orphanage.
  9. 5:54PM
  10. So far a few shots of Veterans, Generals, and outside of Trumps family, very smart people. Pelosi and Pence just chilling. #supremecourtjustices just walked in and people applaud them. Including #ilikebeer #BrettKavanaugh that sparkly shithead.
  12. 5:56pm
  13. Joe Manchin just popped on screen, annnnnnd #flotus just pooped in stage, wearing black, and waving at people. Good on her, i'm happy she escaped #MushroomDick Sex Dungeon to be here. Trump's #cabinet just arrived, but not his old cabinet, it wasn't Trumpy enough.
  15. 5:59PM
  16. Trumps cabinet looks fucking awkward as hell, like they KNOW by the end of this it's going to be a #shitshow. No shit it's going to be a shit show. Every Trump's ever set up HAS been a shit show.
  18. 6:02PM
  19. Good to see @MittRomney here, maybe he can death stare Trump - ANNNNNNNND HERE'S THE FUCK HEAD.
  21. 6:03PM
  22. The secret service ATM, "The mushroom dick has landed, I repeat, Mario's rejected power up has entered the building. Evac all Plumbers STAT."
  24. 6:05PM
  25. Trump's making his way to the podium, he's at the podium, and he's being glared at like he has something on his face. Tanning lotion?
  27. 6:07
  28. Trump just fucked the SOTU already by ignoring the Speaker of the house.
  29. "WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MY WALL, MY WALL IS LIKE MY PENIS, AT THE MOMENT IT'S NOT THERE!" Courage in his case means getting the funding for the wall. He's just buttering them up. Like he butters his paintings nipples. gotta get that golden glow somehow.
  31. 6:10
  32. Trumps noting #ww2, respect for that. Love for the #WW2vets, y'all are god damned heroes. Trump's noting the Moon Landing. Buzz. Looks. Pissed.
  34. 6:13
  35. #spaceforce and advertising for a wall around the moon, to protect it from his hair, which is illegally immigrating from his ass to his head at the moment.
  37. 6:14
  38. "Bigger than ever before, now build my fucking wall you Democratic fucks." Translated with 10000% accuracy.
  40. 6:15
  41. The ladies in white are pissed. Which is the mood of everyone staring at him, hoping the devil will steam him away, and spit out a plate of noodles.
  43. 6:16
  44. "The country has launched a boom, much like I have in my pants over the wall. I'm just getting started, it will be a pants shitting like NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE."
  46. 6:18
  47. Trumps now talking about lies, when people are starving from being forced to work without pay for 35 days.
  49. 6:19
  50. More lies.
  52. 6:20
  53. Trump wants taxes for kids. He's ALSO eliminated the tax cut for death on family farms.
  55. 6:21
  56. Only half the room is clapping. The half of the room that's sucking trump off.
  57. #NancyPelosi is laughing her fucking ass off at #mushroomdick and his lies.
  59. 6:23
  62. 6:25
  63. Oh shit, Trump told off people, and people are laughing their asses off.
  64. "Years and years waiting, no investigations, or wars, more wall."
  66. 6:26
  67. People are just fucking pissed. Only half the rooms clapping and Former Inmates are wondering wtf is going on.
  69. 6:29
  70. Alice, cool. the woman behind her is sleeping.
  71. 6:30
  72. Trump's back to his bullshit. Trumps the number 1 source of harm against the black community... meanwhile, tanning salons are harming him back. Sooo... #karma?
  74. 6:32
  75. "BUILD MY WALL!" #fuck I knew his ass was going to bring that up, annnnnnd now he's going to build a wall out of human beings. He gone glue them together?
  77. 6:34
  78. You can HEAR people groaning at his bullshit.
  79. This.
  80. Is.
  81. Priceless.
  82. #trump wants to make America his entire property...
  83. Did he just say say that Compassion is cruel and inhumane?
  84. My mental port of entry has just shifted without a clutch at what this #mushroomdick is saying.
  86. 6:38
  87. Trump just gave #immigrants the idea of going to Canada and getting into the U.S. from there. But NO talk of a northern border, Eh?
  89. #specialagenthernandez is awesome. Should be investigating trump's own sex crimes.
  90. 6:42
  91. Also, he misspoke: replace criminals with kids in cages.
  93. 6:43
  94. Trump's saying wall like it's his safe word for when he and putin get together and commint #collusion like a scene from a NC17 version of #50shadesofmushroomdick
  96. 6:45
  97. #TrumpHandsOffVenezuela you sick pussy grabbing bastard. #wallsdontwork #theycameinlikeawreckingball
  99. 6:46
  100. He's talking about Women in the workforce, Waaaaaiiiiiit for it.
  102. 6:47
  103. Trump to the ladies in white "You weren't supposed to do that."
  104. #fuckyou @realDonaldTrump
  106. #USA
  108. 6:49
  109. going in on the Trade policies, China's intellectual properties, mentioning the #tariffs which he put in place that are fucking farmers over. #wtf
  111. 6:51
  112. "Everything Trump just said was entirely wrong." - @HamillHimself
  114. 6:53
  115. "Congress eager to work on infrastructure, let's start with a the WALL."
  116. #HealthCareForAll so #BuildTheWallAndCrimeWillFall first.
  118. 6:57
  119. Trump wants to end HIV and aids in HIS term... LMAO.
  120. He also wants to end cancer, noble goals, but still ain't happening in his term.
  121. Not being cynical, just being factual. We're getting closer, but not close enough, nor fast enough.
  123. 6:59
  124. Grace Eli is adorable, and her story is touching. However, this is still Trump talking... it evens out. He's talking about better healthcare, which is good... But still- well, that golden moment ended fast. He's talking about something already in place...
  126. 7:02
  127. He talkin' bout ending late term abortion, but still, if the mothers life is endanger of ending FROM that late term, it should be HER choice. Not the fat golden mans with the wig.
  129. 7:04
  130. Talking about the Military... this will not end well... Just, just wait for it.
  132. 7:05
  133. Trump's talking about Russia. #trumputin's sex games just got a whole nother level kinkier.
  134. 7:06
  135. Talkin' bout out spending. WITH WHAT MONEY?
  136. 7:07
  137. THERE IT IS, #mushroomdick's BACK AT IT AGAIN!
  139. More
  140. 7:08
  141. "Wan and water." ....The fuck?
  143. 7:09
  144. "born free and stay free." Ending on a high note? Doubt it AND HE JUST MADE ANOTHER PROMISE HE CAN'T KEEP.
  146. 7:11
  147. 19 years we've been at war in #Afghanistan,
  148. "Great nations don't fight endless wars."
  149. "Make America great again!"
  150. "Outspend all other in every aspect."
  151. So continue fighting an endless war as a Great Nation while outspending in military might?
  153. 7:20
  154. Creepy as fuck version of happy birthday just got sung.
  156. 7:21
  157. Alright, a #warstory, and #Holocaust stories always bring a tear to my eye, but I can't help but feel like at every second the Trump Ego Stroke will drop like a bad album. So far, he hasn't disappointed, and kudos to those brave men and women that survived the Holocaust.
  159. 7:27
  161. "We've not yet begun to dream."
  162. Yes, yes we have, we're already dreaming of someone else in office.
  164. 7:28
  165. The bonds of love and loyalty... to trump. For trump. NO ONE MUST EVER DOUBT TRUMP, INSPIRATIONAL WORDS BEING SPOKEN! YEA-No.
  167. this was the funniest fucking thing I've watched. All in all, trump fucked the #SOTU19 horrifyingly, and while there were some good moments, it was STILL #mushroomdick talking out of his ass. #factcheckers are already on this shit like flies on white rice covered shit.
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