
Sunset Cafe

Jul 26th, 2015
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  1. 12:21 Tectonic --The cafe was a nice, cozy one you thought you wouldn't see in a place like Neon City. It's abnormally empty today, but for some it can be a good thing. Stephanie can be seen sitting alone on the center of the cafe, typing away on her laptop while at times sipping her cappucino.
  2. 12:23 Multi-Mob was in the corner of the little cafe, large thick jacket to hide the third arm, and a white featureless helmet. no skin anywhere. some wonder how he doesn't have a heat stroke. Why was he there? Business, he was hoping to get the place under his protection. He was also there cause this placed makes one hell of a frappuccino
  3. 12:30 Fiachra walks into the cafe with one objective. Food. He takes little consideration for those around him. Ever since he's been to this place, there's just been food, all around him. He adores it. Pastries, Meats, Candy, the likes. Only if back then they had this kind of food... He slams his sack of coins down on the counter, making a rather large order.
  4. 12:30 Fiachra "Tell me, does this 'caf-ee' sell donuts and such?" Fiachra asks quietly. He looks back at the others doing their business and such. Not a normal looking group of people, so more than likely he won't be judged for his bad habits.
  5. 12:31 Tectonic -- the barista, which honestly looks too tired, looks up to Fiachra. "Well, we have sugar glazed donuts here, but nothing else. You want some?"
  6. 12:32 Multi-Mob was tapping his fingers. Great, more people, 'Shoulda come before the place was about to close. maybe if no one answers him he'll leave' Multi thought to himself
  7. 12:32 Multi-Mob Fuck
  8. 12:33 The-Haze arrived at the cafe, surprisingly not wearing his full uniform. He was wearing a heavy coat, although not quite buttoned up managed to make him look like he didn't care much about the heat. He hadn't had a very good idea and assumed that he'd be able to come here to cool off. So he simply stepped into line and waited for his opportunity to try to order a thing.
  9. 12:34 Fiachra "I'll take the sugar glazed ones, please. All of them, if, you don't mind..." Fiachra noticed that ever since his facination with this american food, people stare at him oddly for eating so much. But it's a facination he cannot hide.
  10. 12:36 Multi-Mob stared in disgust, but its not like Fiachra could see through the mask
  11. 12:37 Tectonic -- "..Ooookay.." She went into the pantry to get all the glazed donuts she can find, which is around two dozens of it. The other barista, a young men, comes up to The-Haze. "What can I do for you?" From his tone he sounds like he's giving up at life.
  12. 12:39 The-Haze "I'll just take a coffee, black. Preferably in the largest size you serve here." he replied, sounding very clearly irritated about something that had happened earlier in the day. I'm not going to go into detail about that, but it wasn't the most pleasant day one could have. Or even pleasant at all.
  13. 12:42 Tectonic -- the man writes down Haze's orders and went to the back, while the female barista finally arrived with two large plates filled with donuts and hands it over to Fiachra. "Here it is, sir. Anything else?"
  14. 12:43 Tectonic -- Meanwhile, Stephanie seems to be okay with the increasing amount of customers that arrived here. As long as she is not disturbed she will be fine.
  15. 12:48 Multi-Mob slowly turned his eyes person to person. getting up after a bit to talk to the employees "When did you say your boss was in? I have a very urgent discussion for him"
  16. 12:48 Tectonic -- After a while the other barista came with Haze's orders and hands it over to him. "Here it is, anything else you'd like to order?"
  17. 12:50 Fiachra "No, no, this is fine." He takes the two plates without hesitation. "Keep the change." He leaves the sack of gold coins on the counter and finds the nearest table. As soon as he can, he begins stuffing his face with donuts in a blur, and shows no signs of stopping. What was 48 Donuts on two plates would soon be 12 Donuts on one plate in just under a minute.
  18. 12:51 Multi-Mob "...How they let people like that in here I'll never know"
  19. 12:52 The-Haze "Nah, the coffee's fine." he said back, grabbing it from the man with one hand and reaching into his pocket with the other "You take credit, right?"
  20. 12:55 Tectonic -- "Yes, we do." The male barista said, almost whispering. Meanwhile the female barista was surprised, to say at least.
  21. 12:57 The-Haze he passed his credit card over to the barista, a 'large' Xenon logo emblazed on the thing. He then did the only thing he could, wait for the whole transaction.
  22. 13:00 Tectonic -- the man was swift and in a moment it's finished already. He hands over the card back to Haze, not even noticing the Xenon logo on it.
  23. 13:02 The-Haze grabbed his credit card, quickly stashing it as he walked over to a seat, sitting and beginning to slowly drink his coffee. "Wait, are the people in here exclusively super-hero types? Am I the only one noticing this?"
  24. 13:05 Multi-Mob "Trust me. You're not" H goes back to his seat in the corner
  25. 13:05 Tectonic looks up from her laptop, sipping her coffee. "well at least those baristas are normal. the rest, who knows?
  26. 13:06 Fiachra finishes the final donut. Although satisified, he still feels hungry. Possibly, he lost his hunger for donuts, not that it mattered anyways. He checked himself for another sack of gold, he had given his last one to the barista. Crap. He tries to get up, but the amount he ate, he practically destroyed his body for a good while. He lays back into the chair.
  27. 13:14 *** Berenus joined #SunsetCafe
  28. 13:14 Fiachra wasn't going to be held down from a simple ache, though. He gripped the side of the table, groaning from the pain. If you were to stand near him, you could hear his stomach erupt. He finally manages to stand up, leaving out a small breath of relief. He coughs gently. "BERENUS! I REQUEST HELP!" He shouts quite loudly.
  29. 13:15 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #SunsetCafe
  30. 13:16 Multi-Mob "Berenus? The donuts made him go insane"
  31. 13:16 Fiachra A eruption of Fiery energy flames into a small ball, similar to the sun. A old looking man emerges from it. Berenus. "What is it Fiachra, I'm very busy, the other gods are requesting that... where are we? Wait, have you done your training for Balor yet?!" Berenus says in a worried tone.
  32. 13:17 Fiachra [S-shit]
  33. 13:17 The-Haze turned to a random person, that person just happening to be Multi-Mob "Is it just me, or is this stupid?" he questioned, hearing all of that bullshit going on in the background.
  34. 13:17 Berenus eruption of Fiery energy flames into a small ball, similar to the sun. A old looking man emerges from it. Berenus. "What is it Fiachra, I'm very busy, the other gods are requesting that... where are we? Wait, have you done your training for Balor yet?!" Berenus says in a worried tone.
  35. 13:18 Tectonic "Holy.." Stephanie just watches the event unfolds as she sips her cappucino.
  36. 13:19 Multi-Mob looked at his drink thinking it was drugged, but he remember that would do shit all to him. "My god this is real" He said quietly
  37. 13:20 Fiachra "Yes, yes, training and whatnot... Berenus, can you give me another sack of gold coins so I may buy another plate or two of donuts? You have to really try them out, They never had this kind of food back in my Clan." he ignores the fact that Berenus is slightly irritated with his lack of care for Balor's arrival.
  38. 13:20 The-Haze took a sip of his coffee and turned back to the ongoing storm of flame "What is this shit?"
  39. 13:20 Tectonic -- The baristas were frightened to say at least. If they two were dating they would exchange their vows right there. But all they can do is watch and maybe, call 911.
  40. 13:22 Multi-Mob gets up to the baristas. "Shame your boss isn't here, we could stuck a deal and have my men take care of this. Be sure to tell him of this by the way. I'm sure he'll be happy"
  41. 13:23 Berenus "... S-so you haven't done any training." Berenus sighs. "Fiachra, you DO realize that Balor is nothing to scoff at, He is the god of destruction, and he WILL arrive. This is why I've sent you here. At this specific time. To PREPARE." Berenus is angry, but he tries to keep calm. Dealing with Fiachra isn't the greatest position in the world.
  42. 13:25 Fiachra "I'm quite aware that Balor is very powerful. Bastard wiped out my clan. It's nothing to worry about, though, Berenus, there are people like me here. Very good. I met this other lad, He calls himself Goodwill, reminds me of my younger brother, he does. So can I have my Gold Coins now, please?" Fiachra asks in a begging tone.
  43. 13:26 Tectonic -- The baristas nods in unison to Multi-Mob. They're too scared to even understand it right now.
  44. 13:28 Berenus face drops in emotion. He went from anger and confusion, to disappointment and distraught. He clicks his fingers, creating a small solar portal, as big as his palm. Out of the small portal, a bag of gold coins pops out and right into Berenus' hands. "If Balor arrives and defeats you, do not say I didn't warn you. I mean it."
  45. 13:29 Berenus And like that, Berenus creates another portal. "Until another life shall we meet anew again, Fiachra. Hopefully you won't be so ignorant." He slowly wanders into the portal, and as soon as he does, it vanishes.
  46. 13:29 *** Berenus left #SunsetCafe
  47. 13:29 Multi-Mob smiles, no one sees it of course. "He was a strange one"
  48. 13:30 The-Haze "So, are you going to explain why you just summoned some sort of demon or are you just going to sit there like nothing happened?"
  49. 13:30 Tectonic "He'll probably do the latter." Stephanie readjusts her seat and types something on her laptop. Maybe about the event.
  50. 13:31 Fiachra "What? That's Berenus, the God of the Sun. He's no demon, lad." Fiachra bounces the bag of gold in his hand, walks over to the counter and lays it down infront of the baristas. "Now, any other pastries, please?"
  51. 13:32 Multi-Mob "God of the Sun? perhaps we should call the asylum instead of 911"
  52. 13:33 Tectonic -- The baristas nervously swallow their saliva. "Uhh.. We ran out of donuts, but we have macarons and some breadsticks.. W-would you want some of them, sir?"
  53. 13:34 Fiachra "It's true. He's the Sun God, and he watches the cycle of the sun, in case anything strange happens... What, what's a Mac-a-ron? Does it taste good?" Fiachra looks at the barista in confusion.
  54. 13:36 The-Haze "Seriously though, you're going to have to explain that whole 'god of destruction' thing. It sounds like a load of shit, but I'm sure whatever story you can scrap together will be entertaining enough."
  55. 13:37 Tectonic "Well it tastes kinda good, in my opinion." the male barista answers Fiachra while in reality he haven't even tasted it at all.
  56. 13:38 Fiachra "Whuh? Oh, no. Balor is no 'load of shit'. He's the very God of Destruction. He invaded my clan's village, destroying it all. Berenus sent me here into the future, and now I have to train. But, from what I see, Balor shouldn't come around here anyways. This place is like a city of gods... That's what you people are, if I can say correctly?"
  57. 13:38 Multi-Mob "I would love to hear that story, but I need to be going." He looks to the baristas. "Have your boss call me, or else...well, dont want to ruin the surprise"
  58. 13:38 Multi-Mob leaves
  59. 13:39 *** Multi-Mob is now known as Thomas_Orolanus
  60. 13:39 The-Haze "City of Gods?.... I... I honestly can't say, I've got no real idea about how everyone's powers came to be or even how they work. It is pretty coincidental that we all ended up in the same city, isn't it? But if we actually are gods, I can't say I'm aware of it."
  61. 13:40 Thomas_Orolanus walks in, looking as if he was asleep outside, which he was. "*Yawn* City of gods? sounds chaotic"
  62. 13:42 Thomas_Orolanus sits next to Tectonic. "You Stephanie? My brother said to talk to you"
  63. 13:43 Fiachra "Well, I wouldn't know. The only two gods I've seen was Balor, and that other fellow, Berenus. Berenus tells me that Gods hold unimaginable power by mortal eyes, but I can't imagine they hold that much power compared to what I've seen here. It's good that Berenus brought me here. I'll take whatever Mac-A-Rons you have, please." He says quickly.
  64. 13:44 Tectonic looks at Thomas. "Y-yes, I am Stephanie.. You must be Thomas, correct?"
  65. 13:44 Thomas_Orolanus "Yep, hammer and all. Nice to meet you"
  66. 13:45 Tectonic -- The baristas immidiately sprints into the pantry to get every single macarons they can find, which is around three dozens of them, and brings it to Fiachra. "T-this is all we have right now."
  67. 13:48 The-Haze "...Who?"
  68. 13:48 Tectonic "Nice to meet you too, Thomas." Stephanie closes her laptop and sips the remains of her coffee.
  69. 13:50 Thomas_Orolanus "So, Bro told me you need help with the pawn shop?"
  70. 13:51 Fiachra looks at the pile of small sandwich-like treats. He picks one up and expects it. "I was expecting something more, but this will do." He takes whatever Macarons he can and even more and plops it down on the table he had previously sat down on, leaving the sack of gold on the counter for the baristas. He sniffs one, and takes a small bite out of it...
  71. 13:53 Tectonic "Well, actually not really at the moment, but we can always appreciate a helping hand. Want some coffee? I'll pay for it."
  72. 13:53 Thomas_Orolanus "Why not. Any donuts?"
  73. 13:53 Fiachra lets it rest in his mouth for a while, chewing on it ever so slightly. "...Huhm. It's light, sweet, the outer layer is crunchy but the inner layer is filled with jam..." He eats the small rest of the Macaron, appreciating the taste. He takes another one and chews on it. He's enjoying it.
  74. 13:55 Tectonic "Actually, a while ago a man ordered all of them." She points to Fiachra, which is enjoying his macarons. "Sorry about that."
  75. 13:56 Thomas_Orolanus He looks to Fiachra "Hey, dick move buddy." Then turns back to Tectonic. "So, what kind of magic you sell?"
  76. 13:56 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  77. 13:57 Tectonic "M-magic? We.. don't sell any magic stuff."
  78. 13:58 Tectonic "But my uncle may have some magic-related things on his personal collection. I don't care about it, to be honest."
  79. 13:58 Thomas_Orolanus "Oh...what do you sell?"
  80. 14:02 Tectonic "You know, the normal everyday things, weapons, stuff like that."
  81. 14:02 Thomas_Orolanus "huh. I was mislead"
  82. 14:04 Thomas_Orolanus "hey, no donuts here, any Macarons?"
  83. 14:04 Tectonic "D-don't be mad though. My uncle might want to sell you some of his collections. Many of them ended up being abandoned on a warehouse, and he said to me one day that he would like to remove some stuff."
  84. 14:04 Tectonic "If you like I can give him your numbers or any means of contact you have."
  85. 14:04 Thomas_Orolanus "Why not?"
  86. 14:06 Tectonic whips out her small notebook and hands over a pen to Thomas. "You can write it down here and I'll talk to my uncle when he's back from visiting some old friends tomorrow."
  87. 14:07 Fiachra ignores whatever Thomas had just said. The only sound he wants to hear is the crunching of those small delicate treats. "This has been the best place I've ever been to..." There he goes again. His hands suddenly blur throwing the macarons straight into his mouth. At this point, some would call Fiachra a living human trash can.
  88. 14:08 Thomas_Orolanus "So seriously, bout those Macaro-oh. Never mind, I have a feeling theres none left"
  89. 14:09 Tectonic "I'm not a big fan of macarons. They're overrated for their colors and pretty size but it's kinda bland for my taste."
  90. 14:11 Tectonic "Anyway, I think they have a few croissants left. You want some?"
  91. 14:15 Thomas_Orolanus leans his chair back, grabbing one of the macarons about to fall off Fiachra table, munching it down. "No thanks, those are to bland for my taste"
  92. 14:18 Tectonic "... Okay then."
  93. 14:18 Fiachra smashes his fist through the table nearly knocking the plate of macarons to the ground. "Who do you think YOU ARE?!" His face is pure red with anger, like as if he's ready to start a massacre. "Do you want your guts sprayed and decorated across this 'caf-ee' or do you want your head put on a pike and paraded across this town?"
  94. 14:22 Thomas_Orolanus "....huh? Oh, you're mad bout the macaron. because you didn't have enough? did the donuts not fill you? seriously man you eat like an Ala, which isn't a good thing. And personally I think guts would ruin the decor of this place, but a nice array of bones would be good. and I all ready have a place in the paraded."
  95. 14:25 Fiachra pulls out his sword and aims the tip of it directly at Thomas' face. "I don't know what this 'ala' is, but if you want a death wish, then face me, or is it that you act pretentious so you look like you don't need to fight me?" Fiachra was acting like this man had just killed someone from his family.
  96. 14:26 --- Isidora is away (Auto away)
  97. 14:31 Thomas_Orolanus "An Ala is some blue, demon, thing. And its called humor buddy. Now I know your mad about the macaron, but hold on, I have another in my bag." He reaches in and pulls out his large mallet, smacking Fia's sword away." Think we should go outside? I like this place not smashed and slashed to hell"
  98. 14:34 Tectonic "I would like it too.."
  99. 14:34 Fiachra "Your choice. Either way, I'm going to smash your putrid face into something, hard." Fiachra holds his sword back and opens the door outside into the street. He eyes down Thomas and waits for a reaction.
  100. 14:35 Thomas_Orolanus walks out in a calm strut
  101. 14:37 Tectonic "w-well, that's quite rude.."
  102. 14:37 *** The-Haze quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324])
  103. 14:37 Thomas_Orolanus [move to rp channel?]
  104. 14:38 Fiachra [We could do it here.]
  105. 14:38 Thomas_Orolanus [ok]
  106. 14:40 Fiachra is engulfed in flames that suddenly but calmly explode into sparks of light. The sword glows in reaction to this, it's celtic patterns glowing in unison with Fiachra. The sparks of light retreat back to him, suddenly enfusing into his skin. In result, his eyes glow blue, and his tattoos give off small bursts of white, clear fire. He grunts. "Your move."
  107. 14:50 Thomas_Orolanus "*Whistles* Impressive, going all godly on me huh? Least I think its godly, what with the lines and the glowing. The Blue eyes really tip it off. My turn I guess huh?" He spins his hammer around a bit, slamming it on the ground as it bursts into a black flame. "I don't really have any gifts from gods, but this, this will hurt"
  108. 14:52 Fiachra laughs. "I highly doubt that, but if you manage to keep up with that hammer of yours, I'll be impressed." Fiachra stands still waiting for any movement. Even though he can be easily tempted for a fight, he has the patience of a saint.
  109. 14:57 --- Isidora is back
  110. 14:59 *** Fiachra quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  111. 15:00 *** Fiachra joined #SunsetCafe
  112. 15:01 Thomas_Orolanus kept the hammer head on the ground. Hopping He doesn't notice the fact the shadow has crept underground and is slowly growing across to him "Wanna know a cool thing bout dark arts?"
  113. 15:03 Thomas_Orolanus "Sneak attacks" The second he said that the darkness now under Fiachra blasted up
  114. 15:03 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #SunsetCafe
  115. 15:07 Fiachra was quick to react. The sound of the ground giving up under him was his given warning, and as soon as he dodged, it was like he faded out of the area completely. There were sudden vibrations in the air, small, subtle, but they were there, and they were getting close... As soon as they came close enough to hear...
  116. 15:07 Fiachra appeared right infront of Thomas, delivering a flurry of sword slashes aimed directly across his chest.
  117. 15:09 Thomas_Orolanus A slash got him but he raised his hammer to block some of the hits. "Whoa man, we super sayin now?!"
  118. 15:13 Fiachra backed off as soon as Thomas blocked his last slashes, but he wasn't going to back out of a fight just to keep distance. This is up close and personal. Fiachra made a mad dash at Thomas again, delivering more slashes to see put Thomas off guard.
  119. 15:16 Thomas_Orolanus reeled the hammer back and smashed it right in Fiachra chin "Not the talking type when fighting huh? boring don't you htink?"
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