
Focus on Happy Thoughts

Mar 17th, 2015
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  1. Left foot. Right foot. Again. Breathe.
  3. The feeling of that burn, the ascerbic acid washing over the muscle tissue as I run. Exhilarating.
  5. Twist, and twist, and twist, and toe touch. Toe touch. Muscles throb, warmth washes over. Alright, now hit the showers.
  7. Light rain today. Not sure if Freddy's will have many parties today. Shift starts soon. Walk by the protesters, the movie theater, some space flick is playing. Freddy's is open, gotta go around side to the back, gotta go backstage. Tom's here, getting into his costume already. Just gotta put the goofy rabbit one on. Tom's got his Freddy head on, getting my suit on.
  9. Readjust the forearm, spring lock is deployed for the animatronics. There we go, fits now. Look in the mirror, take some breaths, let's get the tight feeling in chest dealt with. Alright, I think this job's good for my claustrophobia, didn't get the shakes this time.
  11. Adjust the bowtie, smile big, even if no one can see it. Flex limbs, make sure I can move well. Showtime.
  13. I know Tom enjoys the showboating, I'm just here to quietly pantomime to the goofy playtape, don't care too much for the spotlight.
  15. Alright, shows are done. Time to take off the suit. Head first, limb by limb, then the chest, then the crotch. Alright, time to leave the suit for the maintenance guys to take care of. Will mention the squeaking to em.
  17. Now we go home, nightly ablutions, read latest Ghost Rider comic.
  19. Alarm goes off, time to get day started.
  21. Heavier rain today. Less parties at Freddy's, judging by the cars. Time to get into costume, Tom's already ready.
  23. Limbs on, torso's on, crotch is on. Deep breaths, let's get the head on. Adjust the bowtie, make sure the costume's all on properly. Check the mirror, looks good, another deep breath. Squeak is unsettling. Time for the show.
  25. Tom's hamming it up, 'Do the locomotion' yes yes, follow Freddy's movements. Ah, that burn of ascerbic acid again. Few motions are a little stiff. Little winded from feeling a bit enclosed. Heading backstage a little early. Take head off. Manager understands, thankfully, taking off limbs. Then torso. Then crotch. Leave it for the maintenance guys to put on the animatronics. Notice watch missing, checking costume arm. Not there, but the arm's already deployed for an animatronic, must've just missed maintenance then.
  27. Head home, nightly ablutions, reread Metal Men comic.
  29. Alarm goes off, lighter rain today, supposed to be a big party today.
  31. Space movie's pretty popular it seems. Keep going, round the building, backstage. Tom's not here, today it's Fran in the Freddy suit. Suit's squeaking a bit, put on the limbs, the crotch, then the torso. Adjust head, ears are prodding head. Deep breaths, let the tight feeling pass. Check mirror, adjust bowtie. Showtime.
  33. Pantomiming a lot today, Fran's kinda dropping the ball here. Gonna keep on trucking, finally a chance to cool down. Catching breath a-SEARING. PAIN.
  35. The feeling of that burn, metal rod sinking into and skewering muscle tissue as I try to walk. I stifle a scream as the limb starts to feel cold, my foot feeling wet. I try to signal the manager that something's wrong and he points me to the safe room. Left foot. Right fo-ow. Right, let's focus on legs rather than feet. Left. Right. Le-Oh god the left leg's deployed, tears welling up now. Gotta take deep breaths, almost there. Left. Right.
  37. The cold is almost exhilirating and numbing. Left. Right.
  39. In the room, gotta get out of this. First the head, none too soon, locks deployed not long after I got it off. Getting cold. The arms are off. Crotch is off. Torso's almost off, left some punctures.
  41. Trying to get legs off now. Oh god I'm trapped in this thing. It won't come off it WON'T COME OFF. Losing all feeling, I'm going to lose my legs, oh god. Thrashing was a bad idea, pain is back. Dizzy, cold, can't see well.
  43. A dull pain, on skull, hit the floor. Legs wet all over. Cold.
  45. Feeling very cold, darkness. Sleepy.
  47. NO. Can't, won't, must fight, must escape. Come on, stupid costume, peel off, I've got the crank.
  49. The crank. Let's free the left first, might be able to save that le-oh god it hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts so much. Where's the manager? I need an ambulance. Getting cold again, don't know if I'm going to make it. Leaking out joints of costume. There's so much blood.
  51. Vision fading. Colder. Numb. Weak. I've lost.
  53. Warmth. Extremely dizzy. Everything tastes like pepperoni pizza covered in orange juice. Queasy. Sound of Scooby Doo from television, it's light out, soft but uncomfortable, beeping of hospital machines.
  55. Out of court settlement with Fazbear Entertainment isn't very comforting, can never run track again, let alone run normally. Can barely walk with crutches.
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