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- import xbmcplugin
- import xbmcplugin
- import xbmc
- import xbmcgui
- import urllib
- import urllib2
- import sys
- import os
- import re
- import cookielib
- from datetime import datetime
- import time
- import demjson
- from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
- from BeautifulSoup import MinimalSoup
- import resources.lib._common as common
- from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, BeautifulStoneSoup
- #andyman 16.04.2013
- pluginhandle = int (sys.argv[1])
- BASE_URL = ""
- BASE = ""
- # def masterlist():
- # print "DEBUG Entering masterlist function"
- # data = common.getURL(BASE_URL)
- # tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- # menu=tree.find(attrs={'id' : 'videoContent'})
- # categories=menu.findAll('div', attrs={'id' : True}, recursive=False)
- # db_shows = []
- # for item in categories:
- # shows = item.findAll(attrs={'id' : 'show_block_interior'})
- # for show in shows:
- # name = show.find('img')['alt'].encode('utf-8')
- # thumb = BASE_URL + show.find('img')['src']
- # url = BASE + show.find('a')['href']
- # print name+'|'+thumb+'|'+url
- # if 'MacGyver' in name:
- # url += '?vs=Full%20Episodes'
- # #if 'daytime/lets_make_a_deal' in url:
- # #url = url.replace('daytime/lets_make_a_deal','shows/lets_make_a_deal')
- # if 'cbs_evening_news/video/' in url:
- # url = ''
- # elif 'shows/dogs_in_the_city/' in url:
- # url+='video/'
- # elif '/shows/3/' in url:
- # url+='video/'
- # elif '/shows/3/' in url:
- # url+='video/'
- # elif '/shows/nyc_22' in url:
- # name = 'NYC 22'
- # url+='video/'
- # db_shows.append((name,'cbs','showcats',url))
- # for show in stShows('',db=True):
- # db_shows.append(show)
- # return db_shows
- def rootlist():
- print "DEBUG Entering rootlist function"
- data = common.getURL(BASE_URL)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- menu=tree.find(attrs={'id' : 'daypart_nav'})
- categories=menu.findAll('a')
- for item in categories:
- if item['href'].find('javascript') == 0:
- catid = item['onclick'].replace("showDaypart('",'').replace("');",'')
- name = re.compile('<a.*>(.+)</a>').findall(str(item))[0].title()
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'shows', catid)
- common.setView('seasons')
- def shows(catid = common.args.url):
- print "DEBUG Entering shows function"
- xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
- data = common.getURL(BASE_URL)
- data = re.compile('<!-- SHOWS LIST -->(.*?)<!-- END SHOWS LIST -->',re.DOTALL).findall(data)[0]
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- categories=tree.findAll('div', attrs={'id' : True}, recursive=False)
- for item in categories:
- if item['id'] == catid:
- shows = item.findAll(attrs={'id' : 'show_block_interior'})
- for show in shows:
- name = show.find('img')['alt'].encode('utf-8')
- thumbnail = BASE + show.find('img')['src']
- url = show.find('a')['href']
- if 'MacGyver' in name:
- url += '?vs=Full%20Episodes'
- #if 'daytime/lets_make_a_deal' in url:
- #url = url.replace('daytime/lets_make_a_deal','shows/lets_make_a_deal')
- if 'cbs_evening_news' in url:
- url = ''
- elif 'shows/dogs_in_the_city/' in url:
- url+='video/'
- elif '/shows/partners/' in url:
- url+='video/'
- elif '/shows/elementary/' in url:
- url+='video/'
- elif '/shows/vegas/' in url:
- url+='video/'
- elif '/shows/nyc_22' in url:
- name = 'NYC 22'
- url+='video/'
- common.addShow(name, 'cbs', 'showcats', url)#, thumb=thumbnail)
- break
- #if catid == 'classics':
- #stShows('')
- xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL)
- common.setView('tvshows')
- def stShows(url = common.args.url,db=False):
- stbase = ''
- data = common.getURL(url)
- remove = re.compile('<!.*?">')
- data = re.sub(remove, '', data)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- stshows=tree.find('div',attrs={'id' : 'channels'}).findAll('li', attrs={'class' : True})
- st_shows = []
- for show in stshows:
- name = show['class'].replace('-',' ').title()
- thumb = stbase+show.find('img')['src']
- url = stbase+show.find('a')['href']
- if 'Star Trek' not in name:
- name = 'Star Trek '+name
- if db:
- st_shows.append((name,'cbs','stshowcats',url))
- else:
- common.addShow(name, 'cbs', 'stshowcats', url)#, thumb=thumb)
- if db:
- return st_shows
- def stshowcats(url = common.args.url):
- stbase = ''
- data = common.getURL(url)
- remove = re.compile('<!.*?">')
- data = re.sub(remove, '', data)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- stcats=tree.find('div',attrs={'id' : 'content'}).findAll('div', attrs={'class' : 'box_news'})
- for cat in stcats:
- name = cat.find('h4').contents[1].strip()
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'stvideos', url+'<name>'+name)
- common.setView('seasons')
- def stvideos(url = common.args.url):
- stbase = ''
- argname = url.split('<name>')[1]
- url = url.split('<name>')[0]
- stbase = ''
- data = common.getURL(url)
- remove = re.compile('<!.*?">')
- data = re.sub(remove, '', data)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- stcats=tree.find('div',attrs={'id' : 'content'}).findAll('div', attrs={'class' : 'box_news'})
- for cat in stcats:
- name = cat.find('h4').contents[1].strip()
- if name == argname:
- titleUrl=stbase+cat.find('a',attrs={'class' : 'title '})['onclick'].split("url:'")[1].split("'}); return")[0]
- if 'Full Episodes' in argname:
- titleUrl += '/page_full/1'
- stprocessvideos(titleUrl)
- common.setView('episodes')
- def stprocessvideos(purl):
- print "enter stprocessvideos"
- stbase = ''
- xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(pluginhandle, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL)
- data = common.getURL(purl)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- videos=tree.find(attrs={'class' : 'videos_container'}).findAll('li')
- for video in videos:
- thumb = video.find('img')['src']
- url = stbase+video.find('a')['href']
- try:
- showname,name = video.findAll('a')[1].string.split('-')
- except:
- name = video.findAll('a')[1].string
- showname = ''
- try:
- seasonepisode, duration = video.findAll('p')
- seasonepisode = seasonepisode.string.replace('Season ','').split(' Ep. ')
- season = int(seasonepisode[0])
- episode = int(seasonepisode[1])
- duration = duration.string.split('(')[1].replace(')','')
- except:
- season = 0
- episode = 0
- duration = ''
- if season <> 0 or episode <> 0:
- displayname = '%sx%s - %s' % (str(season),str(episode),name)
- else:
- displayname = name
- u = sys.argv[0]
- u += '?url="'+urllib.quote_plus(url)+'"'
- u += '&mode="cbs"'
- u += '&sitemode="playST"'
- infoLabels={ "Title":displayname,
- "Season":season,
- "Episode":episode,
- #"premiered":aired,
- "Duration":duration,
- "TVShowTitle":showname
- }
- common.addVideo(u,displayname,thumb,infoLabels=infoLabels)
- if len(videos) == 4:
- if '/page_full/' not in purl and '/page_other/' not in purl:
- nurl = purl+'/page_other/2'
- else:
- page = int(purl.split('/')[-1])
- nextpage = page + 1
- nurl = purl.replace('/'+str(page),'/'+str(nextpage))
- stprocessvideos(nurl)
- def showcats(url = common.args.url):
- data = common.getURL(url)
- #try:
- # var show = new CBS.Show({id:111381});
- # show_id = re.compile("new CBS\.Show\(id:(.*?)\);").findall(data)
- # url = ''+dir3+'/video/'+dir1+'/'+dir2+'/0/400/
- try:
- print 'CBS: Trying New Carousel'
- carousels = re.compile("loadUpCarousel\('(.*?)','(.*?)', '(.*?)', (.*?), true, stored").findall(data)
- carousels[0][0]
- for name,dir1,dir2,dir3 in carousels:
- url = ''+dir3+'/video/'+dir1+'/'+dir2+'/0/400/'
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'newvideos', url)
- except:
- print 'CBS: Carousel Failed'
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- try:
- print 'CBS: trying secondary-show-nav-wrapper'
- options = tree.find(attrs={'id' : 'secondary-show-nav-wrapper'})
- options = options.findAll('a')
- for option in options:
- name = option.string.encode('utf-8')
- url = BASE + option['href']
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'videos', url)
- print 'CBS: trying vid_module'
- options = tree.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'vid_module'})
- for option in options:
- moduleid = option['id']
- name = option.find(attrs={'class' : 'hdr'}).string
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'showsubcats', url+'<moduleid>'+moduleid)
- except:
- print 'CBS: secondary-show-nav-wrapper failed'
- print 'CBS: trying vid_module secondary'
- try:
- options = tree.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'vid_module'})
- print 'DEBUG: '+options
- for option in options:
- moduleid = option['id']
- name = option.find(attrs={'class' : 'hdr'}).string
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'showsubcats', url+'<moduleid>'+moduleid)
- except:
- print 'CBS: vid_module secondary failed'
- print 'CBS: trying 16.04.2013 id-carousel'
- categories = re.compile("id-carousel-(\d+)").findall(str(tree))
- for catid in categories:
- thisUrl = ''+catid+'/offset/0/limit/40/xs/{excludeShow}'
- data = common.getURL(thisUrl)
- name = demjson.decode(data)['result']['title']
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'newvideos2', thisUrl)
- common.setView('seasons')
- def showsubcats(url = common.args.url):
- moduleid = url.split('<moduleid>')[1]
- url = url.split('<moduleid>')[0]
- data = common.getURL(url)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- vid_module = tree.find(attrs={'id' : moduleid})
- PAGES(vid_module)
- common.setView('episodes')
- def videos(url = common.args.url):
- xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
- data = common.getURL(url)
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- print 'CBS: trying vid_module'
- try:
- options = tree.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'vid_module'})
- if len(options) == 1:
- PAGES(tree)
- else:
- for option in options:
- moduleid = option['id']
- name = option.find(attrs={'class' : 'hdr'}).string
- common.addDirectory(name, 'cbs', 'showsubcats', url+'<moduleid>'+moduleid)
- except:
- PAGES(tree)
- common.setView('episodes')
- def newvideos(url = common.args.url):
- data = common.getURL(url)
- itemList = demjson.decode(data)['itemList']
- for video in itemList:
- url = video['pid']
- description = video['description']
- thumb = video['thumbnail']
- seriesTitle = video['seriesTitle']
- title = video['label']
- try:episodeNum = int(video['episodeNum'])
- except:episodeNum = 0
- try:seasonNum = int(video['seasonNum'])
- except:seasonNum = 0
- duration = int(video['duration'])
- airDate = video['_airDate']
- rating = video['rating']
- u = sys.argv[0]
- u += '?url="'+urllib.quote_plus(url)+'"'
- u += '&mode="cbs"'
- u += '&sitemode="play"'
- displayname = '%sx%s - %s' % (seasonNum,episodeNum,title)
- infoLabels={ "Title":title,
- "Plot":description,
- "Season":seasonNum,
- "Episode":episodeNum,
- "premiered":airDate,
- "Duration":str(duration),
- "mpaa":rating,
- "TVShowTitle":seriesTitle
- }
- common.addVideo(u,displayname,thumb,infoLabels=infoLabels)
- common.setView('episodes')
- def newvideos2(url = common.args.url):
- data = common.getURL(url)
- itemList = demjson.decode(data)['result']['data']
- for video in itemList:
- # data from JSON file
- vurl = BASE + video['url']
- thumb = video['thumb']['large']
- seriesTitle = video['series_title']
- title = video['label']
- # need to fetch the video URL for the rest of the meta data
- videodata = common.getURL(vurl)
- videotree=BeautifulSoup(videodata, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- description = videotree.find('meta',attrs={'name' : 'description'})['content'].replace("\\'",'"')
- #16.04.2013 - airdate is now in JSON
- try:
- airdatediv = videotree.find('div',attrs={'class' : 'airdate'})
- aird1 = str(airdatediv).split('<')[1].split(':')[1].strip()
- aird2 = datetime.strptime(aird1, '%m/%d/%y')
- airDate = datetime.strftime(aird2, '%Y-%m-%d')
- except:
- airDate = 0
- metadiv = videotree.find('div',attrs={'class' : 'title'})
- # <span>S6 Ep18 (20:12) --> [(u'6', u'18', u'20', u'12')]
- meta = re.compile("<span>S(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\:(\d+)").findall(str(metadiv))
- try:episodeNum = int(meta[0][1])
- except:episodeNum = 0
- try:seasonNum = int(meta[0][0])
- except:seasonNum = 0
- try:duration = int(meta[0][2])
- except:duration = int('0')
- #rating = video['rating']
- rating = 0
- u = sys.argv[0]
- u += '?url="'+urllib.quote_plus(vurl)+'"'
- u += '&mode="cbs"'
- u += '&sitemode="play"'
- displayname = '%sx%s - %s' % (seasonNum,episodeNum,title)
- infoLabels={ "Title":title,
- "Plot":description,
- "Season":seasonNum,
- "Episode":episodeNum,
- "premiered":airDate,
- "Duration":str(duration),
- "mpaa":rating,
- "TVShowTitle":seriesTitle
- }
- common.addVideo(u,displayname,thumb,infoLabels=infoLabels)
- common.setView('episodes')
- def PAGES( tree ):
- try:
- print 'starting PAGES'
- try:
- search_elements = tree.find(attrs={'name' : 'searchEl'})['value']
- return_elements = tree.find(attrs={'name' : 'returnEl'})['value']
- except:
- print 'CBS: search and return elements failed'
- try:
- last_page = tree.find(attrs={'id' : 'pagination0'}).findAll(attrs={'class' : 'vids_pag_off'})[-1].string
- last_page = int(last_page) + 1
- except:
- print 'CBS: last page failed reverting to default'
- last_page = 2
- for pageNum in range(1,last_page):
- values = {'pg' : str(pageNum),
- 'repub' : 'yes',
- 'displayType' : 'twoby',
- 'search_elements' : search_elements,
- 'return_elements' : return_elements,
- 'carouselId' : '0',
- 'vs' : 'Default',
- 'play' : 'true'
- }
- url = ''
- data = common.getURL(url, values)
- except:
- print 'Pages Failed'
- def VIDEOLINKS( data ):
- print "Entering VIDEOLINKS function"
- tree=BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
- vidfeed=tree.find(attrs={'class' : 'vids_feed'})
- videos = vidfeed.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'floatLeft','style' : True})
- for video in videos:
- thumb = video.find('img')['src']
- vidtitle = video.find(attrs={'class' : 'vidtitle'})
- pid = vidtitle['href'].split('pid=')[1].split('&')[0]
- displayname = vidtitle.string.encode('utf-8')
- try:
- title = displayname.split('-')[1].strip()
- series = displayname.split('-')[0].strip()
- except:
- print 'title/series metadata failure'
- title = displayname
- series = ''
- metadata = video.find(attrs={'class' : 'season_episode'}).renderContents()
- try:
- duration = metadata.split('(')[1].replace(')','')
- except:
- print 'duration metadata failure'
- duration = ''
- try:
- aired = metadata.split('<')[0].split(':')[1].strip()
- except:
- print 'air date metadata failure'
- aired = ''
- try:
- seasonepisode = thumb.split('/')[-1].split('_')[2]
- if 3 == len(seasonepisode):
- season = int(seasonepisode[:1])
- episode = int(seasonepisode[-2:])
- elif 4 == len(seasonepisode):
- season = int(seasonepisode[:2])
- episode = int(seasonepisode[-2:])
- if season <> 0 or episode <> 0:
- displayname = '%sx%s - %s' % (str(season),str(episode),title)
- except:
- print 'season/episode metadata failed'
- season = 0
- episode = 0
- u = sys.argv[0]
- u += '?url="'+urllib.quote_plus(pid)+'"'
- u += '&mode="cbs"'
- u += '&sitemode="play"'
- infoLabels={ "Title":title,
- "Season":season,
- "Episode":episode,
- "premiered":aired,
- "Duration":duration,
- "TVShowTitle":series
- }
- common.addVideo(u,displayname,thumb,infoLabels=infoLabels)
- common.setView('episodes')
- def clean_subs(data):
- br = re.compile(r'<br.*?>')
- br_2 = re.compile(r'\n')
- tag = re.compile(r'<.*?>')
- space = re.compile(r'\s\s\s+')
- sub = br.sub('\n', data)
- sub = tag.sub(' ', sub)
- sub = br_2.sub('<br/>', sub)
- sub = space.sub(' ', sub)
- return sub
- def convert_subtitles(subtitles, output):
- subtitle_data = subtitles
- subtitle_data = subtitle_data.replace("\n","").replace("\r","")
- subtitle_data = BeautifulStoneSoup(subtitle_data)
- subtitle_array = []
- srt_output = ''
- print "CBS: --> Converting subtitles to SRT"
- #self.update_dialog('Converting Subtitles to SRT')
- lines = subtitle_data.findAll('p') #split the file into lines
- for line in lines:
- if line is not None:
- #print "LINE: " + str(line)
- #print "LINE BEGIN: " + str(line['begin'])
- sub=str(clean_subs(str(line)))
- try:
- newsub=sub
- sub = BeautifulStoneSoup(sub, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.ALL_ENTITIES)
- except:
- sub=newsub
- #print "CURRENT SUB: " + str(sub)
- begin_time = line['begin']
- end_time = line['end']
- start_split =begin_time.split(".")
- end_split =end_time.split(".")
- timestamp = "%s,%s" % (start_split[0], start_split[1])
- end_timestamp = "%s,%s" % (end_split[0], end_split[1])
- #print "TIMESTAMP " + str(timestamp) + " " + str(end_timestamp)
- temp_dict = {'start':timestamp, 'end':end_timestamp, 'text':sub}
- subtitle_array.append(temp_dict)
- for i, subtitle in enumerate(subtitle_array):
- line = str(i+1)+"\n"+str(subtitle['start'])+" --> "+str(subtitle['end'])+"\n"+str(subtitle['text'])+"\n\n"
- srt_output += line
- file = open(os.path.join(common.pluginpath,'resources','cache',output+'.srt'), 'w')
- file.write(srt_output)
- file.close()
- print "CBS: --> Successfully converted subtitles to SRT"
- #self.update_dialog('Conversion Complete')
- return True
- def playST(url = common.args.url):
- print "Entering playST function"
- if 'watch_episode' in url:
- pid=url.split('/')[-1]
- play(pid)
- else:
- data=common.getURL(url)
- url = re.compile("flowplayer\\('flow_player', '.*?', '(.*?)'\\)").findall(data)[0]
- item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url)
- xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(pluginhandle, True, item)
- def play(url = common.args.url):
- print "DEBUG Entering play function"
- swfUrl = ''
- if 'http://' in url:
- data=common.getURL(url)
- try:
- pid = re.compile(' = "(.*?)";').findall(data)[0]
- except:
- pid = re.compile(" = '(.*?)';").findall(data)[0]
- else:
- pid = url
- #url = "" + pid
- url = "" % pid
- if (common.settings['enableproxy'] == 'true'):
- proxy = True
- else:
- proxy = False
- data=common.getURL(url,proxy=proxy)
- tree=BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES)
- if (common.settings['enablesubtitles'] == 'true'):
- closedcaption = tree.find('param',attrs={'name':'ClosedCaptionURL'})
- if (closedcaption is not None):
- xml_closedcaption = common.getURL(closedcaption['value'])
- convert_subtitles(xml_closedcaption,pid)
- rtmpbase = tree.find('meta')
- if rtmpbase:
- rtmpbase = rtmpbase['base']
- items=tree.find('switch').findAll('video')
- hbitrate = -1
- sbitrate = int(common.settings['quality']) * 1024
- for item in items:
- bitrate = int(item['system-bitrate'])
- if bitrate > hbitrate and bitrate <= sbitrate:
- hbitrate = bitrate
- playpath = item['src']
- if '.mp4' in playpath:
- playpath = 'mp4:'+playpath
- else:
- playpath = playpath.replace('.flv','')
- finalurl = rtmpbase+' playpath='+playpath + " swfurl=" + swfUrl + " swfvfy=true"
- item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=finalurl)
- xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(pluginhandle, True, item)
- if (common.settings['enablesubtitles'] == 'true') and (closedcaption is not None):
- while not xbmc.Player().isPlaying():
- print 'CBS--> Not Playing'
- xbmc.sleep(100)
- subtitles = os.path.join(common.pluginpath,'resources','cache',pid+'.srt')
- print "CBS --> Setting subtitles"
- xbmc.Player().setSubtitles(subtitles)
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