
Green Hoof Visits Sling and Titus 12/12/14

Dec 13th, 2014
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  1. [17:40] * Sling_Swivel lies in the Living Room upon the couch, a cooling, half-empty mug of tea held in his forehooves. The fire crackles and sparks, burning lively as he lies there, quitely, with his thoughts.
  3. [17:45] * GreenHoof walks along the farmlands towards Ti and Sling's house, panting and wheezling slightly, but determined to make it to his friends' house. He limped slightly and qas quite sore, but was well rested and wanted nothing more than to check on the two ponies. Going up to the door and adjusting his brown cloak around him, he knocks on the door with a hoof. "Sling? Titus? It's Hoof!"
  5. [18:04] * Sling_Swivel jolts suddenly, spilling a bit of his tea, surprised by the knock at the door. He had been left deep in thought and... even with Titus just in the other room, he still didn't feel particularly secure after all that had happened...
  7. [18:04] * Sling_Swivel looks to the door with eyes wide and ears erect... but the familiar voice from the other side calms him some and he puts his tea aside and carefully moves over to the door, cracking it and peaking out... "Hoof?" he asks, cautiously.
  9. [18:09] * GreenHoof brings his gaze back down from the sky, looking to Sling with dark-rimmed eyes. The stallion is covered in various bandages, though he's also covered in a large brown cloak. Overall having a wounded appearance, the grizzled little stallion seems sturdy on his hooves. He coughs a bit in his hoof, affording a weak smile to Sling. "Hey buddy," he says softly.
  11. [18:14] <Sling_Swivel> /me gasps at the sight of his friend, both surprised to see him and... surprised to see him in such a state, "Oh God, Hoof!" he begins, but quickly lowers his voice when he recalls that Ti is sleeping... Like he'd wake the big guy anyhow...
  13. [18:14] * Sling_Swivel opens the door and gestures for his green pal to come in, “Dude, c'mon in from the cold and get warmed up,” says Sling, excitedly. “I'll get you some tea or something,” he offers, nodding vigorously.
  15. [18:17] * GreenHoof nods, stepping inside and looking around the room. "Huh... Nice place y'all built here. y'don't gotta make tea or anything for me man, I just wanted to come check on you."
  17. [18:26] * Sling_Swivel quickly closes up the door behind Hoof, shutting out the freezing cold. "Here, c'mon and make yourself comfortable,” he begins, gesturing to the couch with his muzzle, “Oh, well... Ti built it... With the help of some other friends, from what I recall...” he replies, then continues, “Hey, it's no trouble man... I'll get you some,” he says, nodding.
  19. [18:26] <Sling_Swivel> “Oh, uhm... Ti's still sleepin... he hasn't been to the Doc yet, either...” he adds, frowning a bit before turning for the kitchen.
  21. [18:28] * GreenHoof nods and goes to the couch, wincing in slight pain as he takes the weight off his legs and slinks onto the couch. "Ech... he hasn't? He should really get patched up... If my friend GreenLight is back in town yet maybe I can get him to come here and take a look at him. He's a doctor." Hoof coughs a bit again, taking a deep breath that ends in a wheeze.
  23. [18:43] * Sling_Swivel can be heard in the kitchen shifting the cooling pot of tea around, placing it back upon the stove and stoking its fire a bit before returning to the living room and shutting Ti's door. “No... he stayed up all night after he brought me back here... fixing the door and windows... He's been out since he finished up last night,” he says, looking back to his green pal.
  25. [18:43] * Sling_Swivel moves over, lying down in front of the fireplace, “You do? I wanted to get Ti in to the Clinic today... but it's getting late and he's still sleeping... How are you... doing, anyhow?” he says, grimacing at Hoof's state.
  27. [18:47] * GreenHoof shrugs. "Well... I'm alive, ain't I? And so are you. That's all that really matters. I'm more worried about how *you're* doin'..." Hoof shifts his weight on the couch, rubbing one of his front hooves with the other one. "I was afraid of not seein' you again, man."
  29. [18:55] * Sling_Swivel nods slowly, “Yeah... but you look pretty... rough, Hoof...” he says, frowning. “Well,” he begins, with a sigh, “I feel okay, but... well...” he pauses, thinking things over, whether to tell the tale or not... “What exactly happened, anyway? With you guys... and that thing... and... there were witches, I think...” he trails off.
  31. [18:55] <14Sling_Swivel> “Er, well... I didn't think I'd get to see you or, Ti or any of you guys, either... Glad it didn't end up that way,” he adds, awkwardly, turning a bit, to get more comfortable.
  33. [19:06] <GreenHoof> "Me too," Hoof says, reaching under the neck of his cloak to adjust a bandage, "Well... I reckon you deserve the full story. A couple of days ago I got home from workin' north of town. Went to the clinic and found Titus. He told me what happened. That... thing, that took you, it was a monster that one of the witches made before we got here. It didn't turn out the way it was meant to; went crazy and escaped and started devouring people. Like you. We fought it a few months ago but..." the suddenly tired looking stallion sighs and shakes his head, "Apparently we failed. It came back, devoured you. Once I found out, me and Titus left and went to the witches' place. They had told me to come tell them if the monster returned. Dim... the one that went into the monster and rescued you, brought a few of his apprentices. We came here and a little ways out the monster came to us. The plan Dim set for us was to let it devour him and distract it long enough for one of his apprentices to canter off a spell that would destroy it. I assume Dim found you in there and did somethin' to bring you out and make you be the one to take the monster's pony body once it died... It worked, barely. The apprentice cited the spell and right before it was about to finish us off, it ripped open..."
  35. [19:11] * Sling_Swivel nods slowly listening to the tale... "Dim... Light..." he mumbles, glanceing down for a moment... "He did, yeah. He saved me..." Sling replies, not certain how to exactly explain what he'd experienced to Hoof.
  37. [19:13] * GreenHoof nods. "yeah... Sacrificed himself for you, looks like... Not just for you though. He saw this whole thing as his own mistake... And he was right."
  39. [19:17] * Sling_Swivel stares at his forehooves, sadly... "I... told him to get himself out of there..." he mumbles, thinking, "Why would he do that for me, though? There were others... he said they were gone, though... Did he really not make it? I don't remember much after Ti picked me up... where did the witches go?"
  41. [19:21] * GreenHoof shrugs. "I figured cause that's why we were there. To save you. The witches... left. They're leaving the region. The Vanguards came around just after we rescued you, so the witches didn't stick around - Oh, they did give me something though... you should read it." Hoof reaches into his saddlebags and pulls out a letter, slinking off the couch and bringing it over to Sling.
  43. [19:21] <GreenHoof> "This stays between you, me, and Titus, understand?"
  45. [19:28] <Sling_Swivel> ."I... I guess," Sling mumbles, still recalling the other captives all to clearly. "The Vanguards? Those Equestrian SS-wannabes?" he asks, frowning, but holds his piece, listening as Hoof continues, pulling something from his bags.. “Ahh, dude, you don't have to get up...” he says, as the green Stallion climbs down from the couch...
  47. [19:28] * Sling_Swivel takes the offered letter, looking at it for a moment, before giving Hoof a nod, “I understand,” he replies, solemnly, before carefully opening it up and giving it a look.
  49. [19:28] * GreenHoof sits on his haunches, quietly watching as Sling reads the will.
  51. [19:37] * Sling_Swivel reads through the letter, clearly going through parts of it more than once, a look of great focus upon his face... He glances up to Hoof, then back to the letter, then up again, a somber look upon his features... "Huh... I... huh... Who... was this guy?" he finally asks.
  53. [19:41] * GreenHoof swallows, taking a moment to think before answering. "The leader of the Kavsher witches around here. Old. Dunno exactly, but he hinted that he was well over a hundred." Hoof stands back up and goes over to the couch, sitting on the edge of the couch. "Did a lot of... horrible things. But..." he takes a deep breath through his nose, "Hard not to respect in some degree."
  55. [19:45] * Sling_Swivel tilts his head slightly to one side as Hoof thinks things over and explains, the somber look still unchanged, "I, uh... see... I've heard about witches around here and such... didn't know much beyond that, though..." he begins, looking back down at the Will once more, "He did save me, though... He was orange and wore a mask... and he saved me..." Sling says, sitting up upon his haunches.
  57. [19:50] * Titus pushes through the door of his bedroom, stumbling and nearly falling as he does so. He's limping heavily on his left hoof, but Titus is in fact alive! "...Oh, hey, Green..."
  59. [19:52] * GreenHoof nods. "That he did. We owe him to at least heed his last words," Hoof says, gesturing to the will. Hoof's ears perk up as he hears someone exit the bedroom, turning his head to look Titus up and down. "Mornin' sunshine... you look as bad as I do," the diminutive stallion says with a smirk.
  61. [19:53] * Titus just chuckles, slowly making his way to the couch and sitting down. "Well, we were both pretty badly fucked by 'at thing."
  63. [19:53] * Sling_Swivel nods, "Yeah..." he replies, quietly... as the door bursts open and Ti stumbles into the living room! Sling turns suddenly, surprised and concerned at the sight, "Oh man... are you okay?" he asks, standing up, ready to assist.
  65. [19:54] * GreenHoof scoots over to make room for Titus. "yep." Hoof watches with a faint smile as Sling rushes over to help his friend. "How're you feelin'?"
  67. [19:55] * Titus waves him off, chuckling. "'m fine, lad, don't y' worry. Jus' a bit hurt is all... Y'shouldn't spend so much time worrying about a big ol' guy like me."
  69. [19:56] * Sling_Swivel whines and paces back and forth a bit as Ti seats himself up on the couch, "Are you sure?" he asks, frowning.
  71. [19:58] <14Titus> "Aye, I'm fine. If Greenhoof here managed t' walk his way out here on his lonesome, I kin handle m'self."
  73. [19:59] <14Sling_Swivel> "But he's been to the..." Sling pauses, looking to Hoof, "You've been to the Clinic, right?"
  75. [20:00] * GreenHoof shrugs, leaning back against the couch. "No. But some medics at the Embassy patched me up pretty good. I think just plenty of rest and bein' home will do more good than stickin' myself in a clinic."
  77. [20:02] * Sling_Swivel winces, "You guys..." he mumbles, shaking his head... "Wait... why were you gat the Embassy?" he asks, ears swiveling towards Green.
  79. [20:04] <03GreenHoof> "Because we were detained almost as soon as Exweizy died. They were alerted to our operating in the area."
  81. [20:05] * Sling_Swivel sits right back down upon his haunches, "Those Vanguard assholes? Were they after the witches or the monster or something?"
  83. [20:06] * Titus just shrugs. "If it makes 'ya feel better, I didn't say shit about 'yer little plot."
  85. [20:07] * GreenHoof shakes his head. "I didn't tell them anything either. They were after the monster, yeah, for whatever reason."
  87. [20:09] * Sling_Swivel looks to Ti, his ears lying flat for a moment, "Er... Wait... they questioned you guys? How long did they hold you... or... us?"
  89. [20:13] * GreenHoof looks to Ti too! :D
  91. [20:15] * Titus just shrugs. "Are all Equestrians such massive pricks?"
  93. [20:16] * Sling_Swivel shakes his head, "Not all... but most in their Government seem to be..." he says, snorting.
  95. [20:18] * GreenHoof sighs. "I dunno if all Equestrian government is like that or if we're dealin' with some rogue element... Guess there's no difference for us right now. But yeah... we were held for like an hour."
  97. [20:18] <14Titus> "Oh, not all the Equestrians, just all th' Equestrians yer ever gonna meet."
  99. [20:20] * Sling_Swivel nods slowly, gritting his teeth... "And then... they let you... us, go?"
  101. [20:21] * Titus nods. "Aye, they did."
  103. [20:22] * GreenHoof nods. "yep."
  105. [20:23] * Sling_Swivel pauses, thinking for a time... "What'd... they do with me?" he asks, looking increasingly worried... I don't remember anything between Ti picking me up out of the snow and... then wakin up here..."
  107. [20:26] <03GreenHoof> "I dunno. We were seperated. But... the one I talked to said there'd be investigators coming in future months. Said when they 'scanned' you your magical readings or whatever were off the charts." Hoof adjusts his position on the couch. "They said you're forbidden from leaving the region, Sling."
  109. [20:27] * Titus groans. "The last damn thing we need is a bunch'a Equestrians coming to our door.
  110. "
  111. [20:29] <14Sling_Swivel> /me scrunches up his muzzle as Hoof explains what had occurred... "They said... what? I'm prolly... the least magically inclined Person or Pony around... This is nonsense... They better not come snooping around here... I'm not one of their Subjects! They can't tell me what to do or where to go!” Sling snaps, getting spun up...
  113. [20:33] * GreenHoof sighs through his nose, looking to Sling with a calm but lowered expression. "The number one thing is to stay calm. We'll get through this, just gotta keep our heads." Hoof looks around the room for a moment, coming to rest staring at the will, gesturing toward it. "I want you to have that, Sling. But if Vanguards come snoopin' around here or my place, last thing we'd want them to find is somethin' like that. We're gonna have to hide it somewhere."
  115. [20:34] <14Titus> "Okay, now 'm lost. What th' fuck're you two on about?"
  117. [20:36] * Sling_Swivel grinds his teeth in fustration, he was sick of the Equestrians! No two ways about it... But Hoof's words draw his attention back to Dim's will and fury leaves his features... "You're right, Hoof... I'll have to find a place..." he replies, before looking to Ti, picking up the letter and offering it to the big guy.
  118. [20:36] <14Sling_Swivel>
  120. [20:38] * Titus takes it and quickly skims it, before hoofing it back. "Wonder what tha' gift he's talking about is...'
  121. [20:40] * Sling_Swivel takes the letter back, looking it over once more before returning it to its envelope, "I don't know what they could be or where the locations he mentioned are..."
  123. [20:45] <03GreenHoof> "They're in the shack we visited, Titus. But I think we should either leave that stuff there for now or find a place to hide it where it won't be found until the time is right." Hoof nods to the letter in Sling's hoof. "Including that letter."
  125. [20:54] * Sling_Swivel listens as Hoof speaks, and then looks to Titus and back again, "Probably for the best... where is this shack, anyhow?"
  127. [20:57] <03GreenHoof> "On the west river. About a day from here. But it's well enough known that Vanguards could go looking if people flap their yaps. So it might be wise to put that stuff somewhere else."
  129. [21:00] * Sling_Swivel nods slowly, "D'you have any idea where we could find a place? I dunno much about this area beyond the farms on the east bank and parts of downtown..."
  131. [21:03] * GreenHoof furrows his brow and frowns. "I'll have to think about it..." He looks to Titus. "you got any ideas?"
  133. [21:27] <14Titus> "We could bury it."
  135. [21:28] <14Sling_Swivel> "Where at, though? The woods?"
  137. [21:28] <03GreenHoof> "yeah, we could... But I dunno how well that stuff and the letter will fare in the elements. If we had a weatherproof box or something..."
  139. [21:29] * Sling_Swivel thinks things over for a moment, "Yeah... we'd need some sort of tough box to put it in..."
  140. [21:33] * GreenHoof rubs his chin with a bandaged hoof. "Hm... I might be able to get a thick glass one made..."
  142. [21:33] <03GreenHoof> "Wood would soak through..."
  144. [21:35] <14Titus> "All this conspiracy shite..."
  146. [21:35] <14Titus> "I just want t' run a damned farm."
  148. [21:35] <09GreenLight> [The quote to encompass all of FC]
  149. [21:36] <14Sling_Swivel> "Seal it with wax or something, might work," he says, nodding to Hoof... Sling then turns to Ti, "Hey, man... they're bringing this on us themselves. We can't let them walk all over us..."
  151. [21:37] <14Titus> "And why not? Th' Equestrians own this damned planet."
  153. [21:37] <14Titus> "Only makes sense they feel entitled t' own us as well."
  155. [21:38] <14Sling_Swivel> "Well screw that! I'm not going to bow down and be a subject," Sling replies, shakin his head vigorously.
  157. [21:39] * GreenHoof shifts in his seat uncomfortably. "No doubt we're bein' fucked with... By more than one entity. I'd like to see about that changin' sometime... But I don't want a fight. I should be dead as it is..."
  159. [21:39] * Titus just sighs... "Do whatever y' like, lad, you're yer own person. I just... I just want a peaceful time. I don't want a revolution, or a war, an' I don't really think you want t' die fighting a world power, either."
  161. [21:41] <14Sling_Swivel> "You're not the only one, Hoof..." he begins, before looking to Ti and shaking his head, "Something's got to change here... D'you remember when we took Arrow in to see the Doc, Ti?"
  163. [21:41] <14Titus> "Aye, that I do. What's yer point?'
  165. [21:43] <14Sling_Swivel> "D'you remember when I asked him if he had any sort of antiseptic or the like we could buy? I mean... even a small cut out here that gets infected..." he says, shaking his head, "D'you recall what he told us?"
  167. [21:44] <14Titus> "He said he didn't have much."
  169. [21:44] * Titus just stares at Sling...
  171. [21:45] * Sling_Swivel nods, "He did. And couldn't spare any. Because it was too difficult to get from the Equestrians... basic medical supplies, Ti. Too difficult to get."
  173. [21:47] <14Titus> "Aye, it's shitty, but what the hell are we gonna do about it?"
  175. [21:49] * Sling_Swivel scruntches up his muzzle for a moment, thinking deeply... "I'm not sure yet... But, eventually, I will... Change has to start somewhere, guys... It has to start somewhere."
  177. [21:50] * GreenHoof folds his front hooves in his lap. "I wanna see change too... I want to see us treated as somethin' more than just pawns. By the Vault and Equestrians... If things were better in that regard, a lot of my friends would still be alive."
  179. [21:51] * Titus finally just sighs. "...Do whatever 'ye like. Just... Neither of 'ya go and die on me. If 'yer gonna subvert th' owners of this place, at least try and stay alive."
  181. [21:53] <03GreenHoof> "Well look..." Hoof glances between Titus and Sling, "I'm willin' to work towards change... But I can't promise anything violent. Not right now. I've got a family I'm responsible for too. Rain's barely lettin' me leave the house to come here. I think if we're gonna do this, we're gonna have to do it through diplomatic means first, and plan very carefully."
  183. [21:54] * Titus chuckles reufully. "Rain. How's she been? Haven't seen her since th' day I arrived."
  185. [21:55] * GreenHoof smirks tiredly. "She's good... Tryin' to get me to eat more. Been worried sick throughout this whole thing... I can't keep scaring her like this."
  187. [21:57] * Sling_Swivel looks to Hoof, nodding solemnly, "Exactly, man... this whole town's caught between those two and it only serves to benefit them..." he replies, before looking to Ti, grimacing at his words... He soon turns back to Hoof, “You're... right... It shouldn't be violent... though we'd have to prepare for such a contingency... I've heard enough about the Vault and the Vanguard to not rule it out...”
  189. [22:02] <14Titus> "Y'know, I can't overstate exactly how much I hate tha' we have t' do this."
  191. [22:02] * Sling_Swivel sighs and shrugs his forelegs, "Doesn't somebody?"
  193. [22:04] <03GreenHoof> "Well... It might not be as hard or dangerous as we're making it seem. But... let's take it slow. We just almost all got brutally killed the other night."
  195. [22:06] <14Sling_Swivel> "Yeah... yeah, you're right," says Sling, taking a breath, "We... gotta do something... but we can figure it out..." he says, before glancing back into the kitchen, "Oh... hell... I think I left the tea on..."
  197. [22:07] * Titus gives Green a slight smile, leaning back. "...You two can do it, but 'm not gonna help."
  199. [22:09] * Sling_Swivel looks back to Titus for a long moment, a frown crossing his features before he move into the kitchen to check on the tea...
  201. [22:12] * GreenHoof leans back on the couch again, taking a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment.
  203. [22:21] * Sling_Swivel can be heard grumbling and working in the kitchen before returning shortly thereafter, looking irritated... "The tea boiled off... I had to refill the pot... it's gonna be a bit... sorry guys," he explains.
  205. [22:24] * Titus just shrugs. "Never was a tea person anyhow."
  207. [22:25] <14Titus> "I've always loved Coffee, though."
  209. [22:29] * Sling_Swivel makes a face, "Well... it's all we have. I dunno where we'd even get coffee up here..."
  211. [22:31] <03GreenHoof> "It's alright Sling, I actually should probably get home soon. I just wanted to see how y'all were doin' and talk things over."
  213. [22:34] * Sling_Swivel looks to Hoof, "Er, you sure you don't want anything? It's... wicked cold out there."
  215. [22:39] * GreenHoof shrugs. "I'll be nice and warm once I get home." Hoof stands up off the couch, his joints popping. He walks over to Sling, scanning him up and town with his eyes, before giving a slight smile. "I'm glad you're okay." Hoof says softly, giving a gentle pat on the shoulder.
  217. [22:44] <14Sling_Swivel> . /me makes a face, "You... just be safe going home... okay?" he replies as the Green fellow approaches. He tilts his head a bit to one side, then smiles in return, "Hey... you too, man... thank you," Sling says sincerely, rocking back onto his haunches and leaning forward to give Hoof a very careful hug, “You guys really saved me...”
  219. [22:49] * GreenHoof smiles a little wider, though his lips shut as his throat tightens up a little. Hoof shuts his eyes tight as he returns the hug, giving a gentle squeeze and holding it for a moment before letting go. He swallows, giving a single nod. "I know you woulda done the same for us..."
  221. [22:51] <14Sling_Swivel> /me rocks back upon his haunches once more as Hoof lets go, carefully retracting his own forelegs as to not aggravate any of the green fellow's injuries. "You know it, Hoof" he says, with a nod and slight sniffle, smiling.
  223. [22:54] * GreenHoof turns around and heads for the door, giving a nod and smile to Titus. "We made a great team, Titus. Thanks." He opens the door and steps out, turning his head back to look at the others. "y'all take it easy, alright? I'll see you soon."
  225. [22:54] * Titus just nods at Greenhoof. "You too, Green. Tell Rain I said 'Hi'."
  227. [22:55] <03GreenHoof> "Will do. Just gonna go home and take it easy." Hoof closes the door and goes home! :D
  229. [22:56] * Sling_Swivel 's smile grows into a grin and he watches Hoof make his way to the door. He stands up and follows after his friend as he goes, "For sure, Hoofster. We'll visit you next time," says Sling, nodding, "You stay warm and safe and have a great night!"
  231. [19:56] * Sling_Swivel whines and paces back and forth a bit as Ti seats himself up on the couch, "Are you sure?" he asks, frowning.
  233. [19:58] <14Titus> "Aye, I'm fine. If Greenhoof here managed t' walk his way out here on his lonesome, I kin handle m'self."
  235. [19:59] <14Sling_Swivel> "But he's been to the..." Sling pauses, looking to Hoof, "You've been to the Clinic, right?"
  237. [20:00] * GreenHoof shrugs, leaning back against the couch. "No. But some medics at the Embassy patched me up pretty good. I think just plenty of rest and bein' home will do more good than stickin' myself in a clinic."
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