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308 Artifact Power macros (2 dupl. removed) 2016-09-16

a guest
Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. /use Accolade of Achievement
  2. /use Accolade of Heroism
  3. /use Accolade of Myth
  4. /use Accolade of Victory
  5. /use Activated Essence
  6. /use Adventurer's Glory
  7. /use Adventurer's Renown
  8. /use Adventurer's Resounding Glory
  9. /use Adventurer's Resounding Renown
  10. /use Adventurer's Wisdom
  11. /use Amber Shard
  12. /use Amethyst Geode
  13. /use Ancient Artificer's Manipulator
  14. /use Ancient Champion Effigy
  15. /use Ancient Druidic Carving
  16. /use Ancient Gilnean Locket
  17. /use Ancient Keeper's Brooch
  18. /use Ancient Qiraji Idol
  19. /use Ancient Warden Manacles
  20. /use Ancient Workshop Focusing Crystal
  21. /use Antler of Cenarius
  22. /use Arcane Seed Case
  23. /use Arcane Trap Power Core
  24. /use Arcfruit
  25. /use Argussian Diamond
  26. /use Artisan's Handiwork
  27. /use Ashildir's Unending Courage
  28. /use Astranaar Globe
  29. /use Azsharan Court Scepter
  30. /use Azsharan Keepsake
  31. /use Azsharan Manapearl
  32. /use Battered Trophy
  33. /use Black Harvest Tome
  34. /use Black Rook Soldier's Insignia
  35. /use Blank To-Do List
  36. /use Blessing of the Watchers
  37. /use Boon of the Companion
  38. /use 'Borrowed' Highborne Magi's Chalice
  41. /use Bottled Lightning
  42. /use Bracer Gemstone
  43. /use Branch of Shaladrassil
  44. /use Brand of a Blood Brother
  45. /use Brief History of the Aeons
  46. /use Brief History of the Ages
  47. /use Brimming Essence
  48. /use Brittle Spelltome
  49. /use Broken Control Mechanism
  50. /use Broken Eredar Blade
  51. /use Broken Legion Communicator
  52. /use Broken Medallion of Karabor
  53. /use Broken Warden Glaive Blade
  54. /use Brulstone Fishing Sinker
  55. /use Bundle of Tiny Spears
  56. /use Bundle of Trueshot Arrows
  57. /use Burrowing Worm Mandible
  58. /use Carved Oaken Windchimes
  59. /use Carved Smolderhide Figurines
  60. /use Ceremonial Warden Glaive
  61. /use Citrine Telemancy Index
  62. /use Cluster of Potentiation
  63. /use Cobalt Amber Crystal
  64. /use Condensed Light of Elune
  65. /use Corroded Eternium Rose
  66. /use Corupted Duskmere Crest
  67. /use Coura's Ancient Scepter
  68. /use Cracked Vrykul Insignia
  69. /use Crackling Dragonscale
  70. /use Crimson Cavern Mushroom
  71. /use Crude Statuette
  72. /use Crystal of Ensoulment
  73. /use Crystallized Fey Darter Egg
  74. /use Crystallized Moon Drop
  75. /use Crystallized Sablehorn Antler
  78. /use Curio of Neltharion
  79. /use Daglop's Precious
  80. /use Dalaran Wine Glass
  81. /use Darkened Eyeball
  82. /use Deepwater Blossom
  83. /use Delving Deeper by Arcanist Perclanea
  84. /use Demon-Scrawled Drawing
  85. /use Depleted Cadet's Wand
  86. /use Dessicated Blue Dragonscale
  87. /use Discarded Aristocrat's Censer
  88. /use Discontinued Suramar City Key
  89. /use Disorganized Ravings
  90. /use Dragonscale of the Earth Aspect
  91. /use Drained Construct Core
  92. /use Draketaming Spurs
  93. /use Dreadlord's Commendation
  94. /use Dream Tear
  95. /use Dried Stratholme Lily
  96. /use Dried Worldtree Seeds
  97. /use Dropper of Nightwell Liquid
  98. /use Druidic Molting
  99. /use Duskpelt Fang
  100. /use Eagle Eggshell Fragment
  101. /use Elemental Bracers
  102. /use Emblem of the Dark Covenant
  103. /use Emerald Bloom
  104. /use Empowered Half-Shell
  105. /use Enchanted Moonfall Text
  106. /use Enchanted Nightborne Coin
  107. /use Enchanted Sunrunner Kidney
  108. /use Enchrgled Mlrgmlrg of Enderglment
  109. /use Engraved Bloodtotem Armlet
  110. /use Eredar Armor Clasp
  111. /use Eredar Tail-Cuff
  112. /use Eredari Ignition Crystal
  113. /use Ettin Toe Ring
  116. /use Everburning Arcane Glowlamp
  117. /use Falanaar Crescent
  118. /use Falanaar Gemstone
  119. /use Falanaar Orb
  120. /use Falanaar Scepter
  121. /use Favor of Valajar
  122. /use Fel Lava Rock
  123. /use Fel-Infused Shell
  124. /use Felslate Arrowhead
  125. /use Felstalker's Ring
  126. /use Fel-Touched Tome
  127. /use Fire Turtle Shell Fragment
  128. /use Forgotten Offering
  129. /use Fractured Portal Shard
  130. /use Fragment of the Soulcage
  131. /use Free Floating Ley Spark
  132. /use Friendly Brawler's Wager
  133. /use Frostwyrm Bone Fragment
  134. /use Giant Pearl Scepter
  135. /use Gilbert's Finest
  136. /use Gladiator's Triumph
  137. /use Gleaming Glacial Pebble
  138. /use Glittering Memento
  139. /use Glory of the Melee
  140. /use Glory of the Order
  141. /use Glowing Cave Mushroom
  142. /use Godafoss Essence
  143. /use Greater Glory of the Order
  144. /use Greater Questor's Glory
  145. /use Hallowed Runestone
  146. /use Handmade Mobile
  147. /use Heart of Zin-Azshari
  148. /use Heathrow Keepsake
  149. /use Highmountain Mystic's Totem
  150. /use Hippogryph Plumage
  151. /use History of the Aeons
  152. /use History of the Ages
  153. /use History of the Blade
  154. /use Hrydshal Etching
  155. /use Huge Blacksmith's Hammer
  158. /use Iadreth's Enchanted Birthstone
  159. /use Inert Ashes
  160. /use Ingested Legion Stabilizer
  161. /use Inquisitor's Shadow Orb
  162. /use Inscribed Vrykul Runestone
  163. /use Insignia of the Nightborne Commander
  164. /use Insignia of the Second Command
  165. /use Iron Black Rook Hold Key
  166. /use Jagged Worgen Fang
  167. /use Jandvick Jarl's Pendant Stone
  168. /use Jandvick Jarl's Ring, and Finger
  169. /use Jewel of Brilliance
  170. /use Jewel of Victory
  171. /use Key to the Bazaar
  172. /use Kvaldir Anchor Line
  173. /use Left Half of a Locket
  174. /use Legion Admirer's Note
  175. /use Legion Pamphlet
  176. /use Letter from Exarch Maladaar
  177. /use Lord Shalzaru's Relic
  178. /use Love-Laced Arrow
  179. /use Lucky Brulstone
  180. /use Magically-Fortified Vial
  181. /use Manafused Fal'dorei Egg Sac
  182. /use Managazer's Petrifying Eye
  183. /use Mana-Injected Chronarch Power Core
  184. /use Mandate of the Watchers
  185. /use Mark of Lunastre
  186. /use Mark of the Rogues
  187. /use Mark of the Valorous
  188. /use Moon Guard Focusing Stone
  189. /use Moon Guard Power Gem
  190. /use Moon Lily
  191. /use Moonglow Idol
  192. /use Mornath's Enchanted Statue
  193. /use Morning Glory Vine
  196. /use Musty Azsharan Grimoire
  197. /use Nar'thalas Pottery Fragment
  198. /use Nar'thalas Research Tome
  199. /use Nar'thalasian Corsage
  200. /use Nashal's Spyglass
  201. /use Night Devint: The Perfection of Arcwine
  202. /use Nightborne Artificer's Ring
  203. /use Night-forged Halberd
  204. /use Nightglow Energy Vessel
  205. /use Obsidian Mirror
  206. /use Odyn's Watchful Gaze
  207. /use Offering to Ram'Pag
  208. /use Omnibus: The Schools of Arcane Magic
  209. /use Onyx Arrowhead
  210. /use Opalescent Shell
  211. /use Ornamented Boot Strap
  212. /use Overcharged Stormscale
  213. /use Oversized Acorn
  214. /use Oversized Drinking Mug
  215. /use Painted Bark
  216. /use Partially Enchanted Nightborne Coin
  217. /use Petrified Acorn
  218. /use Petrified Arkhana
  219. /use Petrified Axe Haft
  220. /use Petrified Fel-Heart
  221. /use Petrified Flame
  222. /use Petrified Snake
  223. /use Petrified Spiderweb
  224. /use Plume of the Great Eagle
  225. /use Prayers to the Earthmother
  226. /use Primitive Roggtotem
  227. /use Pruned Nightmare Shoot
  228. /use Pulsating Runestone
  229. /use Purified Satyr Totem
  230. /use Questor's Glory
  231. /use Ravencrest Family Seal
  232. /use Ravencrest Shield
  233. /use Reaver's Harpoon Head
  236. /use Renewed Lifeblood
  237. /use Repentia's Whip
  238. /use Residual Manastorm Energy
  239. /use Right Half of a Locket
  240. /use Rotten Spellbook
  241. /use Safety Valve
  242. /use Scarlet Hymnal
  243. /use Scavenged Felstone
  244. /use Scrawled Recipe
  245. /use Scroll of Enlightenment
  246. /use Seal of Leadership
  247. /use Seal of Victory
  248. /use Selfless Glory
  249. /use Senegos' Favor
  250. /use Shard of Compacted Energy
  251. /use Shard of Potentiation
  252. /use Sharp Twilight Tooth
  253. /use Shimmering Hourglass
  254. /use Shinfel's Staff of Torment
  255. /use Sigilstone of Tribute
  256. /use Skirmisher's Advantage
  257. /use Smolderhide Spirit Beads
  258. /use Smuggled Magical Supplies
  259. /use Soldier's Exertion
  260. /use Soldier's Glory
  261. /use Soldier's Grit
  262. /use Soldier's Splendor
  263. /use Soldier's Worth
  264. /use Soul Shackle
  265. /use Soul-Powered Containment Unit
  266. /use Spare Arcane Ward
  267. /use Spellbound Jewelry Box
  268. /use Spoiled Manawine Dregs
  269. /use Stareye Gem
  270. /use Starsong's Bauble
  271. /use Stolen Pearl Ring
  272. /use Stonedark's Pledge
  273. /use Storm Drake Fang
  274. /use Storm Drake Scale
  275. /use Sweaty Bandanna
  276. /use Swiftflight's Tail Feather
  279. /use Symbol of Victory
  280. /use Tablet of Tyr
  281. /use Tale-Teller's Staff
  282. /use Talisman of the Ascended
  283. /use Talisman of Victory
  284. /use Tarnished Engagement Ring
  285. /use Tattered Farondis Heraldry
  286. /use Tattered Sheet Music
  287. /use Tel'anor Ancestral Tablet
  288. /use The Arcanist's Codex
  289. /use The Corruptor's Totem
  290. /use The River's Blessing
  291. /use The Seawarden's Beacon
  292. /use The Spiritwalker's Wisdom
  293. /use The Valewalker's Blessing
  294. /use The Valewatcher's Boon
  295. /use Thisalee's Fighting Claws
  296. /use Tidestone Sliver
  297. /use Tiny War Drum
  298. /use Titan-Forged Locket
  299. /use Token of a Master Cultivator
  300. /use Tome of Dimensional Awareness
  301. /use Trainer's Insight
  302. /use Treasure of the Ages
  303. /use Treasured Coin
  304. /use Treemender's Beacon
  305. /use Trembling Phylactery
  306. /use Trident of Sashj'tar
  307. /use Underking's Fist
  308. /use Unlabeled Potion
  309. /use Untapped Mana Gem
  310. /use Urn of Malgalor's Blood
  311. /use Valewalker Talisman
  312. /use Valiant's Glory
  313. /use War-Damaged Vrykul Helmet
  314. /use Warden's Boon
  315. /use Well-Used Drinking Horn
  316. /use Whispering Totem
  319. /use Vial of Diluted Nightwell Liquid
  320. /use Vial of Pure Moonrest Water
  321. /use Witch-Harpy Talon
  322. /use Woodcarved Rabbit
  323. /use Wooden Snow Shoes
  324. /use Worldtree Bloom
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