

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. Taz special entrance, he arrives in his car and walks through backstage talking to people.
  3. Goldust and Rocky are holding their titles, and Taz takes a photo with them. Nishi, seeming a little bit distraught after his loss earlier, offers to take the photo instead of being in it, and Jericho is busy jumping rope, but Taz offers him some words of encouragement:
  5. "Come on, Chris! Give these people the Gift of Jericho!"
  7. They share a laugh and Taz moves on. He meets Mulder and Scully, who are talking with Bjork. Bjork is the first to notice Taz:
  9. "You know, Taz, singing is like a celebration of oxygen."
  10. "Alright, alright, I get you. Yeah, I like oxygen too! You need a lot of it for wrestling, that cardio, that endurance!"
  11. "Say, Bjork, you ever come to Brooklyn, you hit me up, we can get a classic New York slice together!"
  12. "The English eat all sorts of birds - pigeons, ducks, sparrows - but if you tell them you eat puffin, you might as well come from Mars."
  13. "Ah, I don't think they serve puffin pizza."
  14. "I'm a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl."
  15. "Whoa, and I thought I was the hardcore one!"
  17. After taking a photo with Bjork, Mulder, and Scully, Taz moves on, meeting Terry Funk, who is visibly angry.
  19. "Last time we saw each other, you suplexed me into a table!"
  20. "Nobody remembers that, Terry!"
  21. "I know! I forget it half the time myself!"
  23. After that, Taz got his game face on and came through Gorilla.
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