
Blueberry and Sandstone's special night.

Jul 1st, 2017
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  1. >You are a batty.
  2. >Everyone's favorite batty! Blueberry!
  3. >Or perhaps not, you never had such narcissistic tendencies, so who knew. Maybe ponies didn't like you that much.
  4. >After all a bat in ponyvile, merely a silly thing to think.
  5. >Bats belonged in hollow shades!
  6. >Yes, that place, place you weren't in right now. Sucks.
  7. >Either case, you'd drop your negative thoughts, slowly getting up from the bed.
  8. >You did have quite some things to do today!
  9. >And uhm, yeah, things, but it was morning, it wasn't even close to nighttime. Not yet it wasn't.
  10. >Not like you could flick the sun and make day into night, that was princess's job.
  11. >Or at least, so you got told by your parents, and in the school.
  12. >Either way, you would rub your cute, big eyes a bit as you'd stand up, trotting off to the bathroom.
  13. >To brush your mane, and wash your teeth of course! Had to be a clean batty, not a smelly batty.
  14. >Who would want to spend a whole night with a smelly batty. No one, of course!
  15. >So, after finishing those basic hygiene tasks, you'd walk out, and go for the living room.
  16. >Too bad there was still no one, were your parents asleep?
  17. >Well, you weren't gonna bother them now anyways. You'd walk out of the house, only to get greeted by your mortal enemy.
  18. >The sun. The brightness assaulting your sensitive eyes. You'd jump, and glide to the nearest shade, shield your eyes.
  19. >Too bad you couldn't see with your eyes closed, and as such you'd end up hitting your head on the ground, ouch.
  20. >Not too hard, thankfully. You'd shake your head, blinking a few times, before opening your eyes.
  21. >It wasn't that bad now, your eyes adapted a slight bit, that and you were in a shade. Were the ponies to see you, they'd probably think you're insane.
  22. >Hiding away from sunlight. But you weren't, you were a bat, and it hurt your eyes! Horrible!
  23. >You were sometimes really jealous of Sandstone, what for fact he had magic, and normal eyes, lucky!
  24. >And all you had was those super light sensitive eyes and a great hearing. Super useful in this already bright and loud world. Right.
  25. >You'd sit under the tree, pondering over your existence for like, ten minutes, before getting over yourself and standing up, taking a walk.
  26. >You really needed to get a watch, something to put on your hoof and check the time. You never really knew the time.
  27. >That was actually a solid idea. You'd stop, turn around, and start trotting home.
  28. >You'd arrive a few good minutes later, opening the door, and greeting your parents, who were both in the living room now. Yis.
  29. >You'd walk up to your mother, poking her.
  30. "Hey, uhm, mom, could you like maybe buy me a watch..?"
  31. >You'd speak, maybe it was a bit of a weird request coming from you, but you needed a watch!
  32. >She'd look at you, before nodding.
  33. "Okay, how much is it. Don't get the most expensive one, why do you need a watch, though?"
  34. >"Well, I always have to estimate the time when I'm supposed to be home and like. I never know!"
  35. >She'd nod.
  36. "Hm, good enough of a reason, you do go out a lot. Okay, well, take those thirty bits, and buy yourself a watch, your pick."
  37. "Should be enough for a small, wrist one. That's what you want right?"
  38. >You'd nod. Of course you did, something to wear on your hoof!
  39. >You'd take the money, and pocket it away. Nodding.
  40. >"Can do! Thanks mom."
  41. >She'd just smile, and you'd, very cautiously. Leave the house, this time not getting your eyes raped by the sun.
  42. >Even if it was at the peak right now. Awful. You'd trot over to a store that read "clocks" in pretty big letters.
  43. >You'd trot inside, a chocolate colored mare greeting you.
  44. "Hello, little one. What do you need?"
  45. >You were surprised by her being that nice, but whatever. You needed to buy stuff!
  46. >And so you would speak up.
  47. >"Well, uhm. A watch, small one. Would be nice if it was silver, simple one would be nice. Leather, if possible.
  48. >Wouldn't want metal on my fur, uncomfy.
  49. >She'd nod.
  50. "Okay, and how much money do you have?"
  51. >"Uhm." You'd take out all of your thirty bits, and hand them over to her.
  52. >"There!"
  53. "Ah, I see. Well, give me a few seconds, okay. I might have something in the storage."
  54. >You'd nod, standing there for a little while.
  55. >She'd return pretty quickly, indeed a probably not true silver watch in her hooves. It even had a picture of a mango imprinted underneath. Transparent! Fancy.
  56. >"Youu sure it's only thirty bits?"
  57. >She'd chuckle, taking your money and putting the watch around your wrist. You didn't resist. You'd let her.
  58. "Well, it's actually forty five, but. You're the first bat I've seen in a while, and I find your kind rather interesting, so, enjoy it. And take good care of it!
  59. >You'd nod, you sure were gonna! You'd trot out of the store, waving the clerk goodbye.
  60. >You'd take a glance at your brand new watch, seeing that it was about 3PM now. Still warm and bright.
  61. >You spend quite a long time shopping for watches, indeed.
  62. >But, hey it was important.
  63. >Well, you still had a lot of time to kill, maybe it was a perfect time to go ahead and take a small walk around the town. A five hour walk, bwuh.
  64. >And, so you would, you could do this, maybe even practice your flying a bit. Certainly couldn't hurt.
  65. >You'd take off, flying until you'd find an isolated, clean area. You hoped for a training ground, but that was up in cloudsdale. No way you were flying that high.
  66. >Bats were never built to be performance fliers. More of endurance fliers than anything.
  67. >Though, the free space gave you quite a bit of time to work up your speed, and certainly practice certain things like timing wing flaps.
  68. >Important for thrust, and really speed in general. Plus, it gave your wings quite some exercise.
  69. >You'd keep practicing in the open area until the sun would slowly start going down. By then you worked up quite the sweat, you'd probably have to take a shower, buh!
  70. >You'd float down, trotting over to a nearby river, and drinking. Dunking your head in the water and drinking, no time for fancy things like glasses.
  71. >Because, well, you were a thirstsy pon!
  72. >You'd take a glance at your clock, and sure enough, it was seemingly 7 already, getting late. You'd slowly fly to your house, all drenched in sweat and stuff. Horrible!
  73. >You couldn't do loving things with Sandstone like that, nyeh.
  74. >You'd head off home, opening the door, you were now a smelly bat indeed.
  75. >So, you'd off to the shower, and turn on the water, take some shampoo as well, and wash the sweat, and quite a bit of grime off you.
  76. >At least your wings didn't get nearly as dirty as a Pegasus's might. Just a small benefit, at least.
  77. >After taking a short shower, you'd be proud to call yourself a clean batty now, yes.
  78. >Though, moment you'd exit, right after making sure you were well dried off, you'd hear a knock on the door.
  79. >You didn't have the time to open it your mom would beat you to it, but you would indeed, see someone you were expecting.
  80. >So, he managed to convince his parents after all, good good.
  81. >"Hello, Sandstone." you'd say with a slight, playful grin on your face.
  82. "Heya, Blue."
  83. >"Soo, made it, eh?"
  84. >He'd nod, looking over at you, until he'd spot your new watch.
  85. "Nice watch."
  86. >You'd nod. "Thanksie! I figured I'd get one, because I always keep trying to figure out what time it is. And now I don't have to!"
  87. "Mh, cute. Fits your hoof nicely."
  88. >"Yeah, I know." "So. Yesterday."
  89. "Of course, that's why I'm here."
  90. >"Kaay, let's go over to my room.", you'd speak with a slight blush, dragging him off, before opening the door, trotting inside with your lover, you'd close the windows, and the doors shortly after.
  91. >The already dim room suddenly going dark. This meant no issues for you, but for poor Sandstone.
  92. >You'd flick the light on, it wasn't as bright as the sunlight, didn't hurt your eyes at least.
  93. >You'd boop him, sitting down and speaking up.
  94. >He'd sit down in front of you, dangerously close to you. You were really within pinning range for him.
  95. "You said you could go a whole night. And, heck, even challenged me. So, let's do this."
  96. >You'd giggle, laying down on your back, you didn't even care you weren't on a bed, you had a carpet, so floor wasn't THAT bad.
  97. >He'd however, look at you silly, before, moving his hoof to your nether region, and starting to rub on your fillyclit.
  98. "Oh, come on, I'm not gonna fuck you silly if we're gonna last all night, we have to take things slowly. I doubt neither you, or me will be going after we cum."
  99. >You'd snort, w-well, hey you totally could.
  100. >"I-I could!"
  101. "Yes yes, I'm sure you could."
  102. >And without letting you react, he'd use his second hoof to rub at your vagina, and sure enough the sensations proved to be rather intense, your clit slowly starting to wink as your fillyhood would get all wet and glistening.
  103. >You'd let out a moan, a big red blush on your blue cheeks being very obvious.
  104. >He'd stop, giggling, you could indeed, notice that his shaft was poking out of it's sheat, and you didn't even touch him! He really did like pleasuring you.
  105. >"H-hey, why did you stop!"
  106. "Oh? You want me to keep going. I'm sorry, you should of said so~"
  107. >You'd pout™ but soon enough, he'd continue.
  108. >And, as soon as he would, you'd be back into the rather consistent moans, which would get a bit more intense by every passing moment.
  109. >A small pool of juices pooling below the two of you, a mixture of his pre, and your femjuices eventually mixing together, a strong scent of sex in the air.
  110. >Even if the two of you haven't really even started having sex, just how were you gonna last whole night. This was like, ten minutes in!
  111. >W-well, you had to, you said you could, and you'll totes deliver.
  112. >You'd take a deep breath, feeling yourself getting closer and closer.
  113. >"U-uhm, I'm p-pretty close!"
  114. >You'd squeak out, he'd stop at this, and lay down, placing his mouth on your girl bits, his tongue flicking between your clit, and your depths.
  115. >And, despite the fact he didn't even put anything in you, you'd be brought to your--probably first of many--orgasms of the night, biting your lip as you'd climax, a moan escaping your lips.
  116. >Even more of your femjuices would trickle down your girl bits and onto the carpet, though, most ending up into his mouth, he'd pull away a few seconds after, going back to rubbing your girl bits.
  117. >You felt waay more sensitive after that, but, you could manage, if anything, it might get a bit more intense m-maybe!
  118. >He'd, however, pull away a few more seconds, noticing the look on your face. That and the fact your bits were now all puffy and red, phew.
  119. >He'd stand over you, his forehooves pinning yours, his shaft placed against the entrance to your tunnel.
  120. >You'd speak up, though, still panting from the intense orgasm.
  121. >"H-hold on, i-if you finish now y-you won't be able to keep going."
  122. >He'd grin.
  123. "You sure? You seem to be fine after that~ Little slut." He'd say in a teasy voice.
  124. >You'd scrunch, why you were no such a thing, he was more than anything!
  125. >"Yeah? Alright, go ahead, but if you fall asleep, I'm gonna ride you until you get me off again! So, just remember what /you/ said!"
  126. >He'd just snort, bringing his muzzle close to your, exhaling his hot, warm, air into your face, before getting even closer, and kissing you deeply.
  127. >And moment he would, he'd thrust forward, pushing his entire length inside of you, you'd let out another moan, right into his mouth. You always wondered how that felt!
  128. >He'd stay buried deep inside of you, pulling away from your kiss, and letting out a moan, his look being quite a bit slutty, your tongue rolled out as he'd break the kiss, it was HOT!
  129. >As in, hot in the room, no ventilation, and there was sex, a lot of it going on!
  130. >"P-phew, what's a little colt gonna do, finish already? I'm surprised you didn't cum as you went inside my tight, small cunt~"
  131. >And, indeed you said this in a very teasy voice, maybe you were a bit of a slut. A bit, that wasn't so bad, right. W-was only with him anyways!
  132. "I-I just might!" "What's a little slut gonna do about it, then, hm?"
  133. >You actually felt really nice, your fillyhood was accustomed to his length, not that you had issues doing it for the /first/ time with him, subsequent was even easier, just slided in all the waay!
  134. >Though, you were a bit spooked about pregnancy, you weren't ten anymore, and apparently heats meant a chance to get pregnant. Hm.
  135. >You'd grab his flanks, pushing him away, and pulling him in.
  136. >"Fuck myself~" You'd say with a shit eating grin. Which was essentially what you were GOING to do if he didn't start fucking you.
  137. >Well, now was no time to worry about getting pregnant, you were just gonna take the risk this night, but, you were absolutely gonna have a talk about it with your mom.
  138. >Tomorrow, maybe even. Hm. Should have the talk with Sandstone as well maybe.
  139. >You'd shake those thoughts out shortly enough though, now you were busy, to que your own words. "fucking yourself" yes.
  140. >He'd push your hooves away and start picking up the pace.
  141. "Now now, I'm certain I can fuck you well enough, can't I?"
  142. >"Not with the way you've been going you can't~", you'd say with a grin, and indeed, he'd start slowly, and sensually leading the dance.
  143. >Or rather, sweaty foal sex, but hey. That was so you, not him, he was the sucker for romance.
  144. >Though, unfortunately for you, your poor lover wouldn't last too long, not that you expected him too, he hasn't just started, he already got you off once too.
  145. >Your moans alone would be probably enough to get him off, phew.
  146. >He'd let out a cute, and albeit not in a batty-specific tone, still a rather girly moan as he'd climax, shooting his load inside of you.
  147. >And there was quite a bit of that, there was always quite a bit with him, maybe he was just gifted in that way.
  148. >All the more reasons to keep him forever! O-Or, well you hoped you would!
  149. >You'd blink at him, smirking. Of course, it felt nice, but not nice to the point it'd get you to cum again, just enough to get you to moan in time with him, just as he'd finish inside of you.
  150. >He'd remain hilted in you, he wasn't even going fast, and yet he just, came. Phew.
  151. >"Oh? Little colt's already all spent, shame. Guess I win the deal then, I can go all night, you can't~"
  152. >He'd snort, booping you, yes. Booping you in the middle of sex.
  153. "W-what, no, I-I'll s-show ya I-I can go more!"
  154. >You'd blink. "Yeah? How about you lick me clean and go another round then~"
  155. >He'd nod, slowly pulling out of you, you'd let out a sigh of disappointment as his would, you liked the way he felt deep inside of you, even after climax--heck, especially after climax.
  156. >The warm feeling of hot, sticky seed inside of you!
  157. >He would then place his mouth against your other set of lips, the ones below, of course, and start licking away.
  158. >"And, you don't mind licking your own cum?"
  159. >He'd stop, pulling away and looking at you, but, he did keep rubbing away at your fillyclit.
  160. "You do mind drinking your own fillycum?"
  161. >You'd shake your head, letting out a soft moan. Seems like you were going to have TWO orgasms this night, maybe even three, after all, they say third time's luck or something.
  162. >"Of course not, it's pretty tasty, if anything." "But it's nothing like yours, yours is sticky, warm, and uhm, pretty hard to swallow."
  163. >He'd keep at it, smiling.
  164. "Well, of course, you are a filly, and I'm a colt, our genitals differ a whole bunch. And their functions, but point stands, it's the same situation as yours, I don't mind, sure it's a bit hard to swallow down as you said."
  165. "But, eh you get used to it, feels nice inside tummy anyways, it's warm. It's the same feeling as if you were to like, eat a warm bowl of soup, yeah."
  166. >Well, he had a point, sure. You'd nod, you did understand it a bit better now.
  167. >"You have a good point, I think I got you, yeah." "Just, most fillies would be freaked out by a colt doing that."
  168. "Well, hey. I'm freaked out by having a nympho as as my mate."
  169. >You'd scrunch. "H-hey, shut up, you like it as much as I do, s-sex feels nice."
  170. >He'd raise his brow, stopping his rubbing, and slowly aligning his shaft with your lips once again.
  171. "Oh? Well, hey I never said I don't, I'm just saying I could keep my sex drive in check." "If I didn't have you around, you who wouldn't live a week without asking me for sex. Especially now, during summer~"
  172. >You'd keep silent, whatever, he wasn't lying. You would however, retaliate at that. "Oh? You would never say no to my offer. You're just as bad as me." "So, are you gonna fuck, or just keep that hard thing poking against me the entire night, hm?"
  173. "Hm?", he'd blink, seemingly completely lost the track of what he was doing. How did he manage to stay hard while talking, even?
  174. "Oh, true, of course I wouldn't, you're way too good to say no to~" "That, and I don't wanna deal with an annoyed filly pouting at me because I don't want to fuck her."
  175. >You'd scrunch, but before you could say anything, he'd once again hilt himself deeply in you, not even caring for any residue of cum that might of been left over.
  176. >But, with how much you've been forcing him to lick you out, almost on a daily basis, he's actually gotten quite good at it.
  177. >You'd let out a moan as he would, but followed shortly by a low-toned, and ridiculously stretched out Eee~
  178. >He'd start thrusting in and out of you once again, in a pretty slow pace, though. Just how were you gonna get off like thiis!
  179. "P-Plus, you're a bat, quite an incredible little thing, and that's saying much, because, you did allow me to get by with a unicorn." "She was great, but you." "Naah, you're different, think I even said it before, but doesn't hurt to say again!"
  180. >You'd roll your eyes, "Shut up and fuck, okay?"
  181. >He indeed, spoke a BIT too much, going off topic about things, though, he'd stop rather abruptly, with his cock inside of you, still. He'd crash onto your chest, panting.
  182. >"Heey, why did ya just stop?"
  183. >He'd slowly lift himself off your chest again, and try, but really to no avail, he'd let out a few pants, whining.
  184. "I can't Blue, I'm just, it's not like it hurts or anything, it feels nice, but I can't keep going, so tired!"
  185. >"And to think you said you could go for a round two? Please."
  186. >You'd pull him on top of you, and roll around, until you'd end up on top.
  187. >And, all fo that without him pulling out at all. All nice, and warm and deep inside of you, yish.
  188. >He'd blink, booping you softly.
  189. >"Just don't go soft on me, kay? I-I think I'll hold out this round."
  190. >He'd nod speaking up shortly after.
  191. "I'll try, try not to fall asleep!"
  192. >You wouldn't speak much more, and start gettin' it on in the way you intended to.
  193. >By riding his cute coltdick, that's how!
  194. >And you'd start out hard, not holding back at all, in and out, until his tip was barely left in, before slamming yourself back down, past the medial rings, and to the bare bottom.
  195. >You could take him, he wasn't that big, just, a bit uncomfy at start, but pretty great later on, just the way nature intended it to bee!
  196. >You'd keep up at this, going as much as your little hips would allow you to as you'd approach your orgasm closer and closer.
  197. >You were probably going to regret it the next morning, but fuck that, there was no time like tonight, a bit of soreness with no lasting effects wasn't a big deal, not with the way he was adorably squeaking each time you'd slam down, all the while keeping his cute eyes closed!
  198. >You'd soon enough feel him flaring inside of you his tip basically pushing against your cervix at that point a couple of seconds later, a warm, familiar feeling of cum filling you, though seemingly a lot less than first time, you couldn't notice if he was reacting at all, but you had no time to, a bit too lost in your own pleasure.
  199. >And, surely enough, not a few seconds after your--second, and probably the last orgasm of the night would hit you, way way harder than the first one, you'd easily compare the intensity to getting smacked in face with a ball.
  200. >With a big, hard ball, and not in a way that'd hurt, in a way that causes total bliss instead of the pain one would regularly expect, you'd let out a loud moan, which was probably getting through that door, and into the rest of the house. Yes that meant your parents could hear you!
  201. >Though, who knew how much they'd mind, you're remain sitting on his shaft moments after your orgasm, a mixture of foal juices leaking past his belly and onto the floor below, which was already messy as is.
  202. >The both of you were a mess right now, your mane was ruined, probably as messy as Tulip girl's was. Maybe even worse!
  203. >You'd look at your seemingly passed out lover, and kiss him, slowly sliding off his shaft, only to collapse on him a few seconds later. N-no way you could go all night, sure it was only past midnight, as much as your blurry vision allowed you to see, but no way.
  204. >Two was plenty, no, two was way too much, one round of sex was totally what you were going to stick with from now on.
  205. >You'd remain lying on him, closing your eyes and dozing off, you'd probably drool on him the entire night,'d have quite a lot of mess to clean up.
  206. >Yourself, your room, and probably your coltfriend was he to oversleep, but ah, you were going to worry about that tomorrow.
  207. >For now you simply lay your head on him, dozing off, not even caring that your little cunt was leaking cum all over the place.
  208. >Not like you were gonna end up with a foal anyways, not in season!
  209. >Yeah. Everything was gonna be alright.
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