

Oct 12th, 2013
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  1. This an alternative universe with ponies on earth.
  6. >It was a snowy night and Pinkamena had called you.
  7. >She said it was urgent, and told you to meet her on campus.
  8. >She had a dorm up there, so meeting up wasn't so much a big deal to her as it was for you.
  9. >The roads were shitty, but you managed to make it to campus in one piece.
  10. >Once there, Pinkie asked you to meet her behind the Montwood building.
  11. >You met her up on the hill behind it.
  12. >To your surprise, she didn't look like she was in need of your help. In fact, she looked oddly happy.
  13. >The fact that she called you up so late at night and that her usual curly pink mane was completely straight, should have been a clear sign something was up.
  14. >You chose to forget about it and see what she wanted to talk about.
  15. >At the time, it looked as if she just wanted to hangout with you.
  16. >So you both hung out, and built a snowman.
  17. >Then you two had a snowball fight.
  18. >You couldn't understand how her hooves were able to make such perfect round snowballs.
  19. >Soon after, the two of you settled down on the back of snowy hillside looking off into the glowing light of the frozen city.
  20. >She talked you into playing truth or dare.
  21. >It was weird seeing her like this.
  22. >She was acting strange.
  23. >You couldn't quite place you finger on it, but it wasn't a bad strange, or so you thought.
  24. >Among all the crazy things you both said, and the crazy things you made each other do, she dared you to kiss her.
  25. >You sat there, confused, scared, excited. You really didn’t know how you felt, but it wasn’t a dare you could do.
  26. >She leaned in for a kiss, but you stopped her midway. You wanted it so badly, but you just couldn’t.
  27. >She confessed that she had feelings for you.
  28. >What she said hit you hard. There was a time when you did have feeling for her.
  29. >You asked her how long she had felt that way.
  30. >She said since junior year, high school.
  31. >It felt like a blow to your gut. Junior year was the year she moved to your school.
  32. >You saw how everyone bullied her for what she was.
  33. >You defended her, became the closest of friends, and found yourself in love.
  34. >She tried to come in for another kiss, but again you stopped her.
  35. >It hurt you so much, but people move on. You did.
  36. >You told her you were currently in a relationship with someone.
  37. >All of this was just too much to handle, and Pinkie was acting; drunk.
  38. >You Jokingly asked her if she had one too many to drink.
  39. >She started arguing with you, and turned into someone completely different in an instant.
  40. >You had to physically hold her down, and ask her what was wrong.
  41. >She look at you and said something that has been burned into your memory ever since.
  42. >“If you had one day left to live, what would you do?”
  43. >You weren’t following her at all.
  44. >The whole night was just weird, almost like a dream. One you managed to fuck up.
  45. >You asked her, but she refused to talk about it. She just asked you to walk her home.
  46. >Before you backtracked and crested the hill, you patted off some of the snow that stuck to your jeans.
  47. >You looked back and watched as Pinkie stumbled after getting up. It Looked like she was a little more tired then she thought.
  48. >You found yourself giving her a piggyback ride which was the least you could do for her.
  49. >The way she loosely wrapped her forehooves around your neck and snuggled her face against yours.
  50. >It was a feeling you could not forget.
  51. >The snow flakes seemed to stand still in the cool air.
  52. >Even thought you could see your breath puff in little clouds, your whole body felt a comforting warmth.
  53. >A Breeze passed by, and Pinking pulled her self closer and dug her face into your collarbone.
  54. >Your heart fluttered on reflex and you tightened you grip on her legs.
  55. >She whispered in your ear and thanked for the wonderful memories.
  56. >It was night like this that you wished would never end; dreams like this you never wanted to wake from.
  57. >Alas, all things come to an end, before you knew it, you made it to the front of her dorm complex.
  58. >She asked you to kiss her once again, and once again you had to refuse.
  59. >It was eating you up inside, but when you looked at her forced smile, and the way her eyes looked like they would burst with tear, you knew it was killing her.
  60. >With nothing but a goodbye, you parted ways.
  61. >Just like that, you left.
  62. >In hindsight, things weren't going so well with your relationship.
  63. >You contemplated kissing Pinkie as you walked to you car.
  64. >You drove back home, worried and confused.
  65. >The image of her in the dim light campus lights, the snowflakes that spotted her mane.
  66. >Her blushed cheeks...her painful look.
  67. >You couldn't get it out of your head.
  68. >You texted her saying you were sorry and that you wanted to see her again; you even texted her saying you were willing to drive right back.
  69. >You just didn’t want the night to end like that.
  70. >You desperately wanted to kiss her, hold her in your arms, make her happy.
  71. >You didn’t even give her a hug before you left. How could you be so cold?
  72. >She never replied, and you were so worried. Why didn’t you going back?
  73. >It wasn't until following morning that you found out what had happened.
  74. >The cops showed up at your door.
  75. >They started asking questions.
  76. >In the back of your head, all you could think about was Pinkie Pie.
  77. >It wasn’t until they started asking about her, that you got angry and defensive.
  78. >You asked them what the meaning of all the questions were... What they told you, you cannot forget.
  79. >They said Pinkamena had overdosed on a mixture of antidepressant, sleeping pills and alcohol. When they found her, it was too late.
  80. >They gave you a note, and said they had found it right beside her with your name on it.
  81. >You read it in your head... In her voice.
  82. >“I can have you in my dreams.”
  83. >You were crushed.
  84. > It felt as though a part of you died, yet, you could not cry.
  85. >You don’t know why, but you couldn’t, and it hurt so much.
  86. >The weeks after were painful too.
  87. >Her funeral, your break up, and all the people and ponies interrogating you, blaming you for what had happened.
  88. >You lost the will to live, but you keep on day after day, and though you never fully recovered, you were able to resume a normal life.
  89. >You thought of what happened every now and then, but that was years ago.
  90. >Today, you found yourself cleaning the attic.
  91. >It was really late, and you decided to call it quits for the night.
  92. >On your way out, you stumbled, and bumped into a shelf.
  93. >You instantly thought of the Pinkie and the way she stumbled that night 5 years ago.
  94. >The shelf shook hard, and a box that was leaning halfway off the edge fell over.
  95. >It dumped some of it’s contents on the attic floor.
  96. >A high school track medal rolled out.
  97. >Before you put the things back, you decided to look inside.
  98. >There were a couple of more medals and some papers.
  99. >You read one.
  100. >It was an essay on a school project you and another student had to do.
  101. >The other name read Pinkie pie.
  102. >You read it.
  103. >The essay had an A letter grade because the essay was on a topic she knew very well.
  104. >Baking.
  105. >You laughed a little reminiscing, then the sorrow came.
  106. >You wanted to put everything back before you found more stuff that involved her, but you just dug deeper.
  107. >Moving a binder out of the way, you found something.
  108. >A chill ran down your spine as you looked at it. How could you forget?
  109. >You stared at it for what felt like ages, unable to move.
  110. >All your emotions started going wild.
  111. >It was a small necklace box, and you knew exactly what was in it.
  112. >You grabbed it, not bothering to clean up the mess, and made you way down the stairs and to your room.
  113. >There you sat on the edge of your bed, and took a deep breath, before you opened it.
  114. >Everything that happened that night so long ago came rushing back; more vivid than ever.
  115. >The shit roads, the hill, the snowman, the snowball fight. Those flashbacks. Your chest became heavy.
  116. >Her eyes.
  117. >The truth or dare,her confession; You holding her down trying to figure out what was wrong.
  118. >The snowflakes on her hair, the piggyback rides. The things you and her said.
  119. >Her painful eyes.
  120. >The love you could never confess…
  121. >Your vision started to blur.
  122. >Her blush cheeks, the way she smiled, the way she leaned in for a kiss.
  123. >God you fucked up so bad.
  124. >You could have changed the outcome of that night.
  125. >You looked at what lied in your hands.
  126. >It was a necklace with a little cupcake hanging from it.
  127. >The text messages left unanswered… The note she wrote-that self destructive question she asked!
  128. >Your whole body felt cold, numb, as silent tears dropped on your hand and the necklace.
  129. >If only you had kissed her that snowy night, maybe things would have been alright.
  130. >If only you drove back to campus, maybe she would be here.
  131. >I-if only You weren't such a little bitch and gave her that necklace like you planned, rehearsed so many time in front of your mirror, junior year!
  132. >If you had the courage to give her that and tell her how you felt, wouldn't she be lying with you right now.
  133. >You held the necklace close to your chest, unable to control your emotions and the tears rolling down.
  134. >All those years of pent up feelings, anger, pain, sadness, were unleashed as you finally said how you felt.
  135. “I love you pinkie...”
  136. “I’m sorry.”
  137. “I’m so sorry.”
  138. “I love you.
  139. "So."
  140. "Much.”
  141. “I miss you.”
  142. >You laid there that night, replaying the past over and over again.
  143. >You couldn’t get her question out of your head.
  144. >“If you had one day left to live, what would you do?”
  145. >Seeing her was all you could think of.
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