
Physique Anons' Link Hub

Sep 13th, 2012
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  1. For the moment, covering my ass. Tripcode if stated otherwise; !9rHE.7oeZM
  3. Character 101
  4. Textures 102
  5. Custom CheatEngine
  6. Personal Facedatas
  8. Updated Cheat Engine Table (October 9th)
  10. If there's anything you think should be added or if there's something not really clear (most of which should be, please do read through the appropriate segment before..) then feel free to query me in the general by starting with 'Physique Anon'
  12. If I'm not there to respond in time I'll add it to the bottom of this page and keep it there for about a day.
  14. --
  15. (October 24th)
  16. "Physique Anon, hoping you're here.
  17. Any luck in finding the value to change one's gfwl name?"
  18. I've also stated this before, but I can't find what I don't have.
  20. (October 24th)
  21. "Hey, how do I contact Physiqueanon? I'd like to have some cheat engine stuff that revived bosses, gravelorded your own world, removed covenant restrictions on miracles and items. I don't honestly know how to do it, and I don't think anyone has considered doing these before."
  22. Boss revival is near impossible to find and I have tried. I'm fairly sure covenant restrictions are directly tied to covenant you are in, and would also be impossible to change. Self-gravelording as I have stated is not possible for me to find because that would mean having to repeatedly getting BP-spawn gravelorded.
  24. (October 18th)
  25. "Where is Physique Anon"
  26. Right here, next to Carmen Sandiego and Waldo.
  28. (October 17th)
  29. "Physique, have you been able to find out how to attack ghost NPCs in worlds of people? I.e. The giant blacksmith in anor londo?"
  30. Firstly, ask GFWL Souls. I don't have online capabilities, biggest reason being insufficient framerate for it.
  31. Secondly, don't. I won't give you a tirade about why not since I couldn't dissuade you from it one way or another.
  33. (October 7th)
  34. "How can I effectively alter the "sin" value (NOT indictments)?"
  35. Well, the sin value is an on/off counter, but to my extent, I can't find what accesses the neutral reset that Oswald of Carim can do. It may be something else entirely, and could be why the pointer I found that at least reset the NPC but didn't make him friendly (stuck in neutral, idle animation, could attack indefinitely without response)
  36. In a few words: It'd require an extensive script, of which I am not that well versed in. Sorry.
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