
Snow Day with /utg/

Apr 25th, 2016
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  1. [Frisk and Monster Kid are hanging out in Snowdin, in the heavily snowy areas around town. They're trying to pick a game MK can play without hands. What will they play?]
  3. [Sledding.]
  5. "You, are sure about this?" Monster Kid skipped a full circle around the sled, eying it with small-to-medium amounts of fear.
  7. Frisk nodded fiercely, driving another nail into the rickety sled, narrowly missing their own gloved hand. They found the just about derelict vehicle deep in the bone brothers' shed and while it really didn't stand the test of time, there was nothing a few nails and a complete lack of enginering skills couldn't solve!
  9. Pocketing the hammer, Frisk hopped onto the sled and patted the front, inviting their playmate. Monster Kid grimaced as the sled gave off a loud creak, but decided to trust their new friend with the repairs, for now at least.
  11. [There are many slopes leading away from Snowdin. Will they go for something slow and easy, or something daring?]
  13. [Daring.]
  15. The huge grin on Frisk's face promised nothing good. MK wasn't exactly a coward, but self-preservation did have its rightful time and place. In this situation, that feeling kicked in just as the sled gave the first loud creak, as he sat down.
  17. Monster Kid whined, but Frisk reached forward and grabbed them in a vice grip, silently assuring them they wouldn't let go. MK swallowed, looking at the rather steep slope below. The human imitated a drum roll to relieve their friend a bit, while pushing forwards to the edge.
  19. As the sled tipped over, even Frisk let out a little cry as gravity took over, dragging the two and the rickety sled down into the snowy abyss below. Monster Kid quickly took over the screaming duty, as they speed increased exponentially. Whatever control they normally would have had over the sled was immediately lost.
  21. [Sliding down unknown and steep slopes? That's pretty dangerous! There could be lots of obstacles along the way! What will these daring adventurers run into first?]
  23. [Undyne, who just happened to be passing through at the time.]
  25. "Stupid cold, stupid, stupid cold..." Undyne grumbled, snow quickly pooling on possibly the only warm jacket she had on hand.
  27. Normally, she put her trust in armor, but that was likely to freeze on her in these conditions. She had no intention of becoming the Royal Ice Guard.
  29. Just then, a peculiar sound hit hear ears. A loud scream, amplified into a horrifying echo, getting closer with each passing second. Undyne readied a spear, her good eye narrowing in anticipation. Once the unknown object burst into view, her muscles tensed and the spear shot through the air with a hiss.
  31. [Undyne is a very good marksman, so let's assume she doesn't hit either of the kids. However, the sled is speeding out of control. Introducing a spear into that situation spells nothing, but trouble! Where does the spear land?]
  33. [The ground right in front of the sled, acting as a lever and causing it to go flying into the air!]
  35. Undyne watched in abject horror as the spear did little more than vault the runaway sled into the air. Frisk and Monster Kid suddenly found the sled proceeding without them, returning to whatever realm the bone bros originally summoned it from. The flight was enjoyable for a brief moment, only to turn into horrifying when gravity took a hold of them.
  37. Even Frisk found themselves screaming loudly, but as promised, they held onto the also screaming Monster Kid as tight as possible. The children soared through the air, carried by all the speed the sled had accumulated.
  39. Many years of training left Undyne in shock only for a brief second. While the terrain was difficult to scale with the snow reach almost to her knees, she vaulted after them with all the speed she could muster.
  41. [Oh no, the children are in trouble! Sure, most of the ground is just snow, but there are still dangers to be found! Undyne's fast, but even she is slowed down severely by the conditions! Where/how do the children land?]
  43. [Straight into a snow poff.]
  45. Undyne closed her eye just as the impact finally occured. The children landed right in the middle of a sizable snow poff, their heads barely sticking out. She sighed with relief, continuing her trek towards them at a more relaxed pace now.
  47. "Yo, it's Undyne! Hi!" Monster Kid announced, wiggling their head as a greeting. Frisk was buried up to the nose, but they were presumably just as happy to see their tall fish friend as their enthusiastic companion.
  49. Their happiness was cut short, however, by an uncomfortable bit of movement. The snow poff, however sturdy against the elements such as wind and even more snow, wasn't ready for the impact two children could make at such a velicity. The poff decided on a career change, opting to become a snowBALL instead.
  51. "Ssshhhh---" Undyne hissed, speeding up again as the formerly-poff began to wobble rather dangerously, with the children in tow.
  53. [Looks like the danger isn't quite over yet? Question is, will it roll off first, or will Undyne reach them in time?]
  55. [The snowball will roll and things will get crazy.]
  57. Undyne rushed towards the two with all she could muster, knowing that the flight itself was already bad enough, but this was seriously dangerous. She trudged through the snow like heavy machinery, while the poff-turned-ball inched ever closed to an unstoppable topple.
  59. Just before it could edge over, Undyne dropped all attempts at running and jumped, reaching out for them. Frisk managed to push a hand through, creating a focus point for the fish monster. She reached out, desperately hoping to stop them. As the ball finally obeyed the inevitable pull, her grasp found fabric.
  61. However, to her horror, she could only watch as the ball rolled off with the children inside, while she was stuck holding a colorful glove.
  63. The fresh snow quickly piled upon the accelerating sphere of snow, burrowing the kids even deeper. Frisk grasped for Monster Kid and they both huddled up, hoping that being stuck in the middle was just a tiny bit safer. It was still a wild ride though, promising bruises all over the two if the ball ever stopped. They couldn't even tell the distance they covered already, all dizzy and confused, but they were reliably further from Snowdin than either of them have ever dared venture.
  65. [Snowdin can't all be one giant mountain-way down, right? There has to be a stop, however far away. Question is, where do they end up?]
  67. [They end up going so far, they crash into Gaster's room in Waterfall.]
  69. The kids tried their best to stay still, hoping the worst was already past them. Their descent continued on for several minutes, before the ball stabilized ever so slightly. Fearing the worst to come, Frisk held on tighter, just as the poff finally found its calling and slammed into surprisingly brittle stone. It broke through with barely any effort, but that signaled the end of this poff's illustrious sphere career.
  71. Frisk and Monster Kid were catapulted straight out into the open, along with copious amounts of snow and debris. The human couldn't hold on and both of them rolled across the floor till the laws of physics finally relented.
  73. Monster Kid came to first, whining loudly. They were dizzy, displaced, hurting and very-very tired, but alive. The monster rose to his feet, shaking his head a couple times to focus again. They groaned in pain, bruised all over from the unfortunate adventure.
  75. Panic quickly struck them and they peeked around the room. It was a featureless room with a single door at the end, oddly ordered and pristine despite the stone wall they'd broken through. He suddenly noticed Frisk, lying on their stomach in the middle, not moving an inch.
  77. The young monster cried out for their friend and rushed over to the as fast as possible. As far as he was concerned, their peculiar surrounding mattered absolutely nothing, next to their obviously injured friend.
  79. [How peculiar, ending up in such a weird place after a long trek like that! Obviously someone or something must have built and maintained it. The only question: is anyone home?]
  81. [Someone's home. They just landed on him.]
  83. "Frisk, Frisk!" Monster Kid called out, trying to rouse their unconscious friend. Whatever landing they suffered knocked them out cold. The little monster bit down on the edge of their coat, pulling hard until they at least managed to get them to halfway sit up, supporting them with his own body.
  85. The human showed no signs of waking up, completely limp in their hold. MK leaned closer, but could hear them breathing and their heart beating with no issue. Undyne made it very clear the couple times they got playtime safety training, that these were very important to observe in humans.
  87. Just as they would have eased up though, a dark patch under them stirred. Monster Kid stifled a gasp as whatever Frisk landed on crawled out, like a mass of inky blackness. The dark splotch, once free, suddenly rose up into the air, a figure emerging from within. Frisk didn't stir much to its presence, but Monster Kid was terrified as the figure ended up taller than even Undyne.
  89. A face emerged from the black folds, both surprising and scaring the lizard. It was a skeleton, like the brothers in Snowdin! Except this one was taller, lankier with a very visibly cracked skull. Despite the injury, the figure seemed perfectly aware of their surroundings, their form and the fact that a pair of children just broke through the wall and landed on top of him.
  91. The second half of those facts filled Monster Kid with discomfort and worry.
  93. [Whatever happened, wherever they are, it's pretty rude to land on someone like that! MK is scared, Frisk is knocked out and the new skeleton looks rather intimidating! Question is, how does he react to them?]
  95. [The void skeleton is upset that he doesn't have any tea or cake or biscuits or anything to offer his guests. Oh gosh, oh dear.]
  97. While Monster Kid half-expected the skeleton to retaliate over the unfortunate landing, he seemed more puzzled, than anything. The shrouded skeleton observed the hole in the wall briefly, scratching at the crack running over the top of his head. He pointed at the hole and the rapidly melting snow, glancing at the little monster.
  99. "Sorry!" Monster Kid cried, a little louder than he intended.
  101. The quick answer, rather than annoy him, just made the skeleton smile. It was a creepy smile thanks to the disturbing cracks, but lacking any and all means of malice. He instead rubbed his chin, gaze shifting between the children and the empty room.
  103. A sigh seemed to leave him and he raised his hands. Monster kid noticed two large holes in his palms, but swallowed his curiosity, especially as the floor under him began to move. He yelped in confusion, only to find himself sitting on top of a cosy little chair, seemingly made entirely of darkness.
  105. A quick glance aside revealed Frisk lying on a shadowy sofa now, while the unknown skeleton merely dropped back, his long black coat folding into a chair to support his as he dropped. Despite the weird circumstance, Monster Kid had to admit the chair was actually quite comfy, a thought he voiced right away, making the skeleton flash that odd, unnerving, yet weirdly warm smile again.
  107. [Frisk is hurt, but snoozing. MK is hurt, but comfy, and Gaster seems fairly lively despite two bundles of energy landing on top of him! It seems like he's very happy to have visitors at all! However, the question remains: what now?]
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