
[Prose] Clingy Pink (F/F, Soft)

Aug 4th, 2014
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  1. Worn from your time at the Day Spa, you trudge through the thin crowds of ponies that populated the marketplace. Being one of the few rational beings with a firm, tender touch, your skills of serving sore ponies has brought much success to the Lotus Blossom and Aloe. Your size also made it much easier to reach those pesky places that most ponies find difficult to reach, or even forget even existed. Owning the only pair of delicate hands backed by firm forearms and biceps made you a valuable commodity and a respected member of Ponyville. It also helped that you biologically matched the mostly female population of town, as you did not break the feminine theme that the Spa silently prided itself on in their spa.
  3. Sighing silently to yourself, you set yourself down on an empty bench, content with watching the pastel-colored equines trot by. You wave to the occasional familiar face, the more enthusiastic ponies coming up to you for a brief chat. Many have experienced your personal treatment at least once, some several more times. Both mares and stallions have heard of your name and your array of friends and acquaintances only grew with every day you work at the Day Spa. Celebrities from far and wide have visited Ponyville to experience your craft, and even some of the local heroes indulge in your talent.
  5. The famed Element of Kindness has been a frequent customer as of late, eager to learn how to better serve her animals. Though you only recently learned how to treat ponies, your ability to learn quickly caught Fluttershy's attention, requesting both your services and tips on massaging larger creatures. Though you couldn't offer her much in terms of advice, she observed the movements of your body during your sessions with her, the subtle movements of your fingers difficult for her to imitate, but your palms were more feasible to copy. Always tipping you a bit extra with each session, especially today's, your skirt hung onto your hips for dear life. While your fit body held much strength, bulky currency the size of your fist was awkward to jam into your pockets.
  7. Time passes by quickly as you concentrate on relaxing your sore body. 8 hours days were quite strenuous with the few breaks you could afford to take. Each customer as eager as the next, you took them in as quickly as they came, leaving little breathing room for you to rest. Lotus and Aloe were usually understanding enough to let you disappear for a day or two, especially with your current living conditions. A chill runs down your spine, reminding you of your roommate. Standing up, you start walking towards Sugarcube Corner.
  9. While you weren't ungrateful for Pinkie Pie letting you live with her, she certainly was the quirky one. Popping up at inopportune times and rattling off useless trivia about her life, she can be quite a handful. Recently though, she's been very needy, especially upon finding out ways to keep you closer to her. Or more specifically, inside her.
  11. “Hey Nonnie!”
  13. Speak of the devil.
  15. “Hi Pinkie, just heading home, don't mind me.” Walking down the path, the pink pony bounces alongside you, the same perky face plastered on her head as always. You quicken your pace, knowing that she's as excited as you to head home. Though, you doubt that she will just let you sleep in her bed without a fight, her voice conveys a concerned tone.
  17. “ okay Nonnie? You seem really tired today.”
  19. “This is how I look every day Pinkie, doesn't seem to stop you from having your way with me.” Opening the doors to the bakery, you notice that she stops her bouncy steps right before the swiveling doors. Looking back, her expression adopts one of guilt, her lips pursed and eyes wide.
  21. “You... you mean you didn't have fun with me this week?”
  23. “Pinkie, when I said I wanted to sleep, I didn't mean I wanted to live inside the living embodiment of energy while you leaped around everywhere.” Rubbing your sore rump from yesterday's romp with the perky pony, you head upstairs as Pinkie slowly trails behind you.
  25. “Oh... well... oh!” Seeing her eyes light up with an idea, you quicken your pace up the stairs as she shouts up to you.
  27. “Don't worry Nonnie, I know just the thing, I'll be back!” In a puff of smoke, she darts out of the store, leaving you free reign over the bedroom. Not about to give this opportunity up, you burst into the room, throwing yourself onto Pinkie's bed. Your size didn't exactly merit you a custom-sized bed, and sleeping with a pony wasn't the most uncomfortable thing. Though, having a gigantic bed to yourself, even for a little bit filled you with a bit of cheer as you pull the covers over your entire body. Sufficiently wrapped from head to toe in candy-scented blankets, you pass out as you sink into the poofy mattress.
  29. “Non non... wake up... I have a surprise for you...” In the darkness of the night, you stir awake to the whispers of the party pony. The dim moonlight reveals Pinkie, a joyous smile lining her lips as you wipe away the sweat you marinated in throughout the night. Still drowsy from being roused from sleep, you open an eye to your enthusiastic friend.
  31. “Pinkie... its midnight, what do you want?” Slipping your skirt off with a shift of your hips, you anticipate what the clingy pony wants. Your shirt sticks to your wet skin, soaked in your nightly perspiration as your underwear follows suit. Pulling out the string of cloth between your cheeks, you sit up in the bed.
  33. “Look... I just want to say sorry about this week... I love it when you're wiggling inside me, and I guess I forgot about your feelings about it. So... I want to try something same, but different.” Pinkie stands up on the bed, lowering her head towards you. Before you can sigh in frustration, she blows a gentle breath over your face. The warm gust from her mouth smelled of a flowery aroma, soothing to the senses. Bracing yourself with an arm, your body relaxes as you inhale this calming odor. You see your friend smile as your body falls limp against the bed, the magical breath releasing all control from your body. With your eyes the only thing you can move willingly, you watch her mouth slowly make its way to the top of your head.
  35. “Shhh... you've been making a lot of ponies happy, including me. I think its about time I return the favor...” Her voice, usually splattered with unbridled energy is now subdued, easy on the ears. You hear the familiar sound of her mouth opening wide, the wet flesh parting as the same flowery scent grows stronger. Unable to resist, you surrender yourself to Pinkie as her tongue slips beneath your body. The wet muscle slithers across your skin-tight garmets, grazing your soft breasts as your nipples grow more sensitive. Her tongue finds the familiar gap between your legs as it wraps over to your buttocks. As she gradually pulls your body into the humid oral cavity, the dexterous organ gently strokes your inner thighs, the tender touch giving you a moment of pleasant pause.
  37. You hear Pinkie squeak delightfully as she wipes the sweat from your body, replacing it with thick saliva. Normally sticky with dissolved sugar, her drool gently rolls off your body, absorbing the excess oil and dirt from your body. As you head into the back of Pinkie's throat, you sigh in relief as she didn't wolf you down like every treat she shoves down her gullet. Instead, you feel her gulp steadily as the throat's muscular grip holds you firm inside the passage, easing your journey downwards. Your nipples scrape against the ridged tunnel of her neck as you bite your lower lip in denial. Never has Pinkie swallowing you felt so intimate, as you feel her hoof from the outside massage your bulging form from outside. Your hips instinctively thrust against the pulsating walls as you leak pleasure from between your legs. The entrance to the stomach yawns open, a sweet blast of musky air overloading your mind. Unable to hold back, your entire body shudders out an orgasm as your head is welcomed into the organ below.
  39. Pinkie gives a curt giggle, sensing your bodily release. Continuing to gently let your body ease into her stomach, her hooves stroke her neck with loving purpose, feeling your legs slither down into the pit of her belly. Laying flat on her round paunch, she nestles herself into the middle of her bed, eager to feel every little move you made within her.
  41. “Tonight's all about you, Nonnie. See you in the morning...” With a yawn, you hear her doze off peacefully for the night. Sitting inside the flora and fauna of Pinkie's stomach, you settle into the slimy walls as the liquid soup bubbles all around you. The intoxicating smell of flowers stemmed from a plant that Aloe used in her spa to help create a peaceful atmosphere. It appears to work as well inside the digestive organ, releasing nothing but blissful scents that calmed you to the core. Even the churning of Pinkie's stomach was reduced to a suggestive shift, the walls gently caressing every inch of your bare body.
  43. “Thanks Pinkie... you're the best...” With her heartbeat as a lullaby, you slip back into a dreamy sleep as the steamy stomach cleanses your unconscious body.
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