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- #Region "ThemeBase"
- Imports System, System.IO, System.Collections.Generic
- Imports System.Drawing, System.Drawing.Drawing2D
- Imports System.ComponentModel, System.Windows.Forms
- Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
- Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
- '------------------
- 'Creator: aeonhack
- 'Site:
- 'Created: 08/02/2011
- 'Changed: 12/06/2011
- 'Version: 1.5.4
- '------------------
- MustInherit Class ThemeContainer154
- Inherits ContainerControl
- #Region " Initialization "
- Protected G As Graphics, B As Bitmap
- Sub New()
- SetStyle(DirectCast(139270, ControlStyles), True)
- _ImageSize = Size.Empty
- Font = New Font("Verdana", 8S)
- MeasureBitmap = New Bitmap(1, 1)
- MeasureGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(MeasureBitmap)
- DrawRadialPath = New GraphicsPath
- InvalidateCustimization()
- End Sub
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If DoneCreation Then InitializeMessages()
- InvalidateCustimization()
- ColorHook()
- If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then Width = _LockWidth
- If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then Height = _LockHeight
- If Not _ControlMode Then MyBase.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
- Transparent = _Transparent
- If _Transparent AndAlso _BackColor Then BackColor = Color.Transparent
- MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e)
- End Sub
- Private DoneCreation As Boolean
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnParentChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- MyBase.OnParentChanged(e)
- If Parent Is Nothing Then Return
- _IsParentForm = TypeOf Parent Is Form
- If Not _ControlMode Then
- InitializeMessages()
- If _IsParentForm Then
- ParentForm.FormBorderStyle = _BorderStyle
- ParentForm.TransparencyKey = _TransparencyKey
- If Not DesignMode Then
- AddHandler ParentForm.Shown, AddressOf FormShown
- End If
- End If
- Parent.BackColor = BackColor
- End If
- OnCreation()
- DoneCreation = True
- InvalidateTimer()
- End Sub
- #End Region
- Private Sub DoAnimation(ByVal i As Boolean)
- OnAnimation()
- If i Then Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
- If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return
- If _Transparent AndAlso _ControlMode Then
- PaintHook()
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(B, 0, 0)
- Else
- G = e.Graphics
- PaintHook()
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleDestroyed(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation)
- MyBase.OnHandleDestroyed(e)
- End Sub
- Private HasShown As Boolean
- Private Sub FormShown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If _ControlMode OrElse HasShown Then Return
- If _StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent OrElse _StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Then
- Dim SB As Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds
- Dim CB As Rectangle = ParentForm.Bounds
- ParentForm.Location = New Point(SB.Width \ 2 - CB.Width \ 2, SB.Height \ 2 - CB.Width \ 2)
- End If
- HasShown = True
- End Sub
- #Region " Size Handling "
- Private Frame As Rectangle
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnSizeChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If _Movable AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then
- Frame = New Rectangle(7, 7, Width - 14, _Header - 7)
- End If
- InvalidateBitmap()
- Invalidate()
- MyBase.OnSizeChanged(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub SetBoundsCore(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal specified As BoundsSpecified)
- If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then width = _LockWidth
- If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then height = _LockHeight
- MyBase.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " State Handling "
- Protected State As MouseState
- Private Sub SetState(ByVal current As MouseState)
- State = current
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
- If Not (_IsParentForm AndAlso ParentForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized) Then
- If _Sizable AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then InvalidateMouse()
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseMove(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnEnabledChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If Enabled Then SetState(MouseState.None) Else SetState(MouseState.Block)
- MyBase.OnEnabledChanged(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- SetState(MouseState.Over)
- MyBase.OnMouseEnter(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
- SetState(MouseState.Over)
- MyBase.OnMouseUp(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- SetState(MouseState.None)
- If GetChildAtPoint(PointToClient(MousePosition)) IsNot Nothing Then
- If _Sizable AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then
- Cursor = Cursors.Default
- Previous = 0
- End If
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
- If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then SetState(MouseState.Down)
- If Not (_IsParentForm AndAlso ParentForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized OrElse _ControlMode) Then
- If _Movable AndAlso Frame.Contains(e.Location) Then
- Capture = False
- DefWndProc(Messages(0))
- ElseIf _Sizable AndAlso Not Previous = 0 Then
- Capture = False
- DefWndProc(Messages(Previous))
- End If
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- End Sub
- Private WM_LMBUTTONDOWN As Boolean
- Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
- MyBase.WndProc(m)
- If WM_LMBUTTONDOWN AndAlso m.Msg = 513 Then
- SetState(MouseState.Over)
- If Not _SmartBounds Then Return
- If IsParentMdi Then
- CorrectBounds(New Rectangle(Point.Empty, Parent.Parent.Size))
- Else
- CorrectBounds(Screen.FromControl(Parent).WorkingArea)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private GetIndexPoint As Point
- Private B1, B2, B3, B4 As Boolean
- Private Function GetIndex() As Integer
- GetIndexPoint = PointToClient(MousePosition)
- B1 = GetIndexPoint.X < 7
- B2 = GetIndexPoint.X > Width - 7
- B3 = GetIndexPoint.Y < 7
- B4 = GetIndexPoint.Y > Height - 7
- If B1 AndAlso B3 Then Return 4
- If B1 AndAlso B4 Then Return 7
- If B2 AndAlso B3 Then Return 5
- If B2 AndAlso B4 Then Return 8
- If B1 Then Return 1
- If B2 Then Return 2
- If B3 Then Return 3
- If B4 Then Return 6
- Return 0
- End Function
- Private Current, Previous As Integer
- Private Sub InvalidateMouse()
- Current = GetIndex()
- If Current = Previous Then Return
- Previous = Current
- Select Case Previous
- Case 0
- Cursor = Cursors.Default
- Case 1, 2
- Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE
- Case 3, 6
- Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS
- Case 4, 8
- Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE
- Case 5, 7
- Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Messages(8) As Message
- Private Sub InitializeMessages()
- Messages(0) = Message.Create(Parent.Handle, 161, New IntPtr(2), IntPtr.Zero)
- For I As Integer = 1 To 8
- Messages(I) = Message.Create(Parent.Handle, 161, New IntPtr(I + 9), IntPtr.Zero)
- Next
- End Sub
- Private Sub CorrectBounds(ByVal bounds As Rectangle)
- If Parent.Width > bounds.Width Then Parent.Width = bounds.Width
- If Parent.Height > bounds.Height Then Parent.Height = bounds.Height
- Dim X As Integer = Parent.Location.X
- Dim Y As Integer = Parent.Location.Y
- If X < bounds.X Then X = bounds.X
- If Y < bounds.Y Then Y = bounds.Y
- Dim Width As Integer = bounds.X + bounds.Width
- Dim Height As Integer = bounds.Y + bounds.Height
- If X + Parent.Width > Width Then X = Width - Parent.Width
- If Y + Parent.Height > Height Then Y = Height - Parent.Height
- Parent.Location = New Point(X, Y)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " Base Properties "
- Overrides Property Dock As DockStyle
- Get
- Return MyBase.Dock
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As DockStyle)
- If Not _ControlMode Then Return
- MyBase.Dock = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _BackColor As Boolean
- <Category("Misc")> _
- Overrides Property BackColor() As Color
- Get
- Return MyBase.BackColor
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- If value = MyBase.BackColor Then Return
- If Not IsHandleCreated AndAlso _ControlMode AndAlso value = Color.Transparent Then
- _BackColor = True
- Return
- End If
- MyBase.BackColor = value
- If Parent IsNot Nothing Then
- If Not _ControlMode Then Parent.BackColor = value
- ColorHook()
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Overrides Property MinimumSize As Size
- Get
- Return MyBase.MinimumSize
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Size)
- MyBase.MinimumSize = value
- If Parent IsNot Nothing Then Parent.MinimumSize = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Overrides Property MaximumSize As Size
- Get
- Return MyBase.MaximumSize
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Size)
- MyBase.MaximumSize = value
- If Parent IsNot Nothing Then Parent.MaximumSize = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Overrides Property Text() As String
- Get
- Return MyBase.Text
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- MyBase.Text = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Overrides Property Font() As Font
- Get
- Return MyBase.Font
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Font)
- MyBase.Font = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
- Overrides Property ForeColor() As Color
- Get
- Return Color.Empty
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- End Set
- End Property
- <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
- Overrides Property BackgroundImage() As Image
- Get
- Return Nothing
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Image)
- End Set
- End Property
- <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
- Overrides Property BackgroundImageLayout() As ImageLayout
- Get
- Return ImageLayout.None
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As ImageLayout)
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Public Properties "
- Private _SmartBounds As Boolean = True
- Property SmartBounds() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _SmartBounds
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _SmartBounds = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Movable As Boolean = True
- Property Movable() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Movable
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _Movable = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Sizable As Boolean = True
- Property Sizable() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Sizable
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _Sizable = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _TransparencyKey As Color
- Property TransparencyKey() As Color
- Get
- If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Return ParentForm.TransparencyKey Else Return _TransparencyKey
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- If value = _TransparencyKey Then Return
- _TransparencyKey = value
- If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then
- ParentForm.TransparencyKey = value
- ColorHook()
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _BorderStyle As FormBorderStyle
- Property BorderStyle() As FormBorderStyle
- Get
- If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Return ParentForm.FormBorderStyle Else Return _BorderStyle
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As FormBorderStyle)
- _BorderStyle = value
- If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then
- ParentForm.FormBorderStyle = value
- If Not value = FormBorderStyle.None Then
- Movable = False
- Sizable = False
- End If
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _StartPosition As FormStartPosition
- Property StartPosition As FormStartPosition
- Get
- If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Return ParentForm.StartPosition Else Return _StartPosition
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As FormStartPosition)
- _StartPosition = value
- If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then
- ParentForm.StartPosition = value
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _NoRounding As Boolean
- Property NoRounding() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _NoRounding
- End Get
- Set(ByVal v As Boolean)
- _NoRounding = v
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Image As Image
- Property Image() As Image
- Get
- Return _Image
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Image)
- If value Is Nothing Then _ImageSize = Size.Empty Else _ImageSize = value.Size
- _Image = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private Items As New Dictionary(Of String, Color)
- Property Colors() As Bloom()
- Get
- Dim T As New List(Of Bloom)
- Dim E As Dictionary(Of String, Color).Enumerator = Items.GetEnumerator
- While E.MoveNext
- T.Add(New Bloom(E.Current.Key, E.Current.Value))
- End While
- Return T.ToArray
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Bloom())
- For Each B As Bloom In value
- If Items.ContainsKey(B.Name) Then Items(B.Name) = B.Value
- Next
- InvalidateCustimization()
- ColorHook()
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Customization As String
- Property Customization() As String
- Get
- Return _Customization
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- If value = _Customization Then Return
- Dim Data As Byte()
- Dim Items As Bloom() = Colors
- Try
- Data = Convert.FromBase64String(value)
- For I As Integer = 0 To Items.Length - 1
- Items(I).Value = Color.FromArgb(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, I * 4))
- Next
- Catch
- Return
- End Try
- _Customization = value
- Colors = Items
- ColorHook()
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Transparent As Boolean
- Property Transparent() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Transparent
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _Transparent = value
- If Not (IsHandleCreated OrElse _ControlMode) Then Return
- If Not value AndAlso Not BackColor.A = 255 Then
- Throw New Exception("Unable to change value to false while a transparent BackColor is in use.")
- End If
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, Not value)
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, value)
- InvalidateBitmap()
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Private Properties "
- Private _ImageSize As Size
- Protected ReadOnly Property ImageSize() As Size
- Get
- Return _ImageSize
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _IsParentForm As Boolean
- Protected ReadOnly Property IsParentForm As Boolean
- Get
- Return _IsParentForm
- End Get
- End Property
- Protected ReadOnly Property IsParentMdi As Boolean
- Get
- If Parent Is Nothing Then Return False
- Return Parent.Parent IsNot Nothing
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _LockWidth As Integer
- Protected Property LockWidth() As Integer
- Get
- Return _LockWidth
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- _LockWidth = value
- If Not LockWidth = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Width = LockWidth
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _LockHeight As Integer
- Protected Property LockHeight() As Integer
- Get
- Return _LockHeight
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- _LockHeight = value
- If Not LockHeight = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Height = LockHeight
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Header As Integer = 24
- Protected Property Header() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Header
- End Get
- Set(ByVal v As Integer)
- _Header = v
- If Not _ControlMode Then
- Frame = New Rectangle(7, 7, Width - 14, v - 7)
- Invalidate()
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _ControlMode As Boolean
- Protected Property ControlMode() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _ControlMode
- End Get
- Set(ByVal v As Boolean)
- _ControlMode = v
- Transparent = _Transparent
- If _Transparent AndAlso _BackColor Then BackColor = Color.Transparent
- InvalidateBitmap()
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _IsAnimated As Boolean
- Protected Property IsAnimated() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _IsAnimated
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _IsAnimated = value
- InvalidateTimer()
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Property Helpers "
- Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String) As Pen
- Return New Pen(Items(name))
- End Function
- Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String, ByVal width As Single) As Pen
- Return New Pen(Items(name), width)
- End Function
- Protected Function GetBrush(ByVal name As String) As SolidBrush
- Return New SolidBrush(Items(name))
- End Function
- Protected Function GetColor(ByVal name As String) As Color
- Return Items(name)
- End Function
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As Color)
- If Items.ContainsKey(name) Then Items(name) = value Else Items.Add(name, value)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte)
- SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte)
- SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal value As Color)
- SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, value))
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateBitmap()
- If _Transparent AndAlso _ControlMode Then
- If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return
- B = New Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb)
- G = Graphics.FromImage(B)
- Else
- G = Nothing
- B = Nothing
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateCustimization()
- Dim M As New MemoryStream(Items.Count * 4)
- For Each B As Bloom In Colors
- M.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(B.Value.ToArgb), 0, 4)
- Next
- M.Close()
- _Customization = Convert.ToBase64String(M.ToArray)
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateTimer()
- If DesignMode OrElse Not DoneCreation Then Return
- If _IsAnimated Then
- AddAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation)
- Else
- RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation)
- End If
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " User Hooks "
- Protected MustOverride Sub ColorHook()
- Protected MustOverride Sub PaintHook()
- Protected Overridable Sub OnCreation()
- End Sub
- Protected Overridable Sub OnAnimation()
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " Offset "
- Private OffsetReturnRectangle As Rectangle
- Protected Function Offset(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal amount As Integer) As Rectangle
- OffsetReturnRectangle = New Rectangle(r.X + amount, r.Y + amount, r.Width - (amount * 2), r.Height - (amount * 2))
- Return OffsetReturnRectangle
- End Function
- Private OffsetReturnSize As Size
- Protected Function Offset(ByVal s As Size, ByVal amount As Integer) As Size
- OffsetReturnSize = New Size(s.Width + amount, s.Height + amount)
- Return OffsetReturnSize
- End Function
- Private OffsetReturnPoint As Point
- Protected Function Offset(ByVal p As Point, ByVal amount As Integer) As Point
- OffsetReturnPoint = New Point(p.X + amount, p.Y + amount)
- Return OffsetReturnPoint
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " Center "
- Private CenterReturn As Point
- Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Rectangle) As Point
- CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X + c.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y + c.Y)
- Return CenterReturn
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Size) As Point
- CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y)
- Return CenterReturn
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Rectangle) As Point
- Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Size) As Point
- Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal childWidth As Integer, ByVal childHeight As Integer) As Point
- Return Center(Width, Height, childWidth, childHeight)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Size, ByVal c As Size) As Point
- Return Center(p.Width, p.Height, c.Width, c.Height)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal pWidth As Integer, ByVal pHeight As Integer, ByVal cWidth As Integer, ByVal cHeight As Integer) As Point
- CenterReturn = New Point(pWidth \ 2 - cWidth \ 2, pHeight \ 2 - cHeight \ 2)
- Return CenterReturn
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " Measure "
- Private MeasureBitmap As Bitmap
- Private MeasureGraphics As Graphics
- Protected Function Measure() As Size
- SyncLock MeasureGraphics
- Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, Width).ToSize
- End SyncLock
- End Function
- Protected Function Measure(ByVal text As String) As Size
- SyncLock MeasureGraphics
- Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(text, Font, Width).ToSize
- End SyncLock
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawPixel "
- Private DrawPixelBrush As SolidBrush
- Protected Sub DrawPixel(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If _Transparent Then
- B.SetPixel(x, y, c1)
- Else
- DrawPixelBrush = New SolidBrush(c1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawPixelBrush, x, y, 1, 1)
- End If
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawCorners "
- Private DrawCornersBrush As SolidBrush
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawCorners(c1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color)
- DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle)
- DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- If _NoRounding Then Return
- If _Transparent Then
- B.SetPixel(x, y, c1)
- B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y, c1)
- B.SetPixel(x, y + (height - 1), c1)
- B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), c1)
- Else
- DrawCornersBrush = New SolidBrush(c1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y, 1, 1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y, 1, 1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y + (height - 1), 1, 1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), 1, 1)
- End If
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawBorders "
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawText "
- Private DrawTextPoint As Point
- Private DrawTextSize As Size
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- DrawText(b1, Text, a, x, y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal text As String, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If text.Length = 0 Then Return
- DrawTextSize = Measure(text)
- DrawTextPoint = New Point(Width \ 2 - DrawTextSize.Width \ 2, Header \ 2 - DrawTextSize.Height \ 2)
- Select Case a
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Left
- G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Center
- G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, DrawTextPoint.X + x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Right
- G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, Width - DrawTextSize.Width - x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y)
- End Select
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal p1 As Point)
- If Text.Length = 0 Then Return
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, p1)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If Text.Length = 0 Then Return
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, x, y)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawImage "
- Private DrawImagePoint As Point
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- DrawImage(_Image, a, x, y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If image Is Nothing Then Return
- DrawImagePoint = New Point(Width \ 2 - image.Width \ 2, Header \ 2 - image.Height \ 2)
- Select Case a
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Left
- G.DrawImage(image, x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Center
- G.DrawImage(image, DrawImagePoint.X + x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Right
- G.DrawImage(image, Width - image.Width - x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height)
- End Select
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal p1 As Point)
- DrawImage(_Image, p1.X, p1.Y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- DrawImage(_Image, x, y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal p1 As Point)
- DrawImage(image, p1.X, p1.Y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If image Is Nothing Then Return
- G.DrawImage(image, x, y, image.Width, image.Height)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawGradient "
- Private DrawGradientBrush As LinearGradientBrush
- Private DrawGradientRectangle As Rectangle
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle, angle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 90.0F)
- DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, angle)
- DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle, angle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawRadial "
- Private DrawRadialPath As GraphicsPath
- Private DrawRadialBrush1 As PathGradientBrush
- Private DrawRadialBrush2 As LinearGradientBrush
- Private DrawRadialRectangle As Rectangle
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, width \ 2, height \ 2)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal center As Point)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, center.X, center.Y)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, cx, cy)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawRadial(blend, r, r.Width \ 2, r.Height \ 2)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal center As Point)
- DrawRadial(blend, r, center.X, center.Y)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer)
- DrawRadialPath.Reset()
- DrawRadialPath.AddEllipse(r.X, r.Y, r.Width - 1, r.Height - 1)
- DrawRadialBrush1 = New PathGradientBrush(DrawRadialPath)
- DrawRadialBrush1.CenterPoint = New Point(r.X + cx, r.Y + cy)
- DrawRadialBrush1.InterpolationColors = blend
- If G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias Then
- G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r.X + 1, r.Y + 1, r.Width - 3, r.Height - 3)
- Else
- G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r)
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle, angle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle)
- G.FillEllipse(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " CreateRound "
- Private CreateRoundPath As GraphicsPath
- Private CreateRoundRectangle As Rectangle
- Function CreateRound(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath
- CreateRoundRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- Return CreateRound(CreateRoundRectangle, slope)
- End Function
- Function CreateRound(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath
- CreateRoundPath = New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Y, slope, slope, 180.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Y, slope, slope, 270.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 0.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 90.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.CloseFigure()
- Return CreateRoundPath
- End Function
- #End Region
- End Class
- MustInherit Class ThemeControl154
- Inherits Control
- #Region " Initialization "
- Protected G As Graphics, B As Bitmap
- Sub New()
- SetStyle(DirectCast(139270, ControlStyles), True)
- _ImageSize = Size.Empty
- Font = New Font("Verdana", 8S)
- MeasureBitmap = New Bitmap(1, 1)
- MeasureGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(MeasureBitmap)
- DrawRadialPath = New GraphicsPath
- InvalidateCustimization() 'Remove?
- End Sub
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- InvalidateCustimization()
- ColorHook()
- If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then Width = _LockWidth
- If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then Height = _LockHeight
- Transparent = _Transparent
- If _Transparent AndAlso _BackColor Then BackColor = Color.Transparent
- MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e)
- End Sub
- Private DoneCreation As Boolean
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnParentChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If Parent IsNot Nothing Then
- OnCreation()
- DoneCreation = True
- InvalidateTimer()
- End If
- MyBase.OnParentChanged(e)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- Private Sub DoAnimation(ByVal i As Boolean)
- OnAnimation()
- If i Then Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
- If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return
- If _Transparent Then
- PaintHook()
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(B, 0, 0)
- Else
- G = e.Graphics
- PaintHook()
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleDestroyed(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation)
- MyBase.OnHandleDestroyed(e)
- End Sub
- #Region " Size Handling "
- Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnSizeChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If _Transparent Then
- InvalidateBitmap()
- End If
- Invalidate()
- MyBase.OnSizeChanged(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub SetBoundsCore(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal specified As BoundsSpecified)
- If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then width = _LockWidth
- If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then height = _LockHeight
- MyBase.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " State Handling "
- Private InPosition As Boolean
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- InPosition = True
- SetState(MouseState.Over)
- MyBase.OnMouseEnter(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
- If InPosition Then SetState(MouseState.Over)
- MyBase.OnMouseUp(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
- If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then SetState(MouseState.Down)
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- InPosition = False
- SetState(MouseState.None)
- MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnEnabledChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If Enabled Then SetState(MouseState.None) Else SetState(MouseState.Block)
- MyBase.OnEnabledChanged(e)
- End Sub
- Protected State As MouseState
- Private Sub SetState(ByVal current As MouseState)
- State = current
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " Base Properties "
- <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
- Overrides Property ForeColor() As Color
- Get
- Return Color.Empty
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- End Set
- End Property
- <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
- Overrides Property BackgroundImage() As Image
- Get
- Return Nothing
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Image)
- End Set
- End Property
- <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
- Overrides Property BackgroundImageLayout() As ImageLayout
- Get
- Return ImageLayout.None
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As ImageLayout)
- End Set
- End Property
- Overrides Property Text() As String
- Get
- Return MyBase.Text
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- MyBase.Text = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Overrides Property Font() As Font
- Get
- Return MyBase.Font
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Font)
- MyBase.Font = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _BackColor As Boolean
- <Category("Misc")> _
- Overrides Property BackColor() As Color
- Get
- Return MyBase.BackColor
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- If Not IsHandleCreated AndAlso value = Color.Transparent Then
- _BackColor = True
- Return
- End If
- MyBase.BackColor = value
- If Parent IsNot Nothing Then ColorHook()
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Public Properties "
- Private _NoRounding As Boolean
- Property NoRounding() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _NoRounding
- End Get
- Set(ByVal v As Boolean)
- _NoRounding = v
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Image As Image
- Property Image() As Image
- Get
- Return _Image
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Image)
- If value Is Nothing Then
- _ImageSize = Size.Empty
- Else
- _ImageSize = value.Size
- End If
- _Image = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Transparent As Boolean
- Property Transparent() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Transparent
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _Transparent = value
- If Not IsHandleCreated Then Return
- If Not value AndAlso Not BackColor.A = 255 Then
- Throw New Exception("Unable to change value to false while a transparent BackColor is in use.")
- End If
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, Not value)
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, value)
- If value Then InvalidateBitmap() Else B = Nothing
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private Items As New Dictionary(Of String, Color)
- Property Colors() As Bloom()
- Get
- Dim T As New List(Of Bloom)
- Dim E As Dictionary(Of String, Color).Enumerator = Items.GetEnumerator
- While E.MoveNext
- T.Add(New Bloom(E.Current.Key, E.Current.Value))
- End While
- Return T.ToArray
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Bloom())
- For Each B As Bloom In value
- If Items.ContainsKey(B.Name) Then Items(B.Name) = B.Value
- Next
- InvalidateCustimization()
- ColorHook()
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Customization As String
- Property Customization() As String
- Get
- Return _Customization
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- If value = _Customization Then Return
- Dim Data As Byte()
- Dim Items As Bloom() = Colors
- Try
- Data = Convert.FromBase64String(value)
- For I As Integer = 0 To Items.Length - 1
- Items(I).Value = Color.FromArgb(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, I * 4))
- Next
- Catch
- Return
- End Try
- _Customization = value
- Colors = Items
- ColorHook()
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Private Properties "
- Private _ImageSize As Size
- Protected ReadOnly Property ImageSize() As Size
- Get
- Return _ImageSize
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _LockWidth As Integer
- Protected Property LockWidth() As Integer
- Get
- Return _LockWidth
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- _LockWidth = value
- If Not LockWidth = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Width = LockWidth
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _LockHeight As Integer
- Protected Property LockHeight() As Integer
- Get
- Return _LockHeight
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- _LockHeight = value
- If Not LockHeight = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Height = LockHeight
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _IsAnimated As Boolean
- Protected Property IsAnimated() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _IsAnimated
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _IsAnimated = value
- InvalidateTimer()
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Property Helpers "
- Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String) As Pen
- Return New Pen(Items(name))
- End Function
- Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String, ByVal width As Single) As Pen
- Return New Pen(Items(name), width)
- End Function
- Protected Function GetBrush(ByVal name As String) As SolidBrush
- Return New SolidBrush(Items(name))
- End Function
- Protected Function GetColor(ByVal name As String) As Color
- Return Items(name)
- End Function
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As Color)
- If Items.ContainsKey(name) Then Items(name) = value Else Items.Add(name, value)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte)
- SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte)
- SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal value As Color)
- SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, value))
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateBitmap()
- If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return
- B = New Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb)
- G = Graphics.FromImage(B)
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateCustimization()
- Dim M As New MemoryStream(Items.Count * 4)
- For Each B As Bloom In Colors
- M.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(B.Value.ToArgb), 0, 4)
- Next
- M.Close()
- _Customization = Convert.ToBase64String(M.ToArray)
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateTimer()
- If DesignMode OrElse Not DoneCreation Then Return
- If _IsAnimated Then
- AddAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation)
- Else
- RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation)
- End If
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " User Hooks "
- Protected MustOverride Sub ColorHook()
- Protected MustOverride Sub PaintHook()
- Protected Overridable Sub OnCreation()
- End Sub
- Protected Overridable Sub OnAnimation()
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " Offset "
- Private OffsetReturnRectangle As Rectangle
- Protected Function Offset(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal amount As Integer) As Rectangle
- OffsetReturnRectangle = New Rectangle(r.X + amount, r.Y + amount, r.Width - (amount * 2), r.Height - (amount * 2))
- Return OffsetReturnRectangle
- End Function
- Private OffsetReturnSize As Size
- Protected Function Offset(ByVal s As Size, ByVal amount As Integer) As Size
- OffsetReturnSize = New Size(s.Width + amount, s.Height + amount)
- Return OffsetReturnSize
- End Function
- Private OffsetReturnPoint As Point
- Protected Function Offset(ByVal p As Point, ByVal amount As Integer) As Point
- OffsetReturnPoint = New Point(p.X + amount, p.Y + amount)
- Return OffsetReturnPoint
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " Center "
- Private CenterReturn As Point
- Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Rectangle) As Point
- CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X + c.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y + c.Y)
- Return CenterReturn
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Size) As Point
- CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y)
- Return CenterReturn
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Rectangle) As Point
- Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Size) As Point
- Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal childWidth As Integer, ByVal childHeight As Integer) As Point
- Return Center(Width, Height, childWidth, childHeight)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Size, ByVal c As Size) As Point
- Return Center(p.Width, p.Height, c.Width, c.Height)
- End Function
- Protected Function Center(ByVal pWidth As Integer, ByVal pHeight As Integer, ByVal cWidth As Integer, ByVal cHeight As Integer) As Point
- CenterReturn = New Point(pWidth \ 2 - cWidth \ 2, pHeight \ 2 - cHeight \ 2)
- Return CenterReturn
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " Measure "
- Private MeasureBitmap As Bitmap
- Private MeasureGraphics As Graphics 'TODO: Potential issues during multi-threading.
- Protected Function Measure() As Size
- Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, Width).ToSize
- End Function
- Protected Function Measure(ByVal text As String) As Size
- Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(text, Font, Width).ToSize
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawPixel "
- Private DrawPixelBrush As SolidBrush
- Protected Sub DrawPixel(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If _Transparent Then
- B.SetPixel(x, y, c1)
- Else
- DrawPixelBrush = New SolidBrush(c1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawPixelBrush, x, y, 1, 1)
- End If
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawCorners "
- Private DrawCornersBrush As SolidBrush
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawCorners(c1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color)
- DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle)
- DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- If _NoRounding Then Return
- If _Transparent Then
- B.SetPixel(x, y, c1)
- B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y, c1)
- B.SetPixel(x, y + (height - 1), c1)
- B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), c1)
- Else
- DrawCornersBrush = New SolidBrush(c1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y, 1, 1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y, 1, 1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y + (height - 1), 1, 1)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), 1, 1)
- End If
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawBorders "
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2))
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawText "
- Private DrawTextPoint As Point
- Private DrawTextSize As Size
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- DrawText(b1, Text, a, x, y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal text As String, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If text.Length = 0 Then Return
- DrawTextSize = Measure(text)
- DrawTextPoint = Center(DrawTextSize)
- Select Case a
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Left
- G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Center
- G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, DrawTextPoint.X + x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Right
- G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, Width - DrawTextSize.Width - x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y)
- End Select
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal p1 As Point)
- If Text.Length = 0 Then Return
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, p1)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If Text.Length = 0 Then Return
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, x, y)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawImage "
- Private DrawImagePoint As Point
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- DrawImage(_Image, a, x, y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If image Is Nothing Then Return
- DrawImagePoint = Center(image.Size)
- Select Case a
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Left
- G.DrawImage(image, x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Center
- G.DrawImage(image, DrawImagePoint.X + x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height)
- Case HorizontalAlignment.Right
- G.DrawImage(image, Width - image.Width - x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height)
- End Select
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal p1 As Point)
- DrawImage(_Image, p1.X, p1.Y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- DrawImage(_Image, x, y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal p1 As Point)
- DrawImage(image, p1.X, p1.Y)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- If image Is Nothing Then Return
- G.DrawImage(image, x, y, image.Width, image.Height)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawGradient "
- Private DrawGradientBrush As LinearGradientBrush
- Private DrawGradientRectangle As Rectangle
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle, angle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 90.0F)
- DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, angle)
- DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle, angle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle)
- G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " DrawRadial "
- Private DrawRadialPath As GraphicsPath
- Private DrawRadialBrush1 As PathGradientBrush
- Private DrawRadialBrush2 As LinearGradientBrush
- Private DrawRadialRectangle As Rectangle
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, width \ 2, height \ 2)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal center As Point)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, center.X, center.Y)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, cx, cy)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawRadial(blend, r, r.Width \ 2, r.Height \ 2)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal center As Point)
- DrawRadial(blend, r, center.X, center.Y)
- End Sub
- Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer)
- DrawRadialPath.Reset()
- DrawRadialPath.AddEllipse(r.X, r.Y, r.Width - 1, r.Height - 1)
- DrawRadialBrush1 = New PathGradientBrush(DrawRadialPath)
- DrawRadialBrush1.CenterPoint = New Point(r.X + cx, r.Y + cy)
- DrawRadialBrush1.InterpolationColors = blend
- If G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias Then
- G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r.X + 1, r.Y + 1, r.Width - 3, r.Height - 3)
- Else
- G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r)
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawRadialRectangle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawRadialRectangle, angle)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F)
- G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush2, r)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single)
- DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle)
- G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush2, r)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " CreateRound "
- Private CreateRoundPath As GraphicsPath
- Private CreateRoundRectangle As Rectangle
- Function CreateRound(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath
- CreateRoundRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- Return CreateRound(CreateRoundRectangle, slope)
- End Function
- Function CreateRound(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath
- CreateRoundPath = New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Y, slope, slope, 180.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Y, slope, slope, 270.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 0.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 90.0F, 90.0F)
- CreateRoundPath.CloseFigure()
- Return CreateRoundPath
- End Function
- #End Region
- End Class
- Module ThemeShare
- #Region " Animation "
- Private Frames As Integer
- Private Invalidate As Boolean
- Public ThemeTimer As New PrecisionTimer
- Private Const FPS As Integer = 50 '1000 / 50 = 20 FPS
- Private Const Rate As Integer = 10
- Public Delegate Sub AnimationDelegate(ByVal invalidate As Boolean)
- Private Callbacks As New List(Of AnimationDelegate)
- Private Sub HandleCallbacks(ByVal state As IntPtr, ByVal reserve As Boolean)
- Invalidate = (Frames >= FPS)
- If Invalidate Then Frames = 0
- SyncLock Callbacks
- For I As Integer = 0 To Callbacks.Count - 1
- Callbacks(I).Invoke(Invalidate)
- Next
- End SyncLock
- Frames += Rate
- End Sub
- Private Sub InvalidateThemeTimer()
- If Callbacks.Count = 0 Then
- ThemeTimer.Delete()
- Else
- ThemeTimer.Create(0, Rate, AddressOf HandleCallbacks)
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub AddAnimationCallback(ByVal callback As AnimationDelegate)
- SyncLock Callbacks
- If Callbacks.Contains(callback) Then Return
- Callbacks.Add(callback)
- InvalidateThemeTimer()
- End SyncLock
- End Sub
- Sub RemoveAnimationCallback(ByVal callback As AnimationDelegate)
- SyncLock Callbacks
- If Not Callbacks.Contains(callback) Then Return
- Callbacks.Remove(callback)
- InvalidateThemeTimer()
- End SyncLock
- End Sub
- #End Region
- End Module
- Enum MouseState As Byte
- None = 0
- Over = 1
- Down = 2
- Block = 3
- End Enum
- Structure Bloom
- Public _Name As String
- ReadOnly Property Name() As String
- Get
- Return _Name
- End Get
- End Property
- Private _Value As Color
- Property Value() As Color
- Get
- Return _Value
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- _Value = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Property ValueHex() As String
- Get
- Return String.Concat("#", _
- _Value.R.ToString("X2", Nothing), _
- _Value.G.ToString("X2", Nothing), _
- _Value.B.ToString("X2", Nothing))
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- Try
- _Value = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(value)
- Catch
- Return
- End Try
- End Set
- End Property
- Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As Color)
- _Name = name
- _Value = value
- End Sub
- End Structure
- '------------------
- 'Creator: aeonhack
- 'Site:
- 'Created: 11/30/2011
- 'Changed: 11/30/2011
- 'Version: 1.0.0
- '------------------
- Class PrecisionTimer
- Implements IDisposable
- Private _Enabled As Boolean
- ReadOnly Property Enabled() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Enabled
- End Get
- End Property
- Private Handle As IntPtr
- Private TimerCallback As TimerDelegate
- <DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="CreateTimerQueueTimer")> _
- Private Shared Function CreateTimerQueueTimer( _
- ByRef handle As IntPtr, _
- ByVal queue As IntPtr, _
- ByVal callback As TimerDelegate, _
- ByVal state As IntPtr, _
- ByVal dueTime As UInteger, _
- ByVal period As UInteger, _
- ByVal flags As UInteger) As Boolean
- End Function
- <DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="DeleteTimerQueueTimer")> _
- Private Shared Function DeleteTimerQueueTimer( _
- ByVal queue As IntPtr, _
- ByVal handle As IntPtr, _
- ByVal callback As IntPtr) As Boolean
- End Function
- Delegate Sub TimerDelegate(ByVal r1 As IntPtr, ByVal r2 As Boolean)
- Sub Create(ByVal dueTime As UInteger, ByVal period As UInteger, ByVal callback As TimerDelegate)
- If _Enabled Then Return
- TimerCallback = callback
- Dim Success As Boolean = CreateTimerQueueTimer(Handle, IntPtr.Zero, TimerCallback, IntPtr.Zero, dueTime, period, 0)
- If Not Success Then ThrowNewException("CreateTimerQueueTimer")
- _Enabled = Success
- End Sub
- Sub Delete()
- If Not _Enabled Then Return
- Dim Success As Boolean = DeleteTimerQueueTimer(IntPtr.Zero, Handle, IntPtr.Zero)
- If Not Success AndAlso Not Marshal.GetLastWin32Error = 997 Then
- ThrowNewException("DeleteTimerQueueTimer")
- End If
- _Enabled = Not Success
- End Sub
- Private Sub ThrowNewException(ByVal name As String)
- Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} failed. Win32Error: {1}", name, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error))
- End Sub
- Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
- Delete()
- End Sub
- End Class
- #End Region
- #Region "Positron Theme"
- '-------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------
- 'Creator: PatPositron HFUID=1448959
- 'Site:
- 'Created: 4/28/13
- 'Changed: 6/12/13
- 'Version: 1.8
- '-------------------------------------
- '-------------------------------------
- Class PositronTheme
- Inherits ThemeContainer154
- Private BG As Color, GT As Color, GB As Color
- Private TB As Brush, Black As Brush, H As Brush
- Private b As Pen, IB As Pen, PB As Pen
- Public Sub New()
- TransparencyKey = Color.Fuchsia
- BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 225, 225)
- Font = New Font("Verdana", 8)
- SetColor("BG", Color.FromArgb(208, 208, 208))
- SetColor("TB", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("Black", Color.Black)
- SetColor("Hover", Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210))
- SetColor("Top", Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220))
- SetColor("Bot", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- DoubleBuffered = True
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- BG = GetColor("BG")
- TB = GetBrush("TB")
- Black = GetBrush("Black")
- b = GetPen("Bot")
- GT = GetColor("Top")
- GB = GetColor("Bot")
- H = GetBrush("Hover")
- PB = GetPen("Border")
- IB = GetPen("Bot")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- Dim HBM As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkUpwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(30, Color.White), Color.Transparent)
- G.Clear(BG)
- G.FillRectangle(HBM, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1))
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(BackColor), New Rectangle(8, 27, Width - 16, Height - 35))
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, TB, New Point(29, 7))
- G.DrawIcon(ParentForm.Icon, New Rectangle(7, 4, 19, 20))
- DrawBorders(PB)
- DrawBorders(IB, 1)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronButton
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private TG As Color, BG As Color
- Private TC As Brush, H As Brush
- Private B As Pen, IB As Pen
- Public Sub New()
- SetColor("TopG", Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220))
- SetColor("BottomG", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Text", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- SetColor("Inside", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Hover", Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210))
- Size = New Size(100, 30)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- TG = GetColor("TopG")
- BG = GetColor("BottomG")
- TC = GetBrush("Text")
- B = GetPen("Border")
- IB = GetPen("Inside")
- H = GetBrush("Hover")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- G.Clear(TG)
- Select Case State
- Case MouseState.None
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), TG, BG, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(2, 2, Width - 4, Height - 4))
- Exit Select
- Case MouseState.Over
- G.FillRectangle(H, New Rectangle(2, 2, Width - 4, Height - 4))
- Exit Select
- Case MouseState.Down
- Dim LGB3 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), BG, TG, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(LGB3, New Rectangle(2, 2, Width - 4, Height - 4))
- Exit Select
- End Select
- DrawBorders(IB)
- DrawText(TC, HorizontalAlignment.Center, 0, 0)
- G.DrawRectangle(B, New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3))
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronGroupBox
- Inherits ThemeContainer154
- Private PB As Pen, IB As Pen
- Private BT As Brush
- Private BG As Color
- Public Sub New()
- ControlMode = True
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- SetColor("Text", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("BG", Color.FromArgb(208, 208, 208))
- SetColor("Inside", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- Size = New Size(160, 80)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- PB = GetPen("Border")
- BT = GetBrush("Text")
- BG = GetColor("BG")
- IB = GetPen("Inside")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- Dim HBM As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkUpwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(30, Color.White), Color.Transparent)
- G.Clear(BG)
- G.FillRectangle(HBM, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1))
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220)), New Rectangle(5, 20, Width - 10, Height - 25))
- DrawBorders(IB)
- DrawBorders(PB, 1)
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, BT, New Point(6, 3))
- End Sub
- End Class
- <DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")> _
- Class PositronRadioButton
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private TB As Brush, Inside As Brush
- Private B As Pen, IB As Pen
- Private _Checked As Boolean
- Public Property Checked() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Checked
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _Checked = value
- InvalidateControls()
- RaiseEvent CheckedChanged(Me)
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Event CheckedChanged As CheckedChangedEventHandler
- Public Delegate Sub CheckedChangedEventHandler(sender As Object)
- Private Sub InvalidateControls()
- If Not IsHandleCreated OrElse Not _Checked Then
- Return
- End If
- For Each C As Control In Parent.Controls
- If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(C, Me) AndAlso TypeOf C Is PositronRadioButton Then
- DirectCast(C, PositronRadioButton).Checked = False
- End If
- Next
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- If Not _Checked Then
- Checked = True
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- End Sub
- Public Sub New()
- LockHeight = 22
- Width = 140
- Size = New Size(150, 22)
- SetColor("Text", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175))
- SetColor("IB", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("B", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- TB = GetBrush("Text")
- B = GetPen("B")
- IB = GetPen("IB")
- Inside = GetBrush("Border")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- G.Clear(BackColor)
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
- If _Checked Then
- G.FillEllipse(TB, New Rectangle(New Point(6, 6), New Size(6, 6)))
- End If
- If State = MouseState.Over Then
- If _Checked Then
- Else
- G.FillEllipse(Inside, New Rectangle(New Point(5, 5), New Size(8, 8)))
- End If
- End If
- G.DrawEllipse(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(125, 125, 125)), New Rectangle(New Point(1, 1), New Size(16, 16)))
- G.DrawEllipse(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200)), New Rectangle(New Point(0, 0), New Size(18, 18)))
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, TB, 19, 2)
- End Sub
- End Class
- <DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")> _
- Class PositronCheckBox
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private BG As Color
- Private TB As Brush, [IN] As Brush
- Private IB As Pen, B As Pen
- Private _Checked As Boolean
- Public Event CheckedChanged As CheckedChangedEventHandler
- Public Delegate Sub CheckedChangedEventHandler(sender As Object)
- Public Property Checked() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Checked
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _Checked = value
- Invalidate()
- RaiseEvent CheckedChanged(Me)
- End Set
- End Property
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- If _Checked = True Then
- _Checked = False
- Else
- _Checked = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub New()
- LockHeight = 22
- SetColor("BG", Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240))
- SetColor("Texts", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("Inside", Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175))
- SetColor("IB", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("B", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- Size = New Size(150, 22)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- BG = GetColor("BG")
- TB = GetBrush("Texts")
- [IN] = GetBrush("Inside")
- IB = GetPen("IB")
- B = GetPen("B")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- G.Clear(BackColor)
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
- If _Checked Then
- G.DrawString("a", New Font("Marlett", 12), TB, New Point(-1, 1))
- End If
- If State = MouseState.Over Then
- G.FillRectangle([IN], New Rectangle(New Point(4, 4), New Size(10, 10)))
- If _Checked Then
- G.DrawString("a", New Font("Marlett", 12), TB, New Point(-1, 1))
- End If
- End If
- G.DrawRectangle(B, 2, 2, 14, 14)
- G.DrawRectangle(IB, 1, 1, 16, 16)
- G.DrawString(Text, Font, TB, 19, 3)
- End Sub
- End Class
- <DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")> _
- Class PositronOnOff
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private TB As Brush
- Private b As Pen
- Private _Checked As Boolean = False
- Public Event CheckedChanged As CheckedChangedEventHandler
- Public Delegate Sub CheckedChangedEventHandler(sender As Object)
- Public Property Checked() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Checked
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _Checked = value
- Invalidate()
- RaiseEvent CheckedChanged(Me)
- End Set
- End Property
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, G)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, offset As Integer, G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset, _
- G)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, G As Graphics)
- G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, offset As Integer, _
- G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2), G)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- If _Checked = True Then
- _Checked = False
- Else
- _Checked = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub New()
- LockHeight = 24
- LockWidth = 62
- SetColor("Texts", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("border", Color.FromArgb(125, 125, 125))
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- TB = GetBrush("Texts")
- b = GetPen("border")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- G.Clear(BackColor)
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height), Color.FromArgb(120, 120, 120), Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100), 90)
- Dim HB1 As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkUpwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(10, Color.White), Color.Transparent)
- If _Checked Then
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(2, 2, (Width / 2) - 2, Height - 4))
- G.FillRectangle(HB1, New Rectangle(2, 2, (Width / 2) - 2, Height - 4))
- G.DrawString("On", Font, TB, New Point(36, 6))
- ElseIf Not _Checked Then
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle((Width / 2) - 1, 2, (Width / 2) - 1, Height - 4))
- G.FillRectangle(HB1, New Rectangle((Width / 2) - 1, 2, (Width / 2) - 1, Height - 4))
- G.DrawString("Off", Font, TB, New Point(5, 6))
- End If
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))), G)
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), 1, G)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronLabel
- Inherits Label
- Public Sub New()
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)
- BackColor = Color.Transparent
- Font = New Font("Verdana", 8)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronControlBox
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private TG As Color, BG As Color
- Private TC As Brush, H As Brush
- Private B As Pen, IB As Pen
- Public Sub New()
- SetColor("TopG", Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220))
- SetColor("BottomG", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Text", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- SetColor("Inside", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Hover", Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210))
- LockHeight = 22
- LockWidth = 22
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- TG = GetColor("TopG")
- BG = GetColor("BottomG")
- TC = GetBrush("Text")
- B = GetPen("Border")
- IB = GetPen("Inside")
- H = GetBrush("Hover")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseClick(e As MouseEventArgs)
- If e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
- Application.[Exit]()
- Environment.[Exit](0)
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnClientSizeChanged(e As EventArgs)
- MyBase.OnClientSizeChanged(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- Select Case State
- Case MouseState.None
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), TG, BG, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22))
- Exit Select
- Case MouseState.Over
- G.FillRectangle(H, New Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22))
- Exit Select
- Case MouseState.Down
- Dim LGB3 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), BG, TG, 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(LGB3, New Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22))
- Exit Select
- End Select
- DrawBorders(IB)
- G.DrawString("r", New Font("Marlett", 8), TC, 4, 6)
- End Sub
- End Class
- <DefaultEvent("TextChanged")> _
- Class PositronTextBox
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private _TextAlign As HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
- Public Property TextAlign() As HorizontalAlignment
- Get
- Return _TextAlign
- End Get
- Set(value As HorizontalAlignment)
- _TextAlign = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.TextAlign = value
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _MaxLength As Integer = 32767
- Public Property MaxLength() As Integer
- Get
- Return _MaxLength
- End Get
- Set(value As Integer)
- _MaxLength = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.MaxLength = value
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _ReadOnly As Boolean
- Public Property [ReadOnly]() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _ReadOnly
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _ReadOnly = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.[ReadOnly] = value
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _UseSystemPasswordChar As Boolean
- Public Property UseSystemPasswordChar() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _UseSystemPasswordChar
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _UseSystemPasswordChar = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.UseSystemPasswordChar = value
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Multiline As Boolean
- Public Property Multiline() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _Multiline
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _Multiline = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.Multiline = value
- If value Then
- LockHeight = 0
- Base.Height = Height - 11
- Else
- LockHeight = Base.Height + 11
- End If
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Overrides Property Text() As String
- Get
- Return MyBase.Text
- End Get
- Set(value As String)
- MyBase.Text = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.Text = value
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Overrides Property Font() As Font
- Get
- Return MyBase.Font
- End Get
- Set(value As Font)
- MyBase.Font = value
- If Base IsNot Nothing Then
- Base.Font = value
- Base.Location = New Point(10, 6)
- Base.Width = Width - 6
- If Not _Multiline Then
- LockHeight = Base.Height + 11
- End If
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Protected Overrides Sub OnCreation()
- If Not Controls.Contains(Base) Then
- Controls.Add(Base)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Base As TextBox
- Public Sub New()
- Base = New TextBox()
- Base.Font = New Font("Verdana", 8)
- Base.Text = Text
- Base.MaxLength = _MaxLength
- Base.Multiline = _Multiline
- Base.[ReadOnly] = _ReadOnly
- Base.UseSystemPasswordChar = _UseSystemPasswordChar
- Base.Size = New Size(100, 25)
- Size = New Size(112, 25)
- Base.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
- Base.Location = New Point(10, 6)
- Base.Width = Width - 10
- If _Multiline Then
- Base.Height = Height - 11
- Else
- LockHeight = Base.Height + 11
- End If
- AddHandler Base.TextChanged, AddressOf OnBaseTextChanged
- AddHandler Base.KeyDown, AddressOf OnBaseKeyDown
- SetColor("B", Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210))
- SetColor("Inside", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- End Sub
- Private b As Color, i As Color, bb As Color
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- Base.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)
- Base.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210)
- b = GetColor("B")
- i = GetColor("Inside")
- bb = GetColor("Border")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- G.Clear(b)
- Base.Size = New Size(Width - 10, Height - 10)
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(b), New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2))
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(bb)), 1)
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(i)))
- End Sub
- Private Sub OnBaseTextChanged(s As Object, e As EventArgs)
- Text = Base.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub OnBaseKeyDown(s As Object, e As KeyEventArgs)
- If e.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.A Then
- Base.SelectAll()
- e.SuppressKeyPress = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(e As EventArgs)
- Base.Location = New Point(5, 5)
- Base.Width = Width - 10
- If _Multiline Then
- Base.Height = Height - 11
- End If
- MyBase.OnResize(e)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronProgressBar
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private _Value As Integer
- Public Property Value() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Value
- End Get
- Set(value As Integer)
- If value >= Minimum And value <= _Max Then
- _Value = value
- End If
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Orientation As Orientation
- Public Property Orientation() As Orientation
- Get
- Return _Orientation
- End Get
- Set(value As Orientation)
- _Orientation = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Max As Integer = 100
- Public Property Maximum() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Max
- End Get
- Set(value As Integer)
- If value > _Min Then
- _Max = value
- End If
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Min As Integer = 0
- Public Property Minimum() As Integer
- Get
- Return _Min
- End Get
- Set(value As Integer)
- If value < _Max Then
- _Min = value
- End If
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private Sub Increment(amount As Integer)
- Value += amount
- End Sub
- Private _ShowValue As Boolean = False
- <Description("Indicates if the value of the progress bar will be shown in the middle of it.")> _
- Public Property ShowValue() As Boolean
- Get
- Return _ShowValue
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- _ShowValue = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private BT As Brush
- Private IB As Pen, PB As Pen
- Private BG As Color, IC As Color
- Public Sub New()
- Transparent = True
- Value = 50
- ShowValue = True
- SetColor("Text", Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- SetColor("Inside", Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))
- SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))
- SetColor("BG", Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210))
- SetColor("IC", Color.FromArgb(215, 215, 215))
- MinimumSize = New Size(40, 14)
- Size = New Size(175, 30)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- BT = GetBrush("Text")
- IB = GetPen("Inside")
- PB = GetPen("Border")
- BG = GetColor("BG")
- IC = GetColor("IC")
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- Select Case _Orientation
- Case System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal
- Dim area As Integer = Convert.ToInt32((_Value * (Width - 6)) \ _Max)
- G.Clear(BG)
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220), Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200), 90.0F)
- If _Value = _Max Then
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(3, 3, Width - 4, Height - 4))
- DrawBorders(PB, 3)
- ElseIf _Value = _Min Then
- Else
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(3, 3, area, Height - 4))
- G.DrawRectangle(PB, New Rectangle(3, 3, area - 1, Height - 7))
- End If
- If _ShowValue Then
- Dim val As String = _Value.ToString()
- DrawText(BT, val, HorizontalAlignment.Center, 0, 0)
- End If
- Exit Select
- Case System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical
- Dim area2 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32((_Value * (Height - 6)) \ _Max)
- G.Clear(BG)
- Dim LGB2 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220), Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200), 90.0F)
- If _Value = _Max Then
- G.FillRectangle(LGB2, New Rectangle(3, 3, Width - 4, Height - 4))
- DrawBorders(PB, 3)
- ElseIf _Value = _Min Then
- Else
- G.FillRectangle(LGB2, New Rectangle(3, 3, Width - 4, area2))
- G.DrawRectangle(PB, New Rectangle(3, 3, Width - 7, area2))
- End If
- If _ShowValue Then
- Dim val As String = _Value.ToString()
- DrawText(BT, val, HorizontalAlignment.Center, 0, 0)
- End If
- Exit Select
- End Select
- DrawBorders(IB)
- DrawBorders(PB, 1)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronListBox
- Inherits ListBox
- Private mShowScroll As Boolean
- Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams() As System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams
- Get
- Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams
- If Not mShowScroll Then
- cp.Style = cp.Style And Not &H200000
- End If
- Return cp
- End Get
- End Property
- <Description("Indicates whether the vertical scrollbar appears or not.")> _
- Public Property ShowScrollbar() As Boolean
- Get
- Return mShowScroll
- End Get
- Set(value As Boolean)
- If value = mShowScroll Then
- Return
- End If
- mShowScroll = value
- If Handle <> IntPtr.Zero Then
- RecreateHandle()
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Sub New()
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
- BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
- DrawMode = System.Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed
- ItemHeight = 16
- ForeColor = Color.Black
- BackColor = Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210)
- IntegralHeight = False
- Font = New Font("Verdana", 8)
- ScrollAlwaysVisible = False
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer)
- CreateGraphics().DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, offset As Integer)
- DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2))
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs)
- If (e.Index >= 0) Then
- Dim ItemBounds As Rectangle = e.Bounds
- e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(BackColor), ItemBounds)
- If ((e.State.ToString().IndexOf("Selected,") + 1) > 0) Then
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(ItemBounds, Color.FromArgb(120, 120, 120), Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100), 90)
- Dim HB1 As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkUpwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(10, Color.White), Color.Transparent)
- e.Graphics.FillRectangle(LGB1, ItemBounds)
- e.Graphics.FillRectangle(HB1, ItemBounds)
- e.Graphics.DrawString(Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200)), 5, Convert.ToInt32((e.Bounds.Y + ((e.Bounds.Height \ 2) - 7))))
- Else
- Try
- e.Graphics.DrawString(Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)), 5, Convert.ToInt32((e.Bounds.Y + ((e.Bounds.Height \ 2) - 7))))
- Catch
- End Try
- End If
- End If
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))))
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), 1)
- MyBase.OnDrawItem(e)
- End Sub
- Public Sub CustomPaint()
- CreateGraphics().DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1))
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronDivider
- Inherits ThemeControl154
- Private _Orientation As Orientation
- Public Property Orientation() As Orientation
- Get
- Return _Orientation
- End Get
- Set(value As Orientation)
- _Orientation = value
- If value = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical Then
- LockHeight = 0
- LockWidth = 14
- Else
- LockHeight = 14
- LockWidth = 0
- End If
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Sub New()
- Transparent = True
- BackColor = Color.Transparent
- LockHeight = 14
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook()
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook()
- G.Clear(BackColor)
- Dim BL1 As New ColorBlend()
- Dim BL2 As New ColorBlend()
- BL1.Positions = New Single() {0.0F, 0.15F, 0.85F, 1.0F}
- BL2.Positions = New Single() {0.0F, 0.15F, 0.5F, 0.85F, 1.0F}
- BL1.Colors = New Color() {Color.Transparent, Color.LightGray, Color.LightGray, Color.Transparent}
- BL2.Colors = New Color() {Color.Transparent, Color.FromArgb(144, 144, 144), Color.FromArgb(160, 160, 160), Color.FromArgb(156, 156, 156), Color.Transparent}
- If _Orientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical Then
- DrawGradient(BL1, 6, 0, 1, Height)
- DrawGradient(BL2, 7, 0, 1, Height)
- Else
- DrawGradient(BL1, 0, 6, Width, 1, 0.0F)
- DrawGradient(BL2, 0, 7, Width, 1, 0.0F)
- End If
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronComboBox
- Inherits ComboBox
- Private X As Integer
- Private _StartIndex As Integer = 0
- Public Property StartIndex() As Integer
- Get
- Return _StartIndex
- End Get
- Set(value As Integer)
- _StartIndex = value
- Try
- MyBase.SelectedIndex = value
- Catch
- End Try
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, G)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, offset As Integer, G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset, _
- G)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, G As Graphics)
- G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, offset As Integer, _
- G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2), G)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As MouseEventArgs)
- X = e.X
- MyBase.OnMouseMove(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(e As EventArgs)
- X = 0
- MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseClick(e As MouseEventArgs)
- If e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
- X = 0
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseClick(e)
- End Sub
- Private B1 As SolidBrush, B2 As SolidBrush, B3 As SolidBrush
- Public Sub New()
- SetStyle(DirectCast(139286, ControlStyles), True)
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, False)
- DrawMode = System.Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed
- BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 225, 225)
- DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
- Font = New Font("Verdana", 8)
- B1 = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230))
- B2 = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210))
- B3 = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
- Dim G As Graphics = e.Graphics
- Dim points As Point() = New Point() {New Point(Width - 15, 9), New Point(Width - 6, 9), New Point(Width - 11, 14)}
- G.Clear(BackColor)
- G.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height), Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220), Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200), 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
- G.DrawLine(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), New Point(Width - 21, 2), New Point(Width - 21, Height))
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))), G)
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), 1, G)
- Try
- G.DrawString(DirectCast(Items(SelectedIndex).ToString(), String), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)), New Point(3, 4))
- Catch
- G.DrawString(" . . . ", Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)), New Point(3, 4))
- End Try
- If X >= 1 Then
- Dim LGB3 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height), Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200), Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220), 90.0F)
- G.FillRectangle(LGB3, New Rectangle(Width - 20, 2, 18, 17))
- G.FillPolygon(B3, points)
- Else
- G.FillPolygon(B3, points)
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(e As DrawItemEventArgs)
- e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(e.Bounds, Color.FromArgb(120, 120, 120), Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100), 90)
- Dim HB1 As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkUpwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(10, Color.White), Color.Transparent)
- If (e.State And DrawItemState.Selected) = DrawItemState.Selected Then
- e.Graphics.FillRectangle(LGB1, New Rectangle(1, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height))
- e.Graphics.FillRectangle(HB1, e.Bounds)
- e.Graphics.DrawString(GetItemText(Items(e.Index)), e.Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200)), e.Bounds)
- Else
- e.Graphics.FillRectangle(B2, e.Bounds)
- Try
- e.Graphics.DrawString(GetItemText(Items(e.Index)), e.Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)), e.Bounds)
- Catch
- End Try
- End If
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class PositronTabControl
- Inherits TabControl
- Private TB As Brush
- Private i As Integer = 0
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, G)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, offset As Integer, G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset, _
- G)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, G As Graphics)
- G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1)
- End Sub
- Protected Sub DrawBorders(p1 As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, offset As Integer, _
- G As Graphics)
- DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2), G)
- End Sub
- Public Sub New()
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.UserPaint, True)
- SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
- DoubleBuffered = True
- ItemSize = New Size(30, 120)
- Size = New Size(250, 150)
- TB = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100))
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub CreateHandle()
- MyBase.CreateHandle()
- Alignment = TabAlignment.Left
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
- Dim B As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(B)
- Dim HBS As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkUpwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(6, Color.Black), Color.Transparent)
- G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
- G.Clear(FindForm().BackColor)
- G.FillRectangle(HBS, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
- Try
- SelectedTab.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210)
- Catch
- End Try
- For i = 0 To TabCount - 1
- Dim TabRect As Rectangle = GetTabRect(i)
- Try
- Dim LGB1 As New LinearGradientBrush(TabRect, Color.FromArgb(190, 190, 190), Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220), 90.0F)
- Dim LGB2 As New LinearGradientBrush(TabRect, Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220), Color.FromArgb(190, 190, 190), 90.0F)
- If i = SelectedIndex Then
- G.FillRectangle(LGB1, TabRect)
- G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, New Font(Font.FontFamily, Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold), TB, TabRect, New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
- Else
- G.FillRectangle(LGB2, TabRect)
- G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, TB, TabRect, New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
- End If
- G.DrawLine(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), New Point(TabRect.X, TabRect.Y), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 1, TabRect.Y))
- G.DrawLine(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), New Point(), New Point())
- Catch
- End Try
- Next
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200))), 1, G)
- DrawBorders(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150))), 2, G)
- G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150)), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 2, Height - (Height - 3)), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 2, Height - 3))
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(B, 0, 0)
- G.Dispose()
- B.Dispose()
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- End Class
- #End Region
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