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- :Lbl Z
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Equations","Alg. Equations",A,"Geo. Equations",B,"Other",C,"Quit",E
- :Lbl E
- :ClrText
- :Stop
- :Lbl A
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Alg. Equations","Slope",20,"Pythagorean T.",21,"Distance",22,"Midpoint",23,"Quadratic",24,"Falling Object",64
- :Lbl 20
- :"Y1="?→A
- :"Y2="?→B
- :"X1="?→C
- :"X2="?→D
- :ClrText
- :((B-A)/(D-C))
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 21
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Pythagorean T.","Finding A",25,"Finding B",26,"Finding C",27)
- :Lbl 25
- :ClrText
- :"B="?→B
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :sqrt(C{^2}-B{^2})
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 26
- :ClrText
- :"A="?→A
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :sqrt(C{^2}-A{^2})
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 27
- :ClrText
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :ClrText
- :sqrt(A{^2}+B{^2})
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 22
- :ClrText
- :"X1="?→A
- :"Y1="?→C
- :"X2="?→B
- :"Y2="?→D
- :ClrText
- :sqrt((B-A){^2}+(D-C){^2})
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 23
- :ClrText
- :"X1="?→A
- :"Y1="?→B
- :"X2="?→C
- :"Y2="?→D
- :ClrText
- :Locate 1,1,((A+C)/2)
- :Locate 1,6,",
- :Locate 1,8,((B+D)/2)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 24
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Quadratic","X-Intercept",66,"Vertex",67,"Axis of Symm.",68,"B{^2}-4AC",69,"Factors",70,"All",81)
- :Lbl 67
- :ClrText
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :{-}B/(2A)→X
- :AX{^2}+BX+C→Y
- :Locate 1,1,"(
- :Locate 1,2,X
- :Locate 1,8,",
- :Locate 1,9,Y
- :Locate 1,16,")
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 68
- :ClrText
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :ClrText
- :{-}B/2A→C
- :C
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 69
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :B{^2}-4AC→D
- :D
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 66
- :ClrText
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :B{^2}-4AC→H
- :If H<0
- :"No Solution"
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto 90
- :End
- :If H≥0
- :({-}B+sqrt((B{^2}-4AC)))/(2A)→E
- :({-}B-sqrt((B{^2}-4AC)))/(2A)→F
- :Locate 1,1,"Plus="
- :Locate 1,6?→E)
- :Locate 4,1,"Minus="
- :Locate 4,7?→F)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto 90
- :Lbl 90
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Again?","Yes",66,"No",Z)
- :Lbl 81
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :{-}B/(2A)→X
- :AX{^2}+BX+C→Y
- :Locate 1,1,"V=
- :Locate 1,3,"(
- :Locate 1,4,X
- :Locate 1,8,",
- :Locate 1,9,Y
- :Locate 1,16,")
- :Locate 2,1,"AOS=
- :Locate 2,5,X
- :B{^2}-4AC→H
- :Locate 3,1,"B{^2}-4AC=
- :Locate 3,8,H
- :If H<0
- :Locate 4,1,"No Solution"
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :End
- :If H≥0
- :({-}B+sqrt((B{^2}-4AC)))/(2A)→E
- :({-}B-sqrt((B{^2}-4AC)))/(2A)→F
- :Locate 4,1,"X-Plus="
- :Locate 4,8?→E)
- :Locate 5,1,"X-Minus="
- :Locate 5,9?→F)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl B
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Geo. Equations","Surface Area",1,"Volume",2,"Area",3,"Perimeter",4,"Circumference",5,"Angles",W)
- :Lbl W
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Angles","Interior Sum",78,"Special Triangle",ST,"Law of Sines",UP,"Law of Cosines",UQ
- :Lbl UQ
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Law of Cosines","Find Side",FI,"Find Angle",FG
- :Lbl FI
- :"A1="?→A
- :"b="?→B
- :"c="?→C
- :ClrText
- :sqrt(((B{^2})+(C{^2})-(2BC)*cos(A)))
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl FG
- :Degree
- :"a="?→A
- :"b="?→B
- :"c="?→C
- :ClrText
- :cos{^-1}((A{^2}-(B{^2}+C{^2}))/({-}2BC))
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Radian
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl ST
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Special Triangle","45-45-90",SU,"30-60-90",SV
- :Lbl SU
- :ClrText
- :Menu "45-45-90","Find Leg",SL,"Find Hypo.",SH
- :Lbl SL
- :"H="?→A
- :ClrText
- :A/sqrt(2)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl SH
- :"L="?→A
- :ClrText
- :Asqrt(2)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl SV
- :ClrText
- :Menu "30-60-90","Find Short",FS,"Find Long",FL,"Find Hypo.",FH
- :Lbl FS
- :ClrText
- :Menu "USING WHAT?","Long Side",LO,"Hypotenuse",HY
- :Lbl LO
- :"LS="?→A
- :ClrText
- :A/sqrt(3)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl HY
- :"H="?→A
- :ClrText
- :A/2
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl FL
- :ClrText
- :Menu "USING WHAT?","Short Side",SS,"Hypotenuse",HP
- :Lbl SS
- :"SS="?→A
- :ClrText
- :Asqrt(3)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl HP
- :"H="?→A
- :ClrText
- :(A/2)*sqrt(3)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl FH
- :ClrText
- :Menu "USING WHAT?","Short Side",SD,"Long Side",LD
- :Lbl SD
- :"SS="?→A
- :ClrText
- : A*2
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl LD
- :"LS="?→A
- :ClrText
- :(A/sqrt(3))*2
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl UP
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Law of Sines","Find Side",UR,"Find Angle",US
- :Lbl UR
- :"A1="?→A
- :"A2="?→B
- :"SA1="?→C
- :ClrText
- :(sin(Bº)*C)/sin(Aº)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl US
- :"S1="?→A
- :"S2="?→B
- :"AS1="?→C
- :ClrText
- :sin{^-1}((sin(Cº)*B)/A)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 78
- :"NoS="?→A
- :ClrText
- :((A-2)*180)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 1
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Surface Area","Cylinder",6,"Cube",7,"Rectangular P.",8,"Sphere",9,"Triangular Pr.",10)
- :Lbl 6
- :ClrText
- :"H="?→A
- :"R="?→B
- :ClrText
- :2πB{^2}+2πBA
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 7
- :ClrText
- :"S="?→A
- :ClrText
- :6A{^2}
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 9
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :ClrText
- :4πA{^2}
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 8
- :ClrText
- :"L="?→A
- :"W="?→B
- :"H="?→C
- :ClrText
- :((A*B)*2)+((B*C)*2)+((A*C)*2)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 10
- :ClrText
- :"B="?→A
- :"H="?→B
- :"S1="?→C
- :"S2="?→D
- :"S3="?→E
- :ClrText
- :AB+(C+D+E)B
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 2
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Volume","Cube",11,"Sphere",12,"Rectangular P.",13,"Triangular P.",14,"Cone",16,"Pyramid",15,"Cylinder",17)
- :Lbl 11
- :ClrText
- :"S="?→A
- :ClrText
- :A{^3}
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 12
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :ClrText
- :(4/3)πA{^3}
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 13
- :ClrText
- :"L="?→A
- :"W="?→B
- :"H="?→C
- :ClrText
- :A*B*C
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 16
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :"H="?→B
- :ClrText
- :(1/3)πA{^2}B
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 14
- :ClrText
- :"L="?→A
- :"W="?→B
- :"H="?→C
- :ClrText
- :(1/2)ABC
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 17
- :ClrText
- :Menu "CYLINDER","Find Volume"?→FV,"Find Radius"?→FR,"Find Height"?→FQ
- :Lbl FR
- :ClrText
- :"V="?→A
- :"H="?→B
- :ClrText
- :sqrt(A/(πB))
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl FQ
- :ClrText
- :"V="?→A
- :"R="?→B
- :ClrText
- :A/(πB{^2})
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl FV
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :"H="?→B
- :ClrText
- :πA{^2}B
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 15
- :ClrText
- :"B="?→A
- :"H="?→B
- :ClrText
- :(1/3)AB
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 3
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Area","Square",28,"Triangle",29,"Rectangle",30,"Trapezoid",31,"Circle",ZY)
- :Lbl ZY
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :ClrText
- :πA{^2}
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 28
- :ClrText
- :"S="?→A
- :ClrText
- :A{^2}
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 29
- :ClrText
- :"B="?→A
- :"H="?→B
- :ClrText
- :(1/2)AB
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 30
- :ClrText
- :"L="?→A
- :"W="?→B
- :ClrText
- :AB
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 31
- :ClrText
- :"H="?→A
- :"B1="?→B
- :"B2="?→C
- :ClrText
- :(1/2)A(B+C)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 5
- :ClrText
- :Menu "****************","Find Circum."?→AA,"Find Radius"?→BB)
- :Lbl BB
- :ClrText
- :"Circum.:"?→A
- :ClrText
- :A/(2π)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl AA
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :ClrText
- :2πA
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 4
- :ClrText
- :"Do it yourself!"
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :"You are lazy,","and lazy people","should be","shunned!"
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl C
- :ClrText
- :Menu "Other","Average Speed",36,"Intrest",50,"Fibonacci",55)
- :Lbl 36
- :ClrText
- :Menu "................","Finding R",38,"Finding T",39,"Finding D",40)
- :Lbl 38
- :ClrText
- :"D="?→A
- :"T="?→B
- :ClrText
- :A/B
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 39
- :ClrText
- :"D="?→A
- :"R="?→B
- :ClrText
- :A/B
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 40
- :ClrText
- :"R="?→A
- :"T="?→B
- :ClrText
- :A*B
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 50
- :ClrText
- :Menu "****************","Finding I",51,"Finding P",52,"Finding R",53,"Finding T",54)
- :Lbl 51
- :ClrText
- :"P="?→A
- :"R(Percent)="?→B
- :"T(Years)="?→C
- :ClrText
- :B/100→B
- :ABC
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 52
- :ClrText
- :"I="?→A
- :"R(Percent)="?→B
- :"T(Years)="?→C
- :ClrText
- :B/100→B
- :A/(B*C)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 53
- :ClrText
- :"I="?→A
- :"P="?→B
- :"T(Years)="?→C
- :ClrText
- :A/(B*C)→D
- :D*100
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 54
- :ClrText
- :"I="?→A
- :"P="?→B
- :"R(Percent)="?→C
- :ClrText
- :C/100→C
- :A/(B*C)
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 55
- :ClrText
- :"N="?→A
- :ClrText
- :(1.6180339887498948482045868^A/sqrt(5))-(({-}.6180339887498948482045868)^6/sqrt(5))
- :If Ans≥10000000000
- :Float
- :Ans
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :End
- :If Ans<10000000000
- :Fix 0
- :Ans
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Float
- :Goto Z
- :End
- :Lbl 64
- :ClrText
- :"S="?→A
- :ClrText
- :0-A→B
- :B/{-}16→C
- :sqrt(C)→D
- :D
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
- :Lbl 70
- :ClrText
- :"A="?→A
- :"B="?→B
- :"C="?→C
- :ClrText
- :0→G
- :If B{^2}-4AC<0
- : "No Solution"
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Stop
- :End
- :If A>0
- :A-1→D
- :A→I
- :A→K
- :End
- :If A<0
- :A-1→D
- :A→I
- :0→K
- :End
- :If C>0
- :C-1→E
- :C→J
- :C→L
- :End
- :If C<0
- :C-1→E
- :C→J
- :0→L
- :End
- :For(H,{-}5000,5000)
- :If D*I=A
- :Goto ZZ
- :End
- :If I=K
- :D+1→D
- :{-}A-1→I
- :End
- :I+1→I
- :End
- :Lbl ZZ
- :For(H,{-}5000,5000
- :If E*J=C
- :Goto YY
- :End
- :If J=L
- :E+1→E
- :{-}C-1→J
- :End
- :J+1→J
- :End
- :Lbl YY
- :Locate 1,2,"(
- :Locate 1,3?→D
- :Locate 1,5,"X
- :Locate 1,6,"+
- :Locate 1,8,J
- :Locate 1,10,")
- :Locate 2,2,"(
- :Locate 2,3,I
- :Locate 2,5,"X
- :If B>0
- :Locate 2,6,"+
- :End
- :If B<0
- :Locate 2,6,"-
- :End
- :Locate 2,8?→E
- :Locate 2,10,")
- :While Getkey≠31
- :WhileEnd
- :ClrText
- :Goto Z
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