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a guest
Jul 31st, 2013
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text 40.58 KB | None | 0 0
  1. vinicius $ eix-test-obsolete
  3. Non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.keywords:
  5. =x11-misc/primus-9999 ** ~amd64 ~x86
  6. --
  8. No non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords.
  9. Non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.mask:
  11. >app-i18n/fcitx-configtool-0.4.6
  12. --
  14. Non-matching entries in /etc/portage/package.unmask:
  16. sys-devel/gcc:4.6::sabayon-distro
  17. media-video/nvidia-settings::sabayon-distro
  18. --
  20. Non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.use:
  22. app-arch/mate-file-archiver caja
  23. app-emulation/qemu-kvm no_kernel_module
  24. app-emulation/qemu-kvm havekernel -modules vde qemu-ifup spice fdt
  25. app-office/libreoffice-l10n-meta linguas_as linguas_as_IN linguas_ast linguas_be linguas_be_BY linguas_bo linguas_brx linguas_ca_XV linguas_dgo linguas_dz linguas_en_ZA linguas_fo linguas_gd linguas_gu linguas_hi_IN linguas_ia linguas_id linguas_ka linguas_kn linguas_kok linguas_ks linguas_ku linguas_ky linguas_lo linguas_mai linguas_mi linguas_ml linguas_ml_IN linguas_mni linguas_mr linguas_mr_IN linguas_my linguas_ne linguas_nr linguas_ns linguas_nso linguas_oc linguas_om linguas_or linguas_or_IN linguas_pa_IN linguas_pap linguas_ps linguas_sa_IN linguas_sat linguas_sd linguas_sh linguas_si linguas_sq linguas_st linguas_sw linguas_sw_TZ linguas_te linguas_te_IN linguas_th linguas_ti linguas_ti_ER linguas_tn linguas_ts linguas_ug linguas_ur_IN linguas_ve linguas_xh linguas_zu
  26. app-text/mate-document-viewer caja djvu dvi mate mate-keyring
  27. dev-util/qt-creator autotools cmake git subversion valgrind examples
  28. games-strategy/0ad editor
  29. games-util/springlobby bittorrent
  30. mate-extra/mate-file-manager-sendto -cdr
  31. media-gfx/librecad doc
  32. media-sound/leechcraft-lmp kde
  33. media-sound/vagalume libproxy
  34. net-dialup/slmodem usb
  35. net-dns/avahi-base introspection howl-compat autoipd mdnsresponder-compat
  36. net-im/gyachi gpgme gtkspell gtkhtml -webkit
  37. net-print/cnijfilter-drivers e500 e510 e600 ip100 ip4700 ip4900 ip7200 mg2100 mg2200 mg3100 mg3200 mg4100 mg4200 mg5300 mg5400 mg6200 mg6300 mg8200 mp230 mp250 mp270 mp490 mp550 mp560 mp640 mx370 mx430 mx510 mx710 mx890
  38. net-wireless/atmel-firmware pcmcia usb
  39. sci-misc/emc simulator
  40. sys-devel/base-gcc objc objc++ objc-gc graphite -gtk
  41. sys-kernel/linux-sabayon splash dmraid symlink grub iscsi mdadm luks lvm zfs
  42. sys-kernel/linux-server splash dmraid grub iscsi mdadm luks lvm zfs
  43. sys-kernel/linux-openvz splash dmraid grub iscsi mdadm luks lvm
  44. sys-kernel/linux-hardened splash dmraid grub iscsi mdadm luks lvm
  45. sys-kernel/sabayon-sources symlink
  46. sys-kernel/linux-fusion splash dmraid grub
  47. www-apache/mod_dav_svn -dso
  48. x11-drivers/nvidia-userspace -x-multilib
  49. x11-drivers/ati-userspace -x-multilib
  50. x11-misc/cairo-dock xcomposite
  51. x11-plugins/cairo-dock-plugins alsa exif gmenu -kde terminal tomboy -webkit -xfce -xklavier
  52. x11-themes/cairo-dock-themes Azur Cobalt Djoole Glattering I_Cairo MacOSX TapisVert Ubuntu Verde Wood
  53. gnome-extra/nm-applet-gtk2 -bluetooth
  54. sys-kernel/linux-openvz grub splash dmraid
  55. sys-kernel/linux-server grub splash dmraid
  56. sys-kernel/linux-vserver grub splash dmraid
  57. dev-python/traitsgui wxwidgets qt4
  58. games-emulation/qmc2 sdlmess
  59. dev-python/python-meh -gtk
  60. app-admin/system-config-date -gtk
  61. app-admin/firstboot -gtk
  62. app-admin/system-config-users -X
  63. net-misc/hylafax mgetty
  64. x11-themes/sabayon-artwork-kde ksplash
  65. dev-qt/qtassistant compat
  66. media-sound/deadbeef ape cover curl lastfm m3u hotkeys sndfile supereq
  67. app-misc/tuxcmd-modules gnome unrar
  68. >=x11-themes/elementary-icon-theme-2.7.1 monochrome branding
  69. sys-devel/base-gcc hardened
  70. games-engines/corsix-th -wxwidgets
  71. dev-db/google-mysql -embedded
  72. --
  74. No non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.env.
  75. No non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.license.
  76. No non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.accept_restrict.
  77. No non-matching or empty entries in /etc/portage/package.cflags.
  78. The following installed packages are not in the database:
  80. app-admin/eselect-bzimage
  81. app-admin/eselect-init
  82. app-admin/firstboot
  83. app-admin/system-config-date
  84. app-admin/system-config-keyboard
  85. app-admin/system-config-users
  86. app-cdr/isomd5sum
  87. app-crypt/pinentry-base
  88. app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2
  89. app-crypt/shim-signed
  90. app-misc/sabayon-live
  91. app-misc/sabayon-skel
  92. app-misc/sabayon-version
  93. app-office/libreoffice-l10n-en_US
  94. app-office/libreoffice-l10n-pt_BR
  95. app-text/pastebunz
  96. app-text/poppler-base
  97. app-text/poppler-glib
  98. app-text/poppler-qt4
  99. dev-db/fastdb
  100. dev-python/pyblock
  101. dev-python/pygobject-base
  102. dev-python/pygobject-cairo
  103. dev-python/pysqlite
  104. dev-python/python-bugzilla
  105. dev-python/python-cryptsetup
  106. dev-python/python-ethtool
  107. dev-python/python-meh
  108. dev-python/python-report
  109. dev-util/pykickstart
  110. mate-base/libmate
  111. mate-base/libmatecanvas
  112. mate-base/libmatecomponent
  113. mate-base/libmatecomponentui
  114. mate-base/libmateui
  115. mate-base/mate-common
  116. mate-base/mate-conf
  117. mate-base/mate-corba
  118. mate-base/mate-keyring
  119. mate-base/mate-mime-data
  120. mate-base/mate-vfs
  121. net-dns/avahi-base
  122. net-dns/avahi-gtk
  123. net-dns/avahi-gtk3
  124. net-misc/fcoe-utils
  125. net-misc/lldpad
  126. net-p2p/transmission-base
  127. net-p2p/transmission-gtk
  128. sys-apps/cookbug
  129. sys-apps/gpu-detector
  130. sys-apps/keyboard-configuration-helpers
  131. sys-apps/libhbalinux
  132. sys-apps/systemd-shim
  133. sys-devel/base-gcc
  134. sys-devel/base-gcc
  135. sys-kernel/linux-sabayon
  136. sys-kernel/linux-sabayon
  137. sys-kernel/linux-server
  138. sys-kernel/sabayon-sources
  139. sys-kernel/sabayon-sources
  140. sys-libs/libuser
  141. x11-drivers/ati-userspace
  142. x11-libs/libmatenotify
  143. x11-themes/equinox-themes
  144. x11-themes/gtk-engines-equinox
  145. x11-themes/iottinka-artwork
  146. x11-themes/sabayon-artwork-core
  147. x11-themes/sabayon-artwork-grub
  148. x11-themes/sabayon-artwork-isolinux
  149. x11-themes/sabayon-artwork-loo
  150. x11-themes/sabayon-artwork-lxde
  151. --
  154. Redundant in /etc/portage/package.{,accept_}keywords:
  156. ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_DOUBLE
  157. [N] app-admin/apache-tools (2.2.24): Useful Apache tools - htdigest, htpasswd, ab, htdbm
  158. [N] dev-embedded/avr-libc (--): C library for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
  159. [N] dev-lang/fpc (2.4.0): Free Pascal Compiler
  160. [N] dev-lang/ghc (7.4.2(0/7.4.2)): The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
  161. [I] dev-lang/perl (5.12.4-r1@13-01-2013): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
  162. [U] dev-lang/python (2.6.8-r1(2.6)@24-03-2013 2.7.5(2.7)@23-07-2013 3.2.3-r2(3.2)@22-03-2013 -> 2.5.4-r5(2.5) 2.6.8-r1(2.6) 2.7.5(2.7) 3.1.5-r1(3.1) 3.2.5-r1(3.2) (~)3.3.2-r1(3.3)): An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
  163. [U] dev-lang/tcl (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tool Command Language
  164. [U] dev-lang/tk (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tk Widget Set
  165. [I] dev-libs/openssl (1.0.1c@03-02-2013): full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
  166. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon (0.2.10): Setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG using GStreamer
  167. [N] media-libs/gst-rtsp-server (0.10.8(0.10)): A GStreamer based RTSP server
  168. [N] media-video/hwdecode-demos ((~)0.9.5): Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
  169. [I] net-libs/gnutls (2.12.23-r1@09-06-2013): A TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0 implementation for the GNU project
  170. [I] sys-devel/make (3.82-r4@28-02-2013): Standard tool to compile source trees
  171. [U] sys-kernel/linux-headers (3.4@27-11-2012 -> 3.7^bs): Linux system headers
  172. [D] sys-libs/glibc (2.17(2.2)[?]@24-05-2013 -> 2.15-r3(2.2)^s): GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
  173. [N] www-client/chromium (27.0.1453.110): Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser
  174. [N] www-servers/apache (2.2.24(2)): The Apache Web Server.
  175. [N] x11-libs/qwtpolar (0.1.0-r1): Library for displaying values on a polar coordinate system
  176. Found 19 matches.
  179. ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_WEAKER
  180. [I] app-crypt/qca (2.0.3(2)@18-08-2011): Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)
  181. [N] dev-embedded/avr-libc (--): C library for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
  182. [N] dev-python/pycups (1.9.62): Python bindings for the CUPS API
  183. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-contacts ((~)3.6.2): GNOME contact management application
  184. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon (0.2.10): Setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG using GStreamer
  185. [N] media-libs/gst-rtsp-server (0.10.8(0.10)): A GStreamer based RTSP server
  186. [N] media-plugins/gst-plugins-assrender ((~)1.0.7(1.0)): GStreamer plugin for ASS/SSA rendering with effects support
  187. [N] media-video/hwdecode-demos ((~)0.9.5): Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
  188. [D] net-libs/gnome-online-accounts (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3): GNOME framework for accessing online accounts
  189. [I] sys-apps/portage (2.2.0_alpha188@14-07-2013): Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo
  190. [U] sys-boot/grub (2.00-r2(2)[?]@11-04-2013 -> (~)0.97-r13 (~)2.00-r3(2)): GNU GRUB boot loader
  191. Found 11 matches.
  194. ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_STRANGE
  195. [N] app-admin/apache-tools (2.2.24): Useful Apache tools - htdigest, htpasswd, ab, htdbm
  196. [N] dev-embedded/avr-libc (--): C library for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
  197. [N] dev-lang/fpc (2.4.0): Free Pascal Compiler
  198. [N] dev-lang/ghc (7.4.2(0/7.4.2)): The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
  199. [I] dev-lang/perl (5.12.4-r1@13-01-2013): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
  200. [U] dev-lang/python (2.6.8-r1(2.6)@24-03-2013 2.7.5(2.7)@23-07-2013 3.2.3-r2(3.2)@22-03-2013 -> 2.5.4-r5(2.5) 2.6.8-r1(2.6) 2.7.5(2.7) 3.1.5-r1(3.1) 3.2.5-r1(3.2) (~)3.3.2-r1(3.3)): An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
  201. [U] dev-lang/tcl (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tool Command Language
  202. [U] dev-lang/tk (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tk Widget Set
  203. [I] dev-libs/openssl (1.0.1c@03-02-2013): full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
  204. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon (0.2.10): Setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG using GStreamer
  205. [N] media-video/hwdecode-demos ((~)0.9.5): Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
  206. [I] net-libs/gnutls (2.12.23-r1@09-06-2013): A TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0 implementation for the GNU project
  207. [I] sys-devel/make (3.82-r4@28-02-2013): Standard tool to compile source trees
  208. [U] sys-kernel/linux-headers (3.4@27-11-2012 -> 3.7^bs): Linux system headers
  209. [D] sys-libs/glibc (2.17(2.2)[?]@24-05-2013 -> 2.15-r3(2.2)^s): GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
  210. [N] www-client/chromium (27.0.1453.110): Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser
  211. [N] www-servers/apache (2.2.24(2)): The Apache Web Server.
  212. [N] x11-libs/qwtpolar (0.1.0-r1): Library for displaying values on a polar coordinate system
  213. Found 18 matches.
  216. ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_NO_CHANGE
  217. [N] app-admin/apache-tools (2.2.24): Useful Apache tools - htdigest, htpasswd, ab, htdbm
  218. [I] app-crypt/qca (2.0.3(2)@18-08-2011): Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)
  219. [N] dev-embedded/avr-libc (--): C library for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
  220. [N] dev-lang/fpc (2.4.0): Free Pascal Compiler
  221. [N] dev-lang/ghc (7.4.2(0/7.4.2)): The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
  222. [I] dev-lang/perl (5.12.4-r1@13-01-2013): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
  223. [U] dev-lang/python (2.6.8-r1(2.6)@24-03-2013 2.7.5(2.7)@23-07-2013 3.2.3-r2(3.2)@22-03-2013 -> 2.5.4-r5(2.5) 2.6.8-r1(2.6) 2.7.5(2.7) 3.1.5-r1(3.1) 3.2.5-r1(3.2) (~)3.3.2-r1(3.3)): An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
  224. [U] dev-lang/tcl (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tool Command Language
  225. [U] dev-lang/tk (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tk Widget Set
  226. [I] dev-libs/openssl (1.0.1c@03-02-2013): full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
  227. [N] dev-python/pycups (1.9.62): Python bindings for the CUPS API
  228. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-contacts ((~)3.6.2): GNOME contact management application
  229. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon (0.2.10): Setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG using GStreamer
  230. [N] media-libs/gst-rtsp-server (0.10.8(0.10)): A GStreamer based RTSP server
  231. [N] media-plugins/gst-plugins-assrender ((~)1.0.7(1.0)): GStreamer plugin for ASS/SSA rendering with effects support
  232. [N] media-video/hwdecode-demos ((~)0.9.5): Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
  233. [D] net-libs/gnome-online-accounts (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3): GNOME framework for accessing online accounts
  234. [I] net-libs/gnutls (2.12.23-r1@09-06-2013): A TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0 implementation for the GNU project
  235. [U] sys-boot/grub (2.00-r2(2)[?]@11-04-2013 -> (~)0.97-r13 (~)2.00-r3(2)): GNU GRUB boot loader
  236. [I] sys-devel/make (3.82-r4@28-02-2013): Standard tool to compile source trees
  237. [U] sys-kernel/linux-headers (3.4@27-11-2012 -> 3.7^bs): Linux system headers
  238. [N] www-client/chromium (27.0.1453.110): Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser
  239. [N] www-servers/apache (2.2.24(2)): The Apache Web Server.
  240. [N] x11-libs/qwtpolar (0.1.0-r1): Library for displaying values on a polar coordinate system
  241. Found 24 matches.
  244. Not installed but in /etc/portage/package.{,accept_}keywords:
  245. [N] app-admin/apache-tools (2.2.24): Useful Apache tools - htdigest, htpasswd, ab, htdbm
  246. [N] dev-embedded/avr-libc (--): C library for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
  247. [N] dev-lang/fpc (2.4.0): Free Pascal Compiler
  248. [N] dev-lang/ghc (7.4.2(0/7.4.2)): The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
  249. [N] dev-python/pycups (1.9.62): Python bindings for the CUPS API
  250. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-contacts ((~)3.6.2): GNOME contact management application
  251. [N] gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon (0.2.10): Setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV shows and browse EPG using GStreamer
  252. [N] media-libs/gst-rtsp-server (0.10.8(0.10)): A GStreamer based RTSP server
  253. [N] media-plugins/gst-plugins-assrender ((~)1.0.7(1.0)): GStreamer plugin for ASS/SSA rendering with effects support
  254. [N] media-video/hwdecode-demos ((~)0.9.5): Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
  255. [N] www-client/chromium (27.0.1453.110): Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser
  256. [N] www-servers/apache (2.2.24(2)): The Apache Web Server.
  257. [N] x11-libs/qwtpolar (0.1.0-r1): Library for displaying values on a polar coordinate system
  258. Found 13 matches.
  261. Redundant in /etc/portage/package.mask:
  263. ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_MASK_NO_CHANGE
  264. [N] app-i18n/fcitx-configtool ((~)0.4.6): A GTK+ GUI configuration tool for fcitx
  267. Not installed but in /etc/portage/package.mask:
  268. [N] app-forensics/air (--): A GUI front-end to dd/dc3dd
  269. [N] app-i18n/fcitx (4.2.7): Flexible Contect-aware Input Tool with eXtension support
  270. [N] app-shells/autojump (--): change directory command that learns
  271. [N] app-shells/bashdb (--): bash source code debugging
  272. [N] dev-games/cegui (0.6.2b): Crazy Eddie's GUI System
  273. [N] dev-java/emma (--): a free Java code coverage tool
  274. [N] dev-php/PEAR-MDB2_Driver_ibase (--): Database Abstraction Layer, ibase driver
  275. [N] dev-php/PEAR-MDB2_Driver_mssql (--): Database Abstraction Layer, mssql driver
  276. [N] dev-php/PEAR-MDB2_Driver_oci8 (--): Database Abstraction Layer, oci8 driver
  277. [N] dev-php/agavi (--): PHP5 MVC Application Framework.
  278. [N] dev-php/eaccelerator (--): A PHP Accelerator & Encoder.
  279. [N] dev-php/phing (--): PHP project build system based on Apache Ant
  280. [N] dev-php/xcache (--): A fast and stable PHP opcode cacher
  281. [N] dev-tex/prosper (--): Prosper is a LaTeX class for writing transparencies
  282. [N] dev-util/cocom (--): Toolset to help create compilers, cross-compilers, interpreters, and other language processors
  283. [N] games-arcade/rocksndiamonds (--): A Boulderdash clone
  284. [N] games-rpg/xu4 (--): A remake of the computer game Ultima IV
  285. [N] gnustep-apps/terminal (--): A terminal emulator for GNUstep
  286. [N] media-fonts/culmus-ancient (--): Ancient Semitic Scripts
  287. [N] media-fonts/jsmath-extra-light (--): Extra raster fonts for jsmath, light version
  288. [N] media-gfx/asymptote (--): A vector graphics language that provides a framework for technical drawing
  289. [N] media-gfx/skencil (--): Interactive X11 vector drawing program
  290. [N] media-libs/openinventor (--): SGI OpenInventor Toolkit and Utilities
  291. [N] media-plugins/vdr-noepgmenu (--): VDR Plugin: Configure the noepg patch
  292. [N] media-plugins/vdr-setup (--): VDR plugin: Create Submenus, Configure VDR on OSD
  293. [N] media-sound/lilycomp (--): graphical note entry program for use with LilyPond
  294. [N] media-sound/paprefs (--): PulseAudio Preferences, configuration dialog for PulseAudio
  295. [N] media-sound/qtractor (--): Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer.
  296. [N] media-video/ffmpeg (--): Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec.
  297. [N] net-analyzer/metasploit ((~)4.4.0-r1(4.4)): Advanced open-source framework for developing, testing, and using vulnerability exploit code
  298. [N] net-analyzer/netcat (--): the network swiss army knife
  299. [N] net-analyzer/pnp4nagios (--): A performance data analyzer for nagios
  300. [N] net-dns/openresolv (3.3.4): A framework for managing DNS information
  301. [N] net-irc/epic4 (--): Epic4 IRC Client
  302. [N] net-misc/arpd (--): ARP server which claims all unassigned addresses (for network monitoring or simulation)
  303. [N] net-misc/asterisk-rate_engine (--): Asterisk application for least-cost routing
  304. [N] net-misc/networkmanager (--): Universal network configuration daemon for laptops, desktops, servers and virtualization hosts
  305. [N] net-misc/openntpd (--): Lightweight NTP server ported from OpenBSD
  306. [N] net-misc/pump (--): This is the DHCP/BOOTP client written by RedHat
  307. [N] net-misc/telnet-bsd (--): Telnet and telnetd ported from OpenBSD with IPv6 support
  308. [N] sci-astronomy/cpl (--): ESO common pipeline library for astronomical data reduction
  309. [N] sci-astronomy/esorex (--): ESO Recipe Execution Tool to exec cpl scripts
  310. [N] sci-biology/arb (--): Tools for DNA/RNA sequence database handling and data analysis, phylogenetic analysis
  311. [N] sci-chemistry/molmol (--): Publication-quality molecular visualization package
  312. [N] sci-chemistry/pymol (--): A Python-extensible molecular graphics system
  313. [N] sys-apps/man (--): Standard commands to read man pages
  314. [N] sys-devel/cons (--): Extensible perl-based build utility
  315. [N] www-client/dillo (--): Lean FLTK based web browser
  316. [N] www-servers/apache (2.2.24(2)): The Apache Web Server.
  317. [N] xfce-extra/xfce4-cellmodem-plugin (--): A panel plug-in with monitoring support for GPRS/UMTS(3G)/HSDPA(3.5G) modems
  318. Found 50 matches.
  321. Redundant in /etc/portage/package.unmask:
  323. ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_UNMASK_NO_CHANGE
  324. [N] dev-db/mariadb ((~)5.5.31): An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL
  325. [I] dev-db/mysql (5.5.32@09-06-2013): A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server.
  326. [N] dev-python/compizconfig-python ((~)0.8.4-r5): Compizconfig Python Bindings
  327. [N] dev-util/bam (0.4.0): Fast and flexible Lua-based build system
  328. [N] media-gfx/blender ((~)2.67b-r1): 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
  329. [I] media-gfx/gimp (2.8.6(2)@23-06-2013): GNU Image Manipulation Program
  330. [N] media-sound/potamus ((~)14): a lightweight audio player with a simple interface and an emphasis on high audio quality.
  331. [N] media-video/avidemux ((~)2.6.4(2.6)): Video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.
  332. [N] media-video/nvidia-settings ((~)319.32): NVIDIA Linux X11 Settings Utility
  333. [N] net-fs/openafs (1.6.2): The OpenAFS distributed file system
  334. [N] net-fs/openafs-kernel (1.6.2): The OpenAFS distributed file system kernel module
  335. [I] sys-apps/portage (2.2.0_alpha188@14-07-2013): Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo
  336. [I] sys-devel/gcc (4.6.4(4.6)[?]@25-05-2013 4.7.3(4.7)[?]@21-05-2013): The GNU Compiler Collection
  337. [N] sys-kernel/openvz-sources ((~) Kernel sources with OpenVZ patchset
  338. [I] virtual/mysql (5.5@31-07-2012): Virtual for MySQL client or database
  339. [N] x11-apps/ccsm ((~)0.8.4-r4): Compizconfig Settings Manager
  340. [N] x11-apps/fusion-icon ((~)0.1-r3): Compiz Fusion Tray Icon and Manager
  341. [N] x11-apps/simple-ccsm ((~)0.8.4-r2): Simplified Compizconfig Settings Manager
  342. [N] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers ((~)325.08): NVIDIA X11 driver and GLX libraries
  343. [I] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati (7.1.0[?]@19-05-2013): ATI video driver
  344. [I] x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau (1.0.8@23-06-2013): Accelerated Open Source driver for nVidia cards
  345. [N] x11-libs/compiz-bcop ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Option code Generator
  346. [N] x11-libs/compizconfig-backend-gconf ((~)0.8.8): Compizconfig Gconf Backend
  347. [N] x11-libs/libcompizconfig ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Configuration System
  348. [I] x11-libs/libdrm (2.4.46@07-07-2013): X.Org libdrm library
  349. [N] x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion Window Decorator Extra Plugins
  350. [N] x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion Window Decorator Plugins
  351. [N] x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-unsupported ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion Window Decorator Unsupported Plugins
  352. [N] x11-themes/emerald-themes ((~)0.5.2): Emerald window decorator themes
  353. [N] x11-wm/compiz-fusion ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion (meta)
  354. [N] x11-wm/emerald ((~)0.8.8): Emerald Window Decorator
  355. Found 31 matches.
  358. Not installed but in /etc/portage/package.unmask:
  359. [N] dev-db/mariadb ((~)5.5.31): An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL
  360. [N] dev-python/compizconfig-python ((~)0.8.4-r5): Compizconfig Python Bindings
  361. [N] dev-util/bam (0.4.0): Fast and flexible Lua-based build system
  362. [N] media-gfx/blender ((~)2.67b-r1): 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
  363. [N] media-sound/potamus ((~)14): a lightweight audio player with a simple interface and an emphasis on high audio quality.
  364. [N] media-video/avidemux ((~)2.6.4(2.6)): Video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.
  365. [N] net-fs/openafs (1.6.2): The OpenAFS distributed file system
  366. [N] net-fs/openafs-kernel (1.6.2): The OpenAFS distributed file system kernel module
  367. [N] sys-kernel/openvz-sources ((~) Kernel sources with OpenVZ patchset
  368. [N] x11-apps/ccsm ((~)0.8.4-r4): Compizconfig Settings Manager
  369. [N] x11-apps/fusion-icon ((~)0.1-r3): Compiz Fusion Tray Icon and Manager
  370. [N] x11-apps/simple-ccsm ((~)0.8.4-r2): Simplified Compizconfig Settings Manager
  371. [N] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers ((~)325.08): NVIDIA X11 driver and GLX libraries
  372. [N] x11-libs/compiz-bcop ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Option code Generator
  373. [N] x11-libs/compizconfig-backend-gconf ((~)0.8.8): Compizconfig Gconf Backend
  374. [N] x11-libs/libcompizconfig ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Configuration System
  375. [N] x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion Window Decorator Extra Plugins
  376. [N] x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion Window Decorator Plugins
  377. [N] x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-unsupported ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion Window Decorator Unsupported Plugins
  378. [N] x11-themes/emerald-themes ((~)0.5.2): Emerald window decorator themes
  379. [N] x11-wm/compiz-fusion ((~)0.8.8): Compiz Fusion (meta)
  380. [N] x11-wm/emerald ((~)0.8.8): Emerald Window Decorator
  381. Found 22 matches.
  383. Skipping check: redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.use
  384. Skipping check: uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.use
  385. Skipping check: redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.env
  386. Skipping check: uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.env
  387. No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.license
  388. No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.license
  389. No redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.accept_restrict
  390. No uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.accept_restrict
  391. Skipping check: redundant entries in /etc/portage/package.cflags
  392. Skipping check: uninstalled entries in /etc/portage/package.cflags
  394. Installed packages with a version not in the database (or masked):
  395. [D] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk (2.8.1(2)@01-07-2013 -> (~)2.6.2(2)): Gtk module for bridging AT-SPI to Atk
  396. [D] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core (2.8.0(2)@01-07-2013 -> 2.6.3(2)): D-Bus accessibility specifications and registration daemon
  397. [D] app-admin/equo (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Entropy Package Manager text-based client
  398. [D] app-admin/eselect (1.3.7@20-07-2013 -> (~)1.3.6): Gentoo's multi-purpose configuration and management tool
  399. [D] app-admin/rigo (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Rigo, the Sabayon Application Browser
  400. [D] app-arch/file-roller (3.8.3[?]@19-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3): Archive manager for GNOME
  401. [D] app-cdr/brasero (3.8.0@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.1(0/3.1)): CD/DVD burning application for the GNOME desktop
  402. [D] app-crypt/gcr (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.2(0/1)): Libraries for cryptographic UIs and accessing PKCS#11 modules
  403. [I] app-crypt/sbsigntool (0.6[?]@02-12-2012): Utilities for signing and verifying files for UEFI Secure Boot
  404. [D] app-emulation/wine (1.6@20-07-2013 -> (~)1.6_rc4^t): Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix
  405. [D] app-misc/magneto-loader (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Official Sabayon Linux Entropy Notification Applet Loader
  406. [D] app-misc/media-player-info (18@20-07-2013 -> 17^bs): A repository of data files describing media player capabilities
  407. [U] app-office/libreoffice ([?]@20-06-2013 -> (~) LibreOffice, a full office productivity suite.
  408. [D] app-portage/eix (0.29.1@21-07-2013 -> (~)0.29.0): Search and query ebuilds, portage incl. local settings, ext. overlays, version changes, and more
  409. [D] app-shells/bash-completion (2.1-r1@21-07-2013 -> (~)2.1): Programmable Completion for bash
  410. [D] app-text/calibre (0.9.39@14-07-2013 -> (~)0.9.38^m): Ebook management application.
  411. [D] app-text/evince (3.8.3(0/evd3.4-evv3.3)@14-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.1(0/evd3.4-evv3.3)^t): Simple document viewer for GNOME
  412. [U] app-text/liblangtag (0.4.0@16-01-2013 -> 0.5.1^t): An interface library to access tags for identifying languages
  413. [U] app-text/libmspub (0.0.3@16-01-2013 -> 0.0.6): Library parsing the Microsoft Publisher documents
  414. [U] app-text/poppler (0.22.4(0/37)[?]@20-06-2013 -> (~)0.22.5(0/37)^t): PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base
  415. [D] app-text/qpdf (5.0.0(0/13)@14-07-2013 -> (~)4.2.0(0/10)): A command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files
  416. [U] dev-cpp/clucene ( ->^t): High-performance, full-featured text search engine based off of lucene in C++
  417. [D] dev-cpp/glibmm (2.36.2(2)@06-07-2013 -> (~)2.34.1(2)): C++ interface for glib2
  418. [U] dev-cpp/gtkmm (2.24.2(2.4)[?]@14-11-2011 -> (~)2.24.4(2.4) (~)3.6.0(3.0)): C++ interface for GTK+
  419. [D] dev-db/mysql-init-scripts (2.0_pre1-r4[?]@28-04-2013 -> 2.0_pre1-r3): Gentoo MySQL init scripts.
  420. [D] dev-java/icedtea ( -> (~) (~) A harness to build OpenJDK using Free Software build tools and dependencies
  421. [U] dev-lang/go (1.0.3@17-12-2012 -> (~)1.1.1): A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language
  422. [U] dev-lang/tk (8.5.10-r1@28-01-2013 -> 8.5.13-r1): Tk Widget Set
  423. [D] dev-libs/apr (1.4.8-r1(1)@21-07-2013 -> (~)1.4.8(1)): Apache Portable Runtime Library
  424. [D] dev-libs/atk (2.8.0@01-07-2013 -> 2.6.0): GTK+ & GNOME Accessibility Toolkit
  425. [I] dev-libs/cyrus-sasl (2.1.26-r1(2)[?]@18-04-2013): The Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer).
  426. [D] dev-libs/gjs (1.36.1@01-07-2013 -> (~)1.34.0): Javascript bindings for GNOME
  427. [D] dev-libs/glib (2.36.3(2)@25-06-2013 -> 1.2.10-r5(1) (~)2.34.3(2)): The GLib library of C routines
  428. [D] dev-libs/gobject-introspection (1.36.0@25-06-2013 -> (~)1.34.2-r1): Introspection infrastructure for generating gobject library bindings for various languages
  429. [D] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common (1.36.0@25-06-2013 -> (~)1.34.2): Build infrastructure for GObject Introspection
  430. [D] dev-libs/json-glib (0.16.0-r1@21-07-2013 -> (~)0.16.0): A library providing GLib serialization and deserialization support for the JSON format
  431. [D] dev-libs/libbsd (0.6.0@21-07-2013 -> (~)0.5.2): An library to provide useful functions commonly found on BSD systems
  432. [U] dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia (0.90@21-01-2013 -> (~)0.90_p1): an advanced CDDA reader with error correction
  433. [D] dev-libs/libgweather (3.8.2(2)@08-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.2(2/3-1)): Library to access weather information from online services
  434. [D] dev-libs/libnl (1.1.4(1.1)@30-06-2013 3.2.22-r2(3)@21-07-2013 -> 1.1.4(1.1) 3.2.22(3)): A collection of libraries providing APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces
  435. [D] dev-libs/libpeas (1.8.1@01-07-2013 -> (~)1.6.2-r1): A GObject plugins library
  436. [D] dev-libs/libxml2 (2.9.1-r1(2)@14-07-2013 -> 2.9.0-r2(2)): Version 2 of the library to manipulate XML files
  437. [D] dev-libs/soprano (2.9.3@14-07-2013 -> 2.9.2^t): Library that provides a nice Qt interface to RDF storage solutions
  438. [D] dev-libs/totem-pl-parser (3.4.4@08-07-2013 -> (~)3.4.3-r1): Playlist parsing library
  439. [D] dev-python/mechanize (0.2.5-r1@21-07-2013 -> 0.2.5): Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
  440. [U] dev-python/pygobject (2.28.6-r53(2)[?]@25-02-2013 -> 2.28.6-r53(2) (~)3.4.2-r1(3)): GLib's GObject library bindings for Python
  441. [D] dev-qt/designer (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> ??): WYSIWYG tool for designing and building Qt-based GUIs
  442. [D] dev-qt/qt3support (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The Qt3Support module for the Qt toolkit
  443. [D] dev-qt/qtcore (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> (~)4.8.4-r5(4)): Cross-platform application development framework
  444. [D] dev-qt/qtdbus (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The DBus module for the Qt toolkit
  445. [D] dev-qt/qtdeclarative (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The Declarative module for the Qt toolkit
  446. [D] dev-qt/qtgui (4.8.5(4)[?]@29-07-2013 -> 4.8.4-r1(4)): The GUI module for the Qt toolkit
  447. [D] dev-qt/qthelp (4.8.5-r1(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The Help module for the Qt toolkit
  448. [D] dev-qt/qtopengl (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The OpenGL module for the Qt toolkit
  449. [D] dev-qt/qtscript (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The QtScript module for the Qt toolkit
  450. [D] dev-qt/qtsql (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The SQL module for the Qt toolkit
  451. [D] dev-qt/qtsvg (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The SVG module for the Qt toolkit
  452. [D] dev-qt/qttest (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The QtTest module for unit testing Qt applications and libraries
  453. [D] dev-qt/qtwebkit (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The WebKit module for the Qt toolkit
  454. [D] dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns (4.8.5(4)@22-07-2013 -> 4.8.4(4)): The XmlPatterns module for the Qt toolkit
  455. [I] dev-vcs/git ([?]@16-07-2013): GIT - the stupid content tracker, the revision control system heavily used by the Linux kernel team
  456. [D] gnome-base/dconf (0.16.1@21-07-2013 -> (~)0.14.1): Simple low-level configuration system
  457. [D] gnome-base/gnome-desktop (3.8.3(3)@01-07-2013 -> (~)2.32.1-r1(2) (~)3.6.3(3/4)): Libraries for the gnome desktop that are not part of the UI
  458. [D] gnome-base/gnome-keyring (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3): Password and keyring managing daemon
  459. [D] gnome-base/gnome-menus (3.8.0-r1(3)@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.0.1-r2 (~)3.6.2(3)): Library for the Desktop Menu fd.o specification
  460. [D] gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> 3.6.1): Collection of GSettings schemas for GNOME desktop
  461. [D] gnome-base/gvfs (1.16.3@01-07-2013 -> (~)1.14.2): Virtual filesystem implementation for gio
  462. [D] gnome-base/libgnome-keyring (3.8.0@07-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.0): Compatibility library for accessing secrets
  463. [D] gnome-base/nautilus (3.8.2[?]@02-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3^t): A file manager for the GNOME desktop
  464. [D] gnome-extra/evolution-data-server (3.8.3@07-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.4(0/40)^t): Evolution groupware backend
  465. [D] gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto (3.8.0@07-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.1): A nautilus extension for sending files to locations
  466. [I] gnome-extra/nemo (1.8.3[?]@15-07-2013): A file manager for Cinnamon, forked from Nautilus
  467. [D] gnome-extra/sushi (3.8.1@07-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.1): A quick previewer for Nautilus, the GNOME file manager
  468. [D] gnome-extra/zenity (3.8.0@07-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.0): Tool to display dialogs from the commandline and shell scripts
  469. [I] kde-base/oxygen-icons (4.10.5(4)[?]@08-07-2013): Oxygen SVG icon theme.
  470. [I] lxde-base/lxdm (0.4.1-r7[?]@25-06-2013): LXDE Display Manager
  471. [I] lxde-base/lxpanel (0.5.12[?]@25-03-2013): Lightweight X11 desktop panel for LXDE
  472. [U] mail-mta/postfix (2.10.0[?]@18-04-2013 -> (~)2.10.1): A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail.
  473. [U] media-gfx/splashutils ([?]@23-05-2012 -> (~)^t): Framebuffer splash utilities
  474. [D] media-libs/clutter (1.14.4(1.0)@01-07-2013 -> (~)1.12.2-r1(1.0)^t): Clutter is a library for creating graphical user interfaces
  475. [D] media-libs/clutter-gtk (1.4.4(1.0)@01-07-2013 -> 1.4.2(1.0)): Library for embedding a Clutter canvas (stage) in GTK+
  476. [D] media-libs/cogl (1.14.0(1.0)@01-07-2013 -> (~)1.12.2-r1(1.0/11)): A library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures
  477. [D] media-libs/fontconfig (2.10.91(1.0)@01-07-2013 -> (~)2.10.2-r1(1.0)): A library for configuring and customizing font access
  478. [I] media-libs/fontconfig-infinality (20130404[?]@04-04-2013): Configuration to be used in conjunction with the freetype-infinality subpixel hinting
  479. [UD] media-libs/freetype (1.4_pre20080316-r2(1)@07-08-2010 2.4.11(2)@06-02-2013 -> (~)2.4.12(2)): A high-quality and portable font engine
  480. [U] media-libs/harfbuzz (0.9.9@06-01-2013 -> (~)0.9.18-r1(0/0.9.18)): An OpenType text shaping engine
  481. [U] media-libs/lcms (1.19-r1@12-05-2013 2.4-r1(2)@08-06-2013 -> (~)1.19-r1 (~)2.5(2)): A lightweight, speed optimized color management engine
  482. [U] media-libs/libgphoto2 (2.5.0@21-01-2013 -> (~) Library that implements support for numerous digital cameras
  483. [U] media-libs/netpbm (10.57.00@26-02-2012 -> (~)10.61.00): A set of utilities for converting to/from the netpbm (and related) formats
  484. [U] media-plugins/alsa-plugins (1.0.26[?]@10-12-2012 -> (~)1.0.27): ALSA extra plugins
  485. [D] media-sound/alsa-utils ( -> (~) Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Utils (alsactl, alsamixer, etc.)
  486. [I] media-sound/audacious (3.3.4[?]@26-04-2013): Audacious Player - Your music, your way, no exceptions
  487. [I] media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit (0.121.3[?]@11-04-2012): A low-latency audio server
  488. [D] media-video/mplayer (1.1.1-r1@24-06-2013 -> ??): Media Player for Linux
  489. [D] media-video/totem (3.8.2-r1@21-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3-r1): Media player for GNOME
  490. [I] net-analyzer/nmap (6.25[?]@29-12-2012): A utility for network exploration or security auditing
  491. [U] net-dns/avahi (0.6.31-r1[?]@08-05-2013 -> (~)0.6.31-r2): System which facilitates service discovery on a local network
  492. [D] net-fs/nfs-utils (1.2.7-r1[?]@30-04-2013 -> (~)1.2.7^t): NFS client and server daemons
  493. [I] net-fs/samba (3.6.16[?]@02-07-2013): Samba Suite Version 4
  494. [D] net-irc/xchat (2.8.8-r2(2)@05-11-2011 -> ??): Graphical IRC client
  495. [D] net-libs/glib-networking (2.36.2@07-07-2013 -> (~)2.34.2): Network-related giomodules for glib
  496. [D] net-libs/gnome-online-accounts (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.3): GNOME framework for accessing online accounts
  497. [D] net-libs/libsoup (2.42.2(2.4)@01-07-2013 -> (~)2.40.3(2.4)): An HTTP library implementation in C
  498. [D] net-libs/webkit-gtk (1.8.3-r201(2)@23-06-2013 2.0.3(3)@01-07-2013 -> 1.8.3-r201(2) (~)1.10.2-r300(3)): Open source web browser engine
  499. [D] net-misc/openssh (6.2_p2-r2@21-07-2013 -> (~)6.2_p2): Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release
  500. [U] net-misc/rsync (3.0.9-r2[?]@05-11-2012 -> (~)3.0.9-r3): File transfer program to keep remote files into sync
  501. [D] net-nds/rpcbind (0.2.0-r1[?]@30-04-2013 -> 0.2.0): portmap replacement which supports RPC over various protocols
  502. [U] net-print/cups (1.6.1@24-03-2013 -> 1.6.2-r5^t): The Common Unix Printing System
  503. [I] net-wireless/broadcom-sta ([?]@06-07-2013): Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device driver.
  504. [I] net-wireless/ndiswrapper (1.58[?]@18-05-2013): Wrapper for using Windows drivers for some wireless cards
  505. [U] sci-libs/lapack-reference (3.2.1@16-04-2013 -> (~)3.2.1-r1): FORTRAN reference implementation of LAPACK Linear Algebra PACKage
  506. [I] sys-apps/baselayout (2.2[?]@07-02-2013): Filesystem baselayout and init scripts
  507. [D] sys-apps/entropy (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Entropy Package Manager foundation library
  508. [D] sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility (3.8.2@07-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.1): Disk Utility for GNOME using udisks
  509. [I] sys-apps/hbaapi (2.2[?]@05-04-2010): The Host Bus Adapter API for managing Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters
  510. [D] sys-apps/lm_sensors (3.3.3-r4[?]@16-06-2013 -> (~)3.3.3-r2): Hardware Monitoring user-space utilities
  511. [I] sys-apps/lsb-release (1.4[?]@07-02-2013): LSB version query program
  512. [D] sys-apps/magneto-core (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Entropy Package Manager notification applet library
  513. [D] sys-apps/openrc (0.12_pre1-r2[?]@24-06-2013 -> 0.11.8): OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host
  514. [D] sys-apps/rigo-daemon (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Entropy Client DBus Services, aka RigoDaemon
  515. [U] sys-apps/systemd (204-r8[?]@26-06-2013 -> (~)205): System and service manager for Linux
  516. [D] sys-apps/sysvinit (2.88-r8[?]@17-06-2013 -> (~)2.88-r5): /sbin/init - parent of all processes
  517. [D] sys-auth/pambase (20120417-r4[?]@09-05-2013 -> 20120417-r2^b): PAM base configuration files
  518. [I] sys-auth/polkit (0.111[?]@25-06-2013): Policy framework for controlling privileges for system-wide services
  519. [U] sys-block/open-iscsi (2.0.872[?]@21-04-2011 -> (~)2.0.872-r2): Open-iSCSI is a high performance, transport independent, multi-platform implementation of RFC3720
  520. [U] sys-block/parted (3.1[?]@01-06-2012 -> (~)3.1-r1): Create, destroy, resize, check, copy partitions and file systems
  521. [U] sys-boot/grub (2.00-r2(2)[?]@11-04-2013 -> (~)0.97-r13 (~)2.00-r3(2)): GNU GRUB boot loader
  522. [U] sys-devel/bison (2.5@04-08-2011 -> (~)2.7.1): A general-purpose (yacc-compatible) parser generator
  523. [I] sys-devel/gcc (4.6.4(4.6)[?]@25-05-2013 4.7.3(4.7)[?]@21-05-2013): The GNU Compiler Collection
  524. [D] sys-fs/lvm2 (2.02.98-r2[?]@24-05-2013 -> (~)2.02.98): User-land utilities for LVM2 (device-mapper) software.
  525. [I] sys-fs/mdadm (3.2.6-r1[?]@24-05-2013): A useful tool for running RAID systems - it can be used as a replacement for the raidtools
  526. [D] sys-fs/udev-init-scripts (26-r1[?]@25-06-2013 -> 26^t): udev startup scripts for openrc
  527. [I] sys-fs/udisks (1.0.4-r5@03-03-2013 2.1.0(2)[?]@11-04-2013): Daemon providing interfaces to work with storage devices
  528. [D] sys-fs/zfs (0.6.1-r3@16-07-2013 -> (~)0.6.1-r1^t): Userland utilities for ZFS Linux kernel module
  529. [D] sys-kernel/linux-firmware (20130711@22-07-2013 -> (~)20130530): Linux firmware files
  530. [D] sys-libs/glibc (2.17(2.2)[?]@24-05-2013 -> 2.15-r3(2.2)^s): GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
  531. [U] sys-libs/libsepol (2.0.41@11-04-2011 -> {M}2.1.9-r1^t): SELinux binary policy representation library
  532. [I] sys-power/bbswitch (0.7[?]@04-07-2013): Toggle discrete NVIDIA Optimus graphics card
  533. [I] sys-process/vixie-cron (4.1-r12[?]@15-04-2013): Paul Vixie's cron daemon, a fully featured crond implementation
  534. [I] virtual/fortran (0[?]@11-07-2013): Virtual for Fortran Compiler
  535. [U] virtual/udev (197-r2@15-04-2013 -> (~)200): Virtual to select between sys-fs/udev and sys-fs/eudev
  536. [D] www-client/midori (0.5.4@21-07-2013 -> (~)0.5.2): A lightweight web browser based on WebKitGTK+
  537. [D] x11-apps/mkfontscale (1.1.1@21-07-2013 -> 1.1.0): create an index of scalable font files for X
  538. [D] x11-apps/xhost (1.0.6@21-07-2013 -> 1.0.5): Controls host and/or user access to a running X server.
  539. [I] x11-apps/xinit (1.3.2[?]@08-03-2013): X Window System initializer
  540. [D] x11-apps/xrandr (1.4.1@21-07-2013 -> (~)1.4.0): primitive command line interface to RandR extension
  541. [U] x11-base/xorg-server (1.13.4-r1(0/1.13.4)[?]@18-06-2013 -> (~)1.14.2(0/1.14.2)): X.Org X servers
  542. [D] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev (2.8.1@21-07-2013 -> (~)2.8.0): Generic Linux input driver
  543. [I] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati (7.1.0[?]@19-05-2013): ATI video driver
  544. [D] x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel (2.21.12@18-07-2013 -> (~)2.21.11): X.Org driver for Intel cards
  545. [D] x11-libs/gnome-pty-helper (0.34.7@15-07-2013 -> 0.34.2): GNOME Setuid helper for opening ptys
  546. [D] x11-libs/gtk+ (2.24.20(2)@15-07-2013 3.8.2(3)@01-07-2013 -> (~)2.24.20(2) (~)3.6.3-r2(3)): Gimp ToolKit +
  547. [D] x11-libs/gtksourceview (2.10.5-r2(2.0)@18-12-2012 3.8.2(3.0)@15-07-2013 -> 2.10.5-r2(2.0) 3.6.3(3.0)): A text widget implementing syntax highlighting and other features
  548. [D] x11-libs/pango (1.34.1@01-07-2013 -> (~)1.32.5): Internationalized text layout and rendering library
  549. [D] x11-libs/vte (0.28.2-r206@21-04-2013 0.34.7(2.90)@15-07-2013 -> (~)0.28.2-r206 0.34.2(2.90)): Library providing a virtual terminal emulator widget
  550. [D] x11-misc/alacarte (3.7.90@08-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.1-r1): Simple GNOME menu editor
  551. [I] x11-misc/bumblebee (3.2.1[?]@03-06-2013): Service providing elegant and stable means of managing Optimus graphics chipsets
  552. [D] x11-misc/magneto-gtk (211[?]@22-07-2013 -> (~)189): Entropy Package Manager notification applet GTK2 frontend
  553. [U] x11-misc/virtualgl (2.3.2[?]@20-04-2013 -> (~)2.3.2-r3): Run OpenGL applications remotely with full 3D hardware acceleration
  554. [D] x11-misc/xscreensaver (5.22@21-07-2013 -> (~)5.21): A modular screen saver and locker for the X Window System
  555. [D] x11-terms/gnome-terminal (3.8.4@15-07-2013 -> (~)3.6.2): The Gnome Terminal
  556. [D] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme (3.8.2@01-07-2013 -> 3.6.2^bs): GNOME default icon theme
  557. [D] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.8.3@01-07-2013 -> 3.6.2^bs): Symbolic icons for GNOME default icon theme
  558. [I] x11-themes/tango-icon-theme (0.8.90[?]@02-03-2011): SVG and PNG icon theme from the Tango project
  559. [I] xfce-base/xfce4-session (4.10.1[?]@25-06-2013): A session manager for the Xfce desktop environment
  560. Found 165 matches.
  562. vinicius $
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