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changing the hre in europa universalis

a guest
Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. but i think that there should be imperial "circles" which did exist
  2. the head of those circles would be the state holding the elector seat in the region but there's also a distinction between temporal and spiritual leaders
  3. so like while the palatinate has jurisdiction in bavaria and the rhineland they only have say over the fiefs and not the bishoprics
  4. and members of the empire can request gold, approval of their monarch, permission to invade another from them
  5. and they'd also decide if an suit proposed is relevant or not
  6. if its not relevant then they'd make an absolute decision on it
  7. if its not then the issue travels up to the imperial high court
  8. the imperial high court will have a jury led over by states appointed by the emperor
  9. and they pretty much vote which side it'll go to
  10. and then the emperor can approve the proposal, acting as an extra juror/judge
  11. deals can still go through without emperor approval but that means that the losing side can fight to keep what they want
  12. does this make sense or is it stupid
  16. like if your ruler or heir has a high military skill
  17. you can get a request from the emperor to have him in his service
  18. which just means you can't use him as a general
  19. and instead the emperor does
  21. yeah
  22. : like your king or heir
  23. there will also be like
  24. other offices that he will appoint
  25. : kind of like an extra set of advisors or the court in ck2
  27. but like also if the emperor annexes territory while he is emperor
  28. he has an option to reduce aggressive expansion by releasing a conquered province and losing a general too by making him the leader there
  29. if they wanna give it to like
  30. the heir or ruler generals then the state would inherit that
  31. a spoils system
  32. idk just having the hre function as an actual feudal state
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