
Anonpencil Writes Drunk: A Helping Hand (Oneshot)

Aug 11th, 2013
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  1. “Look, I know it’s not my place, and it’s a lot to ask…”
  2. >The baby dragon fumbles for words and clicks his two front claws together.
  3. “What is it Spike?”
  4. >He swallows hard and looks at the floor, as if it might have some confidence for him.
  5. >You don’t think you’ve seen him this redfaced or nervous before. Not even that time you caught him anally pleasuring himself with Twilight’s Tiara. You don’t think the two of you ever really spoke about that incident, but that’s just fucking fine with you. Better he didn’t know you’d tried it too just the night before.
  6. “Well, there’s the pony I like.”
  7. “Rarity?”
  8. >He looks up in surprise.
  9. “Yeah, how’s you know?” he says uncomfortably.
  10. “Spike, buddy, everyone knows.”
  11. “Well, not her. At least I don’t think so,” he says with a sigh. “I just want one chance with her so…could you… maybe?”
  12. “Maybe what?”
  13. “Put in a good word for me? Set us up on a date or something?”
  14. >He smiles at you, hopeful and embarrassed.
  15. >To be honest, you don’t really want to do that. Rarity’s creamy white ass has caught your eye on more than one occasion, and you’d been considering asking her out yourself. But then you remember that time that Spike pretended to be your teddy bear when you were homesick. You popped that awkward boner…
  16. >Yeah, ok you owe him.
  17. >You let out a long thoughtful sigh. The baby dragon clasps his claws and gives you a pleading look.
  18. “Ok,” you say at last. “I don’t know how much good it’ll do, but I’ll ask her to consider it. If,” you pause and hold up a finger. “Under one condition.”
  19. “Name it.”
  20. “You ask her out yourself. I’ll just try to butter her up for you, ok?”
  21. >Spike cracks the biggest smile you’ve ever seen.
  22. “Thanks Anon! How can I ever repay you.”
  23. “Just…clean the crown up when you’re done next time.”
  24. “What?”
  25. “Nothing.”
  27. >You rap sharply on Rarity’s door and wait for a reply.
  28. >This is so fucking stupid. Like a lady such as her would go for short, purple, and awkward back there. She deserves a real man. Or…stallion. Yeah. You mean stallion.
  29. >You hear a bustle of motion inside.
  30. “Just a second darling!” you hear her call in those melodious tones.
  31. >After another shuffling and bumping from inside, the door creaks open a crack. Half of Rarity’s face appears through the opening. She seems a bit cheered to see you there.
  32. “Oh, Anon it’s you! Just the man I was looking for.”
  33. >Don’t you know it, baby.
  34. >Er, you mean…
  35. “Hey Rarity, could I come in and talk to you for a minute?:”
  36. “Of course, of course…come right in!”
  37. >She steps back from the door and motions you inside.
  38. >No sooner have you entered than you notice something different about Rarity. Everything about her body looks normal, her swirled purple mane looks fine…But on her face, just bellow her eye, is a large red welt.
  39. >No, not a welt.
  40. >A pimple.
  41. >You can’t suppress a gasp of horror at such a grotesqueness marring such a lovely face. She frowns pathetically at your reaction and lets out a sigh.
  42. “I know, I know. It was just there this morning.”
  43. “What…what happened?”
  44. “I can’t say! I never really had this problem before. Maybe something I ate?” she chews her lower lip. “I always did think applejack put something funny in those cakes.”
  45. “Are you…can you…” you look for the least insulting words. “Can you make it go away.”
  46. “I’ve been trying,” she says with another sigh. “And I’ve looked through all the books you can imagine, truly. But alas, nothing from Equestria can relieve pimples quickly.”
  47. >You shake your head. What a pitty…well, maybe with a paper bag or something…
  48. >Then she smiles sheepishly.
  49. “I did say nothing from Equestria,” she says slyly. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you.”
  50. “To me?”
  51. “Yes. You see, I spoke with Zecora. It turns out she knew a very helpful remedy.”
  52. >You brighten too.
  53. “Ok, cool, how can I help?”
  54. “Well, you’re actually sort of the remedy.”
  55. >You pause to think about it for a moment. How could you be the remedy? Ah! It must be the thumbs. It must be something involving hands or thumbs. Maybe you’re supposed to pop it? Gross…but hey a friend in need and all that stuff.
  56. “Yes?” you prompt her further.
  57. >You notice she’s blushing and can’t meet your eyes. Embarrassed to ask for help maybe?
  58. “You see, Anon, humans have special healing agents in their seed, and apparently it’s simply the best thing for problematic skin and pimples. So…”
  59. >Your body goes tense as you stare at her in absolute shock.
  60. >Wait.
  61. >Wait just a fucking minute.
  62. >Does she mean?
  63. “Rarity,” you ask slowly. “Are you asking me to…to…cum on your face?”
  64. >She turns almost magenta as the blush reaches all the way to her ears.
  65. “Well, in a way….yes.”
  66. >You have no words. None.
  67. >She’s looking at you with shame in her large, teary eyes, but there’s sincerity there too. She actually wants you to do this, she means it. Rarity, in all her pale and beauteous glory, wants you to give her a cum facial.
  68. “But only for my flawless skin, you understand,” she says quickly. “Still…I’ll try to make this…good for you.”
  69. >Well, time to throw off the oppressive pants regime!
  70. >They hit the floor before Rarity can utter another word. You’re also pleased to find that you’re already rock hard, so that takes away the warm up aspect of things. She blinks at your naked member, then up at you with what might be fear.
  71. “Kneel,” you tell her simply. “It’ll make things easier.”
  72. >Rarity sort of squats down on her knees and hind quarters and looks up into your face. You reach down and set to work stroking it over her poised and expectant face.
  73. “Close your eyes,” you tell her. “And…open your mouth, it’ll make this…over quicker.
  74. “Like this?”
  75. >The pony tips back her head and opens her mouth. Her light pink tongue glistens, waiting for your load. It’s the perfect expression, and you feel a swelling of desire in your cock.
  76. >It’s not sex, but hell, this is the most action you’ve had since you got here. You’ll take it.
  77. >Well, maybe with one addition.
  78. “Yeah,” you tell her. “And can you maybe just lick it a little?”
  79. >She cringes, but obliges.
  80. >You stifle a moan as she slides her tongue gently over the underside of your head and up around the sides, methodically licking the entire tip of your dick.
  81. >She’s better than anyone you’ve had before. Who knew pony’s had such talented tongues?
  82. >You’re getting close as her lips and tongue make another lap of your head. You speed up your strokes as you feel the tension building inside you.
  83. >You feel her body shudder. Is she actually enjoying this?
  84. >With your free hand you gently push her face back, watching as a single string of saliva trails from the tip of your penis to her lower lip. Fuck, that sight is enough to do it. Still, you promised you’d get it on her face and you’re only too happy to do so.
  85. “Hold still, it’s coming,” you say breathily as you reach your apex.
  86. >She keeps her mouth wide, tongue out, waiting…
  87. >It’s happening. You’re going to cum.
  88. “Hello? Rarity, it’s-“
  89. >You turn suddenly in surprise to see the demure form of Spike standing in the doorway. He’s wearing a little bow tie and holding a bouquet of wildflowers in one claw. He’s looking at you with confusion, maybe a hint of betrayal.
  90. >That’s all you really have time to see before you blow your load.
  91. >You watch in horror as you release a massive, pent up spurt of cum in Spike’s direction. He shrieks like a girl and holds up one arm in vain, trying to shield himself from the onslaught. But it’s too late. Flecks and gobs of white spatter his stomach, arms and cheek. It makes a sickening splat noise as it hits his open, screaming little mouth.
  92. >He drops the flowers and sinks to his knees.
  93. >Rarity beside you gasps in disgust and scrambles to her feet.
  94. “You wasted it!”
  95. “But…”
  96. “And look! Look what you did to poor Spikey-wikey!”
  97. >You pant hard, still exhausted by the effort, looking in terror down at the baby dragon covered in your semen.
  98. >He sobs quietly, shaking, as he looks up at you with a hurt and questioning gaze.
  99. “A-anon…why…”
  100. >You look from his quaking form to an indignant and embarrassed Rarity, your cock still dripping remnants of cum.
  101. “B-but…” you manage to stutter. “I was…I didn’t…”
  102. >And that’s the last time anyone in Equestria ever asked for you help.
  104. -End-
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