
checking if make and cmake are installed

Jun 5th, 2017
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  1. mona@DESKTOP-0JQ770H:~$ make
  2. make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
  3. mona@DESKTOP-0JQ770H:~$ cmake
  4. cmake version
  5. Usage
  7. cmake [options] <path-to-source>
  8. cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build>
  10. Options
  11. -C <initial-cache> = Pre-load a script to populate the cache.
  12. -D <var>:<type>=<value> = Create a cmake cache entry.
  13. -U <globbing_expr> = Remove matching entries from CMake cache.
  14. -G <generator-name> = Specify a build system generator.
  15. -T <toolset-name> = Specify toolset name if supported by
  16. generator.
  17. -Wno-dev = Suppress developer warnings.
  18. -Wdev = Enable developer warnings.
  19. -E = CMake command mode.
  20. -i = Run in wizard mode.
  21. -L[A][H] = List non-advanced cached variables.
  22. --build <dir> = Build a CMake-generated project binary tree.
  23. -N = View mode only.
  24. -P <file> = Process script mode.
  25. --find-package = Run in pkg-config like mode.
  26. --graphviz=[file] = Generate graphviz of dependencies, see
  27. CMakeGraphVizOptions.cmake for more.
  28. --system-information [file] = Dump information about this system.
  29. --debug-trycompile = Do not delete the try_compile build tree.
  30. Only useful on one try_compile at a time.
  31. --debug-output = Put cmake in a debug mode.
  32. --trace = Put cmake in trace mode.
  33. --warn-uninitialized = Warn about uninitialized values.
  34. --warn-unused-vars = Warn about unused variables.
  35. --no-warn-unused-cli = Don't warn about command line options.
  36. --check-system-vars = Find problems with variable usage in system
  37. files.
  38. --help-command cmd [file] = Print help for a single command and exit.
  39. --help-command-list [file] = List available listfile commands and exit.
  40. --help-commands [file] = Print help for all commands and exit.
  41. --help-compatcommands [file]= Print help for compatibility commands.
  42. --help-module module [file] = Print help for a single module and exit.
  43. --help-module-list [file] = List available modules and exit.
  44. --help-modules [file] = Print help for all modules and exit.
  45. --help-custom-modules [file]= Print help for all custom modules and exit.
  46. --help-policy cmp [file] = Print help for a single policy and exit.
  47. --help-policies [file] = Print help for all policies and exit.
  48. --help-property prop [file] = Print help for a single property and exit.
  49. --help-property-list [file] = List available properties and exit.
  50. --help-properties [file] = Print help for all properties and exit.
  51. --help-variable var [file] = Print help for a single variable and exit.
  52. --help-variable-list [file] = List documented variables and exit.
  53. --help-variables [file] = Print help for all variables and exit.
  54. --copyright [file] = Print the CMake copyright and exit.
  55. --help,-help,-usage,-h,-H,/?= Print usage information and exit.
  56. --help-full [file] = Print full help and exit.
  57. --help-html [file] = Print full help in HTML format.
  58. --help-man [file] = Print full help as a UNIX man page and exit.
  59. --version,-version,/V [file]= Show program name/version banner and exit.
  61. Generators
  63. The following generators are available on this platform:
  64. Unix Makefiles = Generates standard UNIX makefiles.
  65. Ninja = Generates files (experimental).
  66. CodeBlocks - Ninja = Generates CodeBlocks project files.
  67. CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files.
  68. Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.
  69. Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles
  70. = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.
  71. KDevelop3 = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.
  72. KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.
  73. Sublime Text 2 - Ninja = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files.
  74. Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles
  75. = Generates Sublime Text 2 project files.
  77. mona@DESKTOP-0JQ770H:~$
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