
Aside 23.2: Lilventure Time, Pirate Edition

Jul 18th, 2013
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  1. Jul 18 20:16:34 <~zoofman> The evening of your schedule appointment with the Privateer's Council has finally arrived! Earlier in the day you recieved a wax-sealed, hand written letter by Chattot courier. It was a simple missive requesting you arrive at dusk and wait at the docks of Port Goldcloud for your chauffeur to arrive.
  2. Jul 18 20:18:12 <Lilith> And indeed she has, in her usual casual business attire. People swear they haven't seen her wear anything else while on the road. Weierstrass, the People's 'Cross, keeps an eye out near the port as Lil holds on to a fidgeting Dedekind.
  3. Jul 18 20:20:48 <~zoofman> It's a quiet enough town. There's -some- commotion from some visitors on the beach side and a small strip of hotels and bars and the like, but the town proper is rather...well, quiet. Lights from a bar or two, few people heading home from work, but it's not a very exciting place this time of the year.
  4. Jul 18 20:22:27 »» Lilith just hopes she made the right decision and took the right risks. She knows the general thrust of her pitch, and that Goldcloud would likely be receptive for the right price. But therein lied the problem, right?
  5. Jul 18 20:22:47 <~zoofman> You and Weierstrass hear a flirty whistling as a familiar face approaches. Weierstrass lowers his guard and points for you.
  6. Jul 18 20:23:10 »» You are now known as Captain_Bastard
  7. Jul 18 20:24:12 »» Lilith smiles. "Hey, there. Guess it's a good thing you're going to be my contact for this."
  8. Jul 18 20:24:18 <Lilith> "Or am I assuming too much?"
  9. Jul 18 20:27:19 <~Captain_Bastard> "Aye, I am. But wassa pretty lass like yerself doin' in this neck o' the isles?" Arnaldo's wearing a rather anachronistic, roguish sailor's outfit. He chuckles and drops the act a bit. "Sorry. Local venacular. You get used to it."
  10. Jul 18 20:27:38 <Lilith> "Business meeting."
  11. Jul 18 20:27:50 <Lilith> "That's not me being dodgy, that's the truth."
  12. Jul 18 20:28:59 <Lilith> "What's with the getup?"
  13. Jul 18 20:29:17 <~Captain_Bastard> "Oh? Explains why they called us all in I guess. Good to see you too though." He gives you a quick hug. "Business attire."
  14. Jul 18 20:30:46 »» Lilith hugs back. "It's been a while. Guess work's getting in the way for both of us - I missed you."
  15. Jul 18 20:31:05 <Lilith> "Maybe next time we'll go catching or something. There's something I wanted to track down."
  16. Jul 18 20:33:31 <~Captain_Bastard> "I missed you as well, but they'll be enough time for celebration later. Council gets twitchy when folks are late for a parly. C'mon, m'lday," he holds a hand out for you. "Welcome to 'home' for me at least. Sorta pales in comparison to the White Chord cities, but what can ya do?"
  17. Jul 18 20:33:52 <~Captain_Bastard> "Catching, huh? What exactly are you hunting for out there?"
  18. Jul 18 20:33:55 <Lilith> "Well, hopefully this will make it more exciting."
  19. Jul 18 20:34:15 »» Lilith takes Arnaldo's hand. "Was interested in finding an odd Scizor I've been hearing about."
  20. Jul 18 20:35:25 <~Captain_Bastard> "You being here? No doubt." He laughs as you two start to walk through the small, quaint town. "Naw I'm sure you got somethin' good to say bein' how big this got. Scizor eh? Odd how so?"
  21. Jul 18 20:36:20 <Lilith> "Just an odd case I've been hearing about on White Chord from a few of my friends in the behavioral department."
  22. Jul 18 20:36:42 <Lilith> "Says it wears a lot of heavy wraps or something. Fancies that it's a ninja or something."
  23. Jul 18 20:38:17 <~Captain_Bastard> "Doesn't sound that out there given how the folks in Venomtalon are. Never liked that place much, even if it's not much different than here. Can't put a finger on why."
  24. Jul 18 20:40:11 <~Captain_Bastard> You guys enter a small bar called THE WENCH'S KNICKERS. Place looks like it's about to fall over. Very, very old wooden building by the shoreline. "...Don't pay the name much mind. I don't get it either."
  25. Jul 18 20:40:24 <Lilith> "I've seen worse."
  26. Jul 18 20:40:44 <Lilith> "Still a curious place for a business meeting, nonetheless."
  27. Jul 18 20:41:09 <~Captain_Bastard> "Hah."
  28. Jul 18 20:42:31 <~Captain_Bastard> Inside isn't -much- better though the seating is more modern than the outside suggests. The bar itself is pretty clean and they do got a decent liquor stock. There's a few old sailors sitting at the bar and chatting with the bar tender, a peppy green haired girl.
  29. Jul 18 20:43:29 <~Captain_Bastard> Arnaldo leads you straight through, toward the bathroom divvy, and nods to the bar tender. She winks back and hits a button under the counter, causing a wall to slide out to reveal an elevator.
  30. Jul 18 20:43:38 <Lilith> "cassy."
  31. Jul 18 20:43:40 <Lilith> *Classy
  32. Jul 18 20:44:17 <~Captain_Bastard> "No one ever expects the wench's knickers to be classy." You guys step in, he hits the button, the door closes, the elevator begins to descend.
  33. Jul 18 20:45:15 <Lilith> "Wenches and knickers can be classy."
  34. Jul 18 20:48:06 <~Captain_Bastard> "I suppose they can be. Though I prefer sexy anyway." Ding. The doors slide open...
  35. Jul 18 20:48:42 <Lilith> "Does this mean you're trying to tell me something?"
  36. Jul 18 20:52:12 »» Lilith waggles her eyebrows slightly.
  37. Jul 18 20:52:18 <~Captain_Bastard> Before you is a hollowed out cave converted into an office building of sorts. A bit of a cubicle farm with a few private offices burrowed out to the sides. Though only a handful of people are still here at this hour. "Well rats, you caught me." He laughs and lets go of your hand. "Nothing's really that different about the a business setting down here. Specially given the new boss."
  38. Jul 18 20:52:33 <Lilith> "New boss?"
  39. Jul 18 20:53:19 <~Captain_Bastard> He starts forward. "Ayup, the new Gym Leader, Captain Hedricks the second. Come along, and welcome to the conclave H.Q."
  40. Jul 18 20:54:24 <Lilith> "Nice and cozy. Who else will I be discussing this with?"
  41. Jul 18 20:57:15 <~Captain_Bastard> "The four Captains other than myself that work below Hendricks, and our senior officers." You pass through a tunnelway that opens up into an alcove turned port within the cave. The orange sky can be seen from the opening. There's a looot of ships here. Some very old and obviously maintained for historical reasons, and others don't look much different than a modern battleship, just smaller.
  42. Jul 18 20:57:48 <~Captain_Bastard> "So did our mutual height challenged friend mention anything about the changes coming to the league soon?"
  43. Jul 18 20:58:17 <Lilith> "He did."
  44. Jul 18 20:58:33 <Lilith> "Said my name was being whispered all hush-hush like, which makes me a little nervous."
  45. Jul 18 20:58:38 <Lilith> "Think you can elaborate?"
  46. Jul 18 21:00:43 <~Captain_Bastard> "I -could- but I'm not exactly supposed to. Big announcement's supposed to be next Friday. Nothing I think you should worry about, though. Just a few new opportunities." He pauses before a staircase in this port area and looks to you. "You're planning to be there, right?"
  47. Jul 18 21:03:02 <Lilith> "Honestly, it's pretty frustrating being kept in the dark like this...."
  48. Jul 18 21:03:17 <Lilith> "Especially if it's so imprtant. And what, at the ball?"
  49. Jul 18 21:05:02 <~Captain_Bastard> "Yeah, the ball." He considers things briefly and speaks again. "I think you're getting the wrong idea about it. Guess being as you'll be my date, it's fair you know what's up."
  50. Jul 18 21:09:18 <~Captain_Bastard> So, as you guys start up the stairs, he tells you. (IN PM, NO SPOILAHS PEECEES)
  51. Jul 18 21:15:41 »» Lilith is so hush-hush, you have no idea.
  52. Jul 18 21:18:34 »» Lilith sighs. "Welp. Now or never."
  53. Jul 18 21:19:44 <~Captain_Bastard> You guys reach the top of the stone stairwell, and reach a steel door. Arnaldo knocks with a pattern and rythme and the door clicks open.
  54. Jul 18 21:20:57 <~Captain_Bastard> There's some faint oil lamp light inside, and quite a few people sitting around a circular 'table', as it's more a giant circular plank of wood supported by barrels. The seats themselves are also barrels.
  55. Jul 18 21:21:54 <Lilith> "Classic. Hey there."
  56. Jul 18 21:22:04 <~Captain_Bastard> Though across from you is a 'throne' of sorts, a giant seat made of gold, the person sitting at it cloaked by shadows in the room.
  57. Jul 18 21:22:13 <Lilith> "I suppose this is where I'm supposed to be initiated into the cabal?"
  58. Jul 18 21:23:11 <~Captain_Bastard> Arnaldo leads you to the table and nods toward your seat, right across from this 'throne', and takes his place with his officers. Tilde, Emile, Shark Fighter...all dressed in similar patterns and colors to himself.
  59. Jul 18 21:23:53 <Lilith> "....definitely the cabal, then."
  60. Jul 18 21:26:32 <~Captain_Bastard> The three other Captains include a middle aged woman in a ninja garb, a black man in a very tribal outfit, and a rather square faced man with a cigar clenched in his jaw and a fancy suit. Each of their officers have similar garb.
  61. Jul 18 21:26:59 <Lilith> "I'm. Dr. Vai. Nice to meet all of you."
  62. Jul 18 21:31:02 <~Captain_Bastard> Next to the throne you see a blue haired woman in a business suit. "And we welcome you to our conclave, Dr. Vai," says a voice from the direction of the throne. It's distorted, like through a machine. "I believe you are aquainted with Captain Bastard by now. The rest are Captains Utsusemi, Bronzetooth, and Godfather."
  63. Jul 18 21:31:16 <Lilith> "Charmed."
  64. Jul 18 21:32:11 <~Captain_Bastard> They all nod respectfully toward you. "And I am Captain Hendrix. May I ask you to elaborate and explain the message you left with First Mate Seir here the other day?" The blue haired woman steps forward slightly.
  65. Jul 18 21:34:11 <Lilith> "Simply put, we're considering this isle for the location of the new Safari Zone. Perhaps you've heard of the talks regarding it?"
  66. Jul 18 21:36:45 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Utsusemi speaks up. "One would have to hide under a rock to not have heard of it. The initial step toward a solution to the lack of ways for civilians of the region to aquire Pokemon."
  67. Jul 18 21:37:04 <Lilith> "Right. The main issue is expense."
  68. Jul 18 21:37:26 <Lilith> "The main benefits are flexibility, a clean slate to work with, and economic balance to the region as a while.
  69. Jul 18 21:37:31 <Lilith> whole*"
  70. Jul 18 21:38:33 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Godfather hands his cigar off to one of his officers and speaks up: "What's that got to do with why you're considering this joint then?"
  71. Jul 18 21:39:08 <Lilith> "Because,'s a tricky project."
  72. Jul 18 21:39:12 <Lilith> "Expensive."
  73. Jul 18 21:39:19 <Lilith> "And I simply can't do it alone."
  74. Jul 18 21:39:30 <Lilith> "At least, not with my contacts as they are, anyway."
  75. Jul 18 21:42:49 <~Captain_Bastard> Arnaldo seems to have a bit of an epithany. "Aha. I get it. You're hoping the conclave could help you finance this project under the agreement it's built here to help boost the economy of the town."
  76. Jul 18 21:43:19 <~Captain_Bastard> Bronzetooth snrks. "A petting zoo? That's the big plan?" You notice he really -does- seem to have a number of bronze fake teeth.
  77. Jul 18 21:43:35 <Lilith> "Well, no."
  78. Jul 18 21:44:06 <Lilith> "A Safari Zone, especially in a place like this, is a serious undertaking that attracts people from all walks of life - from the people with casual interests to even the most hardcore of trainers."
  79. Jul 18 21:44:37 <Lilith> "And because we have a clean slate, we're under no obligation to adapt to existing infrastructure or biomes."
  80. Jul 18 21:44:58 <Lilith> "This is the chance to put something -unique- here. Something no one else has tried with a safari zone - perhaps something uniquely -Visiwan-."
  81. Jul 18 21:45:27 <~Captain_Bastard> Roll me a Charm check, Lilith.
  82. Jul 18 21:46:04 <Lilith> 4d6+3 the most charming
  83. Jul 18 21:46:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Lilith, the most charming: 16 [4d6=5,2,5,1]
  84. Jul 18 21:47:19 <~Captain_Bastard> Bronzetooth seems to mull this over as Hendrix speaks up from the shadows again. "Do you know the history of this town, Dr. Vai? Or that of this place or what our Conclave stands for?"
  85. Jul 18 21:48:56 <~Captain_Bastard> While LIlith does know this, for everyone's sanity, this is what she would know, roughly.
  86. Jul 18 21:49:04 <Lilith> "Of course I do. That's also what played a part in my proposal, of course."
  87. Jul 18 21:50:44 <~Captain_Bastard> Port Goldcloud was a very rough place back in the day. THE pirate cove in the times of colonization, Queen Alieen's father was a leader among the conclave that founded it. While he was later hung for treason, and the event that got him caught led her to lose her arm, she was spared under the agreement she would join the Explorer's Guild to, in the judge's mind, die on the front lines of the colonization effort.
  88. Jul 18 21:52:07 <~Captain_Bastard> This hilariously backfired as she rallied enough support from the tribes, the colonials, and the pirates to fight back against the Empire and declare independence. The way she got the pirates to her cause had more to do with an agreement than her heritage, however. The Privateers would act as the active navy of the Isles -and- get to continue their normal activities under the agreement that their targets would
  89. Jul 18 21:52:07 <~Captain_Bastard> be enemies of the Visiwan government only.
  90. Jul 18 21:53:14 <Lilith> "The very reason I picked this location first was because it would be a relatively independent, unique venture."
  91. Jul 18 21:53:40 <Lilith> "In some sense, placing the Zone on any of the other isles would only offer more of what the isle already has."
  92. Jul 18 21:53:51 <~Captain_Bastard> It was a crucial role in wars of the 1900's, and the town prospered. Though in more peaceful times their role has largely become little more than a coast guard, and the town has dwindled to a shadow of its former self, with many of the remaining Privateers building off the former glory for tourist attractions and pirate enthusiasts.
  93. Jul 18 21:55:09 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Hendrix goes on. "I ask this mostly because I need to stress two concerns."
  94. Jul 18 21:57:31 <~Captain_Bastard> "Every one in this room knows that our town is dwindling. The smart move away and the rest fish, farm, or entertain the few guests we can attract. Many Goldclouders have both a day job -and- are members of one of our crews due to the fact that some of the more questionable aspects of our trade help their families have the commodities they need to live a comfortable life."
  95. Jul 18 21:58:05 <~Captain_Bastard> "At the same time, we're very damn proud of the heritage we have - we understand we might not be needed as we once were, but it is not something we want to forsake."
  96. Jul 18 21:58:20 <Lilith> "Noted. Very noted."
  97. Jul 18 21:58:43 <~Captain_Bastard> "I truely believe we need your Safari zone, but I also need your cooperation to ensure it does not eclipse our heritage, but bolster it."
  98. Jul 18 21:58:57 <Lilith> "Theming the park appropriately, assuming the proper resources, should be no problem. Bringing that heritage to the forefront kinda ties into making into this something uniquely Visiwan, after all."
  99. Jul 18 21:59:05 <~Captain_Bastard> The Captains all nod in agreement. Bronzetooth: "Aye, Captain, you spoke my concerns well."
  100. Jul 18 21:59:15 <Lilith> "I've got no objections to it, personally. It's a matter of being able to convince other stakeholders."
  101. Jul 18 21:59:34 <Lilith> "In fact, an idea was building this at the coast to take full advantage of it."
  102. Jul 18 22:01:20 <Lilith> "The isle's near some rather interesting coast and sea life, many of which are emblematic of that heritage."
  103. Jul 18 22:01:33 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Hendrix: "I'd like you to elaborate on that." Captain Godfather: "And while you're at it, what sort of employment opportunities will this require? This thing's going to need a sizable staff, isn't it?"
  104. Jul 18 22:02:18 <Lilith> "Wardens, maintenance staff, and odd jobs like tickets and convenience for day-to-day operations."
  105. Jul 18 22:02:55 <Lilith> "Engineers and doctors for inspections and future planning."
  106. Jul 18 22:03:09 <Lilith> "Plus overhead from construction and initial planning."
  107. Jul 18 22:06:27 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Hendrix: "Would you permit us to handle the employment? Pokemon Husbandry is something many of our locals and crew members specialize in, and this would suit them well. As would many of the other tasks it sounds you will need."
  108. Jul 18 22:06:29 <Lilith> "As for the coast was merely a concept that I'd considered fairly recently. Just because we have the opportunity for a clean slate doesn't mean we can't already use what's there."
  109. Jul 18 22:06:46 <~Captain_Bastard> "We have little in terms of engineers, though our proximity to Thundercry could alleviate that."
  110. Jul 18 22:06:53 <Lilith> "Husbandry would indeed be a critical part of the Zone."
  111. Jul 18 22:07:08 <Lilith> "Any other specialties the Privateers possess?"
  112. Jul 18 22:08:42 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Utsusemi: "Sailing, smuggling, bluffing, performing, fighting. We're a mix of entertainers and those with more practical skills. Very little of what you seem to require is outside of our capability."
  113. Jul 18 22:09:50 <Lilith> "Excellent to hear. I'll leave my contact details with all of you; if I could get a more concrete list of specialties, I'll pass them on. This will reduce the costs -massively-."
  114. Jul 18 22:10:56 <Lilith> "Once we've got everyone communicating, we can actually start with planning."
  115. Jul 18 22:11:21 <Lilith> "I have some friends I can talk to for the engineering and doctoral end back at New Ivyhollow."
  116. Jul 18 22:11:51 <Lilith> "Past that....given the concept I've put forth, I'd like to hear from all of you."
  117. Jul 18 22:11:56 <Lilith> "What would you want to include?"
  118. Jul 18 22:12:29 <~Captain_Bastard> The woman shrugs. "I see little reason for us to not to fully cooperate with this? Even your mystics and sages have a lot to offer in terms of shaping the flatlands to whatever she needs, Bronzetooth." The witch doctor captain shrugs. "I believe my concerns were addressed already."
  119. Jul 18 22:14:13 »» Lilith smiles. This was going -quite- smoothly. "Any other concerns or ideas?"
  120. Jul 18 22:14:18 <~Captain_Bastard> Godfather puffs on his cigar more and hands it back to one of his mates. "I'd like to see a more detailed map of what you're planning before we put this in full motion."
  121. Jul 18 22:14:29 »» Morty is now known as Kain
  122. Jul 18 22:14:33 <Lilith> "Right, and that requires time and some communication."
  123. Jul 18 22:15:00 <Lilith> "I'll be sure to forward the roadmap to you once things are out of the concepting stage."
  124. Jul 18 22:17:33 <~Captain_Bastard> Arnaldo also speaks up. "If I may, I feel a lot of our men care more about the heritage than the pay or what have you. Lot of them enjoy the entertainment aspect. So thinking on how to tie this Safari Zone into that theme and entertainment value. Maybe an interactive show for tourists, let the more serious ones just scoot along? Just kicking ideas. Either way I call dibs on building a bar in the lobby of thi
  125. Jul 18 22:17:33 <~Captain_Bastard> s place or something."
  126. Jul 18 22:17:55 <~Captain_Bastard> The other captains groan. Utsusemi: "You and that sinkhole hobby of yours..."
  127. Jul 18 22:18:09 »» Lilith looks to the others, clasping her hands together. "All of the above are certainly possible. Again, clean slate, easy to integrate heritage, and uniquely Visiwan. No concerns there on my end."
  128. Jul 18 22:18:27 <Lilith> "Well, only one, Captain."
  129. Jul 18 22:18:45 <Lilith> "This one's going to have to be more than a hobby, so we need to have it run in the black."
  130. Jul 18 22:22:00 <~Captain_Bastard> Arnaldo laughs: "I'll let you price the menu we come up with then."
  131. Jul 18 22:22:38 <~Captain_Bastard> Captain Hendrix claps. "I believe this is settled then. Seir, fetch some parchment, a quill, and the wax seals then."
  132. Jul 18 22:23:50 <~Captain_Bastard> The blue haired woman nods and wanders off as Captain Hendrix stands and slowly walks down toward the table. "I look forward to our continued cooperation on this dealing, Dr. Vai."
  133. Jul 18 22:25:30 »» Lilith seems slightly surprised, but her relief at the deal coming through wins out. "As do I." She shakes on it, and signs and seals the contract after giving it a very careful reading.
  134. Jul 18 22:28:39 <~Captain_Bastard> Indeed, you all get a contract drafted up. The Conclave will handle the employment and staffing while you and your affiliates will handle the administration. As the park is completed, your side will assume control of both. Residents of Goldcloud won't recieve preferential treatment for jobs with this Safari Zone at this point.
  135. Jul 18 22:29:28 <Lilith> These terms are fair to her. Now it's a matter of playing ball with the stakeholders.
  136. Jul 18 22:29:48 <~Captain_Bastard> The park will also be maritime in theme, though what all that concludes is left for collaborative design as enforced by the contract.
  137. Jul 18 22:32:08 <~Captain_Bastard> Once all is said and done there's a brief celebration with ale, and eventually you and Arnaldo are alone again on the elevator back up to The Wench's Knickers.
  138. Jul 18 22:33:26 <Lilith> "Well!"
  139. Jul 18 22:33:29 <Lilith> "So, how'd I do?"
  140. Jul 18 22:33:35 »» Lilith is a little tipsy.
  141. Jul 18 22:34:42 ---» Domovoi ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  142. Jul 18 22:35:58 <~Captain_Bastard> "Based on Katriane's reaction to ya? Pretty damn well I'd say. Hell. -I'm- still a bit jittery about the whole thing."
  143. Jul 18 22:36:38 <Lilith> "It's....well, it's honestly going to be a huge risk. Like, Thundachunks huge. But it's a calculated one, I guess...."
  144. Jul 18 22:36:45 <Lilith> "and if it works, it'll be big."
  145. Jul 18 22:36:49 <Lilith> "Then the promotions start."
  146. Jul 18 22:38:11 <~Captain_Bastard> "You know how it goes though. No risk, no reward. You planning to contact Peyote to try to sneak this into the Ball announcements?"
  147. Jul 18 22:38:37 <Lilith> "I'm tempted, but it seems a little early."
  148. Jul 18 22:38:48 <Lilith> "And I don't want to do that without the approval of everyone involved."
  149. Jul 18 22:39:12 <Lilith> "Seems like it'd set expectations way too high, you know? Especially because the details need to be smoothed out."
  150. Jul 18 22:40:15 <~Captain_Bastard> "Makes sense," he nods. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all myself. Though I suppose that's partly -your- job to help with huh?"
  151. Jul 18 22:40:57 <Lilith> "Yep. Wrapping my headmeats around these things is why they pay me the Lilibucks, allegedly."
  152. Jul 18 22:41:33 <Lilith> "Just know that I'm always open to listen regarding this project."
  153. Jul 18 22:41:54 <Lilith> "If you've got ideas or concerns, you know how to find me."
  154. Jul 18 22:42:11 <Lilith> "Or if you just need to remind me that this work is far, far too important to take seriously."
  155. Jul 18 22:42:17 <Lilith> "Because sometimes I forget that."
  156. Jul 18 22:43:43 <~Captain_Bastard> "I got just the thing for that - needed it for Tilde looooong ago," he chuckles. "Care to exchange some ideas over dinner later tonight, then?"
  157. Jul 18 22:44:01 <Lilith> "Sure. Want to stop by my place after that, too?"
  158. Jul 18 22:46:16 <~Captain_Bastard> "Would love to. Need to get out of this old leather mess of an outfit first though," He wraps an arm around you as the elevator door opens again, and you two continue on to have a wonderful (and sexy[?]) evening.
  159. Jul 18 22:47:27 <Lilith> Probably.
  160. Jul 18 22:49:10 <~Captain_Bastard> Kali the greenhaired demon girl in disguise even kyaaa's at how cute you two are together! /sexyliltimes
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