
crash opinions

Dec 14th, 2015
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  1. wanted to share my opinions on every single crash game ever made
  3. Crash 1: pretty good platformer for its time, really difficult especially with d-pad, 100% is a bitch and a half but overall it's not bad, it was the series's start after all
  5. Crash 2: extremely solid and brilliantly designed game, it's in my top 3 favorite crash games. controls are tight and responsive, level design is really solid, it flows and plays much better than the first game. some of the secrets are kinda cryptic sometimes but other than that it's a very solid platformer that anyone should play
  7. Crash 3: better than Crash 1 but not as good as Crash 2. there's a LOT of vehicles and not a lot of them are that fun or interesting. the relics are a nice touch, superpowers do a good job in changing up the way you go through levels and the platforming levels are as fun as ever, though the overabundance of vehicle levels prevents it from being as good/greater than Crash 2. still a lot of fun tho
  9. CTR: one of the first games i ever played and one of the best kart racers i've ever experienced. gameplay is super fast and hectic, adventure mode is fun, the extra race types like CTR tokens and time trials help change things up to make the gameplay feel fresh, and multiplayer is super fucking fun if you have friends to play with. I honestly prefer this way over diddy kong racing and MK64.
  11. crash bash: it's....okay. all i have to say about it. not too bad but not too good either. definitely a poor man's mario party
  13. The Wrath of Cortex: Crash 3 on PS2 pretty much. It's an okay game and certainly not as awful as a lot of people say it is, but the vehicles are somehow worse than Crash 3, and the load times really suck. Overall when compared to Crash 3 the game is pretty meh, but as a standalone game i think it holds up pretty well, bad vehicles aside.
  15. Twinsanity: honestly this is close to my favorite crash game of all time. i love the gameplay, i love the story, i love the characters, i love the level design, i love the music, i love everything about this game. yeh i know its short and glitchy and that the game was rushed to hell, and even though there are technical problems with the game i still don't mind. the gameplay is amazing and it's just a fucking FUN game and i think that's more than enough to like it.
  17. Crash Nitro Kart: poor man's CTR. not bad by any means but the game just feels overall slower and more sluggish than CTR, and the anti gravity feature is cool i guess but aside from that there's really nothing to it other than the fact that, well, it's just CTR except on a PS2. Also, multiplayer for this sucks ass and the game drops frames like nothing else, playing splitscreen is literally unplayable (check this video for an example:
  19. Tag Team Racing: solid racing game with a bit more meat and potatoes than CTR but doesn't quite reach CTR's level, mainly because half the game is racing and the other half is platforming. pretty solid game in general though and really fun to play through.
  21. Crash of the Titans: a game that gets a lot of shit from crash purists mainly for being radically different from previous crash platformers. combat is the main focus this time around and honestly it's not as bad as it looks. most people seem to harp more on the redesigned characters rather than the gameplay as a reason as to why they think the game sucks but honestly it's a pretty fun action adventure game. the combat can get pretty repetitive in a few areas later in the game but the levels aren’t that long and are pretty linear so it's pretty likely you'll beat the game pretty quickly even if you're going for 100% or playing on the hardest difficulty. overall it's a really fun game, especially if you have a friend to play with (seriously, co-op in this game rocks). mainly combat based but with a little bit of platforming and puzzle solving added in there too. definitely one of the most underrated crash games.
  23. Mind Over Mutant: I like this better than Titans. combat is nowhere near as prominent as it was in the other game and there is a lot more platforming and exploration. the game is really big and i like the open world approach, though the lack of warp points anywhere makes backtracking to earlier areas near the end of the game a pain in the ass. the new titans are fresh and fun to mess around with, the titan storing mechanic allows you to change up the way you move around and improves platforming and multitasking, especially now that titans can jump as opposed to COTT. The story, writing and cutscenes are top notch and overall it’s a damn good game.
  25. Portable games:
  27. The Huge Adventure/N-Tranced: covering these two at once since they’re basically the same thing. Overall pretty decent 2D platformers on the GBA. If you have a DS and a cart of this game it’s actually pretty fun for long car rides or boring occasions, and it’s always nice to have some 2D crash on the go, but they’re pretty generic despite being pretty fun.
  29. Crash Bandicoot Purple/Ripto’s Rampage: uninspired and boring minigame collection made solely as a marketing ploy by evil corporate executives wanting to milk the everloving fuck out of Crash and Spyro, two of the PlayStation’s biggest icons. Overall, don’t play this game.
  31. Crash Nitro Kart (GBA): annoying music and weird mode-7 races. Aside from that it’s really boring with nothing special about it.
  33. Crash Boom Bang: literally poor man’s Mario Party DS. Single player sucks, there’s too much blatant luck/RNG involved, you have to skip the same fucking textbox with instructions every time it’s your turn to play, boards can last horrendously long amounts of time, the obstructing panels are just annoying, buying things is both extremely rare and detrimental since you spend points to buy shit, every minigame is either boring or awful, and the story sequences are boring and not entertaining. Once again, stay the hell away from this shit pile.
  35. Crash of the Titans (GBA): holy fuck, this game is a mess. One of the last games to be released on the GBA ever, this game is the epitomy of a rushed shitstorm. Pointless and often repetitive combat, cramped screen, horrible collision detection, worthless multiple paths, levels are messy, convoluted and badly designed, full of glitches, bland backgrounds and scenarios, forgettable music, just…ugh. Stay the hell away from this version.
  37. Crash of the Titans (DS): ah, much better. This is honestly my favorite portable Crash game. The gameplay mixes Titans’ combat with platforming a la the classic Crash games, and it’s really fun. If you want some on-the-go Crash action, get this game. The combat is really simple, the platforming is great and it’s overall just a very solid platforming game with beat ‘em up elements.
  39. Crash Mind Over Mutant (DS): holy fuck this is awful. Level design is boring and terrible. Combat is repetitive and often times pointless. Too many fucking enemies. New titans look extremely out of place and weird for a Crash game. Titans themselves are useless. Only 5 Titans in total for the entire game (and only 1 species for each world). Boss fights are cheap and unfair, ESPECIALLY THE FINAL BOSS. Music is awfully compressed versions of music from the console version of Crash of the Titans. The story makes no sense. There are only 2 story scenes in total; one at the very beginning of the game, and one at the very end, and these are badly animated and nonsensical. Overall, stick with Titans DS (and maybe Huge Adventure) if you want some good Crash games on the go.
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