
Friday Weekly Quiz #2: Video Games

Jan 24th, 2014
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  1. [06:00:16 PM] WeeklyQuiz: I think we're ready to begin.
  2. [06:00:48 PM] WeeklyQuiz: The topic is gaming. There'll be 15 questions in total and the first person to get each one right earns a point.
  3. [06:00:59 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Good luck to all.
  4. [06:01:04 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: gg
  5. [06:01:12 PM] Precarious: I'll use my new mod powers to be exactly as knowledgable as I was before, but it'll seem more impressive
  6. [06:01:18 PM] WeeklyQuiz: #1: What is widely considered to be the first home video game console?
  7. [06:01:18 PM] 123aaa789: Platform Racing 2
  8. [06:01:19 PM] Precarious: logic
  9. [06:01:22 PM] TwistedCakez: gl
  10. [06:01:22 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: NES
  11. [06:01:23 PM] aturtledoesbite: The Odyssey
  12. [06:01:25 PM] Pigjr1: um
  13. [06:01:27 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Atari 2600
  14. [06:01:29 PM] Pigjr1: the com thingy
  15. [06:01:29 PM] WeeklyQuiz: The Odyssey is correct.
  16. [06:01:30 PM] Precarious: Atari 1300
  17. [06:01:42 PM] TwistedCakez: Dreamcast
  18. [06:01:43 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: You mean the Illiad?
  19. [06:01:44 PM] ChatGames: The Odyssey!
  20. [06:01:46 PM] aturtledoesbite: It played Pong!
  21. [06:01:48 PM] Pigjr1: Magnus's Odyssey
  22. [06:01:51 PM] Pigjr1: or something
  23. [06:01:52 PM] TwistedCakez: dat chat lag do
  24. [06:01:56 PM] ChatGames: X Bone
  25. [06:02:02 PM] 123aaa789: xbox 720
  26. [06:02:07 PM] djrockstar: PS4?
  27. [06:02:08 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #2: Which British comedian voiced Wheatley in Portal 2?
  28. [06:02:11 PM] Precarious: Fry
  29. [06:02:14 PM] Pigjr1: Sherlock Homes
  30. [06:02:14 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ......
  31. [06:02:17 PM] ChatGames: Your mother.
  32. [06:02:19 PM] aturtledoesbite: >homes
  33. [06:02:19 PM] Pigjr1: Sherlock Holmes
  34. [06:02:20 PM] TheGame147: Frankie Boyle
  35. [06:02:24 PM] jerenator: Stephen merchant
  36. [06:02:25 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Simon
  37. [06:02:26 PM] Mysterymason: Stephen Merchant
  38. [06:02:27 PM] Precarious: Laurie
  39. [06:02:29 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Lewis
  40. [06:02:30 PM] Precarious: Wright
  41. [06:02:35 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: UGH I KNEW THIS
  42. [06:02:35 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Stephen Merchant is correct. jerenator got it first.
  43. [06:02:47 PM] jerenator: I know this because he replaced someone else who I personally found better...
  44. [06:02:49 PM] 123aaa789: man I suck at these
  45. [06:02:50 PM] Precarious: fairly long
  46. [06:02:51 PM] jerenator: Forgot who
  47. [06:02:56 PM] Pigjr1: Who's Game147?
  48. [06:03:03 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: He's a person.
  49. [06:03:08 PM] ChatGames: Samster's friend.
  50. [06:03:11 PM] Pigjr1: >man I suck
  51. [06:03:13 PM] Pigjr1: >fairly long
  52. [06:03:15 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #3: Which Pokemon has the worst base stats?
  53. [06:03:20 PM] Precarious: Pikachu
  54. [06:03:21 PM] Pigjr1: Woobat
  55. [06:03:21 PM] 123aaa789: ditto
  56. [06:03:22 PM] aturtledoesbite: Sunkern
  57. [06:03:22 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: MAGIKAPR
  58. [06:03:22 PM] Mysterymason: Magikarp
  59. [06:03:27 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Sunkern is correct.
  60. [06:03:28 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: *MAGIKARP
  61. [06:03:29 PM] TwistedCakez: COmbee
  62. [06:03:32 PM] 123aaa789: who
  63. [06:03:36 PM] jerenator: Sunkern, really?
  64. [06:03:38 PM] jerenator: Interesting.
  65. [06:03:42 PM] Mysterymason: wtf is a sunkern
  66. [06:03:47 PM] ChatGames: urfaic
  67. [06:03:48 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: It's that grass type.
  68. [06:03:50 PM] aturtledoesbite: It's a seed Pokemon.
  69. [06:03:50 PM] jerenator:
  70. [06:03:54 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: That looks like a little thingy.
  71. [06:03:55 PM] 123aaa789: ditto copies it, therefore I win right?
  72. [06:04:02 PM] Precarious: dat logic
  73. [06:04:04 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #4: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and its HD remaster were released how many years apart?
  74. [06:04:08 PM] 123aaa789: 7
  75. [06:04:08 PM] djrockstar: 4
  76. [06:04:08 PM] Mysterymason: 27
  77. [06:04:08 PM] jerenator: 12
  78. [06:04:10 PM] aturtledoesbite: 9
  79. [06:04:10 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: 8
  80. [06:04:11 PM] TwistedCakez: 21
  81. [06:04:11 PM] Precarious: 12
  82. [06:04:12 PM] aturtledoesbite: 11
  83. [06:04:13 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: 10
  84. [06:04:14 PM] Precarious: 10
  85. [06:04:15 PM] 123aaa789: 123
  86. [06:04:15 PM] Precarious: 9
  87. [06:04:15 PM] TwistedCakez: 15
  88. [06:04:16 PM] Precarious: 13
  89. [06:04:17 PM] TwistedCakez: 26
  90. [06:04:17 PM] jerenator: dem guesses
  91. [06:04:18 PM] WeeklyQuiz: 10 is correct. BLOODY gets it.
  92. [06:04:18 PM] Precarious: 8
  93. [06:04:18 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: 6
  94. [06:04:19 PM] aturtledoesbite: It's 11 years.
  95. [06:04:19 PM] ChatGames: dat spam
  96. [06:04:19 PM] TwistedCakez: 16
  97. [06:04:21 PM] Precarious: agh
  98. [06:04:22 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Oh cool.
  99. [06:04:22 PM] ChatGames: precarious, ban them
  100. [06:04:23 PM] aturtledoesbite: Oh, 10?
  101. [06:04:25 PM] Precarious: lol
  102. [06:04:26 PM] MyNameIsNothing: wait **** what im missing muh trivia
  103. [06:04:28 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Yup.
  104. [06:04:33 PM] aturtledoesbite: Huh, thought WW came out in '02
  105. [06:04:44 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: '02 '03 OH PEE
  106. [06:04:49 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: [RandomZ]
  107. [06:04:51 PM] jerenator: Thought '01.
  108. [06:05:05 PM] Precarious: I just approximated a number in range, and someone else typed first
  109. [06:05:06 PM] Precarious: alas
  110. [06:05:16 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I just aproxxed.
  111. [06:05:50 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Next Question?
  112. [06:05:55 PM] jerenator: Wait for it.
  113. [06:05:55 PM] 123aaa789: are the questions typed out ahead of time?
  114. [06:06:01 PM] ChatGames: Yes.
  115. [06:06:03 PM] 123aaa789: =l
  116. [06:06:04 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ....
  117. [06:06:04 PM] ChatGames: They're banked.
  118. [06:06:07 PM] ChatGames: Samster must be derping.
  119. [06:06:11 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Dat' Chatlag
  120. [06:06:15 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Oh it's Sam doing it?
  121. [06:06:19 PM] jerenator: Aye.
  122. [06:06:20 PM] ChatGames: Yes.
  123. [06:06:21 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Actually, technically it came out December 2012 and the remake came out in September 2013 so it's 10
  124. [06:06:22 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I CALL HAX
  125. [06:06:23 PM] WeeklyQuiz: but not by a lot
  126. [06:06:37 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: So it IS 10.
  127. [06:06:43 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: So I get the question ;3
  128. [06:06:47 PM] Precarious: 10.8
  129. [06:06:52 PM] Precarious: such accuracy
  130. [06:06:56 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #5: ‘Rained’, ‘Iron Cops’ and ‘Cream’ are all anagrams of characters from what video game series?
  131. [06:06:58 PM] ChatGames: very precise
  132. [06:07:04 PM] 123aaa789: contra
  133. [06:07:04 PM] WeeklyQuiz: much numbers
  134. [06:07:05 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Metal Gear
  135. [06:07:06 PM] MyNameIsNothing: sonic
  136. [06:07:14 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Pokemon
  137. [06:07:19 PM] MyNameIsNothing: (idk there's a cream in sonic ok)
  138. [06:07:25 PM] Precarious: castlevania
  139. [06:07:26 PM] jerenator: Mario.
  140. [06:07:26 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Final Fantasy
  141. [06:07:27 PM] djrockstar: mario
  142. [06:07:28 PM] ChatGames: Anagrams, EG
  143. [06:07:32 PM] Precarious: Breath of Fire
  144. [06:07:36 PM] 123aaa789: papa's pizzeria
  145. [06:07:38 PM] djrockstar: Legend of Zelda
  146. [06:07:43 PM] ChatGames: Avoid Cactus
  147. [06:07:45 PM] MyNameIsNothing: oic
  148. [06:07:48 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Dragon Quest
  149. [06:07:53 PM] 123aaa789: king's quest
  150. [06:08:01 PM] Precarious: quest 64
  151. [06:08:01 PM] 123aaa789: tetris
  152. [06:08:04 PM] ChatGames: Just Trolling
  153. [06:08:13 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Ummmm
  154. [06:08:14 PM] 123aaa789: doom
  155. [06:08:14 PM] MyNameIsNothing: vertical drop heroes
  156. [06:08:15 PM] djrockstar: Borderlands 2
  157. [06:08:20 PM] ChatGames: Idle Mine
  158. [06:08:20 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Borderlands
  159. [06:08:26 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: [They asked a SERIES]
  160. [06:08:34 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Time's ticking...
  161. [06:08:35 PM] 123aaa789: mardek
  162. [06:08:40 PM] Precarious: Chrono
  163. [06:08:41 PM] aturtledoesbite: dang this is a hard one
  164. [06:08:45 PM] Precarious: Metroid
  165. [06:08:45 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ELDER SCROLLS
  166. [06:08:47 PM] 123aaa789: 007
  167. [06:08:49 PM] djrockstar: Dishonored
  168. [06:08:50 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Fallout
  169. [06:08:54 PM] Precarious: Uncharted
  170. [06:08:56 PM] 123aaa789: CoD
  171. [06:08:59 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Want a hint?
  172. [06:09:01 PM] Precarious: yes
  173. [06:09:03 PM] MyNameIsNothing: battlefield
  174. [06:09:06 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Professor Layton
  175. [06:09:08 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Ace Attorney
  176. [06:09:09 PM] WeeklyQuiz: It's a fighting game series
  177. [06:09:12 PM] Precarious: Tekken
  178. [06:09:13 PM] MyNameIsNothing: tekken
  179. [06:09:13 PM] Precarious: MK
  180. [06:09:14 PM] Mysterymason: street fighter
  181. [06:09:15 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Street Fighter
  182. [06:09:17 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: UGH
  183. [06:09:18 PM] Precarious: King of Fighters
  184. [06:09:22 PM] 123aaa789: capcom vs whatever
  185. [06:09:22 PM] Precarious: Soul
  186. [06:09:26 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Super Smash Bro
  187. [06:09:27 PM] Pigjr1: Naruto
  188. [06:09:32 PM] aturtledoesbite: Tekken?
  189. [06:09:34 PM] jerenator: Soul Calibur
  190. [06:09:34 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Dragon Ball
  191. [06:09:36 PM] djrockstar: DBZ:The Game
  192. [06:09:36 PM] 123aaa789: marvel vs dc
  193. [06:09:37 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Mortal Kombat is correct. Prec gets the point. (Raider, Scorpion and Ermac)
  194. [06:09:42 PM] 123aaa789: aw
  195. [06:09:50 PM] Precarious: GET OVER HERE
  196. [06:09:50 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: What was Cops then?
  197. [06:09:53 PM] MyNameIsNothing: if it was tekken i was gonna be hella salt
  198. [06:09:57 PM] Precarious: iron cops was scorpion
  199. [06:09:59 PM] djrockstar: Scorpion is Iron Cops
  200. [06:10:00 PM] Pigjr1: Iron Cops = Scorpion
  201. [06:10:09 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: It was two ._.
  202. [06:10:17 PM] Pigjr1: Rained = Raider
  203. [06:10:17 PM] jerenator: Also, no
  204. [06:10:19 PM] Pigjr1: legit
  205. [06:10:23 PM] jerenator: Raider = Raiden
  206. [06:10:37 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I call hax
  207. [06:10:38 PM] braves055: hi
  208. [06:10:41 PM] 123aaa789: hey braves
  209. [06:10:42 PM] Pigjr1: recall pls
  210. [06:10:43 PM] WeeklyQuiz: That's correct, my mistake.
  211. [06:10:45 PM] jerenator: Hiyo.
  212. [06:10:50 PM] Precarious: Abusing Raiden's flying move in MK2--the essence of that game
  213. [06:10:56 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #6: FIFA 2001 is the only game to use a “scratch and sniff” CD. What did it smell like?
  214. [06:10:59 PM] braves055: (quiz going on right now?)
  215. [06:11:02 PM] MyNameIsNothing: soccer ball
  216. [06:11:02 PM] 123aaa789: soccer
  217. [06:11:02 PM] aturtledoesbite: poop
  218. [06:11:04 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Don't ask the next question yet so I can pastebin pleaz?
  219. [06:11:05 PM] djrockstar: apples
  220. [06:11:05 PM] Precarious: yeah
  221. [06:11:06 PM] jerenator: Football field.
  222. [06:11:07 PM] MyNameIsNothing: soccer field
  223. [06:11:08 PM] 123aaa789: victory
  224. [06:11:08 PM] Pigjr1: strawberry
  225. [06:11:09 PM] Mysterymason: strawberry
  226. [06:11:10 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: TURDS
  227. [06:11:14 PM] MyNameIsNothing: pizza
  228. [06:11:15 PM] ChatGames: Your mother.
  229. [06:11:16 PM] aturtledoesbite: all scratch'n'sniffs smell like poop
  230. [06:11:17 PM] Precarious: leather
  231. [06:11:17 PM] 123aaa789: maple
  232. [06:11:19 PM] braves055: PIZZA
  233. [06:11:19 PM] Pigjr1: cherry
  234. [06:11:20 PM] Precarious: grass
  235. [06:11:25 PM] WeeklyQuiz: I'll give it to jerenator, it's a football turf.
  236. [06:11:28 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Dat chat lag
  237. [06:11:30 PM] Precarious: flopping
  238. [06:11:31 PM] jerenator: English, yay
  239. [06:11:38 PM] MyNameIsNothing: guhhh
  240. [06:11:41 PM] MyNameIsNothing: such ninja
  241. [06:11:45 PM] ChatGames: Score?
  242. [06:11:57 PM] jerenator: Though to be fair, it did smell like poop
  243. [06:12:02 PM] jerenator: I can vouch :<
  244. [06:12:04 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: BR: 1 Prec: 1 jere: 2
  245. [06:12:09 PM] aturtledoesbite: i have points too
  246. [06:12:11 PM] aturtledoesbite: two of them
  247. [06:12:12 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: And....umm..
  248. [06:12:13 PM] WeeklyQuiz: turtle has 2, jerenator has 2, BLOODY has 1 and Prec has 1
  249. [06:12:23 PM] braves055: burves has all
  250. [06:12:26 PM] Precarious: ^
  251. [06:12:27 PM] MyNameIsNothing: time for ultimate mnin comeback
  252. [06:12:29 PM] Blizzard2000: uzz hasz 69
  253. [06:12:30 PM] 123aaa789: I have all+1
  254. [06:12:34 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #7: Which legendary screenwriter’s script for a Resident Evil game was turned down?
  255. [06:12:34 PM] 123aaa789: gg
  256. [06:12:34 PM] braves055: oh shi
  257. [06:12:36 PM] aturtledoesbite: cuz of my mad uber-retro and pokeymans skills
  258. [06:12:37 PM] djrockstar: Hadoken
  259. [06:12:40 PM] MyNameIsNothing: STEVEN KING
  260. [06:12:41 PM] braves055: 123 so pro
  261. [06:12:43 PM] jerenator: Oh crap.
  262. [06:12:44 PM] jerenator: I knew this ;.;
  263. [06:12:45 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Akira Toriyama
  264. [06:12:46 PM] braves055: <cant compete
  265. [06:12:46 PM] Precarious: romero
  266. [06:12:48 PM] 123aaa789: george lucas
  267. [06:12:50 PM] Precarious: got it in time
  268. [06:12:50 PM] aturtledoesbite: Hell if I know.
  269. [06:12:52 PM] MyNameIsNothing: M NIGHT SHMALANANALNA
  270. [06:12:53 PM] Pigjr1: As newly recruited mod I require that you all provide me with your points
  271. [06:12:58 PM] Precarious: It has to be Romero
  272. [06:13:00 PM] 123aaa789: but they're my points
  273. [06:13:01 PM] jerenator: M NIGHT SMARMALADE
  274. [06:13:04 PM] djrockstar: Pig, I'll give you my points
  275. [06:13:05 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Tite Kubo
  276. [06:13:05 PM] WeeklyQuiz: (George A.) Romero is correct.
  277. [06:13:09 PM] ChatGames: kk prec i link you to google doc kk
  278. [06:13:09 PM] TheGame147: E.L James
  279. [06:13:10 PM] Precarious: who else would do a zombie script
  280. [06:13:11 PM] djrockstar: I don't have any, but I'll give them
  281. [06:13:13 PM] ChatGames: whisper incoming kk
  282. [06:13:15 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Matashi Kishimoto
  283. [06:13:15 PM] braves055: pig is a mod?
  284. [06:13:16 PM] 123aaa789: I got the george part, can I get 0.5 points?
  285. [06:13:21 PM] Precarious: lol
  286. [06:13:21 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Wait wut
  287. [06:13:23 PM] Blizzard2000: naw just prec
  288. [06:13:25 PM] ChatGames: braves, prec is
  289. [06:13:26 PM] WeeklyQuiz: sorry but nope
  290. [06:13:27 PM] MyNameIsNothing: pig is a chat games account mod i think
  291. [06:13:28 PM] braves055: oh
  292. [06:13:31 PM] MyNameIsNothing: idk im so lost
  293. [06:13:34 PM] 123aaa789: well I tried
  294. [06:13:36 PM] braves055: prec got modded?
  295. [06:13:36 PM] jerenator: M NIGHT SHAMALAMABINGBANG
  296. [06:13:39 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Next
  297. [06:13:40 PM] ChatGames: yes
  298. [06:13:40 PM] Precarious: yep
  299. [06:13:41 PM] Blizzard2000: yeah :D
  300. [06:13:42 PM] MyNameIsNothing: OH WHOA
  301. [06:13:43 PM] 123aaa789: no
  302. [06:13:43 PM] MyNameIsNothing: GRATS PREC
  303. [06:13:44 PM] MyNameIsNothing: U GO
  304. [06:13:45 PM] Precarious: About 10 minutes ago
  305. [06:13:45 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #8: What is the official name for ‘The Sims’ dialogue?
  306. [06:13:46 PM] braves055: About ****ing time
  307. [06:13:47 PM] Precarious: thanks
  308. [06:13:49 PM] braves055: haha
  309. [06:13:50 PM] MyNameIsNothing: I KNEW DIS WOULD HAPPEN <3333
  310. [06:13:50 PM] jerenator: Simian
  311. [06:13:51 PM] 123aaa789: simmish
  312. [06:13:51 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Simlsih
  313. [06:13:53 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: *Simlish
  314. [06:13:57 PM] djrockstar: Simlish
  315. [06:13:57 PM] Precarious: simile
  316. [06:14:01 PM] Precarious: simisian
  317. [06:14:03 PM] Pigjr1: Simlish
  318. [06:14:05 PM] braves055: precariousness
  319. [06:14:05 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Bloody got it. Sorry 123 but it wasn't exactly right
  320. [06:14:06 PM] aturtledoesbite: Similese
  321. [06:14:08 PM] djrockstar: SimSongDingDong
  322. [06:14:11 PM] 123aaa789: well I tried
  323. [06:14:16 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Even with the Chat Lag :D
  324. [06:14:21 PM] WeeklyQuiz: 4 people tied with 2 so far
  325. [06:14:23 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I used to play that game way too much.
  326. [06:14:26 PM] aturtledoesbite: yaaaay
  327. [06:14:28 PM] 123aaa789: how many tied with 0?
  328. [06:14:30 PM] Precarious: more parity than the NFL
  329. [06:14:32 PM] aturtledoesbite: a bunch
  330. [06:14:33 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I had about 30 or so hours into a file.
  331. [06:14:38 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: And then the data corrupted.
  332. [06:14:39 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ._.
  333. [06:14:45 PM] WeeklyQuiz: I need the full title for this one.
  334. [06:14:49 PM] 123aaa789: Platform Racing 2
  335. [06:14:50 PM] aturtledoesbite: oh boy
  336. [06:14:52 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #9: For which Sega game did Michael Jackson supposedly create numerous music tracks for?
  337. [06:14:56 PM] jerenator: Moonwalker
  338. [06:14:57 PM] 123aaa789: argh
  339. [06:14:57 PM] djrockstar: Anti-IDle: The GAme
  340. [06:14:58 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic the Hedgehog
  341. [06:15:00 PM] 123aaa789: I knew this one
  342. [06:15:00 PM] Precarious: Nights into Dreams
  343. [06:15:01 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Just dance
  344. [06:15:03 PM] jerenator: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
  345. [06:15:04 PM] ChatGames: Avoid Cactus
  346. [06:15:04 PM] aturtledoesbite: Michael Jackson: Reliving the Dream
  347. [06:15:05 PM] Mysterymason: It had a bar in it
  348. [06:15:05 PM] aturtledoesbite: or something
  349. [06:15:06 PM] Precarious: Disney's Aladdin
  350. [06:15:11 PM] TheGame147: Death Dice Overdose
  351. [06:15:13 PM] aturtledoesbite: that sounds right
  352. [06:15:14 PM] Precarious: Free Willy
  353. [06:15:15 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  354. [06:15:16 PM] Pigjr1: I agree with prec
  355. [06:15:20 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic and Knuckles
  356. [06:15:25 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic Adventures
  357. [06:15:26 PM] Precarious: Earthworm Jim
  358. [06:15:27 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic Heros
  359. [06:15:31 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic Adventures 2
  360. [06:15:35 PM] Precarious: Panzer Dragoon Saga
  361. [06:15:35 PM] 123aaa789: Sonic The Hedgehog 3
  362. [06:15:38 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Sonic the Werehog
  363. [06:15:39 PM] jerenator: Michael Jackson: The Experience
  364. [06:15:40 PM] WeeklyQuiz: 123 is correct
  365. [06:15:43 PM] 123aaa789: dat
  366. [06:15:47 PM] aturtledoesbite: what
  367. [06:15:51 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Aw
  368. [06:15:53 PM] jerenator: Exists.
  369. [06:15:56 PM] jerenator: Funny, really.
  370. [06:15:56 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I guessed all the Sonic games.
  371. [06:15:58 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Exist the 3rd
  372. [06:15:59 PM] ChatGames: Avoid Cactus.
  373. [06:16:02 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: *Except
  374. [06:16:03 PM] Precarious: ^
  375. [06:16:08 PM] aturtledoesbite: >exist
  376. [06:16:09 PM] 123aaa789: I heard that a long time ago
  377. [06:16:19 PM] Precarious: I never knew that
  378. [06:16:19 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #10: Which Final Fantasy game was originally named ‘Final Fantasy III’ when it was first released in North America in 1994?
  379. [06:16:23 PM] Precarious: VI
  380. [06:16:24 PM] aturtledoesbite: FFVI
  381. [06:16:24 PM] djrockstar: FF 2
  382. [06:16:26 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: FV
  383. [06:16:27 PM] jerenator: Final Fantasy VI
  384. [06:16:27 PM] Precarious: bam
  385. [06:16:28 PM] 123aaa789: 123
  386. [06:16:30 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: *FFV
  387. [06:16:31 PM] aturtledoesbite: i was more accurate
  388. [06:16:34 PM] aturtledoesbite: VI could mean anything
  389. [06:16:37 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: FFVII
  390. [06:16:45 PM] 123aaa789: FFtherightanswer
  391. [06:16:45 PM] Precarious: Umaro approves of my answer
  392. [06:16:46 PM] djrockstar: FFVIII
  393. [06:16:46 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: FFVIII
  394. [06:16:46 PM] WeeklyQuiz: I'ma give it to turtle. Sorry Prec.
  395. [06:16:49 PM] Precarious: whatg
  396. [06:16:50 PM] Precarious: what
  397. [06:16:51 PM] Precarious: why
  398. [06:16:55 PM] jerenator: Oi, I gave the full name :u
  399. [06:16:58 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: To be fair, Prec got it.
  400. [06:16:59 PM] WeeklyQuiz: 'VI' is not the name of a game
  401. [06:17:04 PM] 123aaa789: never said he needed the full name
  402. [06:17:06 PM] jerenator: Neither is 'FFVI'
  403. [06:17:11 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Fine, Prec gets it.
  404. [06:17:12 PM] 123aaa789: just which one
  405. [06:17:13 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: It means six. Prec worships Sven.
  406. [06:17:14 PM] Precarious: In fact, the correct answer is
  407. [06:17:17 PM] Precarious: FINAL FANTASY VI
  408. [06:17:22 PM] 123aaa789: such caps
  409. [06:17:23 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Final Fantasy 666.
  410. [06:17:23 PM] aturtledoesbite: blah
  411. [06:17:26 PM] Precarious: because the capitals are always stylized in capitals
  412. [06:17:29 PM] Precarious: titles
  413. [06:17:30 PM] Precarious: that is
  414. [06:17:33 PM] aturtledoesbite: dat
  415. [06:17:37 PM] 123aaa789: the capitals in capitals you say
  416. [06:17:39 PM] Blizzard2000: dat'
  417. [06:17:41 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: FINAL FANTASY SVEN
  418. [06:17:45 PM] jerenator: Stylization is not necessary needed in writing of a name.
  419. [06:17:48 PM] Precarious: what have I created
  420. [06:17:53 PM] Pigjr1: Sven is a reindeer.
  421. [06:17:55 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #11: Which Grand Theft Auto Game has a literal (chocolate) Easter Egg hidden within the game?
  422. [06:17:58 PM] 123aaa789: 1
  423. [06:17:59 PM] 123aaa789: 2
  424. [06:17:59 PM] 123aaa789: 3
  425. [06:17:59 PM] 123aaa789: 4
  426. [06:18:01 PM] Pigjr1: GTA5
  427. [06:18:02 PM] Precarious: Vice City
  428. [06:18:03 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: GTA5
  429. [06:18:03 PM] aturtledoesbite: San Andreas
  430. [06:18:03 PM] djrockstar: vice city
  431. [06:18:06 PM] 123aaa789: I tried
  432. [06:18:09 PM] Precarious: Liberty City Stories
  433. [06:18:09 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Vice city is correct.
  434. [06:18:11 PM] aturtledoesbite: dang
  435. [06:18:14 PM] djrockstar: chatlag op
  436. [06:18:16 PM] aturtledoesbite: dang you prec
  437. [06:18:19 PM] Precarious: guessing is fun
  438. [06:18:21 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Prec cheatah
  439. [06:18:28 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Guessing is not fun ._>
  440. [06:18:28 PM] MyNameIsNothing: im gonna get dis next point 4 sure
  441. [06:18:36 PM] 123aaa789: I got one, my life is complete
  443. [06:18:42 PM] djrockstar: nu-uh me
  444. [06:18:46 PM] Precarious: Do all remaining questions on Final Fantasy or Metroid, please
  445. [06:18:46 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: STEP DOWN.
  446. [06:18:49 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #12: Which colours of the rainbow are not represented by one of the original Angry Birds’ main colours?
  447. [06:18:54 PM] djrockstar: YELLOW
  448. [06:18:54 PM] aturtledoesbite: Purle
  449. [06:18:55 PM] Precarious: indigo
  450. [06:18:55 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Purpe
  451. [06:18:55 PM] 123aaa789: indigo
  452. [06:18:56 PM] jerenator: purple, green
  453. [06:18:56 PM] ChatGames: It's too bad I know all the answers. :(
  454. [06:18:58 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: *Purple
  455. [06:18:58 PM] Behemoth542: I'm hard
  456. [06:18:59 PM] WeeklyQuiz: There's three
  457. [06:19:01 PM] Precarious: violet
  458. [06:19:03 PM] 123aaa789: infrared
  459. [06:19:04 PM] Precarious: orange
  460. [06:19:06 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Pruple, Green, Violet
  461. [06:19:09 PM] WeeklyQuiz: I need all three in the answer
  462. [06:19:10 PM] jerenator: purple, green, blue
  463. [06:19:12 PM] Precarious: indigo, violet, orange
  464. [06:19:14 PM] 123aaa789: radio waves
  465. [06:19:15 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: *Purple, Green, Violet
  466. [06:19:17 PM] aturtledoesbite: Purple, Green, Orange
  467. [06:19:18 PM] Precarious: indigo, violet, green
  468. [06:19:18 PM] djrockstar: red, black and blue
  469. [06:19:20 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Indigo, Violet, Purple
  470. [06:19:20 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Prec gets it again
  471. [06:19:28 PM] aturtledoesbite: dang you prec
  472. [06:19:29 PM] aturtledoesbite: go away
  473. [06:19:31 PM] Precarious: ...which one was it?
  474. [06:19:31 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Not really :3
  475. [06:19:36 PM] 123aaa789: gamma radiation, microwaves, ultraviolet
  476. [06:19:41 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Hey, Sam, could you wait 1 minute before giving the next question so I can eat?
  477. [06:19:47 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Answer still to be found
  478. [06:19:51 PM] ChatGames: >1 minute >eat
  479. [06:19:56 PM] Precarious: indigo, green, orange
  480. [06:19:59 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Get my food and eat while doing it
  481. [06:19:59 PM] aturtledoesbite: This Is Why You're Fat: In Sixty Seconds
  482. [06:20:00 PM] Precarious: violet, green, orange
  483. [06:20:05 PM] Behemoth542: damn
  484. [06:20:05 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Indigo, Green, Violet
  485. [06:20:07 PM] Behemoth542: internet cut off
  486. [06:20:09 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Indigo and violet are correct
  487. [06:20:13 PM] ChatGames: wb
  488. [06:20:14 PM] Behemoth542: I'll rephrase
  489. [06:20:15 PM] Precarious: indigo, violet, blue
  490. [06:20:15 PM] aturtledoesbite: Indigo, Violet, Green
  491. [06:20:16 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ORANGE
  492. [06:20:16 PM] jerenator: indigo, violet, orange
  493. [06:20:17 PM] Behemoth542: I'm Hard
  494. [06:20:20 PM] 123aaa789: wait what
  495. [06:20:22 PM] Precarious: indigo, violet, yellow
  496. [06:20:22 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Correct jerenator
  497. [06:20:24 PM] Behemoth542: Raze 2 alien campaign hard
  498. [06:20:26 PM] jerenator: \o/
  499. [06:20:28 PM] MyNameIsNothing: clearly the answer is red
  500. [06:20:28 PM] aturtledoesbite: there was a green
  501. [06:20:30 PM] Precarious: I already said that one
  502. [06:20:32 PM] aturtledoesbite: what did it do
  503. [06:20:33 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I said Orange after you confirmed the two
  504. [06:20:34 PM] 123aaa789: so lost
  505. [06:20:35 PM] MyNameIsNothing: there is no red angry bird
  506. [06:20:37 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I thought they weren't needed.
  507. [06:20:43 PM] jerenator: Yep
  508. [06:20:45 PM] jerenator: Prec said it first
  509. [06:20:46 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Since you said the others.
  510. [06:20:47 PM] ChatGames: Are you kidding, EG? ._.
  511. [06:20:49 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Oh
  512. [06:20:51 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: He did.
  513. [06:20:55 PM] MyNameIsNothing: ya
  514. [06:20:59 PM] MyNameIsNothing: jus joke dont worry
  515. [06:21:01 PM] jerenator: Point goes to prec
  516. [06:21:03 PM] ChatGames: ...k
  517. [06:21:05 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ........
  518. [06:21:07 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Wait, did prec say all three?
  519. [06:21:10 PM] jerenator: Yep.
  520. [06:21:11 PM] 123aaa789: yeah
  521. [06:21:12 PM] Pigjr1: prec modliness
  522. [06:21:12 PM] jerenator: In one line.
  523. [06:21:16 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Okay haha
  524. [06:21:22 PM] aturtledoesbite: [06:19:12 PM] Precarious: indigo, violet, orange
  525. [06:21:26 PM] jerenator: Gotta be honest :<
  526. [06:21:35 PM] Precarious: your honestly speaks well of you!
  527. [06:21:38 PM] aturtledoesbite: prec go away
  528. [06:21:39 PM] WeeklyQuiz: turtle, jerenator or BLOODY have to get the next right to force a tie-break
  529. [06:21:47 PM] 123aaa789: or me rite
  530. [06:21:48 PM] ChatGames: /kick Precarious
  531. [06:21:49 PM] WeeklyQuiz: *three
  532. [06:21:50 PM] MyNameIsNothing: or mnin
  533. [06:21:51 PM] Precarious: lol
  534. [06:21:54 PM] aturtledoesbite: okay everyone shut up and lemme answer
  535. [06:21:57 PM] MyNameIsNothing: 123 lets tie
  536. [06:21:58 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Lemme
  537. [06:22:04 PM] 123aaa789: I have 1 mnin u?
  538. [06:22:10 PM] MyNameIsNothing: i have none
  539. [06:22:10 PM] Blizzard2000: i have 0
  540. [06:22:12 PM] MyNameIsNothing: so lemme get dis
  541. [06:22:13 PM] 123aaa789: o
  542. [06:22:13 PM] Blizzard2000: u should all tie me
  543. [06:22:14 PM] 123aaa789: k
  544. [06:22:15 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #13: Which TV comedy series has video games with the subtitles ‘Road Rage’, ‘Wrestling’ and ‘Tapped Out’ among others?
  545. [06:22:15 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: 2
  546. [06:22:19 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Simpsons
  547. [06:22:23 PM] jerenator: Simpsons
  548. [06:22:23 PM] WeeklyQuiz: MNIN is right
  549. [06:22:24 PM] djrockstar: simposons
  550. [06:22:25 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: SOnova
  551. [06:22:25 PM] 123aaa789: that 70s show
  552. [06:22:26 PM] aturtledoesbite: dang mnin wins
  553. [06:22:27 PM] ChatGames: lol.
  554. [06:22:29 PM] MyNameIsNothing: sweg sweg sweg
  555. [06:22:31 PM] ChatGames: Good job.
  556. [06:22:35 PM] Precarious: dat mnin speed
  557. [06:22:36 PM] MyNameIsNothing: simpsons road rage too good
  558. [06:22:38 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: That Sventy's Show
  559. [06:22:42 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: I know, that was fun :3
  560. [06:22:47 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Simpsons Hit and Run is genuinely one of my favourite games ever
  561. [06:22:49 PM] 123aaa789: mnin so proud
  562. [06:22:56 PM] jerenator: Aye, MNIN should have it.
  563. [06:22:58 PM] aturtledoesbite: next question
  564. [06:23:00 PM] aturtledoesbite: gogogo
  565. [06:23:03 PM] MyNameIsNothing: 123 we tied, pretty much twins
  566. [06:23:09 PM] MyNameIsNothing: oh wait more questions
  567. [06:23:09 PM] 123aaa789: tied for now
  568. [06:23:11 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #14: What is the maximum achievable level on Steam?
  569. [06:23:14 PM] MyNameIsNothing: 5
  570. [06:23:14 PM] djrockstar: 10
  571. [06:23:15 PM] jerenator: 50
  572. [06:23:15 PM] aturtledoesbite: 99
  573. [06:23:15 PM] 123aaa789: 55
  574. [06:23:16 PM] Precarious: 10
  575. [06:23:17 PM] Precarious: 20
  576. [06:23:19 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: 100
  577. [06:23:19 PM] 123aaa789: 123
  578. [06:23:19 PM] aturtledoesbite: 65
  579. [06:23:20 PM] MyNameIsNothing: a gilyin
  580. [06:23:22 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Um you guys
  581. [06:23:24 PM] aturtledoesbite: 42
  582. [06:23:24 PM] 123aaa789: no cap
  583. [06:23:24 PM] Precarious: 30
  584. [06:23:26 PM] MyNameIsNothing: a gilyun
  585. [06:23:26 PM] Precarious: 40
  586. [06:23:29 PM] WeeklyQuiz: no cap is correct!
  587. [06:23:31 PM] 123aaa789: wat
  588. [06:23:33 PM] ChatGames: EG is correct.
  589. [06:23:36 PM] aturtledoesbite: dat trick question
  590. [06:23:38 PM] MyNameIsNothing: what no im not
  591. [06:23:38 PM] jerenator: Trick question
  592. [06:23:40 PM] jerenator: wat dis
  593. [06:23:43 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: My computer farted and I refreshed due to that so....I can't bin it.
  594. [06:23:45 PM] MyNameIsNothing: oh dat was a joke woops
  595. [06:23:47 PM] 123aaa789: I literally haven't used steam in 2.5 years though
  596. [06:23:47 PM] Precarious: MNIN comeback actually happening
  597. [06:23:51 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: NOT MY FAULT. NOT MY FAULT.
  598. [06:23:52 PM] MyNameIsNothing: a gilyun is always right
  599. [06:23:53 PM] Precarious: he is a prophet
  600. [06:24:05 PM] ChatGames: I'll bin this bad boy.
  601. [06:24:05 PM] aturtledoesbite: I've got everything in my chat.
  602. [06:24:08 PM] aturtledoesbite: Or adv0.
  603. [06:24:10 PM] ChatGames: kk
  604. [06:24:12 PM] ChatGames: nou
  605. [06:24:16 PM] WeeklyQuiz: FINAL QUESTION WORTH 5 POINTS
  606. [06:24:18 PM] aturtledoesbite: nou you said you'd do it
  607. [06:24:19 PM] ChatGames: i got tonnes of awkward whispers
  608. [06:24:20 PM] jerenator: Also, that is not the real answer
  609. [06:24:21 PM] djrockstar: 69
  610. [06:24:21 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: O.O
  611. [06:24:22 PM] aturtledoesbite: oh okay
  612. [06:24:26 PM] Blizzard2000: wat
  613. [06:24:27 PM] WeeklyQuiz: ...just kidding
  614. [06:24:29 PM] jerenator: The steam maxlevel has a cap
  615. [06:24:30 PM] MyNameIsNothing: pls be about super monkey ball
  616. [06:24:32 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: ; ;
  617. [06:24:39 PM] jerenator: But that cap changes every time a new badge is released
  618. [06:24:40 PM] Precarious: C'mon Super Metroid
  619. [06:24:42 PM] MyNameIsNothing: could def answer something about super monkey ball
  620. [06:24:50 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: So Jere. He was wrong
  621. [06:24:53 PM] Precarious: Or Vagrant Story
  622. [06:24:57 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Question #15: A Nintendo game has stars on some of the letters of its title art. The letters with these stars on them spell out ‘U R MR GAY’. What is this game?
  623. [06:24:59 PM] djrockstar: 69
  624. [06:24:59 PM] djrockstar: 42
  625. [06:25:03 PM] jerenator: Because there is only a set amount of xp you can earn, which increases with every new badge
  626. [06:25:04 PM] 123aaa789: lion king
  627. [06:25:04 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: MARIO
  628. [06:25:06 PM] jerenator: Super mario galaxy
  629. [06:25:06 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: SUPER MARIO WORLD
  630. [06:25:12 PM] Precarious: Super Mario Galaxy 2
  631. [06:25:12 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Super Mario Galaxy is right
  632. [06:25:14 PM] 123aaa789: super mario galaxy
  633. [06:25:18 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: Oh, I know I saw it on Youtube >.<
  634. [06:25:19 PM] aturtledoesbite: what
  635. [06:25:24 PM] ChatGames: The answer is The Olyssey.
  636. [06:25:25 PM] MyNameIsNothing: super rolby 64
  637. [06:25:28 PM] Precarious: ^
  638. [06:25:29 PM] aturtledoesbite: i've got to look at this
  639. [06:25:40 PM] WeeklyQuiz: In 5th place is MMIN with one point
  640. [06:25:47 PM] ChatGames:
  641. [06:25:51 PM] MyNameIsNothing: sweg
  642. [06:25:54 PM] WeeklyQuiz: *6th
  643. [06:25:57 PM] jerenator: Weekly, steam maxlevel is not infinite
  644. [06:25:57 PM] MyNameIsNothing: I scored that's all that matters
  645. [06:26:00 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: So we done here?
  646. [06:26:09 PM] WeeklyQuiz: In joint 3rd is turtle, BLOODY and 123
  647. [06:26:11 PM] 123aaa789: swegger than mnin
  648. [06:26:16 PM] WeeklyQuiz: 2nd is jerenator
  649. [06:26:18 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: BRONZE! BRONZE! BRONZE!
  650. [06:26:31 PM] WeeklyQuiz: But in first place with 5 points is THE NEW MOD, MR PRECARIOUS
  651. [06:26:40 PM] 123aaa789: recount pls
  652. [06:26:41 PM] jerenator: mod abuse
  653. [06:26:42 PM] djrockstar: I'm just gonna sit in the corner with 0 points.
  654. [06:26:49 PM] BLOODYRAIN10001: You guyz'
  655. [06:26:51 PM] WeeklyQuiz: Thanks to you all for playing :) Don't forget the history quiz at 3PM GMT tomorrow
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