Guest User


a guest
Feb 20th, 2017
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  1. sbox_maxprops 200 // This is where you can set the max number of props.
  2. sbox_maxragdolls 5 // This is where you can set the max number of ragdolls.
  3. sbox_maxnpcs 75 // This is where you can set the max number of npcs.
  4. sbox_maxballoons 0 // This is where you can set the max number of balloons.
  5. sbox_maxeffects 10 // This is where you can set the max number of effects.
  6. sbox_maxdynamite 0 // This is where you can set the max number of dynamite.
  7. sbox_maxlamps 10 // This is where you can set the max number of lamps.
  8. sbox_maxlights 10 // This is where you can set the max number of lights.
  9. sbox_maxthrusters 5 // This is where you can set the max number of thrusters.
  10. sbox_maxwheels 8 // This is where you can set the max number of wheels.
  11. sbox_maxhoverballs 4 // This is where you can set the max number of hoverballs.
  12. sbox_maxvehicles 3 // This is where you can set the max number of vehicles.
  13. sbox_maxbuttons 8 // This is where you can set the max number of buttons.
  14. sbox_maxsents 10 // This is where you can set the max number of sents.
  15. sbox_maxemitters 2 // This is where you can set the max number of emitters.
  16. sv_alltalk 2 // This is where you can adjust the voice settings. 0: Team Members Near You. 1: Team Only. 2: Everyone Near You. 3: Everyone
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