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- Some stupids still doesn't believe I pwned the Comodo, here is another proof for tiny brains who can't believe:
- Here is part of decompiled TrustDLL of Comodo partner:
- ClassName: ASCR
- Language: C#
- Code:
- [code]
- namespace TrustDll
- {
- #region Namespace Import Declarations
- using System.Collections.Specialized;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using System;
- using System.Web;
- #endregion
- public class ASCR
- {
- #region Fields
- private string login;
- private int numberOfTries;
- private string password;
- private string url;
- private string url_nos;
- #endregion
- #region Constructors
- public ASCR ()
- {
- this.url = "";
- this.url_nos = "";
- this.login = "gtadmin";
- this.password = "TRIMMEDIT";
- this.numberOfTries = 5;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Methods
- public HttpWebResponse CCC_Collection_Page (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string string1 = data.ToString ();
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url_nos + "collectCustomClientCert")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse CCC_Collection_Page_NET (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string string1 = data.ToString ();
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url_nos + "download/CollectCCC")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse CCC_SignUp_Page (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string string1 = data.ToString ();
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url + "!applyCustomClientCert")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse Cert_Generation (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string[] stringArray1 = new string[] { "loginName0x03d", this.login.ToString (), "&loginPassword0x03d", this.password.ToString (), "&", data.ToString () };
- string string1 = string.Concat (stringArray1);
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url + "!AutoApplySSL")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse CSR_Validation (string CSR, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string string1 = ("csr0x03d" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode (CSR) + "&responseFormat0x03d0&showErrorCodes0x03dY&showErrorMessages0x03dY&showFieldNames0x03dY&showEmpt"
- + "yFields0x03dY&showCN0x03dY&showAddress0x03dY&showPublicKey0x03dY&showKeySize0x03dY&showCSR0x03dY&product"
- + "0x03d24&countryNameType0x03dFULL");
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url + "!DecodeCSR")));
- httpWebRequest1.Headers.Add ("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1");
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse CSR_Validation_All (string CSR, int product, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- object[] objectArray1 = new object[] { "csr0x03d", HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode (CSR), "&responseFormat0x03d0&showErrorCodes0x03dY&showErrorMessages0x03dY&showFieldNames0x03dY&showEmpt"
- + "yFields0x03dY&showCN0x03dY&showAddress0x03dY&showPublicKey0x03dY&showKeySize0x03dY&showCSR0x03dY&product"
- + "0x03d", product, "&countryNameType0x03dFULL" };
- string string1 = string.Concat (objectArray1);
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url + "!DecodeCSR")));
- httpWebRequest1.Headers.Add ("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1");
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse SSL_PickUp (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string[] stringArray1 = new string[] { "loginName0x03d", this.login.ToString (), "&loginPassword0x03d", this.password.ToString (), "&", data.ToString () };
- string string1 = string.Concat (stringArray1);
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url_nos + "download/CollectSSL")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse SSL_Reissue (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string[] stringArray1 = new string[] { "loginName0x03d", this.login.ToString (), "&loginPassword0x03d", this.password.ToString (), "&", data.ToString () };
- string string1 = string.Concat (stringArray1);
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url + "!AutoReplaceSSL")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HttpWebResponse SSL_Revoke (string data, out string response)
- {
- HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest1;
- HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse1;
- response = "";
- int i1 = 0;
- string[] stringArray1 = new string[] { "loginName0x03d", this.login.ToString (), "&loginPassword0x03d", this.password.ToString (), "&", data.ToString () };
- string string1 = string.Concat (stringArray1);
- while (i1 < this.numberOfTries)
- {
- try
- {
- httpWebRequest1 = ((HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ((this.url + "!AutoRevokeSSL")));
- httpWebRequest1.Timeout = 10000;
- httpWebRequest1.Method = "POST";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
- httpWebRequest1.ContentLength = ((long) string1.Length);
- using (StreamWriter streamWriter1 = new StreamWriter (httpWebRequest1.GetRequestStream ()))
- {
- streamWriter1.Write (string1);
- streamWriter1.Close ();
- }
- httpWebResponse1 = ((HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest1.GetResponse ());
- response = new StreamReader (httpWebResponse1.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ();
- httpWebResponse1.Close ();
- return httpWebResponse1;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- i1++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
- [/code]
- Enough said?
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