
CSGO Flat Earth Bind

Feb 26th, 2019
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  1. alias "flatearther" "flatearth1"
  2. alias "flatearth1" "say yo you guys ever look into flat earth?; alias flatearther flatearth2"
  3. alias "flatearth2" "say Why can't rockets shoot straight up when going into space?; alias flatearther flatearth3"
  4. alias "flatearth3" "say Why don't satellites and space debris get pulled down by gravity but stay in orbit?; alias flatearther flatearth4"
  5. alias "flatearth4" "say Is it a coincidence that Nasa in Hebrew means to decieve, and the UN symbol is a map of the flat earth?; alias flatearther flatearth5"
  6. alias "flatearth5" "say Why don't we feel any apparent spin while on the earth when it's spinning 1000 mph?; alias flatearther flatearth6"
  7. alias "flatearth6" "say How do we know what is beneath the earths crust if the deepest hole ever dug was 7.6 miles?; alias flatearther flatearth7"
  8. alias "flatearth7" "say What causes Moon waves?; alias flatearther flatearth8"
  9. alias "flatearth8" "say Why have we never seen the backside of the moon from earth?; alias flatearther flatearth9"
  10. alias "flatearth9" "say Why can we see stars through the dark side of the moon?; alias flatearther flatearth10"
  11. alias "flatearth10" "say How can we see blue sky through the moon?; alias flatearther flatearth11"
  12. alias "flatearth11" "say Why is moonlight colder than shade?; alias flatearther flatearth12"
  13. alias "flatearth12" "say Why is the sky blue?; alias flatearther flatearth13"
  14. alias "flatearth13" "say Why does the sun seem to move away and get smaller instead of going under the horizon?; alias flatearther flatearth14"
  15. alias "flatearth14" "say Why is gravity still a theory?; alias flatearther flatearth15"
  16. alias "flatearth15" "say What do rockets push off in space?; alias flatearther flatearth16"
  17. alias "flatearth16" "say Why are there no visible stars and satellites when looking at earth from the ISS and space?; alias flatearther flatearth17"
  18. alias "flatearth17" "say Why are there no flight paths over Antarctica?; alias flatearther flatearth18"
  19. alias "flatearth18" "say Why did Nasa admit to not being able to leave low-earth orbit in 2016 after going to the moon in 1969?; alias flatearther flatearth19"
  20. alias "flatearth19" "say Why did Nasa admit to destroying the technology to go back to the moon?; alias flatearther flatearth20"
  21. alias "flatearth20" "say How can the equator be the hottest part of the earth's crust if it's rotating around the sun on a 23.5-degree tilt?; alias flatearther flatearth21"
  22. alias "flatearth21" "say How is it possible to see a full moon?; alias flatearther flatearth22"
  23. alias "flatearth22" "say Why are the impact craters on the moon perfectly circular?; alias flatearther flatearth23"
  24. alias "flatearth23" "say What causes the sun's halo-effect?; alias flatearther flatearth24"
  25. alias "flatearth24" "say Why are there bubbles in space?; alias flatearther flatearth25"
  26. alias "flatearth25" "say Why are there animals on mars?; alias flatearther flatearth26"
  27. alias "flatearth26" "say Why are all images of earth composites?; alias flatearther flatearth27"
  28. alias "flatearth27" "say What causes the ISS graphic glitches?; alias flatearther flatearth28"
  29. alias "flatearth28" "say Why are 55 countries blocking off Antarctica from the public?; alias flatearther flatearth29"
  30. alias "flatearth29" "say Why are all Astronauts and Nasa employees' freemasons?; alias flatearther flatearth30"
  31. alias "flatearth30" "say Why is Congress calling for a censorship of information about flat earth?; alias flatearther flatearth31"
  32. alias "flatearth31" "say Why is there no curvature if the curvature of the earth is 8inches/mi^2?; alias flatearther flatearth32"
  33. alias "flatearth32" "say What is stopping the earth's atmosphere from depressurizing?; alias flatearther flatearth33"
  34. alias "flatearth33" "say How does a lunar eclipse glow red if there is no sunlight hitting the moon?; alias flatearther flatearth34"
  35. alias "flatearth34" "say Why do stars and planets look like luminaries when looking through a Nikon p900?; alias flatearther flatearth35"
  36. alias "flatearth35" "say Why do star trails happen every night if we are moving 1.3 million miles/hour through space?; alias flatearther flatearth36"
  37. alias "flatearth36" "say Why don't constellations ever change?; alias flatearther flatearth37"
  38. alias "flatearth37" "say Why are rainbows dome-shaped?; alias flatearther flatearth38"
  39. alias "flatearth38" "say What is refracting the sun's light to create rainbows?; alias flatearther flatearth39"
  40. alias "flatearth39" "say What creates the sprites above the clouds if clouds create lightning?; alias flatearther flatearth40"
  41. alias "flatearth40" "say Why do majority of religions and cultures believe the earth is flat with a dome over it?; alias flatearther flatearth41"
  42. alias "flatearth41" "say If the earth is flat and enclosed system, how did we end up in here?; alias flatearther flatearth1"
  44. bind "/" "flatearther"
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