
Another Time

Jun 27th, 2018
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  1. >The trees, the damnable trees
  2. >They seemed to stretch on forever
  3. >You groan wearily as you scan the area through your night vision goggles
  4. >Normally, you wouldn't be wasting precious battery life during daylight hours, but seeing as the canopy effectively blocked all incoming sunlight, you were making an exception
  5. >It was Entry-Day plus seven since you stepped through the portal, and you'd yet to reestablish contact with Command
  6. >"Must be the trees." you kept telling yourself
  7. >"As soon as I get out of these woods I'll have a clear signal..."
  8. >But as you scanned the surrounding area in search of a way out, it seemed that only endless rows of trees stretched on into the vast darkness
  9. >Didn't matter, you weren't going to die out here
  10. >You had resolved to head in one direction until you broke free of the woods, and after 3 days of using this tactic, you were sure it had to pay off soon
  11. >At least you hoped so considering your food supplies were critically low
  12. >Twigs and underbrush snapped under your boots as you pressed onward
  13. >You grumbled as your foot caught on something in foliage, causing you to stumble
  14. >The weight of your rifle pulled you forward and onto the ground
  15. >As you lay in the dirt, you mutter curses to yourself for packing more ammunition than food
  16. >That's when you heard it
  17. >A faint giggle
  18. >You quickly pushed yourself to your feet and shouldered your rifle, sweeping around trying to identify the source
  19. "Who's there?!" you demanded, trying not to let your voice betray your desperation
  20. >There it was again, just barely audible above the canopy
  21. >It wounded as if it was moving away from you
  22. >This was your only shot, if there was contact to be made, this was it
  23. >You rushed after the sound, trailing just behind it as best as you could tell
  24. >You followed it for what seemed like ages, wondering if your mind was simply playing tricks on you in the dark
  25. >But then you saw it
  26. >The tiniest sliver of light in the darkness ahead of you, a break in the trees
  27. >You flipped up your night vision to make sure your eyes were not deceiving you, and sure enough, it was true
  28. >You listened for the sound of the giggling, but were met only with the soft rustling of leaves above you
  29. >You frowned, but pressed on
  30. >Even if you hadn’t seen it, there was contact to be made here, and you were nearly out of the woods it would seem
  31. >You jogged toward the light at a quickened pace, encouraged as it gradually expanded
  32. >Finally, you broke through, shielding your eyes from the sunlight they had been deprived of for the last week
  33. >Once they had finally adjusted, you looked on, wide eyed and jaw open at the scene before you
  34. >A vast expanse of green, rolling fields, a mighty mountain range far off on the horizon
  35. >It was not the landscape that struck you, however
  36. >It was what appeared to be a settlement that was nestled in the hills several miles from where you stood, on the very edge of your vision
  37. >An honest to God settlement
  38. >You quickly tried your radio
  39. “Command, this is Anon, do you read me?” you said between hurried breaths
  40. >Only static answered you
  41. “Command, I say again, this is Anon, I’ve found something, can anyone hear me?”
  42. >Still nothing
  43. >You growled in frustration
  44. >You just weren’t far enough away from the forest, that’s all
  45. >With a look to the west, you saw that the sun was already approaching the horizon
  46. >It would be dark sooner rather than later, and you had some ways to go before reaching whatever settlement was off in the distance
  47. “Fuck it,” you said to yourself
  48. ” we’re hoofing it I guess.”
  49. >As you jogged toward the settlement, you noticed how quiet it was, even outside of the forest
  50. >The sun continued its rapid descent from the sky, and blue began to give way to a bruised violet
  51. >By the time you reached the outskirts, it was already dark
  52. >You sat upon a hill overlooking what was now clearly a town
  53. >Through your rifle scope, you surveyed it
  54. >Strangely, you saw no signs of life
  55. >Nobody out and about, no lights on in any of the buildings, nothing
  56. >Not even any street lights
  57. “Guess everyone’s asleep.” you mutter to yourself
  58. >You weighed your options
  59. >You had yet to have any luck on the radio, and you had officially run out of food
  60. >If you went down there, there is no guarantee you would be received peacefully, or, even worse, be able to communicate with whoever lived here at all
  61. >Still, you didn’t see any other choice
  62. >Slowly, you began your descent into the town, rifle in hand as you tried to ready yourself in the least threatening manner you could muster
  63. >Soon the sound of grass crunching under your boots gave way to the clacking of cobblestone as you wandered the streets in search of anyone or anything
  64. >Still, nothing
  65. >You peered through windows, discovering that many had been boarded up
  66. >Plastered up on many of the buildings were posters in a language you did not recognize, some depicting images of the sun and the moon, others displayed horses and dragons and all manner of things
  67. “What the hell is all this…?” you grumbled to yourself
  68. >Somehow the silence here was even more oppressive than the forest
  69. >Looking around, you spotted a building with its door ajar
  70. >Flipping down your night vision, you attempted to peer inside
  71. >All you could make out within were shelves laden with books, others tipped over and their contents scattered around the floor
  72. “Must be a library.” you said to yourself out loud, almost hoping someone would hear you at this point
  73. >You stepped inside, examining your surroundings
  74. >It was indeed a library, but it looked as though it had been torn through before you got here
  75. >Vandals maybe, who knows
  76. >Slinging your rifle on your back, you begin walking through the aisles, looking at the books on the shelves
  77. >More of the strange language, you couldn’t make out any of it
  78. >Engrossed in the contents of the shelves, you felt your weight suddenly shift as you stepped onto uneven ground
  79. >You looked down to see yet another book, one that had fallen from an overturned shelf
  80. >But unlike the others…this one you could read
  81. >Written below the title in whatever language this was, you saw in plain English what you could only assume to be the translation:
  82. >Equestria: A Globetrotter’s Tale
  83. >Underneath the title was the image of a compass rose encircling a rather simplistic looking map
  84. >You didn’t know what any of this was supposed to mean, but you hadn’t found anything else you could read yet, so you flipped through the pages
  85. >One side weird language, one side English
  86. >How could this be? What was this place?
  87. >Your mind racing, you didn’t hear the nearly silent fluttering approaching behind you
  88. >”Ahem.”
  89. _____________________
  90. >You drop the book from your hands and swing around, quickly shouldering your rifle and scanning the area
  91. "Who was that? Show yourself!" you demand
  92. >You were met only with silence
  93. "Answer me!"
  94. >"You know, it's considered rude for a guest to barge in and start making demands." a voice replied
  95. >"The last one of you to show up recognized that."
  96. >Last one...?
  97. "Who are you? What are you talking about?" you ask, still searching for the source of the voice
  98. >"Don't you worry about that just yet." the voice said dismissively
  99. >"How about you try putting that gun away and we can have a little chat?"
  100. >You hesitated
  101. >Whoever this was could be just waiting for you to let your guard down
  102. >Still...something told you there was no danger here
  103. >As the adrenaline of the initial surprised began to fade, you slowly lowered your rifle and slung in on your shoulder
  104. "Fine..." you sighed
  105. "Can you show yourself now? I promise I won't hurt you."
  106. >A soft giggle echoed in the dark library
  107. >"I have some questions for you..." it said
  108. >Great
  109. >First contact and you're already being interrogated
  110. "Okay...?" you said
  111. >"Let's start off with an easy one...what's your name?" it asked
  112. "Anon." you replied flatly
  113. >No sense giving away more than you had to
  114. >"Well, isn't that a coincidence." the voice mused
  115. >"Must be a common name where you're from."
  116. "How do you know where I'm from?" you asked
  117. >"Next question," the voice said, dismissing your own
  118. >"what's with your get-up? If your kind is planning an invasion or something, I'm sorry to say there's not much left here worth taking."
  119. "Not much left?" you asked
  120. >"Nope. Not for some time." it replied
  121. "I'm sorry...I don't understand. I'm not an invader, I'm just a scout."
  122. >"A scout, eh? 'Round these parts scouts were more concerned with learning to tie knots and helping little old ladies across the street." the voice chuckled
  123. >You shook your head
  124. "Not that kind of scout," you explained
  125. "but I'm not exactly sure where I even am, I've been lost in the forest a few miles out from here for days."
  126. >"You're in a ghost town." the voice answered
  127. >"Not a soul around this place these days."
  128. >What luck
  129. >The first town you find and it's abandoned
  130. "Then what are you doing here?" you asked
  131. >"I go where I please." the voice replied
  132. >You knelt down and picked up the book you had been examining, looking at the cover
  133. >"Ahhhhh, that's an oldie."
  134. >You heard rustling in several nearby aisles before jumping as several more books drop at your feet from above
  135. >Your eyes dart around the ceiling, but you still see nothing
  136. >"You should be able to read these too, I assume." the voice said
  137. >You looked at the books
  138. >Sure enough, you could
  139. >They bore titles like the first one you had found
  140. "A Brief History of Mankind? The Last Arbiter?" you read out loud
  141. "...Memoirs of a Man?"
  142. >"Figured you might get something out of those." the voice answered
  143. >You shuffled through the books, trying to make sense of what you were reading
  144. >Humans had already been here?
  145. >Were they still?
  146. "What am I supposed to do with these?" you asked
  147. >"They're books, reading them would be a good start."
  148. >You were beginning to lose your patience
  149. "You said another one of my kind came here before, where can I find him?" you asked
  150. >"Couldn't tell you," the voice answered
  151. >"been decades since we've seen the guy."
  152. >Decades...
  153. "So he might not even be alive for all we know..." you say, more to yourself than whoever else occupied the room
  154. >"Like I said, we ain't seen him, that's all we know." the voice said
  155. >"Last anyone heard he and his family were headed to the far north, something about a portal, suicide mission the papers called it."
  156. >A portal...
  157. "A portal to where?" you asked
  158. >"You got the wrong gal to be asking about that sort of thing, Anon." the voice answered
  159. >You tucked the books into your backpack and stood up
  160. >"Don't worry about the late fees if you don't return those by the way, I got a feeling the librarian's not gonna be punching in any time soon."
  161. >You smirked
  162. "So am I going to get to see who I've been talking to this whole time or...?"
  163. >A few moments of silence passed
  164. >Suddenly, just over your shoulder, you heard the voice whisper directly into your ear
  165. >"Maybe next time."
  166. >You spun around, only to be greeted with nothing
  167. >"Follow the moon, you'll find me again." the voice called as audible fluttering sped toward and out the door, leaving you once again alone in the darkness
  168. >You stepped out of the library and back into the street, looking off into the night sky
  169. >The full moon hung proudly against the sea of black, just over the mountains in the distance
  170. >It wasn't much to go on, but it didn't look like you had much choice
  171. >You'd been meaning to go hiking anyway
  172. __________________
  173. >After ransacking the town for what little (presumably) food you could scrounge up, you hit the road heading off in the direction of the mountains
  174. >The night air was rife with the sounds of crickets, and the light breeze blowing was refreshing compared to the stuffiness of the forest
  175. >As you walked along the dirt path, you had begun flipping through "A Brief History of Mankind"
  176. >It quickly became apparent that this was not the work of any sort of scholar, but for the most part, it was fairly accurate
  177. >The author had clearly finished high school, though you were fairly certain that Caesar had nothing to do with the invention of pizza
  178. >Still, the question kept running through your mind...
  179. >Who wrote all this?
  180. >Your team were supposed to be the first humans to make contact with...wherever this place was, but it seemed as though someone had already beat you here
  181. >As it turned out, your "friend" from the library was right, you were getting something out of these
  182. >"Memoirs of a Man" detailed the life and times of the author, apparently also named Anon, the last documented human to visit this place
  183. >Unlike yourself, he'd ended up here completely by accident, which was strange since the portal was only recently discovered and he had been nowhere near it
  184. >As you flipped through the pages, you learned about his exploits since arriving, which were apparently very impressive...
  185. >If you were to believe them
  186. >All this nonsense about talking horses, minotaurs, griffons...
  187. >This had to be the ramblings of a mad-man, or a work of fiction
  188. >Who would even publish this sort of tripe?
  189. >Either way, it was entertainment at the very least
  190. >You had been reading for so long that you didn't notice the faint rustling in the nearby brush just a ways off the road until a twig snapped loud enough to jar you out of your trance
  191. >You quickly dropped the book and shouldered your rifle
  192. "Hello? Is that you from the library?" you asked, seeing movement in the tall grass
  193. "Answer me now, I don't want to shoot you." you said, watching intently, fixated on the spot you last saw moving
  194. >Growling to your left caught your attention and you spun to face it just in time to see two glowing green eyes emerging from the brush
  195. >But what was worse than the eyes was what they were attached to...
  196. >A massive wolf-like shape, bigger than any you'd ever seen
  197. >What was worse, there was another emerging on your right
  198. >...and directly in front of you
  199. "Oh, for the love of-"
  200. >The creature on your right suddenly charged with a snarl like a mad dog
  201. >You took aim and with three rapid shots you watched the creature splinter apart
  202. "What the fuck?!" you cried as you fired at the next one to charge you
  203. >Were these things made of wood?
  204. >A heavy weight crashed into you, knocking you to the ground
  205. >The wolf on top of you pinned your shoulders to the ground, gnashing its teeth in your face
  206. >It took every ounce of your strength to hold it back
  207. >The creature's foul breath threatened to kill you as surely as those teeth
  208. >You suddenly felt the weight lifted as the wolf was launched off from on top of you
  209. >Gasping for air untainted by the stench of the wolf's breath, you rolled over to grab your rifle and quickly spray a short burst at it before it could recover
  210. >You lay there for a moment breathing heavily before rising to your feet, surveying the remains of the three creatures
  211. >Wood and leaves...
  212. >This wasn't could wood and leaves attack you? Nearly kill you?
  213. >You looked around for whatever it was that knocked that...thing off of you, but to no avail
  214. >With a sigh you turned to continue on your way, cursing yourself for not paying better attention
  215. >About twenty feet away, you heard more rustling behind you
  216. >As you turned to face the rustling, you see the twigs and leaves rearranging themselves
  217. >Not into three separate wolves, but all together
  218. "Oh no you don't." you muttered to yourself, removing a grenade from one of your pouches and pulling the pin
  219. >As the refuse finally finished arranging itself into a single massive wolf, you tossed the grenade at its feet
  220. >Its face finished forming with a wicked snarl, you nodded down at the thing's feet with a smirk
  221. >Confused, the wolf looked down at the device laying just under it
  222. >With a fiery flash and a deafening boom, twigs and ash were all that remained of the beast
  223. >You spit on the ground
  224. "Let's see you rearrange THAT, asshole."
  225. >With that, you re-slung your rifle, and straightening your vest, you turned and continued up the mountain path, ready for whatever lay before you
  226. _________________________
  227. >The sun was rising
  228. >You'd been walking all night, and still had not found anything but a seemingly endless stretch of dirt road leading you deeper into the mountains
  229. >The present incline was, after hours of walking, wearing you down faster than you'd thought
  230. >It had been nearly a full day since you'd gotten any sleep
  231. >Worse, you were beginning to wonder if maybe you had been misled
  232. >You had no idea where you were going, or who you were supposed to be meeting
  233. >For all you knew, you could be getting led into the middle of nowhere until you passed out from exhaustion, completely helpless
  234. >With a heavy groan, you stepped off to the side of the path and removed your backpack, sitting down on a rock jutting out from the cliffside rising above you
  235. >You sat there, leaning against the rocks and closed your eyes
  236. >This was a mistake
  237. >This whole thing was a mistake
  238. >A supposedly simple scouting mission now saw you in the middle of nowhere, heading off to God knows where, half starved and sleep deprived to the breaking point
  239. "Great job, Anon." you muttered to yourself
  240. "What have you gotten yourself into now..."
  241. >"A bit of a pickle, from the sound of it." a deep voice replied just above your head
  242. >Your eyes shot open and you flung yourself from your seat, stumbling to the other side of the path before facing the voice
  243. >Before you, perched on a rock slightly above your own, was a creature with the head and wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion
  244. "I, uh, who-?" you stammered, unable to take your eyes off the creature
  245. >"What's the matter?" it spoke again
  246. >"You act like you've never seen a griffon before."
  247. >Your eyes darted to the rock you'd been resting on, noticing you'd forgotten to grab your rifle
  248. >Damn
  249. >This thing had at least a hundred pounds on you, if it wasn't friendly, you were in for some shit
  250. "I, uh, well...haven't?" you managed to say
  251. >The griffon looked at you with a puzzled expression
  252. >"Is that so?" it asked in disbelief
  253. >"I find that hard to believe."
  254. >You gave a nervous shrug
  255. "Unless you count books..."
  256. >The griffon scoffed
  257. >"Books, who needs em?" it said dismissively
  258. >It jumped down from its perch to meet you on the ground
  259. >"Where are you from? I don't believe I've seen one of *your* kind before now that I think of it."
  260. >What could you say?
  261. >You were from another planet? Plane of existence? Dimension?
  262. >Hell, what difference did it make? Not like you could tell him you were a local
  263. "I'm from Earth." you said, unable to think of anything else
  264. >"Never heard of it." he replied
  265. >"That from down south or...?"
  266. >You shrugged
  267. "To be honest I'm not all that sure what direction it's in, I'm a bit lost."
  268. >The griffon laughed heartily
  269. >"Lost? You really aren't from around here, are you?"
  270. "That obvious?" you asked sarcastically
  271. >He nodded
  272. >"You're on the road to Hayven, just south of Old Canterlot." he said
  273. >"One of the few places anyone bothers to live out here now."
  274. "So I've heard..." you replied
  275. "I found a town back where I came from but it'd been abandoned."
  276. >"Yup, that's Ponyville...well, what used to be."
  277. >HAYven, Canterlot, Ponyville?
  278. >Was this some kind of joke?
  279. >Maybe the city planners just thought they were being punny
  280. >You chuckled at your own joke before realizing the griffon was waiting for a response
  281. "So, uh...who are you?" you asked
  282. >"Name's Mason." he said, reaching out a clawed hand
  283. >Hesitantly, you reached out a hand and shook it
  284. "Anon."
  285. >"If you don't mind me asking, what brings you all the way out here, Anon?"
  286. >At least he was friendly
  287. "I'm looking for someone, I guess they're probably in Hayven if that's where this road goes." you said
  288. >He shook his head
  289. >"That'd be my guess, you'd have to be nuts to go to Old Canterlot these days. Plague's still strong there."
  290. >Plague?
  291. >Like, THE plague?
  292. "There's a plague here?"
  293. >He looked at you with a grim face
  294. >"You mean to tell me you came all the way out here and you don't know about it?" he asked
  295. >You shook your head
  296. >"The Great Plague? Pretty much marked the end of the last era?"
  297. >You shrugged
  298. >"Buddy, have you been living under a rock?"
  299. >You frowned
  300. "Like I said, I'm not local." you answered
  301. >Mason looked stunned
  302. >"My friend, count yourself lucky if you've really been so fortunate." he said
  303. >"That damned plague was almost the end of us all, still ain't given up either."
  304. >Well, that explained a lot
  305. >This place had recently been depopulated by some kind of disaster
  306. "So is it...dangerous to be here? Am I going to get sick?"
  307. >Mason shrugged
  308. >"Not likely all the way out here." He said
  309. >"So long as you avoid the cities you should be fine."
  310. "Why isn't anyone moving back out here then?" you asked
  311. >"Simple," he replied
  312. >"no one's got the numbers to make use of it yet."
  313. >You stepped back over to your belongings, getting ready to move again
  314. "So then what are you doing out here?"
  315. >Mason pulled out a scroll from his satchel
  316. >"I'm delivering a message to the King of Hayven. Griffonia has been trying to establish diplomatic relations with them for some time but the goings are slow." he answered
  317. >"So, it seems to me like we're going the same direction. Always smart to travel with company in these parts, what do you say?"
  318. >Despite being a talking cat-bird, you couldn't argue with that logic
  319. >Besides, if he'd meant to harm you, he could have done it by now
  320. "Sure," you said
  321. "let's move out."
  322. >With a wink and the snap of a finger gun, Mason agreed
  323. >"You got it, chief."
  324. ______________________
  325. >"Fascinating..." Mason said as he examined your rifle
  326. >"And you say this is standard issue where you come from?"
  327. >You nodded
  328. "Yup, pretty plain-Jane really. People come up with some crazy set-ups."
  329. >After a few hours on the road, he had finally asked about your gear, given how advanced it seemed
  330. >You didn't see the harm in letting him see some of it, not like he was going to know how to use it
  331. >"This makes our firearms look ancient." he said
  332. >"I don't think even the minotaurs have come up with anything like this."
  333. >You shrugged
  334. "If nothing else, humans are ingenious." you said
  335. >"Hey, watch it!" a passerby said as you nearly bumped into them
  336. "Sorry!" you apologized
  337. >The number of travelers on the road had been increasing the closer you got to Hayven
  338. >Mason handed you back your rifle
  339. >"You'll have to forgive the locals, lots of time on the road can leave one in a pretty sour mood."
  340. "No kidding." you said
  341. >As the two of you reached the top of the incline, you see it
  342. >Not so much a sprawl, but a clearly disorganized and haphazardly thrown together hamlet a short way down the road
  343. >Perched atop an artificial hill, a rough looking keep towered above the rest of the town
  344. >But it was what was beyond it that caught your eye
  345. >Seemingly hanging off the side of a massive peak jutting from the ground, towers with golden domes glistening in the sunlight
  346. >Mason noticed your gaping stare
  347. >"Canterlot." he explained
  348. >"It's nothing compared to the Imperial City or Featherwind but it was awfully impressive in its heyday. Hard to believe it's pretty much abandoned now."
  349. >You couldln't keep your eyes off it
  350. >It was magnificent, even from this distance
  351. "Pretty much?" you asked
  352. >Mason nodded
  353. >"Oh Hayven has made several attempts to take it back, even got a base up there in the lower levels of the city from what I've heard. Still, they're in no position to clear it out, and there's enough bodies in there that you're practically begging for infection."
  354. >You frowned
  355. >The glistening towers looked so inviting, but it could well be the last invitation you'd ever accept from the sound of it
  356. >Instead, you turned your attention to the much less impressive sight closer to the ground
  357. "So, who lives in Hayven then?" you asked
  358. >"Mostly the old residents of the surrounding towns, up and moved to try and combine their resources into something worthwhile." Mason explained
  359. >"Hasn't worked out too badly, Hayven is the last major settlement in the south to maintain independence from the Crystal Empire up north."
  360. >He looked at you, noticing the blank stare on your face
  361. >"Oh, I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you don't know all these names." he chuckled
  362. "It's fine, I'm sure I'll pick it all up in due time." you replied with a wave of your hand
  363. >As you approached the city gates, the door sentries motioned for you to stop
  364. >"State your business." one of them said, his weathered armor rustling loosely as if it didn't fit him very well
  365. "Just visiting." you answered
  366. >The guard eyed you up and down
  367. >His eyes narrowed on your rifle
  368. >"With all that?" he asked
  369. >You should have figured the authorities would question someone showing up at their gate armed as you were
  370. "Been hunting," you replied
  371. "didn't have much luck, as you can see." you said with the cheesiest grin you could muster
  372. >With a roll of his eyes, the guard turned to Mason
  373. >"And you?"
  374. >With a slight bow, Mason once again retrieved the scroll from his satchel
  375. >"Diplomatic mission from Griffonia, dear friend." he said, a sudden regal tone to his voice
  376. >"I intend to visit the king at court first thing tomorrow morning."
  377. >The guard took the scroll, with some notable difficulty, and gave it a quick scan
  378. >"Alright, you're both clear to enter," he said, motioning for you to enter
  379. >"we'll be keeping an eye on you both."
  380. >As you passed under the archway leading into the town, you first noticed the sorry state of the structures
  381. >Thatched roofs, rough wooden planks for walls, muddy roads
  382. >You swore the roads in here were worse than the trails outside the walls
  383. "Jesus, someone really did a number on this place didn't they?" you asked
  384. >Mason laughed
  385. >"Actually, this is much nicer than the last time I was here." he replied
  386. "Is there a reason they aren't building anything like back in Ponyville or Canterlot?" you asked
  387. >Mason shrugged
  388. >"Probably just don't have the resources." he said
  389. >"Such things take time, materials, and some technical know-how. All in short supply this far south."
  390. >He put his claw on your shoulder
  391. >"Listen, I need to go head up to the keep to deliver this message. If you keep heading up this road, you'll see a sign for Flik's Tavern." he said
  392. >Reaching into his satchel, he pulled out a few gold coins, tossing them to you
  393. >"Get yourself a drink, I'll come find you in a while."
  394. >You looked at the coins in your hand
  395. >Real gold...
  396. "Wait a second, they have booze here?" you called after him
  397. >"Not even the apocalypse can keep a country dry, Anon!" he called back over his shoulder
  398. >Looking around at the scenery one last time, you began walking
  399. >Mason was right, eventually you did spot the sign
  400. >It seemed odd to you that the tavern was one of the most well constructed buildings in the town
  401. >Approaching the door, you reached for the handle
  402. >It burst open, a patron being tossed out into the muddy street
  403. >You could hear a major ruckus inside
  404. >Good to know that barfights were one thing this world and yours had in common...
  405. >You stepped inside and almost immediately, the scene before you froze
  406. >Patrons looked at you with a look of wonder on their faces
  407. >A few tense moments passed that felt more like an eternity
  408. >You took a few steps forward toward the bar and passed by
  409. "Excuse me..." you said, squeezing by a particularly portly resident
  410. >When you finally got to the bar, even the barkeep was looking at you in astonishment
  411. >You looked at him, giving him a small wave to make sure he wasn't catatonic
  412. "Hello?" you said
  413. "Anyone in there?"
  414. >"Y-you're a human!" he stammered
  415. >You put your hands up
  416. "Guilty as charged." you replied sarcastically
  417. >A hoof grabbed your hand, examining it
  418. >"Another human..." he said
  419. >"It's been almost eighty years since I last saw one of you."
  420. "So I've heard." you said, removing your helmet and putting it on the bar beside you
  421. >He looked at you cautiously, his eyes still not quite believing what they were seeing
  422. >"You'll have to excuse's just been so long and I-"
  423. >"Hey, Flik, try not to creep the guy out, huh?" another softer voice said as it pulled up next to you
  424. >To your right, a black robed, leather clad, white masked figure had occupied the seat beside you
  425. >The mask was unsettling, red tinted lenses over the eyes and an elongated nose resembling a beak more than a nose
  426. >"Sorry, Iasa, I jus-"
  427. >Iasa put up a hoof to dismiss him
  428. >"I'll take it from here, go get your bearings." she said
  429. >The barkeep nodded and and went off to help another patron, as the activity had picked back up
  430. >"You'll have to forgive the old man, any mention of humans and it sends him off into the past." she said
  431. "You're the one from the library?" you asked, still fixated on that mask
  432. >She nodded
  433. >"I figured you'd be showing up sooner or later." she replied
  434. >"Though I didn't expect you to nearly become wolf chow on the way."
  435. >Your memory came flooding back
  436. "You saw that?" you asked
  437. >"Saw it? I saved that pretty face of yours." she laughed
  438. >You grinned
  439. "I had it under control." you said
  440. >"Didn't seem like it."
  441. >The two of you sat there for a moment in silence
  442. " asked me before what was with my outfit...what's up with yours?" you finally asked
  443. >She looked at herself
  444. >"Oh, my bad," she said
  445. >"sometimes this thing just feels like a second skin."
  446. >Reaching up to remove the hat and mask, Iasa's hood fell away
  447. >The first thing you noticed was the piercing golden eyes, pupils slit like a cat, surrounded by a coat of light grey
  448. >Then the deep violet waves of messy hair
  449. >But finally, your eyes drifted to the two pointed fangs peeking just enough to notice
  450. >Iasa noticed your stare and gave you a wicked grin
  451. >"What's wrong?" she asked
  452. >"Never seen a bat pony before?"
  453. ___________________________
  454. >You threw back your shot, grimacing as the overly sweet drink hit your tongue
  455. >"You'd think you never drank before making faces like that." Iasa laughed, downing her own shot without so much as a crinkle of the nose
  456. >"Too strong for you?"
  457. >You shook your head
  458. "Too sweet." you replied
  459. >She waved a hoof at you
  460. >"Bah, foreigners. No tastebuds on ya I swear."
  461. >Finally clearing the taste out of your mouth, you cock your brow at her
  462. "Did you bring me here just to critique my taste?" you asked
  463. >She shook her head, sucking on a lime
  464. >"No." she said
  465. >"I wanted to make sure you didn't end up dead during your visit."
  466. >You were puzzled
  467. "And why would I die?"
  468. >She looked at you incredulously
  469. >"Gee, let me think. Wolves? Disease? Getting lost in the countryside with nothing to eat?"
  470. >You rolled your eyes
  471. "Fine, but why *here*?"
  472. >"So I can keep an eye on you, duh." she replied
  473. >"And if you're smart, you'll stay here where it's safe."
  474. >Stay?
  475. >Here?
  476. >That just wasn't going to happen
  477. >You had to get home and sitting around Hayven wasn't going to accomplish that
  478. "Why leave me to find this place on my own then?"
  479. >She shrugged
  480. >"If you weren't cut out for it I wasn't intending to get attached." she said matter of factly
  481. >"Better to just expect the worst so you don't set yourself up for disappointment I say."
  482. "Isn't that a little...pessimistic?" you asked
  483. >She blew a raspberry at you
  484. >"Realistic, I'd say."
  485. >Real ray of sunshine this one was turning out to be
  486. >"Especially in my line of work, you sort of have to get into that mindset, ya know?"
  487. >You shrugged
  488. "I'm not even sure what it is you do." you replied
  489. >"Uhh, hello?" she said, waving her mask at you
  490. >You looked at it with a blank expression, not quite sure what she was getting at
  491. >She groaned
  492. >"You new guys, I swear...coming around here not knowing the first thing about this place."
  493. >"I'm a doctor. I treat the sick and the wounded wherever I'm needed." she explained
  494. >"This mask," she said, picking it up once again
  495. >"is what keeps my lungs clear of the plague."
  496. >Turning it around in her hooves, she gave a small frown
  497. >"At the very least it keeps some of the smell out." she said, pulling out a bit of fragrant flower petals from the beak-like nose
  498. "I see..." you said
  499. "You know we had some guys like that back where I come from, a long time ago."
  500. >"Yeah?" she asked, suddenly interested
  501. >"Were they any good?"
  502. >You rubbed the back of your neck
  503. "Well...not exactly..." you admitted, images of leeches and other arcane medieval "cures" coming to mind
  504. >The smile faded from her face and she put her sighed
  505. >"Well, someone has to try something. Most of these folks don't want to go anywhere near the sick."
  506. "I can't imagine it's a pretty sight." you said
  507. >"Life's not pretty. Just takes some getting used to." she said, raising her hoof
  508. >"Flik! Another round over here."
  509. >The old looking bartender came trotting over to your section with two more shots
  510. >He eyed you as he put them down
  511. >"Anon was it?" Flik asked
  512. >You nodded, dreading another taste of what was in that glass
  513. >"You know, I knew someone else by that name a long time ago." he said
  514. >Your eyes lit up as you remembered the book in your pack
  515. >Quickly retrieving "Memoirs of a Man", you put it down in front of Flik
  516. "This guy?" you asked
  517. >He nodded
  518. >"The very same." he said
  519. >"Had a whole crew...we'd go on all sorts of adventures, explored the whole of Equestria you know."
  520. >He motioned with a quick nod to Iasa
  521. >"But I suppose this one didn't mention her great-grandfather's exploits to you yet."
  522. >You shot a look over at her only to find her glaring at him
  523. "Who was he?"
  524. >With a humph, Iasa pushed back her stool
  525. >"Excuse me, I need to use the ladies room." she said, walking off toward the back of the tavern
  526. >You turned back to Flik with a shrug
  527. "Sore spot I guess?"
  528. >"Just a bit...I've told her since she was a filly that she shouldn't blame-"
  529. >"Anon, my boy!" Mason said as he slapped your back, taking the seat behind you
  530. >"You must not have had enough to drink yet! You jumped like a scared kitten!" he laughed
  531. "More than I meant to, actually." you replied, pushing your shot glass away
  532. >Mason smirked, slapping on the bar
  533. >"Barkeep! You have anything imported? I haven't had some good Griffonic wine in an age and a half it seems."
  534. >"That's because there's no such thing." Iasa said, glaring at you and Mason
  535. >You shot a look at Flik and saw his face darken with dread
  536. >The tension was palpable
  537. "On second thought," you said
  538. "I think I will have another drink."
  539. ______________________________
  540. "I don't understand what the problem is." you said, throwing up your hands in exasperation
  541. >"Haven't you been listening to a word I've said?" Iasa hissed
  542. >"Griffons can't be trusted. They've been trying to take over this land for almost a hundred years!"
  543. >You groaned and covered your face with your hands, laying back onto the bed
  544. "Mason isn't a soldier, he's a diplomat." you said
  545. "And more than that, he seems friendly."
  546. >Iasa rolled her eyes at you
  547. >"Of *course* he seems friendly, he's a diplomat." she said
  548. >"It's his job to put on a show and make you trust him."
  549. >You stared up at the ceiling pondering this new perspective
  550. >Made sense
  551. >Still, you weren't convinced
  552. "I think you're being paranoid." you replied
  553. >Iasa glared at you for a moment before relenting
  554. >"You don't get it." she said, turning to leave
  555. >"Trust me, that griffon? He's bad news, and he has nothing good planned for you."
  556. "Well he's probably leaving after speaking with the king tomorrow so it's not like you'll have to worry for long." you said
  557. >She stopped, facing you once more
  558. >"He's going to see the king?"
  559. >You grunted an affirmative
  560. >"About what?" she asked
  561. "Didn't say." you replied
  562. >She marched back over to you, towering over the side of the bed it seemed
  563. >"Anon, this is important. You need to tell me if you know something." she pleaded
  564. >You rolled over and buried your face in the pillow
  565. "I don't know anything." you groaned
  566. >With a sigh, she turned and walked to the door
  567. >"Flik says you can stay as long as you want, I'll be right down the hall if you need anything." she said
  568. >As you heard the door close, you rolled back over and looked toward the window
  569. >The moon was hanging high in the sky once more
  570. >It was at that moment that you realized, you had no plan
  571. >You only knew that you had to get home, but how?
  572. >All you had to go by was a mention of some portal to the north, but that was no guarantee of anything
  573. >No guarantees...
  574. >No nothing...
  575. >You weren't sure when, but in the midst of your thoughts you drifted off to sleep
  576. >In your dreams, you saw a shining city, glimmering in the sunlight like a sea of glass
  577. >But with a sound of thunder and a flash, the glass was smashed
  578. >You woke with a gasp, covered in a cold sweat
  579. >The early morning sun was just barely over the horizon, it was still dark out
  580. >You sat in bed catching your breath before heading down the steps to the bar
  581. >The tavern wasn't open yet, but Flik the barkeep was already up and preparing the place for business
  582. >He looked up, acknowledging you with a smile
  583. >"Good morning Anon, I take it you slept well?" he said
  584. "Mostly." you replied
  585. >He scratched his chin with a hoof
  586. >"Mostly well is more than a lot of ponies can say."
  587. >You took a seat at the bar, burying your head in your arms
  588. >"Can I get you something?" Flik asked
  589. "Can you get me ticket home?"
  590. >He frowned
  591. >"Afraid that's not quite within my means," he said
  592. >"but a hot breakfast I can do."
  593. >You looked up at him with a slight nod
  594. >He grinned at you and set to work
  595. "Flik, you said you've known Iasa since she was a kid, right?" you asked
  596. >"Sure have." he replied
  597. >"Knew her great-grandfather and his aunt and uncle too, they were like family to me. Naturally, so is she."
  598. >You looked at him questioningly
  599. "But that would make you...ancient. No offense." you said
  600. "But you don't look very old at all."
  601. >He chuckled
  602. >"That's the thing about being a changeling, I can look however I like."
  603. "Changeling...?" you asked
  604. >In the blink of an eye, Flik's appearance shifted like a cloak had been ripped away, revealing a more insectoid creature than the equine who had been standing before you, one that looked much frailer than before
  605. >"Granted," he said, changing back into his disguise
  606. >"we've made big improvements since the metamorphoses."
  607. "So why hide your true form?" you asked
  608. >"Some ponies," he said
  609. >"still carry prejudices against my kind. It's easier this way."
  610. >You frowned
  611. "Iasa seems to have some sort of prejudice against griffons."
  612. >"I know. She certainly has her reasons but I wish that she would find a way to get past them." Flik replied
  613. >He pushed a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of coffee in front of you
  614. >"I've known griffons my whole life. They've got no more goodness or badness in them than any of us." he explained
  615. >"But back when Anon was here, we had the privilege of knowing one of the greatest individuals in the land, a griffon named Hugo."
  616. >You took a sip of your coffee
  617. "What made him so great?" you asked
  618. >Flik chuckled
  619. >"Taught Anon everything he knew to stay alive, watched over us young folks like a hawk." he said
  620. >"He was rough around the edges but, in the end, it was clear that he cared very deeply about his friends, no matter what or who they were. I like to think that rubbed off on the family."
  621. "What's Iasa's problem then?"
  622. >Flik sighed, taking a seat in front of you
  623. >"About forty years ago, during the second Griffonic-Equestrian war, the invading Griffon forces burned Hollow Shades to the ground during a revolt against the occupation. Her grandmother and her father were here in Hayven at the time, but her grandfather died in the fighting."
  624. >You were shocked
  625. "Did nobody help them?" you asked
  626. >Flik looked grim
  627. >"The Crystal Empire had promised to aid the rebellion if they rose up, but instead they held their forces back until the Griffons had purged the entire city, occupying it after every last one of her kind was put to the sword."
  628. >You were appalled
  629. "Why would they do such a thing?"
  630. >Flik shrugged
  631. >"It's uncertain. Some blame logistics, others say it was a miscommunication of when the uprising was supposed to take place..." he said
  632. >"...or maybe the Empire just wanted Hollow Shades for themselves, free of "undesirables", so to speak."
  633. >You looked at him questioningly
  634. "You don't think-"
  635. >A knock on the tavern door interrupted you
  636. >"Hayven Guard, open up." a voice called from the other side
  637. >You and Flik exchanged glances before he went and opened the door
  638. >Two mail-laden guards walked in and immediately approached you
  639. >"Are you the one called Anon?"
  640. "Yes?" you replied, looking to Flik for an explanation
  641. >"You have been summoned to the keep to appear before the king, please, come with us."
  642. ___________________________
  643. >"When you approach the king, you will be expected to show due respect. He is not unreasonable, but you must remember that you are speaking to a sovereign ruler." the frazzled courtier said as she tugged and straightened your clothes
  644. >You weren't quite sure what you were going to say
  645. >Why would the king want to see you?
  646. >Even if you were some kind of rare oddity, didn't exactly have anything of value to tell a king
  647. >"You must bow three times, one upon entrance to the throne room, again halfway there, and once more upon approaching the throne itself." she continued explaining, her words flowing in one ear and out the other
  648. >"Are you listening to me?!" she hissed
  649. >You nodded
  650. >"Etiquette is everything in dealing with high society, you must make a good impression!"
  651. >She stopped you and took a few steps back to examine you
  652. >She shook her head and sighed
  653. >"You're positive this is the best attire you possess?"
  654. "Yes, ma'am." you answered
  655. "I travel light."
  656. >" will have to do." she said reluctantly
  657. >"The king will likely just assume it is some sort of traditional dress of your people, I suggest you don't draw attention to it."
  658. "Understood." you said, suddenly mindful of your uniform's less than stellar condition given your endeavors as of late
  659. >The two of you approached the entrance to the throne room and saw that there were other courtiers packed inside, approaching when their names were called
  660. >Off to the side of the throne, you noticed Mason, dressed far more elegantly than he had been on the road
  661. >He must have gotten here before you woke up this morning
  662. >"I will hand the Marshal of the Court your identification card, and he will introduce you to the court. Upon introduction, you will approach the king, remembering to bow, and then you will introduce yourself to the king personally." the courtier said, obviously nervous
  663. >"I wish you luck."
  664. "Thanks..." you said, straightening your jacket one last time before shaking off the nerves
  665. >You never did like being the center of attention, even in familiar circles
  666. >"First Lieutenant Anonymous, of Earth." the Marshal called out
  667. >That was your cue
  668. >Your eyes darted to everyone in the room, traveling back and forth
  669. >Three steps
  670. >Wait, you were supposed to be bowing right?
  671. >Awkwardly, you bowed so quickly and lightly it could be confused for a nod
  672. >You cursed yourself, aware of how weak it was
  673. >A few more steps
  674. >Someone in the crowd was giggling
  675. >Were you halfway yet?
  676. >You decided not to risk it
  677. >You bowed again, trying to compensate by bowing lowly, almost losing your balance as you heard another snicker
  678. >You cleared your throat, standing up as tall as you could
  679. >With a few more steps, you were nearly upon the throne
  680. >With as much composure as you could muster, you bowed once more, convinced you had finally nailed it
  681. >Rising back up to a standing position, your eyes met Mason's
  682. >With a slight nod, he grinned at you
  683. >You nodded back to him, before finally turning your eyes to the king, who you had managed to almost completely forget somehow
  684. >He was an old one, for sure
  685. >Though his coat was a deep brown, his hair was nearly white with age
  686. >His robe, though obviously meant to signify his position, was surprisingly simple
  687. >On his head rested a crown, not of gold, but of a crude iron
  688. >His eyes were fixated on you, but his face was expressionless, not betraying whatever thoughts he may have been having
  689. >For a moment, the two of you stood there in silence, just looking at each other
  690. >You could swear you heard a pin drop somewhere in the room
  691. >"How do you find my fair city, Lieutenant?" he finally said
  692. >You cleared your throat once more, trying to buy yourself a moment of time
  693. >Not the line of questioning you were expecting...
  694. >Then again, you've never met a king of any sort before
  695. "It is a wonderful city, sir." you replied, deciding it would be best to get on his good side
  696. >The old king looked as if he had been expecting such an answer, and scratched his chin
  697. >"Is that so?" he asked
  698. >"What about it do you find so wonderful?"
  699. >Well shit
  700. >Did he suspect you were trying to flatter him?
  701. "The, uh, the people! Your majesty..." you said quickly
  702. "They have been very hospitable since my arrival."
  703. >He raised his eyebrows at you
  704. >"Have they?" he asked
  705. >"The patrons of Flik's Tavern are a sufficient sample size for you to make that assumption about the whole city eh?"
  706. >You looked at the floor
  707. >Hr wasn't buying it
  708. >"And the dirt roads boy, what do you think of them?"
  709. >You looked back up at the king
  710. >"And the straw homes, do you think those too, are wonderful?"
  711. >You felt your heart rate increasing
  712. "I, uh..."
  713. >"May I offer you a bit of advice, Lieutenant?" the king asked
  714. "Yes, sir." you managed to reply before he almost immediately continued
  715. >"Honesty makes a far greater impression than flattery when addressing those who are too busy for vanity." he said
  716. >You didn't know what to say
  717. >You stood there looking at him, mouth ajar, trying to form words that wouldn't come out
  718. >Suddenly, he laughed
  719. >A jovial laugh of someone half his age
  720. >"Relax, Lieutenant," he said
  721. >"I did not summon you here to torture you."
  722. >It had been a joke?
  723. >He'd been pulling your leg this whole time?
  724. >You gave a sigh of relief and felt the tension melt away
  725. "I would certainly hope not, sir." you said
  726. >He grinned at you
  727. >"Tell me about your home city, Anonymous. I wish to know where our rarest of guests comes from."
  728. >You weren't even sure how to begin
  729. >But you did your best to describe it, capturing the attention of the whole room with your descriptions of home
  730. "Other than that, there's not much else to tell really. It's been some time since I've been home to be honest."
  731. >The king smirked at that
  732. >"You know what a truly wonderful city is, Anonymous?" he asked, rising from his throne
  733. "Sir?"
  734. >He approached you, standing nearly half your height, but utterly unfazed by this disparity
  735. >Reaching you, pointed up to a large glass window that rested above the throne
  736. >Through the window, and glistening in the morning sun, you saw the towering spires of Canterlot
  737. "Canterlot." you said
  738. >"The crown jewel of the Equestrian Empire, seat of the two Goddesses..." he said
  739. >"Now a monument to our failures as a nation. But only so long as it remains just out of our grasp, leaving us in this heap."
  740. "I was told you maintain a base up near the city?" you said
  741. >"That we do," he replied
  742. >"and soon, we will reclaim our lost capital, definitively demonstrating Hayven's independent power once and for all!"
  743. >He began making his way back to his throne
  744. >"And that, Anonymous, is precisely why I have summoned you here."
  745. >You gave the king a questioning look
  746. "Sir?"
  747. >Retaking his seat, the king exhaled a deep breath
  748. >"You will help us reconquer Canterlot."
  749. _______________________
  750. >"This is insanity, you can't possibly be considering this." Iasa said, pleading with you from across the table
  751. >"Canterlot is a lost cause, there is nothing there for us, and especially not for you. This is nothing but the king's pride and politics putting more lives at risk for nothing!"
  752. >You checked your magazine pouches
  753. >Thankfully you still had not expended more than half a magazine since you had arrived, you had not expected that you might need to actually use it
  754. "The king has resources. I need all the help I can get if I'm going to find a way home." you said
  755. "If that means helping him secure a city that's essentially empty already, that's a chance I'll have to take."
  756. >Iasa slammed her hoof on the tabled
  757. >"You don't know what you're dealing with!" she shouted
  758. >"You've never been to Canterlot, I have! What few ponies are still there are half mad with illness, no one even knows what lays above the lowest levels, you're going in blind against an enemy you've never seen nor can you fight with those."
  759. "The way I see it, if there's nothing in that city to fight, it just makes my job easier." you said, pushing your chair back and making for the door
  760. >Iasa was practically fuming
  761. >Without a word, she marched up the tavern stairs to her room, and you heard her door whip open
  762. >You frowned
  763. >You didn't want to upset her, but you really had little choice in this
  764. >If you were ever going to find a way out of here, you needed help, and this king would be a valuable asset
  765. >Suddenly, Iasa came stomping back down the steps, fully dressed in her "work clothes" as she called them
  766. >"If you're going to be stupid, I'm going with you. Someone has to make sure you don't get yourself killed." she hissed, marching past you
  767. >You swore she almost ripped the door off its hinges as she stormed out into the street
  768. >Stopping back to look at you, she cocked her head, annoyed
  769. >"Are you coming or what? We need all the daylight we can get."
  770. >You shook your head and grinned
  771. >Frustrating as she could be, you had to hand it to the girl:
  772. >She was spunky
  773. >Together, the two of you marched up the mountain path leading up to Hayven's fort at the foot of Canterlot
  774. >As you approached the fort (more of a camp really), you were surprised to see Mason chatting with a group of soldiers
  775. >"...didn't even see it coming. Never seen anything like it before or since." he said, apparently wrapping up a story
  776. >"That's the thing about Griffons, when we hit, it's hard, fast, and decisive."
  777. >"Ah, that's why the Crystal Empire has repelled two Griffonic invasions eh?" one of the soldiers chided him
  778. >Mason grinned
  779. >"By a knife's edge, it could have easily gone the other way either time." he said
  780. >It was then that he noticed you approaching
  781. >"Anon! Iasa! We were beginning to wonder when you would get here!"
  782. "I didn't realize you would be joining us?" you said
  783. >"My lord would not have me miss an opportunity to get an inside look at Canterlot, nor an opportunity to extend aid to our most worthy friends in Hayven." he replied
  784. >"Aren't you a diplomat?" Iasa asked
  785. >"Isn't this a bit out of your league?"
  786. >Mason chuckled
  787. >"My dear lady, where I come from ALL able bodied citizens are prepared to hold their own in dangerous situations." he said
  788. >She narrowed her eyes at him
  789. >"We'll see." she said
  790. >"As far as I can see, I'm the only one who's been on the other side of those walls."
  791. >One of the soldiers raised a hoof
  792. >"I made it up to the entrance once!" he said proudly
  793. >Iasa looked at you
  794. >Even through her mask you could tell she was rolling her eyes
  795. >"Just as well," Mason said
  796. >"it was wise of Anon to bring you along then."
  797. >She muttered under her breath and you quickly stepped forward
  798. "Do we have a plan, then?"
  799. >"You have the whole of this garrison at your disposal, sir." one of the soldiers said
  800. >"By order of the king, we're yours to command."
  801. >You looked at Mason
  802. "I suppose it was no accident they knew about my line of work then?"
  803. >He shrugged
  804. >"I may have mentioned it."
  805. >You turned to the soldier
  806. "How many men do you have?"
  807. >"Fifteen, sir."
  808. >You looked at him in disbelief
  809. "We're to secure a city with eighteen men-"
  810. >Iasa coughed
  811. "-eighteen people...?"
  812. >The soldier nodded
  813. >"All we could spare, sir."
  814. >You turned to Iasa
  815. "What do you think?" you asked
  816. >"I think this whole thing is a mistake, but I don't expect we'll make it very far in before you realize that and we turn back." she replied
  817. "But is it enough?"
  818. >She sighed
  819. >"Ugh...sure, I don't see why not." she said
  820. >"Nobody knows what's beyond the lowest level, but I can't imagine it's much different up above."
  821. >"Buncha plague ridden bums living in shanty towns then? This'll be a piece of cake." one of the soldiers said
  822. >"The king doesn't expect us to actually "conquer" the city," Mason said
  823. >"he has asked that we retrieve something, a certain artifact of the old monarchy."
  824. "That being?" you asked
  825. >Mason produced a piece of parchment, handing it to you
  826. >On the paper was an illustration of a crown, a magnificent one at that
  827. >"The Blueblood Crown." he said
  828. >"Crown of the last king to rule in Canterlot after the disappearance of the Princesses."
  829. ___________________________
  830. >The massive archway that led into the city lay before you, your troopers marching just ahead as you approached
  831. >The closer you got, the feeling of unease in your stomach began to get stronger
  832. >The once majestic spires glistening in the sunlight became foreboding, like spears jutting out from behind the shield that was the city wall
  833. >Most of the soldiers with you had never been beyond the city wall before, Iasa would have to be your guide, and even she was not familiar with anything beyond the lower levels...
  834. >Or so she said...
  835. >Mason looked confident as ever, more curious than anything really
  836. >Finally approaching the gate, you all stop and gape at the size of it
  837. >With a deep breath, you readied yourself
  838. "Open it." you said, nodding at one of the soldiers
  839. >Two of them quickly approached the gate and began turning the massive crank, causing the gate to lift with a mighty groan
  840. >Within a few minutes, the entrance was wide open, revealing the scene concealed behind the walls
  841. >"If you've got a mask, now's the time to wear it." Iasa said through her own beaked cover
  842. >Some of the soldiers produced meager face masks and put them on, but you weren't convinced that they were meant to do much more than give a morale boost
  843. >You, on the other hand, had an actual respirator on hand
  844. >The last thing you wanted now was to catch whatever emptied out this city
  845. >You marched inside, taking in the scene around you
  846. >The emptiness of the street was haunting, the only sounds were those of your footsteps and the breeze blowing between the alleyways around you
  847. >As you continued into the city, you began to notice the faded colors on the walls and signs, the effects of decades without a touch up under the blazing sun
  848. >"We should be coming up on Canterlot Central Station," Iasa announced
  849. >"if we're looking for this crown, we're still a long way off."
  850. "I thought you said there were still residents here?" you asked
  851. >Iasa shrugged
  852. >"There were at the time...I don't come here too often, you know."
  853. >You had not so much as heard another living thing beside your troop in since you entered the city
  854. >Still, the trash and debris littering the streets made it clear that *someone* had been living here at least relatively recently
  855. >Could they be hiding from you?
  856. >...Would they?
  857. >You stepped into the train terminal, hearing the wind rushing through it even louder than it had in the streets
  858. >"This place used to be the busiest station in all of Equestria..." Iasa said
  859. >"Thousands of ponies used to live here, and now it's a ghost town."
  860. >You stopped and looked at the map of the city the clerk back at the fort had provided to you
  861. >Tracing a line from Canterlot Central to the Palace, you noted that there were quite a few different paths leading to the upper levels, but the closest one was a large staircase about three blocks from your current position
  862. "Three blocks and one staircase is all that's standing between us and the palace." you announced, turning to Iasa
  863. "Seems to me like this is turning out to be a bit of a cake walk."
  864. >Even if you couldn't see her face, you could tell she was glaring at you
  865. >"Keep your eyes peeled. Getting careless around here would be unwise, to say the least." she said
  866. >You smirked
  867. >You knew she was just trying to protect you, but you were beginning to suspect that her warnings about this place may have been a bit exaggerated
  868. >Whatever danger had been present in this place, it didn't appear to be here now
  869. >And that was all the better as far as you were concerned
  870. >As you covered the three blocks on the way to the staircase, you could tell that the soldiers with you shared the sentiment
  871. >Some of them even removed their masks, apparently no longer concerned about the possibility of infection
  872. >Given the lack of contact, you could hardly blame them
  873. >By the time you reached the massive staircase, they were loudly joking and carrying on or going on about the various sights of the city
  874. >Suddenly, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up and dread begin to rise within you
  875. >But as you looked around, you didn't notice anything alarming
  876. "We're heading up the stairs," you said
  877. "let's pick up the pace, but keep it quiet."
  878. >The soldiers looked annoyed at having been interrupted, but grudgingly complied and filed onto the stairs behind you
  879. >You'd climbed long flights of stairs before, but nothing like this
  880. >Even a third of the way up, you were hundreds of feet off of the ground already
  881. >A loud crack of stone crashing into stone broke you out of your thoughts, and you stopped to look behind you
  882. >One of the soldiers had was looking down over the side with amusement as the sound echoed for what seemed like a solid minute
  883. >"Heh, long way down huh?" he chortled
  884. >Then you heard it
  885. >Barely audible at first, but soon joined by others
  886. >At the edge of your hearing, screeching
  887. >Screeching...and rumbling as the ground began to shake beneath your feet
  888. >"What is that?" Mason asked
  889. >You looked around but couldn't see anything
  890. "Iasa...what's going on?"
  891. >She didn't reply, but you noticed her staring off into space
  892. >"We need to leave, right now." she said
  893. >The rumbling was getting even stronger
  894. "Not without that crown," you said
  895. >"let's go, come on!"
  896. >You began running up the steps as quickly as you could, nearly tripping as the violent shaking intensified
  897. >"What the hell is this?!" one of the soldiers cried
  898. >Halfway up the steps, you noticed something appear over the edge at the top
  899. >You raised your rifle to get a better look through your scope
  900. >A black, insectoid creature
  901. >You recognized it as a changeling but it was...wrong
  902. >Unlike Flik, it was not only black rather than colorful, but it looked scarred, deranged...
  903. >Diseased
  904. >Puss ran from open sores on its body, and a wild look in its eye sent a chill down your spine
  905. >You didn't have time to process it for long before another poked its head out to peer down on you
  906. >"Anon?!" Iasa cried, looking down behind you
  907. >More were appearing at the bottom of the steps
  908. >Hundreds of them
  909. >A swarm...
  910. >And they had you surrounded
  911. ____________________________
  912. >For a moment, you stood in place on the stairs, staring down the horde that had cut you off both above and below you
  913. >"I don't suppose you have a plan?" Iasa asked sarcastically
  914. >You looked over the side once more
  915. >Too far of a drop, you'd break your legs jumping
  916. >Only Iasa and Mason had wings to escape, you and the others were trapped
  917. >Looking around quickly, you noticed a platform not too far above you
  918. "Up there!" you said, pointing to the platform
  919. "You and Mason need to get the rest of us up there, hurry!"
  920. >Iasa looked at you incredulously
  921. >"Are you serious?" she asked
  922. >"I don't know if I can lift them!"
  923. >Suddenly a loud screech from above signaled that you had no more time to wait
  924. "You have to try, now go!" you shouted, firing into the now charging crowd
  925. >Mason quickly grabbed one of the soldiers and flew him up into the air
  926. >"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" one of the others cried
  927. "The rest of you form a shield wall!" you commanded
  928. >"Don't let them touch you!" Iasa said, finally managing to lift one of the others
  929. >Mason was already working on number two
  930. >You alternated firing above and below your position on the steps as the soldiers attempted to hold back the waves pushing against them
  931. >You heard a cry of pain as one of them collapsed, a changeling having found their way through and caught his neck in its jaws
  932. >You fired onto the creature, watching the soldier bleed profusely on the ground
  933. "Iasa!" you cried
  934. "Get him out of here!"
  935. >Already panting, she shook her head
  936. >"He's infected for sure, there's nothing we can do for him!" she protested
  937. "God damn it!" you raged as you reloaded
  938. >The shield walls were getting closer
  939. >With every soldier Mason and Iasa took up, there was one less body between you and the horde
  940. >You were firing so rapidly that your rifle felt as though the barrel should be melting
  941. >Not only that, but you were running low on ammo
  942. >"Hey, what's that?!" Iasa cried, pointing up toward the sky
  943. >You lifted your eyes and saw a mass approaching, very quickly
  944. >You couldn't tell exactly what it was but it was fast
  945. >A horn blared out that caused everything to seemingly pause
  946. >"It's the Empire!"
  947. >The mass was now in view
  948. >Armor clad from head to toe and carrying lances, a massive wave of winged pegasi crashed into the horde in front of you, skewering the beasts
  949. >You watched in awe as they cut through the wall of changelings like a knife through butter
  950. >This was your opportunity, you weren't going to miss it
  951. "Up the stairs! Let's move!"
  952. >You and the remaining soldiers sprinted up the steps following the trail of destruction left behind by the brutal charge
  953. >Standing on the upper level, you could see the palace a short distance away
  954. >Without hesitation, you began running toward it
  955. >"Wait up!" Iasa said, landing beside you
  956. >"We don't even know that the crown is in there!"
  957. "Where else would it be?" you asked, ducking to avoid collision with one of the pegasi
  958. "And where's Mason?"
  959. >"Back with the others, I have no idea what's going on!" she replied
  960. >Soon, you and the few soldiers that had managed to follow entered the palace
  961. >Compared to the rest of the city, it seemed relatively untouched
  962. >With the sounds of the battle behind you, there was a moment to finally catch your breath
  963. "I don't know where those guys came from," you said between breaths
  964. "but that was cutting it way too close."
  965. >Iasa shook her head
  966. >"The Crystal Empire doesn't send patrols this far south, it doesn't make any sense."
  967. >You looked around the massive room around you
  968. "What are the odds this place was looted?" you asked
  969. >"The upper floors? Very likely." Iasa replied
  970. >"But we're going to want to head down to the vaults, nobody would have bothered down there during the panic."
  971. "So, how do we get to them?"
  972. >Iasa shrugged
  973. >"There must be a way down from here, we should get looking."
  974. >You decided that it would be best to split up and cover more ground, the palace was huge and none of you knew where the vaults were for sure
  975. >As you walked through the palace, you were in awe by the sheer size of it, the elegance
  976. >It was like something straight out of fantasy
  977. >Eventually, you came upon a room, walls lined with massive stained glass portraits of scenes unfamiliar to you
  978. >You stared at them before your eyes drifted toward the back of the room and fell upon something glistening upon what you could only assume was the throne
  979. "It can't be..." you said to yourself, quickly moving toward the object
  980. >A large circlet of gold, studded with large sapphires and diamonds, inscribed with images of the moon and sun
  981. >Certainly something fit for a king
  982. >You bent down and picked the crown off of its cushion, holding it in your hands
  983. >This was the Blueblood crown, it had to be
  984. >But why was it here and not in the vaults?
  985. >Why would such a precious thing be left out in the open, unguarded?
  986. > wasn't unguarded
  987. >It was at that moment that you noticed the heavy footsteps approaching from the entrance of the throne room
  988. ___________________________
  989. >You whipped around and your jaw dropped nearly to the floor
  990. >Taking slow, lumbering steps, a towering being of stone marched toward you, unwavering
  991. >You dropped the crown and take aim at the new threat
  992. "Stop!" you shout, not wanting to start a fight with this thing if you didn't have to
  993. >After all, you weren't sure your bullets would even stop it
  994. >But still, it pressed on
  995. >You groaned and fired a few shots at it
  996. >Predictably, they had little apparent effect
  997. "Great..." you muttered to yourself as the golem raised a massive arm and brought it down with impressive speed
  998. >You dodged the hand as it crashed into the spot where you once stood, taking another shot at the golem's face
  999. >Still no good
  1000. >Faster than you expected, it swiped its arm to the side and knocked you off of your feet
  1001. >You flew through the air and collided with a column on the side of the room
  1002. >That was going to hurt something fierce tomorrow
  1003. >You lifted your head off the ground to realize that your rifle was no longer in your hands, spotting it a short ways away from where you had been hit
  1004. >At least it was...
  1005. >Until the golem's foot crushed it
  1006. >You managed to roll to your right just in time to avoid being crushed by another heavy blow
  1007. >A searing pain in your back suddenly spiked, and it was slowing you down immensely
  1008. >A roll to the left, narrowly escaping again
  1009. >The pain surged through you, causing you to pause as you tried to suppress the urge to scream
  1010. >You felt the stone hand grip you and lift you into the air, bringing you up to the golem's face
  1011. >It was then that you noticed that it seemed to be examining you with its one jeweled eye
  1012. >The glistening blue gem secured within its eye socket
  1013. >Before you could react, you were falling again, hitting the floor as you saw the golem stumbling backwards, dragged by a large stretch of cloth
  1014. >"Wrap it around the legs!" Iasa cried
  1015. >"Take it down!"
  1016. >The soldiers were scrambling around the golem's legs wielding curtains torn from the windows, tying it up rapidly
  1017. >You looked up and saw Mason poised across the room, hovering in the air with one of the soldier's shields in his claws
  1018. >"Mason! Do it!" Iasa shouted
  1019. >The griffon took off at high speed, hurtling straight toward the golem's face, crashing into it with great force
  1020. >The force of the hit sent the golem falling backwards, crashing onto its back
  1021. "Its eye!" you cried, wincing in pain
  1022. "Go for the eye!"
  1023. >Iasa quickly jumped onto the golem and looked into its one eye, grabbing it and attempting to yank it out
  1024. >"It won't budge!" she replied as she strained
  1025. >You felt around your vest and found your last grenade
  1026. "Use this!" you said, tossing it toward Iasa
  1027. >She caught it, looking at the device curiously
  1028. >"What's this?" she asked
  1029. "Pull the pin, drop it in the eye, and everyone run!" you shouted
  1030. >Iasa cautiously pulled the pin from the grenade and dropped it into the gaping hole that was the golem's eye socket
  1031. >"Run!" she cried, prompting the soldiers to flee as the golem began to free itself from its restraints
  1032. >You curled into a ball and braced yourself
  1033. >The next few moments were filled only with a piercing ringing in your ears
  1034. >Rolling over, you saw that your plan had worked
  1035. >Half of the golem's face was missing, the one jeweled eye socket blown apart by your grenade
  1036. >You let out a deep breath and rolled flat onto your back
  1037. >The pain in your back was like a fire to your nerves, and you lay there motionless
  1038. >Through the ringing in your ears, you heard muffled voices as if they were traveling under water approaching you
  1039. >Your vision began to blur as Iasa's blurred frame appeared above you
  1040. >And then, darkness
  1041. _____________________________
  1042. >A ray of sunlight roused you from your deep sleep, shining directly onto your face
  1043. >The pastel colored beams of light struck your eyes, nearly blinding you as soon as you opened them
  1044. >Raising a hand to cover them, you squinted at the source
  1045. >Stained glass...
  1046. >Were you still in the throne room?
  1047. >Glancing around the room, you saw rows of beds lining the walls, each with occupants in varying states of injury
  1048. >Some were bandaged, others in casts...
  1049. >A few with the sheets drawn over them entirely
  1050. >Suddenly the memories came flooding back to you
  1051. >You had been injured, though the pain seemed manageable now
  1052. >You slowly rose up in your cot and felt your back
  1053. >There was a slight tenderness to the area that had struck the stone pillar in the throne room, but you could at least move without feeling like you were going to pass out
  1054. >You took a closer look around the room and deduced that you were in some sort of church
  1055. >Not unlike the throne room, there were a great deal of scenes depicted around you that you did not recognize, but it was on a less grand scale
  1056. >You noticed one of the Hayven soldiers and an Imperial soldier standing not too far off, looking up at one of the scenes in the windows
  1057. >"I just don't see how you southerners can make the jump from the Sisters being beings of great power to being goddesses in their own right, it seems irrational to us." the Imperial said.
  1058. >"What else but a god could raise the sun and the moon? Hold power over celestial bodies themselves?" the Hayvener replied
  1059. >"We saw the Sister Goddesses do this, you'd be a fool to deny it."
  1060. >The Imperial shook his head
  1061. >"I think you're oversimplifying what you were seeing. The Sisters are gone, yet the days go on as they always have. Clearly they are not integral to the system in the way you're suggesting."
  1062. >Your attention was drawn away from the theological debate to the snoring beside your cot
  1063. >You turned and saw Iasa, slumped in a chair positioned right next to you
  1064. >"Let her sleep," Mason's voice called out, approaching you from the walkway
  1065. >"she's hardly got a wink of it since you were brought in here."
  1066. "What is this place?" you asked
  1067. >Mason looked around
  1068. >"They've been calling it the Celestial Cathedral." he said
  1069. >"It's well within the occupied district of Canterlot, so we're perfectly safe."
  1070. >Occupied district?
  1071. >So things must have gone pretty well after you passed out
  1072. "I guess we won then, eh?" you replied, still looking at Iasa
  1073. >Her leg was twitching, she must have been dreaming
  1074. >"You could say that." Mason said
  1075. >"Hard to pin down what constitutes "we" at the moment, however."
  1076. >You cocked your head at him
  1077. "What do you mean?" you asked
  1078. >He shrugged
  1079. >"The Imperials are saying they did the heavy lifting during the battle with the changelings, so they're claiming the city for themselves." he answered
  1080. >"Of course that's not going over too well with the Hayveners, and one of them managed to secure the crown, which the Imperials are also demanding."
  1081. >You groaned and buried your face in your hands
  1082. "At least we got it, right?" you said
  1083. >Mason chuckled
  1084. >"At least for the moment." he replied
  1085. >"How's your back?"
  1086. >You twisted around a bit, still searching for any issues
  1087. "Better, I'm not on the verge of collapsing again." you said
  1088. >"That's good, you're lucky the Imperials had a few medics in their division, they were able to reinflate your lung and repair some of those ribs with a little of their magic."
  1089. "Wish we had that back home." you laughed
  1090. >"Indeed." he said
  1091. >"They had to induce a coma to let it work but it seems like you're alright now."
  1092. >Coma?
  1093. "How long have I been out?" you asked
  1094. >"Three days." Mason replied
  1095. >You swung your legs over the side of the cot, standing up and stretching
  1096. "That explains the stiffness." you said, feeling your back crack as you did
  1097. >Your attention once again turned to the other patients
  1098. "What happens now?" you asked
  1099. >Mason's smile turned into a frown
  1100. >"An Imperial emissary arrived yesterday, they'll be meeting with King Rex this afternoon."
  1101. "Is that a bad thing...?" you questioned
  1102. >"That depends on what the Crystal Empire has in mind I suppose." he replied
  1103. >"But now that you're awake, I'm sure the king would be most appreciative if you could attend."
  1104. >You looked at yourself
  1105. >You were no longer in your uniform
  1106. >...which meant someone had changed you before putting you in this cot
  1107. "Yeah, I guess I could do that if I get my clothes back." you said, wondering where they could be
  1108. >"There's a footlocker under your bed, don't worry, I ensured none of these guys took anything." Mason said reassuringly
  1109. >With a sigh a relief, you saw that he was right, putting the locker onto your cot and searching through it
  1110. >In your rustling, your hand accidentally brushed up against your radio, causing a burst of loud static to erupt from the footlocker
  1111. >One of Iasa's eyes shot open and she quickly jumped upon seeing you were awake
  1112. >"Anon! You're okay!" she cried, flinging herself over the bed and hugging you, causing you to lose your balance and stumble backward onto the cot beside you
  1113. >"Oof!" the occupant grunted painfully
  1114. >"Oh my-, I'm sorry!" Iasa said, quickly helping you stand up off of the injured, glaring soldier in the bed
  1115. >She eyed you up and down a bright smile on her face
  1116. >"Are you alright? How's your back? Do you need anyth-" she rattled off a thousand words per minute
  1117. >You put up your hands to slow her down, returning her smile
  1118. "I'm alright Iasa, I'm fine. I've been in good hands it seems." you said
  1119. >She sighed with relief, embracing you once again
  1120. >"I was worried sick about you, I haven't left your side since they put you under and, and..."
  1121. >Her words trailed off into a quiet sob as she buried her face in your shoulder
  1122. >"I'm just glad you're alright."
  1123. >You were kind of taken aback by the sudden display of sentiment, but you returned her hug and patted her back
  1124. "I'm fine...everything's fine..." you said
  1125. >After a moment, you heard a sniff beside your ear
  1126. >"You could use a bath though..."
  1127. ________________________________
  1128. >"You'll have to pardon me, your "majesty", but as I've stated numerous times, that crown is the rightful property of the imperial family." the emissary proclaimed, standing before the king of Hayven in the makeshift meeting area in the Canterlot palace courtyard
  1129. >Neither side had been able to come to an agreement yet on who was to be the steward of the city, nor who had the true claim to the crown of King Blueblood
  1130. >King Rex and the imperial emissary had been at it for nearly two hours now, and the blazing sun was wearing down on the attendees
  1131. >To no great surprise, tensions (and tempers) were running high
  1132. >"It was MY troopers and citizens who found and secured the crown, it was US who even bothered to venture into this city in the first place. The Crystal Empire would have continued ignoring it had they not heard of our plan."
  1133. >The emissary scoffed
  1134. >"Let's look at the facts, shall we?" he said
  1135. >"The Crystal Empire now has half a legion occupying this city. Over two thousand soldiers. That is but a fraction of our might, and it already outnumbers your own."
  1136. >You looked down at Iasa
  1137. >She was glaring at the emissary
  1138. >Mason didn't look too happy about what was being suggested either
  1139. >Was the Empire really threatening to occupy the city, even if it meant force against Hayven?
  1140. >The king, surprisingly, didn't look nearly as concerned as the rest of the gathering did
  1141. >"And how soon, son, would that half-legion be recalled to the north if something were to threaten the Empire?" he asked
  1142. >"Your country has never been known to spare any expense in its own defense, only becoming stingy when it's someone else's home that is threatened."
  1143. "Yikes..." you muttered
  1144. >"It's true." Iasa said
  1145. >"The Empire would never bother maintaining this place if anything happened up north...and their attitude makes sure that happens plenty."
  1146. >The emissary scowled
  1147. >"As the representative of the Emperor, the one true sovereign of all Equestria, it is my duty to inform you that any attempt to resist imperial occupation, or withhold imperial property is to be considered an act of war, and will be dealt with swiftly and harshly." he said
  1148. >"That said, the Crystal Empire is willing to make certain...accommodations, in the interest of peace."
  1149. >He retrieved a scroll from his bag and handed it to King Rex
  1150. >Unrolling the scroll, the king read over it
  1151. >"The Empire recognizes the troubled times that its southern cousins have endured since the end of the last war, and believes that it is time to right the wrongs of the past." the emissary announced
  1152. >"In exchange for your oath of fealty to the Emperor, you shall once again come under the Empire's protection, the "king" of Hayven being recognized as the Duke of the newest imperial province."
  1153. >King Rex's eyes continued to zoom back and forth over the scroll, not saying a word
  1154. >The emissary waited a moment, looking impatient
  1155. >"With imperial support, your land will prosper as it did back during the reign of the Princesses." he said
  1156. >"It is in the best interest of yourself and your citizens to accept this generous offer."
  1157. >"You'd have us be your slaves." Iasa said out loud, stepping forward from the crowd
  1158. >The emissary narrowed his eyes at her
  1159. >"You would be citizens of the only legitimate government left on this continent." he replied
  1160. >"With all the rights and privileges afforded to-"
  1161. >"Rights? Privileges?" Iasa cut him off
  1162. "Iasa, hold on-" you began
  1163. >But she was already too far gone
  1164. >"Where were my people's rights and privileges when the Empire left them to burn? Where was the Empire when those on its doorstep needed them?" she demanded
  1165. >"You northerners make nice promises, you promise everything under the moon and sun with your fancy speech and your talk of "legitimacy" and "true sovereignty", but when push comes to shove you will abandon those who need you the most."
  1166. >"Why, you don't-" the emissary began again, going red in the face
  1167. >"King Rex has done more for the south than the Empire ever has. You know what I have to say to your offer?" Iasa asked
  1168. >She spit on the ground at the emissary's feet
  1169. >"Take it back to the Emperor, we don't want his help, or need it." she hissed, storming off through the crowd
  1170. >You were shocked
  1171. >You couldn't even find words to speak at what you just witnessed
  1172. >The emissary, his face now red as his glistening robe, turned to King Rex
  1173. >"Do you let your subjects speak for you, your "majesty"?" he asked
  1174. >"Is this how your subjects see the Empire?"
  1175. >The king finally lowered the scroll and looked at the emissary with a small grin on his face
  1176. >"Our Iasa is a fiery one, you'll have to pardon her." he said, rolling up the scroll
  1177. >"But I do believe some sort of arrangement can be made. Though, I'd like to discuss it with the Emperor personally."
  1178. >The emissary looked confused
  1179. >"I am the Emperor's emissary, any message you have for him may be relayed through myself."
  1180. >King Rex shook his head
  1181. >"It isn't so much about the message as having a man to man talk. I feel it is more fruitful than passing notes, and it is on that condition that I will consider the Empire's offer."
  1182. >The emissary sighed and shook his head
  1183. >"Very well, if it means that you will consider it, the Emperor would not object to a meeting."
  1184. >Rex nodded and handed the emissary back the scroll
  1185. >"Then I shall set out for the Imperial City in the morning, with the Blueblood Crown."
  1186. >"I will assemble a personal escort for you, in that case." the emissary said
  1187. >Rex shook his head
  1188. >"That won't be necessary, I will travel with my own companions." he replied, turning to you
  1189. >"After all, I have a debt to repay."
  1190. _____________________________________
  1191. "Rifle destroyed." you said, tossing your remaining magazines onto the bed
  1192. "Vest, totally shredded."
  1193. >You removed your soft armor and vest, ruined in your battle with the golem, tossing it aside as well
  1194. "You really outdid yourself this time, Anon." you scolded yourself
  1195. >King Rex had told you to be ready to leave Hayven in the morning, your company would be taking a different route up to the Crystal Empire to meet with someone that Rex felt could help you learn about the last human to arrive in Equestria
  1196. >More importantly, they might be able to tell you more about where he went
  1197. >"There'll be a personal guard." Iasa said, reassuringly
  1198. >"I don't think you'll need them."
  1199. >You rolled your eyes
  1200. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't exactly like depending on these part timers for protection." you replied
  1201. >Iasa frowned
  1202. >"I'm sure they'll have something for you if you feel that strongly."
  1203. >You sat on your bed, looking at your helmet before tossing it aside as well
  1204. "Yeah, just give me a sword or something to swing, that'll work out just fine."
  1205. >Iasa couldn't suppress a chuckle
  1206. >"Do you even know how to use a sword?"
  1207. >You smiled and shook your head
  1208. "I don't know if it takes too much knowledge to swing a piece of steel around."
  1209. >She sighed and put a hoof on your knee
  1210. >"It's going to work out, don't worry." she said
  1211. >"Besides, I'll be going with you, so you're in good hooves."
  1212. >A knock at the door interrupted the two of you
  1213. "Come on in." you called
  1214. >Mason stepped into the room
  1215. "I guess you'll be heading home, eh?" you said
  1216. >He shook his head
  1217. >"Not just yet, my instructions were to stay until I could come to some sort of agreement with the King of Hayven," he explained
  1218. >"though it seems that has just become a lot more complicated."
  1219. >Iasa snorted
  1220. >"Glad to know I'm not the only one unhappy with this." she said
  1221. >Mason waved his hand dismissively
  1222. >"Merely a setback. In time the king will see Griffonia is the better partner going into the future."
  1223. >"Yeah well, I don't know if I'd go that far." Iasa replied
  1224. >Mason smirked, undeterred
  1225. >"Perhaps we'll see." he said, turning to you
  1226. >"Anon, if I may have a word in private?"
  1227. >You and Iasa looked at each other
  1228. >Private?
  1229. >What for?
  1230. >"Keeping secrets now, huh?" Iasa questioned
  1231. >"The king has a message for Anon alone, he wants the information to remain contained to a few individuals. It is better that you don't hear it." Mason replied
  1232. >The look on Iasa's face protested, and she looked to you for support
  1233. >But you knew the king wouldn't be keeping secrets if it wasn't necessary
  1234. "Maybe it's for the best, Iasa." you said
  1235. "I doubt the king is messing around at a time like this."
  1236. >She groaned, giving in
  1237. >"Fine. I'll be down at the bar." she said, throwing a hoof in the air in exasperation
  1238. "I'll meet you down there in a bit." you called after her as she shut the door behind her
  1239. >Mason listened for a moment as Iasa's steps grew too faint to hear
  1240. >"The king has a job for you, Anon."
  1241. >You furrowed your brow at him
  1242. "A job? I thought we were leaving first thing in the morning?"
  1243. >"We are," Mason replied
  1244. >"it's something he needs you to do during our trip."
  1245. >He reached into his bag and pulled out a band of gold, covered in blue gems
  1246. >Your eyes widened
  1247. "The crown? Have you had it this whole time?"
  1248. >Mason nodded
  1249. >"The imperials would never expect a pony to trust a griffon with something like this, they never searched me." he explained
  1250. >You began to understand what he was getting at
  1251. "You're giving this to me?"
  1252. >"For the duration of our journey, yes. The king doesn't trust that the Imperials won't attempt to...liberate...the crown. It's why he turned down their escort." he said
  1253. "And he trusts me with it?" you asked
  1254. >Mason nodded
  1255. >"He trusts in your capability to keep it safe," he replied
  1256. >"that you have nothing to gain from stealing it doesn't hurt either."
  1257. >You smirked
  1258. >"Yet he trusts a griffon would have plenty to gain?"
  1259. >Mason shrugged
  1260. >"Calculated risks." he said matter of factly
  1261. >"It so happens he bet on an honest griffon. I would not dishonor my people by betraying a potential ally."
  1262. "But you'll risk the wrath of your king by turning down such a bargaining chip?"
  1263. >The griffon smiled
  1264. >"Calculated risks."
  1265. >Mason tossed the crown to you and opened the door, stopping halfway into the hall
  1266. >"Any known carrier will be a potential target."
  1267. >"No one can know you're carrying the crown, Anon." he said
  1268. >You looked at the crown in your hands
  1269. >Seemed like a whole lot of trouble for a few ounces of gold
  1270. "I understand." you replied
  1271. >He took one more look at you before leaving the room
  1272. >"I believe that." he said
  1273. >"I hope you don't prove me wrong."
  1274. _________________________
  1275. >"And so that was the THIRD time I had to rebuild the keep. They told me building on the marsh was crazy, but I showed them!" Rex declared triumphantly
  1276. >"Aye, that ye did, sir." Tawny said
  1277. >The young guard was the latest addition to the King's personal guard unit
  1278. >Nice kid, but you were beginning to see him as a bit of a suck-up
  1279. >Being the one tasked with pulling the king's carriage, you could see it wasn't particularly effective
  1280. >"Ah...good days, the old days. Not that anyone at the time would have said so, seeing as the world was going to hell and all but we were all young enough to take advantage of it!"
  1281. >You shifted your pack trying to find a more comfortable position
  1282. >The Blueblood crown was stashed inside, but it had been jabbing into your back for the past three or four miles
  1283. >Iasa noticed your shifting and elbowed you
  1284. >"You alright there?" she asked
  1285. >You nodded
  1286. "Yeah, just getting a little restless is all."
  1287. >She smiled at you
  1288. >"This hike doesn't do it for you?"
  1289. "It's the anticipation. I want to know about the last guy who came through here." you said
  1290. "Whoever Rex's contact is, they just might have my ticket home."
  1291. >You glanced over to Iasa and swore you saw the slightest tinge of sadness in her eyes
  1292. >She had deigned not to wear her mask today, on account of the low possibility of encountering any plague related dangers
  1293. >"Maybe." she replied
  1294. >"Just...don't get ahead of yourself, okay? Nobody really knows what happened to him."
  1295. >Cautious, as always
  1296. >Iasa was determined to protect you, even from disappointment it seemed
  1297. >But you had a good feeling about this
  1298. >It had to lead to something, anything
  1299. "I learned a long time ago not to put all my eggs in one basket," you said
  1300. "but it's a start."
  1301. >She gave a half-hearted smile and turned her attention back to the king, who was still rambling on about something or other
  1302. >"He talks a lot." she said
  1303. "Old-timers usually do." you chuckled
  1304. >"Eh? What was that Anon?" Rex called back to you from his seat
  1305. "I said those are really nice shoes!" you called to him from your spot toward the rear of the party
  1306. >The king looked down at his rather plain boots
  1307. >For a king, his wardrobe was not particularly opulent
  1308. >"These? Hah! These are nothing! You should have seen what I had back during the first Great War! Sturdiest boots you ever did see! Why I remember I..."
  1309. >You and Iasa collectively rolled your eyes and sighed, tuning out from another long winded story
  1310. >The sun hung bright in the sky, but the pleasant breeze staved off the heat as your party marched down the dirt road
  1311. >You had seen nothing but rolling plains for the last couple of hours, aside from the occasional fellow traveler heading south
  1312. >The Imperials had taken a more direct route headed north, but Rex assured you that this path, though longer, was the only way to meet up with his friend
  1313. "Sorry, sir, but how much farther is it before we find your contact?" you asked, presumably interrupting his tale about the wonders of hoofwear
  1314. >"Huh? Oh, it's not too far off my boy, just a few more miles, a small hike..."
  1315. "So...sometime today?"
  1316. >Rex scratched his beard
  1317. >"I suppose if we don't stop for lunch...but who wants to do that I say, my man isn't going anywhere and I'm famished as is!"
  1318. >"Well said, sire." Tawny replied
  1319. >"You're always thinking with your stomach, Tawn." one of the other guards said
  1320. >You frowned
  1321. >You wanted to get there as soon as possible, and the pace of your company was agonizing
  1322. >Mason patted your back
  1323. >"Don't worry Anon, slowly but surly, I'm confident you'll find what you seek."
  1324. "Yeah..." you replied half-heartedly
  1325. >He looked at you questioningly
  1326. >"We need to take this journey with every precaution, it'd be no good to get caught off guard because we were rushing ahead or otherwise distracted." he said
  1327. >"It's too important."
  1328. >You understood, but that didn't make the waiting easier
  1329. >Hours passed, and the sun began to drop below the horizon
  1330. >"Well, I think we had better stop for the night, start setting up camp!" Rex announced
  1331. "What about meeting with your contact? I thought we'd reach it today?"
  1332. >Rex simply shook his head
  1333. >"I suppose it has been a while since I've made this trip, it's a little longer than I remembered. We'll reach him tomorrow, of that I'm sure." he said
  1334. >You felt your fist clench involuntarily
  1335. >You didn't want to spend another night waiting to get home, your desire to know anything that could help you was burning in your chest, demanding relief
  1336. >After a few hours of the king's stories around the campfire, most of your company went to bed
  1337. >Except for you
  1338. >Once you were sure that you wouldn't be spotted, you slipped out of your tent, sneaking through the campsite toward the road
  1339. >Every step against the damp grass seemed to make enough noise to wake the whole countryside, but you pressed on until finally, you felt the crunch of dirt beneath your feet as they met the road
  1340. >You took a look back at the camp
  1341. >Surely a friend of the king wouldn't mind a late night visit from the king's own company, a human no less
  1342. >No, your mind simply would not let you waste any more time, if you stuck to the road, you would find him, and the others would catch up in the morning
  1343. >You walked for an hour through the cool night air when suddenly the light of the moon was obscured by thick clouds
  1344. >A low rumble reverberated across the sky, a grim herald of the rain that began to shower down upon you
  1345. "Great..." you muttered to yourself, trying to see through the downpour
  1346. >Retrieving your night vision goggles, you found that they provided little help in the rain, the droplets blocking out what the darkness could not
  1347. >Still, you pressed on as the road began to turn to mud under your feet
  1348. >As the downpour grew heavier, you found it harder to keep yourself on the road
  1349. "Good idea Anon..." you said to yourself
  1350. >As if responding to you, your night vision's batteries died, leaving you totally in the dark
  1351. >You were beginning to think you had made a mistake, there was no way you could continue in this
  1352. >Squinting into the distance, drenched in water, you looked for any sign of shelter
  1353. >By a stroke of luck, you saw a light off the side of the road a few hundred meters away
  1354. >Even through the rain, the light of a fire was unmistakable
  1355. >You quickly trudged through the slop in the direction of the light, eventually finding that it was shining through the window of a small cottage nestled just off the road in the treeline
  1356. >Well, whoever's house this was, they were awake at least
  1357. >You approached the cottage door and knocked on it
  1358. "Hello? Is anyone awake in there? I need help!" you cried
  1359. >No response
  1360. >You knocked again
  1361. "Please, I was caught in the storm and lost my way!"
  1362. >Still nothing
  1363. >You growled
  1364. >You knew they were in there, who could just leave you out in the elements like this?
  1365. "I'm in the service of the king of Hayven, if you let me in he'll be happy to repay your kindness!"
  1366. >In a moment, you heard the door's lock click, and after staring for a moment, you reached down and grabbed the knob, opening the door and quickly stepping inside
  1367. >Closing the door, you panted and wiped the water off of your face before turning to the interior of the cottage
  1368. "Thank you...I don't know what I was-"
  1369. >Your words failed you as you saw that the room you were in was massive, too large to fit in the building you had observed outside
  1370. >Shelves upon shelves of books lined the walls, a great roaring fireplace, and a ceiling that seemed to reach to the sky
  1371. "I...wha...?"
  1372. >"Please, make yourself comfortable, Anonymous." a voice called from behind a massive book
  1373. "How do you know my name?" you asked, taking a step closer to the fire
  1374. "What is this place?"
  1375. >"This," the voice replied, still obscured behind the giant tome,
  1376. >"is my home. And the king already sent word to expect you."
  1377. >Your eyes widened
  1378. "You're the one with information about the last human to come here?"
  1379. >"I have a great deal of knowledge about many things." the voice said as the book lowered, revealing an aged, grey bearded pony, his robe bearing a number of stars and moons and studded with gold
  1380. "Who are you...?" you asked as he approached you, his curious eyes seeming to inspect you
  1381. >"I am a conjuror of sorts. Though these days most of my work revolves around research and preservation of knowledge that might otherwise be lost." he replied
  1382. >"But you may call me Star Swirl."
  1383. ____________________________
  1385. >You took a long sip from your cup, staring into the fire
  1386. "So you' old, exactly?" you asked, not quite believing what you'd heard
  1387. >"Well over a thousand, by your reckoning." he replied
  1388. >"I was not exactly a young stallion even before going into Limbo."
  1389. >Over a thousand?
  1390. >How was that even possible?
  1391. " offense are you still alive?" you asked
  1392. >Star Swirl scoffed
  1393. >"Anonymous, you have been in Equestria for weeks now, you have seen magic, and still you struggle with this sort of thing?"
  1394. >"There are many ways of extending one's lifespan, intentionally or unintentionally."
  1395. >You couldn't argue with that
  1396. >It's magic, what *isn't* possible in this place?
  1397. "Tell me about the last human, what happened to him?" you asked
  1398. >He raised his eyebrow at you
  1399. >"Many things happened to the last of your kind to find himself in our world, he was quite a storied individual."
  1400. "Yeah, yeah, I read the book," you said
  1401. "part of it, anyway."
  1402. >"You want to know where he is now then." Star Swirl replied
  1403. >You nodded
  1404. >With a small sigh the old wizard stared deeply into the fire
  1405. >"Even with all my knowledge, I do not know for certain what fate befell him." he said
  1406. >"But, I did have the opportunity to meet with him on the eve of his last known expedition."
  1407. >Now you were getting somewhere
  1408. "And? Where was he going?"
  1409. >Star Swirl got up from his seat, wandering over to a desk and muttering to himself
  1410. >His horn glowing, a scroll came whipping out from the stack of documents, suspended by his magic
  1411. >He laid the scroll in front of you on the table, unfurling it to reveal a map
  1412. >With his hoof, he pointed at what appeared to be a mountain range in the far north
  1413. >"Here." he said
  1414. >"To the fabled location of a lost shrine from before even my own time." he said
  1415. "What sort of shrine?" you asked
  1416. >"Considering it is just a rumor, we're not quite sure." he replied
  1417. >"My research leads me to believe that there are several such shrines in Equestria dating back to the Dark Ages. But these are based on oral tradition of fringe tribes that have long since gone extinct or assimilated into the dominant Equestrian society."
  1418. >You put up your hands expectantly
  1419. "So...old gods maybe?"
  1420. >"It is a possibility, but I suspect that it is not that simple." he said
  1421. >"Magic flows throughout the whole of this world, but in certain locations, those who can feel it and wield magic report increased sensitivity and control over their power."
  1422. >Taking his seat once again, he looked down at the map
  1423. >"I have visited some of these places, and often found that the cause is the presence of an incredibly powerful magical anomaly."
  1424. "Anomaly?"
  1425. >He nodded
  1426. >"Something unusual."
  1427. >Something clicked in your mind
  1428. "Star Swirl, where have you found these anomalies?"
  1429. >He thought for a moment
  1430. >"It has been some time, but I have confirmed the presence of several anomalies of great power in the Great Dunes of the southern desert, Karnag's Cave in the Badlands, and the Everfree Forest."
  1431. >Your eyes widened
  1432. "I was dropped into this world from a portal in the forest." you said
  1433. >"Were you? Curious that I did not find such a thing." he replied
  1434. >"Perhaps it is not always visible, but that would certainly explain the effects in the area."
  1435. "Is it possible that there is another portal in the north?" you asked
  1436. "Maybe that's what he was looking for?"
  1437. >Star Swirl considered it
  1438. >"I suppose it is possible, but it is just as likely that it is a powerful object, or..." his voice trailed off as he stared off into space
  1439. "Or...?" you asked
  1440. >"Nothing, nevermind." he said
  1441. >"The thing is, the northern mountains, this range specifically, are treacherous. Conditions are brutal and the area has been off limits for generations because of it."
  1442. "And yet the last man went." you said
  1443. >Star Swirl nodded
  1444. >"Yes, he did. He went with several companions, none of whom returned." he said
  1445. >"But enough of this for now, there will be more time in the morning when the others arrive."
  1446. >Nearly as soon as he finished, there was a rapid banging on the door
  1447. >"Star Swirl!" Rex's voice called from the other side
  1448. >"It's Rex! Let us in!"
  1449. >Star Swirl sighed and unlocked the door with his magic
  1450. >"Does nopony sleep anymore?" he lamented as the door flung open, your rain drenched and shivering companions collapsing inside and onto the floor
  1451. >Your eyes met Iasa's as she glared at you from underneath a pile of guards
  1452. >You gave her a guilty smile and a small wave
  1453. "Fancy meeting you here guys." you chuckled
  1454. >"As soon as I get dry, I just might throttle you." she hissed
  1455. ________________________________
  1456. >Star Swirl stood close by as your company readied itself to get back on the road
  1457. >You hadn't slept much, but at least the storm had passed
  1458. >"Anonymous, a word?" he said, beckoning you over
  1459. "Sure thing, Swirly." you said, slinging your pack over your shoulders
  1460. >"Don't...ever say that again." he replied
  1461. >"I have something for you. A parting gift that you might find useful."
  1462. >The two of you stepped back inside of his house, and with his magic, he summoned a roll of cloth
  1463. >"The griffon mentioned that you have been disarmed since the incident in Canterlot. It's dangerous to be wandering these parts without any sort of protection." he said
  1464. >You took the roll out of mid air and suddenly realized the weight of whatever was wrapped inside it
  1465. "What is this?" you asked
  1466. >He nodded down at the object
  1467. >"A piece of Equestrian history, one that I think will be of particular use to you."
  1468. >You flipped back part of the cloth to reveal a metal handle wrapped in black leather
  1469. >You gave Star Swirl a wary look before uncovering the rest of the object, revealing an exceptionally bright, and elaborately engraved steel hammer's head and a wicked spike opposite of it
  1470. >"The Warden's Fist." he said
  1471. >You took the hammer in your hand and almost as soon as your hand wrapped around the hilt, you felt the weight suddenly shift, as if it was tuning itself to you
  1472. >"This hammer was forged long before even my time, before the time of Discord, it is said." he explained
  1473. >"Never rusting, never breaking, it has survived through the ages, waiting to be reunited with the kin of its makers."
  1474. >You pried your eyes away from the hammer at that
  1475. "Kin?" you asked
  1476. >"This weapon was forged by humans, Anonymous." he replied
  1477. >The gears of your mind began grinding, threatening to halt
  1478. "Humans? How?"
  1479. >"Very little knowledge has survived, but I have gathered that there once existed in our world a rather large population of your kind, who co-existed alongside mine." he explained
  1480. >"In fact, it is from these early interactions that I suspect much of our own culture was derived."
  1481. >You couldn't believe what you were hearing
  1482. >Here you had been, thinking that you were one of a few to ever come to this place
  1483. >But in fact, there had once been a human civilization living here
  1484. >Not only that, but it was a powerful enough civilization to influence those around it!
  1485. "What happened to these humans?" you asked
  1486. >Star Swirl frowned
  1487. >"As I said, there is precious little information that remains about them, so little that even the majority of our scholars do not know that they were ever here." he said
  1488. >"But it is likely that some sort of magic is to blame for their disappearance. An experiment by human wizards gone awry, or a decision to even leave this plane."
  1489. >He gestured to the Warden's Fist with his hoof
  1490. >"This artifact is one of the last magical weapons they ever created, wielded by a knight whose name has been lost to time, but was tasked with keeping the forces of chaos at bay."
  1491. >You swung the hammer around to get a feel for it
  1492. >Truly, it fit like it was made for you even though you'd never laid hands on such a thing before
  1493. "Star Swirl, I don't know what to say..." you began as he put up a hoof to stop you
  1494. >"I believe such a thing deserves to be reunited with its own, and I have a feeling that you will need it in days to come."
  1495. "I hope not, but I'm grateful, all the same." you said, tucking the hammer into your belt loop
  1496. "Look at that, perfect fit!" you said, jumping around to demonstrate its sturdiness
  1497. >Star Swirl rolled his eyes and turned his back to retire to his study
  1498. >"Oh, there is one last thing," he said
  1499. >"give this to the pony of the night that travels with you."
  1500. >He handed you a small black box, barely larger than your hand
  1501. "Iasa? Why not give it to her yourself?" you asked
  1502. >"Because you are here, and she is not." Star Swirl replied
  1503. >"She will know what it is and what to do with it, besides, I've kept you all long enough. You don't want to keep the emperor waiting."
  1504. >You nodded and turned to leave, stopping as you got to the door
  1505. "Thank you again, Swirly." you said with a cheeky grin
  1506. >"I told you not to call me that!" he cried back as you closed the door behind you, stepping out into the bright sunlight
  1507. >You found that the party was already gone, except for Iasa who stood leaning against the house
  1508. >"The others got a head start, I told them we'd catch up." she said with a smile
  1509. >"If we hoof it a little bit we'll find them in no time."
  1510. "Sounds like a plan to me." you said as the two of you got onto the trail
  1511. >"So what was all that about?" she asked
  1512. >"Old pony likes to talk a lot huh?"
  1513. >You shook your head
  1514. "He's got a lot to say," you replied
  1515. >"but he wanted to give me this."
  1516. >You pointed to the hammer now dangling from your hip
  1517. >Iasa's eyes went wide
  1518. >"Wow, what's someone his age doing with something like that?"
  1519. >You chuckled
  1520. "You're surprised by anything a wizard has laying around?"
  1521. >"Good point." she said
  1522. >"It looks like it'll suit a human better than a pony anyway."
  1523. "That'd make sense, given that it was made by humans." you said slyly
  1524. >Iasa stopped in her tracks
  1525. >"Run that by me again?" she asked
  1526. "Don't worry, I'll give you the quick-rundown later." you said
  1527. >Suddenly, you remembered the small box in your hands
  1528. "By the way, Star Swirl told me to give you this, Ms. "pony of the night"." you said, tossing the box to her
  1529. >Caught off guard, Iasa nearly dropped it in the mud, looking at the box curiously
  1530. >"What is it?" she asked
  1531. >You shrugged
  1532. "He said you'd know, didn't tell me." you said
  1533. "Let's pick up the pace, I'd like to not spend another night wandering around in the dark."
  1534. >She put the box away and smiled
  1535. >"Sure," she said suddenly bolting ahead of you
  1536. >"try and keep up!"
  1537. >You grinned and starting bounding after her
  1538. >Despite the difficulties you'd had, you felt like things were going to be smooth sailing from here on out
  1539. _____________________________
  1540. >"Are we there yet?" Tawny groaned
  1541. >"No, Tawn, we've still have a ways to go." Iasa replied, looking at her map
  1542. >"I think so at least...I never was very good at reading these things."
  1543. >You had been on the road for almost two days now, the alternate path that your company had opted for resulted in a longer trip to the Imperial City
  1544. >Still, your mind was not on the city itself
  1545. >Your mind was set just north of it
  1546. >As soon as you had completed your business with the emperor, you knew you would have to brave whatever those mountains held in store for you
  1547. >"Hold on, stop, stop." she said, putting up a hoof to halt to the company
  1548. >"I think we may have taken the wrong path back at the fork."
  1549. >The group collectively groaned as she glared at them
  1550. "It's all going north, how bad could it be?" you asked
  1551. >"That depends, do you want us to end up in Stalliongrad or the Imperial City?" she replied
  1552. >Not knowing where exactly either of those were, you could only reply with a blank stare
  1553. >Iasa seemed to realize this and rolled her eyes
  1554. >"They're far apart. We want to make this a shorter trip, right?"
  1555. >"May I?" Mason asked, reaching for the map
  1556. >Iasa grumbled, handing it to him
  1557. >"Knock yourself out." she said, trotting off to the side of the road
  1558. >Mason gave a slight bow anyway and took the map over to Rex, discussing how to proceed
  1559. >You joined her over at the side of the road and sat down, taking the moment to rest your legs
  1560. "It's quiet." you noted, noticing that the only sound you could hear was the breeze
  1561. >No birds, no bugs, nothing else
  1562. >"We left the midlands hours ago. The north got hit by the plague as hard as we did, the cities are the only major population centers left." she replied
  1563. >"Funny what you can do when you actually support your people when they need it."
  1564. "You know you're going to have to keep your comments to yourself when we're talking to the emperor, right?" you asked
  1565. "Something tells me he's not used to your brand of criticism."
  1566. >Iasa failed to suppress a grin
  1567. >"Yeah, I know. It's just hard, you know?" she said
  1568. >"Maybe they should hear it. How can things change if you don't point out the problems?"
  1569. >You chuckled
  1570. "Back home it sometimes feels like you can point out issues all day and things still don't change when you need them to." you said
  1571. >She looked sideways at you
  1572. >"That doesn't sound...good." she replied
  1573. >"How does that even work?"
  1574. "Not well." you said
  1575. >She laid on her back and sighed
  1576. >"And you want to go back to such a place?"
  1577. >You shrugged
  1578. "Home is home." you said
  1579. >"Hmm."
  1580. >The two of you sat there for a moment in silence
  1581. >You could hear Mason and the others trying to figure out how to get back on track without backtracking too much
  1582. >"I used to wonder what it was like." Iasa finally said
  1583. "What what was like?" you asked
  1584. >"Hollow Shades." she replied
  1585. >"I can't even begin to imagine a place full of ponies like me."
  1586. >You paused
  1587. >It never occurred to you that Iasa grew up likely not knowing anyone else like her
  1588. >"The empire and the griffons robbed me of my home before I was ever even born. I don't think anything will ever make up for that." she thought out loud
  1589. >You nudged her
  1590. "Home is what you make it." you said
  1591. "You've got some fine folks in Hayven who are glad you're with them."
  1592. >She blew a raspberry at you
  1593. >"Who?" she asked
  1594. >"Flik? He's like family, he practically has to care."
  1595. "I don't think that-"
  1596. >You were cut off by the sound of a distant explosion
  1597. >The thunderous sound soared through the air, followed almost immediately by several more
  1598. >"What is that?" Iasa asked, shooting up from the ground
  1599. >You stood up and rushed over to the rest of the company
  1600. "Did you guys hear that?" you asked
  1601. >"Hear what, Anon?" Mason asked
  1602. "Listen." you said
  1603. >They all stopped talking and stood in silence
  1604. >Another round of thunder came rolling over the hills
  1605. >A look of dread suddenly crossed Mason's face
  1606. >"It's probably just a storm. Let's keep moving, we've got a route figured out." he said, regaining his composure
  1607. >For miles you walked, still hearing the sounds far off in the distance, and eventually no longer
  1608. >That night, you sat around the fire, staring into it as the moon hung bright above you
  1609. >Most of the company had gone to bed, but Iasa and Rex remained with you
  1610. >"We should arrive at the Imperial City tomorrow." Rex said
  1611. >"Have either of you ever seen it?"
  1612. >You and Iasa shook your heads
  1613. >Rex smirked
  1614. >"It's a big place. Much bigger than Hayven." he explained
  1615. >"I want you two close by when we get there, you hear me?"
  1616. "Is it dangerous?" you asked
  1617. >"It has been some time," he replied
  1618. >"but I don't want to take any chances. Politics can drive ponies to do all sorts of things."
  1619. >"We'll be right there with you." Iasa said, smiling at the old king
  1620. >"Besides, we were invited by the emperor himself, surely that counts for something?"
  1621. >Rex scoffed
  1622. >"So long as the aristocracy respects the emperor. I've heard many things about the current climate, tensions are high, and we need to tread carefully."
  1623. "We'll hoof it straight to the palace then," you suggested
  1624. "the sooner we get under the emperor's roof, the less likely we are to have any sort of incident."
  1625. >Rex nodded
  1626. >"That's the idea."
  1627. >The three of you sat in silence, just watching the flames flicker
  1628. >"Well, I suppose it'd be wise to get some sleep, tomorrow, we make history!" Rex said, rising to head to his tent
  1629. >"Sleep well, your majesty." Iasa said as he disappeared into the tent
  1630. "What was all that about?" you asked
  1631. >Iasa shrugged
  1632. >"He's just worried is all. Wouldn't you be?"
  1633. "I don't know, I've never done anything like this before." you replied
  1634. "I just wonder what he thinks could possibly happen."
  1635. >Iasa raised her brow at you
  1636. >"Really? Assassins, hostage-takers, thieves..."
  1637. "I get it, I get it." you said, cutting her off
  1638. "He just seemed so confident until now."
  1639. >She frowned
  1640. >"He has been acting a little funny since we heard those noises earlier, come to think of it."
  1641. >You nodded
  1642. "Mason too." you said
  1643. "Honestly? I don't think that was thunder. I think it was something else."
  1644. >"Why do you say that?" she asked
  1645. >You paused
  1646. "It's just a feeling." you said
  1647. >You didn't want to put your fears into her mind if they weren't already there
  1648. "Can I ask you something?" you asked, hoping to change the topic
  1649. >"Of course." she said
  1650. "What was in that little box Star Swirl gave you?"
  1651. >Iasa reached into her bag and pulled out a small vial, handing it to you
  1652. >You looked at the glass cylinder, a clear liquid sitting inside it
  1653. "What is it?" you asked
  1654. >"I think Star Swirl may have overestimated me, I'm not sure." she admitted
  1655. >"I've never been much for identifying potions."
  1656. >Well, that was disappointing
  1657. "What're you going to do with it?" you asked, handing the vial back
  1658. >Iasa shrugged, tucking it back into its place
  1659. >"I'll have to find an alchemist or something, it must be important, I just can't think of it."
  1660. >"Hey, I'm pretty beat, I think I'll check in for the night." she said
  1661. >"Don't stay up too long, okay? We've got a long day tomorrow."
  1662. "Sure," you replied
  1663. "I'll only be a bit longer."
  1664. >She smiled at you, heading off to her tent
  1665. >As the flap of her tent closed, you turned your gaze back to the fire
  1666. >You knew you wouldn't be sleeping much that night
  1667. >The others might not have recognized it, but you did
  1668. >That was no thunder...
  1669. >Those were cannons
  1670. >And somehow, you knew that would not likely be the last you heard of them
  1671. ___________________________
  1672. >You didn't remember falling asleep
  1673. >And yet, the fire you had been tending was now just a pile of ash and embers
  1674. >You fought the desire to close your eyes again, the early morning mists hanging around you thick and heavy
  1675. >Sitting up from the ground you had slept on, you stretched with a deep groan
  1676. >Looking around the camp, it was quiet
  1677. >Except for Rex's snoring, of course
  1678. >But aside from that, silence
  1679. >It seemed like you were the first up this morning, none of the other tents were open
  1680. >Climbing to your feet, your stomach growled hungrily
  1681. "Time for breakfast then..." you said to yourself
  1682. >You wandered out into the nearby treeline in search of firewood
  1683. >You didn't know about the rest of your company, but you were getting tired of the vegetarian diet you'd been subsisting on
  1684. >Raiding a few bird nests, you managed to scrounge up some eggs
  1685. >They weren't much, you weren't even a sure they would taste any good
  1686. >But if it meant some meat, you were willing to risk it
  1687. >The mists were cleared by the time you emerged from the trees, a nest of eggs in one hand, and a bundle of wood in the other
  1688. >You wondered if the others would object to your choice of breakfast
  1689. >Lost in your thoughts, it took you a few moments to notice the purple clad formation approaching your camp from the road
  1690. >"You there, stop where you are." the lead pony called from the front of the formation, armor glistening as the sun began to break through the mist
  1691. >You stood in the road, mere yards away from your camp, looking at the newcomers
  1692. >You recognized their uniforms
  1693. >They were the same as the Imperial troops in Canterlot
  1694. >But these ponies...they were different
  1695. >They did not seem to be made of flesh and bone, instead they gleamed almost like their armor
  1696. >Crystalline even
  1697. "Can I help you gentlemen?" you asked, still standing in the middle of the road
  1698. >The lead pony approached, from the elegant nature of his uniform, you figured he was the one in charge
  1699. >"Is this your camp?" he asked
  1700. "Who's asking?" you replied
  1701. >He narrowed his eyes at you
  1702. >"Captain Aurelian of the first legion." he stated
  1703. >"I won't ask again, is this your camp?"
  1704. >A quick headcount showed thirty in his ranks
  1705. >Even if you could have managed to wake everyone up in time, you didn't like those odds
  1706. >For the moment, cooperation would have to do
  1707. "I'm staying in it," you said
  1708. "I don't know if that makes it mine necessarily."
  1709. >Aurelian looked at the camp, then back to you
  1710. >"That's a nice tent there. Fit for a king." he said, nodding toward Rex's tent
  1711. >You kicked at the dirt
  1712. "Suppose it is," you said
  1713. "what concern is it of the captain's?"
  1714. >Rex's tent flap opened, the old king poking his head out with a yawn
  1715. >"Anonymous? Who are you talking to?"
  1716. "I'm handling it, Rex." you called back
  1717. >Aurelian turned his attention to Rex
  1718. >"Rex as in, king Rex of Hayven?" he asked
  1719. >Rex emerged from his tent, still laden in his sleeping robe
  1720. >"Indeed, I see the empire has managed to track us down despite our unconventional route."
  1721. >Aurelian smirked, nodding to the ranks behind him
  1722. >Quickly, the soldiers encircled the camp
  1723. >You dropped what you were carrying and drew your hammer as the rest of the company began emerging from their tents
  1724. >You were surrounded
  1725. >Aurelian shook his head with a sigh
  1726. >"Lower your weapons, we mean you no harm." he said
  1727. >"We've come to escort you the rest of the way to the city."
  1728. "And what makes you think we want your help?" you replied
  1729. >Aurelian approached you, unfazed by your hammer
  1730. >"The fact that you won't make it there alive if you refuse." he said flatly
  1731. >He turned to the rest of your company, seemingly unafraid to turn his back to you, even with your weapon
  1732. >"You are all in grave danger."
  1733. >It was late afternoon by the time you reached the city
  1734. >You stared in awe at the towers of crystal surrounded by a city glistening in the falling sun
  1735. >The large, imposing walls surrounding the city obscured all but the magnificent tower at its center
  1736. >Surrounded by your escort of Imperial troops, onlookers watched anxiously as you marched straight for the palace
  1737. >Unlike Hayven, this city was clean, orderly
  1738. >Everything and everyone seemed to have a place, and like clockwork they went about their business, stopping only briefly to observe you as you passed
  1739. >By the time you reached the palace, the sun had nearly fallen behind the mountain range in the distance
  1740. >As you boarded an elevator platform in the palace, Aurelian finally spoke to your company again for the first time since the camp
  1741. >Since then he had spoken only to his subordinates, maintaining a distance from the rest of you
  1742. >"The emperor would see you tonight, rather than tomorrow." he explained
  1743. >"Weapons will not be permitted in the throne room, neither will your personal guard."
  1744. >Rex scoffed
  1745. >"Is that just a bit overcautious?" he asked
  1746. >"After all, he invited us here."
  1747. >Aurelian shook his head
  1748. >"Recent events dictate we exercise increased caution." he said
  1749. >"Additionally, only three of you will be permitted to appear before him."
  1750. >Rex thought for a moment
  1751. >"I suppose that makes sense." he finally said
  1752. >"Anonymous, Mason, you will join me in the-"
  1753. >Aurelian shook his head
  1754. >"The griffon will be escorted to an ambassador's room and placed under guard for the time being." he said
  1755. >Mason suddenly looked afraid
  1756. >"This is preposterous!" he protested
  1757. >"I am an emissary of Griffonia and I demand that-"
  1758. >Aurelian turned and stared him down
  1759. >"You are in no position to demand anything, you will not be harmed, but we must take certain measures to ensure our mutual safety." he said
  1760. >"There will be no debate on this matter."
  1761. >Mason opened his mouth to speak again, but seemed to think better of it and resigned himself to his fate
  1762. >Rex scratched his chin
  1763. >"Very well then, Iasa, you will join us then." he said
  1764. >She looked surprised
  1765. >"Me? But...but I don't-" she began
  1766. >"Just do me a favor, keep your comments to yourself unless spoken to." Rex said
  1767. >"Do it for Hayven."
  1768. >Iasa seemed to struggle with the request for a few seconds before sighing deeply and nodding
  1769. >"Yes, your majesty."
  1770. >The elevator stopped, and you exited into a circular hallway, a path on either side of you and a large door directly in front
  1771. >Aurelian nodded to the guards on his left, and they escorted Tawny and the other members of Rex's guard down the hall
  1772. >He then nodded to those on his right, who roughly pushed Mason in the other direction, alone
  1773. >He turned to the remaining three of you
  1774. >"You may leave your arms with me," he said
  1775. >"I cannot enter the throne room with you."
  1776. >You eyed the Warden's Fist warily
  1777. >You still were not convinced this wasn't a trap
  1778. >Aurelian noticed your hesitation, and held out a hoof
  1779. >"I assure you, your weapons will be returned to you once your meeting with the emperor has concluded. No harm will come to them, or you. I give you my word."
  1780. >His voice still held the tone of command, but it carried something deeper
  1781. >A hint of sincerity and understanding you had not noticed before
  1782. >You decided to trust him, though it wasn't like you had much choice
  1783. >Slowly, you handed him your hammer, and he accepted it with a slight nod
  1784. >"You may go inside," he said
  1785. >"the emperor is waiting for you."
  1786. _____________________________
  1787. >The large double doors opened, and your jaw nearly dropped
  1788. >What lay in front of you was a room of unimaginable beauty
  1789. >The crystalline walls seemed to glisten and shimmer even in the faint light of the falling sun, reflecting all the colors you could imagine
  1790. >The ceiling resembled the night sky, a deep blue studded with thousands of bright white gems that you swore were glowing of their own accord
  1791. >The floor beneath your feet was etched and carved into mesmerizing geometric patterns
  1792. >Lining the walls, stretching the full length of the room, were radiant bronze statues of crowned, robbed ponies standing in all manner of poses
  1793. >Each bared a plaque with the same odd script you'd seen down south
  1794. >Although even in your inexperience, you could see that this was more stylized, elegant
  1795. >Your eyes drifted around the room until finally it settled at the very back
  1796. >On an elevated position, backed by massive windows overlooking the darkening valley behind the city and the mountain range beyond, was a lone figure looking out over the city
  1797. >The closer you got, the figure still didn't turn around
  1798. >Each step you took seemed to echo through the room until finally you stood at the foot of the throne itself
  1799. >The three of you looked at each other, then back to the pony facing the windows
  1800. >What were you supposed to do?
  1801. >A few tense moments passed before finally Rex gave a small cough
  1802. >The figure in front of you perked up, quickly spinning around to face you
  1803. >Upon seeing the three of you, he sighed with relief
  1804. >"You must be my honored guests from Hayven," he said
  1805. >"welcome to my home."
  1806. >To your surprise, this pony, the ruler of what was supposed to be the most powerful country in this land, gave the three of you a deep bow so low that his violet robes nearly reached the ground
  1807. >"You must forgive my distraction, I was lost in prayer." he said as he rose, eying the three of you once again
  1808. >"I am Basil, emperor of the Crystal Empire, Lord of the North, and Protector of all Equestria."
  1809. >Rex stepped forward standing up as straight as he could, despite the crookedness of his age
  1810. >"And I am King Rex, of Hayven," he said
  1811. >"I'm not much for titles."
  1812. >The emperor smiled, his face radiated a calmness you were not expecting
  1813. >"Just as well, such things often go to the heads of many ponies. Our pride is a dangerous thing to feed." he said, turning his attention to you and Iasa
  1814. >His emerald eyes widened when he realized what he was seeing
  1815. >"My, my..." he said
  1816. >"Truly, this is an honor and a privilege."
  1817. >He took a few steps toward the two of you, examining you closer
  1818. >"Seeing either of your kind is a rare thing, but to have both in the same room?" he said
  1819. >"That is something else entirely."
  1820. >You thought you heard the faintest snort come from Iasa, causing you to tense up a bit
  1821. >Basil approached you first
  1822. >"What is your name, human?"
  1823. "Anonymous, your majesty." you said, not overly confident in your address
  1824. >You had only been dealing with royalty for a short time, you weren't sure how all these titles and formalities worked yet
  1825. >"I've read quite a bit about your kind," Basil replied
  1826. >"there are many stories of heroism and great deeds done by your people when working with ours. It is an honor to meet one of you."
  1827. >He then turned his attention to Iasa, who you could tell was supremely uncomfortable with the situation
  1828. >Basil smiled and took her hoof
  1829. >"My lady, this city has not hosted a pony like you in far too long. The friendship between Hollow Shades and the Crystal Empire is still recalled with great fondness in these halls." he said, kissing her hoof
  1830. >"If you require anything at all, I will personally see it done."
  1831. >Iasa's face was turning a bright red, and you could feel the steam practically flowing out of her ears
  1832. >"T-thank you..." she managed to squeak out
  1833. >You couldn't help but wonder if this was a feat of restraint, or something else
  1834. >Basil smiled and took his seat on the throne, looking down at the three of you
  1835. >"I realize that your coming here was under...unexpected circumstances." he explained
  1836. >"I apologize for that, but recent events have forced my hoof to ensure your safety."
  1837. >"Your captain said the same thing," Rex said
  1838. >"what's happened that we had to be brought here under guard?"
  1839. >Basil frowned, burying his face in his hooves for a moment before continuing
  1840. >"For months, we have been getting reports of discontent among some radical elements of the legions in the eastern provinces on the border of Griffonia," he said
  1841. >"yesterday morning, that discontent turned into mutiny."
  1842. "Mutiny?" you asked
  1843. >Basil nodded
  1844. >"The third and fourth legions have taken up arms against the Empire, declaring their own state in the east and marching into our lands, and against Griffonia." he explained
  1845. >"There was a skirmish not far from where we found you on the road yesterday morning, and I could not risk you falling into the hands of these traitors."
  1846. >Rex's face turned grim
  1847. >"What of our business, then?" he asked
  1848. >Basil sighed
  1849. >"I have not forgotten our arrangement, but this matter requires my full attention before our talks can begin."
  1850. "'re saying we're just going to sit here until your civil war is over?" you asked
  1851. >Basil shook his head
  1852. >"Not quite." he said
  1853. >"I am hoping to quell this rebellion before it gets out of control. Griffonia will no doubt seize this opportunity to invade Equestria proper under the pretext of defending itself. We must not let this happen."
  1854. >"We?" Iasa asked
  1855. >Basil nodded
  1856. >"My scouts indicate that the rebels are fractured, it should not be difficult to defeat them under such circumstances," he said
  1857. >"I would ask that you ride out with me to put an end to this, as a show of good faith and so that you can see that the Empire is capable of protecting you as we say we are."
  1858. >You and Iasa looked at each other
  1859. >Was this a joke?
  1860. >You just got here and now you were supposed to ride off again?
  1861. >Fight for someone you had only just met?
  1862. >"Very well then." Rex said, breaking your train of thought
  1863. >"We would be happy to accompany you."
  1864. >"We would?" Iasa asked
  1865. >Basil grinned happily
  1866. >"I'm glad you all agree." he said, standing up from his throne
  1867. >"Don't worry, the legions are strong, this will be a quick endeavor and then we can get on to our true business."
  1868. >He stopped for a moment, as if remembering something he had forgotten
  1869. >"I understand that you have brought the Blueblood crown with you, correct?"
  1870. >Rex nodded
  1871. >"Yes, we have the crown." he said
  1872. >Basil's eyes widened
  1873. >"May I see it?"
  1874. >You still had the crown in your bag, and you were hesitant to reveal it
  1875. >But as Rex nodded approvingly to you, so what choice did you have?
  1876. >You retrieved the crown, and held it up before the emperor
  1877. >He gazed at it with astonishment
  1878. >Truly, it was a thing of beauty to rival his own
  1879. >"So it is true...after all these years." he said, turning it in his hooves
  1880. >He pried his eyes away from the crown and looked at you
  1881. >"If only you knew how important this small thing of gold and stone is to our people," he said
  1882. >"you would understand what an honor it is to bear it."
  1883. >To your surprise, he handed it back to you
  1884. >"As an act of good faith, I will not request the crown stay in our hands until we have discussed our terms." Basil said to Rex, seeming to surprise even him
  1885. >Rex bowed slightly
  1886. >"Thank you, Basil." he said
  1887. >The emperor nodded at the three of you
  1888. >"You should all get some sleep," he said
  1889. >"we march at dawn."
  1890. ____________________________
  1891. >A chill ran through you as the wind swept over the camp
  1892. >You hadn't experienced cold like this since you had arrived in Equestria, but the north was proving to be a much different animal than back down south
  1893. >For starters, the Crystal Empire retained one working railway leading to the east
  1894. >Apparently "marching" was just a figure of speech for Basil, who spent the majority of the ride with his advisors, keeping the rest of your company in the car next to his
  1895. >You weren't complaining about the easy trip, but you wished someone had told you how cold it was going to be
  1896. >As it stood, you were woefully under prepared, and it was too late to turn back
  1897. >Scouts had spotted a rebel force on the move toward the town of Fillybaeum
  1898. >The plan was to stop them here, before they could reach the town and cause any further damage
  1899. >Some of the company were clearly more excited about this than others
  1900. >"Can you believe it?" Tawny asked, walking beside you through the camp
  1901. >"An actual battle! Some of the imperial boys say it'll be a piece of cake."
  1902. >With Mason still back in the Imperial City, It seemed the young guard didn't have anyone else to bother except you
  1903. >Unsurprisingly, he was eager to put his training to good use
  1904. >You listened to him, but in the back of your head you wondered if he was truly prepared for this
  1905. >Were any of Rex's guard prepared for that matter?
  1906. >You had seen some of Hayven's guards in action in Canterlot...
  1907. >But those were nearly mindless zombies, not a trained and well equipped fighting force
  1908. >"I tell you, Anon, I feel like I could take on these guys all by myself!"
  1909. >You frowned
  1910. "How old are you, kid?" you asked through chattering teeth
  1911. >Tawny stuck out his chest
  1912. >"Eighteen." he said proudly
  1913. >"Youngest of the king's personal guard."
  1914. >You shook your head as the two of you finally found a campfire to warm yourselves by
  1915. "How long were you in training?"
  1916. >"About a month." he replied
  1917. "And you joined right out of school?"
  1918. >The young stallion laughed
  1919. >"School? Do I look like some fancy boy to you?"
  1920. >You rolled your eyes
  1921. >"What's wrong with being fancy?" Iasa asked, seeming to appear beside you out of thin air
  1922. >Tawny shrugged
  1923. >"I don't know, just don't seem to suit a tough guy like yours truly." he said with a wink
  1924. >Iasa feigned a gag
  1925. >"You better keep an eye on this one, Anon." she said, nudging you
  1926. >You gave a half-hearted smile, but kept your gaze in the fire
  1927. "Have you ever been in a real fight, Tawn?"
  1928. >For the first time, the young stallion seemed to hesitate
  1929. >"Well, I, but I've been trained!" he said, suddenly sounding defensive
  1930. >"How hard could it be?"
  1931. "You trained for a month, you're barely old enough to be here, and you've never so much as been in a fight?" you asked
  1932. >"So what?!" he protested
  1933. >You still had not pried your eyes away from the flames
  1934. "I just think maybe you shouldn't be so eager to get into battle." you said
  1935. "Getting in over your head is the worst thing a rookie can do."
  1936. >Tawny's face scrunched with anger
  1937. >"And what would you know abo-" he began before being cut off
  1938. >"Is there a problem over here?" Aurelian said as he approached, his armor shining like a mirror
  1939. >You shook your head
  1940. "No, Captain, I was just warning Tawny here not to be too eager to get into all this." you explained
  1941. >Aurelian looked at Tawny, his expression like a stone
  1942. >"Anonymous is right." he said
  1943. >"Our enemy is experienced and well equipped, do not underestimate them, or overestimate yourself."
  1944. >Tawny grumbled, but did not reply
  1945. >Aurelian turned his attention back to you
  1946. >"The emperor would like to speak to you, Anonymous." he said
  1947. >Figures, just as you were getting warm you were getting dragged back into the cold
  1948. "Sure," you said, standing up slowly to suck up as much of the warmth as you could before relinquishing your seat
  1949. "what's it about?"
  1950. >"Scouts just reported in, he sent me to bring you to him immediately."
  1951. "That's it?" you asked
  1952. >He nodded
  1953. >"I suppose we'll both know more soon enough."
  1954. >As you approached the emperor's tent, you saw a small group crowded around an altar that had been set up in the lot beside it
  1955. >Basil was front and center as what you could only assume to be a priest seemed to bless the crowd
  1956. >Aurelian nudged you
  1957. >"The emperor is a pious pony. He never goes on campaign without his chaplains, or a blessing before battle."
  1958. >The crowd began to disperse and Basil spotted the two of you watching the service, waving you over to him
  1959. >"Anonymous, it is good to see you. I trust you are finding our camp accommodations adequate?" he asked
  1960. >You nodded with a feigned smile
  1961. "They're as I expected, your majesty."
  1962. >Basil chuckled
  1963. >"I figured as much." he said
  1964. >"King Rex tells me you are a military man, correct?" he asked
  1965. >You nodded again, not quite sure where he was going with this line of questioning
  1966. >"Excellent, then I am not wasting my time by summoning you." he said
  1967. >"It appears that the enemy does not wish to waste any time, our scouts have spotted them on the move toward our camp as of this morning."
  1968. "And what does this have to do with me, exactly?" you asked
  1969. >Basil pointed to Aurelian
  1970. >"The good Captain here is in need of a junior officer for his cohort, I would ask that you assist him in this skirmish of ours."
  1971. >Aurelian looked confused
  1972. >"What happened to Lieutenant Lepidus?" he asked
  1973. >Basil shook his head
  1974. >"Lieutenant Lepidus has fallen ill and is unfit for service at this time, I have been assured of Anonymous's cooperation in this matter." he said, turning back to you
  1975. >"Or have I been misled?"
  1976. >You hesitated
  1977. >You didn't know the first thing about how these guys fought, how much help would you be in a commanding role?
  1978. "I, uh-"
  1979. >"Excellent, it's settled then." Basil said
  1980. >"By imperial decree, I proclaim you, Lieutenant Anonymous of the Imperial First Legion."
  1981. >Welp, so much for that
  1982. >Basil patted Aurelian on the shoulder
  1983. >"Go do what you do best, Captain." he said, turning back to the altar and bowing before it once more
  1984. >With a sigh, Aurelian looked to you
  1985. >"Come on then, we have work to do."
  1986. ____________________________________
  1987. >"Form a line! Faster!" an imperial NCO shouted, corralling his section of the line into position
  1988. >You squinted into the distance from your position on the far left flank
  1989. >Aurelian decided to entrust you and Rex's guard with guarding the flank while he would command the center
  1990. >You were not alone, you still had imperial troops at your disposal, but the plan was to hammer the rebel forces with artillery from your position, speeding the enemy toward the makeshift fortifications that had been set up earlier that day
  1991. >Unfortunately, for all the advantages your artillery offered, there was a major problem
  1992. >Given the urgency of setting up the fortifications, there had not been time to properly cover or store the artillery shells, many of which which explosive
  1993. >They were simply rolled out into position and stacked up for use
  1994. >Functionally, your position occupied space with a massive bomb
  1995. >Uncomfortable as you were, there was no time for other arrangements
  1996. >Emerging from the fog, you could see the first of the enemy marching toward you
  1997. >You inspected your small contingent of troops
  1998. >Rex's guard seemed eager, but were unfamiliar with the imperial weapons they had been given
  1999. >Odd pike like contraptions with what looked like a small cannons mounted on the end
  2000. >If this was what Mason meant by this world's guns being primitive, you couldn't help but agree
  2001. >"Lieutenant Anonymous! Lieutenant Anonymous!" a runner called from behind you
  2002. "Yes, what's up?" you asked, not looking away from the massive formation marching toward you
  2003. >"Captain Aurelian wants the first volley launched in five minutes." he said, sounding nearly out of breath
  2004. "Understood, we'll get ready then."
  2005. >With a quick salute, the runner sped off back to the center
  2006. >You looked over to your cannons
  2007. >Old things, no real way of aiming them other than to point the massive steel tube in the direction of the enemy and fire
  2008. >You frowned
  2009. >This was not what you were trained for, but if you failed to stop these rebels here, they would march on to the towns behind you
  2010. >Not just the towns, but your own camp, where Iasa still remained
  2011. >Your world or not, you weren't about to let that happen
  2012. "Artillery, load 'em up!" you ordered, the cannoneers heaving the massive shells into the tubes, packing them down as quickly as they could
  2013. >The enemy formations were coming into full view now
  2014. >You had been expecting an aerial assault like in Canterlot, but you didn't spot any pegasi among them
  2015. >Were they really going to march over an open field like this on foot?
  2016. >Maybe it would be an easy victory after all...
  2017. >You raised the Warden's Fist like an orchestra conductor about to commence a symphony
  2018. >With a glance at your watch, you saw the seconds ticking ever closer to your mark
  2019. >5...
  2020. >You heard more shouting from further down the line
  2021. >4...
  2022. >A few shots rang out, though you could not tell from where
  2023. >3...
  2024. >The enemy formation in front seemed to stop, setting up their own guns to return fire
  2025. >2...
  2026. >More shots from your side, closer this time
  2027. >1...
  2028. >Through the enemy ranks, a roar erupted as innumerable troops charged through the line of guns, running straight at your fortifications
  2029. "Fire!" you shouted as a massive, deafening boom cried forth from behind you
  2030. >You watched as the shells soared through the air, hurtling toward the enemy as they approached
  2031. >The shells exploded upon striking their marks, tearing through earth and flesh, whatever the shrapnel managed to find
  2032. >Cries of pain could be heard from the enemy formations, now reeling from the explosive shots
  2033. "Gunners, fire at will!" you ordered, having trouble hearing your own voice after the volley
  2034. >The line in front of you fired with their crude guns, sending a hail of bullets into the charging enemy, cutting down more than you expected
  2035. >You looked down the line, and it seemed to be holding well, none of the enemy wave had broken through
  2036. >Behind you, the cannoneers were reloading as fast as they could
  2037. >Your gunners fired off a second volley, cutting down even more of the soldiers out in the field in front of you
  2038. >"Anon!" you heard Tawny shout to you from the line
  2039. >"I told you this would be a piece of cake!" he said as he fired off another shot
  2040. >You shook your head, raising your hammer to call order your artillery to let loose once again
  2041. >For what seemed like an eternity, the cycle seemed to repeat itself
  2042. >The rebels would charge only to be cut down by volley fire and artillery shells
  2043. >Your watch said it had only been ten minutes, but time seemed to be lost in this place
  2044. >Suddenly, a loud horn bellowed out from the enemy lines, and you watched as they began to fall back, not quite out of sight, but definitely out of range
  2045. >"Look at them run!" a voice cried from the line
  2046. >"We did it, boys!"
  2047. >You looked through your binoculars at the enemy formations, reforming out of your range
  2048. >Something didn't sit right with you about this
  2049. >You broke your gaze on them for a moment to spot Tawny, looking exhausted, but in good spirits, smirking at you
  2050. >You opened your mouth to speak before something appeared in the corner of your eye
  2051. >Coming through the clouds, you began to see a swarm of shining dots
  2052. >In moments, those dots began to take shape
  2053. >Pegasi
  2054. >And they were rocketing straight toward you
  2055. "Heads up!" you shouted
  2056. >Your line saw the new threat approaching from above and scrambled to load their weapons
  2057. >The pegasi would be upon you in moments
  2058. "Fire at will!" you commanded
  2059. >A few shots rang out and you saw a lucky shot strike one of the pegasi, causing it to plunge to the ground
  2060. >As it hit the earth, you were caught off guard by the explosion that immediately followed upon impact
  2061. "What the f-" you began before a single pegasus broke through your line as they frantically tried to reload
  2062. >You spotted the bomb in its hooves just a moment before it collided with the stack of artillery shells behind the line
  2063. >There was a flash of light, a deafening roar, and then nothing
  2064. ___________________________
  2065. >Your eyes slowly opened to a dark red haze surrounding you
  2066. >Trying to breathe, you choked on the sediment floating in the air
  2067. >Weakly, you pushed yourself up to your knees, fighting the urge to vomit from the splitting pain in your head
  2068. >What you could hear through the deafening ringing sounded like it was coming from under water
  2069. >You shook your head trying to banish the daze you seemed to be trapped in
  2070. >It was at that moment it came back to you
  2071. >The explosion
  2072. >You looked around rapidly trying to see through the dust
  2073. >A crater
  2074. >A massive crater was all that remained where your cannons had been
  2075. >Fire spread through the area and the ground was littered with the bodies of the dazed and the dead
  2076. >You climbed to your feet in time to see that most of the line appeared to have survived the attack, and were trying to regroup as best they could
  2077. >Just then, you heard the yells coming from your flank
  2078. >The rebels had regrouped, and now that you were vulnerable they were throwing everything they had at you
  2079. "Regrou-" you began to shout before bursting into a coughing fit
  2080. >Your lungs felt thick with dust, making it hard to breathe
  2081. "Regroup on me!" you finally managed to get out
  2082. >Over and over again you called out and what remained of your forces staggered over to you, not in much better shape than yourself
  2083. >There was no time to do much more than form a line
  2084. >You had to hold the flank, or the enemy would get behind the rest of the imperial troops
  2085. >Truly, you weren't even sure what the rest of the line was doing, or if they had fared the attack any better
  2086. >But right now, the only thing you could think to do was hold off this charge
  2087. >You stood with your troops, listening to the thundering hoofbeats rapidly approaching through the fire and the haze
  2088. >All of the sudden, you noticed the weight in your hand
  2089. >Your hand, reflexively gripping the Warden's Fist, was steady despite the rest of your body still reeling from the blast
  2090. >The enemy was almost upon you now
  2091. "Spear wall!" you ordered, barely able to hear yourself over the commotion
  2092. >The pikes seemed to fall into place just in time to catch the first wave as it crashed upon you
  2093. >A bayonet missed its mark, passing just over your ear as the enemy line smashed into yours
  2094. >Reacting as quickly as you could, you grabbed the gun, pulling it toward you with its wielder still holding onto it
  2095. >You yanked the pegasus holding it down to the ground, bringing your hammer down upon his helmet, and he fell
  2096. >You heard screaming and yelling on both sides of you as you saw pikes and bayonets poking and prodding back and forth, hooves flying and bucking, and ponies on both sides falling
  2097. >You continued to swing the Warden's Fist at the enemy waves as they crashed into you over and over
  2098. >Despite your disorientation, the hammer seemed to know just where to fall with every strike, piercing armor and crushing exposed limbs
  2099. >Even so, you could feel yourself being forced backward, toward the massive crater that the blast had left behind
  2100. >Glancing to your right and to your left, with little room to maneuver, you still couldn't see through the thick smoke and haze to the rest of the imperial forces
  2101. >What you did see, was Tawny, no longer looking confident as before, but with a look of madness in his eyes
  2102. >He thrust his pike erratically, smacking the enemy weapons out of the way more than striking back
  2103. >If he was any indication, your defense was not going to hold out much longer
  2104. >Before long, you felt your feet hit fall on uneven ground as you were backed against the slope of the crater
  2105. >You could not fall back any further
  2106. >Turning to climb up the slope would leave you exposed
  2107. >Staying would see you crushed between the earth and the waves of enemy soldiers pouring onto you
  2108. >A pike came thrusting forth from the enemy line and struck your shoulder, hitting the gap in your armor and cutting into your arm
  2109. >Through the adrenaline rush, you barely even noticed
  2110. >You tried to raise your arm to take another swing when you felt resistance, like someone was holding onto your sleeve
  2111. >You looked at it to see the spear still sticking through your sleeve and into the earth behind you, pinning you to the dirt wall
  2112. >Struggling against the spike holding you here, you looked back up to see another rebel leveling their pike, aiming direct at your face
  2113. >You closed your eyes, bracing for the thrust
  2114. >Suddenly, the sound of a horn broke through the noise of battle, turning all heads in its direction
  2115. >You had heard that horn before
  2116. >It was the same as the one in Canterlot
  2117. >You could hear the the thunder of hooves far on your flank as the horn blew
  2118. >The rebels now seemed panicked, falling back and relieving the pressure on your line
  2119. >Finally working yourself free, you watched as Imperial troops burst through the dust from the side, pushing the rebels into a full rout
  2120. >But from the other side, more Imperials appeared, cutting off their escape
  2121. >You watched as the two groups quickly encircled the rebels who had not already fled
  2122. >Within minutes, they began to throw down their weapons in defeat
  2123. >As the dust began to settle, and the morning fog lifted, you could see that the day was won
  2124. >Absentmindedly, you simply sheathed your hammer and turned to head back to camp
  2125. >You stopped as you spotted Tawny, who had only been a few feet away from you against the earthen wall of the crater
  2126. >He sat staring off into space, motionless, unblinking
  2127. >A bit of blood was running from his nose and mouth
  2128. >You waved a hand in front of his face
  2129. >No response
  2130. "Tawny, you alright?" you asked
  2131. >A slight cough was all the response he could muster
  2132. >With a frown, you grabbed a passing medic
  2133. "Get this one back to the camp, he's seen enough of this." you said, patting him on the back
  2134. >With one last look out at the battlefield, you finally saw the extent of the carnage
  2135. >The field was nearly covered with the fallen
  2136. >It appeared the rest of the line fared much better than yours
  2137. >You shook your head, and turned your back on the battlefield, limping back to camp
  2138. _________________________
  2139. >"Anon? Anon!" Iasa cried, charging you at full speed the moment you set foot in the camp
  2140. >Crashing into you with unexpected force with her embrace, you stumbled backward and fell onto your back
  2141. "Jesus-" you groaned, the adrenaline now wearing off and the aching radiating through your tired body
  2142. >"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she said, her voice trembling
  2143. >She quickly hopped off of you and her eyes dashed to your bleeding arm
  2144. >"You're wounded!" she cried
  2145. "It''s nothing." you groaned, sitting up and trying not to wince
  2146. >"It's not nothing, let me see."
  2147. >Pulling back your torn sleeve, Iasa gasped as she saw your wound
  2148. >"We need to clean this, now." she said, grabbing your arm, removing the armor and exposing the wound
  2149. >Pulling out her waterskin, she poured water over the wound, washing away the dried blood and grime from the area
  2150. >She retrieved a small jar and rubbed a small amount of orange substance onto the gash
  2151. >She caught your wince as you recoiled from the touch
  2152. >"Oh sit still, this could be a whole lot worse." she said, finishing off the coating
  2153. >"That root paste should help you heal faster." she explained, producing a roll of linen wrapping and covering the wound
  2154. >You looked at her as she went about her work
  2155. >There was something about her movements, her posture that you hadn't noticed before
  2156. >But you couldn't quite put your finger on what it was that seemed different
  2157. >Her eyes drifted up to yours, catching your stare
  2158. >They had a glassy look to them, as if she was on the verge of tears
  2159. >She threw herself around you once again, squeezing tightly around your waist
  2160. >"I'm just glad you're alive...."
  2161. >You hesitated for a moment, not sure how to respond
  2162. "Y-yeah, so am I..." you replied
  2163. >The two of you stood there in silence for a while, as if you were the whole world around you just paused
  2164. >"What about the others...?" she asked,, breaking the silence as she pulled away from you
  2165. "I...saw Tawny." you said
  2166. >You didn't know what else to tell her
  2167. >Now that you thought about it, you hadn't seen any of the other members of Rex's guard except for him
  2168. >"That's all?" she asked, her face suddenly heavy with sadness
  2169. >You nodded
  2170. "I lost track of most of them during the battle, he's the last one I saw by the time it was over." you explained
  2171. >Iasa looked around
  2172. >"Is he alright? Where is he?"
  2173. >What could you even say?
  2174. >Would she understand if you tried to tell her the state you saw him in?
  2175. >She had seen plenty of horrible things, but this...
  2176. "Tawny will be okay, he's probably just resting in the medical tent." you said
  2177. >She sighed with relief
  2178. >"Thank Celestia..." she said
  2179. >"Anonymous." you heard from behind you
  2180. >It was Aurelian, his once shiny armor now covered in a layer of dust and dirt, but looking otherwise no worse for wear
  2181. >"Join me at the emperor's tent."
  2182. >You nodded to him, turning back to Iasa
  2183. "Do you want to come with?"
  2184. >She shook her head
  2185. >"I'm going to head over to the medical tent and try to find Tawny, I'm sure the medics could use some help as well." she replied
  2186. >"Come find me when you're done, alright?"
  2187. "Of course." you said, turning to follow Aurelian
  2188. >The two of you walked in silence through the camp
  2189. >Many of the soldiers had returned by now, and the mood was one of celebration
  2190. >"I saw what happened to your end of the battle line," Aurelian said suddenly
  2191. >"you have my condolences. Your guards fought with great valor in the face of unexpected force."
  2192. "Thank you, but they were Rex's guards. I just wish I could have gotten more of them through it." you replied
  2193. >You hadn't even seen Rex since returning to the camp
  2194. >Did he know?
  2195. >Would he blame you?
  2196. >Aurelian seemed to read your thoughts as he spoke again
  2197. >"You shouldn't dwell on it. You handled a bad situation as well as any officer could be expected to." he said
  2198. >"It's because of your efforts that we were able to rally and win."
  2199. >You couldn't believe you hadn't thought of that
  2200. >You had been on the flank
  2201. >If you had failed to hold the line, the rebels would have gotten behind the Imperial troops
  2202. >If that had happened...
  2203. "Thank you, I didn't realize..."
  2204. >Aurelian looked straight ahead toward your destination
  2205. >"They'll be honored as heroes in the Empire, as will you." he said as you approached the emperor's tent
  2206. >"Are you ready?"
  2207. >You sighed and nodded to him
  2208. >The two of you stepped inside
  2209. >Basil was speaking to two magistrates as you approached, drawing his attention to you
  2210. >"Captain, Anonymous, I am overjoyed to see you!" he said with an almost musical tone to his voice
  2211. >"I take it that the battle has been won then? After all you don't appear to be in any hurry." he chuckled
  2212. >Aurelian bowed his head
  2213. >"Yes, your majesty. The rebel forces have been defeated, we were able to secure small number of prisoners."
  2214. >Basil looked at Aurelian in confusion
  2215. >"A...small number?" he asked
  2216. >Aurelian did not raise his head
  2217. >"The rebels were persistent, they did not relent as quickly as we had hoped."
  2218. >Basil suddenly looked worried
  2219. >"I see...and the casualties?"
  2220. >Aurelian finally looked up at Basil
  2221. >"Heavy, my lord." he said
  2222. >"Both the rebels and our own soldiers."
  2223. >Basil stood motionless, his eyes looking straight into Aurelian's
  2224. >"I...I see." he said after a few tense moments
  2225. >"Thank you, Aurelian, you are dismissed."
  2226. >"But, your-" Aurelian began, cut off as Basil put up his hoof
  2227. >"You are dismissed, Captain."
  2228. >For the briefest second, you thought you saw a flash of disappointment on the normally stoic officer's face
  2229. >But as quickly as it had come, it was gone, and with a slight bow, Aurelian exited the tent, leaving you with Basil
  2230. >His gaze turned to you, and he grinned weakly
  2231. >"I see you had quite a time out there." he said, gesturing to your wound
  2232. "It was...something." you said
  2233. >His eyes lowered, as if to avoid your stare
  2234. >"Your friend, the night pony. Did she take care of that for you?" he asked
  2235. >You nodded
  2236. "Yes, your majesty. Seems to be becoming a bit of a habit of ours." you joked
  2237. >His face brightened just a bit at that
  2238. >"I imagine she will not be too happy with me for putting her friends in harm's way." he said
  2239. >"Truth be told, I am not happy about it either. My entire reign, I have striven to cause as little harm as possible," he explained
  2240. >"but it seems that not even emperors can control their destiny."
  2241. >You stood there in silence, unsure of what to say
  2242. >"My father wanted my brother and I to be great conquerors, one to rule at home, the other to reclaim the birthright of all Equestrians." he went on, seeming to speak more to the air than to you
  2243. >"My brother...he always did take to his duty to our father more than I did. Perhaps I am naive, but I always sought to compromise, to placate dissent...but now we can see how well that has served my people."
  2244. "What happened to him? Your brother?" you asked, not wanting to pour the proverbial salt into the wound
  2245. >"I had him stripped of his rank and nearly imprisoned for disobeying my orders to stand down during the last rebellion the empire suffered." Basil said
  2246. >"I couldn't bear to see my soldiers raise their weapons against our own people, no matter how far they had strayed. I was committed to peace at any cost...even if that meant temporary hardship would be endured by some."
  2247. >He turned to you
  2248. >"But my brother, he refused to watch any suffering be endured when he could stop it, even if it meant inflicting greater suffering on our misguided brethren."
  2249. >You frowned
  2250. "Sometimes we have to do things we'd rather not in order to protect people." you said
  2251. >Basil sighed
  2252. >"A lesson I have struggled to accept ever since I became emperor." he sighed
  2253. >"I have often wondered how our country would have fared had he been in my place."
  2254. >He turned his back to you
  2255. >"A small garrison will remain here to placate the area and protect the population against any remaining rebel holdouts. We will be heading back to the Imperial City in the morning, and conclude our business."
  2256. _____________________________________________
  2257. >You exited Basil's tent, nearly blinded by the sunlight
  2258. >So this was it, the final stretch
  2259. >Once you finished this business back in the Imperial City, you were sure you would be nearly home free
  2260. >Home...
  2261. >At that moment, it occurred to you that you should probably begin a report on your findings for your return
  2262. >For the first time since you arrived, you felt like you were genuinely making progress in your mission
  2263. >You took out a small pad and pen from your pack and began jotting down notes about everything you'd seen and experienced
  2264. >From the world itself, to the individuals you'd met, you wrote down everything that came to mind as you made your way to the medical tent
  2265. >"Whatcha doing?"
  2266. >Your head shot up as you heard Iasa's voice, breaking your concentration
  2267. >She was standing just outside the tent, looking at the pad in your hand
  2268. "Oh, just, uh...writing my report." you replied, stuffing it into your pocket
  2269. >She cocked her brow at you
  2270. >"Report?" she asked
  2271. >You nodded
  2272. "For when I get home." you said
  2273. >Iasa smirked, but her eyes betrayed her smile
  2274. >"Always on work-mode, aren't you?"
  2275. >You shrugged
  2276. "That's funny coming from you." you said
  2277. >She rolled her eyes
  2278. >"Well excuse me for trying to look out for the guy stumbling through an alien world."
  2279. >You chuckled
  2280. >She had a point, most of her attitude really did seem to center around keeping you out of trouble
  2281. "Did you find Tawny?" you asked
  2282. >Her smile seemed to drop a bit, and she nodded
  2283. >"Yeah, he's...had a difficult time." she said
  2284. >"No major injuries, he's just..." she continued, trailing off
  2285. >"maybe you should see for yourself."
  2286. >The two of you entered the tent, walking between the rows of cots
  2287. >Soldiers lay recovering from, most seemed to be in good spirits considering
  2288. >Finally, you came to Tawny's cot, and you saw him
  2289. >His eyes just continued to stare straight off into space
  2290. >The blood had been cleaned off his face, but he looked just as dazed as he had when you found him on the field
  2291. >"He hasn't said a word," Iasa said
  2292. >"my expertise is in disease, but I think he's in shock."
  2293. >You waved your hand in front of Tawny's face
  2294. "Tawny?" you asked
  2295. "Can you hear me, kid?"
  2296. >The young stallion only blinked in response
  2297. >Iasa sighed
  2298. >"I've seen similar reactions before, during an outbreak in one of Hayven's outlying villages." she said
  2299. >"Some ponies just...shut down."
  2300. >You frowned
  2301. "Is he going to be alright?" you asked
  2302. >She shrugged
  2303. >"Physically he'll be okay, mentally..."
  2304. >The two of you stood in silence, looking at Tawny laying nearly motionless on the bed
  2305. >Only the movement of his breathing and the occasional blink letting you know he was even alive
  2306. >You put your hand on his shoulder
  2307. "We'll be heading back to the Imperial City tomorrow, kid." you said reassuringly
  2308. "God knows those folks are going to treat you and the other guys like heroes for what you did this morning. The ladies love a war hero, you know."
  2309. >Iasa cocked a brow at you and opened her mouth to respond
  2310. >Suddenly, you saw the end of Tawny's mouth curl just the slightest bit
  2311. >You grinned
  2312. >Patting him on the shoulder, you motioned to Iasa to follow you
  2313. "Nothing to lift the spirit like a little lovin'." you said
  2314. "Young guy like him, he'll get through this."
  2315. >Iasa rolled her eyes
  2316. >"You males are really something else." she said
  2317. >The two of you exited the tent, a loud whistle rang out in the distance, but you didn't pay it much attention
  2318. "Basil said we'd be concluding our business tomorrow." you said
  2319. "Looks like Equestria might be reunited after all."
  2320. >Iasa grumbled something under her breath
  2321. >You looked at her questioningly
  2322. "You're not happy about it." you said
  2323. >"I just don't think we should be too quick to trust him." she replied
  2324. >You frowned at her
  2325. "You hold him responsible for what happened to Hollow Shades?"
  2326. >She sighed
  2327. >"He wasn't even alive when that happened." she said
  2328. >"But his father was, and he doesn't seem to have any issue with that."
  2329. >You held your hand out to stop her as a group of soldiers ran past you, nearly trampling the two of you
  2330. "I know I've got no real stake in this...but I feel like you should give the guy a chance." you said, watching as they passed
  2331. "He's his own man after all. He seems to be committed to doing right by you guys."
  2332. >Iasa scoffed
  2333. >"Yeah, well, some ponies will say anything to convince you they're not so bad." she said
  2334. >"As for me, I'll believe it when I see good reason to."
  2335. >Suddenly, a party of soldiers came rushing over to you, led by Aurelian
  2336. >"Anonymous, Iasa, the two of you need to come with me." he said, his voice slightly alarmed
  2337. "What's going on?" you asked
  2338. >"Your king has been placed under quarantine," he said
  2339. >"he has the plague."
  2340. _________________________________
  2342. >"Make sure it fits tight, you don't want any exposed skin if you can help it." Iasa said, rummaging through the camp's medical supplies
  2343. >You stood there pulling on your garments
  2344. >They were meant to protect you from exposure to the plague when in contact with a patient, but this outfit was clearly not made with humans in mind
  2345. >Instead, you had been wrapped in the protective wardrobe of a large stallion, quickly modified to accommodate your shape at all
  2346. "I don't think this is going to work..." you said
  2347. >Iasa shook her head
  2348. >"It has to, you have no other safe way of getting close to Rex." she explained
  2349. >"At this stage of the disease it is highly contagious, it's not like those changelings were."
  2350. >You scratched your head
  2351. "Those guys weren't contagious?"
  2352. >Iasa sped past you as she threw on her own protective gear
  2353. >"The plague takes a few different forms after it manifests itself. The early stage is when it is most contagious, those changelings were in the very late stage of the psychosis infection. They were not likely able to spread it anymore." she said, motioning toward you
  2354. >"Otherwise we'd have shown signs of it by now."
  2355. >Well, that was reassuring
  2356. >You put out a hand and caught her as she tried to speed by you again
  2357. >She looked up at you and even through her goggles, you could tell she was panicking
  2358. "He's going to be alright," you said
  2359. >"you'll be able to fix him."
  2360. >Through the red tint of her goggles, you could see her eyes drop to the floor
  2361. >"Yeah..."
  2362. "Is there something wrong...?" you asked
  2363. >She shook her head
  2364. >"No, you're right. I'm just worried." she said, grabbing the last of her supplies before making for the exit
  2365. >The two of you stepped out into the sunlight where Aurelian stood waiting for you
  2366. >"We need to hurry. This infection has been quarantined but we need to get it under control before any of the others hear about it." he said
  2367. "What do you mean, "under control", exactly?" you asked
  2368. >Aurelian grimaced at you
  2369. >"If the two of you can't manage this, we cannot risk bringing your king back to the city. He would put the whole capital in danger."
  2370. >You were baffled
  2371. "You would leave him here?"
  2372. >Aurelian sighed
  2373. >"There is no way I would endanger the lives of everyone in the Imperial City by bringing the plague into it." he explained
  2374. >"If we cannot fix this, we will have no other choice."
  2375. >Iasa seemed to tense up even more
  2376. >"I can treat the disease, Captain, but you have to understand that there is no instant-"
  2377. >Aurelian shook his head
  2378. >"There's no time, you two need to speak to him now, in case he deteriorates too quickly." he said
  2379. >"An old pony like that, there's no telling how long he's got."
  2380. >The three of you quickly passed through the camp toward the quarantine zone
  2381. >Aurelian's elite guard blocked off the area, now abandoned compared to the cluttered nature of the rest of the camp
  2382. >As you approached Rex's tent, your mind began racing
  2383. >What if Rex died?
  2384. >What would this mean for Haven?
  2385. >Should you even be going in there?
  2386. >You stopped at the entrance, looking to Aurelian
  2387. >"Whenever you're both ready." he said, gesturing toward the flap
  2388. >You looked down at Iasa
  2389. >" goes nothing." she said, stepping in first before popping her head back out to halt you
  2390. >"Don't. Touch. Anything."
  2391. >You weren't going to object
  2392. >You figured it would probably be best for you to just play this one safe and let the professional handle it
  2393. >Stepping into the tent, you saw it almost immediately
  2394. >Rex lay on his bed, and even from across the tent, you could see the rapid spread of the disease
  2395. >His mouth hung open, and he looked drenched in sweat
  2396. >Buboes had already begun to form and spread over his face
  2397. >He hadn't acknowledged your presence yet, and you weren't sure how to proceed
  2398. >You nudged Iasa, who stood as frozen as you were
  2399. >She did not move, only her mouth dropped open
  2400. >"I've never seen it spread so fast..."
  2401. >Well, there's a first time for everything
  2402. >You would have been happy to let this one go to someone else though
  2403. _____________________________________
  2405. "Iasa?" you said, prodding her again
  2406. "Iasa, we have to do something."
  2407. >She shook her head and took a deep breath
  2408. >"Okay...let's get a closer look." she said
  2409. >The two of you slowly approached the bed, your eyes locked on your friend
  2410. >"By Celestia..." Iasa gasped
  2411. >"This isn't normal, it takes days for the disease to do this..."
  2412. "Well, something's changed, that's for sure." you said with a shrug
  2413. "Poor guy..."
  2414. >Iasa stepped up to Rex's bedside, examining the buboes on his face
  2415. >"Anon, grab bring me my bag." she said, not taking her eyes off of him
  2416. "You got it, boss." you replied, taking your place beside her
  2417. >You placed the medical bag on the bed in front of her
  2418. >If anyone could do something about this, it was Iasa
  2419. >You just hoped that she had whatever she needed to do it
  2420. >She dug through the bag, producing a jar with a muddy looking substance inside
  2421. >You eyed the jar
  2422. "What is that?" you asked
  2423. >"Blackroot paste, I've used it to help reduce the swelling of the lymph nodes." she explained
  2424. >Quickly, she rubbed some of the thick goop onto Rex's neck and jaw where the buboes had formed
  2425. "And, that's just something that works immediately or..."
  2426. >She glared at you
  2427. >"Don't be ridiculous, Anon, this is going to take a while."
  2428. >She put her hoof on Rex's forehead
  2429. >"He's burning up..." she said
  2430. >"Anon, can you get me a wet rag?" she asked
  2431. >You nodded and went looking for a cloth to use
  2432. >Your eyes darted around the room, searching for anything that would work
  2433. >Suddenly, an idea struck
  2434. >You rifled through the laundry basket by the exit, finding a fine linen shirt
  2435. >Quickly, you tore it in half, producing a loud ripping sound
  2436. >Iasa looked at you in surprise
  2437. >"Anon, what the hell?" she asked
  2438. "What? I don't think he's gonna miss one shirt." you replied
  2439. >You took the rags and dunked them in the water bucket next to the laundry
  2440. >Once they were soaked, you brought them over to Iasa
  2441. >With a shake of her head, she lay one of the rags across Rex's forehead
  2442. >"Sorry Rex, we're doing our best with what we've got..." she said, mostly to herself it seemed
  2443. >The thick goop squished and squelched as it covered Rex's skin
  2444. >When she seemed satisfied, Iasa stepped back, taking a deep breath
  2445. >" we-"
  2446. >With a snarl, Rex shot up from the bed and grabbed at Iasa
  2447. >"Holy shit!" she cried, stumbling backward
  2448. >Rex leapt off the bed and fell to the floor, still snarling and snapping after her
  2449. >Quickly, you jumped onto his back, trying to pin the stallion to the floor
  2450. "Iasa, what the fuck is this?!" you shouted, surprised at the strength the old stallion fought you with
  2451. >"Ps-psychosis!" she cried, quickly getting up off the floor and running back to her bag
  2452. >She tore through it, searching desperately for anything that might be of use
  2453. >" it!" she shouted, a myriad of jars and vials falling out of the bag
  2454. >You felt your grip on Rex loosening as he continued to violently struggle against you
  2455. >A glint in the corner of your vision drew your attention to the side, and you saw it
  2456. >The small vial Starswirl had given Iasa
  2457. >You looked back to her, only to see her still tearing through the bag
  2458. "Fuck it," you thought to yourself
  2459. "what's the worst that could happen?"
  2460. >With all the strength you could muster, you wrapped one arm around Rex, attempting to keep him from escaping, and reached for the vial
  2461. >It was so near, but so far as you strained to hold onto the thrashing stallion
  2462. >Just as you felt that Rex would break free from your grasp, your fingers wrapped around the vial and quickly snapped it toward you
  2463. >You pulled off the cork with your teeth, and pulled back the old stallion's head
  2464. >With his mouth gnashing and snapping, you watched for your opportunity
  2465. >As you saw his mouth open for a split second longer than the others, you poured a bit of the unknown liquid down his throat
  2466. >With a gurgling gag, Rex immediately stopped struggling and began writhing on the ground
  2467. >You still pinned him to the floor as he did, not sure what you had done, but not willing to give up just yet
  2468. >It was at this point that Iasa noticed what you had done
  2469. >"What did you do?!" she shouted, rushing to your side
  2470. "I-I couldn't hold him," you said
  2471. "I had to do something."
  2472. >Slowly, the gurgling stopped, and Rex became very still
  2473. >You looked at Iasa, but she was still staring in shock at the old stallion on the floor
  2474. >You got off of Rex slowly and the two of you watched him lie there
  2475. >Moments passed, but they felt like an eternity
  2476. >"Anon, do you see that?" Iasa asked, pointing at Rex
  2477. >You looked more closely at the stallion, trying to see what she was showing you
  2478. >Then you noticed very subtle movement
  2479. >He was breathing
  2480. "He's alive!" You said, quickly dashing to his side, flipping him over onto his back
  2481. >Rex lay there, breathing raggedly with his mouth wide open
  2482. >The two of you stared down at him, and watched as his eyes slowly opened
  2483. >Almost immediately, all traces of the plague began to disappear from the old king's face
  2484. >"Iasa...Anonymous..." he gasped, his voice sounding as if he'd spent a day breathing nothing but dust
  2485. >"I had...the strangest dream..."
  2486. >You and Iasa looked at each other, relief finally displacing your fears
  2487. >"You'll have to tell us later, Rex." Iasa said
  2488. >"You need to get some rest."
  2489. ____________________________________
  2491. >You sat in your seat, gazing out of the window of your booth as the train sped you back toward the Imperial City
  2492. >The night sky was as clear as you'd ever seen it, even back home
  2493. >Streaks of light zipped across the blackness, making it seem as if the stars were falling from their places
  2494. >You were so enthralled by the spectacle that you didn't notice the hoofsteps approaching you
  2495. >"Meteor shower." Aurelian said
  2496. >"It's rare that the skies are clear enough to see them these days."
  2497. >You smiled, not tearing your vision away from the sky
  2498. "I remember watching one of these back home. A long time ago." you replied
  2499. >Aurelian took a seat across from you in the booth
  2500. >He let out a deep sigh as he did, looking out at the sky with you
  2501. >The two of you sat there for a moment watching in silence
  2502. >"What you two did, back in the camp..." he said, turning his attention back to you
  2503. >"Nopony has ever managed to actually *cure* the scourge before."
  2504. >You smirked
  2505. "Nobody?"
  2506. >He shook his head
  2507. >"It seems to be something of a miracle. A gift from God."
  2508. >You turned to him
  2509. "Or from a wizard..."
  2510. >Aurelian narrowed his eyes at you
  2511. >"A wizard?" he asked
  2512. >You nodded
  2513. "Starswirl the Bearded gave us that vial of...whatever it is." you said
  2514. "He said that Iasa would know what it was but...she says she doesn't."
  2515. >Aurelian looked back out the window
  2516. >"Perhaps your meeting with this wizard was not a coincidence."
  2517. >You chuckled
  2518. "I didn't take you for a man of faith, Aurelian."
  2519. >He turned back to you, and you swore you could almost see something of a smile at the corner of his mouth
  2520. >"In days like these, a little bit of faith can mean the difference between standing and falling. I would rather stand, if I have any say in the matter."
  2521. >You smiled at him
  2522. "That's pretty deep for a military man."
  2523. >"Yes, well, we're all more than just our station in life, Anonymous."
  2524. >You looked back out at the sky
  2525. >The meteors continued to zoom across the sky
  2526. >Weren't these only supposed to last a few minutes?
  2527. "I guess you're right about that." you said softly, still enraptured by the sight
  2528. >A few more moments passed, and the two of you were quiet
  2529. >"He won't make it through the night." Aurelian finally said
  2530. >You looked at him, confused
  2531. "What are you talking about?"
  2532. >The captain suddenly looked very sad, but not turning his eyes away from you
  2533. >"You two cured your King of the plague...but it had already ravaged his body." he explained
  2534. >"Old as he is...the strain took a heavy toll."
  2535. >You shook your head
  2536. "No...he was fine, we took care of-"
  2537. >"Anonymous," he said, putting up his hoof
  2538. >"Nopony blames you for this. The two of you did something incredible...but we can only do so much."
  2539. >It couldn't be true
  2540. >After all that, Rex was dying?
  2541. >You shook your head in disbelief, and looked back out the window
  2542. >Aurelian gave you a few moments before speaking again
  2543. >"I just wanted to let you know...before...that what you did was extraordinary, and you have no reason to feel guilt over it."
  2544. >You got out of your seat and started toward Rex's car
  2545. >Surely this couldn't be true?
  2546. >You had to see it for yourself
  2547. >As you walked up to the door of the car, you stopped
  2548. >Your hand hovered over the knob, and you sighed
  2549. >If it was hitting you like this, you could only imagine what Iasa was going through
  2550. >She was closer to Rex than anyone here
  2551. >You braced yourself, and stepped inside
  2552. >The car was quiet, with only a few of Rex's guard and Iasa there to watch over him
  2553. >As you approached, Iasa saw you, giving you a weak smile
  2554. >Her eyes were red and glassy
  2555. >"Anon, I was just telling Rex how much better he was looking." she said
  2556. >"Isn't he looking like his old self again?"
  2557. >You looked at Rex, who seemed barely able to keep his eyes open
  2558. >He didn't look good
  2559. >Though the traces of the plague were gone, for the first time you saw a truly old pony laying on that bed
  2560. >His energy, the glow that had once surrounded him, it was gone
  2561. >You stepped beside Iasa and tried your best to keep a happy face
  2562. "How are you feeling?" you asked
  2563. >Seconds passed as Rex seemed to gather his strength for a reply
  2564. >"I haven't felt this...beat...since the morning after my coronation party..." he said, a slight chuckle escaping his lips
  2565. >That chuckle quickly turned into a cough, sounding from the depths of his lungs it seemed
  2566. >"Anonymous, Iasa...I need to speak to you alone for a minute." he said, putting up a hoof and waving off his guard
  2567. >As the guards filed out of the room, the old king looked at the two of you, briefly seeming to regain his strength
  2568. >"I want you to know...I am thankful for everything you have done for Hayven in the short time I have known you, Anonymous. I wish that there was something I could do to repay you." he said
  2569. >"But, there is one last service I must ask of you and Iasa, one that I trust you will do for a dying pony."
  2570. >You nodded
  2571. "Of course, Rex. What is it?" you asked
  2572. >"Do you...still have that crown?" he asked
  2573. >You reached into your bag and produced the Blueblood crown, the gold gleaming in the light of the car
  2574. >He smiled
  2575. >"Funny how such a simple thing can create such a fuss...isn't it?" he said
  2576. >His eyes locked onto the crown, and his face suddenly turned very serious
  2577. >"This crown will ensure my people a fair deal with the Empire...I need you to make sure this happens."
  2578. >He turned to Iasa
  2579. >"I know that you have your issues with the Empire, my friend. But you must find it in your heart to do what's best for Hayven..."
  2580. >Tears streamed down Iasa's face, and her face contorted in anguish
  2581. >"I...I'll try, Rex..." she said
  2582. >Rex reached out and touched her hoof, trying to comfort her
  2583. >"I am putting my trust in the two of you...please see that my life's work was not in vain..."
  2584. >His eyes closed, and Rex let out a long breath, his hoof slipping form Iasa's
  2585. >Iasa's eyes went wide and she quickly shook him
  2586. >"Rex? Rex!" she cried
  2587. >His mouth opened just a bit, his voice barely more than a whisper
  2588. >"Just...a moment..."
  2589. >Then he was still, and you knew that Rex was gone
  2590. >Iasa could tell too, and she laid her head on the bed, sobbing quietly into the bed as she held onto Rex's hoof
  2591. >You stepped back from the bed and sat down at the small table at the side of the car
  2592. >You tore your eyes away from Iasa as she mourned her king, and turned back to the night sky out the window beside you
  2593. >There were no more meteors falling now, only the twinkling stars against the sea of darkness
  2594. ______________________________________
  2596. >You stared across the round table in silence as you waited for Basil to finish his prayer
  2597. >You shifted in your seat, causing it to creak under your weight a bit
  2598. >Iasa quickly jabbed your arm, narrowing her eyes at you with a sideways glance
  2599. >When they told you that this meeting was starting promptly, you hadn't been expecting to be sitting around a bunch of strangers in silence
  2600. >Finally, Basil opened his eyes and unclasped his hooves
  2601. >"Are we ready to begin?" he asked
  2602. >Affirmative nods bobbed around the table, and with a drawn out sigh Basil began
  2603. >"Though God has seen fit to challenge us with further heartbreak in the wake of our esteemed ally's death, we all know the importance of this meeting for the future of our nation." he said
  2604. >"Nations." Iasa said quietly
  2605. >Basil smiled and nodded quickly
  2606. >"Unfortunately so, but let us hope to make strides here in mending this...separation." he replied
  2607. >His eyes turned to you
  2608. >"As the deceased's appointed representatives, this monumental task falls upon the two of you to help decide what good may come from these negotiations. Do you understand the gravity of this situation?"
  2609. >You hesitated
  2610. >You had only been in this place for a short time, and now here you were possibly with a country's future in your hands
  2611. >Only a madman would believe he truly understood it
  2612. "I think...I think Iasa is probably the one that you should be asking that." you said
  2613. "She's the one who has lived here her whole life, after all."
  2614. >Iasa smiled at you
  2615. >"Rex appointed both of us, Anon." she said
  2616. >"I trust his judgement. If he thinks-"
  2617. >You saw her recoil a bit as she realized her mistake
  2618. >"...thought you will help do what's best for Hayven, so do I."
  2619. >"As do I." Basil added
  2620. >You took a deep breath and shrugged
  2621. "Then yes, I guess I do." you said reluctantly
  2622. >"Very good." Basil said
  2623. >"Then let us move on to our first order of business."
  2624. >Basil lifted up his hoof and called forward one of his servants
  2625. >The servant laid down a piece of parchment on the table, and magically pushed it toward you and Iasa on the other side
  2626. >"Hayven showed its commitment to our alliance in battle, shedding southern blood in defense of Imperial lives and livelihoods." Basil said
  2627. >"For that, we owe them a great debt, no matter what else happens here."
  2628. >You read over the parchment
  2629. >It contained all manner of legal jargon and and numbers you didn't quite understand
  2630. >Iasa, too, looked a little confused
  2631. >"What is all this?" she asked
  2632. >"A promise." Basil replied
  2633. >"In your hands is a written commitment from the Empire to provide monetary aid and support to Hayven over the course of the next five years, no strings attached."
  2634. "What sort of support?" you asked
  2635. >"Anything from infrastructure development to defense, the Empire intends to repay its debt to our friends in the south."
  2636. >You were shocked
  2637. "And that's just a gift? There's nothing you want in return?"
  2638. >Basil shook his head
  2639. >"Not a thing."
  2640. >"And at the end of that five years?" Iasa chimed in
  2641. >Basil sighed
  2642. >"After the end of the term, the Empire would no longer provide the same level of aid, barring additional treaties and agreements which I'm sure would arise."
  2643. >Iasa looked at you
  2644. >"I don't see anything wrong with this, do you?"
  2645. >You shook your head
  2646. >How could it hurt?
  2647. >This seemed very generous, given the level of Hayven's involvement in containing the rebellion
  2648. >"Of course, there are ways in which this sort of relationship could become more...permanent." Basil mused
  2649. >There it was, the moment you knew was coming
  2650. >"I can ask my citizens to dig deep in the aid of an ally for so long...but to aid their own countrymen..." he said
  2651. >"A formal unification between the north and the south would open the door for indefinite assistance and cooperation between us. In time, Hayven and the lands surrounding it would be restored to their former glory."
  2652. >There it was, the pitch
  2653. >You could feel Iasa tense up next to you
  2654. >"And if we aren't so sure we want to join you?" she asked
  2655. >Basil shrugged
  2656. >"Then we cannot say for sure what sort of relationship will exist. The Empire means no ill will toward our southern brethren, but we must look after Imperial citizens first, wouldn't you agree?"
  2657. >Iasa narrowed her eyes at Basil
  2658. >Basil coughed and shifted his eyes to you
  2659. >"Anonymous, what do you think?"
  2660. >Your heart froze
  2661. >Well, shit
  2662. ___________________________________________________
  2664. >Any confidence in this process you had just went out the window
  2665. >You had to think fast
  2666. "What about Mason?" you asked
  2667. "What's going to happen with him?"
  2668. >Basil looked at you, confused
  2669. >"What? What does he have to do with any of this?"
  2670. >You folded your hands on the table, trying to appear as if you were doing anything but stalling
  2671. "I just want to know what you all have planned for him, he helped me when I got here, I need to know he'll be treated well."
  2672. >Basil looked around at his advisors, who all collectively shrugged
  2673. >"The griffon will stay here as our guest until we have determined the exact nature of his visit here." Basil said
  2674. "Uh huh, and how long will that take?"
  2675. >Basil furrowed his brow and sighed
  2676. >"These matters are complicated, Anonymous, there isn't really any way that I could-"
  2677. >With an exaggerated motion, you threw your hands in the air
  2678. "Well, I don't know if I can really give my approval to any sort of deal unless I know that a good friend will be treated fairly." you said
  2679. “In fact,” you continued
  2680. “I would like to see him now, it’s been days since you took him into custody.”
  2681. >The room stood so still that not even the air seemed to move
  2682. >Everyone around the table, even Iasa, stared at you wide eyed
  2683. >”Very well,” Basil said, finally breaking the silence
  2684. >”we will reconvene this meeting in the morning after you have met with your friend and assuredly concluded that he is being treated very well.”
  2685. >Derailment complete
  2686. >Commitment: Avoided
  2687. >As you and Iasa walked down the halls toward Mason’s room, you noticed her eyes kept shifting to you
  2688. >”What was all that about?” she asked
  2689. “What was what about?” you replied
  2690. >She shook her head at you
  2691. >”Don’t give me that, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” she said
  2692. >”Why didn’t you tell Basil what you thought?”
  2693. >You shrugged
  2694. “Look, I just didn’t feel ready to make a decision like that, okay?” you said
  2695. “This is way above my pay grade.”
  2696. >Iasa sighed
  2697. >”Well, we’re going to have to get ready. Rex trusted this decision to us.”
  2698. >The two of you stopped in front of the ambassador’s room, a guard on either side
  2699. >”Only one at a time.” one of the guards said
  2700. >You and Iasa looked at each other
  2701. >”Well, go ahead. This was your idea anyway.” She said
  2702. >You looked to the guard, then back at her
  2703. >She smiled at you
  2704. >”I’ll be fine, I’ll wait for you right here.” She said reassuringly
  2705. >You nodded to her and twisted the door handle, walking into the room
  2706. >The Ambassador’s chambers were as extravagant as you’d come to expect from the Imperials
  2707. >Crystalline walls and gilded furniture abound, the grandeur bordered on gaudiness
  2708. >”I’m surprised they let you in here,” Mason’s voice drifted in from the far side of the room
  2709. >He sat beside a roaring fire, turning to greet you
  2710. >”awfully pleasant way to treat a prisoner.”
  2711. >You shrugged, still standing near the doorway
  2712. “Supposedly this is for your own protection.” You said
  2713. “How are you holding up?”
  2714. >Mason held up his book
  2715. >”I’ve had plenty of time to do some reading, say what else you will, but the Imperial library is magnificent.”
  2716. >You smirked and walked over to join him
  2717. >”Well, that and my other visitor has been keeping me company.”
  2718. >You stopped, noticing for the first time that the chair beside Mason’s was occupied
  2719. “Other visitor?” you asked
  2720. >”I believe you two have already met.” Mason replied as the other occupant twisted to see you
  2721. “Starswirl?!”
  2722. >The ancient wizard stood to face you, giving you a slight bow
  2723. >He looked calm, but his eyes told you he was troubled
  2724. >”Hello again, Anonymous. I see you’ve really been making a name for yourself around these parts since we last met.” He said
  2725. “Yeah, well, I mostly feel like I’m kind of just along for the ride to be honest.” You replied
  2726. >Starswirl gave you a slight smirk before approaching
  2727. >”So I’ve heard.” He said
  2728. >”Starswirl has been making his way here since shortly after the rest of you left for the battle,” Mason said
  2729. >”He and I have been doing some digging into this plague of yours.”
  2730. >You cocked your brow at Starswirl
  2731. “Have you?”
  2732. >”Indeed.” Starswirl said
  2733. >”And, I’m afraid our findings have been rather…grim.”
  2734. >Oh, great
  2735. >Good news
  2736. “How do you mean?” you asked
  2737. >Starswirl beckoned you to the seat, inviting you to sit down
  2738. >This must be FANTASTIC news
  2739. >”I will not bother you with the trivialities Anonymous, but you must be made aware of the situation.” Starswirl said
  2740. >”This plague…it is no normal disease. It is not caused by any pathogen or other worldly force.”
  2741. >Worldly force?
  2742. >What could he mean?
  2743. “I’m not sure I follow you…” you said
  2744. >”Mason, bring me that book of yours.” Starswirl said
  2745. >Mason dutifully got up bringing the rather aged looking tome to you
  2746. >Your eyes drifted over it
  2747. >It was old indeed, but you were surprised that you could read the title
  2748. “Spirits?” you read out loud
  2749. >Starswirl’s horn began to glow, and the book in your hands snapped open, the pages flipping until it stopped on one name
  2750. >Pestis
  2751. >The Rotten One
  2752. “What is this?” you asked
  2753. >Starswirl’s face grew dark
  2754. >”An ancient evil,” he said
  2755. >”one that will end all life in Equestria if we do not stop it.”
  2756. ___________________________________
  2758. >"Anon, I don't think that this is a good idea, we don't even know if this is legit." Iasa said, pacing back and forth as you quickly threw your bag together
  2759. >You sighed
  2760. "Iasa, Starswirl is an ancient wizard with God knows how many years of knowledge in that head of his. I think we can trust him when he says something like some kind of evil demon or whatever is trying to destroy the world." you said
  2761. "We need to go check this out and be absolutely sure."
  2762. >She put her hoof to her face with a groan
  2763. >"The emperor isn't going to wait very long for our decision. Hayven is counting on us to see this through."
  2764. >You couldn't believe your ears
  2765. >Was she even listening to you?
  2766. "The WORLD is counting on us if this Pestis guy is actually back."
  2767. >"It's superstition Anon." Iasa insisted
  2768. >"Starswirl has spent too much time buried in that library of his, the world isn't like it was back then, and mythical beings don't just appear out of nowhere like they do in the old stories."
  2769. >You threw your pack over your shoulder
  2770. "Are you willing to bet the world on that?" you asked
  2771. "Because last I checked, people couldn't travel between different worlds or whatever, yet here I am. This doesn't sound too far fetched."
  2772. >She frowned, but picked up her bag
  2773. >"Fine, but if this turns into some wild goose chase..."
  2774. >As you opened the door, you were greeted by Aurelian's face
  2775. >But he wasn't alone
  2776. >Starswirl and Mason stood at his sides
  2777. >"Your friends here had quite a story for me when I checked in."
  2778. "Aurelian? I-"
  2779. >He put his hoof up to silence you
  2780. >"Don't worry, Anonymous. I'm not here to stop you. I want to help you." he said
  2781. >"My father often told me stories about the ancients, including this spirit you seek. I think that this wizard may be on to something."
  2782. >You shot a quick "told you so" look at Iasa
  2783. >Her face scrunched up as she listened
  2784. >"Imperial physicians have been unable to find any biological source of the plague in their travels, and with the city having been clear of infection, there has been little incentive to venture out and put themselves in harms way." Aurelian explained
  2785. >"With the case of your king...I think it is high time we get out there and stop this plague before it returns."
  2786. "Won't the emperor want you here?" you asked
  2787. >He looked to Mason
  2788. >The griffon has information that may prove useful to the Empire. He may leave under guard. The city will be fine in my absence."
  2789. >You smiled at the captain
  2790. "How convenient." you said
  2791. "Where to first, then?" you asked Starswirl
  2792. >"There is a ruin to the north of here, at the foot of the Crystal Mountains. It may hold the answers we seek...or at least point us in the right direction." he said
  2793. >"It will take us several days to reach, no train runs that far north anymore."
  2794. "Well then," you said
  2795. "let's hit the road."
  2796. >...
  2797. >Three days
  2798. >Three days had passed, and for the last one and a half all you had seen for miles in any direction was the tundra of Equestria's northern reaches
  2799. >Not a soul had passed your small company since
  2800. >A bitter wind blew right through your camp, threatening to extinguish the fire keeping you from freezing
  2801. >Starswirl had retired to his tent, but the rest of you sat around the fire, staring into the flames
  2802. >"How much further do you think we are?" Iasa asked Mason
  2803. >"Not far." he replied
  2804. >"Maybe another day's travel."
  2805. >Aurelian snorted
  2806. >"And to think, the Empire once maintained a railway spanning all the way from the south to Crystal Mountains themselves."
  2807. >He looked deep into the flames
  2808. >"During better times."
  2809. >Mason grunted in agreement
  2810. >"Perhaps for some." he said
  2811. >You heard the howling of wolves off in the distance
  2812. >They were common up here, apparently
  2813. >Aurelian had assured you that your nightly fires would keep them at bay, and after your experience with the timber wolves, you were fine with that
  2814. >Still, you kept the Warden's Fist close
  2815. >Just in case
  2816. >You weren't the only one who had heard it, as Iasa's ears perked up at the sound as well
  2817. >"Down in the south, we only have timber wolves. Are there no hunters to keep the population down up here?" she asked
  2818. >Aurelian shook his head
  2819. >"Very few. Pony settlements are few and far in between. It has been quite some time since I've been this far north, so I couldn't say where they might be."
  2820. >You heard crackling twigs in the brush a short way away
  2821. >You could tell the others had heard it too, as every head turned toward the sound
  2822. >The four of you stared off into the pitch black held at bay only by your fire
  2823. >For a few moments, you were faced only with the void
  2824. >And then, green and yellow eyes began to appear
  2825. >The sound of grass and dirt being trod upon grew louder as they began to move closer, stopping just out of the reach of the light
  2826. >A knife could cut through the tension like butter
  2827. >There were dozens of them all around the camp
  2828. >Suddenly, a sound unlike any you had ever heard before rang out through the air
  2829. >You couldn't tell if it was laughing or screeching, but as quickly as they had come, the eyes turned and fled back into the abyss
  2830. >Then, all was silent
  2831. >Nobody but Starswirl would sleep that night
  2832. >And you weren't sure you would for the rest of your journey either
  2833. _________________________________
  2835. >The snowy peaks of the Crystal Mountains glistened in the morning sunlight as your party pressed onward
  2836. >Light flurries had begun late in the night, and continued into the morning with no sign of stopping
  2837. >Bitter cold as it was, you honestly expected worse
  2838. >The frost accumulating on the ground did nothing to stop you or slow your progress, but served to remind you of the harshness of this land
  2839. >Aurelian seemed stoic as ever, pressing onward without so much as a grumble
  2840. >Iasa, on the other hand, appeared to be read to shake out of her skin
  2841. >The warmer climate of the southern regions had not prepared her for this sort of weather it seemed
  2842. “Are you going to be alright?” You asked, tapping her on the shoulder
  2843. >”Yeah…I’m fine.” She replied, her teeth chattering
  2844. >You frowned and looked around at the others
  2845. >Either it was an exceptionally stoic crew, or the others were simply better conditioned
  2846. >Perhaps they were just keeping their minds on anything but the cold so as not to be bothered by it
  2847. >You slid off your jacket, and laid it across Iasa’s back
  2848. >”Anon, what are you-?” she began before you cut her off with a wave of your hand
  2849. “Don’t, we can’t have you freezing to death.” You said
  2850. >”What about you?” she asked, looking worried
  2851. >You shrugged with a cocky grin
  2852. “I’ve had worse.”
  2853. >Aurelian let out a small snort
  2854. >”You’re going to change your tune come nightfall,” he said
  2855. >”this is just the beginning.”
  2856. >”Reminds me of Northpeak back home.” Mason chimed in
  2857. >”Nice place to visit if you like freezing your beak off. Only place on the continent with Stone-Birch trees though.”
  2858. “Yeah? What’s so special about that?” You asked
  2859. >”Strongest wood in the East.” Mason said, seemingly boasting
  2860. >”Demand for it comes from every corner of Equestria.” he explained
  2861. >”In fact, it’s been said that more than-OOF”
  2862. >As he bounced off Aurelian’s back, Mason and the rest of the group stopped and stared in awe at the sight ahead
  2863. >The road ahead was not empty as it had been for miles
  2864. >It was packed
  2865. >Hundreds of ponies crowded the narrow path, slowly trudging along
  2866. >You and the others stepped off the path, watching as the sullen looking caravan passed by
  2867. >One by one, they passed like ghosts, not even bothering to look at you
  2868. >”Aurelian, what is this?” Iasa asked
  2869. >The captain scanned the passing crowd, confusion on his normally stoic face
  2870. >He quickly grabbed one of the ponies out of the line and pulled them to the side of the road
  2871. >”Identify yourself, citizen.” he said
  2872. >Barely looking at Aurelian, the pony barely let out a mumble
  2873. >”Dew Dancer…” she said
  2874. >”What is all of this? Where are you coming from?” Aurelian asked
  2875. >Dew Dancer pointed off toward the mountains
  2876. >”Starpoint…Dawn…Merrytown.” she replied
  2877. “What are those? Did something happen?” You asked
  2878. >She looked at you with tired eyes
  2879. >”From the mountains…didn’t follow us…”
  2880. >”Who didn’t? Are you alright?” Aurelian asked
  2881. >Iasa stepped forward and examined Dew Dancer, turning her head from side to side with seemingly no resistance
  2882. >”She’s under the influence of the Sleeper’s toxin…I’ve seen this before.” she said
  2883. >”It can last for days, in a half conscious state. If these ponies are all infected, they’re not going to be able to tell us anything useful for quite a while.”
  2884. >With a frown, Aurelian let the exhausted looking pony wander back into the crowd, marching along the narrow path.
  2885. “She mentioned something “from the mountains” not following them…what do you figure that might be?” you asked Star Swirl
  2886. >”I do not know, but this use of toxins unfortunately seems to confirm what I have feared. The Rotten One has returned, and he has already begun making his moves.” he said
  2887. >”I only hope we’re not too late.”
  2888. _________________________________________
  2890. >Your foot slipped as you scaled the rocky slope
  2891. >Cursing under your breath, you regained your footing and took another step
  2892. >After the incident with the caravan on the road, Star Swirl decided that there was no time to take the road the rest of the way
  2893. >A more point A to point B solution meant a trek off the beaten path
  2894. >Now, at the foot of the mountain range, you could feel the tension building as you neared your destination, trailing behind the others
  2895. >What would the ruins be like?
  2896. >Was it possible that this Pestis demon had already gotten there first?
  2897. >So consumed in your thoughts, you didn't notice as you felt a hoof grab the back of your shirt
  2898. >"Watch your step Anon, you nearly went over!" Iasa said, pointing ahead of you
  2899. >She was right, the slope had ended, leading straight down into a crater
  2900. >And you were one step from going straight over the ledge
  2901. "Wow...I uh...I was distracted." you admitted, letting out a nervous chuckle
  2902. >Iasa smiled at you, though you could tell she was just as shaken as you by what you'd seen
  2903. >"Don't worry about it, Star Swirl is just making sure the coast is clear before we head down into the ruins."
  2904. >Star Swirl's eyes scanned the area below, narrowing suspiciously
  2905. >Mason tapped his foot, and let out a sigh
  2906. >"What's the hold up? Shouldn't we get down there?" he asked
  2907. >Star Swirl shook his head
  2908. >"It is said that a powerful guardian watches over the entrance to the temple, I do not wish to walk blindly into such a thing."
  2909. >Peaking over the ledge, you began to look around for yourself
  2910. >It seemed to be mostly just a dirt pit
  2911. >But then, something caught your eye
  2912. >A glinting object sticking out of the ground
  2913. "Star Swirl, you see that down there?" you asked, pointing down at it
  2914. >The old wizard's eyes focused on where you were pointing
  2915. >"It's probably nothing..." he said
  2916. >Not taking your eyes off of it, you slid yourself over the ledge and began making your way down into the pit
  2917. >"Anon! What are you doing?!" Iasa cried
  2918. >"Star Swirl didn't say it was clear!"
  2919. "I just want to check something out, I don't see anyone guarding it." you called back
  2920. >"Anonymous, get back here!" Mason said
  2921. >As you hit the bottom of the slope, you began slowly making your way toward the glinting object
  2922. >"Oh, screw it." Iasa groaned, jumping down after you
  2923. >Mason and Aurelian looked at each other
  2924. >"After you." Mason said
  2925. >With a smirk, Aurelian slid himself down the slope, Mason following close behind
  2926. >Star Swirl sighed
  2927. >"Sure, just go right in, not like the centuries old wizard knows what he's doing..."
  2928. >You crouched over the glinting object, still half buried
  2929. >You knelt down and began brushing the dirt away
  2930. >And then you saw it
  2931. >A steel helmet
  2932. >You grabbed a hold of it and lifted, but it seemed stuck to something
  2933. >Iasa and the others came up behind you
  2934. >"Wow, excavator now, eh?"
  2935. >You adjusted your grip and pulled even harder
  2936. >With a final effort, you felt it come free
  2937. >You fell backwards, still holding the helmet in your hands
  2938. >Landing on your back, you held the helmet above you, but the weight shifted as something inside began to slide
  2939. >Suddenly, the weight inside the helmet completely left it as a heavy object fell from inside, hitting your stomach
  2940. >You looked at your side and saw it
  2941. >A skull
  2942. >A human skull
  2943. >It was then that you noticed you were laying on something hard
  2944. >Rolling off of it, you saw that you had knocked more dirt away from yet another metallic mass in the ground
  2945. >Your eyes darted along the ground and only a few feet away, you spotted a third
  2946. "What is this place...?" you asked
  2947. >A low rumbling from inside the cavern shook the ground, drawing all of your attention toward it
  2948. >Scrambling to your feet, the five of you readied yourselves for whatever it was that was coming out of the darkness
  2949. >The rumbling grew closer, and more intense
  2950. >Then, as quickly as it began it ended
  2951. >And out of the cave, hopped a small white rabbit
  2952. >The give of you stared at it, dumbstruck as it hopped toward you
  2953. >It stopped about fifteen feet away, staring straight back
  2954. >It almost seemed to smile as it looked at you
  2955. >Iasa breathed a sigh of relief
  2956. >"By the Sisters...I was worried for a second that-"
  2957. >In a flash of light, the rabbit transformed, and before you, standing ten feet tall, was a monstrous creature
  2958. >You could not tell if it was made of flesh or stone, but it was the green cracks that radiated with a sickly glow that truly worried you
  2959. "Maybe you should keep worrying a bit longer..."
  2960. ___________________________________________
  2962. >The beast let out a thunderous roar that would have caused you to stumble if you had not already been on the ground
  2963. >Quickly, you crawled backwards to create some distance between the monster and yourself
  2964. >Scrambling to your feet beside the others, you felt something vibrating at your side
  2965. >You looked down to see the Warden's Fist shaking slightly, a faint glow seeming to eminate from the shining steel surface
  2966. >"So, what's the plan then?" Mason asked as the beast took a step toward you
  2967. >You took the Warden's Fist in your hand and as soon as you touched it, the vibration stopped, but the glow remained
  2968. >Aurelian quickly raised his handcannon and fired a shot at the fast approaching enemy
  2969. >The shot made contact, but other than causing it to pause briefly, it seemed to have little effect
  2970. >With a snort, the beast pushed forward
  2971. >Star Swirl quickly conjured a bolt of lightning from his horn that arced forward, striking the beast squarely in the chest
  2972. >The blue bolts englufed it, but still the thing pressed onward
  2973. "Let me try something." You said, gripping the Warden's Fist tighter
  2974. >The beast was almost upon you, and raised its clawed arm to strike
  2975. >As the others around you scattered, you braced yourself, waiting for the right moment
  2976. >With a swiftness you didn't know you had, you ducked beneath the huge clawed hand as it sliced through the air just above your head
  2977. >Before the lumbering beast could recover, you swung upward with the Warden's Fist
  2978. >The heavy hammer's head crashed against the side of the creature's face, sending it spinning away from you
  2979. >For a few moments, it fell to its knees, sitting still
  2980. >Then, it began to turn back toward you
  2981. >Its jaw hung loosely, dangling toward its chest
  2982. >Despite this, the beast's eyes flashed an almost blinding green light
  2983. >You covered your eyes and took a step back as the creature climbed back to its feet
  2984. >Closing the gap, it attacked again with a renewed fury
  2985. >You tried to evade the swipes and swings that it took at you, and for the most part, succeeded
  2986. >Eventually, one of the clawed hands made contact, raking you across the chest and leaving several bleeding scratches behind
  2987. >As you winced from the stinging pain, the other hand swung again, this time in a fist the size of a bowling ball
  2988. >It struck you in the chest, sending you flying backwards through the air
  2989. >You felt the wind knocked out of you as you hit the hard ground, and lay there trying to catch your breath as the others rushed forward to defend you
  2990. >You lifted your head to see Mason dancing around the beast as quickly as he could, striking at it with his smallsword with seemingly little effect
  2991. >It was enough to disract it, however, and Aurelian quickly loaded another round into his hand cannon, firing into the beast's back as Mason held its attention
  2992. >It staggered forward as the bullet lodged itself into its back, forcing it to stumble straight onto Mason's blade, impaling its waist
  2993. >You watched as the beast took a moment to recover before backhanding Mason, sending him hurtling to the side
  2994. >It turned to face you once again, blade still stuck in place
  2995. >You barely noticed as Iasa flew overhead, dropping emptying the contents of a jar onto the beast
  2996. >The powdery substance did not appear to have much effect as it began to bear down on you once again
  2997. >"Star Swirl! Do it!" she shouted
  2998. >Suddenly, a stream of fire shot over you like a flamethrower
  2999. >As it struck the beast, it seemed to react with the powdery substance, causing an intense flame, hotter and brighter than any you had ever seen
  3000. >The beast thrashed and bellowed out in pain
  3001. >It threw itself to the ground, rolling about in an attempt to smother the flames
  3002. >Eventually, the flames did begin to die, but the damage had been done
  3003. >The beast, smoldering, its flesh blackened and still smoking, barely managed to push itself off of the ground, unable to rise from its knees
  3004. >You suddenly noticed the bright light in the corner of your eye
  3005. >The Warden's Fist was glowing, almost like it too was on fire
  3006. >This was your chance
  3007. >You grabbed it off of the ground and quickly rose to your feet, making your way over to the beast
  3008. >It continued to lay there prostrate
  3009. >You raised the hammer above your head as it began to stir once again
  3010. >Swiftly, with all the strength you could muster, you brought down your weapon upon its head
  3011. >With a crunch, the beast's head collapsed under the hammer's weight, and its body went limp
  3012. >Breathing heavily, you watched as the light radiating off of the Warden's Fist began to shift
  3013. >It arced off of the hammer itself, and engulfed the body of the beast
  3014. >You could not tell what it was doing, but after a few moments, the light was gone
  3015. >"W-what was that?" Iasa asked, looking at you
  3016. >You stood there, standing at the hammer, not quite sure what to say
  3017. "I...I don't know." you said, as shocked as the others
  3018. >"Star Swirl, what just happened?" Aurelian asked, reslinging his weapon
  3019. >The old wizard stepped forward, taking the Warden's Fist from you and inspecting it
  3020. >He narrowed his eyes, and then a look of realization lit up his face
  3021. >"It would appear that this weapon has absorbed the spirit of this creature." he said
  3022. "Its spirit...?" you asked
  3023. "Like, it stole that thing's soul?"
  3024. >Star Swirl nodded
  3025. >"More like it is caging it. I have heard of such weapons, but never thought this would be such a thing." he explained
  3026. >"The Warden's Fist must be endowed with the ability to absorb dark magical power. Fitting, now that I think of it."
  3027. >You took back the hammer and looked at it
  3028. >It felt warm to the touch, but otherwise did not appear any different than it had before
  3029. >A soul-stealing hammer...lovely
  3030. >Cautiously, you put it back on your belt
  3031. "Well, I'm sure that will end up coming in handy..." you said, turning to face the cavernous opening in the mountain
  3032. "So who's going in first?"
  3033. _________________________________________
  3035. >The darkness seemed to grow deeper with every step you took down into the cavern
  3036. >Of course, you had to draw the short straw on this one
  3037. >Each step echoed off of the cavern walls, seemingly traveling down into an endless abyss
  3038. >After what seemed like forever, you were quickly feeling stifled by the still, dusty air
  3039. "How much further do you think it is? We've been walking forever."
  3040. >Starswirl frowned, the light from his horn no longer sufficiently lighting even a foot in front of you
  3041. >"It shouldn't be much further," he said.
  3042. >"I'm surprised that we haven't already reached the sanctum."
  3043. >"Sanctum?" Mason asked
  3044. >Starswirl nodded
  3045. >"Yes, the inner sanctuary of the temple, where the relics are typically held on display."
  3046. >You grunted
  3047. "Well, wherever it is, I just hope that we can find what we need and get out of this dank fu-AHHHHHHH!"
  3048. >You cried out as your foot failed to make contact with the ground ahead of you, plunging you face first down into the inky blackness
  3049. >"Anon!" Iasa cried out, rocketing down to catch you
  3050. >You felt the dry, stale air rushing past you as you seemed to accelerate more quickly into the chasm
  3051. >You could hear Iasa crying after you, but you could neither see her nor hear what she was saying anymore
  3052. >It seemed that you were falling faster than she could fly in this place
  3053. >Your heart raced faster as you fell, expecting to make contact with the ground at any moment, sealing your fate
  3054. >Suddenly, you felt very tired, and your eyes struggled to stay open
  3055. >With a deep sigh, you let them close, resigning yourself to your fate
  3056. >Way to go Anon, you really screwed the pooch on this one
  3057. >Then, as quickly as it had begun, you felt yourself suddenly laying still
  3058. >You were no longer falling, but laying on a hard, warm surface
  3059. >You felt around with your hands, feeling some sort of smooth stone beneath you
  3060. >All around you, you could hear the slow gurgling of calmly flowing water
  3061. >You opened your eyes, and instead of the inky blackness of the cave, you were blinded by a piercing light
  3062. >Shielding your eyes, you groaned as they struggled to adjust to...wherever you were
  3063. >"Calm yourself, Anonymous. You are in no danger here," a gentle voice said somewhere off to your right
  3064. >Your heart began racing again as you quickly leapt to your feet, still half blind from the abrupt lighting change
  3065. >You squinted in the direction of the voice, your eyesight finally seeming to be returning
  3066. >You could make out a blob of purple, slowly beginning to take form
  3067. >A unicorn, a purple unicorn
  3068. >It sat upon an elevated platform, surrounded by bowls that seemed to glisten with pieces of glittering gems inside them
  3069. >You looked around the room and realized where you must be
  3070. "Is this...the sanctum?" you asked
  3071. >The unicorn nodded
  3072. >"Indeed, it is."
  3073. >Suddenly, you noticed something off about this unicorn
  3074. >There were wings on her back
  3075. >Visions of the stained glass scenery depicting the Princesses of these ponies rushed back to your mind, and your eyes went wide
  3076. >You quickly and awkwardly bowed
  3077. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize who you were..." you said
  3078. >The alicorn smiled softly at you
  3079. >"And who do you think I am, exactly?" she asked
  3080. >You raised your eyes back up to meet hers
  3081. "You're one of the Sisters, aren't you?" you asked, not sure of what she meant
  3082. >Still smiling, the alicorn shook her head
  3083. >"No, once I was a princess, but I am not Princess Celestia or Princess Luna."
  3084. >You rose from your bow, confused
  3085. "So...who are you?" you asked
  3086. >The alicorn bowed her head, returning your show of respect
  3087. >"My name is Twilight Sparkle, I am the guardian of this place."
  3088. >You looked from Twilight to the bowls around her
  3089. "What are you guarding, exactly?"
  3090. >She noticed your eyes drifting around her and gestured knowingly to them
  3091. >"These containers hold the fragments of the Elements of Harmony. Once, these artifacts helped to keep Equestria safe, now..."
  3092. >She looked at the shattered gems with a great sadness in her eyes
  3093. >You didn't understand what she was getting at
  3094. >These rocks protected this world?
  3095. >How could that be possible?
  3096. >Then again, magic was something new to you entirely, so you weren't about to question it
  3097. "If the Elements are destroyed...why are you guarding them?" you asked
  3098. >Twilight looked back at you
  3099. >"They are broken, but I was tasked with protecting them until one who proved themself worthy of restoring them came to claim them."
  3100. >You looked up at her
  3101. "How long have you been waiting?"
  3102. >Twilight stared off into space for a moment, seeming to gather her thoughts
  3103. >"Decades."
  3104. >The two of you stood in silence, listening to the gently flowing water surrounding you
  3105. "Do you know what's going on outside of this place?" you asked
  3106. "It seems like these Elements could do some good out there."
  3107. >Twilight nodded
  3108. >"I have seen the storm clouds gathering, very soon a day of reckoning is coming," she said, looking into your eyes
  3109. >"But, I feel that the one I have been charged with waiting for is near."
  3110. >You narrowed your eyes at Twilight
  3111. "Who, me?" you asked
  3112. >Twilight gave you a slight shrug
  3113. >"Perhaps. That hammer on your hip is a promising sign."
  3114. >You reached for the Warden's Fist instinctively
  3115. >"A legendary weapon, wielded by a great hero. Perhaps you too will be a hero to this world."
  3116. >Twilight's gaze lifted from the Warden's Fist back to your eyes
  3117. >"I cannot force you, the decision to claim the Elements must be your own. Be warned, there is a test for any who would claim them. It is not easy, as few have ever proven worthy of wielding all of the Elements at once."
  3118. >You looked around at the Elements, then back at Twilight
  3119. >What sort of test could this be?
  3120. >If these things could help, didn't you have an obligation to at least try?
  3121. "What will happen if I fail?" you asked
  3122. >Twilight shook her head
  3123. >"The last time an unworthy claim was made on the Elements, they destroyed themselves to prevent it. If another potential claimant should fail...I can only guess what might happen to them."
  3124. >You frowned, turning over the possibilities in your mind
  3125. >But in your heart, you knew what you had to do
  3126. "Alright," you said
  3127. "Try me."
  3128. _______________________________________
  3130. >Almost as soon as you finished those words, you found yourself no longer where you been standing
  3131. >Instead of the quiet of the sanctum, your senses were being assaulted by the commotion of a bustling city street
  3132. >"'Scuse me," a yak said, pushing you to the side.
  3133. >You nearly stumbled into the middle of the street
  3134. >"Move it!" one voice called out
  3135. >"Out of the way!" shouted another
  3136. >Looking up, you saw a flow of traffic that almost looked like home
  3137. >Where were you?
  3138. >The sunlight was nearly blinding as you scanned your surroundings
  3139. >White streets, gold trimmings everywhere the eye could see
  3140. >And in the distance...tall towers
  3141. >Suddenly, you knew exactly where you were
  3142. >Canterlot
  3143. >But it was so...alive
  3144. >It was so unlike what you saw down south
  3145. >Was this part of the test?
  3146. >It had to be...but what were you supposed to do?
  3147. >Twilight had not given you much direction, but perhaps that was the point
  3148. >Still, standing in the street wasn't going to accomplish anything
  3149. >You darted across the street, dodging traffic as best you could manage
  3150. >Just as you were about to reach the other side, you looked up to see a large stallion pulling a cart bearing down on you
  3151. >He couldn't see where he was going, his eyes closed as he strained to maintain his pace
  3152. >You braced for the impact before you felt yourself being tugged out of the way
  3153. >You stumbled over your savior, taking both of you to the ground
  3154. >You felt a hoof catch your leg just before it cleared the road, and heard a yelp, followed by a loud crash behind you
  3155. >"Are you crazy? You nearly got yourself killed!"
  3156. >You looked up and saw who had pulled you (mostly) out of the way of certain doom
  3157. >A griffon, disheveled and scruffy looking
  3158. >He looked at you in disbelief
  3159. >"What were you thinking?" he asked
  3160. "I'm sorry...I didn't think that-"
  3161. >"Yeah I can tell you weren't thinking," he said, cutting off your explanation
  3162. >The two of you glanced over to the road to observe the damage
  3163. >The crowd rushed around the overturned cart, its cargo strewn around the street, blocking the flow of traffic and causing great distress
  3164. >Two golden armored pegasi came swooping down upon the scene
  3165. >"Alright, alright, move along everyone, nothing to see here," one of them announced
  3166. "Shit," you muttered to yourself
  3167. >You didn't have time for this
  3168. >You tried to slip away before anyone noticed you, after all, you were mostly responsible for this
  3169. >"Yeah, I think it was him," you heard a male voice say
  3170. >Turning to the voice, you saw the stallion who had been pulling the cart that nearly crushed you pointing in the direction of the griffon who had pulled you from the road
  3171. >"What?! I didn't do anything!" the griffon protested
  3172. >"Yeah, yeah, you can tell us all about what you didn't do downtown," one of the guards said
  3173. >By this point, a unicorn guard had arrived and was watching the scene progress
  3174. >His horn began to glow, and the griffon was enveloped in an aura of blue magic
  3175. >He was forced to the ground, unable to get back up no matter how much he struggled
  3176. >You looked on in disbelief as the guards began dragging the griffon away, panged with guilt
  3177. "Are you really going to let this happen?" you thought to yourself
  3178. >You didn't have time to get dragged down to a police station for whatever sort of interrogation they had in mind
  3179. >But that griffon saved you...rude as he may have been
  3180. >He didn't deserve this
  3181. >You ran over and stood in the way of the guards
  3182. "Let him go, it was me," you said
  3183. "That griffon had nothing to do with the accident."
  3184. >The guards looked suspiciously at you
  3185. >"What, are you some kind of griffon sympathizer? Don't you know we're at war?" the lead guard asked
  3186. >"This scum was probably just looking for some extra fun at these good ponies' expense."
  3187. >You shook your head
  3188. "No, I ran across the street and got in that cart's way. This griffon tried to pull me out of the way," you explained
  3189. "If you're going to hold anyone responsible, take me."
  3190. >The guards scowled, looking down at the griffon, and back to you
  3191. >"Suit yourself," the leader said as the griffon was released from their grasp
  3192. >Suddenly, felt yourself being grasped in the same magical bonds as he had been
  3193. >You felt your feet lift up off of the ground as your body refused to obey your commands
  3194. >Well...shit
  3195. ___________________________________________________
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