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Test code for connection API

a guest
Jan 21st, 2014
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  1. -- Crafted this code specifically for lyqyd net testing, there may be bugs and
  2. -- odd architecture in here due to the fact that I ripped all this out of my
  3. -- framework. :)
  5. os.loadAPI("connection")
  6. os.loadAPI("net")
  7. os.loadAPI("netfile")
  8. os.loadAPI("netscreen")
  10. -- Logging
  11. local fd = nil
  12. function logToFile(filename)
  13.    if (filename ~= nil) then
  14.       fd =,"a")
  15.       if (fd == nil) then
  16.      log("Unable to open '%s' for logging", filename)
  17.      return false
  18.       end
  19.       return true
  20.    else
  21.       log("Filename not provided to logToFile")
  22.       return false
  23.    end
  24. end
  25. function log(fmt, ... )
  26.    local out = nil
  27.    if (arg == nil or arg[1] == nil) then
  28.       out = fmt
  29.    else
  30.       out = string.format(fmt,unpack(arg))
  31.    end
  32.    print(out)
  33.    if (fd ~= nil) then
  34.       fd.writeLine(out)
  35.       fd.flush()
  36.    end
  37. end
  39. -- Peripheral checking
  40. local sides = { "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "front", "back" }
  41. local mon = {}
  42. local monfound = false
  43. local modemside = nil
  45. for i,v in ipairs(sides) do
  46.    local ptype = peripheral.getType(v)
  47.    if (ptype ~= nil) then
  48.       log("...Found '%s' on the %s", ptype, v)
  49.       if (peripheral.getType(v) == "monitor") then
  50.      mon[v] = peripheral.wrap(v)
  51.      monfound = true
  52.       end
  53.       if (peripheral.getType(v) == "modem") then
  54.      modemside = v
  55.       end
  56.    end
  57. end
  59. function hasModem()
  60.    if (modemside ~= nil) then
  61.       return true
  62.    else
  63.       return false
  64.    end
  65. end
  67. function hasMonitor()
  68.    return monfound
  69. end
  71. function getMonitors()
  72.    return mon
  73. end
  75. -- Table dump with recursion
  76. local function tval(v,l)
  77.   local tv = type(v)
  79.   if tv == 'string' then
  80.      return v
  81.   elseif tv == 'number' or tv == 'boolean' or tv == 'nil' then
  82.      return tostring(v)
  83.   elseif tv == 'table' then
  84.      return tdump(v,l+1)
  85.   else
  86.      return '(unknown)'
  87.   end
  89. end
  92. function tdump(t,l)
  93.    if (type(t) ~= "table") then
  94.       return '(not a table)'
  95.    end
  96.    if (l == nil) then
  97.       l = 0
  98.    end
  99.    local str = "tbl["
  100.    local nulltable = true
  101.    for k,v in pairs(t) do
  102.       nulltable = false
  103.       str = str .. tostring(k)..":"..tval(v,l) .."|"
  104.    end
  105.    if (not nulltable) then
  106.       str = string.sub(str,0,string.len(str)-1)
  107.    end
  108.    str = str .. "]lbt"
  109.    return str
  110. end
  113. -- Port (Socket) numbers we use
  114. S_sock_echo = 7
  116. --- Hosts file stuff
  117. csep = 'ZZZ'
  118. local hosttable = {}
  119. local typetable = {}
  120. function readHosts()
  121.    hosttable = {}
  122.    if fs.exists("/etc/hosts") then
  123.       local file ="/etc/hosts", "r" )
  124.       local line = file:read()
  125.       while line do
  126.      local id,type,host = string.match(line,"^(%d+)%:.*%;([CRT]) (%w+)")
  127.      if (host) then
  128.         hosttable[host] = id
  129.         typetable[host] = type
  130.      else
  131.         log("Unparsable hosts line: '%s'",line)
  132.      end
  133.      line = file:read()
  134.       end
  135.       file:close()
  136.    end
  137. end
  139. function displayHosts()
  140.    return function()
  141.          readHosts();
  142.          log("##>> Hosts file")
  143.          for host,id in pairs(hosttable) do
  144.         print(string.format("%3d - %s",id,host))
  145.          end
  146.          log("##<< Hosts file")
  147.       end
  148. end
  150. function doDisplayHosts()
  151.    f = displayHosts()
  152.    f()
  153. end
  155. function getClass(host)
  156.    return string.match(host,"^(%w+)"..csep..".*")
  157. end
  159. function getID(host)
  160.    return hosttable[host]
  161. end
  163. function getType(host)
  164.    return typetable[host]
  165. end
  167. function getInstances(class)
  168.    local insts = {}
  169.    for host,id in pairs(hosttable) do
  170.       if (string.match(host, "^"..class..csep)) then
  171.      table.insert(insts, host)
  172.       end
  173.    end
  174.    return insts
  175. end
  178. ------- SERVER CODE
  179. --- Standard daemon skeleton code, this returns a function with your server handling the
  180. --- valid message types below, in the foreground (no coroutine.yield).
  181. --- Note the serverCode is called like so:
  182. ---   serverCode(conn, packet)
  183. ---
  184. local validMessages = {
  185.    ["data"]=1,
  186.    ["instruction"]=1,
  187.    ["event"]=1
  188. }
  189. function newServer(serverName, serverPort, serverCode)
  190.    log("Creating new daemon '%s' port %d ", serverName, serverPort)
  191.    return function ()
  192.      log("Daemon '%s' starting up",serverName)
  193.      local connections = {}
  195.      while true do
  196.         local p, conn = connection.listen(serverPort)
  197.         local messType = packet.types[p.type]
  198.         local key = conn:name()
  199.         log("Received packet: %s - %s - %s",
  200.         tostring(conn:name()), tostring(messType), tostring(p.payload))
  201.         if connections[key] and connections[key].status == "open" then
  202.            if validMessages[messType] then
  203.           serverCode(conn, p)
  204.            elseif messType == "close" then
  205.           conn:close()
  206.           connections[key].status = "closed"
  207.            end
  208.         elseif messType == "query" then
  209.            log("Query received?")
  210.            if connections[key] then
  211.           log("Interpreting as already open")
  212.           connections[key].status = open
  213.            else
  214.           local connect = {}
  215.           connect.status = "open"
  216.           connect.conn = conn
  217.           connections[key] = connect
  218.            end
  219.            if conn:send("response", "ok") then
  220.           log("Response sent")
  221.            else
  222.           log("Response not sent!")
  223.                end
  224.         end
  225.      end
  226.       end
  227. end
  229. ------CLIENT CODE
  230. local cfac = "client"
  231. local contbl = {}
  233. -- Common connection code, returns true or false based on success
  234. -- if you provide a timeout note that deep in there is os.timer stuff
  235. function connectTo( name, port, timeout )
  236.    if (not name) then
  237.       log("Must specify a name in connectTo()")
  238.       return false
  239.    end
  241.    if (not port) then
  242.       log("Must specify a port in connectTo()")
  243.       return false
  244.    end
  246.    log("Connecting to %s:%d", name, port)
  247.    if (contbl[name]) then
  248.       return contbl[name]
  249.    else
  250.       local conn =, port)
  251.       if (not conn) then
  252.      log("Failed to get new connection")
  253.      return false
  254.       end
  255.       if (conn:open(timeout)) then
  256.      contbl[conn:name()] = conn
  257.      return conn
  258.       else
  259.      log("Failed to open %s:%d", name, port)
  260.      return false
  261.       end
  262.    end
  263. end
  265. -- Echo client
  266. function echoToRouter( routerName, message )
  267.    conn = connectTo(routerName, S_sock_echo, 10)
  268.    if (not conn) then
  269.       return false
  270.    end
  271.    log("Echo client connected to '%s'", routerName)
  272.    conn:send("data", message)
  273.    log("Data message sent '%s'", message)
  274.    local p = conn:listen(10)
  275.    if (p) then
  276.       log("Message recieved '%s'", p.payload)
  277.       return true
  278.    else
  279.       log("No message recieved '%s'")
  280.       return false
  281.    end
  282. end
  285. if (not hasModem()) then
  286.    log("Needs modem")
  287.    os.exit()
  288. end
  290. local router = false
  291. local myname = "pinger"
  292. local args = { ... }
  293. if (args[1] ~= nil) then
  294.    router = true
  295.    myname = "router"
  296. end
  297. os.setComputerLabel(myname)
  298. local myid = os.getComputerID()
  299. log("Pinger started: I am %s (%d)",myname, myid)
  302. log("Lyqyd net done")
  303. if (router) then
  305. end
  306. net.netInit()
  307. log("netInit done")
  309. if (router) then
  310.    log("Running router...")
  311.    readHosts()
  313.    local echoServe = newServer("echo", S_sock_echo,
  314.                    function(conn, packet)
  315.                   if (packet.types[packet.type] == "data") then
  316.                      if (conn:send("data", packet.payload)) then
  317.                     log("Echoing [%s]",packet.payload)
  318.                      else
  319.                     log("Could not echo: send failed")
  320.                      end
  321.                   else
  322.                      log("Illegal packet: %s (%s)", packet.types[packet.type], packet.payload);
  323.                   end
  324.                    end)
  325.    echoServe()               
  327. else
  328.    log("Running pinger...")
  329.    readHosts()
  331.    while true do
  332.       local timerid = os.startTimer(5)
  333.       while true do
  334.      local event = { os.pullEvent() }
  335.      if (event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == timerid) then
  336.         for i,v in ipairs(getInstances("router")) do
  337.            log("%s sending", v)
  338.            if (echoToRouter(v, "ping")) then
  339.           log("%s responded", v)
  340.            end
  341.         end
  342.         break
  343.      else
  344.         log("Discarding event: %s",tdump(event))
  345.      end
  346.       end
  347.    end
  348. end
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