
The Fall [AKA My edgy as Fuck Story]

Nov 24th, 2013
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  1. The moon was hanging in the peaceful night sky when the silence of the mountains was disturbed by the sounds of battle in the distance and one lone rider. The rider was charging towards the battle in a foolish hope that he can prevent the death of his loved ones and save his city...he would be proved wrong. He emerged over a cliff overlooking the human capital similar to a sentinel watching his charges. He watched with his hopes crushed and his heart broken as he watches his city burn. Using his dark magic he looked closer to the city seeing the flags of elves, orcs,and dwarves. The orcs being long term rivals of humanity when it came to waging war made sense in their involvement. The dwarves aiding humanity in times when their economy was endanger of failing,made little sense but what didn't make any sense were the elves partaking in the humans slaughter. Elves, humanities most trusted allies, both sides risking their own safety for the others, giving each other food and supplies in times of famine, plagues, and disasters. None of this made any sense to the rider as he watched with horror as the combined armies of these three races burned and destroyed the capital of the last human kingdom on this continent. The riders name was nylek he was the last line of great wizards who served the king but no one knew of his true heritage. In truth his other half of his bloodline were necromancers, men and women who summoned entire legions of the undead to wage war against the king and his allies. They killed any who dared stand in their way as they rampaged on the lands destroying every kingdom until all the races stood together in their darkest hours and won the greatest battle ever fought in history. The battle raged for months neither side relenting in their onslaught until the strongest necromancer remained, his name purposely forgotten so that none may attempt to resurrect him. He fought and killed hundreds of orcs, elves, dwarves, and men alike resurrecting them as he killed them until the united might of the greatest heroes of the time united together and slayed him. But before he died he cursed the wizardess who struck him his mortal wound, "our bloodlines shall intermingle and the resulting offspring shall be so powerful that no one will be able to stop him, not you, not me, not even a angelik will be able to stop him." "He shall command the undead just by speaking, dragons shall bow before him even the mightiest of wyvrens!" "He shall exterminate all the races, using their corpses to serve mankind and return to the homeland and become the god-king of the world!" Those were his last words before his head was separated from his body which was burned and his head hidden to ensure that he would not easily return. Nylek watched his home burned as his heart started to burn with a uncontainable rage, pure fury burning hotter than the very fires of hell. He knew of his heritage and practiced the dark art of necromancy in secret as he raised entire armies of undead, training them he started to resurrect wyvrens and even bringing back long dead necromancers to aid him in his hopeless cause to protect humanity. Nylek was wearing his great-great-grandfathers armour and held a dual sided spear which he enchanted to make him a better fighter when he spilt blood with the blade. The armour was dark as the abyss with blood red lining the entire suit, a dark red hood covered his helmet which displayed his mood and it was glowing a dark red as he thought of how he'll pay back the races. He raised spear over his head as he prepared a massive teleportation spell which he would summon his armies of undead and dark angeliks, his undead dragons would fly there for he was near enough for them to hear his call to arms. A large explosion was heard as the as a red aura enveloped the plains outside the walls of the city in the aura a legion of the undead stood there, vampires and resurrected necromancers stood at the head of this sea of rotting flesh waiting for orders from their master. Nylek unleashed a powerful roar as he lifted his spear above his head summoning his personal guard of dark angeliks and ordering all his creations to butcher anything that wasn't dead or human. The undead surged forward with a roar of rage as they felt their masters fury, coursing through their dead veins. The orcs and dwarves attempted to hold a line but the sheer numbers and ferocity of the attacks from the undead were starting overwhelm them. The Elven archers were raining down fire upon them when they heard unnatural roars coming from the west. "Dragons!" The archers looked to the skies as they saw a black swarm of dragons descend upon them with fire and fury. The leaders of the combined armies looked with fear as they saw undead and dragon alike decimate their numbers with ease. The angeliks of the mightiest heroes there appeared to aid in battle their very presence capable of instilling fear into the hearts of the fearless, their strength unmatched in the world of the living except for dark angeliks. dark angeliks were once holy but they fell into sin once more, forced to wander the world aimlessly until they are slain but they aren't slain easily for they are made stronger by the evils in the world they absorb around them like the thirsty desert unable to quench their thirst for the evils of all the races. The dark angeliks took to the skies intending to kill their holy counter-parts in battle while defending their ground forces. The thunderous clash of the angeliks in the skies shook the ground and was heard from hundreds of miles from the battlefield as they fought to prove that their respective sides were superior. As Nylek watched the battle rage he felt the familiar feeling of the aura his old master had. "Nylek, why did you cause this?" Nylek glared at his old mentor with a cold fury. "You dare accuse ME of this!" The old man watched as his star pupil lose his temper and use the forbidden art of necromancy to destroy the armies of the combined races. "Do you have any idea how I felt when you rejected me? Watching my friends and family desert me?" Nyleks fury was starting to cool but he knew how to keep it fed. "I felt your sorrow Nylek but..." "NO! You didn't feel the pain and sorrow I had to endure all those years ago when I was banished from my own people and my bride was slain with child, MY child!" Nylek was pacing as his rage started to burn with even more intensity as he remembers pains he tried to forget on purpose as old wounds opened once more to torment Nylek.
  3. It all started since before he was born when his great-great grandfather casted a powerful spell before his demise. When Nylek was born a great magical storm was raging outside during the labour but when he was born the storm stopped and he was named Nylek, "the peace after the storm". His grandfather was once a respectable wizard but he was shamed when he tried to use a spell he invented to heal but instead it mutated the test subjects into horrible monsters that still live in the sewers of the human capital Syrax. The grandfather was exiled for this so he lived a life of poverty, yet he somehow managed to find happiness in his wife and lived simply for the rest of his days.
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