
Sexual Harassment = Funny

Jan 19th, 2012
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  1. So I happen to work at a Japanese restaurant. On my breaks I go to the book store in our small mall to read. Our book store carries a manga section, in both japanese and english. I was standing in the japanese section just reading when these two weeaboos come and stand right next to me and start talking really loudly over my music. I just kind of ignored them.
  2. Then the first one picks up some random manga [in japanese mind you] and starts flipping through the pages yaking about this particular manga, etc. She turns to her friend and says really loudly, “I think it’s funny how sexual harassment is Japan’s number 1 gag used for comedy.”
  3. Now, I am Japanese, know my language and had spent a great deal of time in Japan for school. I was very offended at her stupid statement. I bit my tongue for a while. But no. She kept talking about how sexual harassment in manga was funny and blah blah blah.
  4. So I took off my headphones. Tapped her shoulder, when she turned around I asked, “Hey can I grab your tits?”
  5. The look on this girl’s face was that of horrified, her friend’s as well.
  6. I said, “It isn’t so funny is it?” And went back to work.
  7. God I hate people sometimes.
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