
my shitty night don't touch me

Feb 2nd, 2014
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  1. [2/2/14 11:15:24 PM] bb: I just
  2. [2/2/14 11:15:28 PM] bb: told Kat about my shitty night
  3. [2/2/14 11:15:33 PM] bb: would you like to hear?
  4. [2/2/14 11:16:16 PM] Nark Nark: i guess?
  5. [2/2/14 11:17:46 PM] Nark Nark: o3o
  6. [2/2/14 11:17:56 PM] Nark Nark: also your boss is a weenie
  7. [2/2/14 11:18:07 PM] bb: you don't even know the half of it
  8. [2/2/14 11:18:22 PM] bb: [2/2/14 10:58:29 PM] bb: my new manager
  9. [2/2/14 10:58:30 PM] bb: is a pos
  10. [2/2/14 10:59:03 PM] Kat: what did they do
  11. [2/2/14 10:59:09 PM] bb: just
  12. [2/2/14 10:59:13 PM] bb: fucking micromanaging me
  13. [2/2/14 10:59:19 PM] bb: like
  14. [2/2/14 10:59:20 PM] bb: I was working
  15. [2/2/14 10:59:38 PM] bb: I was working and getting shit done and I wanted to catch up on the dishes cause I had to spend like HALF AN HOUR
  16. [2/2/14 10:59:44 PM] bb: cleaning up the walk in pans
  17. [2/2/14 10:59:50 PM] bb: and sweeping and mopping the walk in
  18. [2/2/14 11:00:05 PM] bb: and I just wanted to catch up and /then/ go on break at like 7 so I wouldn't get behind
  19. [2/2/14 11:00:08 PM] bb: and he was like
  20. [2/2/14 11:00:16 PM] bb: 'no, you're going on break at 6:15'
  21. [2/2/14 11:00:20 PM] bb: and before that
  22. [2/2/14 11:00:27 PM] bb: also while I was doing the walk in bullshit
  23. [2/2/14 11:00:49 PM] bb: he's like 'lu I know you're cleaning but they're running out of dishes'
  24. [2/2/14 11:00:57 PM] bb: and I was SO close to just saying
  25. [2/2/14 11:01:04 PM] bb: 'well you got hands don't you? Do a load'
  26. [2/2/14 11:01:12 PM] bb: cause I was literally RIGHT in the fucking middle of sweeping
  27. [2/2/14 11:01:26 PM] bb: and I have /seen/ managers take over a task when things need to get done
  28. [2/2/14 11:01:49 PM] bb: like except maybe my GM (cause she's also a piece of shit)
  29. [2/2/14 11:01:59 PM] bb: any manager I've had at that job, if they knew I was working
  30. [2/2/14 11:02:05 PM] bb: would just... have done a load of dishes
  31. [2/2/14 11:02:18 PM] bb: and at 6:15, while I'm working my manager tells me to go on break
  32. [2/2/14 11:02:25 PM] bb: and note I did just go on shift at FOUR
  33. [2/2/14 11:02:44 PM] bb: and I'm like 'I want to just do these and then I will' and 'I want to go on my break at 7'
  34. [2/2/14 11:03:03 PM] bb: and he basically said 'I don't care what you want I'm the manager and you're doing what I say'
  35. [2/2/14 11:03:05 PM] bb: which I just...
  36. [2/2/14 11:03:10 PM] bb: pissed me off SO MUCH
  37. [2/2/14 11:03:11 PM] bb: like don
  38. [2/2/14 11:03:18 PM] bb: just because you're my boss
  39. [2/2/14 11:03:24 PM] bb: doesn't mean you get to fucking talk to me like that
  40. [2/2/14 11:03:33 PM] bb: and then he said he was going to help me close the dining room
  41. [2/2/14 11:03:44 PM] bb: cause instead of having someone else do it
  42. [2/2/14 11:03:49 PM] bb: I had to close the back AND the dining room
  43. [2/2/14 11:04:25 PM] bb: so at like 8:45 he shows up, and I'm fucking arm deep in dishes that I GOT BEHIND ON because I had to take a break at fucking 6:15
  44. [2/2/14 11:04:54 PM] bb: and he's like 'you can vaccum the back area of the dining room now' and I'm just like '...okay'
  45. [2/2/14 11:04:56 PM] bb: but clearly
  46. [2/2/14 11:05:01 PM] bb: CLEARLY
  47. [2/2/14 11:05:04 PM] bb: I am still working
  48. [2/2/14 11:05:11 PM] bb: and then the sinks backed up
  49. [2/2/14 11:05:27 PM] bb: and I had to finish the dishes wilth full sinks
  50. [2/2/14 11:05:30 PM] bb: which was annoying
  51. [2/2/14 11:05:42 PM] bb: and I went and vacummed the back area of the dining room
  52. [2/2/14 11:05:53 PM] bb: and then went to check on the sinks, which I'd let drain while I did that
  53. [2/2/14 11:05:56 PM] bb: they hadn't drained
  54. [2/2/14 11:06:00 PM] bb: so I finished the dishes
  55. [2/2/14 11:06:12 PM] bb: and then had to go tell him 'the sinks aren't draining'
  56. [2/2/14 11:06:28 PM] bb: and at some point he goes 'you can vacum the back area' and I'm just 'I did'
  57. [2/2/14 11:06:43 PM] bb: I finished vacuming actually
  58. [2/2/14 11:06:46 PM] bb: I hate vacuming
  59. [2/2/14 11:06:59 PM] bb: and he got the sink unclogged
  60. [2/2/14 11:07:04 PM] bb: sinks*
  61. [2/2/14 11:07:28 PM] bb: and then he said 'I cleaned the bathrooms... I cleaned the toilets and sink, you need to sweep and mop and do the trash'
  62. [2/2/14 11:07:30 PM] bb: meaning
  63. [2/2/14 11:07:35 PM] bb: he didn't do JACK SHIT
  64. [2/2/14 11:07:48 PM] bb: so I had to get the mop and go and do the bathrooms
  65. [2/2/14 11:07:52 PM] bb: and I didn't sweep cause fuck him
  66. [2/2/14 11:08:05 PM] bb: I mopped the entire front area
  67. [2/2/14 11:08:12 PM] bb: and while I did everyone just... left
  68. [2/2/14 11:08:16 PM] bb: no one fucking helped me
  69. [2/2/14 11:08:41 PM] bb: and while I was moping he asked 'did you vacume the front area by the bakery?' 'uh... no.' 'okay'
  70. [2/2/14 11:08:43 PM] bb: and that was it
  71. [2/2/14 11:08:50 PM] bb: and like I sort of thought he'd go do it
  72. [2/2/14 11:08:52 PM] bb: NOPE
  73. [2/2/14 11:08:56 PM] bb: instead he went outside
  74. [2/2/14 11:08:59 PM] bb: and had a SMOKE BREAK
  75. [2/2/14 11:09:04 PM] bb: while I was still working
  76. [2/2/14 11:09:10 PM] bb: and everyone else was done
  77. [2/2/14 11:09:19 PM] bb: so then I finished mopping
  78. [2/2/14 11:09:28 PM] bb: and had to do all the trash in the front and in the bathrooms
  79. [2/2/14 11:09:41 PM] bb: and had to check the back, make sure it looked nice
  80. [2/2/14 11:09:46 PM] bb: and then had to go vacum the front
  81. [2/2/14 11:09:53 PM] bb: also while I was mopping
  82. [2/2/14 11:10:25 PM] bb: he said 'thank you so much Lu I really appreciate it. What I would appreciate more is if you didn't look at me like this' and then he made a fucking mimic of my default expression
  83. [2/2/14 11:10:35 PM] bb: now my default expression is kinda... angry lookinfg
  84. [2/2/14 11:10:37 PM] bb: and tired
  85. [2/2/14 11:10:44 PM] bb: so I look tired and pissed off
  86. [2/2/14 11:11:08 PM] bb: and that just... ticked me off and I almost said to him 'well if you have a problem with my face you're gonna have to bring it up with my parents'
  87. [2/2/14 11:11:16 PM] bb: because my face just /looks/ like that
  88. [2/2/14 11:11:25 PM] bb: and that was when he went and took his smoke break
  89. [2/2/14 11:11:43 PM] bb: and then I finished cleaning the ENTIRE fucking front
  90. [2/2/14 11:11:56 PM] bb: I knocked on the office door and was like, I wanna go
  91. [2/2/14 11:12:06 PM] bb: and I went to pour myself a chai I'd already paid for
  92. [2/2/14 11:12:22 PM] bb: and he saw me and was like 'no no no' also he's got the most sterotypical, annoying, thick, French accent
  93. [2/2/14 11:12:35 PM] bb: and I was just like 'I paid for it already' cause I had
  94. [2/2/14 11:12:53 PM] bb: and he's just 'yeah? When?' 'earlier' and I pulled out the reciept and gave it to him
  95. [2/2/14 11:13:00 PM] bb: cause he's a fucking hard ass about this shit
  96. [2/2/14 11:13:13 PM] bb: oh no I'm going to drink .50 cents of product
  97. [2/2/14 11:13:27 PM] bb: and he gave me
  98. [2/2/14 11:13:28 PM] bb: SO
  99. [2/2/14 11:13:40 PM] bb: much fucking attitude
  100. [2/2/14 11:13:47 PM] bb: and was like 'you don't have to be so defensive'
  101. [2/2/14 11:13:53 PM] bb: and I literally didn't do anything
  102. [2/2/14 11:14:01 PM] bb: and I just said 'I'm tired man, I wanna go home'
  103. [2/2/14 11:14:10 PM] bb: and he was like 'well youhave a job, and so do I'
  104. [2/2/14 11:14:20 PM] bb: meaning make sure I'm not stealing or whatever
  105. [2/2/14 11:14:34 PM] bb: oh no I stole 20 oz of chai oh no
  106. [2/2/14 11:14:36 PM] bb: fuck you dude
  107. [2/2/14 11:14:39 PM] bb: and then I went home
  108. [2/2/14 11:14:50 PM] bb: I didn't leave work until 10:45
  109. [2/2/14 11:14:56 PM] bb: an hour and 45 mins AFTER we close
  110. [2/2/14 11:15:01 PM] bb: //heavy breathing
  111. [2/2/14 11:15:02 PM] bb: okay
  112. [2/2/14 11:15:03 PM] bb: I'm done
  113. [2/2/14 11:18:23 PM] bb: [2/2/14 11:15:18 PM] Kat: yo
  114. [2/2/14 11:15:19 PM] Kat: wtf
  115. [2/2/14 11:15:25 PM] Kat: hope you got paid over time
  116. [2/2/14 11:15:27 PM] Kat: because holy shit
  117. [2/2/14 11:15:29 PM] Kat: your boss
  118. [2/2/14 11:15:31 PM] Kat: is SATAN
  119. [2/2/14 11:15:41 PM] bb: he's just
  120. [2/2/14 11:15:43 PM] bb: STUPID
  121. [2/2/14 11:15:49 PM] bb: also
  122. [2/2/14 11:15:56 PM] Kat: i think you should change jobs xazz
  123. [2/2/14 11:15:58 PM] Kat: that shit
  124. [2/2/14 11:15:59 PM] Kat: is awful
  125. [2/2/14 11:16:11 PM] bb: usually managers let you get discounts whenever you work
  126. [2/2/14 11:16:19 PM] bb: basically however many you want cause people gotta eat
  127. [2/2/14 11:16:24 PM] bb: and this guy
  128. [2/2/14 11:16:30 PM] bb: was like 'no you already got your discount'
  129. [2/2/14 11:16:41 PM] bb: cause 'Panera policy' is you only get one discount meal
  130. [2/2/14 11:16:41 PM] bb: ...
  131. [2/2/14 11:17:05 PM] bb: I've never had a SINGLE manager (and we've had like 6 since I started working here) deny me a second discount
  132. [2/2/14 11:17:12 PM] bb: cause usually I eat before work
  133. [2/2/14 11:17:16 PM] bb: and then I eat during my break
  134. [2/2/14 11:17:20 PM] bb: cause I don't have food at home
  135. [2/2/14 11:17:24 PM] bb: like I only eat at work
  136. [2/2/14 11:17:28 PM] bb: and man
  137. [2/2/14 11:17:31 PM] bb: I sure do love Panera
  138. [2/2/14 11:17:37 PM] bb: and how it cares so much about the poor
  139. [2/2/14 11:17:38 PM] bb: and the needy
  140. [2/2/14 11:17:46 PM] bb: except; you know, when its their own fucking employees
  141. [2/2/14 11:23:01 PM] Nark Nark: man even like
  142. [2/2/14 11:23:07 PM] Nark Nark: subway is more chill than that
  143. [2/2/14 11:23:23 PM] bb: we used to have a great manager
  144. [2/2/14 11:23:24 PM] bb: but she left
  145. [2/2/14 11:23:36 PM] bb: like I'd rather close with michelle
  146. [2/2/14 11:23:41 PM] bb: like she's /lazy/ as shit
  147. [2/2/14 11:23:47 PM] bb: but at least she's fucking nice
  148. [2/2/14 11:24:44 PM] bb: and she would have actually HELPED me close
  149. [2/2/14 11:24:48 PM] bb: instead of pretending to help me
  150. [2/2/14 11:25:45 PM] Nark Nark: honestly it sounds like your management sucks balls and you should proooobably figure out how to send some kind of report about someone that dumb
  151. [2/2/14 11:26:07 PM] bb: and this doesn't cover
  152. [2/2/14 11:26:08 PM] bb: the fucking
  153. [2/2/14 11:26:15 PM] bb: 15-30 minutes I spend
  154. [2/2/14 11:26:23 PM] bb: every shift
  155. [2/2/14 11:26:28 PM] bb: cleaning up after the guy BEFORE ME
  156. [2/2/14 11:26:38 PM] bb: who can't fucking seem to figure out how to do shit
  157. [2/2/14 11:26:40 PM] bb: like omfg
  158. [2/2/14 11:26:43 PM] bb: it makes me so angry
  159. [2/2/14 11:26:53 PM] bb: I went to work today and I don't mind having a lot of dishes
  160. [2/2/14 11:27:00 PM] bb: cause that's what I do I'm a dish washer
  161. [2/2/14 11:27:05 PM] Nark Nark: yeah uh i would definitely send something in because no
  162. [2/2/14 11:27:07 PM] bb: but when shit isn't where its SUPPOSED TO BE
  163. [2/2/14 11:27:14 PM] bb: and it's been like this
  164. [2/2/14 11:27:16 PM] bb: for weeks
  165. [2/2/14 11:27:18 PM] Nark Nark: incompetent peers and an incompetent manager
  166. [2/2/14 11:27:23 PM] bb: I'm talking to Trish tomorrow
  167. [2/2/14 11:27:30 PM] Nark Nark: buuuuut
  168. [2/2/14 11:27:32 PM] bb: and I have photo proof
  169. [2/2/14 11:27:52 PM] bb: like I might
  170. [2/2/14 11:27:55 PM] bb: I'm so fucking
  171. [2/2/14 11:27:58 PM] Nark Nark: i did find it amusing that you're just like ._. to this guy and he MIMICKED YOU
  172. [2/2/14 11:28:04 PM] bb: YEAH
  173. [2/2/14 11:28:04 PM] Nark Nark: maybe you should just give him creepy annoyed smiles
  174. [2/2/14 11:28:12 PM] bb: lols
  175. [2/2/14 11:28:31 PM] bb: yeah basically I just kinda look like >| constantly
  176. [2/2/14 11:28:38 PM] bb: like my face just /looks/ like that
  177. [2/2/14 11:28:39 PM] Nark Nark: 'how was your smoke break?' c:
  178. [2/2/14 11:28:54 PM] Nark Nark: were the toilets that dirty? man cleaning those must've been sooooo hard
  179. [2/2/14 11:30:33 PM] bb: lols
  180. [2/2/14 11:30:40 PM] bb: I could be a passive agressive dick
  181. [2/2/14 11:30:42 PM] bb: I mean
  182. [2/2/14 11:30:46 PM] bb: you know I'm good at that shit
  183. [2/2/14 11:30:56 PM] Nark Nark: yeah and it's annoying but
  184. [2/2/14 11:31:03 PM] Nark Nark: this guy probably deserves it
  185. [2/2/14 11:32:16 PM] bb: also I mopped the back of the house
  186. [2/2/14 11:32:29 PM] bb: which I just did cause I was also mopping under the sinks and the walk in
  187. [2/2/14 11:32:36 PM] bb: and he was like 'lemmie give you a hug'
  188. [2/2/14 11:32:38 PM] bb: and I let him
  189. [2/2/14 11:32:47 PM] bb: cause w/e it was before I rralized he was shit bag
  190. [2/2/14 11:32:55 PM] bb: I s2g
  191. [2/2/14 11:33:01 PM] bb: if he ever tries to touch me again
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