Guest User


a guest
Jun 15th, 2011
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  1. Welcome to the HelpPages configuration file.
  2. Everything outside the [[ ]] blocks is considered a comment and is ignored.
  3. When this file is created the first time, all available commands and descriptions
  4. are appended at the end of this file for easy copy'n'paste.
  6. [[messages
  7. noconfig=Configuration file not found.
  8. reloaded=Help Pages reloaded.
  9. unknownpage=Unknown Help Page.
  10. ]]
  11. ###################### Groups ######################
  12. [[group Admins
  13. =>AdminPage1
  14. 1=>AdminPage1
  15. ]]
  16. [[group Mods
  17. =>ModPage1
  18. 1=>ModPage1
  19. ]]
  20. [[group Users
  21. =>UserPage1
  22. 1=>UserPage1
  23. ]]
  24. [[group VIP
  25. =>VIPPage1
  26. 1=>VIPPage1
  27. ]]
  28. ###################### Pages ######################
  29. [[page UserPage1
  30. &c--------------------- HELP ---------------------
  31. Hello User, you can use the following commands:
  32. &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows help page &7[#]
  33. &c/ch who &7[#] &f- See who is online. &7[#]
  34. &c/ch help &7[#] &f- To get help for HeroChat &7[#]
  35. &c/sethome &7[#] &f- Sets your home to your current location. &7[#]
  36. &c/home delete &7[#] &f- To remove your current home location. &7[#]
  37. ]]
  38. [[page ModPage1
  39. &c--------------------- HELP ---------------------
  40. Hello Moderator, you can use the following commands:
  41. &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows help page &7[#]
  42. &c/ch who &7[#] &f- See who is online. &7[#]
  43. &c/ch help &7[#] &f- To get help for HeroChat &7[#]
  44. &c/sethome &7[#] &f- Sets your home to your current location. &7[#]
  45. &c/sethome &7[#] &f- Sets your home to your current location. &7[#]
  46. &c/home delete &7[#] &f- To remove your current home location. &7[#]
  47. &c/pex user <user> group add Users %f- Add user to Users group (first time only) &7[#]
  48. &c/pex user <user> group set VIP %f- To promote a user to VIP. &7[#]
  49. ]]
  50. [[page AdminPage1
  51. &c--------------------- HELP ---------------------
  52. Hello Admin, you can use all the commands and shouldnt need this, hehe.:
  53. &c/pex user <user> group add Users %f- Add user to Users group (first time only) &7[#]
  54. &c/pex user <user> group set VIP %f- To promote a user to VIP. &7[#]
  55. ]]
  57. page Page2
  58. &c--------------------- HELP 2/2 ---------------------
  59. This page is the same for everyone.
  60. Colors: &00 &11 &22 &33 &44 &55 &66 &77 &88 &99 &aa &bb &cc &dd &ee &ff
  63. ########### Available commands for easy copy'n'paste ###########
  64. ### HelpPages - Group-Specific Custom Help Pages
  65. /help <page> - Shows Help pages
  66. ### MyHome
  67. /home help - Displays the MyHome commands - All of the MyHome commands
  68. /sethome - Sets the home position if enabled in the configuration - Alias for /home set
  69. ### BukkitCompat - McMyAdmin Compatibility Plugin
  70. /tell - send a message to a specific person
  71. /kickreason - kick a user with a supplied reason
  72. /ping - check that the server is still responding
  73. /memusage - report memory usage per plugin
  74. ### NoWeather - Disable weather
  75. ### mcbans
  76. /kick (playername) [reason] - kicks a user
  77. /ban (playername) [g/reason] [reason] - ban a user
  78. /unban (playername) - unban a user
  79. /mcbans (8 character string) - authenticate user
  80. /tempban (playername) (duration) (m(minutes) or h(hours) or d(days)) - temporary ban user
  81. /vote yes or no - cast a vote
  82. /lookup (player) - lookup a player
  83. /votekick (player) - initiate vote
  84. /votemsg (msg) - vote on an issue
  85. /mcbans-offline - switch to offline mode
  86. /mcbans-online - switch to online mode
  87. /mcbans-reload - re-check
  88. /mute playername - mute player
  89. /muteall - mute all players
  90. /mi - ignore player actions
  91. /msay - mcbans say
  92. /mcbans-ignore - alias ignore player actions
  93. ### OwnBlocks
  94. /ownblocks - toggle per-player OwnBlocks activation
  95. ### VanishNoPickup
  96. Incorrect usage of /vanish. Examples:
  97. /vanish - Toggles your visibility
  98. /vanish list - List of invisible players
  99. - Toggles your visibility
  100. Incorrect usage of /nopickup. Examples:
  101. /nopickup - Toggles Your Ability to Pickup Items
  102. /nopickup list - List of players with Item Pickup Disabled - Toggles Picking Up Items
  103. ### SimpleChestLock - Gives players the ability to lock chests
  105. /sclreload (takes no arguments) - Reloads the ChestLock settings file
  106. /sclsave (takes no arguments) - Saves the chests file
  107. ### WorldEdit
  108. /chunkinfo - Get information about the chunk that you are inside
  109. /listchunks - List chunks that your selection includes
  110. /delchunks - Delete chunks that your selection includes
  111. //load <filename> - Load a schematic into your clipboard
  112. //save <filename> - Save a schematic into your clipboard
  113. //copy - Copy the selection to the clipboard
  114. //flip [dir] - Flip the contents of the clipboard
  115. //rotate <angle-in-degrees> - Rotate the contents of the clipboard
  116. //cut [leave-id] - Cut the selection to the clipboard
  117. //paste [-ao] - Paste the clipboard's contents
  118. /clearclipboard - Clear your clipboard
  119. //limit <limit> - Modify block change limit
  120. /we - WorldEdit commands
  121. /toggleplace
  122. /searchitem [-bi] <query> - Search for an item
  123. //hcyl <block> <radius> [height] - Generate a hollow cylinder
  124. //cyl <block> <radius> [height] - Generate a cylinder
  125. //hsphere <block> <radius> [raised?] - Generate a hollow sphere
  126. //sphere <block> <radius> [raised?] - Generate a filled sphere
  127. /forestgen [size] [type] [density] - Generate a forest
  128. /pumpkins [size] - Generate pumpkin patches
  129. //undo [times] - Undoes the last action
  130. //redo [times] - Redoes the last action (from history)
  131. /clearhistory - Clear your history
  132. /clearhistory - Clear your history
  133. /unstuck - Escape from being stuck inside a block
  134. /ascend - Go up a floor
  135. /descend - Go down a floor
  136. /ceil [clearance] - Go to the celing
  137. /thru - Passthrough walls
  138. /jumpto - Teleport to a location
  139. /up <block> - Go upwards some distance
  140. //replace [from-block] <to-block> - Replace all blocks in the selection with another
  141. //stack [-sa] [count] [direction] - Repeat the contents of the selection
  142. //set <block> - Set all the blocks inside the selection to a block
  143. //overlay <block> - Set a block on top of blocks in the region
  144. //walls <block> - Build the four sides of the selection
  145. //faces <block> - Build the walls, ceiling, and roof of a selection
  146. //smooth [iterations] - Smooth the elevation in the selection
  147. //move [-s] [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the contents of the selection
  148. //regen - Regenerates the contents of the selection
  149. /cs <filename> [args...] - Execute a CraftScript
  150. /.s [args...] - Execute last CraftScript
  151. //count <block> - Counts the number of a certain type of block
  152. //size - Get information about the selection
  153. //shift <amount> [direction] - Shift the selection area
  154. //chunk - Set the selection to your current chunk
  155. //expand <amount> [reverse-amount] <direction> - Expand the selection area
  156. //contract <amount> [reverse-amount] [direction] - Contract the selection area
  157. //pos1 - Set position 1
  158. //pos2 - Set position 2
  159. //hpos1 - Set position 1 to targeted block
  160. //hpos2 - Set position 2 to targeted block
  161. //wand - Get the wand object
  162. /toggleeditwand - Toggle functionality of the edit wand
  163. //outset [-hv] <amount> - Outset the selection area
  164. //inset [-hv] <amount> - Inset the selection area
  165. //distr [-c] - Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
  166. //sel [type] - Choose a region selector
  167. /snapshot - Snapshot commands
  168. /restore [snapshot] - Restore the selection from a snapshot
  169. /size [pattern] - Set the brush size
  170. /mask [mask] - Set the brush mask
  171. // - Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function
  172. /superpickaxe - Select super pickaxe mode
  173. /tool - Select a tool to bind
  174. /mat [pattern] - Set the brush material
  175. /info - Block information tool
  176. /none - Turn off all superpickaxe alternate modes
  177. /tree [type] - Tree generator tool
  178. /repl <block> - Block replacer tool
  179. /cycler - Block data cycler tool
  180. /brush - Brush tool
  181. /deltree - Floating tree remover tool
  182. /remove <type> <radius> - Remove all entities of a type
  183. //fill <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole
  184. //fillr <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole recursively
  185. //drain <radius> - Drain a pool
  186. /fixlava <radius> - Fix lava to be stationary
  187. /fixwater <radius> - Fix water to be stationary
  188. /removeabove [size] [height] - Remove blocks above your head.
  189. /removebelow [size] [height] - Remove blocks below your head.
  190. /removenear <block> [size] - Remove blocks near you.
  191. /replacenear <size> <from-id> <to-id> - Replace nearby blocks
  192. /snow [radius] - Simulates snow
  193. /thaw [radius] - Thaws the area
  194. /ex [radius] - Extinguish nearby fire
  195. /butcher [-p] [radius] - Kill all or nearby mobs
  196. ### BorderGuard - Creates a border, preventing the map from expanding beyond a defined point.
  198. - Sets the border.
  199. - Disables the border.
  200. ### PermissionsEx - PermissionsEx - New powerful users and groups permissions management plugin.
  201. Usage:
  202. /pex - Display help
  203. /pex hierarchy - Print complete user/group hierarhy
  204. /pex reload - Reload configuration
  205. /pex backend - Print currently using backend
  206. /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!)
  207. /pex dump <backend> <file> - Dump users/groups to selected <backend> format.
  208. /pex users - Print registred user list (alias)
  209. /pex users list - Print registred user list
  210. /pex groups - Print registed group list (alias)
  211. /pex groups list - Print registred group list
  212. /pex user <user> - List all user permissions
  213. /pex user <user> list - List all user permissions
  214. /pex user <user> group list - List all user groups
  215. /pex user <user> delete - Remove group
  216. /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix]
  217. /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix]
  218. /pex promote <user> <group> - Set only group for user (remove from others)
  219. /pex demote <user> <group> - Remove user from specified group
  220. /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add permission to user
  221. /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set permission setting to given value
  222. /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove permission from user
  223. /pex user <user> group add <group> - Add user to specified group
  224. /pex user <user> group set <group> - Set only group for user (remove from others)
  225. /pex user <user> group remove <group> - Remove user from specified group
  226. /pex group <group> - List all group permissions (alias)
  227. /pex group <group> list - List all group permissions
  228. /pex group <group> users - List all group user permissions
  229. /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix]
  230. /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix]
  231. /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create group, optionally set parent groups by comma-separated list
  232. /pex group <group> delete - Removes group
  233. /pex group <group> parents - List all group parents (alias)
  234. /pex group <group> parents list - List all group parents
  235. /pex group <group> parents set <parents> - Set parents by comma-separated list
  236. /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add permission to group
  237. /pex group <group> set <permission> <value> [world] - Add permission for group
  238. /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove permission from group
  239. /pex group <group> user add <users> - Add users (one or comma-separated list) to specified group
  240. /pex group <group> user remove <users> - Add users (one or comma-separated list) to specified group
  241. - Provides access to Permissions commands and information.
  242. /promote <user> - Promotes user to next group
  243. /demote <user> - Demotes user to previous group
  244. ### PlgSetspawn - Allows OPs to change the location of server spawn point. You can also warp to the spawn.
  246. /plg_setspawn - Sets the server spawn point to your current position.
  247. /plg_spawn - Warps you to the location of the spawn point.
  248. ### WorldGuard
  249. /stopfire - Halts all fire spread until it is disabled or the server is restarted
  250. /allowfire - Re-enables fire spread if he has been disabled with /stopfire
  251. /god [player] - Enable god mode
  252. /ungod [player] - Disable god mode
  253. /heal [player] - Heal yourself or another
  254. /slay [player] - Slay yourself or another
  255. /stack - Stacks items in the player's inventory
  256. /region <action> ... - Adjust protected regions
  257. /locate <target> - Set your compass towards a person
  258. /worldguard - WorldGuard commands
  259. ### HeroChat - Provides fully configurable chat channels.
  260. Wrong usage. For help, type /ch help - Lists all HeroChat commands
  261. /qm channel message - Sends a quick message to a channel without changing your focus
  262. /leave channel - Leaves a channel
  263. /join channel - Joins a channel
  264. /mute channel player - Mutes a player for a single channel
  265. /gmute player - Globally mutes a player
  266. /tell player - Starts or ends a private conversation
  267. /ignore player - Ignores a player
  268. ### Permissions - Compatibility layer between original Permissions and PermissionsEx
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