

Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. [url=]Austin and Jericho[/url] vs [url=]Owen and Liger[/url] was a pretty great match! It started off slow, with Jericho and Liger doing their usual schtick of back and forth, getting the crowd warmed up! The two of them looked for a sign of weakness in the other, and Jericho faltered first! Liger manageed to get him with a fisherman buster!
  3. 1... Jericho kicked out! Liger followed up by tying Jericho up in holds, eventually getting him into the surfboard. Jericho tried in vain to escape the hold, but only got in deeper, as Liger was able to wrangle Jericho's head, slapping on a dragon sleeper and wearing down Jericho's legs and head at the same time. Jericho went for the less honorable route, poking at Liger's mask, trying to poke an eye or pull some hair, but this, too, was unsuccessful. So Jericho went for the ribs, poking in as hard as he could, punching when he could figure out where his hand was in relation to Liger's ribs, and eventually, Liger had to let go. Jericho took this opportunity to whip Liger into his corner, and tag in Austin so the two of them could gang up on Liger. Liger had been in there the whole match so far, and was looking worse for wear. Every time he tried to mount an offense, Austin would be able to stop him! After a few minutes, laughing back and forth, of Austin and Jericho beating down on Liger, Jericho taunted Liger, and hits a Codebreaker on him to a chorus of boos!
  5. 1...2...2.9! Liger just barely managed to kick out. He made a jump for Owen, but Jericho caught his foot in midair and dragged him back to their corner! He tags in Austin, and the beatdown begins anew, until Austin went for the Thesz Press and Liger ducked under, dived into the corner, and tagged in Owen!
  7. As Owen entered the ring, the two legal men stared each other down. Austin cracked a sly smile, got down on his knees, and clutched his leg, “Ow my leg! I'm a dumbass Canadian who doesn't know when to quit when he has the chance! I'm soh-rry! I'm so soh-rry!” Owen was livid, and started to beat down on Austin, but Austin got him with a swift kick to the shoulder, and laughed as the Hart stumbled back. The two of them got into their usual dance of attack and return, which they learned over three months of studying each other's every move, and Owen got the upper hand. He got Austin into the sharpshooter, wrenching on his injured leg like he did last night, but Jericho kept Austin in the match-up, dragging Austin closer to his side. Austin managed to tag out to Jericho as Owen was recovering. Jericho leaped into action, taking the beleaguered Hart down with kicks and huricanranas before keeping him down with stomps and holds, finally hitting a Codebreaker on Owen and going for the cover!
  9. 1...2... No! Owen tried to roll out to catch his breath, but [url=]Goldust[/url] ran down and whipped him into the ring while Austin distracted the referee! Jericho hits Owen with another Codebreaker!
  11. 1...2...3! [b]Chris Jericho has pinned Owen Hart, and picked up the win for the Power Trip![/b]
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