
Green Light Journal Entries 1-7

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. ---------ENTRY 1---------
  3. Day: 57+84
  4. In other words... Sum 141
  5. *snrk*
  6. Well, all the cool kids are doing it, so figured now's as good a time as any to write in this journal. NOT A DIARY. A journal! A manly journal, that's DRIPPING in testosterone!
  7. ...
  8. S-Shut up. Anyways, just gonna start writing because, well, it feels like life is *good*! Like, seriously. For once, it seems like everything is going to be fine!
  9. *A doodle of a flying lawnmower is next to these words, with the caption 'There is no need to be upset'*
  10. Goal: Hmm... I'd say gettin' a violin. I really, really loved to play the violin, and the viola, back home. Not sure how it'd translate to hooves, might have ta use wings.. somehow... But I'll make it work!! It'd just be like using one finger on the left hand, should be fine, just gotta shift positions a looot. I think I'll place an order for it soon!~
  12. I'mma fill you with MORE WORDS next time Mr. Journal, and you're gonna like it!!
  13. -GL
  15. --------ENTRY 2---------
  17. Day 142
  18. Yeah, okay, I realize that writing my journals in the mornings is a tad bit unconventional.
  20. Yesterday was a pretty okay day! Met two new ponies, Rick and Mist. Rick seems really bro-tier, defs gonna talk with him more. As for Mist... well, people (*Cough, Booze and Curious*) are thinking that she's not really from our home world, that she's an Equestrian spy. Her alluding to how 4chan may have had the capabilities to start world wars, or just the way she threw around those terms, seems to make this case less than /pol/-tier tinfoil.
  21. *A doodle of Ron Paul is next to these words*
  22. But in any case, the only question I have is 'So What?' Even *IF* she was a spy, what good will it do us to confront her about it? I'm just gonna be myself, hopefully... IFSHEISASPY, she'll just realize we don't pose any danger to Equestria.
  23. ...
  24. We should've included 'Boards Regularly Visited' on the census so we could determine level of threat, from /vp/ to /b/.
  25. /vp/ being huddled up in a corner and /b/ kicking beehives cause it's fun, heh.
  26. Also, yesterday I learned that I misheard Cheren when he told me the amount of bits a violin costs. I heard somethin' like 56, but it was actually something like 156!!!!!
  27. ...Yes, I did break my lead with those exclamation points.
  28. *Next to these words, in big, shaded letters: 'RUSTLED STATUS: RUSTLEMANIA*
  29. That's literally twice as many bits as I own! GAH. ARGH. ....FUCK!
  30. Look, I'm sorry for using harsh language here Mr. Journal but let's be honest, I feel kinda lame right now. I mean, how the hell can I make my own violin or viola? And just think... Here in Equestria they probably made models that ponies can play! I've been thinking, and, well, homemade stringed instruments really don't work with hooves.
  32. ...You know what? If my BIGGEST complaint is that I can't afford a violin, then I'd say my life is pretty darn good right now! See you later Mr. Journal!
  34. -GL
  37. ------ENTRY 3-------
  39. -DAY 143-
  40. Well, yesterday was fun! It started out as any other day, I woke up, wrote in muh journal, did some things and went to the Clinic for my shift! It's kinda weird having the day shift, you'd think it would be easy but that's the time EVERYONE is working... There's a lot of accidents! Like, one pony had a nail hammered straight through their ear. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? I tried to talk with him, asking him how it happened, but after asking me for help he would only repeat the phrase 'If you think anyone else is a harder worker, then I implore you to reconsider!' "Heya mister, how exactly didja get this wound?" 'If you think...' "Well, okay, but that's not what I was asking-" 'If you think...'
  41. *A note is scribbled on the side of that paragraph: 'Orrrr he could just be a master ruseman. We ARE from 4chan after all.'*
  42. I'm starting to think NPCs might just be a thing...
  43. However, last night was FUN! It was heartwarming, watching Al and Weathers, Golden and Star, and... Cheren and Mist... Pffttt, nah, that's not a thing. He wouldn't do that to Feathers! ..But still, it was sweet watching them all have jolly shenanigans. Kinda wish Ao was there, but he's been workin' hard lately. Plus, Rain and I got to literally FLY down the hill in our toboggan! ...Like, seriously. We FLEW.
  44. *Doodle of two pegasi, one shaded more than the other, screaming as they're sledding midair*
  45. Shenanigans ensued, and we ended up barrel rolling and loop de looping to get down safely! ...I was kinda out of it for the rest of the night though, hue. That was one Wild Ride.
  46. But then again, FC IS one big Wild Ride!
  47. *A picture of a comical skeleton, with the caption: 'ONE THAT NEVER ENDS'*
  48. -GL
  50. -----ENTRY 4-----
  52. ~~Day 144~~~
  53. Yesterday was pretty fun! I think I need to write a book titled 'Shit NPCs Say', it's getting ridiculous. Like, today, one of the clinic patients stubbed their hoof/impaled it on a twig... at the same time... His name was Will Save, and no matter what I asked him he would always reply with "Remember, fortitude relies on attitude!" ...Ihavenoideawhatthatmeans.
  55. After work, I set up a cuhrazy game of DnD! It was really fun, and even though I had no idea what I was doing it seemed as if Curi, Nick, Golden, Star, Feld, Mary, Kaia and even Arrant were having a good time. The premise was that they were transported into Detroit, and faced off against- Oh, I'll just greentext it.
  56. >Find fountain in townsquare
  57. >Rolls d100 to search for traps, gets a 47
  58. >47 traps march around the town square
  59. >Star fires a MM, scares them all away
  60. >Mary takes control of the vortex at the fountain, finds themselves transported to Detroit
  61. >Face off against a neckbeard brony
  62. >Brony summons 71 virgin neckbeards
  63. >Star summons 96 of Detroit's finest niggas to wreck them
  64. >Said african americans transformed into the Giga Nigga, asked them to head on over to Compton and restore balance to the land, overrun by bronies
  65. >Mary hails a cab, knocks out the driver
  66. >Turned out to be the Cash Cab, they end up getting a lot of dosh and begin a road trip to Compton
  67. Then Feld beat Mandopony with the power of music and dubs, and Star hurled the cash cab at Seth at Brony HQ to send him to bed once and for all, and the crew along with Arrant ended up beating the final boss, The Burdened, saving Compton from the bronies and restoring power to the Crips.
  69. ...Yeah, that sounds even weirder when I write it down. But it was fun!! ...But I kinda forgot to tell Aoyin about having a DnD session at our house, and he walked in right as I spilt the 'd100 hat'
  70. *Note scribbled to the side: Note to self: Ask someone to give me dice*
  71. I felt really bad about it, but everything's fine now! AndmaybeImadeupforitinsomemanner.
  72. *Doodle of GL whistling innocently*
  74. Well, Mr. Journal, it's been fun talking with you. And yesterday was really fun! I mean it! ...But I'll call you don't call me alright?
  76. -GL
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