
Deadmeat Chronicles: Deadmeat meets Sissy

Jun 14th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane.
  2. >You have found an out of the way spot with low hanging limbs.
  3. >You are hungrily eating the leaves.
  4. >You suddenly hear,”Nummies! Sissy eat nummies!”
  5. >You turn around and see a yellow Pegasus fluffy with a purple mane and sapphire eyes.
  6. >She is smiling at you and says, “Gif sissie nummies. Sissy hungy!”
  7. >Your stomach growls and you look at this new comer wanting to take your food.
  8. >”No! Yoo go way! Deadmeat’s nummies. Yoo fin yoo own nummies!”
  9. >You puff your cheeks at the interloper.
  10. >She sits back shocked at your aggression.
  11. >”But sissy hungy… pwease gif nummies…”
  12. >”No! My nummies!”
  13. >She starts to cry, tears rolling down her face.
  14. >”S-sissy hungy, m-m-meanie fwuffy no g-gif n-num nums!”
  15. >”Fin yoo own nummies! Deadmeat fin dese!”
  16. >You turn back and start to eat again.
  17. >She is still crying behind you every once in a while calling you a meanie.
  18. >You finally eat your fill.
  19. >You turn and see she is still there.
  20. >”Why no fin own nummies?”
  21. >”Sissy no know whewe wook… Taught good fwuffy shawe nummies…”
  22. >You look at the Pegasus, she looks fatter than most fluffies you have seen.
  23. >”Yoo wook wike yoo fin nummies gud.”
  24. >”Sissy no fin nummies… dada bwings nummies to Sissy…”
  25. >She has a real sad look on her face.
  26. >”Why dada bwing nummies? Yoo big. Yoo get own nummies.”
  27. >”Nuu, dada put nummies in bowl fo Sissy.”
  28. >”Dadda put weaves and gwassies in bowl? Yoo dadda stwange.”
  29. >She jumps up and starts to yell at you.
  30. >”NUU! Dadda gud dadda! He gif huggies and sketties! Dadda gud!”
  31. >”Wha sketties?”
  32. >”Yoo dum dum fwuffy! Yoo no know wha sketties is! Yoo meanie fwuffy too!”
  33. >She breaks down and cries again..
  34. >You feel your mangled ear flop.
  35. >You remember the attack from the feral herd that tore it
  36. >You look around and see that there are still plenty of leaves hanging down.
  37. >You don’t want to be a meanie fluffy.
  38. >You look down, “Yoo can eat.. Deadmeat sowwy. Deadmeat no meanie fwuffy…”
  39. >She looks up sniffling, “Yoo wan Sissy eat nummies?”
  40. >”Fwuffy eat nummies. Dey lots of nummies hewe.”
  41. >She jumps up and runs up to you.
  42. >Instinctively you get into a defensive stance.
  43. >She ignores it and jumps on you hugging you.
  44. >”Sissy take back, yoo gud fwuffy.”
  45. >She starts to hungrily eat the leaves.
  46. >After she finishes she walks back to you and gives you another hug.
  47. >”Wan pway?” she asks.
  48. >”Yoo wan pway wid Deadmeat?”
  49. >”Wes, until dadda comes back fo Sissy.”
  50. >”Whewe dadda at?”
  51. >”Sissy no know. Dadda be dum dum and forget Sissy. Sissy wait fo dadda.”
  52. >”Dadda foget fwuffy?”
  53. >”Dadda put Sissy in bawks.” She points to an overturned box next to a trash can.
  54. >”Sissy get hungy and wook fo nummies. Sissy keep eye out fo dadda, dadda come back.”
  55. >You have no clue what she is talking about.
  56. >You can’t figure out why a daddy fluffy would put such an old daughter in a box.
  57. >You feel a slap on your back side.
  58. >”Yoo it!”
  59. >You turn angrily and see her waddling away giggle, “Yoo no tag Sissy!”
  60. >You easily catch her and push her down.
  61. >”Why yoo hit Deadmeat?”
  62. >”Owwies! Yoo tag wough!”
  63. >She jumps up, “Sissy tuwn!”
  64. >You back up, “Yoo hit Deadmeat again?”
  65. >”Nuu siwwy fwuffy. Dats how yoo pway! Yoo try and not wet Sissy tag yoo!”
  66. >She starts running at you with a happy look on her face.
  67. >You easily out run her.
  68. >She gets frustrated and starts to cry.
  69. >You come back and hug her.
  70. >The rest of the day you spend learning new games from your new friend.
  71. >That night she nuzzles next to you under a bush keeping an eye on the box.
  72. >”When dadda come back fo Sissy?” she says just before she falls asleep.
  73. >You nod off soon after.
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