

Sep 14th, 2012
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  1. At first, she was a lot like you.
  3. Awkward and nervous, the faint yellow fluff that enveloped her body shaking every time you drew near. She would duck down and hide her red eyes with both her forelegs and the locks of her white mane, her little wings fluttering with terror. She would whisper faint apologies despite the fact that she hadn't done anything so terrible. An accident on the rug, a tipped over lamp, minor mistakes.
  5. You would hug her, and though she would shake, she would almost reflexively hug you back, her little legs and muscles conforming to your chest.
  7. You named her Snowcone.
  9. “Fwuffy sowwy, pwease wuv fwuffy!”
  11. Back then, she couldn't remember her name when she was afraid. You'd found her in an alley downtown in a box, soaked with cold urine and tears. She would weakly ask every person that came by for help, but she hit you with 'pwease wuv fwuffy'. Her words stabbed you right in the heart; you could not help but pick her up and take her with you. She babbled endlessly the whole way, half joyful, and half terrified. Over the next couple of days you learned about her previous 'daddy', who withheld food and play whenever she did something wrong. No wonder she was so thin and ratty.
  13. Over time, she warmed up. Once she figured out the hugs were real, she became like most of the other fluffy ponies you'd seen; happy, playful. She loved to tear around the house as fast as her little hooves would allow, bumping her red ball ahead of her. She was truly a ray of sunshine in your rather dull life.
  15. She was also, very careful. She made very sure to let you know when she had to go to the litterbox and wasn't sure she could make it in time. She didn't run in the living room. She didn't get underfoot when you were walking.
  17. She talked to herself.
  19. “Snowcone goo' fwuffy, daddy wuv goo' fwuffy...” she would mumble. Even a month after you'd saved her from the box in the alley, she still feared that you would turn on her.
  21. With the arrival of autumn, it was finally cool enough to let Snowcone out into your little yard. She loved the grass and jumping into piles of dry leaves, giggling wildly. All it took from you was a stern warning not to go past the big tree at the back of the unfenced lot.
  23. “Snowcone no go, Snowcone goo' fwuffy!”
  25. She never would, either, even when she thought you weren't watching. You'd peek out the window and look as she went up to the tree and tried to give it a hug; she was sad that the 'weafies' were leaving its branches. That tree was as far as she would go.
  27. While your words kept her in, they did not keep other fluffy ponies out.
  29. It was a Sunday when you heard her shrieking from outside, mounted by a dirty red unicorn and screeching in protest about the 'bad hugs' he was giving her. In a fit of rage, you punted that damned pony right out of your lot and onto the roof of the house across the street; a kick so strong that even Sebastian Janikowski, were he able to see you from the Raiders game on your TV, would have been proud. Snowcone clung to your leg and babbled with terror, some ungodly fluid dripping from her hindquarters that shone a pinkish white in the setting sun. it took you until eight o'clock to calm her down enough to get her to sleep in her safe room.
  31. The Tuesday you got home from work, she met you at the door.
  33. “Daddy, tummy feew funny!”
  35. A week into her pregnancy was when it all started to fall apart. She wouldn't stop talking about her babies, talking to her babies, talking to you about her babies. Every waking moment was devoted to the discussion of, speaking to, or attempting hugging of her unborn children. You weren't really paying attention, though. Your hours were being cut back at the office, and Snowcone was eating twice as much as normal. The good stuff, of course. You wanted your baby to be happy. Tonight, the woman from whom you were renting this house would be coming over to hear you out about giving you a break on the rent for a little while. She comes over about six, and the first thing Snowcone does is waddle over to her to tell her the good news about her babies.
  37. “When did you get this?” she asks.
  39. You tell her about Snowcone's adventures over the past two months. The look on her face tells you she's not pleased, so you excuse yourself to put Snowcone in the safe room so you can hear what she has to say.
  41. “The contract said no pets.”
  43. “She's not a pet. She talks. She's like a little fuzzy human.”
  45. “She walks on four legs and has a tail. She's a pet. You've always been a good tenant, and I'm willing to ease up on the rent until your situation gets better, but she can't stay here.”
  47. “Not even in the yard?”
  49. “Not on my property.”
  51. You can barely afford to stay here on your reduced salary, even with the drop in rent. You look toward the hallway where the safe room door is. After a bit of haggling, the landlady agreed to give you until the end of the month to find a place for Snowcone to live. Three weeks.
  53. Of course, the next day you went to the only fluffy pony shelter downtown. It was clean, if a bit overcrowded, but there was a problem.
  55. “We don't take pregnant mares or mares with foals. Our budget is tight enough, and we can't afford the extra and special-purpose food for them.”
  57. You know that feeling, but damn it all.
  59. The next two weeks were a dichotomy of emotion; a fluffy pony bursting with happiness, while you were the gloomiest of the gloomy. Snowcone never noticed, of course. The babies inside were her entire life now.
  61. And thus you find yourself here, at midnight on a Friday morning, as your precious fluffy pony cries in agony. She lies on her side in her little basket bed, panting with pain. You sit down beside her on the floor.
  63. “Owwies! Big tummy owwies! Huggies pwease!”
  65. You have to be quick. You feel around on the floor at your right thigh for the scissors to make sure they're still there. Just as your fingers brush across the handle, a foal squirts out of her rear end.
  67. “Nuuuuuu! Daddy! No mean make poopies! Pwease wuv Snowcone!”
  69. Ignoring her terror, you swiftly cut the foal's cord, and crush its tiny neck with your thumb before it can begin to cry. With a flick of your wrist, you fling it into the trash can in the corner.
  71. “Sowwy! Sowwy fo' bad poopies!”
  73. Three more times a foal emerges, and three more times do their corpses fly silently into the garbage. Snowcone, small again, squirms uncomfortably in her bed.
  75. “So sowwy, no mean make poo--” she stops cold, looking at your hand, red with the blood of her dead children. She takes a deliberate sniff, then begins trembling like mad.
  77. “D-d-daddy huwt babehs, why daddy huwt? Babehs no bad fwuffies, Snowcone goo' mumma, babehs goo'...”
  79. You leave her to babble and shake while you go clean the blood and gunk away. Half an hour later you return to check on her, and she tries to hide from you again.
  81. “Fwuffy hide, munsta daddy huwt babehs, no wuv Snowcone no mo'...”
  83. You sleep little that night, kept awake partially by your own thoughts and partially by the muffled cries of Snowcone's grief. The first thing next morning, you take her out of her safe room, give her a quick bath, and put her in the pet carrier you borrowed from your cousin for the trip to the shelter.
  85. “Daddy huwt babehs, daddy no wuv Snowcone...”
  87. The man at the shelter examines her, taking her out of the carrier and turning her around on the countertop.
  89. “Why daddy no wuv Snowcone? Snowcone sowwy bad fwuffy, pwease gif babehs...”
  90. “Where are her foals?” the man asks.
  92. You just look at him, and he nods quietly. While he records her height, weight, and gender, you glance around the shelter. That's when your eyes see a sign on the wall, a new one that wasn't here the last time.
  94. “All fluffy ponies at this shelter are sterilized in compliance with California Population Control Law.”
  96. She will never know a child's love, past or future.
  98. “Pwease gif babehs?” Snowcone asks again, tugging on your shirt cuff with her hoof. When you look down at her, she shrinks away. “Fwuffy sowwy...”
  100. Five minutes later, the processing is done, and the man asks if you want to say goodbye. You can't bring yourself to do it, and turn to leave.
  102. Snowcone, terrified, almost throws herself off the counter. “Nuuu! Pwease no weave!”
  104. The last words you hear as the door closes behind you are “Pwease wuv fwuffy!”
  106. You do.
  108. More than she will ever understand.
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