
A Quiet Sunday Morning

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. >"Damn it McMane, snap out of it!" One of the young soldiers shouts at his comrade.
  2. >Leaning over his bunk, the guardsman grabs his fallen equal by the shoulders and shakes him back and forth.
  3. >"Just wake up!"
  4. >The others quickly react and pull him back.
  5. >"Hey! Get off him, Boulderhoof!"
  6. >"Yeah calm down, Boulder, throwing him around isn't going to make him any better."
  7. >The pony named Boulderhoof struggles against his comrades' grip for a moment before relaxing.
  8. >"But we can't just do nothing," Boulderhoof retorts.
  9. >"I mean, just look at him for Celestia's sake!" He says, flailing a hoof towards the soldier lying still before them. "Something really messed up has happened to him."
  10. >The small collection of soldiers gaze down at their friend, lying motionless on his bunk.
  11. >His eyes were wide open, staring into nothing, and his pupils were but tiny pinpricks.
  12. >His face was frozen in a look of absolute horror.
  13. >"Yes, Boulder, we can bloody tell! But that doesn't mean that knocking him around is going to help, does it though?
  14. >We'll just have to wait until the medical staff gets here, and then we'll know what's actually wrong with him."
  15. >"But don't you get it?" Boulder begins anew. "Look at his face! He saw something. Something terrifying."
  16. >"Oh come on, we can't know that for sure," another soldier says dismissively.
  17. >"Open your bucking eyes man!" Boulder bursts. "You look into his eyes and you tell me that he didn't see something that scared him halfway to death.
  18. >Go on, do it."
  19. >The other soldier glances down at his comatose comrade for a moment, before sighing dejectedly.
  20. >"Well, what exactly do you suppose he saw then? Hmm?"
  21. >"We've all heard the stories, haven't we?" Boulder ask rhetorically. "Of the things that lurk in the Everfree..."
  22. >The group of guards eye each other anxiously as the implications sink in.
  23. >"Now I don't know what McMane saw, but whatever it was, it was bad.
  24. >And that means that we have to find out what it was, because chances are, that it's still hiding somewhere in the castle."
  25. "Oh, it is," you speak up from your shadowy corner, making the young guards jump with fright.
  26. >All eyes fix on you as step towards them.
  27. >"What did you just say?" The one called Boulder demands.
  28. "The thing your friend saw, It's still here, I can assure you."
  29. >"And how do you know that? Who are you?"
  30. "I'm your superior in command, that's who I am, Private." You say as you buff out your chest which carried the mark of Lieutenant of the Royal Canterlot Guard.
  31. >The young soldiers, snapped back to reality, quickly raise their hooves in salute.
  32. >"Pardon, Sir, we didn't realize." One of the privates says in a meek voice.
  33. "Ah, what the heck, who cares?" You say, waving a hoof dismissively. "After what I saw tonight, my rank, and even my life... None of it's worth a damn thing."
  34. >"What you saw, Sir?" Boulder asks.
  35. "Yes, I saw it. The thing that your unfortunate friend witnessed, I saw it too."
  36. >The young guards gasp.
  37. >"You saw it? And you say it's still here?" Boulder asks, growing more frantic. "What was it?"
  38. "Trust me on this one kiddo, you don't want to know."
  39. >"Like Tartarus I don't want to know! If the thing that got to McMane is still out there somewhere, we have to know about it!
  40. >It's our job to protect this castle and the Princess from threats like this!"
  41. >A sudden chuckle emerges within you.
  42. >If only he knew...
  43. >The guards, even the energetic Boulderhoof, fall silent as you laugh to yourself.
  44. "I like your gusto, kid, so I'll let you have it your way."
  45. >His face lights up.
  46. "But just don't tell me that I didn't warn you."
  47. >"I won't, Sir, just tell us."
  48. "Well, have you ever looked at the castle's patrol schedule, and noticed that it leaves a large part of the castle unattended every Sunday morning?"
  49. >The youngins share sceptical looks between one another.
  50. "Yeah, I didn't think you had, but it's true, and there's a damn good reason for it too.
  51. Let me tell you from the start, and I believe it began something like this..."
  53. [...]
  55. >Focusing her energy, she thrusted into the aether, piercing its murky depths like a bear reaching into a pot of honey.
  56. >The arcane realm of magic was vast and lacked any notion of direction, but this was far from her first visit.
  57. >With practiced ease, she quickly found what she came for, and soon felt the warm, familiar feeling that always followed.
  58. >Drawing a satisfied sigh, her magenta eyes flickered open to gaze upon the wakening of her oldest friend.
  59. >The castle roof-tops around her were set ablaze against the fleeing night as the sun peaked over the horizon to begin its ascent across the heavens.
  60. >The day had officially begun.
  61. >And this day, much like any other day, carried with it the promise of hard work for the Princess of the Sun, who's in charge of running the castle, the city, and the entire nation.
  62. >In spite of this fact, however, the alabaster alicorn did not rush off to a meeting or hurry away to her court like she did on most days.
  63. >No, the not-quite-so-little pony remained still and calm among the blooming colours of the castle garden.
  64. >Because today was a special day.
  65. >Today was Sun-day.
  66. >Today, the princess had over an hour yet until her first appointment of the day.
  67. >She'd had made sure of it, carefully tailoring not only her own schedule, but the entire castle's schedule to allow her a window of peaceful seclusion in the gardens every Sunday morning.
  68. >Her royal sister had already departed to her chambers.
  69. >The royal gardener had no work on Sundays.
  70. >And the rest of the castle staff were busy in other sectors of the castle.
  71. >Even the castle guards' patrol routes had been planned out to ensure that none would be anywhere near the gardens during dawn.
  72. >The princess was all alone.
  73. >Free from prying eyes, she could allow herself the opportunity to practice some of her more... Aberrant interests.
  74. >Interest that, if anyone were to catch her in the act and the word was to spread, Rome would surely burn.
  75. >But she was always very careful.
  76. >In addition to her meticulously planning, she always double-checked that nobody was around before she began.
  77. >The alicorn's horn starts glowing anew as she once more reaches out with her magic.
  78. >With closed eyes, she surveys the castle halls and rooms lining the gardens, ensuring that they are all void of ponies.
  79. >All ponies, even earth-ponies, are filled with a magical essence, which made them easy to detect to someone with her experience.
  80. >Satisfied with her search yielding no results, the princess opens her eyes again as she feels herself unable to hold back the smile overtaking her snout.
  81. >It was time to begin.
  84. Your ironclad boots chimed in a most enjoyable manner as your feet struck the granite floor of the castle hallway.
  85. You really liked these boots; they were incredibly sturdy and surprisingly comfortable.
  86. >Though, of course, it had taken the royal shoemakers an ample amount of atrocious attempts before getting it right.
  87. >You pity the poor pony who does your laundry, as surely they must drown in a sea of half horse-shoe, half human-shoe abominations every time they open your clothes cabinet.
  88. >But alas, such is the price of perfection.
  89. >And looking down at your feet as walk, you could astutely declare that perfection has been achieved.
  90. >Freeing your focus from your fabulously fashioned footwear, you come to a halt in front of a window that gazes out at the illustrious sun which had just appeared beyond the horizon.
  91. >Staring out at nothing, your raise your cup to your mouth and enjoy a slow sip of its steamy, black content.
  92. >You'd grown very fond of your morning walks through the castle.
  93. >It was strangely peaceful, considering how hectic this place could be.
  94. >Though, some places were always hectic, like the kitchen.
  95. >Every morning, you waltz in there to fix yourself a cup of java, and everyone working there always seem too busy to even notice the big, bipedal alien among them.
  96. >Or maybe they do take note of you, but simply don't mind your presence in their workplace.
  97. >Perhaps your role as a foreign diplomat grants you the permission to be there.
  98. >That would make more sense, possibly.
  99. >You'd have to remember to ask one of the princesses about it.
  100. >Speaking of which... As you avert your gaze from the rising sun, you find that the window offers a full view over the castle gardens down below.
  101. >And as you look down at greenery, you spot a familiar, white alicorn standing amidst it all.
  102. >You could see that she had her eyes closed and you could make out a mute glow surrounding her horn.
  103. >You wonder what she's doing.
  104. >The sun is already up; shouldn't she be busy with some sort of princess work?
  105. >Having nothing better to do, you decide that you might as well go ask her about it.
  106. >You don't get the chance to spend a lot of time with her, but when you do, she always seems very glad to see you.
  107. >You like the princess, and you're fairly certain that she likes you too.
  108. >You're sure she won't mind your intrusion.
  109. >Turning away from the window, you head for the nearest staircase leading down to the ground-floor.
  111. >The castle layout, you've found, is confusing at the best of times, and usually makes you feel like a rat in a maze.
  112. >This time, however, it didn't take you too long to find a set of stairs followed by a hallway that doubled back towards the gardens.
  113. >With surprising ease you find yourself before a door leading to the garden, and you promptly step through.
  114. >The outside air was light but also warm, despite the early hour - summer was drawing close.
  115. >As the door clicks shut behind you, you pause to yet again stare at the sunrise.
  116. >You're gonna have to remember to ask the princess if it takes a lot of effort for her to raise that thing.
  117. >You'd imagine that it does, but then again, you're not a magical wizard pony, so you're hardly the most valid expert on the subject matter.
  118. >Allowing yourself one more sip of coffee, you linger but a spell before heading off into the gardens in search of Princess Celestia.
  119. >You pass statues, trees and bushes of various descriptions, and even a pond, before you locate the hedges that wall off the centre of the garden.
  120. >Rounding the end of a hedge, you stop dead in your tracks as you spot what they were hiding.
  121. >You blink your eyes in disbelief.
  122. >The princess was lying on her back with her wings unfurled, downy feathers billowing each which way.
  123. >Her gilded regalia was discarded haphazardly in the clearing.
  124. >She was wearing a massive, lopsided grin as she rolled back and forth in the grass.
  125. >Not sure how to react, you simply stand in silence, watching her go at it.
  126. >Princess Celestia of Equstria, the Bringer of Light and the Wielder of Sun-fire, appeared akin a dog rolling around in a heap of snow.
  127. >Her tail was even twitching and waggling about as she indulged in her merriment.
  128. >You had to admit, she did look happier than you'd ever seen.
  129. >Raising your cup, you take a sip of coffee as you continue to watch her.
  130. >At the sound of your mouth drawing in liquid, however, the princess seizes up as her eyes shoot open wide.
  131. >In a fraction of a blink, she's up on all fours, and turned towards you.
  132. >She's adopted a stoic face, though a slight discolouring of her cheeks leak through the façade.
  133. >"Mr Anonymous," she says flatly.
  134. "Princess Celestia," you reply in kind.
  135. >"Out for your morning walk, I see?" She asks as her eyes seem desperately seek purchase on anything but your own.
  136. "Yep."
  137. >"And just how long have you been standing there?"
  138. "Long enough."
  139. >"I... I see..." She says, as her cheeks grow more colourful still.
  140. >An awkward silence settles in, and you let it linger for a spell as you have another sip of coffee.
  141. >"So..."
  142. "So?"
  143. >"What happens now?" She enquires.
  144. "Well, I'm not sure if it's entirely appropriate," you say as a smile start to spread across your face, "But I have a proposition for you that I think we'll both find appeasing."
  145. >"Oh?" She raises a brow at you.
  146. "Let me show you," you say as you start moving towards her.
  149. >As you barrel down the hall, you spot a guard up ahead.
  150. >You call out to him, "Private!"
  151. >He stops and looks over at you, quickly noting your rank of Lieutenant.
  152. >"Sir," he salutes as you come closer.
  153. "Fall in, Private, we've got to hurry," you command as you move past him.
  154. >"But Sir," he calls to you, "I'm patrol - I can't leave my post."
  155. "You can now. As you commanding officer, I relieve you of your standing orders." You say without stopping. "You're on me now, let's go."
  156. >The young guardsman scrambles to catch up with you as you make haste through the castle.
  157. "What's your name, Private?"
  158. >"Private McMane, Sir."
  159. "I'm glad to have you with me, McMane."
  160. >"Uhh, where are we going, Sir?"
  161. "The gardens, Private. I was looking over the patrol schedules, and I noticed that every patrol route is giving the gardens a wide birth berth during this time every Sunday.
  162. Nobody I asked seemed to know why, so I'm going to find out on my own."
  163. >"Do you think something's wrong, Sir?"
  164. "I'm sure of it."
  165. >Ready for anything, the two of you practically stormed the gardens.
  166. >Nothing seemed out of place at first glance, but the gardens were vast, and so you began searching.
  167. >You didn't discover anything of interest until you drew close to the centre of the gardens, where you heard an out-of-place, feminine squealing sound.
  168. >It seemed to be coming from behind a wall of hedge.
  169. >The two of you readied your arms and looked at each other with steeled eyes.
  170. >You'd been right, something was going on here.
  171. >And you were about to find out what.
  172. >In synchronized motion, both of you jump out from behind the hedge to face what laid beyond.
  173. >Instantly, both of your weapons dropped to the grass at your feet.
  174. >On the ground before you, Princess Celestia lay in her nude.
  175. >Her glorious wings were ruffled and puffed up.
  176. >She had strands of grass sticking out of her ethereal mane.
  177. >The Hue-Man diplomat was bent over her, his strange hands were on her midriff.
  178. >The Princess was giggling and tittering like a tiny schoolfoal as the Hue-Man ran his hands across her belly.
  179. >Her eyes were shut tight and her cheeks were burning red as the alien creature worked her stomach with his fingers.
  180. >He was rubbing her royal tummy up and down.
  181. >Stroking and kneading her plush belly, sliding his fingers across her silky coat.
  182. >Celestia's wings were furling and unfurling sporadically, and her back legs were twitching to and fro.
  183. >"A-Anonymous... Don't stop," she spoke in a shaky voice.
  184. >"Wouldn't dream of it, Princess," the Hue-Man replied.
  185. >A thud to your side announces your escort's fall into unconsciousness.
  186. >Your soldier's instincts kick in, and you quickly grab your fallen brother and begin pulling him towards safety, knowing full well that neither of you would ever be able to fall asleep again after the horrors you'd seen today.
  188. end
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