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Jul 4th, 2015
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  1. [22:07:13] Sik [] is now known as tisk
  2. [22:07:52] <@Emmma> ohhh its you
  3. [22:08:02] <@tisk> yeah
  4. [22:08:09] <@Emmma> haha
  5. [22:08:10] <@tisk> hi babe
  6. [22:08:11] <@StrykingX> Lolol
  7. [22:08:33] <@Emmma> i dont know these things you need to tell me whats going on!!!
  8. [22:08:53] <@tisk> emma
  9. [22:08:58] <@BenCox> lol Emmma
  10. [22:09:02] <@tisk> hugs hun
  11. [22:09:02] <@Emmma> yes
  12. [22:09:03] <@BenCox> you're now tisk's girlfriend
  13. [22:09:12] <@tisk> i wish
  14. [22:09:15] <@BenCox> he's gonna stick it in ya
  15. [22:09:17] <@Emmma> i dont scroll up to see whats been going on
  16. [22:09:21] <@Emmma> im not that sad
  17. [22:09:26] <@tisk> im not sad
  18. [22:09:34] <@tisk> i will quit for u
  19. [22:09:45] <@Emmma> the ones who scroll to see whats happening are sad
  20. [22:09:46] <@tisk> lols
  21. [22:10:05] <@tisk> emmmmmmmmmmaaa
  22. [22:10:07] <@tisk> :P
  23. [22:10:09] <@StrykingX> HAHAHAHA
  24. [22:10:19] <@tisk> umma emma
  25. [22:10:20] <@StrykingX> Typical tisk
  26. [22:10:38] <@tisk> what
  27. [22:10:56] <@Emmma> coz your a good girl and you know it
  28. [22:11:11] <@tisk> i be your girl emma
  29. [22:11:19] <@StrykingX> Wtf
  30. [22:11:20] <@tisk> u can tell me off
  31. [22:11:25] <@tisk> opps
  32. [22:11:27] <@tisk> u
  33. [22:11:31] <@tisk> be
  34. [22:11:33] <@tisk> my girl
  35. [22:11:35] <@tisk> :P
  36. [22:11:44] <@BenCox> ROFL
  37. [22:12:01] <@StrykingX> So fucked in the heaf
  38. [22:12:06] <@StrykingX> He swaps genders
  39. [22:12:09] BenCox [] has changed topic to "[10:22] <smashmouse> Gayfish: I want ur dick josh, it's a nice dick, seven inches of nice dick and great girth bro, how did ya do it? MASTURBATED! | [22:11:11] <@tisk> i be your girl emma"
  40. [22:12:11] <@StrykingX> Head
  41. [22:12:17] <@StrykingX> LOL
  42. [22:12:34] <@Osskkaarr> addquotes
  43. [22:12:35] <@BenCox> Chris = Cristina?
  44. [22:12:35] <@Emmma> yay i made it to the topic
  45. [22:12:40] <@Emmma> im special
  46. [22:13:19] <@tisk> ur so are
  47. [22:13:25] <@BenCox> rofl
  48. [22:13:26] <@BenCox> Emmma:
  49. [22:13:28] <@BenCox> he's in love
  50. [22:13:31] <@BenCox> you're trapped now
  51. [22:13:33] <@Emmma> i know :)
  52. [22:13:35] <@BenCox> no way out
  53. [22:13:38] <@tisk> u want foot rub
  54. [22:13:40] <@Emmma> oh really?
  55. [22:13:48] <@tisk> every nite
  56. [22:13:52] <@StrykingX> He'll hassle you forever now
  57. [22:14:00] <@Emmma> Im sure i can disconnect
  58. [22:14:05] <@StrykingX> And if you flirt with any other guy
  59. [22:14:05] <@tisk> lol
  60. [22:14:12] <@StrykingX> You'll be abused
  61. [22:14:13] <@tisk> watch out
  62. [22:14:16] <@tisk> lols
  63. [22:14:17] <@Emmma> haha
  64. [22:14:22] <@BenCox> tisk: what are you on tonight?
  65. [22:14:23] <@tisk> nah Emmma
  66. [22:14:24] <@Emmma> i like it like that
  67. [22:14:24] <@BenCox> how many cones you had?
  68. [22:14:29] anotherirc3r [] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
  69. [22:14:32] <@tisk> Emmma
  70. [22:14:37] <@Emmma> yes
  71. [22:14:37] <@tisk> um
  72. [22:14:46] <@tisk> if i look in your eyes
  73. [22:14:58] <@Emmma> I dont have eyes
  74. [22:15:00] <@tisk> will i lose my mind again
  75. [22:15:06] <@Emmma> i have 2 holes in my head
  76. [22:15:09] <@tisk> wtf
  77. [22:15:19] <@tisk> how do u see
  78. [22:15:24] <@Emmma> i feel
  79. [22:15:36] <@Osskkaarr> !quoteadd <tisk> umma emma <tisk> i be your girl emma <tisk> if i look in your eyes <tisk> i fried
  80. [22:15:37] <@grubs> Quote was added.
  81. [22:15:39] <@tisk> geee
  82. [22:15:40] <@amelia> will i lose my mind again
  83. [22:15:40] <@StrykingX> She doesn't have fingers either
  84. [22:15:43] <@amelia> ahahahahahha
  85. [22:15:51] <@Emmma> yes they are up my bum
  86. [22:15:53] <@StrykingX> Hahahhaha
  87. [22:15:56] <@Emmma> been lost for days
  88. [22:16:03] <@StrykingX> If i look in your eyes
  89. [22:16:07] <@StrykingX> I fried
  90. [22:16:13] <@StrykingX> Best. Quote.
  91. [22:16:13] <@Emmma> if you look in my eyes you will see death
  92. [22:16:38] <@Emmma> only joking!
  93. [22:16:42] <@Emmma> i can see people
  94. [22:16:52] <@Emmma> but my fingers are really stuck up my bum
  95. [22:17:04] <@StrykingX> Kinky bitch
  96. [22:17:09] <@BenCox> Osskkaarr: ROFL
  97. [22:17:10] <@Emmma> yes sir
  98. [22:17:10] <@BenCox> HAHAHAH
  99. [22:17:28] <@Osskkaarr> He needs lessons on pickup lines... ones that do work... not ones that he thought of while fried.
  100. [22:17:46] <@BenCox> tisk: you have no fucking idea how to pick up a girl
  101. [22:17:52] <@BenCox> I just showed this to my missus
  102. [22:17:59] <@BenCox> her only response "He needs help"
  103. [22:18:09] <@tisk> oh
  104. [22:18:11] <@tisk> lol
  105. [22:18:14] <@StrykingX> Lolol
  106. [22:18:16] <@BenCox> tisk: my missus thinks you need help
  107. [22:18:33] <@BenCox> I have not seen such a sad and pathetic pick up attempt since I was 16
  108. [22:18:53] <@BenCox> what the fuck are you on tonight?
  109. [22:19:07] <@Emmma> ice
  110. [22:19:16] <@StrykingX> Metho
  111. [22:19:19] <@Emmma> he likes to eat ice when he has finished his maccas
  112. [22:19:24] <@StrykingX> Hold the OJ
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