
Fluttermom Prologue

Jun 1st, 2012
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  1. >You woke up with an aching back
  2. >A breeze brushed against your leg sending shivers all over your body
  3. "Burr I don't remember leaving the window open last night"
  4. >You finally opened your eyes and found yourself in a forest
  5. "Fuck...I thought I was never gonna do that shit again"
  6. >You looked around to see if there was any drugs or a dead deer around but found none
  7. "Where the fuck am I?"
  8. >You walked around in the forest hoping to find some path leading you somewhere
  9. >You hated the fact that this shit had to fucking happened when you were barefoot and in pajama pants and in a wife beater
  10. "Ugh fuck, everything looks the same and cartoony"
  11. >You heard a rumble in your stomach
  12. "And of course I am fucking hungry"
  13. >You finally found a path and pissed to see which direction you would be going
  14. "My dick says left so I gotta go right"
  15. >You never listen to where your dick leads you since it always is a bad idea
  16. >The trees began to thin out and soon enough you were out
  17. "Fuck yeah! I hope there's some ranger close by or a friendly bear with a picnic basket"
  18. >There is a small cottage ahead of you
  19. "Oh man, I hope they have some fucking bacon"
  20. >Your stomach rumbles in anticipation for some meaty goodness
  21. >You knock hard at the door
  22. >"Hello?"
  23. "Hey! Listen I woke up in the middle of the woods and I was hoping you could help me"
  24. >"Oh no the Everfree forest is a dangerous place"
  25. >The voice behind the door was heavenly soothing, almost relaxing actually
  26. "Yeah, well mind if I come in?"
  27. >"Oh where are my manners"
  28. >The door swung open
  29. >"Please"
  30. >The yellow donkey stared at you
  31. >You stared back at the yellow donkey
  32. "Hi..."
  33. >"..."
  34. "..."
  35. >"..."
  36. "Well I sure am hungry, man I must be on some heavy drugs. What can I eat?"
  37. >"Please...just don't eat me"
  38. "I would never eat you, you're not food. I don't do cannibalism"
  39. >She stared at you with her blue donkey eyes with fear but then soon with something else
  40. >"Are you lost?"
  41. "Yeah like I said, woke up, lost in woods, probably on a lot of party drugs, and so hungry I can eat a horse!"
  42. >"Eeep...I thought you wouldn't eat me..."
  43. "The fuck are you talking about lady? Wait..."
  44. >You brushed your hand against her fur
  45. " are a talking donkey! Am I an ogre then?
  46. >You inspect your body and find that you're not green or a peaked out actor
  47. >"I'm not a filthy half-breed. I am a pony"
  48. "Pony? Am I in some kids t.v. show? This sounds pretty weird...okay what shit head did this to me"
  49. >"Please don't use foul language in front of burns my virgin ears"
  50. "Fine. Listen can I have some food? I really am hungry talking horse"
  51. >"Yes and what are you? I never seen a creature like you before"
  52. "A human, just a boy living the life by the minute"
  53. >"Oh a child! That's sad...a lost boy. Your parents must be scared and worried"
  54. "My parents are dead and no I am not a child. That was just a phrase, sheesh"
  55. >"Don't worry little fella, I will take care of you. From now on call me mom"
  56. >Is she for real? Also what the fuck you're 3 feet taller than her
  57. "Listen I am a man, and I will be treated like one"
  58. >"I know you're scared but mama will feed you now. And yes you are a BIG boy"
  59. >Her sarcasm taste like candy horse semen
  60. "I...I am not...fuck this. I'm hungry, what are you gonna feed me MOM?"
  61. >She started to hover-OH FUCK SHE HAS WINGS!
  62. "Awesome! You can fly! I'm starting to like you again"
  63. >"I am a Pegasus so of course I can fly silly"
  64. " you're average..."
  65. >She lost all that love she gained from you which was very little actually
  66. >"So are you a boy or a girl?"
  67. >Who the fuck is she, Professor Oak?
  68. "Boy-wait a MAN! CAN'T YOU TELL BY MY VOICE!"
  69. >"Now now, no screaming in my house or at your mother"
  71. >Her
  72. "I'm sorry mom for cursing and I promise to be a good boy now..."
  73. >"Good, now be a good lil colt-uh boy and wash your filthy monster claws before you eat"
  74. >You head over to the kitchen sink to wash your "monster hands"
  75. "Yeah yeah whatever...bitch..."
  76. >"What was that?"
  77. "Uh nothing..."
  78. >"Okay"
  79. >You sit at the table and see what she made
  80. "A sandwich? I hope it tastes good"
  81. >You bite into it and then spit it all out
  82. "The fuck you feeding me? The hell? Flowers and grass!"
  83. >"Now listen here uh...what's your name?"
  84. "Anonymous but just call me Anon"
  85. >"Now listen here Anon, now that I am your mother you will not speak foul language, okay?"
  86. "Okay and what's yours?"
  87. >"Well it's Fluttershy"
  88. >For a talking flying tiny horse she has a cute smile
  89. "Listen I don't eat grass, maybe a flower but not grass. Next time you shop I'll pick food I like"
  90. >"Okay and ooohh I just can't wait to show you to my friends"
  91. >What are you a pet? Oh wait your her son now
  92. "Okay whatever MOM"
  93. >And soon began your life as an adopted son of a shy quiet yet scary at times Pegasus
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