
Picnic Dash

Apr 20th, 2016
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  1. >"Uggg, you're finally here!"
  2. >"You're such a slow poke, ya know."
  3. >You find Rainbow tapping her hoof impatiently, with the picnic blanket laid out already.
  4. >You had been meeting with Dash on your lunch break for sometime now.
  5. >After she had become your official special somepony a few months ago, it had become somewhat of a ritual.
  6. >"Geez, hurry up, I'm starving here!"
  7. "Fine, fine, I'm coming. Hold your horses."
  8. >Rainbow rolls her eyes at your pun, only serving to worsen her mood.
  9. >You hate to see her mad at you, even if she's being impatient.
  10. "Come on Dashie, cheer up, I got you a suprise."
  11. >Though she usually dislikes your pet name for her, she seems to perk up at the mention of a surprise.
  12. >"Really? What'd you get?"
  13. "You'll find out soon enough. Now come on, help me set up lunch."
  14. >You two spend the next few minutes unpacking the dishes and picnic food, while Dash tells you about her "spectacularly awesome trick" She did in the park earlier.
  15. >Listening to her talk about herself was one of you favorite things to do.
  16. >You could do it all day without complaint, which is probably why you were her favorite person to talk to.
  17. >As soon as Rainbow notices you staring at her lovingly though, her face turns as red as it is blue, and quickly changes the topic.
  18. >"So, you were saying something about a suprise?"
  19. "Yea, I got you a little something."
  20. >"Come on Nonny, show me!"
  21. "Alright alright, hold on."
  22. >You reach into you bag as slowly as you can to prolong her anticipation, and pull out the object in question.
  23. >"Is that...?"
  24. "Yep, you bet it is."
  25. "One large jar of zap apple jam, the last of its kind."
  26. >"Ohmygoshomygosh how did you get that? Applejack said they were all out of zap apple jam!"
  27. "I bought a jar early in the season, and I saved it till now."
  28. >Rainbow speeds forward and takes the jar from you, then turns and gives you a big hug
  29. >"Thanks Nonny, this is an awesome present."
  30. "No problem Dash."
  32. >It would have been nice to at least have a little bit of the jam, but that didn't happen.
  33. >Almost the whole jar was consumed by that rainbow mare.
  34. >Damn.
  35. >Lunch time slowly passes.
  36. >Tired and completely full of jam, Dash sits in your lap and nuzzles your chest.
  37. >"Thanks Anon, I love you. You're kinda awesome sometimes."
  38. >That was the last thing she got out before falling fast asleep.
  39. >"I love you too Dashie" was the last thing you got out before following suit.
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