

Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. can you find an angle if only given the the total time and total distance?
  2. 1 Vote • Comment on Hannah Jones's question • Flag Hannah Jones's comment about 3 hours ago by View profile for: Hannah Jones
  3. Well first break up the initial velocity into components:
  4. vx = vi cos θ (velocity in x direction)
  5. Solve for vi:
  6. vi = vx/cos θ
  7. We know distance and time, so vx = d/t which is a value.
  8. So vi = (d/t) / cos θ
  9. vy = vi sin θ (initial velocity in y direction)
  10. Substitute vi:
  11. vy = [(d/t) / cos θ] sin θ
  12. a = -9.8 m/s^2 is assumed
  13. So we have initial velocity in y direction, acceleration, and time.
  14. We can use the kinematic equation: vf = vy + a*t. If we substitute in what we know there are still 2 unknowns, vf and θ. What to do? We need another equation...
  15. Half the time. This is when we know vf = 0 as the object is at its maximum height:
  16. How about now?
  17. 0 = [ (d/t) / cos θ ] sin θ + a * (t/2)
  18. The only unknown is θ. Did we do it?? Test it on a problem that has all these variables!!
  19. 1 Vote • Comment on Sam Woon's question • Edit • Delete 14 minutes ago by View profile for: Sam Woon
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