
Punny Pinkie: Hit it Off

Jan 27th, 2014
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  1. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!"
  2. >Looking down on at the flaccid, pink pony on the ground, panic begins to quickly grab you.
  3. >You thought she was an intruder!
  4. >Anyone would have done the same thing in your in your situation, right?
  5. >Sitting down for a second, you try to calm yourself and try to piece together what just happened.
  6. >You were lying down in bed, about to fall asleep, when Pinkie waltz in through your bedroom window.
  7. >Grabbing your "niggerbegood" stick, you smacked her against the skull, pretty much taking her out in one hit.
  8. >Her eyes rolled up and everything!
  9. >Placing the baseball bat down on the floor, you begin pacing back and forth throughout the room.
  10. "Okay, Anon. You got this! All you have to do is hide the body and no one will ever know that it happened."
  11. >Grabbing her by the back legs, you drag her out of the building and into the Everfree Forest with a shovel in hand.
  12. >Deeper and deeper, you venture in until you've lost track of where you are.
  13. >As you begin digging the hole, you think back to the good times you had with Pinkie.
  14. >...
  15. >Okay, maybe not good, but more of the times with her.
  16. >You remember the times she pranked you, like when she saran wrapped the toilet bowl and you ended up in a pool of you own diarrhea.
  17. >Or the time where she had a angry, horny monkey hidden in your closet when you woke up one morning.
  18. "Alright, this bitch kind of deserved this," you mutter to yourself as you continue digging.
  19. >Once you've reached the desired depth, you climb back up to find Pinkie sitting against a tree, wearing her evil, seductive grin.
  20. >You raise your shovel to end it, but it's too late.
  21. >She finishes her statement, not missing a beat.
  22. >"Trying to get a mare by hitting them with a bat is the wrong way to court! You'll never hit it off like that!"
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