
Dreaming with Abyss

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. [22:19] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Don't laugh at me Carl. What happens?"
  2. [22:20] <Abyss> Abyss growls at you, it knows that that would never happen
  3. [22:20] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Is that a promise?"
  4. [22:22] <Abyss> The mask snarls in a way to imply that if it were to happen then it would be the first time for such a thing, and in that event who knows what could happen
  5. [22:23] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "So if we were to make a deal that you wouldn't overshadow me..."
  6. [22:24] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "You would avoid doing so?"
  7. [22:25] <Abyss> The mask affirms this
  8. [22:25] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Which raises another question. How can you prove that you aren't lying?"
  9. [22:25] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "CAN you lie?"
  10. [22:26] <Abyss> The mask never lies when it comes to a contract holder. That would just be bad buisness obviously
  11. [22:27] <Abyss> Or at least, that is what you think that smile means
  12. [22:27] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "And what about bending the rules? That seems like even worse business, but Regent is pretty certain you're planning to screw me over."
  13. [22:28] <Abyss> The mask's smile broadens
  14. [22:28] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Yeah. I figured that."
  15. [22:28] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Tell you what, then. Let's find out what happens if you get forsworn, yeah?"
  16. [22:30] <Abyss> The mask's grin disappears, how do you expect to make it agree to break its contract? It wonders
  17. [22:30] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "You don't want to know what happens? Seems like the information could be useful to a being such as yourself."
  18. [22:31] <Abyss> The Mask already has all it needs from the contracts, breaking one could provide no benefit it doesn't have already
  19. [22:32] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "So let's make a new one, then break that."
  20. [22:32] <Abyss> The mask snarls
  21. [22:32] <Abyss> The idea is dismissed by it
  22. [22:33] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Oh c'mon. What if we make a contract to make a contract to break? I'd need to pay you something for it."
  23. [22:34] <Abyss> But Lyra, the mask already has all the payments ready that it could possibly desire from you
  24. [22:34] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Really? There's nothing you can possibly think of?"
  25. [22:35] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Come on. You've clearly got *some* limitations."
  26. [22:35] <Abyss> Nothing that I don't already possess :)
  27. [22:35] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "You can't lie. That's a limit, ain't it?"
  28. [22:36] <Abyss> The Mask considers that lying to you would be akin to lying to a preschooler waddling around asking "wha ' dat?"
  29. [22:37] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I didn't really mean me. My point is, you're an inanimate object."
  30. [22:38] <Abyss> The mask grins, and asks what you think that that makes you
  31. [22:39] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Dude. If I'm your puppet, your Johannes, then that's gonna end up hurting you in the long run."
  32. [22:39] <Abyss> The mask is no inanimate object
  33. [22:40] <Abyss> It demonstrates that by doing something that produces a sensation of hundreds of crawling insects on the inside of its self
  34. [22:40] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Not the point. Bad for business, right? You need people to accept your deals."
  35. [22:40] <Abyss> Abyss only needs one
  36. [22:41] <Abyss> A mocking laughter rings in your head
  37. [22:41] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "But you only *want* one?"
  38. [22:41] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "When there could be a half-dozen more?"
  39. [22:43] <Abyss> But Lyra, who is a better host than one of the creators of a new universe?
  40. [22:43] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I literally just told you."
  41. [22:43] <Abyss> The mask sighs
  42. [22:43] <Abyss> One at a time Lyra, one at a time
  43. [22:44] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "And you see absolutely no benefit to getting in good with the other six? Cut out as soon as you start winning?"
  44. [22:45] <Abyss> Unlike you Lyra, the mask cares a small amount about others
  45. [22:46] <Abyss> No more than what is needed will be taken
  46. [22:46] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Ouch. Channeling Regent, are we?"
  47. [22:47] <Abyss> No, Regent has no affiliation with the Abyss, it informs you
  48. [22:47] <Abyss> But that doesn't mean that it isn't wrong
  49. [22:47] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Guess that confirms it, then."
  50. [22:47] <Abyss> *is wrong
  51. [22:47] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Two individual opinions, eh?"
  52. [22:48] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Follow-up question. Are you me?"
  53. [22:48] <Abyss> Everybody is you Lyra, you can only understand people through your own senses' filters
  54. [22:49] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Holy avoiding-the-question."
  55. [22:49] <Abyss> Just because something can't lie doesn't mean it has to tell the truth
  56. [22:50] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Well duh. Doesn't help business, though."
  57. [22:51] <Abyss> Abyss asks how your cramping is going
  58. [22:51] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Dude."
  59. [22:51] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I spent three days strapped down in a car before starting this game."
  60. [22:51] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "This is nothing."
  61. [22:52] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Wouldn't mind a computer, though."
  62. [22:52] <Abyss> A smirk
  63. [22:53] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "That said, if you're so influenced by my own psychosis, then you clearly know me at least a bit"
  64. [22:53] <Abyss> It appears that Lyra is prevented from accessing her computers from this cage's position
  65. [22:53] <Lyra[Strategist14]> ((I don't think I even have any computers on my dream-self))
  66. [22:54] <Abyss> < Well, no, presumably you could reach them somewhere outside of the cage. >
  67. [22:54] <Lyra[Strategist14]> ((Wait, what exactly *is* outside the cage?))
  68. [22:55] <Abyss> < Well, from your perspective>
  69. [22:55] <Abyss> < A wall >
  70. [22:55] <Abyss> < You can't turn too much with the cage restricting your movement >
  71. [22:55] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "So. We've got a couple minutes before I wake back up. Wanna figure out that repayment? I *did* sign a contract, after all"
  72. [22:55] <Abyss> < But you think that there is a hallway you can see out of the corner of your eye behind you >
  73. [22:56] <Abyss> Abyss giggles at you
  74. [22:56] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Any suggestions?"
  75. [22:56] <Abyss> Abyss knows that it already has determined its repayment
  76. [22:57] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Well then. Good thing I said "we", eh?"
  77. [22:57] <Abyss> And that it is currently in effect right now
  78. [22:57] <Abyss> While Abyss is fully aware that you specified two parties in the contract
  79. [22:58] <Abyss> You did not specify both having an opinion of an equal weight
  80. [22:58] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "And there it is. You wanna get rules-lawyer-y, do ya?"
  81. [22:59] <Abyss> Lyra chose to put aside the rules
  82. [22:59] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Because I'm thinking you misinterpreted quite a bit of what I was saying."
  83. [22:59] <Abyss> Lyra chose to allow Abyss to interpret its own understanding of what was implied
  84. [23:00] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I can't be expected to know the way you'll misinterpret things."
  85. [23:00] <Abyss> < One minute, digging through PMs for exact wording >
  86. [23:02] <Lyra[Strategist14]> ((I've got it open. If you like, I can pastebin))
  87. [23:02] <Abyss> < I have it open as well now >
  88. [23:02] <Abyss> Abyss has in mind its proposition
  89. [23:03] <Abyss> Why doesn't Lyra propose hers first
  90. [23:03] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Well, firstly. You weren't actually supposed to get a say."
  91. [23:03] <Lyra[Strategist14]> " "we" meant my team. Alex, Tarane, Nickolai, Faerzen, and Regent."
  92. [23:05] <Abyss> No response
  93. [23:05] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "So, I'm mostly just waiting to burn up the last minute or two until I can get them all up in a memo together."
  94. [23:07] <Abyss> Abyss never intended to let you choose a price on your own. There would be no logic in letting a buyer determine a sales price at a check out counter.
  95. [23:08] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I made the offer, and you accepted."
  96. [23:08] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I'm the seller at that counter"
  97. [23:08] <Abyss> Abyss did indeed accept to help you. You wrote it a blank check for the price of its services
  98. [23:09] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "No, I said I'd give you an undefined cheque later."
  99. [23:09] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Undefined doesn't mean blank."
  100. [23:10] <Abyss> Well what is Lyra's proposition for the payment?
  101. [23:10] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I dunno. Need to talk to the others so that WE can agree on something."
  102. [23:11] <Abyss> This isn't any of their buisness. Besides, how do you expect to leave this cage to get to your computer?
  103. [23:12] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I'll wake up in like a minute. It's been at least nineteen of the twenty minutes my naps take."
  104. [23:14] <Abyss> Lyra's arrogance seems to know no bounds. Since when was the game conforming to her sleep schedule?
  105. [23:14] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Oh, good point. Nothing goes right. I forgot about that part."
  106. [23:15] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "So. We're in here for a while, then. What d'you wanna do?"
  107. [23:15] <Abyss> Well, Lyra could make the contract now, on her own terms
  108. [23:16] <Abyss> Or could bind the entire group to Abyss, in eight hours
  109. [23:16] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "What contract would that be?"
  110. [23:16] <Abyss> The unsettled contract pertaining to help with the Dersite Queen
  111. [23:17] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I told you, I need to chat with the others to establish how you'll be repayed. Assuming you actually help me, of course."
  112. [23:18] <Abyss> Contracts are of a personal nature
  113. [23:18] <Abyss> If the group wants to make a contract
  114. [23:18] <Abyss> Then the group will make a payment
  115. [23:18] <Abyss> If Lyra wants to make a contract
  116. [23:18] <Abyss> Then Lyra will make a payment
  117. [23:18] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Yes. But the others need to help decide the payment."
  118. [23:19] <Abyss> Lyra implies that the group will be committing to a contract then
  119. [23:20] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "No. They'll be providing suggestions for me to uphold my end of the bargain."
  120. [23:20] <Abyss> Lyra is not allowed to ask for help with her payment, Abyss won't discuss it with them
  121. [23:21] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Then maybe they are a part of it. Which means the whole contract is null and void, since they never agreed to it."
  122. [23:22] <Abyss> Lyra doesn't seem to understand that she doesn't have the knowledge to attempt to use legal terms to her advantage here
  123. [23:23] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "If you're an aspect of me, then I quite certainly do."
  124. [23:23] <Abyss> Lyra, again, is jumping to conclusions
  125. [23:23] <Abyss> Well, at least Lyra isn't rushing into anything headfirst this time
  126. [23:24] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Or maybe I should sign a contract with you that requires Alex to give me his computer, without him getting informed at all. What's wrong with that?"
  127. [23:24] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Can't make a deal for someone else."
  128. [23:24] <Abyss> Lyra is correct
  129. [23:24] <Abyss> Which is exactly why her group can't make a payment for her
  130. [23:24] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "They aren't making the payment, I keep telling you."
  131. [23:25] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "They're deciding what *I* make as payment."
  132. [23:25] <Abyss> By the very act of participating in the deal they are forced to sacrifice something themselves
  133. [23:26] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Their time, their effort?"
  134. [23:26] <Abyss> Lyra is thinking a bit Naive again
  135. [23:26] <Abyss> Their limbs, their hope
  136. [23:27] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "You still don't get a say, y'know."
  137. [23:27] <Abyss> Again, Lyra makes another comment betraying the true ignorance she has on the subject
  138. [23:28] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "So enlighten me."
  139. [23:28] <Abyss> Now where would the good business be in that?
  140. [23:29] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Repeat customers. Word-of-mouth advertising."
  141. [23:29] <Abyss> Abyss again, only wants one pact to be made
  142. [23:30] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Why?"
  143. [23:31] <Abyss> Abyss asks Lyra a question:
  144. [23:32] <Abyss> Would Lyra rather have an unlimited roll of Ductape to patch a hole, or two unlimited rolls of Ductape?
  145. [23:32] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Uh. Two?"
  146. [23:33] <Abyss> But the second option has risked attached
  147. [23:33] <Abyss> One could risk losing the first
  148. [23:34] <Abyss> And perhaps end up with none at all
  149. [23:34] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I getcha. You're afraid."
  150. [23:34] * Lyra[Strategist14] grins
  151. [23:35] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Too afraid to try and make things better for you, eh?"
  152. [23:35] <Abyss> Better is a subjective manner in this case
  153. [23:35] <Abyss> < I gotta get to sleep soon, let's finding a stopping place >
  154. [23:35] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Guess you're bound by Sabath's rules as well, huh?"
  155. [23:36] <Abyss> Isn't everything bound by Sabath's rules?
  156. [23:36] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "No comment."
  157. [23:38] <Abyss> No response
  158. [23:38] <Abyss> Lyra starts to feel sleepy
  159. [23:38] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Ah, there we go. Guess I miscounted."
  160. [23:39] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Well, it's been... something."
  161. [23:39] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Maybe I'll have reached a decision when we next meet."
  162. [23:39] <Abyss> Abyss will be with Lyra to monitor the pricing arrangement
  163. [23:40] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "Naturally. Good thing monitoring is all you can do, eh?"
  164. [23:40] <Abyss> If Lyra's friends participate they will be subject to a relevant level of punishment as part of the contract
  165. [23:41] <Lyra[Strategist14]> "I'm a sociopath, remember? I don't have any friends."
  166. [23:41] * Lyra[Strategist14] yawns
  167. [23:41] <Abyss> no response
  168. [23:42] <Abyss> Lyra drifts off to sleep
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