
Response to Stefan Molyneux giving on reason for Christianit

Mar 5th, 2017
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  1. Response to Stefan Molyneux giving on reason for Christianity
  2. "Christianity solves"
  3. You're giving up on truth and going for what seems the politically expedient solution.
  4. One of the reasons socialism doesn't work.
  5. We don't need religion to get from an is to an ought:
  7. "We are instructed in Christianity"
  8. It's just a fraud to take advantage of people that happened to have a few positive attributes.
  9. While having many horrible attributes.
  10. This is the religion that allowed Islam to conquer 2/3 of it's land before it fought back.
  11. This is the religion that brought down the Roman empire, it's not just a coincidence that they rose then.
  12. Christianity is all about victim culture "Jesus died for your sins".
  13. I strongly subject that it started as a feminist movement.
  15. I guess your fear of Islam is making you revert to the Christian indoctrination you suffered when young. It's disgusting. Or maybe you realize that most of your viewers are Christian and you're doing this to defraud them for donations. Good job following the Christian tradition.
  17. It's amazing to me that you're trying to shoe-horn Christianity into this when you already have a perfectly viable explanation for socialism. The genetic stuff, raising kids with the abundance of resources.
  19. "Christians would not accept this"
  20. .... so stupid: CHRISTIANS ARE ACCEPTING IT!!!
  21. People like Hillary are Christian.
  22. "Oh but they don't follow my interpretation of Christianity, yea almost nobody does.
  23. You're just as delusional as every religious person in thinking that your personal interpretation of the stupidity has some sort of relevance for everyone.
  25. Response to random Christian proselytizing:
  26. Could you leave out the religious proselytizing?
  27. All these supposed Christian values are really conservative values.
  28. And they are not the same, you should know because you made a 5-hour video series about it.
  29. Christianity does not lead to conservative values, even though you can cherry pick a few countries where that seems to be the case, look at Latin America, very christian and very socialist.
  30. There's some correlation because conservatives like tradition and progressives hate it.
  31. So it's natural for conservatives to accept Christianity and progressives to oppose it.
  33. Here's some actual Christian values, which in my opinion are progressive:
  34. - Jesus; original sin and victim culture
  35. - Turn the other cheek; avoid conflict/competition
  36. - He who is innocent throw the first stone; we'll apply the law when it suits us politically
  37. - Repent and you will be forgiven; Easy forgiveness so long as someone holds the right political position
  39. Stefan arguing against viewing religion as a whole, recognizing 'cherry-picking' and the faults in Christianity
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