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Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. ok so this fucking piece of trash jj goes by about 72 twitter names, chances are you only know about 1-2 of them and she's bitching about you behind your back on all the others:
  4. @shoshiri
  6. @nishipipo
  7. @hachikento
  8. @kenpippii
  9. @NAKAJlMA
  11. and on tumblr:
  13. @daichun
  14. @hachikenty
  16. why is she such a bitch?
  18. so let's start back in the day when she shipped fmkn and had a falling out with someone else who shipped fmkn so she decided that the ship was trash and all fmkn shippers were trash, manipulated her friends into attacking fmkn shippers for like no reason and pretended like she didn't know what was going on but her ENTIRE aim (this is how fucking stupid she is) was to prove that sgkn is a better/more "real" ship than fmkn. that's what started the whole thing, her weird ship war, but lol funny part is fmkn shippers just went about their business, didn't even know they were supposed to be fighting against her. so then one day last summer fandom's dr fucking phil shows up and the fmkn shippers unite and for whatever dumbass reason jj decides to be friendly with her because ????? and dumbass dr phil doesn't know jj and still probably doesn't know how toxic she is because she lives in some cotton candy nakajima kento land where people just travel all over the world as college students and don't have to work and have everything handed to them so why would anyone actually be a bad person? who knows but as you can see from this pic her entire fucking arm is the same width as her wrist like stalfos from zelda (and that's a japanese size bracelet) so maybe her brain is deprived of vital nutrients.
  20. ftr those fmkn fans ARE the rumored line group, it exists and trust me you won't be getting in because it's like trying to get past smaug. they have multiple people who can crack pw, connections to chinese/japanese fandoms, again they get everything literally handed to them like spoiled brats as soon as something is released or whenever they want it. and they alone think they get to decide who is "worthy" of having files and who isn't but that doesn't stop them from posting spoilers and caps whenever they feel like it. lol.
  22. anyway,
  24. first thing you should know about jj: LIAR
  25. second thing you should know about jj: HYPOCRITE
  27. first of all writing fic about someone underage doesn't make you a pedophile any more than writing fic about non-con sex makes you a rapist, it's FANTASY, and jj knows this because she wrote fmkn fic when they were underage and if you think she doesn't write about jghr now well you're mistaken but i can't prove it. but she writes all this shit now about how wrong it is because she made friends with people who don't like it so she just switches her face to suit her audience.
  29. you want to know why everyone hates byeshori, because of jj, because some idiot fmkn fan posted that they didn't want to buy a single and supported a boycott which is stupid af. so byeshori replied that it was stupid af and idiot fmkn fan went "uh who are you" even though the convo was fucking public, maybe they don't know what "public" means and of course everyone has to defend her against this evil person who joined a PUBLIC CONVO on twitter and it ended up on meme talking shit about byeshori and jj and byeshori tried to DEFEND her friend (they were friends then) and what happened but everyone deciding to gang up on byeshori and stalk her and because they have no lives they STILL stalk her and look for her accounts even though she never did SHIT to any of them.
  31. jj is literal shit.
  33. she tells her friends who to be friends with but if you warn anyone about her suddenly the bad person is you.
  34. she "posts translations" which really means giving her opinion as fact because she manipulates phrasing and sources.
  35. she uses people until she doesn't need them anymore and then she cuts them off.
  36. she says shit that is offensive af and then claims mental illness/depression as a reason for it.
  37. she always spins everything so that she is the victim and everyone else is always doing awful things to her.
  39. and the day she finally figures out that someone she thinks is HER close friend, who ~fights alongside her~ and buys into the shit she spews, is truly the person who doxxed her, it will be glorious.
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