
Pandora TV Ray McGovern Excerpt (12/17/2016)

Apr 12th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's go-between for Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Pandora TV interview with Ray McGovern. Upload date: December 17, 2016.
  5. Excerpt runs from 12:29 to 17:21.
  7. File link:
  8. Direct link to excerpt:
  11. Well, the key will be how strong he [Donald Trump] plans to be in his first month. Uniquely, he has disparaged, criticized, accused the media...and rightfully so, of gross distortions. When Hillary Clinton called Vladimir Putin "Hitler", that's the worst possible thing he could call any Russian leader, especially a leader that already enjoys 82% approval rating. Why'd she do that? Well, I don't know, but it was a very, very bad move. There are other things that have happened, gratuitous slights, the president saying about Russia, "it's just a regional power", or Russia, rah, they don't produce anything, as though Russia was a second rate nation.
  13. Now: I believe Trump wants to improve relations with Russia, I think he sees that there's a congruence of interests, for example, in Syria, and also in Ukraine. Where there's no real basic impediment for us to get together and talk like we used to, decades ago, and figuring it out, and doing the right thing. I think he wants to do that, I think he knows that's what needs to be done, can he do it? I think he can. Yeah. But what it's going to take is a frontal assault on the New York Times and the Washington Post, and say, "You've been lying to us. You haven't even reported the reason [for] all the trouble in Europe, that is the coup, the coup d'etat, the putsch...that we, America, arranged on the 22nd of February, 2014, on Russia's doorstep." That's what started it, not the next day. We have had our NATO ambassador saying, "Modern history begins on the 23rd of February, when the Russians started to seize Crimea." Well, hello? Doesn't he mean what happened on the 22nd? And our press is like that. So, what I'm saying is, that Trump's gotta say, "Look, you American people, you can be forgiven for being so ignorant...because these media moguls...these people who have been controlling the story...they've been lying to you." And I'll show you, because I'm going to work out a deal with Putin, and he has already...and this is what I predicted yesterday...he has already pulled some Russian troops back, so we're going to pull some NATO troops back. Okay?
  15. Now, if he does that, everybody's going to get religion, as they say, "Woah! This guy is serious!" and the Europeans, [laughs] the Europeans are going to have to say, "Woah! What is this? There's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is...that we're supposed to raise our level of investment in defense...we don't want to do that, we've got enough problems..." But the good news is...people are going to ask "Why? What is the threat from Russia?" And we're going to start reading, in the United States press, well, it's been exaggerated, ten times. And it's mostly a reaction to what we did in doing a coup, on Russia's doorstep, in February, two years ago, in 2014. Now, once they understand that, they'll be a verringerung [a lessening], kindof a relief, they'll say "Okay. We don't have to raise our defense expenditures...let's talk to the Russians instead. Maybe they'll decrease their defense expenditures." So, it's very simple. It's just that, when you're working with a populus, that has been malnourished, really, on accurate information, you have to nourish them first, and then Trump could do that. Because he has shown a unique antipathy toward the mainstream press...they have reciprocated, but once he's president...there are [only] so many little things that a president has to do to give the press, to get the press to come along...that if my guess is correct, the mainstream press will just fall right into line. "Oh yeah, we don't really think Russia is so much of a threat anymore...and Putin, well, he's talking to our president now, so maybe he's not so bad." So, my point is simply that, it's a big hurdle...because the press is controlled, by the same mega-corporations, that are making a lot of money on arms manufacture, and arms trading.
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