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Craft Error Log

a guest
Aug 31st, 2015
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  1. ******************************************************************************************************
  2. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [info] [application] $_GET=array (
  3.   'p' => 'admin/entries/about/4-about',
  4. )
  6. $_POST=array (
  7.   'sectionId' => '3',
  8.   'entryId' => '4',
  9.   'fields' =>
  10.   array (
  11.     'pageHeader' => 'Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church',
  12.     'pageSubtitle' => 'Let\'s get acquainted.',
  13.     'headerImage' => '',
  14.     'headerImageTiling' => '',
  15.     'imagePosition' => 'middle',
  16.     'story' => '<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bil5l Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.</p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the "front porch" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.</p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The "Neighborhood" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of "Elevate."  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.</p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up</i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in</i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out</i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!</p>',
  17.     'storyBackground' =>
  18.     array (
  19.       0 => '86',
  20.     ),
  21.     'beliefs' => '<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.</i></strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>MISSION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ</i></strong></p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>VISION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out</i></strong></p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>CORE VALUES</strong></p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image</i></strong></p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.</p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle</i></strong> </p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.</p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission</i></strong></p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br></p><p><strong><i><br></i></strong></p>',
  22.     'beliefsBackground' =>
  23.     array (
  24.       0 => '87',
  25.     ),
  26.   ),
  27.   'enabled' => '1',
  28.   'action' => 'entries/saveEntry',
  29.   'redirect' => 'entries/about',
  30.   'revisionNotes' => '',
  31. )
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  101. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "log" application component
  102. in /var/www/ (584)
  103. in /var/www/ (124)
  104. in /var/www/ (189)
  105. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "coreMessages" application component
  106. in /var/www/ (584)
  107. in /var/www/ (127)
  108. in /var/www/ (189)
  109. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbConnection] Opening DB connection
  110. in /var/www/ (819)
  111. in /var/www/ (580)
  112. in /var/www/ (80)
  113. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW TABLES LIKE 'craft_%'
  114. in /var/www/ (295)
  115. in /var/www/ (90)
  116. in /var/www/ (98)
  117. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW TABLES LIKE 'craft_%')
  118. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW TABLES LIKE 'craft_%')
  119. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT *
  120. FROM `craft_info` LIMIT 1
  121. in /var/www/ (493)
  122. in /var/www/ (187)
  123. in /var/www/ (719)
  124. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  125. FROM `craft_info` LIMIT 1)
  126. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  127. FROM `craft_info` LIMIT 1)
  128. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "userSession" application component
  129. in /var/www/ (584)
  130. in /var/www/ (158)
  131. in /var/www/ (62)
  132. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "security" application component
  133. in /var/www/ (584)
  134. in /var/www/ (41)
  135. in /var/www/ (882)
  136. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "statePersister" application component
  137. in /var/www/ (584)
  138. in /var/www/ (41)
  139. in /var/www/ (882)
  140. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "Yii.CStatePersister./var/www/" from cache
  141. in /var/www/ (169)
  142. in /var/www/ (41)
  143. in /var/www/ (882)
  144. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "httpSession" application component
  145. in /var/www/ (584)
  146. in /var/www/ (477)
  147. in /var/www/ (92)
  148. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "session" application component
  149. in /var/www/ (584)
  150. in /var/www/ (1087)
  151. in /var/www/ (376)
  152. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT *
  153. FROM `craft_users`
  154. WHERE id=:id. Bound with :id='1'
  155. in /var/www/ (1535)
  156. in /var/www/ (376)
  157. in /var/www/ (841)
  158. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  159. FROM `craft_users`
  160. WHERE id=:id. Bound with :id='1')
  161. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  162. FROM `craft_users`
  163. WHERE id=:id. Bound with :id='1')
  164. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "securityManager" application component
  165. in /var/www/ (584)
  166. in /var/www/ (1272)
  167. in /var/www/ (92)
  168. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "appPath" from cache
  169. in /var/www/ (169)
  170. in /var/www/ (836)
  171. in /var/www/ (203)
  172. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "updates" application component
  173. in /var/www/ (584)
  174. in /var/www/ (206)
  175. in /var/www/ (62)
  176. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "plugins" application component
  177. in /var/www/ (584)
  178. in /var/www/ (246)
  179. in /var/www/ (62)
  180. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `class`, `version`, `settings`, `installDate`
  181. FROM `craft_plugins`
  182. WHERE enabled=1
  183. in /var/www/ (102)
  184. in /var/www/ (246)
  185. in /var/www/ (62)
  186. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `class`, `version`, `settings`, `installDate`
  187. FROM `craft_plugins`
  188. WHERE enabled=1)
  189. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `class`, `version`, `settings`, `installDate`
  190. FROM `craft_plugins`
  191. WHERE enabled=1)
  192. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "messages" application component
  193. in /var/www/ (584)
  194. in /var/www/ (382)
  195. in /var/www/ (8)
  196. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "i18n" application component
  197. in /var/www/ (584)
  198. in /var/www/ (738)
  199. in /var/www/ (571)
  200. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `locale`
  201. FROM `craft_locales`
  202. ORDER BY `sortOrder`
  203. in /var/www/ (126)
  204. in /var/www/ (173)
  205. in /var/www/ (738)
  206. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `locale`
  207. FROM `craft_locales`
  208. ORDER BY `sortOrder`)
  209. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `locale`
  210. FROM `craft_locales`
  211. ORDER BY `sortOrder`)
  212. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "dashCols_layouts" application component
  213. in /var/www/ (584)
  214. in /var/www/ (89)
  215. in /var/www/ (138)
  216. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\DashCols_LayoutRecord.findAll()
  217. in /var/www/ (37)
  218. in /var/www/ (23)
  219. in /var/www/ (584)
  220. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_dashcols_layouts`
  221. in /var/www/ (37)
  222. in /var/www/ (23)
  223. in /var/www/ (584)
  224. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_dashcols_layouts`)
  225. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_dashcols_layouts`)
  226. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_dashcols_layouts`
  227. in /var/www/ (37)
  228. in /var/www/ (23)
  229. in /var/www/ (584)
  230. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_dashcols_layouts`)
  231. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_dashcols_layouts`)
  232. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_dashcols_layouts` `t`
  233. in /var/www/ (37)
  234. in /var/www/ (23)
  235. in /var/www/ (584)
  236. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_dashcols_layouts` `t`)
  237. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_dashcols_layouts` `t`)
  238. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "dashCols_fields" application component
  239. in /var/www/ (584)
  240. in /var/www/ (44)
  241. in /var/www/ (23)
  242. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "fields" application component
  243. in /var/www/ (584)
  244. in /var/www/ (67)
  245. in /var/www/ (119)
  246. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `type`
  247. FROM `craft_fieldlayouts`
  248. WHERE id = :id. Bound with :id='151'
  249. in /var/www/ (675)
  250. in /var/www/ (67)
  251. in /var/www/ (119)
  252. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `type`
  253. FROM `craft_fieldlayouts`
  254. WHERE id = :id. Bound with :id='151')
  255. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `type`
  256. FROM `craft_fieldlayouts`
  257. WHERE id = :id. Bound with :id='151')
  258. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `layoutId`, `tabId`, `fieldId`, `required`, `sortOrder`
  259. FROM `craft_fieldlayoutfields`
  260. WHERE layoutId = :layoutId
  261. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :layoutId='151'
  262. in /var/www/ (756)
  263. in /var/www/ (65)
  264. in /var/www/ (143)
  265. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `layoutId`, `tabId`, `fieldId`, `required`, `sortOrder`
  266. FROM `craft_fieldlayoutfields`
  267. WHERE layoutId = :layoutId
  268. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :layoutId='151')
  269. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `layoutId`, `tabId`, `fieldId`, `required`, `sortOrder`
  270. FROM `craft_fieldlayoutfields`
  271. WHERE layoutId = :layoutId
  272. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :layoutId='151')
  273. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  274. FROM `craft_fields`
  275. WHERE id = :id
  276. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :id='80'
  277. in /var/www/ (316)
  278. in /var/www/ (73)
  279. in /var/www/ (87)
  280. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  281. FROM `craft_fields`
  282. WHERE id = :id
  283. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :id='80')
  284. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  285. FROM `craft_fields`
  286. WHERE id = :id
  287. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :id='80')
  288. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "components" application component
  289. in /var/www/ (584)
  290. in /var/www/ (939)
  291. in /var/www/ (58)
  292. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "elements" application component
  293. in /var/www/ (584)
  294. in /var/www/ (347)
  295. in /var/www/ (76)
  296. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "templates" application component
  297. in /var/www/ (584)
  298. in /var/www/ (123)
  299. in /var/www/ (90)
  300. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "resources" application component
  301. in /var/www/ (584)
  302. in /var/www/ (250)
  303. in /var/www/ (429)
  304. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "resourcePath:dashcols/css/dashcols.index.css" from cache
  305. in /var/www/ (169)
  306. in /var/www/ (41)
  307. in /var/www/ (254)
  308. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "omitScriptNameInUrls" from cache
  309. in /var/www/ (169)
  310. in /var/www/ (303)
  311. in /var/www/ (350)
  312. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "resourcePath:dashcols/js/dashcols.index.js" from cache
  313. in /var/www/ (169)
  314. in /var/www/ (41)
  315. in /var/www/ (254)
  316. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "reasons" application component
  317. in /var/www/ (584)
  318. in /var/www/ (80)
  319. in /var/www/ (60)
  320. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\Reasons_ConditionalsRecord.findAll()
  321. in /var/www/ (36)
  322. in /var/www/ (80)
  323. in /var/www/ (60)
  324. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_reasons`
  325. in /var/www/ (36)
  326. in /var/www/ (80)
  327. in /var/www/ (60)
  328. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_reasons`)
  329. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_reasons`)
  330. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_reasons`
  331. in /var/www/ (36)
  332. in /var/www/ (80)
  333. in /var/www/ (60)
  334. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_reasons`)
  335. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_reasons`)
  336. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_reasons` `t`
  337. in /var/www/ (36)
  338. in /var/www/ (80)
  339. in /var/www/ (60)
  340. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_reasons` `t`)
  341. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_reasons` `t`)
  342. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "content" application component
  343. in /var/www/ (584)
  344. in /var/www/ (224)
  345. in /var/www/ (143)
  346. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  347. FROM `craft_fields`
  348. WHERE `context` IN ('global')
  349. ORDER BY `name`
  350. in /var/www/ (246)
  351. in /var/www/ (143)
  352. in /var/www/ (81)
  353. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  354. FROM `craft_fields`
  355. WHERE `context` IN ('global')
  356. ORDER BY `name`)
  357. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  358. FROM `craft_fields`
  359. WHERE `context` IN ('global')
  360. ORDER BY `name`)
  361. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entrytypes`
  362. in /var/www/ (112)
  363. in /var/www/ (112)
  364. in /var/www/ (82)
  365. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entrytypes`)
  366. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entrytypes`)
  367. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entrytypes`
  368. in /var/www/ (112)
  369. in /var/www/ (112)
  370. in /var/www/ (82)
  371. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entrytypes`)
  372. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entrytypes`)
  373. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\EntryTypeRecord.findAll()
  374. in /var/www/ (112)
  375. in /var/www/ (82)
  376. in /var/www/ (60)
  377. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_entrytypes` `t` ORDER BY sortOrder
  378. in /var/www/ (112)
  379. in /var/www/ (82)
  380. in /var/www/ (60)
  381. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_entrytypes` `t` ORDER BY sortOrder)
  382. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_entrytypes` `t` ORDER BY sortOrder)
  383. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "resourcePath:reasons/css/reasons.css" from cache
  384. in /var/www/ (169)
  385. in /var/www/ (41)
  386. in /var/www/ (254)
  387. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.caching.Craft\FileCache] Serving "resourcePath:reasons/js/reasons.js" from cache
  388. in /var/www/ (169)
  389. in /var/www/ (41)
  390. in /var/www/ (254)
  391. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "urlManager" application component
  392. in /var/www/ (584)
  393. in /var/www/ (50)
  394. in /var/www/ (784)
  395. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "entries" application component
  396. in /var/www/ (584)
  397. in /var/www/ (860)
  398. in /var/www/ (410)
  399. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `entries`.`sectionId`, `entries`.`typeId`, `entries`.`authorId`, `entries`.`postDate`, `entries`.`expiryDate`, `structureelements`.`root`, `structureelements`.`lft`, `structureelements`.`rgt`, `structureelements`.`level`
  400. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  401. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  402. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  403. JOIN `craft_entries` `entries` ON =
  404. JOIN `craft_sections` `sections` ON = entries.sectionId
  405. LEFT JOIN `craft_structures` `structures` ON = sections.structureId
  406. LEFT JOIN `craft_structureelements` `structureelements` ON (structureelements.structureId = AND (structureelements.elementId =
  407. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  408. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  409. ORDER BY `lft`, `postDate` DESC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='4'
  410. in /var/www/ (249)
  411. in /var/www/ (254)
  412. in /var/www/ (275)
  413. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `entries`.`sectionId`, `entries`.`typeId`, `entries`.`authorId`, `entries`.`postDate`, `entries`.`expiryDate`, `structureelements`.`root`, `structureelements`.`lft`, `structureelements`.`rgt`, `structureelements`.`level`
  414. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  415. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  416. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  417. JOIN `craft_entries` `entries` ON =
  418. JOIN `craft_sections` `sections` ON = entries.sectionId
  419. LEFT JOIN `craft_structures` `structures` ON = sections.structureId
  420. LEFT JOIN `craft_structureelements` `structureelements` ON (structureelements.structureId = AND (structureelements.elementId =
  421. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  422. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  423. ORDER BY `lft`, `postDate` DESC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='4')
  424. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `entries`.`sectionId`, `entries`.`typeId`, `entries`.`authorId`, `entries`.`postDate`, `entries`.`expiryDate`, `structureelements`.`root`, `structureelements`.`lft`, `structureelements`.`rgt`, `structureelements`.`level`
  425. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  426. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  427. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  428. JOIN `craft_entries` `entries` ON =
  429. JOIN `craft_sections` `sections` ON = entries.sectionId
  430. LEFT JOIN `craft_structures` `structures` ON = sections.structureId
  431. LEFT JOIN `craft_structureelements` `structureelements` ON (structureelements.structureId = AND (structureelements.elementId =
  432. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  433. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  434. ORDER BY `lft`, `postDate` DESC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='4')
  435. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "sections" application component
  436. in /var/www/ (584)
  437. in /var/www/ (112)
  438. in /var/www/ (58)
  439. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `sections`.`id`, `sections`.`structureId`, `sections`.`name`, `sections`.`handle`, `sections`.`type`, `sections`.`hasUrls`, `sections`.`template`, `sections`.`enableVersioning`, `structures`.`maxLevels`
  440. FROM `craft_sections` `sections`
  441. LEFT JOIN `craft_structures` `structures` ON = sections.structureId
  442. WHERE = :sectionId
  443. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :sectionId='3'
  444. in /var/www/ (244)
  445. in /var/www/ (112)
  446. in /var/www/ (58)
  447. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `sections`.`id`, `sections`.`structureId`, `sections`.`name`, `sections`.`handle`, `sections`.`type`, `sections`.`hasUrls`, `sections`.`template`, `sections`.`enableVersioning`, `structures`.`maxLevels`
  448. FROM `craft_sections` `sections`
  449. LEFT JOIN `craft_structures` `structures` ON = sections.structureId
  450. WHERE = :sectionId
  451. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :sectionId='3')
  452. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `sections`.`id`, `sections`.`structureId`, `sections`.`name`, `sections`.`handle`, `sections`.`type`, `sections`.`hasUrls`, `sections`.`template`, `sections`.`enableVersioning`, `structures`.`maxLevels`
  453. FROM `craft_sections` `sections`
  454. LEFT JOIN `craft_structures` `structures` ON = sections.structureId
  455. WHERE = :sectionId
  456. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :sectionId='3')
  457. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\EntryTypeRecord.findAllByAttributes()
  458. in /var/www/ (890)
  459. in /var/www/ (119)
  460. in /var/www/ (127)
  461. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_entrytypes` `t` WHERE `t`.`sectionId`=:yp0 ORDER BY sortOrder. Bound with :yp0='3'
  462. in /var/www/ (890)
  463. in /var/www/ (119)
  464. in /var/www/ (127)
  465. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_entrytypes` `t` WHERE `t`.`sectionId`=:yp0 ORDER BY sortOrder. Bound with :yp0='3')
  466. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_entrytypes` `t` WHERE `t`.`sectionId`=:yp0 ORDER BY sortOrder. Bound with :yp0='3')
  467. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `type`
  468. FROM `craft_fieldlayouts`
  469. WHERE id = :id. Bound with :id='165'
  470. in /var/www/ (675)
  471. in /var/www/ (67)
  472. in /var/www/ (119)
  473. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `type`
  474. FROM `craft_fieldlayouts`
  475. WHERE id = :id. Bound with :id='165')
  476. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `type`
  477. FROM `craft_fieldlayouts`
  478. WHERE id = :id. Bound with :id='165')
  479. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `layoutId`, `tabId`, `fieldId`, `required`, `sortOrder`
  480. FROM `craft_fieldlayoutfields`
  481. WHERE layoutId = :layoutId
  482. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :layoutId='165'
  483. in /var/www/ (756)
  484. in /var/www/ (65)
  485. in /var/www/ (892)
  486. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `layoutId`, `tabId`, `fieldId`, `required`, `sortOrder`
  487. FROM `craft_fieldlayoutfields`
  488. WHERE layoutId = :layoutId
  489. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :layoutId='165')
  490. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `layoutId`, `tabId`, `fieldId`, `required`, `sortOrder`
  491. FROM `craft_fieldlayoutfields`
  492. WHERE layoutId = :layoutId
  493. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :layoutId='165')
  494. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\EntryRecord.findByPk()
  495. in /var/www/ (431)
  496. in /var/www/ (95)
  497. in /var/www/ (450)
  498. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entries`
  499. in /var/www/ (431)
  500. in /var/www/ (95)
  501. in /var/www/ (450)
  502. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entries`)
  503. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entries`)
  504. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entries`
  505. in /var/www/ (431)
  506. in /var/www/ (95)
  507. in /var/www/ (450)
  508. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entries`)
  509. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entries`)
  510. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_entries` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`=4 LIMIT 1
  511. in /var/www/ (431)
  512. in /var/www/ (95)
  513. in /var/www/ (450)
  514. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_entries` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`=4 LIMIT 1)
  515. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_entries` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`=4 LIMIT 1)
  516. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT *
  517. FROM `craft_sections_i18n` `sections_i18n`
  518. JOIN `craft_locales` `locales` ON locales.locale = sections_i18n.locale
  519. WHERE sections_i18n.sectionId = :sectionId
  520. ORDER BY `locales`.`sortOrder`. Bound with :sectionId='3'
  521. in /var/www/ (302)
  522. in /var/www/ (63)
  523. in /var/www/ (116)
  524. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  525. FROM `craft_sections_i18n` `sections_i18n`
  526. JOIN `craft_locales` `locales` ON locales.locale = sections_i18n.locale
  527. WHERE sections_i18n.sectionId = :sectionId
  528. ORDER BY `locales`.`sortOrder`. Bound with :sectionId='3')
  529. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  530. FROM `craft_sections_i18n` `sections_i18n`
  531. JOIN `craft_locales` `locales` ON locales.locale = sections_i18n.locale
  532. WHERE sections_i18n.sectionId = :sectionId
  533. ORDER BY `locales`.`sortOrder`. Bound with :sectionId='3')
  534. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  535. FROM `craft_fields`
  536. WHERE (handle = :handle) AND (context = :context)
  537. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :handle='section', :context='global'
  538. in /var/www/ (349)
  539. in /var/www/ (1097)
  540. in /var/www/ (762)
  541. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  542. FROM `craft_fields`
  543. WHERE (handle = :handle) AND (context = :context)
  544. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :handle='section', :context='global')
  545. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `groupId`, `name`, `handle`, `context`, `instructions`, `translatable`, `type`, `settings`
  546. FROM `craft_fields`
  547. WHERE (handle = :handle) AND (context = :context)
  548. ORDER BY `name`. Bound with :handle='section', :context='global')
  549. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbConnection] Starting transaction
  550. in /var/www/ (160)
  551. in /var/www/ (450)
  552. in /var/www/ (784)
  553. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "assets" application component
  554. in /var/www/ (584)
  555. in /var/www/ (268)
  556. in /var/www/ (109)
  557. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  558. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  559. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  560. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  561. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  562. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  563. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  564. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='87'
  565. in /var/www/ (249)
  566. in /var/www/ (254)
  567. in /var/www/ (275)
  568. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  569. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  570. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  571. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  572. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  573. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  574. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  575. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='87')
  576. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  577. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  578. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  579. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  580. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  581. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  582. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  583. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='87')
  584. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  585. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  586. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  587. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  588. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  589. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  590. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  591. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='86'
  592. in /var/www/ (249)
  593. in /var/www/ (254)
  594. in /var/www/ (275)
  595. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  596. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  597. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  598. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  599. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  600. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  601. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  602. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='86')
  603. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  604. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  605. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  606. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  607. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  608. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  609. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  610. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='86')
  611. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementRecord.findByAttributes()
  612. in /var/www/ (1067)
  613. in /var/www/ (176)
  614. in /var/www/ (450)
  615. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_elements`
  616. in /var/www/ (1067)
  617. in /var/www/ (176)
  618. in /var/www/ (450)
  619. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_elements`)
  620. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_elements`)
  621. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_elements`
  622. in /var/www/ (1067)
  623. in /var/www/ (176)
  624. in /var/www/ (450)
  625. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_elements`)
  626. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_elements`)
  627. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_elements` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`=:yp0 AND `t`.`type`=:yp1 LIMIT 1. Bound with :yp0='4', :yp1='Entry'
  628. in /var/www/ (1067)
  629. in /var/www/ (176)
  630. in /var/www/ (450)
  631. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`=:yp0 AND `t`.`type`=:yp1 LIMIT 1. Bound with :yp0='4', :yp1='Entry')
  632. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`=:yp0 AND `t`.`type`=:yp1 LIMIT 1. Bound with :yp0='4', :yp1='Entry')
  633. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementRecord.update()
  634. in /var/www/ (1100)
  635. in /var/www/ (176)
  636. in /var/www/ (450)
  637. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementRecord.updateByPk()
  638. in /var/www/ (1100)
  639. in /var/www/ (176)
  640. in /var/www/ (450)
  641. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: UPDATE `craft_elements` SET `enabled`=:yp0, `archived`=:yp1, `id`=:yp2, `type`=:yp3, `dateCreated`=:yp4, `dateUpdated`=:yp5, `uid`=:yp6 WHERE `craft_elements`.`id`=4. Bound with :yp0=1, :yp1=0, :yp2=4, :yp3='Entry', :yp4='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp6='32ffea9c-1efa-4bd0-a583-5452ce90fadb'
  642. in /var/www/ (1100)
  643. in /var/www/ (176)
  644. in /var/www/ (450)
  645. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_elements` SET `enabled`=:yp0, `archived`=:yp1, `id`=:yp2, `type`=:yp3, `dateCreated`=:yp4, `dateUpdated`=:yp5, `uid`=:yp6 WHERE `craft_elements`.`id`=4. Bound with :yp0=1, :yp1=0, :yp2=4, :yp3='Entry', :yp4='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp6='32ffea9c-1efa-4bd0-a583-5452ce90fadb')
  646. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_elements` SET `enabled`=:yp0, `archived`=:yp1, `id`=:yp2, `type`=:yp3, `dateCreated`=:yp4, `dateUpdated`=:yp5, `uid`=:yp6 WHERE `craft_elements`.`id`=4. Bound with :yp0=1, :yp1=0, :yp2=4, :yp3='Entry', :yp4='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp6='32ffea9c-1efa-4bd0-a583-5452ce90fadb')
  647. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_content`
  648. in /var/www/ (255)
  649. in /var/www/ (143)
  650. in /var/www/ (1118)
  651. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_content`)
  652. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_content`)
  653. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_content`
  654. in /var/www/ (255)
  655. in /var/www/ (143)
  656. in /var/www/ (1118)
  657. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_content`)
  658. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_content`)
  659. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: UPDATE `craft_content` SET `id`=:id, `elementId`=:elementId, `locale`=:locale, `title`=:title, `field_bannerType`=:field_bannerType, `field_seriesStart`=:field_seriesStart, `field_seriesEnd`=:field_seriesEnd, `field_description`=:field_description, `field_bannerText`=:field_bannerText, `field_ministryLeader`=:field_ministryLeader, `field_minVision`=:field_minVision, `field_missionStatement`=:field_missionStatement, `field_body`=:field_body, `field_newsDate`=:field_newsDate, `field_hlsVideoUrl`=:field_hlsVideoUrl, `field_vimeoSdUrl`=:field_vimeoSdUrl, `field_signupFormUrl`=:field_signupFormUrl, `field_address`=:field_address, `field_room`=:field_room, `field_locationName`=:field_locationName, `field_singleDate`=:field_singleDate, `field_livestreamEmbed`=:field_livestreamEmbed, `field_ageGroupStart`=:field_ageGroupStart, `field_ageGroupEnd`=:field_ageGroupEnd, `field_minDescription`=:field_minDescription, `field_brandColors`=:field_brandColors, `field_story`=:field_story, `field_beliefs`=:field_beliefs, `field_pageSubtitle`=:field_pageSubtitle, `field_date`=:field_date, `field_imagePosition`=:field_imagePosition, `field_pageHeader`=:field_pageHeader, `field_allowSignups`=:field_allowSignups, `field_backgroundTiling`=:field_backgroundTiling, `field_isEnabled`=:field_isEnabled, `field_headerImageTiling`=:field_headerImageTiling, `field_promoted`=:field_promoted, `dateUpdated`=:dateUpdated WHERE `id`=:pltaVrNc6V. Bound with :pltaVrNc6V='5', :id='5', :elementId='4', :locale='en_us', :title='About', :field_bannerType='normal', :field_seriesStart=NULL, :field_seriesEnd=NULL, :field_description=NULL, :field_bannerText=NULL, :field_ministryLeader=NULL, :field_minVision=NULL, :field_missionStatement=NULL, :field_body=NULL, :field_newsDate=NULL, :field_hlsVideoUrl=NULL, :field_vimeoSdUrl=NULL, :field_signupFormUrl=NULL, :field_address=NULL, :field_room=NULL, :field_locationName=NULL, :field_singleDate=NULL, :field_livestreamEmbed=NULL, :field_ageGroupStart=NULL, :field_ageGroupEnd=NULL, :field_minDescription=NULL, :field_brandColors='#00B2E1', :field_story='<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bill Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.</p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the "front porch" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.</p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The "Neighborhood" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of "Elevate."  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.</p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up</i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in</i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out</i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!</p>', :field_beliefs='<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.</i></strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>MISSION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ</i></strong></p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>VISION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out</i></strong></p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>CORE VALUES</strong></p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image</i></strong></p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.</p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle</i></strong> </p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.</p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission</i></strong></p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br></p><p><strong><i><br></i></strong></p>', :field_pageSubtitle='Let\'s get acquainted.', :field_date=NULL, :field_imagePosition='middle', :field_pageHeader='Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church', :field_allowSignups='0', :field_backgroundTiling='0', :field_isEnabled='0', :field_headerImageTiling=0, :field_promoted='0', :dateUpdated='2015-08-31 22:03:21'
  660. in /var/www/ (445)
  661. in /var/www/ (283)
  662. in /var/www/ (143)
  663. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_content` SET `id`=:id, `elementId`=:elementId, `locale`=:locale, `title`=:title, `field_bannerType`=:field_bannerType, `field_seriesStart`=:field_seriesStart, `field_seriesEnd`=:field_seriesEnd, `field_description`=:field_description, `field_bannerText`=:field_bannerText, `field_ministryLeader`=:field_ministryLeader, `field_minVision`=:field_minVision, `field_missionStatement`=:field_missionStatement, `field_body`=:field_body, `field_newsDate`=:field_newsDate, `field_hlsVideoUrl`=:field_hlsVideoUrl, `field_vimeoSdUrl`=:field_vimeoSdUrl, `field_signupFormUrl`=:field_signupFormUrl, `field_address`=:field_address, `field_room`=:field_room, `field_locationName`=:field_locationName, `field_singleDate`=:field_singleDate, `field_livestreamEmbed`=:field_livestreamEmbed, `field_ageGroupStart`=:field_ageGroupStart, `field_ageGroupEnd`=:field_ageGroupEnd, `field_minDescription`=:field_minDescription, `field_brandColors`=:field_brandColors, `field_story`=:field_story, `field_beliefs`=:field_beliefs, `field_pageSubtitle`=:field_pageSubtitle, `field_date`=:field_date, `field_imagePosition`=:field_imagePosition, `field_pageHeader`=:field_pageHeader, `field_allowSignups`=:field_allowSignups, `field_backgroundTiling`=:field_backgroundTiling, `field_isEnabled`=:field_isEnabled, `field_headerImageTiling`=:field_headerImageTiling, `field_promoted`=:field_promoted, `dateUpdated`=:dateUpdated WHERE `id`=:pltaVrNc6V. Bound with :pltaVrNc6V='5', :id='5', :elementId='4', :locale='en_us', :title='About', :field_bannerType='normal', :field_seriesStart=NULL, :field_seriesEnd=NULL, :field_description=NULL, :field_bannerText=NULL, :field_ministryLeader=NULL, :field_minVision=NULL, :field_missionStatement=NULL, :field_body=NULL, :field_newsDate=NULL, :field_hlsVideoUrl=NULL, :field_vimeoSdUrl=NULL, :field_signupFormUrl=NULL, :field_address=NULL, :field_room=NULL, :field_locationName=NULL, :field_singleDate=NULL, :field_livestreamEmbed=NULL, :field_ageGroupStart=NULL, :field_ageGroupEnd=NULL, :field_minDescription=NULL, :field_brandColors='#00B2E1', :field_story='<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bill Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.</p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the "front porch" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.</p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The "Neighborhood" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of "Elevate."  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.</p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up</i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in</i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out</i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!</p>', :field_beliefs='<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.</i></strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>MISSION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ</i></strong></p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>VISION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out</i></strong></p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>CORE VALUES</strong></p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image</i></strong></p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.</p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle</i></strong> </p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.</p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission</i></strong></p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br></p><p><strong><i><br></i></strong></p>', :field_pageSubtitle='Let\'s get acquainted.', :field_date=NULL, :field_imagePosition='middle', :field_pageHeader='Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church', :field_allowSignups='0', :field_backgroundTiling='0', :field_isEnabled='0', :field_headerImageTiling=0, :field_promoted='0', :dateUpdated='2015-08-31 22:03:21')
  664. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_content` SET `id`=:id, `elementId`=:elementId, `locale`=:locale, `title`=:title, `field_bannerType`=:field_bannerType, `field_seriesStart`=:field_seriesStart, `field_seriesEnd`=:field_seriesEnd, `field_description`=:field_description, `field_bannerText`=:field_bannerText, `field_ministryLeader`=:field_ministryLeader, `field_minVision`=:field_minVision, `field_missionStatement`=:field_missionStatement, `field_body`=:field_body, `field_newsDate`=:field_newsDate, `field_hlsVideoUrl`=:field_hlsVideoUrl, `field_vimeoSdUrl`=:field_vimeoSdUrl, `field_signupFormUrl`=:field_signupFormUrl, `field_address`=:field_address, `field_room`=:field_room, `field_locationName`=:field_locationName, `field_singleDate`=:field_singleDate, `field_livestreamEmbed`=:field_livestreamEmbed, `field_ageGroupStart`=:field_ageGroupStart, `field_ageGroupEnd`=:field_ageGroupEnd, `field_minDescription`=:field_minDescription, `field_brandColors`=:field_brandColors, `field_story`=:field_story, `field_beliefs`=:field_beliefs, `field_pageSubtitle`=:field_pageSubtitle, `field_date`=:field_date, `field_imagePosition`=:field_imagePosition, `field_pageHeader`=:field_pageHeader, `field_allowSignups`=:field_allowSignups, `field_backgroundTiling`=:field_backgroundTiling, `field_isEnabled`=:field_isEnabled, `field_headerImageTiling`=:field_headerImageTiling, `field_promoted`=:field_promoted, `dateUpdated`=:dateUpdated WHERE `id`=:pltaVrNc6V. Bound with :pltaVrNc6V='5', :id='5', :elementId='4', :locale='en_us', :title='About', :field_bannerType='normal', :field_seriesStart=NULL, :field_seriesEnd=NULL, :field_description=NULL, :field_bannerText=NULL, :field_ministryLeader=NULL, :field_minVision=NULL, :field_missionStatement=NULL, :field_body=NULL, :field_newsDate=NULL, :field_hlsVideoUrl=NULL, :field_vimeoSdUrl=NULL, :field_signupFormUrl=NULL, :field_address=NULL, :field_room=NULL, :field_locationName=NULL, :field_singleDate=NULL, :field_livestreamEmbed=NULL, :field_ageGroupStart=NULL, :field_ageGroupEnd=NULL, :field_minDescription=NULL, :field_brandColors='#00B2E1', :field_story='<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bill Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.</p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the "front porch" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.</p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The "Neighborhood" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of "Elevate."  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.</p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up</i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in</i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out</i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!</p>', :field_beliefs='<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.</i></strong></p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.</i></strong></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>MISSION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ</i></strong></p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>VISION</strong></p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out</i></strong></p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>CORE VALUES</strong></p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image</i></strong></p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.</p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle</i></strong> </p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.</p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission</i></strong></p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br></p><p><strong><i><br></i></strong></p>', :field_pageSubtitle='Let\'s get acquainted.', :field_date=NULL, :field_imagePosition='middle', :field_pageHeader='Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church', :field_allowSignups='0', :field_backgroundTiling='0', :field_isEnabled='0', :field_headerImageTiling=0, :field_promoted='0', :dateUpdated='2015-08-31 22:03:21')
  665. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  666. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  667. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
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  673. in /var/www/ (249)
  674. in /var/www/ (254)
  675. in /var/www/ (237)
  676. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  677. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  678. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  679. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
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  681. WHERE (((((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)) AND (elements.enabled = 1)) AND (elements_i18n.enabled = 1)
  682. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
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  692. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
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  700. in /var/www/ (249)
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  703. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  704. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  705. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  706. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  707. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  708. WHERE (((((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)) AND (elements.enabled = 1)) AND (elements_i18n.enabled = 1)
  709. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
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  711. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  712. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  713. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
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  719. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "search" application component
  720. in /var/www/ (584)
  721. in /var/www/ (420)
  722. in /var/www/ (154)
  723. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='129', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' hey we re life bridge church '
  724. in /var/www/ (423)
  725. in /var/www/ (323)
  726. in /var/www/ (99)
  727. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='129', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' hey we re life bridge church ')
  728. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='129', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' hey we re life bridge church ')
  729. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='112', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' let s get acquainted '
  730. in /var/www/ (423)
  731. in /var/www/ (323)
  732. in /var/www/ (99)
  733. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='112', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' let s get acquainted ')
  734. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='112', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' let s get acquainted ')
  735. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='70', :locale='en_us', :keywords=''
  736. in /var/www/ (423)
  737. in /var/www/ (323)
  738. in /var/www/ (99)
  739. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='70', :locale='en_us', :keywords='')
  740. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='70', :locale='en_us', :keywords='')
  741. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='111', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' 0 '
  742. in /var/www/ (423)
  743. in /var/www/ (323)
  744. in /var/www/ (99)
  745. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='111', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' 0 ')
  746. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='111', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' 0 ')
  747. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='128', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' middle '
  748. in /var/www/ (423)
  749. in /var/www/ (323)
  750. in /var/www/ (99)
  751. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='128', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' middle ')
  752. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='128', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' middle ')
  753. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='106', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' in september of 2004 pastor bill campbell joined by a community of like minded christians founded life bridge church throughout the next two years lbc met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches on christmas eve sunday of 2006 we moved into our current building while the building provides a place for conversation inspiration and growth the heartbeat of life bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through christ sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of jesus in our everyday lives people often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the front porch heritage that knitted the fabric of america for so many years the culture of lbc is inclusive regardless of age social status race gender or any other identification that defines our church family the neighborhood engages our children in age appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of elevate throughout the week groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth strengthened relationships and missional outreach opportunities to engage to support and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of lbc we have embraced the opportunity to look up for our relationship with christ to lean in by being engaged as a part of the community and to launch out to make a significant difference in our world we literally believe god can do anything and that the miraculous work of the holy spirit in the book of acts in still available today our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose '
  754. in /var/www/ (423)
  755. in /var/www/ (323)
  756. in /var/www/ (99)
  757. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='106', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' in september of 2004 pastor bill campbell joined by a community of like minded christians founded life bridge church throughout the next two years lbc met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches on christmas eve sunday of 2006 we moved into our current building while the building provides a place for conversation inspiration and growth the heartbeat of life bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through christ sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of jesus in our everyday lives people often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the front porch heritage that knitted the fabric of america for so many years the culture of lbc is inclusive regardless of age social status race gender or any other identification that defines our church family the neighborhood engages our children in age appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of elevate throughout the week groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth strengthened relationships and missional outreach opportunities to engage to support and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of lbc we have embraced the opportunity to look up for our relationship with christ to lean in by being engaged as a part of the community and to launch out to make a significant difference in our world we literally believe god can do anything and that the miraculous work of the holy spirit in the book of acts in still available today our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose ')
  758. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='106', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' in september of 2004 pastor bill campbell joined by a community of like minded christians founded life bridge church throughout the next two years lbc met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches on christmas eve sunday of 2006 we moved into our current building while the building provides a place for conversation inspiration and growth the heartbeat of life bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through christ sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of jesus in our everyday lives people often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the front porch heritage that knitted the fabric of america for so many years the culture of lbc is inclusive regardless of age social status race gender or any other identification that defines our church family the neighborhood engages our children in age appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of elevate throughout the week groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth strengthened relationships and missional outreach opportunities to engage to support and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of lbc we have embraced the opportunity to look up for our relationship with christ to lean in by being engaged as a part of the community and to launch out to make a significant difference in our world we literally believe god can do anything and that the miraculous work of the holy spirit in the book of acts in still available today our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose ')
  759. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='109', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about section3 bg '
  760. in /var/www/ (423)
  761. in /var/www/ (323)
  762. in /var/www/ (99)
  763. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='109', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about section3 bg ')
  764. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='109', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about section3 bg ')
  765. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='107', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' our mission is to be changed to bring change through jesus to our community our vision is to look up lean in and launch out our values are to reflect god s image to pursue an empowered lifestyle and to be a family on mission missionbeing changed to bring change through christthe invitation jesus made was follow me and i will make you fishers of men an unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn turned their world upside down the invitation and challenge embodied in the great commandment to love others the way we want to be loved and the great commission to bring the message of christ to the world are still the driving force for the church today to be a discipling culture visionlooking up leaning in launching outthe impetus for our pursuit of christ life begins in our relationship with our father and king as we look up the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way as we find relationship with god through christ we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers from that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world this up in and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life core valuesreflecting god s imagewhen we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being god s child thus as we enter into this adoption into the ultimate royal family we realize that his creative power is now resident in us as we grow in that relationship we reflect the very image of god himself to the world around us pursuing an empowered lifestyle this treasure of the life of christ in us changes who we are as a new creation we are empowered by the holy spirit to become a disciple of jesus through our growth in in him we find that his strength not only changes us but it gives us the ability to reproduce his life in others being a family on missionas empowered believers who reflect god s image we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world we are more than a group who comes together to worship we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach being a part of community that engages us through large group worship small group development and missional engagement releases us to be god s family on mission '
  766. in /var/www/ (423)
  767. in /var/www/ (323)
  768. in /var/www/ (99)
  769. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='107', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' our mission is to be changed to bring change through jesus to our community our vision is to look up lean in and launch out our values are to reflect god s image to pursue an empowered lifestyle and to be a family on mission missionbeing changed to bring change through christthe invitation jesus made was follow me and i will make you fishers of men an unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn turned their world upside down the invitation and challenge embodied in the great commandment to love others the way we want to be loved and the great commission to bring the message of christ to the world are still the driving force for the church today to be a discipling culture visionlooking up leaning in launching outthe impetus for our pursuit of christ life begins in our relationship with our father and king as we look up the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way as we find relationship with god through christ we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers from that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world this up in and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life core valuesreflecting god s imagewhen we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being god s child thus as we enter into this adoption into the ultimate royal family we realize that his creative power is now resident in us as we grow in that relationship we reflect the very image of god himself to the world around us pursuing an empowered lifestyle this treasure of the life of christ in us changes who we are as a new creation we are empowered by the holy spirit to become a disciple of jesus through our growth in in him we find that his strength not only changes us but it gives us the ability to reproduce his life in others being a family on missionas empowered believers who reflect god s image we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world we are more than a group who comes together to worship we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach being a part of community that engages us through large group worship small group development and missional engagement releases us to be god s family on mission ')
  770. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='107', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' our mission is to be changed to bring change through jesus to our community our vision is to look up lean in and launch out our values are to reflect god s image to pursue an empowered lifestyle and to be a family on mission missionbeing changed to bring change through christthe invitation jesus made was follow me and i will make you fishers of men an unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn turned their world upside down the invitation and challenge embodied in the great commandment to love others the way we want to be loved and the great commission to bring the message of christ to the world are still the driving force for the church today to be a discipling culture visionlooking up leaning in launching outthe impetus for our pursuit of christ life begins in our relationship with our father and king as we look up the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way as we find relationship with god through christ we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers from that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world this up in and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life core valuesreflecting god s imagewhen we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being god s child thus as we enter into this adoption into the ultimate royal family we realize that his creative power is now resident in us as we grow in that relationship we reflect the very image of god himself to the world around us pursuing an empowered lifestyle this treasure of the life of christ in us changes who we are as a new creation we are empowered by the holy spirit to become a disciple of jesus through our growth in in him we find that his strength not only changes us but it gives us the ability to reproduce his life in others being a family on missionas empowered believers who reflect god s image we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world we are more than a group who comes together to worship we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach being a part of community that engages us through large group worship small group development and missional engagement releases us to be god s family on mission ')
  771. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='108', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about section4 bg '
  772. in /var/www/ (423)
  773. in /var/www/ (323)
  774. in /var/www/ (99)
  775. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='108', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about section4 bg ')
  776. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='field', :fieldId='108', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about section4 bg ')
  777. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='slug', :fieldId='0', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about '
  778. in /var/www/ (423)
  779. in /var/www/ (323)
  780. in /var/www/ (80)
  781. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='slug', :fieldId='0', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about ')
  782. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='slug', :fieldId='0', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about ')
  783. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='title', :fieldId='0', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about '
  784. in /var/www/ (423)
  785. in /var/www/ (323)
  786. in /var/www/ (80)
  787. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='title', :fieldId='0', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about ')
  788. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_searchindex` (`elementId`, `attribute`, `fieldId`, `locale`, `keywords`) VALUES (:elementId, :attribute, :fieldId, :locale, :keywords) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `keywords` = :keywords. Bound with :elementId='4', :attribute='title', :fieldId='0', :locale='en_us', :keywords=' about ')
  789. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementLocaleRecord.findAllByAttributes()
  790. in /var/www/ (1135)
  791. in /var/www/ (176)
  792. in /var/www/ (450)
  793. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_elements_i18n`
  794. in /var/www/ (1135)
  795. in /var/www/ (176)
  796. in /var/www/ (450)
  797. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_elements_i18n`)
  798. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_elements_i18n`)
  799. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_elements_i18n`
  800. in /var/www/ (1135)
  801. in /var/www/ (176)
  802. in /var/www/ (450)
  803. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_elements_i18n`)
  804. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_elements_i18n`)
  805. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE `t`.`elementId`=:yp0. Bound with :yp0='4'
  806. in /var/www/ (1135)
  807. in /var/www/ (176)
  808. in /var/www/ (450)
  809. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE `t`.`elementId`=:yp0. Bound with :yp0='4')
  810. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE `t`.`elementId`=:yp0. Bound with :yp0='4')
  811. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementLocaleRecord.findAll()
  812. in /var/www/ (63)
  813. in /var/www/ (1262)
  814. in /var/www/ (176)
  815. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE (`locale`=:locale) AND (`t`.`elementId`=:ycp0) LIMIT 2. Bound with :locale='en_us', :ycp0='4'
  816. in /var/www/ (63)
  817. in /var/www/ (1262)
  818. in /var/www/ (176)
  819. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE (`locale`=:locale) AND (`t`.`elementId`=:ycp0) LIMIT 2. Bound with :locale='en_us', :ycp0='4')
  820. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE (`locale`=:locale) AND (`t`.`elementId`=:ycp0) LIMIT 2. Bound with :locale='en_us', :ycp0='4')
  821. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementLocaleRecord.findAll()
  822. in /var/www/ (63)
  823. in /var/www/ (1262)
  824. in /var/www/ (176)
  825. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE (`locale`=:locale) AND (`t`.`uri`=:ycp1) LIMIT 2. Bound with :locale='en_us', :ycp1='about'
  826. in /var/www/ (63)
  827. in /var/www/ (1262)
  828. in /var/www/ (176)
  829. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE (`locale`=:locale) AND (`t`.`uri`=:ycp1) LIMIT 2. Bound with :locale='en_us', :ycp1='about')
  830. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `craft_elements_i18n` `t` WHERE (`locale`=:locale) AND (`t`.`uri`=:ycp1) LIMIT 2. Bound with :locale='en_us', :ycp1='about')
  831. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementLocaleRecord.update()
  832. in /var/www/ (1262)
  833. in /var/www/ (176)
  834. in /var/www/ (450)
  835. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\ElementLocaleRecord.updateByPk()
  836. in /var/www/ (1262)
  837. in /var/www/ (176)
  838. in /var/www/ (450)
  839. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: UPDATE `craft_elements_i18n` SET `enabled`=:yp0, `id`=:yp1, `elementId`=:yp2, `locale`=:yp3, `slug`=:yp4, `uri`=:yp5, `dateCreated`=:yp6, `dateUpdated`=:yp7, `uid`=:yp8 WHERE `craft_elements_i18n`.`id`=5. Bound with :yp0=1, :yp1=5, :yp2=4, :yp3='en_us', :yp4='about', :yp5='about', :yp6='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp7='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp8='7d27583e-79ab-4a46-8ac9-7d1fd4c1e0c9'
  840. in /var/www/ (1262)
  841. in /var/www/ (176)
  842. in /var/www/ (450)
  843. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_elements_i18n` SET `enabled`=:yp0, `id`=:yp1, `elementId`=:yp2, `locale`=:yp3, `slug`=:yp4, `uri`=:yp5, `dateCreated`=:yp6, `dateUpdated`=:yp7, `uid`=:yp8 WHERE `craft_elements_i18n`.`id`=5. Bound with :yp0=1, :yp1=5, :yp2=4, :yp3='en_us', :yp4='about', :yp5='about', :yp6='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp7='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp8='7d27583e-79ab-4a46-8ac9-7d1fd4c1e0c9')
  844. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_elements_i18n` SET `enabled`=:yp0, `id`=:yp1, `elementId`=:yp2, `locale`=:yp3, `slug`=:yp4, `uri`=:yp5, `dateCreated`=:yp6, `dateUpdated`=:yp7, `uid`=:yp8 WHERE `craft_elements_i18n`.`id`=5. Bound with :yp0=1, :yp1=5, :yp2=4, :yp3='en_us', :yp4='about', :yp5='about', :yp6='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp7='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp8='7d27583e-79ab-4a46-8ac9-7d1fd4c1e0c9')
  845. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: DELETE FROM `craft_elements_i18n` WHERE (elementId = :elementId) AND (`locale` NOT IN ('en_us')). Bound with :elementId='4'
  846. in /var/www/ (476)
  847. in /var/www/ (1285)
  848. in /var/www/ (176)
  849. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_elements_i18n` WHERE (elementId = :elementId) AND (`locale` NOT IN ('en_us')). Bound with :elementId='4')
  850. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_elements_i18n` WHERE (elementId = :elementId) AND (`locale` NOT IN ('en_us')). Bound with :elementId='4')
  851. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: DELETE FROM `craft_content` WHERE (elementId = :elementId) AND (`locale` NOT IN ('en_us')). Bound with :elementId='4'
  852. in /var/www/ (476)
  853. in /var/www/ (1294)
  854. in /var/www/ (176)
  855. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_content` WHERE (elementId = :elementId) AND (`locale` NOT IN ('en_us')). Bound with :elementId='4')
  856. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_content` WHERE (elementId = :elementId) AND (`locale` NOT IN ('en_us')). Bound with :elementId='4')
  857. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "relations" application component
  858. in /var/www/ (584)
  859. in /var/www/ (256)
  860. in /var/www/ (240)
  861. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='70', :sourceId='4'
  862. in /var/www/ (476)
  863. in /var/www/ (52)
  864. in /var/www/ (256)
  865. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='70', :sourceId='4')
  866. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='70', :sourceId='4')
  867. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `f`.*
  868. FROM `craft_assetfolders` `f`
  869. WHERE (f.sourceId=:fsourceId1) AND ((f.parentId is null) OR (f.parentId = ""))
  870. ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :fsourceId1='1'
  871. in /var/www/ (560)
  872. in /var/www/ (616)
  873. in /var/www/ (409)
  874. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `f`.*
  875. FROM `craft_assetfolders` `f`
  876. WHERE (f.sourceId=:fsourceId1) AND ((f.parentId is null) OR (f.parentId = ""))
  877. ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :fsourceId1='1')
  878. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `f`.*
  879. FROM `craft_assetfolders` `f`
  880. WHERE (f.sourceId=:fsourceId1) AND ((f.parentId is null) OR (f.parentId = ""))
  881. ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :fsourceId1='1')
  882. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "assetSources" application component
  883. in /var/www/ (584)
  884. in /var/www/ (851)
  885. in /var/www/ (236)
  886. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `id`, `fieldLayoutId`, `name`, `handle`, `type`, `settings`, `sortOrder`
  887. FROM `craft_assetsources`
  888. WHERE id = :id
  889. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :id='1'
  890. in /var/www/ (289)
  891. in /var/www/ (101)
  892. in /var/www/ (851)
  893. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `fieldLayoutId`, `name`, `handle`, `type`, `settings`, `sortOrder`
  894. FROM `craft_assetsources`
  895. WHERE id = :id
  896. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :id='1')
  897. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `id`, `fieldLayoutId`, `name`, `handle`, `type`, `settings`, `sortOrder`
  898. FROM `craft_assetsources`
  899. WHERE id = :id
  900. ORDER BY `sortOrder`. Bound with :id='1')
  901. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  902. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  903. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  904. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  905. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  906. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  907. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  908. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='86'
  909. in /var/www/ (249)
  910. in /var/www/ (254)
  911. in /var/www/ (275)
  912. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  913. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  914. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  915. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  916. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  917. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  918. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  919. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='86')
  920. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  921. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  922. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  923. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  924. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  925. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  926. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  927. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='86')
  928. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='109', :sourceId='4'
  929. in /var/www/ (476)
  930. in /var/www/ (52)
  931. in /var/www/ (256)
  932. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='109', :sourceId='4')
  933. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='109', :sourceId='4')
  934. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_relations` (`fieldId`, `sourceId`, `sourceLocale`, `targetId`, `sortOrder`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES (:row0_col0, :row0_col1, NULL, :row0_col3, :row0_col4, :row0_col5, :row0_col6, :row0_col7). Bound with :row0_col0='109', :row0_col1='4', :row0_col3='86', :row0_col4=1, :row0_col5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col6='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col7='38936806-5bc5-4991-af12-a170f5a0dd4b'
  935. in /var/www/ (370)
  936. in /var/www/ (74)
  937. in /var/www/ (256)
  938. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_relations` (`fieldId`, `sourceId`, `sourceLocale`, `targetId`, `sortOrder`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES (:row0_col0, :row0_col1, NULL, :row0_col3, :row0_col4, :row0_col5, :row0_col6, :row0_col7). Bound with :row0_col0='109', :row0_col1='4', :row0_col3='86', :row0_col4=1, :row0_col5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col6='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col7='38936806-5bc5-4991-af12-a170f5a0dd4b')
  939. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_relations` (`fieldId`, `sourceId`, `sourceLocale`, `targetId`, `sortOrder`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES (:row0_col0, :row0_col1, NULL, :row0_col3, :row0_col4, :row0_col5, :row0_col6, :row0_col7). Bound with :row0_col0='109', :row0_col1='4', :row0_col3='86', :row0_col4=1, :row0_col5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col6='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col7='38936806-5bc5-4991-af12-a170f5a0dd4b')
  940. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `f`.*
  941. FROM `craft_assetfolders` `f`
  942. WHERE (f.sourceId=:fsourceId1) AND ((f.parentId is null) OR (f.parentId = ""))
  943. ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :fsourceId1='1'
  944. in /var/www/ (560)
  945. in /var/www/ (616)
  946. in /var/www/ (409)
  947. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `f`.*
  948. FROM `craft_assetfolders` `f`
  949. WHERE (f.sourceId=:fsourceId1) AND ((f.parentId is null) OR (f.parentId = ""))
  950. ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :fsourceId1='1')
  951. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `f`.*
  952. FROM `craft_assetfolders` `f`
  953. WHERE (f.sourceId=:fsourceId1) AND ((f.parentId is null) OR (f.parentId = ""))
  954. ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :fsourceId1='1')
  955. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  956. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  957. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  958. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  959. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  960. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  961. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  962. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='87'
  963. in /var/www/ (249)
  964. in /var/www/ (254)
  965. in /var/www/ (275)
  966. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  967. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  968. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  969. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  970. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  971. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  972. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  973. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='87')
  974. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`type`, `elements`.`enabled`, `elements`.`archived`, `elements`.`dateCreated`, `elements`.`dateUpdated`, `elements_i18n`.`slug`, `elements_i18n`.`uri`, `elements_i18n`.`enabled` AS `localeEnabled`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`, `content`.`title`, `content`.`field_address`, `content`.`field_ageGroupEnd`, `content`.`field_ageGroupStart`, `content`.`field_allowSignups`, `content`.`field_backgroundTiling`, `content`.`field_bannerText`, `content`.`field_bannerType`, `content`.`field_beliefs`, `content`.`field_body`, `content`.`field_brandColors`, `content`.`field_date`, `content`.`field_description`, `content`.`field_minDescription`, `content`.`field_isEnabled`, `content`.`field_headerImageTiling`, `content`.`field_hlsVideoUrl`, `content`.`field_imagePosition`, `content`.`field_livestreamEmbed`, `content`.`field_locationName`, `content`.`field_ministryLeader`, `content`.`field_missionStatement`, `content`.`field_newsDate`, `content`.`field_pageHeader`, `content`.`field_pageSubtitle`, `content`.`field_promoted`, `content`.`field_room`, `content`.`field_seriesEnd`, `content`.`field_seriesStart`, `content`.`field_signupFormUrl`, `content`.`field_singleDate`, `content`.`field_story`, `content`.`field_minVision`, `content`.`field_vimeoSdUrl`, `assetfiles`.`sourceId`, `assetfiles`.`folderId`, `assetfiles`.`filename`, `assetfiles`.`kind`, `assetfiles`.`width`, `assetfiles`.`height`, `assetfiles`.`size`, `assetfiles`.`dateModified`
  975. FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
  976. JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n` ON elements_i18n.elementId =
  977. JOIN `craft_content` `content` ON content.elementId =
  978. JOIN `craft_assetfiles` `assetfiles` ON =
  979. WHERE (((elements_i18n.locale = :locale) AND (content.locale = :locale)) AND ( AND (elements.archived = 0)
  980. GROUP BY `elements`.`id`
  981. ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 1. Bound with :locale='en_us', :elementsid1='87')
  982. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='108', :sourceId='4'
  983. in /var/www/ (476)
  984. in /var/www/ (52)
  985. in /var/www/ (256)
  986. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='108', :sourceId='4')
  987. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM `craft_relations` WHERE (fieldId = :fieldId) AND (sourceId = :sourceId). Bound with :fieldId='108', :sourceId='4')
  988. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_relations` (`fieldId`, `sourceId`, `sourceLocale`, `targetId`, `sortOrder`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES (:row0_col0, :row0_col1, NULL, :row0_col3, :row0_col4, :row0_col5, :row0_col6, :row0_col7). Bound with :row0_col0='108', :row0_col1='4', :row0_col3='87', :row0_col4=1, :row0_col5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col6='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col7='d0cce8c5-25f7-40d1-a430-dff31d729a2f'
  989. in /var/www/ (370)
  990. in /var/www/ (74)
  991. in /var/www/ (256)
  992. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_relations` (`fieldId`, `sourceId`, `sourceLocale`, `targetId`, `sortOrder`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES (:row0_col0, :row0_col1, NULL, :row0_col3, :row0_col4, :row0_col5, :row0_col6, :row0_col7). Bound with :row0_col0='108', :row0_col1='4', :row0_col3='87', :row0_col4=1, :row0_col5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col6='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col7='d0cce8c5-25f7-40d1-a430-dff31d729a2f')
  993. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_relations` (`fieldId`, `sourceId`, `sourceLocale`, `targetId`, `sortOrder`, `dateCreated`, `dateUpdated`, `uid`) VALUES (:row0_col0, :row0_col1, NULL, :row0_col3, :row0_col4, :row0_col5, :row0_col6, :row0_col7). Bound with :row0_col0='108', :row0_col1='4', :row0_col3='87', :row0_col4=1, :row0_col5='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col6='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :row0_col7='d0cce8c5-25f7-40d1-a430-dff31d729a2f')
  994. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "templateCache" application component
  995. in /var/www/ (584)
  996. in /var/www/ (1322)
  997. in /var/www/ (176)
  998. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "tasks" application component
  999. in /var/www/ (584)
  1000. in /var/www/ (441)
  1001. in /var/www/ (413)
  1002. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT *
  1003. FROM `craft_tasks`
  1004. WHERE (lft = 1) AND (status = :status) AND (type = :type) LIMIT 1. Bound with :status='pending', :type='DeleteStaleTemplateCaches'
  1005. in /var/www/ (464)
  1006. in /var/www/ (509)
  1007. in /var/www/ (441)
  1008. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  1009. FROM `craft_tasks`
  1010. WHERE (lft = 1) AND (status = :status) AND (type = :type) LIMIT 1. Bound with :status='pending', :type='DeleteStaleTemplateCaches')
  1011. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT *
  1012. FROM `craft_tasks`
  1013. WHERE (lft = 1) AND (status = :status) AND (type = :type) LIMIT 1. Bound with :status='pending', :type='DeleteStaleTemplateCaches')
  1014. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_tasks`
  1015. in /var/www/ (49)
  1016. in /var/www/ (84)
  1017. in /var/www/ (60)
  1018. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_tasks`)
  1019. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_tasks`)
  1020. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_tasks`
  1021. in /var/www/ (49)
  1022. in /var/www/ (84)
  1023. in /var/www/ (60)
  1024. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_tasks`)
  1025. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_tasks`)
  1026. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\TaskRecord.insert()
  1027. in /var/www/ (704)
  1028. in /var/www/ (189)
  1029. in /var/www/ (206)
  1030. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_tasks` (`uid`, `type`, `status`, `settings`, `description`, `totalSteps`, `currentStep`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `root`, `dateUpdated`, `dateCreated`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9, :yp10, :yp11, :yp12). Bound with :yp0='c225affa-6af5-4dd3-a56f-7de816552bf8', :yp1='DeleteStaleTemplateCaches', :yp2='pending', :yp3='{"elementId":["4"]}', :yp4=NULL, :yp5=NULL, :yp6=NULL, :yp7='1', :yp8='2', :yp9=0, :yp10=NULL, :yp11='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp12='2015-08-31 22:03:21'
  1031. in /var/www/ (704)
  1032. in /var/www/ (189)
  1033. in /var/www/ (206)
  1034. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_tasks` (`uid`, `type`, `status`, `settings`, `description`, `totalSteps`, `currentStep`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `root`, `dateUpdated`, `dateCreated`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9, :yp10, :yp11, :yp12). Bound with :yp0='c225affa-6af5-4dd3-a56f-7de816552bf8', :yp1='DeleteStaleTemplateCaches', :yp2='pending', :yp3='{"elementId":["4"]}', :yp4=NULL, :yp5=NULL, :yp6=NULL, :yp7='1', :yp8='2', :yp9=0, :yp10=NULL, :yp11='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp12='2015-08-31 22:03:21')
  1035. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_tasks` (`uid`, `type`, `status`, `settings`, `description`, `totalSteps`, `currentStep`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `root`, `dateUpdated`, `dateCreated`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9, :yp10, :yp11, :yp12). Bound with :yp0='c225affa-6af5-4dd3-a56f-7de816552bf8', :yp1='DeleteStaleTemplateCaches', :yp2='pending', :yp3='{"elementId":["4"]}', :yp4=NULL, :yp5=NULL, :yp6=NULL, :yp7='1', :yp8='2', :yp9=0, :yp10=NULL, :yp11='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp12='2015-08-31 22:03:21')
  1036. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\TaskRecord.updateByPk()
  1037. in /var/www/ (716)
  1038. in /var/www/ (189)
  1039. in /var/www/ (206)
  1040. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: UPDATE `craft_tasks` SET `root`=:yp0 WHERE `craft_tasks`.`id`=6. Bound with :yp0='6'
  1041. in /var/www/ (716)
  1042. in /var/www/ (189)
  1043. in /var/www/ (206)
  1044. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_tasks` SET `root`=:yp0 WHERE `craft_tasks`.`id`=6. Bound with :yp0='6')
  1045. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_tasks` SET `root`=:yp0 WHERE `craft_tasks`.`id`=6. Bound with :yp0='6')
  1046. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT count(`id`)
  1047. FROM `craft_tasks`
  1048. WHERE (status = :status). Bound with :status='running'
  1049. in /var/www/ (90)
  1050. in /var/www/ (409)
  1051. in /var/www/ (62)
  1052. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT count(`id`)
  1053. FROM `craft_tasks`
  1054. WHERE (status = :status). Bound with :status='running')
  1055. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT count(`id`)
  1056. FROM `craft_tasks`
  1057. WHERE (status = :status). Bound with :status='running')
  1058. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT DISTINCT `cacheId`
  1059. FROM `craft_templatecacheelements`
  1060. WHERE `elementId` IN ('4')
  1061. in /var/www/ (489)
  1062. in /var/www/ (413)
  1063. in /var/www/ (1322)
  1064. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT DISTINCT `cacheId`
  1065. FROM `craft_templatecacheelements`
  1066. WHERE `elementId` IN ('4'))
  1067. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT DISTINCT `cacheId`
  1068. FROM `craft_templatecacheelements`
  1069. WHERE `elementId` IN ('4'))
  1070. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\EntryRecord.update()
  1071. in /var/www/ (215)
  1072. in /var/www/ (450)
  1073. in /var/www/ (784)
  1074. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\EntryRecord.updateByPk()
  1075. in /var/www/ (215)
  1076. in /var/www/ (450)
  1077. in /var/www/ (784)
  1078. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: UPDATE `craft_entries` SET `id`=:yp0, `sectionId`=:yp1, `typeId`=:yp2, `authorId`=:yp3, `postDate`=:yp4, `expiryDate`=:yp5, `dateCreated`=:yp6, `dateUpdated`=:yp7, `uid`=:yp8 WHERE `craft_entries`.`id`=4. Bound with :yp0=4, :yp1=3, :yp2=3, :yp3=NULL, :yp4='2015-03-22 21:26:39', :yp5=NULL, :yp6='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp7='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp8='01146954-56dc-4f16-ab21-5cd903045d91'
  1079. in /var/www/ (215)
  1080. in /var/www/ (450)
  1081. in /var/www/ (784)
  1082. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_entries` SET `id`=:yp0, `sectionId`=:yp1, `typeId`=:yp2, `authorId`=:yp3, `postDate`=:yp4, `expiryDate`=:yp5, `dateCreated`=:yp6, `dateUpdated`=:yp7, `uid`=:yp8 WHERE `craft_entries`.`id`=4. Bound with :yp0=4, :yp1=3, :yp2=3, :yp3=NULL, :yp4='2015-03-22 21:26:39', :yp5=NULL, :yp6='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp7='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp8='01146954-56dc-4f16-ab21-5cd903045d91')
  1083. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(UPDATE `craft_entries` SET `id`=:yp0, `sectionId`=:yp1, `typeId`=:yp2, `authorId`=:yp3, `postDate`=:yp4, `expiryDate`=:yp5, `dateCreated`=:yp6, `dateUpdated`=:yp7, `uid`=:yp8 WHERE `craft_entries`.`id`=4. Bound with :yp0=4, :yp1=3, :yp2=3, :yp3=NULL, :yp4='2015-03-22 21:26:39', :yp5=NULL, :yp6='2015-02-04 02:43:30', :yp7='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp8='01146954-56dc-4f16-ab21-5cd903045d91')
  1084. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.CModule] Loading "entryRevisions" application component
  1085. in /var/www/ (584)
  1086. in /var/www/ (239)
  1087. in /var/www/ (450)
  1088. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SELECT count(`id`)
  1089. FROM `craft_entryversions`
  1090. WHERE (entryId = :entryId) AND (locale = :locale). Bound with :entryId='4', :locale='en_us'
  1091. in /var/www/ (90)
  1092. in /var/www/ (397)
  1093. in /var/www/ (239)
  1094. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT count(`id`)
  1095. FROM `craft_entryversions`
  1096. WHERE (entryId = :entryId) AND (locale = :locale). Bound with :entryId='4', :locale='en_us')
  1097. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT count(`id`)
  1098. FROM `craft_entryversions`
  1099. WHERE (entryId = :entryId) AND (locale = :locale). Bound with :entryId='4', :locale='en_us')
  1100. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entryversions`
  1101. in /var/www/ (49)
  1102. in /var/www/ (399)
  1103. in /var/www/ (239)
  1104. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entryversions`)
  1105. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `craft_entryversions`)
  1106. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entryversions`
  1107. in /var/www/ (49)
  1108. in /var/www/ (399)
  1109. in /var/www/ (239)
  1110. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entryversions`)
  1111. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.query] end:system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW CREATE TABLE `craft_entryversions`)
  1112. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [] Craft\EntryVersionRecord.insert()
  1113. in /var/www/ (408)
  1114. in /var/www/ (239)
  1115. in /var/www/ (450)
  1116. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbCommand] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO `craft_entryversions` (`uid`, `entryId`, `sectionId`, `creatorId`, `locale`, `num`, `data`, `notes`, `dateUpdated`, `dateCreated`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9). Bound with :yp0='5064ea1c-90e5-410c-b6c7-c4f7c8db6142', :yp1=4, :yp2=3, :yp3=1, :yp4='en_us', :yp5=13, :yp6='{"typeId":"3","authorId":null,"title":"About","slug":"about","postDate":1427059599,"expiryDate":null,"enabled":1,"fields":{"107":"<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>MISSION<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.<\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>VISION<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.<\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>CORE VALUES<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.<\\/p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle<\\/i><\\/strong> <\\/p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.<\\/p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br><\\/p><p><strong><i><br><\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p>","108":["87"],"70":"","111":"","128":"middle","129":"Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church","112":"Let\'s get acquainted.","106":"<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bill Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.<\\/p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the \\"front porch\\" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.<\\/p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The \\"Neighborhood\\" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of \\"Elevate.\\"  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.<\\/p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up<\\/i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in<\\/i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out<\\/i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!<\\/p>","109":["86"]}}', :yp7='', :yp8='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp9='2015-08-31 22:03:21'
  1117. in /var/www/ (408)
  1118. in /var/www/ (239)
  1119. in /var/www/ (450)
  1120. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] begin:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_entryversions` (`uid`, `entryId`, `sectionId`, `creatorId`, `locale`, `num`, `data`, `notes`, `dateUpdated`, `dateCreated`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9). Bound with :yp0='5064ea1c-90e5-410c-b6c7-c4f7c8db6142', :yp1=4, :yp2=3, :yp3=1, :yp4='en_us', :yp5=13, :yp6='{"typeId":"3","authorId":null,"title":"About","slug":"about","postDate":1427059599,"expiryDate":null,"enabled":1,"fields":{"107":"<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>MISSION<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.<\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>VISION<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.<\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>CORE VALUES<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.<\\/p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle<\\/i><\\/strong> <\\/p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.<\\/p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br><\\/p><p><strong><i><br><\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p>","108":["87"],"70":"","111":"","128":"middle","129":"Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church","112":"Let\'s get acquainted.","106":"<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bill Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.<\\/p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the \\"front porch\\" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.<\\/p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The \\"Neighborhood\\" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of \\"Elevate.\\"  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.<\\/p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up<\\/i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in<\\/i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out<\\/i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!<\\/p>","109":["86"]}}', :yp7='', :yp8='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp9='2015-08-31 22:03:21')
  1121. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [profile] [system.db.CDbCommand.execute] end:system.db.CDbCommand.execute(INSERT INTO `craft_entryversions` (`uid`, `entryId`, `sectionId`, `creatorId`, `locale`, `num`, `data`, `notes`, `dateUpdated`, `dateCreated`) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1, :yp2, :yp3, :yp4, :yp5, :yp6, :yp7, :yp8, :yp9). Bound with :yp0='5064ea1c-90e5-410c-b6c7-c4f7c8db6142', :yp1=4, :yp2=3, :yp3=1, :yp4='en_us', :yp5=13, :yp6='{"typeId":"3","authorId":null,"title":"About","slug":"about","postDate":1427059599,"expiryDate":null,"enabled":1,"fields":{"107":"<p><strong><i>Our mission is to be changed to bring change through Jesus to our community.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Our vision is to look up, lean in, and launch out.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Our values are to reflect God\'s image, to pursue an empowered lifestyle, and to be a family on mission.<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>MISSION<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Being changed to bring change through Christ<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>The invitation Jesus made was \'follow me and I will make you fishers of men.\'  An unlikely dozen became the core whose lives were changed and who in turn \'turned their world upside down.\'  The invitation and challenge embodied in the Great Commandment(to love others the way we want to be loved) and the Great Commission(to bring the message of Christ to the world) are still the driving force for the church today - to be a discipling culture.<\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>VISION<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Looking up, leaning in, launching out<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>The impetus for our pursuit of Christ\' life begins in our relationship with our Father and King.  As we look up, the creative power that launched the world intersects with our life in a personal way.  As we find relationship with God through Christ, we discover our authority and identity as a believer who leans in to our empowered community of believers.  From that position of vertical and horizontal relationship we can now launch out to impact the lives of people broken by a sinful world.  This up, in, and out relationship provides a continuous triangular flow for life.<\\/p><p><strong><br><\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong>CORE VALUES<\\/strong><\\/p><p><strong><i>Reflecting God\'s image<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>When we embrace salvation we discover the wonderful relational world of being God\'s child.  Thus as we enter into this adoption into the \'ultimate\' royal family, we realize that His creative power is now resident in us.  As we grow in that relationship, we reflect the very image of God himself to the world around us.<\\/p><p><strong><i>Pursuing an empowered lifestyle<\\/i><\\/strong> <\\/p><p>This \'treasure\' of the life of Christ in us changes who we are.  As a new creation, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a disciple of Jesus.  Through our growth in  in Him we find that His strength not only changes us, but it gives us the ability to reproduce His life in others.<\\/p><p><strong><i>Being a family on mission<\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p><p>As empowered believers who reflect God\'s image, we realize that we have gifts and callings that bring us together with others who embrace the same passion to impact our community and our world.  We are more than a group who comes together to worship; we are people being discipled who begin to embrace opportunities for intentional missional outreach.  Being a part of community that engages us through large group worship, small group development, and missional engagement releases us to be God\'s \'family on mission!\'<br><\\/p><p><strong><i><br><\\/i><\\/strong><\\/p>","108":["87"],"70":"","111":"","128":"middle","129":"Hey. We\'re Life Bridge Church","112":"Let\'s get acquainted.","106":"<p>In September of 2004, Pastor Bill Campbell, joined by a community of like-minded Christians, founded Life Bridge Church.  Throughout the next two years, LBC met in rented facilities and worked through the challenges presented to portable churches. On Christmas Eve Sunday of 2006, we moved into our current building.  While the building provides a place for conversation, inspiration, and growth, the heartbeat of Life Bridge is the community of believers who have been changed and now are engaged in bringing change through Christ.<\\/p><p>Sunday morning provides a venue for gathering to worship and become inspired and equipped to live out being a follower of Jesus in our everyday lives.  People often come early to share life over a cup of coffee before the service, and the after service conversations are reminiscent of the \\"front porch\\" heritage that knitted the fabric of America for so many years.<\\/p><p>The culture of LBC is inclusive regardless of age, social status, race, gender or any other identification that defines our \'church family.\'  The \\"Neighborhood\\" engages our children in age-appropriate ministry opportunities while our teenagers find a place to belong through the ministry of \\"Elevate.\\"  Throughout the week, groups meet in homes to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, strengthened relationships, and missional outreach.  Opportunities to engage, to support, and to pray for ministries both locally and around the world are interweaved through all of the expressions of LBC.<\\/p><p>We have embraced the opportunity to <i>look up<\\/i> for our relationship with Christ, to <i>lean in<\\/i> by being engaged as a part of the community, and to <i>launch out<\\/i> to make a significant difference in our world.  We literally believe God can do anything and that the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts in still available today.  Our family provides a place to belong with clear focus on eternal purpose!<\\/p>","109":["86"]}}', :yp7='', :yp8='2015-08-31 22:03:21', :yp9='2015-08-31 22:03:21')
  1122. 2015/08/31 22:03:21 [trace] [system.db.CDbTransaction] Committing transaction
  1123. in /var/www/ (251)
  1124. in /var/www/ (450)
  1125. in /var/www/ (784)
  1127. ******************************************************************************************************
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